Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 29 2018

oh you're thinking that Direct Mail is dead for your auto repair shop on this

video I'm going to prove to you that it isn't I'm gonna show you a legit way

that you can use this right away and I'm gonna give you a dirty little secret

that no one else will tell you so buckle up we're gonna start right now oh and by

the way put your wallet away cuz there's nothing to buy here! I'm Matthew Lee the car

count fixer thank you so much and welcome to car count hackers we're all

about growing your car count incoming profits so that you can change the

lifestyle of everyone you care about so are you ready to get started why am I

talking to you today about Direct Mail instead of Instagram ads or Facebook or

you know Adsense programs I'm talking to you about direct mail for three

important reasons number one it works when it's done right number two it's

targeted number three it's so cheap to get started there's absolutely no reason

why you don't jump into this today understand that virtually every day I

talk to repair shop owners who are asking me questions about how to get

more car count and how to get more profits in their repair shop and when we

get into talking about the number of customers they have they tell me numbers

that are virtually outrageous they tell me they have two thousand five thousand

ten thousand customers on file spoiler alert if you have five thousand

customers you wouldn't be watching this video but let's get back into direct

mail look I know that you've got two hundred five hundred even five thousand

customers on your database that's great but understand this ten percent of

America moves every month so you're looking at your customer list and you're

saying why don't I have enough car count so why don't we understand how to do

direct mail properly well let's start by developing your postcard first that's

the cheapest way to get started number one any piece of advertising has to have

a powerful headline and I've got an entire video I'll link up here about

headlines and how to use them to attract more customers secondly don't forget

some of the basics you want to have your return

address your postcard should always have a picture of you the shop owner include

your title underneath it and there should always be room for two or three

short testimonials about who you are on the back of that postcard you want to

have a kick-butt offer something that makes them stop in their tracks

pick up the phone and call you to book an appointment on top of that you can do

a whole bunch of other things if you take appointments on your website be

sure you include a link to your website where they can book an appointment so

can you see yourself putting this together so now let's jump into actually

creating a dirt-cheap postcard before I do all that I gotta inject a little

technical stuff here understand that according to USPS your postcard has to

be at least three and a half by five inches and no more than four and a

quarter by six inches long I know it's a little small but when you keep it down

to that size USPS first-class postage rate is thirty five cents at the time of

publishing so what can you get for thirty five cents I know virtually

nothing so now that you've got the elements for your postcard let's work on

the design so start with the design size that starts at eight and a half eleven

then divide that in half one way and then in half the other way now you've

got space for one two three four postcards so now you're gonna work on a

design that's four and a quarter by five and a half inches and that's gonna hit

the USPS first-class postage rate of only thirty five cents when you send

those postcards out with all the design elements that we talked about earlier in

this video you're gonna have a return address on that that means any one of

your customers that's moved you're gonna get that mail back what do you do when

you get the mail back simple you've got choice of one or two things number one

you can delete them off your list but before you do that pick up the phone and

call them contact that customer it could be that you just got the address

incomplete maybe they give you a street address and didn't include an apartment

number or a unit number so you want to pick up the phone and talk to that

customer before you just delete them off your list so what's the dirty little

secret we talked about earlier it's this if you follow my directions

use a headline on your postcard include a kick-butt offer and by the way if you

haven't already downloaded by one-page worksheet fill in the blanks on how to

develop your own kick butt offers you could do that and I'll leave a link in

the description notes below but do that and here's the second part that no one

else will tell you at 35 cents worth of postage you're going to check all the

addresses of every customer you can't fire up your car for 35 cents

and drive halfway across town see if mrs. Jones still lives there so doing it

by a simple postcard you're killing two birds with one stone you have an

opportunity for an advertising opportunity to generate work and get

your customer back into your shop secondly you're double-checking that

mrs. Jones still lives there and you're technically cleaning your list then when

you have a clean list you're going to be in a far better position to send out

targeted direct mail and no waste involved so I hope I've answered all

your questions with respect to design and doing this so once you've got all

those basics of the design done all you have to do is send this over to your

local print shop or even the office supply printing department and they'll

run these just be sure you tell them you want this run on what's called cover

stock it's a heavier material and it's adequate for postcard mailing but having

done that if you follow everything I've shown you here with respect to the offer

the headline and everything else you're doing two things number one you're

contacting your customers and giving them a kick-butt offer to generate car

count number two you're technically cleaning your list and while you're here

if you have any questions about this you can go ahead in the comments below and

leave me your questions whether it's respect to design or actual you know

doing this or if you want to talk to me personally there's a link below where

you can ask me any question and I'll give you a personal response after that

you want to go ahead and follow the link below to how to double your car count in

89 days it's a brand new free training course that you can register for now I'm

going to show you how to market your repair shop in any

I don't care who your competitor is I don't care whether it's a new car dealer

big box chain store or even a national chain of auto repair shops even the

mobile guys I'll show you how to actually get customers to refer you and

show you how to get customer reviews all the time build your business because

times are starting to change you need to get involved so go ahead and do that

in the mean time my name is Matthew Lee the car count fixer I can't wait to see

you on the next video better yet can't wait to see you on the

training course go ahead and smash that subscriber button and let's get started

talk to you soon take care

For more infomation >> Automotive Direct Mail - IS IT DEAD? - Duration: 7:19.


What is going on?! Nintendo Creators Program Ending + Pokemon Lets Go & ACPC Update |Eeveeemmy| - Duration: 14:10.

Hi Everyone!

It's Eevee!

And welcome back to my channel Eeveeemmy.

I just thought we would have a bit of a chat today. If I can get it out there.

About what's been going on, some little opinions on the new Pokemon game,

and the Animal Crossing (Pocket Camp) Update.

And Nintendo America's Big announcement today!

I'm pretty excited because it seems like a lot of good things are happening...

in the Nintendo world right now. So I am pretty excited.

But ummm, on more of a personal note first... You might notice I am

seeming a lot more well right now. I'm currently feeling pretty well at the moment.

If you watch my vlog channel you may have seen I have been out and about.

I have been walking again. If you didn't know I have been in and out of a wheelchair this year.

So I have been able to walk around the house for a lot of the year but

for some points I was in bed on bed-rest and stuff like that.

We don't fully know what was wrong with me.

Or if there is still something still not okay with me.

But I will let you all know if I do go back into the sickness again.

Umm if not, at the moment I'm going to be trying to upload more content on this channel.

And also doing more streaming on my Twitch channel. I'm hoping

that I can be well enough long enough to have a schedule of when I am going to stream.

That what I want to do, to have set days and time I stream on Twitch.

I'm also going to try and live stream more from my vlog channel,

and possibly livestream on this channel a little bit. I mainly want to do my

gameplay kind of ones on Twitch because I find that from streaming online on

different like channel kind of things I find that Twitch is the easiest and the

best kind of one and I do really like the emotes and stuff which I know YouTube

should be getting a bit better but I'm still kind of like team Twitch on that

front at the moment. But I am starting to upload my Pokemon Let's Go Eevee

gameplay videos on my vlog channel and if the first one is up by the time this

one is I will link it down below but if not it is just on my vlog channel which is linked below. I keep moving my

hands because I'm excited. But a couple of hours ago Nintendo America

which as an Australian I follow the Europe ones the UK ones any of the

Nintendo accounts that are written in English and some and the ones in

Japanese I follow on Twitter because I like to see what kind of things are

coming out. What dates they're are coming out, and different things. And then Nintendo

Australia where I'm from Australia or New Zealand one. I'm from Australia.

Tends to be a couple of hours behind on updating things but Nintendo America

announced a couple of hours ago that it was getting rid of its

Nintendo Partner Creators Program. Which if you don't know that was like a program that

was mainly focused around American content creators and Japanese content creators.

There were a couple of other countries in there I can't think of them

off the top of my head. But those content creators were allowed to upload

and monetize Nintendo gameplay and commentary based videos. While the rest of

us just get flagged for copyright claim and then Nintendo makes all the money.

But Nintendo had this program where they would give the creators some of the

money if they lived in those regions and were applicable to the actual program.

But being an Australian like myself if something was copyright claimed

by Nintendo there was nothing I could do about it because I wasn't able

to join the program because I didn't live in one of the countries that it serviced.

So, yeah they announced that they weren't doing that anymore as of

December that that program is gonna be closed and some people were like

oh my goodness. What are we gonna do? And then a lot of people were

like wait this is probably a good thing. Does that mean Nintendo is catching up

on the rest of the gaming world? Are we gonna see being able to make Nintendo

based videos without you know fair use Nintendo videos without the fear of

getting copyright claims? And that's exactly what happened.

Nintendo announced that you can now make gameplay and commentary based videos

with their IPs and you could even make reaction videos to their directs

and trailers and stuff. Which those things were all banned before.

But that's pretty cool, I'm pretty excited about that. Like I said Nintendo's a

little bit far behind on that but I'm excited that it's still happening nonetheless.

So I'm less fearful of uploading things and stuff like that and we will

be able to do Nintendo Direct reaction videos together and stuff which is

really cool. I'll be able to record my first impressions when

trailers come out and stuff so that you can see the side by side reactions of

myself and the trailer together instead of me trying to vaguely describe

what's going on. Which is a little bit difficult because like I said I ramble

and my brain is a little bit scattered on that front. But yeah that is really,

really exciting. So if you would like to see gameplay videos

and stuff or like a more review kind of things come back on this channel let me know.

I do prefer doing streams to making gameplay videos only because

gameplay videos require so much more, like they require lots of editing, they

require like lots and lots of effort comparatively. But if it is something

that you guys really, like really, really want I could I could look back into

doing that kind of thing, or even if I just edit down some of my streams to make

them into the gameplay videos for all of you. But yeah, so that's the first

thing that I've been like thinking about and excited about cause that's literally

the freshest thing on my mind.

The second thing. I got Let's Go Pikachu now as well.

So I have been playing Let's Go Eevee on my Twitch stream.

Excuse me you little cutie.

And currently I have seven gym badges.

And then we also need to fight Giovanni and then we haven't been to the power plant yet.

Which I don't want to do the Powerplant.

I'm just taking this like kind of chill

like doing some like side things and stuff like that and then we'll do some

shiny hunting and stuff soon. Probably after we finish the Dex and then I've

been playing Let's Go Pikachu on my own. I was playing another Let's Go Eevee game.

So I had a save before this one and then I restarted it.

But I've caught 47 Pokemon on this one already and have three badges.

I think I only just did the third one. Yeah I did. So this is my other one.

But because like I said like I say all the time like I'm forgetful and I'm a bit

scattered in my brain so playing two Let's Go Eevee games at the same time

I was like - wait did I do that in my stream game? Or did I do that when I

was playing it just by myself? So I was forgetting what was

happening between the two. So I got Let's Go Pikachu earlier than I

thought I would. I didn't think I was gonna get it until like some time like

mid to late December kind of thing. But I got it and I'm really happy that I did

because now I'm not confused as to what I am doing or where I was up to, or which

games has the shinies that I've caught and stuff. But yeah really, really

enjoying them. There are as other people have pointed out, there are some like

bugs in this game. Like the joycons and the motion for catching Pokemon

is not that great. They did do a controller update but I feel like it made

everything worse. It's just gotten way worse for me. Sometimes when you

are throwing it to the left the ball will go to the right.

And then when you're like okay I guess I'll throw it the other way so it like fixes

it and then it decides to go to the right way that's being a little bit

frustrating. But other than that in Viridian Forest is like a patch where

everything kind of slows down only when I'm in handheld mode though. I don't think

it happened when I'm like playing docked on the TV. But it just does not.

It's not quite right. The frames just dropped. But I haven't

really seen anywhere else in the game it seems to just be in

Viridian Forest. I think it's because of the sheer volume of how many Pokémon

spawn in Viridian Forest. Like there's a lot. But yeah I'm really enjoying them.

I'm also really enjoying using the Pokeball Plus.

It's been really, really handy. It gets dirty so, so quickly on the white,

bottom part. But you can kind of like rub it off with some stuff. I'm a little bit

scared to use like wet wipes and that but I'm sure they'll be fine.

But currently I think I have Pikachu in here. Yeah so it lights up like a different

colour depending on which...

*Sad Pikachu*

Why are you sad?

Depending which Pokemon you have in there.

So I had like a Magikarp in there and it was orange.

*Happy Pikachu*

There we go!

*Very happy Pikachu*

Oh what a good girl. But yeah I find that this is better motion control than the joycons

playing with it. But I have to keep swapping between what I'm using so I

don't damage my wrists again. But yeah this is been really good for like

playing Pokemon Go as well because if you have the Pokemon in it from your

Let's Go game as a companion it automatically spins Pokestops

for you and it connects and works way faster than the Pokemon Go Plus.

The wrist band one, which I have no idea where it is because i just put it

somewhere after I started using this and I don't know but this seems to work way

better, connects way better and it's just a better experience. Also the XP that you

get for the Pokemon that you carry in there is great.

A Pokemon is for a stroll. Would you like to bring it back? Yes.

So I haven't really done much this time but this is what happens when you have the Plus.

Like the ball plus, and you bring them back. It goes got this amount of experience.

This is nothing cause I've only caught like a couple of Pokemon with it

and I haven't gone on a walk. But you get experience for whatever Pokemon you have in there.

Which is awesome. So yeah I worked hard in Pokemon Go - 55 points.

Helped in Pokemon Go - five points. Walked together, played, and then you get some berries and stuff.

That is the worst one that I've done so far.

It feels a bit OP and a little bit cheeky. But like it's it's great.

The last thing I want to talk about is the new update to Animal Crossing Pocket Camp.

People still ask me if I'm still playing it. I haven't made any

gameplay video of it in a long time because the way I was doing it was

plugging in my iPhone to my Mac because you can record it easily there and then

record your voice doing that. But I went back to having this Samsung so I have

to record it on my phone separately. And then record my voice over

separately and then figuring out what exactly where I stopped recording it

because the microphone I don't want to use the microphone on my phone

cause I don't like, I don't know it's fine but like I feel like when I'm

clicking the screen and stuff it like picks up all that and I don't like that.

So I haven't done that in a while but I might do some Pocket Camp videos if you

lovely people would like to see it. But yeah they just updated so that you

can have like a cabin in the game as well so now you have kind of like a

house, and you can have villagers in there as well. So you can have villagers in your

camp. You can have villagers in your cabin. So you can have like twice as many

villagers just hanging out with you at any point in time. I found that the

like it was dropping frames and not coping very well but it's only just come back out.

I think they're gonna have to do a patch because yet again it's not

like super polished kind of thing. But it's really cute and there's a new

cookie which is like a Christmas holiday, winter themed one which is with Fauna.

And I got a tiny little Christmas tree which is really, really cute.

I wish it was like a big Christmas tree but I'm totally cool with that.

It's all good. But yeah it's really exciting. Lots of things

happening at once. I'm feeling better, I'm more mobile, I'm more active, Pokemon Let's Go

Eevee and Pikachu is really fun, even with its problems. And Pokeball Plus is

really good, and Nintendo's new approach, well yeah Nintendo's new

approach it's not really a new approach in general. For creators and

content and stuff. It's really good. I'm really happy with that. So I'm super

excited by all that. But that was just a little update from me and what's going on.

With my Nintendoness.

But I hope you're all well.

Yet again my name is Eevee. I am an Australian. My vlog Channel and

everything will be linked below and I'll see you all soon. Bye

Hell yeah!

This is sick. We're just staring at it. I wish I could screenshot this.

This is the best thing ever. Look at how intensely Eevee and I are just staring.

This is so great.

Oh my god.

(Joel: He's not even doing anything.)

This game is *beep* brilliant!

For more infomation >> What is going on?! Nintendo Creators Program Ending + Pokemon Lets Go & ACPC Update |Eeveeemmy| - Duration: 14:10.


What Is Black Garlic and Why Is It So Good For You? - Duration: 2:56.

Do you know what black garlic is?

Although it may just look like rotten garlic, or garlic that has been cooked for too long,

it's actually become very famous around the world due to it's culinary uses and health


It becomes black when the garlic heads rot enough to become black and develop a smooth,

sticky texture quite similar to the texture of dates.

What about the flavor?

If you don't really like traditional garlic, you may enjoy this black version which is

sweeter and earthier and many people describe it as being very tasty.

The most interesting part about this black garlic is that it can be consumed in large


Due to how rich its flavors are, it has become very popular in cooking, but what really makes

it special are its amazing health properties.

Originally from Korea, black garlic was created as a health product and was considered a better

tasting way to benefit from garlic's properties:

It calms your nerves Most people may not know, but black garlic

is able to improve your mood, relieve anxiety, and decrease stress.

It prevents heart diseases Thanks to allicin, black garlic is become

a great ally to our heart and circulatory systems health by thinning our blood, reducing

blood clotting and decreasing the risk of a stroke or thrombosis and also lowering bad

cholesterol levels.

It improves our body's defenses Garlic is known for improving our body's


If you're feeling like your immune system is low or if you catch the flu or colds often

then black garlic may be the thing for you.

Certain studies have even suggested that it can help prevent cancer.

It combats fatigue Aged garlic is great for anyone who wants

to increase their physical resistance.

It also combats fatigue and improves sleep quality.

It helps treat respiratory problems Black garlic is also considered to be a great

remedy for fighting common respiratory diseases, allergies, and even asthma symptoms.

It's a diuretic Since it's rich in potassium, this garlic

is recommended for people who suffer from liquid retention, edemas or kidney problems.

It's good for your skin People who have skin problems such as dermatitis,

acne, psoriasis or rosacea can benefit from ingesting raw garlic.

Since it contains sulfur compounds, this ingredient also contributes to the formation of collagen,

a key protein for skin health.

You can find black garlic at natural products stores, but if you want you can also prepare

it at home.

In the next video we'll teach you how to prepare this recipe at home, stay tuned!

For more infomation >> What Is Black Garlic and Why Is It So Good For You? - Duration: 2:56.


Tough Questions: What is God like? | #ThankfulThursday s1e3 - Duration: 3:33.

So, the Bible says that we are made in the image of God, but how close is that image,


(selah – musical break)

Well, hello brothers and sisters!

Welcome to Mission: Zer0!

If this is your first time here: my name is Shawn, and this is Thankful Thursday, the

show where we take a deep dive into attitude, and gratitude, and living just a more grateful


This week we've been really tackling tough questions, and so the tough question that

I think we need to talk about today – the thing that I'm thankful for today – comes

out of Isaiah 55:8-9, which says, "For My thoughts are higher than your thoughts, and

My ways of behaving are higher than your ways of behaving.

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My thoughts higher than your thoughts

and My ways higher than your ways."

Wonderful… what does it mean?

(selah – musical break)

What that means is: when He feels hate, it's not like we feel hate.

When He feels Love, it's not like we feel Love.

When He shows kindness, it's not like we show kindness.

And when He shows wrath, it's not like we show wrath.

And THAT, that's what I'm thankful for: that all of my pettiness and all of my brokenness,

and all of yours, is not God's.

He has all of these same emotions, He has all of these same behaviors, but He knows

how to use them.

The word higher there is and education level: it's that He knows what He's doing when

He feels these emotions.

And that…

Wooo, that's something worth being thankful for!

(selah – musical break)

When I started this series a couple of weeks ago, I said I was thankful for our ability

to celebrate Him.

Last week, I talked about being thankful that we are able to pray for others with His power.

And this week, what I'm thankful for most is that He doesn't fit in the box that I

make for Him, or the box that you make for Him.

He's bigger than that; He's better than that.

The knowledge that He knows how all of this fits together, and He knows how to steer all

of this, and -- more importantly -- that He knows how to educate us through it, and wants

to… man, how can you not be grateful for that kind of a father?

Take this message today, whatever bit of it rings to you, and use it, use it to become

the you-iest you you can be!

And, tell me: what are you thankful for?

Are you thankful that He doesn't fit in your box?

And, may God pour out the blessings of understanding, and education, and communion, and personal

connection with us, so that we can just let go of needing to define Him.

And I Love you so, so much.

Peace out!

For more infomation >> Tough Questions: What is God like? | #ThankfulThursday s1e3 - Duration: 3:33.


Is the wrapping paper cutter worth it? - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Is the wrapping paper cutter worth it? - Duration: 2:02.


DreamWorks Shares How the World of Animation is Changing - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> DreamWorks Shares How the World of Animation is Changing - Duration: 1:44.


MS 13 gang member is arrested on American soil looking to apply for asylum� - Duration: 4:45.

MS 13 gang member is arrested on American soil looking to apply for asylum 

A Central American man, who was previously deported from the United States, was arrested near a border crossing in California after he admitted to being an active member of the MS-13 gang while planning to seek asylum.

Officers at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection station in Calexico, California, approached Jose Villalobos-Jobel on Saturday and detained him after he was suspected of being in the United States without legal documentation, according to CBS affiliate KESQ.

The 29-year-old, who traveled through Mexico after joining the migrant caravan in his native country of Honduras, confessed to border patrol agents from the Calexico Port of Entry that he belonged to the notorious criminal organization.

A Las Vegas immigration judge in 2006 handed down a deportation order for the Honduran man, who was physically removed via escort flight to his homeland. It iss not known why he was deported.

The arrest of Villalobos-Jobel comes after President Donald Trump claimed that members of the gang would try to infiltrate the caravan in the hope of being granted asylum.

Trump was criticized in May when he attacked all immigrants and labeled them as animals before he said he was talking about the gang that was started in Los Angeles in the 1980s.

"Im referring and you know Im referring to the MS-13 gangs that are coming in. I was talking about the MS-13. And if you look a little bit further on in the tape, youll see that," Trump told reporters during a May 17 press conference in California.

"MS-13 - these are animals. ... We need strong immigration laws. ... We have laws that are laughed at on immigration. So when the MS-13 comes in, when the other gang members come into our country, I refer to them as animals and guess what, I always will," Trump added.

More recently, following Sundays border clash between U.S. agents and members of the caravan, Trump went on Twitter and re-ignited his attack.

Mexico should move the flag waving Migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals, back to their countries. Do it by plane, do it by bus, do it anyway you want, but they are NOT coming into the U.S.A., Trump tweeted. We will close the Border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the WALL! 

President Trump said in an interview published Wednesday that hes totally willing to incur a government shutdown on December 7 if Senate Democrats dont agree to spend $5 billion on his long-promised border wall.

We need border security in this country, and if that means a shutdown I would totally be willing to shut it down, he told Politico. And I think its a really bad issue for the Democrats.

A spokesperson with the U.S. Border Patrol in the El Centro Sector told DailyMail on Wednesday that Villalobos-Joel was traveling alone when he was apprehended by the immigration unit patrolling the southern border area.

According to an immigration report filed during his interrogation, Villalobos-Joel said he joined the caravan because it was safer to make the trip from Honduras.

Villalobos is the second MS-13 admitted gang member who has been detained since October by agents from the El Centro Sector.

Villalobos is the only known MS-13 gang member tied to the migrant caravan that has been appended by the officers assigned to the same border patrol division in southern California.

An estimated 7,000 migrants have traveled 2,000 miles through the length of Mexico from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador since mid-October. The Trump administration is defending the southern California border and insisting Mexico deport anyone trying to sneak across. 

Thousands of migrant have settled in recent weeks across Mexican border towns, especially Tijuana, a city popular with American tourists that tend to trickle across the border crossing.

But the city, know for its wild nightlife, was also the site of an ugly clash Sunday that pitted U.S. border agents against migrants desperately looking to cross into the United States.

Around 500 men, women and children, part of a caravan of roughly 5,000 mainly Hondurans who have been trekking toward the US for weeks, scrambled over a rusted metal fence and surged into a concrete riverbed toward San Diego.

Borders agents responded to the rock-throwing migrants by firing tear gas and rubber bullets in the chaotic event.

The group was stopped by a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire and the border agents who unloaded their weapons to keep them at bay. At least one man was wounded.

Mexico since then has deported scores of Central American migrants arrested after hundreds forced their way through a Mexican police blockade. 

The U.S. Border Patrol does not process Asylum cases. Detainees that are seeking Asylum make a Credible Fear Claim to the Border Patrol and those cases are referred to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), who will then process the Asylum Claim, the El Centro Sector Border Patrol said in a separate statement to     

For more infomation >> MS 13 gang member is arrested on American soil looking to apply for asylum� - Duration: 4:45.


Your bike is LYING to you - SPEEDOMETER ERROR - Duration: 4:57.

Hello everyone MotoHolic here and welcome to my channel today i'm gonna tell you

how your motorbike lies to you on daily basis

there are a few ways your motorbike could lie to you

today we are going to talk about one of them

it's called speedometer error. Speedometer error is when your

speedometer is not showing you the actual speed, generally it is slightly exaggerated.

Lately I've been hearing some chatter about some motorbikes that

are going at rather high speed and the guys even had videos to prove that and

everything. So before getting into an argument with them I wanted to find out for myself.

Is it the speedometer error?

Is it something that they have done to the speedometer? Is the video

doctored and it's edited somehow another? So I took one afternoon off, downloaded

the video and analyzed it. What I found out it was actually quite simple

the speedometer was showing hundred sixty kilometers per hour but the

motorbike was going at about 140-145. Then I thought to myself is it true?

Can a speedometer of a motorbike be so inaccurate? Wanting to find out the truth

for myself I set up my camera in such a way that it could see the speedometer of

my motorbike and the phone mounted next to it running a GPS speedometer app.

it's right here.

As you can see on the video here the speed difference between

the speedometer and the GPS app is close to 10%

why is that?

I went online and did some research. Actually according to the law the manufacturers are allowed for a

margin of error of 10% But these 10% cannot be showing you lower speed then

what you're actually going at, they have to show you higher speed than what

you're going. one might think what could cause speedometer error?

One of them is preset from the manufacturers, since they're allowed some leeway they'd

rather show you that you're going at a higher speed than you're actually going

so it's pretty much like programming in the ECU of your motorbike or the dashboard.

Now number two could be the wrong size

of the tires or tires over inflated or under inflated because

how your motorbike measures your speed is actually based on the rotation of you

wheels and it knows the radius of your wheel and it has

a formula, it does a calculation and per rotation your motorbike supposed to

cover a certain amount of ground. Now if you change the size of the wheel or

let's say if your tire is under inflated then the radius of your wheel is

smaller, then there you go - there is a little bit of an error, this especially

applies if you don't stick to the recommended tire size by the

manufacturer. Now there is a third factor that could cause speedometer error is

actually like a mechanical failure or mechanical glitch, this is applicable to

those motorbikes that are fitted with mechanical speedometer where the actual

cable operated by the cog-wheel from the front wheel. Now you guys know

that your motorbike speedometer is not showing you the actual speed that you're

traveling at, it is slightly exaggerated this gives you something to think about

when you go bragging about your top speed. Is it speedometer top speed or the

actual GPS top speed? Now that we are on this topic I really don't advise you

guys doing top speed tests on public roads. Find a track, go do it on

the track, or find some empty abandoned road where you are not going to

endanger yourself and endanger others.

All right guys that's all for today

thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe to my channel, press the little

bell so you get notified every time new videos come out, you can also follow me

on Instagram and Facebook - I'll leave links in the description below...

Ride safe and enjoy every moment of it!

For more infomation >> Your bike is LYING to you - SPEEDOMETER ERROR - Duration: 4:57.


How Can You Tell If A Friend Is Toxic? - Duration: 5:17.

If you're in a toxic friendship, there will be lots of clues along the way.

And I think one of the biggest clues is the fact that you're even asking the

question "Is my friend toxic?" Something is wrong,

otherwise you'd just say "Well we had a disagreement and it'll be okay tomorrow."

No. It's more than that and you feel it. Too many times you've been hurt, you've

been let down, you've felt bad about yourself as a result of

interacting with this person. Is that really a friendship that is benefiting

you in your life? Is it bringing more positivity into your world than

negativity?Only you can answer that question. One of the reasons that people

really struggle to let go is because they still have a lot of fun with the

friend. You may have a great time together, you laugh a lot, you enjoy the

activities that you do. You've got lots of great memories of fun times. Don't let

that fool you into ignoring the the ultimate truth about the friendship,

which is that there is a power imbalance. If that person really is toxic, what you

will discover is that they set the terms and conditions of the friendship - not you.

It's set up the way they want it, what suits them, what works for them. Not what

suits you, not what works for you. And that may not be stated. But you are aware

on some level that if you ever speak up for yourself and complain about this,

it'll be the end of the friendship. You know that, and that is an indication that

it's toxic. Because that person is not interested in an equal friendship.

They're not about equality, they're about being higher up on the hierarchy, in the

pecking order, whatever you want to call it. But they have placed themselves above

you so that you are lower, and they have more

power in these interactions than you do. Now I'm not saying that's always a bad

thing. There can be power imbalances in relationships for many reasons. You know,

there's a power imbalance at work, with the fact that your boss has more power

than you. Doesn't necessarily mean that your boss is toxic. But if you're feeling

hurt all the time in a friendship there's a reason for that, and you need

to think carefully about it. Are the good times worth paying the price for the

erosion of your self-esteem and your confidence? Because that's what's

happening. Slowly like a drop of water on a rock, it is chipping away at you.

Incidents that are humiliating, that you pretend it's it doesn't mean anything

but it does. A girlfriend goes away on a trip, she comes back with gifts for all

the other girls. Everyone else gets a beautiful necklace and you get a really

ugly scarf that looks like something your grandma would wear. Or if you're a

guy, you're out at the bar with the toxic friend. He goes up to get drinks for all

the other guys, he comes back - there's no drink for you. He forgot? No he

didn't forget. He's letting you know that he's on top and that you either like it

and keep your mouth shut or you don't like it and keep your mouth shut.

Either way he doesn't want to hear about the fact that you're not happy. Sometimes

a friendship wasn't unhealthy in the beginning but it has become toxic over

time. Just because it was great five years ago doesn't mean it's great today.

You have to always be evaluating if it's causing you pain. What has changed?

Probably you have become a more conscious person, and you now see things

and notice things that in the past you

you wouldn't have noticed. You know. your eyes - I don't mean literally your eyes. I

mean, your perceptions are becoming more acute. You're more tuned in, you know

you're more aware of the things that people say and do. And that's a great

thing, it means you're becoming a wise person. But if the friend hasn't kept up

with that level of growth, it may be that it's time to part ways. Anyway I hope you

enjoyed this video. I hope it was helpful to you in making a decision about the

friendship you're currently re-evaluating. My name's Serena, if you enjoy this type

of video please subscribe to my channel. It's called How To Stand Up For Yourself.

Thanks for watching, take care.

For more infomation >> How Can You Tell If A Friend Is Toxic? - Duration: 5:17.


Architectural And Beautiful Living Space For A Happy Home That Is Zx100 - Duration: 3:56.

Architectural And Beautiful Living Space For A Happy Home That Is Zx100

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