Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018

Hey guys, Rigo here with a-level rewards video

We're also going to be going over what is level

rewards and and well I'm just gonna be talking about how how they how you can make money with level rewards you know how

How they give you money what it is you?

know it's it's it's not very complicated guys, but it's a little bit of a different way of making money online and

it could be you know it could come it could come in handy to people who

we don't have money to get started to have a little bit of money to get started you know if you want to just kind level rewards review

of invest a little bit or or there's ways to not invest anything at all

But the investment you know we're talking about like $1 sometimes with certain offers so

It's basically just for someone who for people who don't have a lot to invest or don't have anything to invest at all

You know just to kind of get you guys started on making money on learning how to market

on you know it's just kind of a kind of like a side hustle you can do you know

So but it's a great way to make some money on the side level rewards review

it's you know it's a great way to make some money on the side so you can invest that into another business you know and

scale that business so it's it or you know if you need some bills that need to get paid you know by

you know you need some bills or you need some Christmas gifts for for Christmas

You know it's just it's it's a good way to make some extra cash on the side guys so

So what is it what is level rewards?

well level rewards

Basically has these offers from let's go ahead and hit over to the offers here level rewards review 2018

Offers from a fortune 500 companies from huge companies here Dropbox is like a billion dollar

Billion dollar company but yeah so there's different offers guys big companies

Will pay you

To to get leads for them so just again leads there there doesn't need to be a sale

So you don't need to make a sale here

You can try out an offer and you keep it for 70% to 90%

of the time if you don't keep it that long then you won't

It won't you won't get credited the offer guys so don't if you try if you're trying out an offer

don't cancel it right away wait I let at least you know like level rewards 2018

70% to 90% of the trial so if you know if you're you got a 10 day trial to whatever offer you choose to do

stick with it like seven to nine days you know

Make it probably eight would be a little bit better stick to it eight days and then you can cancel if you want you know

we're not level rewards isn't telling anyone to

to try to an offer and counsel if you enjoy it keep it you know trying out what I I

did this offer click your scores and I checked out my credit score you know which was very cool I think

Yeah this is free guys

Yeah, because I remember one offer cost one dollar and then that was it and then I cancelled it and it was just one dollar

But this one it's just free so I guess it's free

cost one dollar one dollar

Free no card required some of these

Will require a bank card guys so you know don't freak out about it these are big companies

They're not giving away your information to anyone level rewards 2018

So but this one doesn't even need a card here so you can try that one out so that's what I mean

And sometimes they might I already have I'm not I already I'm on like a level ten

I think so and I'll go over that right now over the different levels and stuff so you know just be patient but um

Some of these you will need to be at least on level one so you can so you can do the the free

No card required ones some of them might it just it all depends guys

Some of them require you some of them doesn't matter you're not on any level you can just do them I

believe that's the way it used to be I don't know if things have changed like I mentioned I haven't

promoted this in a while but

Guys, it's not hard like I mentioned you know a dollar most people have a toddler too you know it's just you know buying

An Arizona I see you know just don't buy one next time you have stolen there's your dollar

I'll be a guy's some of these offers are free others you know cost money but you know that depends it's up to you you

can check them out yourself and decide what you want to do

So, what do I mean by levels so level rewards right

Actually did I I don't think I finished mentioning AAB yes so some so big companies out there


Give you a commission for just

Just getting a lead so level rewards that's what basically what they do they they you know they work with all these


companies and then they

they get offers from these huge companies and

They're basically giving us the offers and then when we try them

You know that we try them or keep them that's you know up to the individual

but they get paid money from the companies to get us to do office for them

So they get paid money and then when we offer you know get other people to try these offers for them what is level rewards

Then level rewards will give us a percentage of that money

So that's basically how it works guys, that's how they can

That's how level rewards will send you money

without like a commission being made or without with a free offer you know you don't you don't pay any money and then and

Then you get someone else and that person doesn't pay any money either but level

Rewards can give you money can give you a commission even though there wasn't a cellmate at all guys

So that's what's really great about level rewards there doesn't need to be a cellmate and you're still gonna get paid

Which is awesome guys because I know some people don't like to sell they have a hard time closing a sale but here

You don't really necessarily need to make a sale you guys can just share offers and then you know let people know that oh well

You know you don't have to you just have to try out an offer you don't have to buy anything you know there's if you what is level rewards

Want to try it or an offer or you see something I bought a domain through level rewards through GoDaddy you know

And that's just something that I needed but I got I got to I

Got to try out that offer do it and I got some points for it. So let's let's go ahead and head to the

overall we're already here um

to the points to the point system here so I am on level 10 which means

that I have basically

one point

equals a five dollar Commission that you

can make from someone

So one point and all these different offers so these are the offers that I have like I mentioned I did Go Daddy

So all these different offers are worth different amounts of points

so click your scores, that's what I told you guys about that I did

click your score I did that offer and

I got 2 points for it right so each point equals 5 dollars if you get someone to


make to do an offer

Whatever point that offer is worth that's how much of a commission you will make that's how much money level rewards will send you and

by the way they can send you to a PayPal account to your bank account or to an Amazon Amazon gift card

So yeah guys I hope I'm not making this too, confusing but it's very very simple if you guys if you guys

created crea why join level rewards

Try out an offer like I mentioned I tried out all of these offers right I tried out all of these offers

So I am at level 10 if you add all of these up. I am at level 10

So, I have 10 credits here you guys can see I can make

$5 for every single credit there so I can currently earn up to

$50 per referral why is it per referral because it's up to the referral

what level they reach so if they only reach to level 5

they can only make

$25 per referral per person they refer so let's say that I'm on level on level ten right and

Then I refer someone and that person gets up to level 15 I

can only make a commission up to level 10

He level levels 11 12 13 14 15 all those levels all those commissions I won't get because I'm not at that level right

So you miss out on those commissions guys you'll be missing on

15 dollars I

Would be missing out on 15 dollars because each level is five dollars

Five times no I would be missing missing out on twenty five dollars actually because each each point is five dollars

So that's five points five times five equals 25

I know this sounds a bit confusing guys but it really isn't it's not it's very simple each point is worth

Each point is worth five dollars so

like I mentioned on my level 10

each one is worth $5 so I can earn up to

$50 per referral

so each

Person that I refer into the program

That starts trying out offers you know they want to try it offers they want to make some money I

can make only up to

$50 because I'm on level 10 if they go past that then I don't receive those commissions and they go on to level

15 and 20 I won't make I will make my Commission only up to level 10

after that I don't get the Commission guys

So that's why it's important to to try out offered yourself you know get up to level 5 if you want before you start promoting

to other people get up to level 5 at least that's what they recommend you get up to level 5 and

Then you can start promoting if you promote and you're not on any level then

You won't make any Commission guys if you're on level 5 then at least you can make twenty five dollars from each person you refer

Right, because you get on level five times five dollars each point it's 25 dollars so

So yeah that's very important. That you join level rewards and you level up as soon as

you join level rewards go through the offers page again like I mentioned um

it's very why join level rewards

It's simple guys you just you know it's you just go to the offers section you give you first of all you create your account

you go to the offer section and then and

Then you just see whatever you like you know there's anything you're interested in you know check it out

It's just big big companies like I mentioned most of them will need a bank card so

You know just be aware of that so there's a bunch a bunch of offers here guys

whatever you want you know you choose whatever you like


So yeah guys, that's pretty

much it that's what level rewards is I'll make another video on how I made the money that I have made which is

thirty-five dollars but I made it with

You know little to no effort very easy I'll show you guys how I did it in another video

Because this video is already too long and it's probably gonna take me a little bit it's not hard to explain but I

tend to go on in HoN guys so

So yeah it's pretty there's pretty much what level rewards is you

Can make and you know there's people making a lot more than I did I've made $35 but I haven't really promoted it at all

So that's that it's it's very simple guys you just have to know you know

Some days some things that you should be doing so and then there's training by the way there's training let me see if I can

Get down here there's some training here they provide these these uh

Landing pages for you so you can send these to people you

want to refer and then they can create their account and they'll get credit credited to your account

So let's see this is the well let's just wait for it to load here a little bit

So this is the sales page it's very cool it's free you

Know sometimes you have to pay for these things but this one level reward provides two different ones to you for free

So this video goes over basically what level rewards is and you know just kind of showing you

How it works?

It talks about level rewards you can register here

You there's a support group you can use and everyone shows them payment proof

Sub level no more worth paying them when, when I've gotten received my payments may come in like less than an hour guys

they're really fast straight to my PayPal account so they're really really fast why join level rewards

So you can join the Facebook support group here the training side here there's even a training set

Which is very cool so you can go through that and see

you know get some

valuable training and how do you know how to work level rewards

More income proofs or just people getting paid

more income proof here you know here Lauren so Hoffman to two thousand seven hundred dollars two thousand four hundred to Shelley and

People are posting their payment proof all the time on the Facebook group guys so you can you can join

You just go through this page of two thousand and thousand learning people making you know money every day

21. June 21 22 23 24 just as you guys can see it's a very very cool

Cool program very it's a difference you know kind of a different concept and the usual online marketing guys so

It's you know it's all about offers like I talked about that you know I think already I think you guys get the picture

But it's a different way of making money online

there doesn't need much of

an investment

It through some offers there's no investment needed

Some offers it's just a dollar investment and you can start you know turn that dollar into you know thousands here so

hundreds thousands it just depends on the work that you put in guys

So this is a very cool level rewards review 2018

sales pitch here you know fortune 500 companies

Talks about all it talks about the program basically what it is how you can get paid so really it's a really cool sales page


yeah guys

That's pretty much it little rewards that's how what it is that's how it works you know it's it's it's a form of CPA marketing?

So but it's I just think it's a very cool because there needs there doesn't need to be a sale made

There doesn't need to be a cell mate and you still get paid so you know not too. Many, businesses are like that

So, that's extremely cool for people this is because I'm you know

I'm trying to help you out guys out trying to it because a lot of people say they don't have any money to get started

In my other businesses so this is kind of my answer to that, okay?

Well you know let's see you

Can make some money with this you know even if you don't have a lot of money. So so that's what it is

I'll be making some more videos on

What rewards guys that's you know time goes on level rewards review

so if you guys want more information I should have a playlist from a while back that I'll be adding this video to

So you guys can check out more information on

Level rewards there so that's pretty much it guys I'll leave

My link below you guys can create your free account with level rewards by the way another cool thing that's free

another cool

Thing with level rewards is that it's 100% free so

You guys can create your free account and check it out you know check out all the offers and yeah

pretty simple guys you guys have any questions I'm gonna leave my facebook link my email

my link to level rewards to create your free account and

It's pretty much it thank you for watching my level rewards review video and I will see you in the next one bye Road

For more infomation >> [Level Rewards Review 2018] What Is Level Rewards? - Duration: 15:38.


What does the Bible say about Homosexuality? | Is Homosexuality a Sin? | - Duration: 4:40.

Today's question is, What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Is homosexuality a sin?

In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.

Afterwards, as always, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.

In some people's minds, being homosexual is as much outside one's control as the

color of your skin and your height.

On the other hand, the Bible clearly and consistently declares that homosexual activity is a sin.

This disconnect leads to much controversy, debate, and even hostility.

When examining what the Bible says about homosexuality, it is important to distinguish between homosexual

behavior and homosexual inclinations or attractions.

It is the difference between active sin and the passive condition of being tempted.

Homosexual behavior is sinful, but the Bible never says it is a sin to be tempted.

Simply stated, a struggle with temptation may lead to sin, but the struggle itself is

not a sin.

Romans 1:26–27 teaches that homosexuality is a result of denying and disobeying God.

When people continue in sin and unbelief, God "gives them over" to even more wicked

and depraved sin to show them the futility and hopelessness of life apart from God.

One of the fruits of rebellion against God is homosexuality.

First Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that those who practice homosexuality, and therefore

transgress God's created order, are not saved.

A person may be born with a greater susceptibility to homosexuality, just as some people are

born with a tendency to violence and other sins.

That does not excuse the person's choosing to sin by giving in to sinful desires.

Just because a person is born with a greater susceptibility to fits of rage, that doesn't

make it right for him to give in to those desires and explode at every provocation.

The same is true with a susceptibility to homosexuality.

No matter our proclivities or attractions, we cannot continue to define ourselves by

the very sinS that crucified Jesus—and at the same time assume we are right with God.

Paul lists many of the sins that the Corinthians once practiced (homosexuality is on the list).

But in 1 Corinthians 6:11, he reminds them, "That is what some of you were.

But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord

Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."

In other words, some of the Corinthians, before they were saved, lived homosexual lifestyles;

but no sin is too great for the cleansing power of Jesus.

Once cleansed, we are no longer defined by sin.

The problem with homosexual attraction is that it is an attraction to something God

has forbidden, and any desire for something sinful ultimately has its roots in sin.

The pervasive nature of sin causes us to see the world and our own actions through a warped


Our thoughts, desires, and dispositions are all affected.

So, homosexual attraction does not always result in active, willful sin—there may

not be a conscious choice to sin—but it springs from the sinful nature.

Same-sex attraction is always, on some basic level, an expression of the fallen nature.

As sinful human beings living in a sinful world, we are beset with weaknesses, temptations,

and inducements to sin.

Our world is filled with lures and entrapments, including the enticement to practice homosexuality.

The temptation to engage in homosexual behavior is very real to many.

Those who struggle with homosexual attraction often report suffering through years of wishing

things were different.

People may not always be able to control how or what they feel, but they can control what

they do with those feelings.

We all have the responsibility to resist temptation.

We must all be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

We must all "walk by the Spirit" so as not to "gratify the desires of the flesh."

Finally, the Bible does not describe homosexuality as a "greater" sin than any other.

All sin is offensive to God.

Without Christ, we are lost, whatever type of sin has entangled us.

According to the Bible, God's forgiveness is available to the homosexual just as it

is to the adulterer, idol worshipper, murderer, and thief.

God promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those

who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation.

Want to learn more?

Subscribe so you don't miss the next video!

Visit for more great content.

And check out the details section below this video, there is one book I recommend, along

with several related articles.

If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bite-sized devotionals,

subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.

Now remember, Got questions?

The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them!

For more infomation >> What does the Bible say about Homosexuality? | Is Homosexuality a Sin? | - Duration: 4:40.


Cover | Grande é o Senhor | Great is the Lord - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Cover | Grande é o Senhor | Great is the Lord - Duration: 6:11.


Why Is Fire Hot? - Duration: 3:41.

The weather has been getting pretty cold around here lately!

It's almost winter, and there's already lots of snow on the ground.

One of the things we like to do when it's cold and snowy outside is sit around the Fort's fireplace.

We can drink hot chocolate, tell stories, and sometimes we even roast marshmallows.

It's so nice and warm!

But we have some /very/ important rules about being around fires, don't we, Squeaks?

[Squeaks squeaks]

We know to never get too close to any kind of fire, or play with matches or the stove.

I'm sure a lot of you know these rules too!

Some of you wanted to know more, and asked us why fire is so hot.

That's a really good question!

Fire is very hot, which is one of the reasons we don't go near it.

And that heat comes from energy.

You might already know a little bit about energy.

It's the reason things move and change.

Like, when Squeaks starts bouncing all over the Fort, I like to say that he has a lot of energy!

We get the energy we need from the food we eat,

and we use that energy to move and change when we do things like playing and growing.

The energy we use when we move is one type of energy.

And heat is a type of energy, too.

That's why we get so warm sometimes when we're running around a lot!

As we run, we use up some of the energy we got from our food, and we get warmer at the same time.

Fire is kind of like that, too.

When something burns, like wood in a fireplace, it changes.

It starts out looking like regular wood from a tree, and then after it burns it becomes all black.

Sometimes it also gets broken up into smaller pieces we call charcoal.

As the wood changes, it uses up energy, and at the same time, it gives off heat.

The heat that comes from a fire happens because of something called combustion.

That's a big word, but it just means what's going on when something is burning.

For something to burn, or combust, three things need to happen.

First, there has to be something to burn, like the wood in the fireplace.

We call the stuff that burns in a fire fuel.

Second, there needs to be something called oxygen, which is a part of the air that's all around us.

[Squeaks squeaks]

You're right, Squeaks!

Fire isn't the only thing that needs oxygen.

We do, too!

We take oxygen into our bodies every time we take a breath of air.

The third thing that fire needs is actually … heat!

[Squeaks squeaks]

Yeah, fire needs a little bit of heat to get started.

If you've ever watched a grown-up light a candle on a birthday cake or start a campfire,

they might have used a match.

It's the heat from the match that gets combustion, and the fire, started!

Then the fuel burns, and changes, and gives off much, much more heat than it started with from that tiny match.

It's using up lots of energy as it burns, and some of that energy comes out as heat.

But when the fuel in a fire is all burned up, there's nothing left to change and give off heat.

So, if all the wood burns up in our fireplace, the fire will go out.

But while it's burning, it's very hot!

And now you know why: it's because it's giving off energy.

You're right Squeaks! It is amazing!

Now, I'm out of hot chocolate, so I'm gonna go fill it up, and I'll meet you back by the fireplace!

Thanks for joining us!

Do you have questions about things that happen in the world around you?

We have a website where you can send them to us!

Just ask a grown-up to help you go to to check it out.

And we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

For more infomation >> Why Is Fire Hot? - Duration: 3:41.


Lucious Finds Out Kingsley Is Sabotaging Him | Season 5 Ep. 8 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Lucious Finds Out Kingsley Is Sabotaging Him | Season 5 Ep. 8 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:18.


Amazon is huge, should the government intervene? - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Amazon is huge, should the government intervene? - Duration: 5:43.


Science is for Sharing - Duration: 0:56.

(electronic music)

- I was really happy when I came to Caltech

to see that there's a quite a large community

here based around outreach. (Children marveling)

So it really feels like the right thing to do

when I'm teaching kids to be,

sort of, sharing this story and sharing this knowledge

instead of just keeping it for myself.

The issue... Is you have to get it cold.

We both can connect over a common sense of wonder.

- That's so cool!

- When the kids come away from the demo,

I want them to look at the world around them

and think that everything around them

has the potential to be,

sort of, magical like this.

- I never seen that before.

- It was really inspiring to me.

- That no matter what they end up doing,

whether it's going into science or not going into science,

they will look out into the world

and they'll know that there's

something really awesome that they're a part of too,

that is not just separate from them.

For more infomation >> Science is for Sharing - Duration: 0:56.


Sandwiching a Young Boy's Head with Thicc Thigh is Nothing - Bunny Girl Senpai - Duration: 0:51.

Girls taking off their tights is kinda erotic.

D-Don't watch, dummy!

Feels good!

What's with this beach? It's the best!

It indeed is the best.

Why do you keep staring at my legs!?

They're wonderful.

Don't look at Big Sister's body with lewd eyes!

I want them to sandwich me.

Specifically, I mean my face.

The thought that it's okay if it's your head is totally crazy. You should die.

If it was Mai-san, she'd say, "Sandwiching a young boy's head with my legs is nothing."

Big Sis, what part of this guy do you like so much?


For more infomation >> Sandwiching a Young Boy's Head with Thicc Thigh is Nothing - Bunny Girl Senpai - Duration: 0:51.


Donald Trump's Climate Change Rant Shows How Stupid He Really Is - Duration: 4:55.

Donald Trump loves to brag about how intelligent he truly is and a lot of his critics, you

know, maxine waters, Don Lemon, people like that.

Uh, he loves to talk about how low their IQs are.

But in reality, Donald Trump is a very stupid human being who does not have any intelligence

to speak of.

And he proved that once again this week during a short interview with the Washington Post.

I want to read you a couple of the things that Donald Trump said.

This is unedited on a bridge statements from Donald Trump about climate change.

Just to show you how stupid and incoherent this man truly is.

One of the problems that a lot of people like myself, we have very high levels of intelligence,

but we're not necessarily such believers.

That's when he was first asked about the climate assessment that his administration put out

last Friday, where we have very high levels of intelligence, but we're not necessarily

such believers.

Not sure what that means, but we're going to continue.

You look at our air and our water and it's right now at a record clean, but when you

look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America and when

you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including just many other

places, the areas incredibly dirty and when you're talking about an atmosphere, oceans

are very small and it blows over and it sails over.

I mean we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time.

That comes from Asia.

It just flows right down the Pacific.

It flows and we say, where does this come from?

And it takes many people to start off with.

That's the end.

That's the end of that crazy.

I don't even know to see if I can call that a statement, but I mean it ends with and it

takes many people to start off with.

This man's not even making complete sentences anymore and we want to act like he's going

to be the guy that can run this country.

I mean, not even just with regards to climate change, like he says where it flows down the

Pacific put into the US.

This guy doesn't even know basic geography.

He doesn't even know how things work.

He doesn't understand ocean currents.

He doesn't know that the ocean is not an atmosphere.

I mean, they look, you look at our, uh, uh, women.

You're talking about an atmosphere.

Oceans are very small.

Those aren't the same things.

Those are the same things.

We're dealing with a level of stupidity that I didn't think we'd ever hit in the White



I thought George W dot Bush was going to be as dumb as they could get.

Trump just outdid everything Bush ever said.

All the little bushes items, all the stupid, you know, slip ups with his words and the

choking on the pretzels and all of that.


Trump just outdated with one interview with the Washington Post and, you know, let's go

ahead and fact check it a little bit.


It's not enough to just make fun of the guy for being a moron.

Our air and water.

Is that a record clean?

That's what he said at a record clean.

Now, aside from the fact that that sentence does not make grammatical sense, it's not.

It is not at a record, clean the air got slightly better in the United States last year, but

that was actually before your administration came in and started cutting all those regulations

that are going to allow polluters to emit more into the atmosphere, which by the way,

again, not the ocean, the atmosphere, so yeah, the air got better a little bit, but that

was because of the regulations Obama put in place.

You've killed those and you're going to kill more of them.

That's your goal.

You've set it asked for the water being cleaner.

That's nowhere even near the truth.

The water in the United States is actually getting worse and we have a PFAS chemicals

contaminating water across the United States.

We have lead in water all over the United States.

Flint still doesn't have clean water.

Neither do more than 2000 other location cities in the United States, but water's not clean

at all.

The water is getting worse.

The climate is getting worse and you're gonna sit there.

Make up nonsense about garbage flowing south in the Pacific, yet ending up in the United

States, the ocean is the atmosphere.

You don't know what you're talking about.

The best thing you could do, please, for the love of God has resigned or even better than


Go get a cat scan and release the results to the public because I think we're entitled

to see what's happening in your brain because based on these statements that you gave these

half sentences that lead nowhere.

I think we have legitimate questions about whether or not it's time to invoke the 25th

amendment because you do not seem like someone who is fully competent enough to serve as

the president of the United States.

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