Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 30 2018

What is Emotional Education

Traditionally, education focuses on three Rs:

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.

But, in order to become happy and caring individuals those skills are not enough.

Increasingly, there is also attention to soft skills,

most often called Social-Emotional Learning or SEL.

What is SEL?

What is emotional education focus on?

And how can it be used to help students to become happier and more balanced individuals?

SEL is the process through which students acquire and apply

the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions,

set and achieve positive goals,

feel and show empathy to others,

establish and maintain positive relationships,

and make responsible decisions.

The competencies of SEL work when they are implemented not only in the classroom,

but also in school across subjects and in homes and communities at large.

The three Rs of Emotional Education

that are found in SEL are focused on Emotional Literacy:

Regulation, Reconstruction and Resilience

Students learn to regulate their emotions and alter them.

Reconstruction of emotions enables emotionally strong and positive responses.

And when students are capable to balance conflicting and competing emotions,

they become calmer and more resilient.

The reasons to adopt SEL are the positive results:

To overcome and manage emotions like:

Fear, Hatred, Anger and Anxiety.

To increase academic success in test scores, grades and attendance.

To lower stress levels and have more positive attitudes towards themselves, others and tasks.

To prevent negative behaviors like: Drug use, Violence and Bullying.

And to provide students with the skills they will need in their future carriers and lives.

In the shift from the traditional three Rs to the three Rs of emotional education,

students, schools and parents develop skills and competencies

that enable them to lead more balanced, empathic, connected and happier lives.

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