Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 30 2018

Mac Greer: Let's move on to a Wall Street Journal interview where President Trump suggested

that the United States could slap 10% tariffs on iPhones and laptops imported from China. Ron, 10% tariff.

That sounds like a lot. What would that mean for Apple and Apple's business?

Ron Gross: First off, I don't think it will actually happen. I think it's a negotiating tactic.

A lot of bluster.

This is not a political show, so I'm going to let everyone decide for themselves what

they think about that bluster. But I do think it's a negotiating tactic.

It's ahead of the G20 meeting where there'll be further discussions with China about the

tariffs and about our trade war, for lack of a better term.

I don't think it's actually going to happen.

But if it did, certainly a company the size of Apple could weather that storm, and they

could do it by passing along price increases to consumers.

Although, I have a feeling they would not do that. They probably would eat it.

10% might translate, I've read some research, to about a $1 billion decrease in operating profit.

It wouldn't be permanent. It would be over a few quarters until things got worked out.

$1 billion in total.

If it was a 25% tariff, then of course, you're getting maybe triple that, $3 billion or so

in lost operating profit.

Again, a company the size of Apple could easily weather that storm.

It would certainly be a loss in their earnings per share, which impacts valuation.

But again, these are all short-term concerns.

If you believe in Apple as a company you want to own for the next 10-20 years,

you probably can just ignore it. Cross: Yeah, I agree with Ron.

A lot of bluster right now coming from the White House, especially ahead of the G20 meeting

this Friday and after the news with General Motors closing the plants, and the frustrations

that President Trump has with them, talking about them bringing jobs back and not selling

and manufacturing cars in China.

I think this is piggybacking on top of that, trying to show a little muscle ahead of meeting

with the G20 countries on Friday. Gross: You're hitting Apple a little bit while it's down.

The stock has come under a decent amount of pressure, as most of the FAANG stocks have.

Apple in particular is down 23% from late August, early September.

Now this kind of talk has people jumping on the bandwagon and selling Apple off even more.

Those are short-term investors, people who are more concerned about the stock going down

5-10% in the near term rather than wondering where Apple's going to be five years from now.

Again, for Foolish investors, for long-term investors, I would be more concerned about

whether Apple continues to be an innovative company, whether its ecosystem is going to

move forward, continue to generate profits.

Worry less about what's going to happen over the next two, three quarters.

Andy Cross: It's interesting to think about the pricing power Apple has.

They've been able to raise the average selling price of the iPhone dramatically over the

last five years. Now, some of the units are over $1,000.

Whether they will decide, if this happens, if they keep it and try to figure out ways

to offset that, or if they would actually try to pass that on to consumers.

And, would consumers be willing to pay a little bit higher?

We do know that iPhone sales have stagnated a little bit, and they've been able to make

their revenue growth up on the pricing side, not necessarily unit side.

Greer: I think I'm part of the problem. I have an iPhone 6s. I have no desire to get a new phone.

What I will do is, I'm going to get the battery replaced.

I've already had it replaced once, and now it's awful again.

But I don't need a new phone.

Each new iPhone, I know it's better and it takes better photos and all that, but the

difference is so incremental at this point.

Aren't there a lot of people like me who are like, "I'm good with my old phone.

I'm just going to change the battery."

Gross: I think there are a lot of people like you that have maybe the 8 or 8s.

With a 6s, you're a little bit… They're going to stop supporting that at some point.

Cross: I have a 7, and I thought I was a little bit behind.

But then, of course, I should always compare myself to Mac.

Greer: True story, I was the last guy at The Motley Fool with a BlackBerry.

One of our techies was like, "Can we quit supporting you?

Can you put that away?" Cross: Do you have your Palm Pilot, too?

Greer: I do not.

For more infomation >> Is President Trump's Threat to Slap Tariffs on Apple's iPhone Serious? - Duration: 4:38.


Ralsei is a GIRL! (DELTARUNE) - Duration: 11:32.

You know, it's never a good idea to become a martyr for your beliefs.

I mean look at what happened to Jesus.

But hey, this is the internet.

It's won't be that bad right?

I'm sure people will totally let me explain my point of view and have thoughtful discourse

with me regarding theirs...oh god.

Jesus thinks he had it bad, I'm the one who's about to get crucified!

But, it's what I must do for the sake of the world.

In fact I'm sure many people were already triggered by the title and are definitely

triggered from that intro, and are already writing their preemptive counter argument

before even watching this video.

That's ok.

This is the world we live in now.

Thanks Obama.

I mean for the healthcare so I can see a doctor after this crucifixion.

Okay, I'm going to say it….I believe that Ralsei is a girl and I want to tell you why….well,

nothing bad seems to have happened…

Before we get into the thick of it, this video isn't sponsored by anything but our "We

Came to Conquer" shirt!

Cuz Treesicle is strange and therefore aliens...and we've got sweet new merch!

You can grab it at and get 10% off with code Treesicle.

Just click the link in the description to check it out!

Now back to it!

Alright lovely internet people, in my last DeltaRune video you may have noticed a tiny

little detail that I put in the video.

I said that I believed Ralsei is a girl.

And the internet exploded.

The comments section was insane.

People were angry, possibly more angry than any other video we've ever made.

Well except for our Subnautica video (sorry Ryan), but let's not disturb the dead.

Holy guacamole grapenuts were people upset!

They thought I was assuming Ralsei's gender based on the color pink.

They thought I was just straight up lying.

There were so many people upset by this that I felt like I had to make a video to explain

myself and this idea...even doesn't change anything in the thesis of that video.

It was a single sentence comment, but for some reason if I get a detail wrong in people's

eyes, suddenly the entire video is untrue.

There's definitely a bit of an all or nothing mentality out there.

So before you go off telling me about how I'm still wrong and don't have a soul

and will likely be used by Satan as a toothpick in the afterlife, maybe, just maybe give me

a chance to try and explain my thoughts on this topic.

You don't even have to agree when I'm done!

But we would be insane to not consider all possibilities when it comes to DeltaRune and

Toby Fox right?

I mean this is the guy who made Undertale.

Why are we leaving any possibilities out?

Alright I feel I've properly set myself up for failure, so let's get into this idea.

Ralsei is an anagram of Asriel.

So many people were like "HOW CAN YOU NOT HAVE SEEN THIS????



Yeah I saw it too.

I absolutely knew Ralsei's name was an anagram before writing that script.

A ton of people are taking this anagram as proof of Ralsei being Asriel, to which I would

reply...uh what?

You all know DeltaRune is an anagram for Undertale too right?

And yet we KNOW straight from Toby Fox's mouth/twitter account that this world is not

the same world as Undertale.

So why would we expect another anagram to be the same as what it was in Undertale?

Now I know this isn't going to be enough for people to convince them otherwise.

The mob is still coming and they want my skull as a juicy juice goblet.

But before I get buried under the comments and crushed to death let's entertain the

idea of Ralsei being Asriel.

If Ralsei was Asriel, why is he so short?

We know Asriel is off in college in this world.

That means that Asriel is going to look way older than Ralsei does.

Look at what Asriel looks like from Undertale as he's flying around trying to rainbow

beam us to death.

That's about college age.

Late teens, maybe early 20s.

He's pretty big, tall horns, slim stature, he looks like a healthy goat.

This is in contrast to Toriel and Asgore who are older, and Asriel's younger self that

we see at the end of Undertale.

Between all these goat models, it's obvious which one Ralsei looks the most like: The

youngest Asriel.

Since we know Asriel is college age in this game, it doesn't make any sense to me how

Asriel could be Ralsei.

But that's just one group of people who are convinced Ralsei is Asriel.

There's an entire other group who shouted at me "FEMALE GOATS DON'T HAVE HORNS YOU



I don't know where this idea came from.

We literally have a female goat in the game and she has horns.

Also the quickest google search will show you that goats of both genders can have horns.

So that's not proof at all that Ralsei isn't a girl.

Also, young Asriel DIDN'T HAVE HORNS!!

Obviously we can't determine the exact age of Asriel in this picture versus Ralsei during

DeltaRune, but look at their faces from the dialogue boxes.

Ralsei really doesn't look like young Asriel.

Here's another image of Asriel from Undertale right before we fight him.

Does this look like Ralsei to you?

Basically I just think anyone who is assuming Ralsei is Asriel because of the name anagram

and goatfullness is willfully dismissing the fact that they don't look the same.

And I know people are going to comment about the save point immediately after meeting Ralsei

which describes Ralsei as a Prince and we have " the power of fluffy boys".

This is our perception of Ralsei having just met them.

It isn't proof that Ralsei is a boy, it's just how we see them as of this moment.

Also it's just good meme material.

Now why else do I think Ralsei is a girl?

I think the primary reason people believe Ralsei is a boy is because of the whole Asriel

connection and refers to themselves as a prince.

But I think I've shown that first one isn't true.

However, I still believe there's more solid proof Ralsei is a girl, and most of it comes

from Susie.

When Ralsei does her big reveal here, what is she revealing?

Most people assumed she was revealing herself to be Asriel.

Again, I think I've shown that's not the case.

Also if this was an Asriel reveal, wouldn't we have some reaction to our brother being


Also, also if Asriel was Ralsei, wouldn't we have already met him?

He's literally our brother.

We shared a room growing up.

Ralsei wouldn't be saying "I really enjoyed meeting you two".

Sorry, there's just so much evidence for this not being Asriel even as I'm writing

this more keeps coming up.

But anyway, Susie reacts to Ralsei's reveal.

What is Susie reacting to?

It's not Ralsei being Asriel.

And it's certainly not Ralsei being a goat.

We already know Susie knows our mom.

She knows what a goat looks like.

Susie likely even had our mom as a teacher growing up.

It's a pretty small school.

So what is Susie reacting to here?

The only thing that makes sense to me is that Susie had been assuming Ralsei's gender

like everyone else.

Toby showed this by having Susie call Ralsei "dude" the entire game, and it's reinforced

right at this moment.

Susie says "Can barely hear ya, dude."

Then Ralsei reveals herself, Susie freaks out has a buttload of question marks for dialogue

and then says "Umm yeah!

Sure, dude, haha!"

Now I use dude for any gender.

During our streams,, we even use the term Dude Neutral because of


But we have to use that term because so many people still use Dude as a masculine only


Look at Susie's face here, she's surprised by Ralsei.

And then her dialogue is her unsure of what to say.

This isn't because Ralsei is Asriel, this isn't because Ralsei is a goat.

There's literally only one explanation for it, Susie had been assuming Ralsei was a guy

then entire time and had her mind blown when she found out Ralsei was a girl.

That's my reasoning for saying Ralsei was a girl in my last DeltaRune video.


But even if you still don't believe it.

Even if you're still like "Na Grant, you're a idiot.

Ralsei is obviously a guy, and he's obviously Asriel, get your mind out of the goat anus."

It doesn't really make a huge difference.

The entire point of that last video was to explain that the Legend of DeltaRune is likely

not going to play out the way we think.

Even if Ralsei is a guy and I'm completely wrong, don't you find it weird that Ralsei

is supposed to be a prince but has no servants.

Sure Ralsei might be a prince from another castle but then look at the three other kings

we see all sad and imprisoned within the dungeon.


Wouldn't one of these kings need to be a goat to be Ralsei's dad?

Goatology says so!

Isn't it also strange that we run into another "Prince From The Dark" aka Lancer.

Isn't it weird that despite us being told this entire Legend about how the world is

going to end and only us three can save it...we don't?

We don't do anything to save the world, we just go home.

All I was trying to say was that this Legend likely has a much stronger impact on our real

world, the lightner's world, than we originally realized.

We shouldn't be taking this legend at face value.

Ralsei could be lying to us, especially if I'm right and she is a girl.

If Ralsei is a girl, that means she completely lied to us about the being a prince, and possibly

about the Legend!

So we gotta watch our back!

But even if I'm wrong, that doesn't change this issue.

What if Ralsei is mistaken and believes they're the prince from the dark when it's supposed

to be Lancer?

Don't get hung up on this one detail.

No matter how you look at it, there's one person claiming to be a prince from the dark

and another we meet who definitely is a prince from the dark.

That bugs me.

It doesn't seem right.

And I think it's going to end up playing a huge role in the future of this story.

Ralsei being a girl just makes this issue of two princes even more apparent.

But even if you think I'm wrong, which is totally fine by the way, that doesn't change

the issue.

We're all entitled to our own opinions and thoughts.

This is mine.

I hope you gave it some thought, and maybe I even convinced you, but if not that's


We don't figure out mysteries by having everyone believe the same thing.

The only way we get to the truth is by people looking in the most unlikely places for it.

That's what I try to do anyway.

So that's it.

Is the mob still coming?

Welp, I tried!

Hopefully I also come back three days after getting crucified.

But why I'm dying hung up by my wrists, you should check out our dope new merch!

Look at this!

It's a godang UFO!

And a forest!

And a person!

It's cool and it's still got those classic treesicle trees so you know it's from us!

We worked really hard to make this stuff awesome and also super affordable and comfy so I hope

you guys like it!

Plus you can get it in mens, womens, sweatshirts, tank tops, all the good stuff!

And if you do we'll definitely continue to make more in this quirky cool sci-fi trippy


I think it really captures the channel.

Go to to check it out!

Links in the description people! Use the coupon code TREESICLE and get an extra 10% off.

Also that woman being sucked up...yeah that's your mom.

Not like...your mom but more like...Stacy's mom.


You should take a look at the rest of PixelEmpire too!

They have tons of cool designs and merch from other awesome YouTubers like Gaijin Goombah!

So check em out!

Anyway I'll see you guys next time.


For more infomation >> Ralsei is a GIRL! (DELTARUNE) - Duration: 11:32.


Dark Souls III! This is so gross. - Duration: 59:16.

this is crazy

people listen to 69?!

that guy is total garbage

and probably a pitch


i meant bitch

For more infomation >> Dark Souls III! This is so gross. - Duration: 59:16.


Liverpool FC vs Everton : Why Merseyside derby is IDEAL game? & Joel Matip hints exit ● #LFC News - Duration: 5:45.


welcome Everton to Anfield on Sunday, and the game is an ideal one for Jurgen Klopp

and his team after the disappointing defeat to Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League.

That is the view of former Reds defender Jan Molby, who says that the Toffees have mental

issues about playing at Anfield.

Klopp's men suffered their third away defeat in a row in Group C of the Champions League

on Wednesday, losing 2-1 to PSG.

The result means that the team now have to beat Napoli in the final group game to have

any chance of progressing to the knockout stages of the competition.

Next up for Liverpool is the Merseyside derby on Sunday at Anfield, where Everton haven't

won since 1999.

But Marco Silva's team are starting to show signs of progression this season and could

pose the home side some problems.

Everton sit sixth in the Premier League and with stars like Richardson and Gylfi Sigurdsson

in form, they will be confident of breaking the Anfield hoodoo.

But Molby thinks that the game against their bitter rivals is a good one to try and get

over their disappointment in Paris.

"As a footballer you should always be looking forward to the next game but this is also

a good fixture because Everton are doing well," he wrote in his column for the Liverpool Echo.

"The players they have got now have made them a good team so it's all to look forward

to and therefore there's all the more kudos for the Liverpool players if they were to

beat them.

"The fact that Everton haven't won at Anfield since 1999, I don't think players carry those

kind of statistics.

"It's Everton Football Club at Anfield generally, not something that is down to individual players.

It's a stat that belongs to Everton and it's a problem for them.

"The players might come with clear minds and think 'well I've not played in the Derby

before' but sometimes I think it's deeper than that otherwise you wouldn't get runs

like this would you?

"If you can change all the players and the manager and still go so long without winning,

then it's an issue for Everton.

"They will have to be at their absolute best to get anything.

"Marco Silva might not 'park the bus' but he'll make sure they're well-organised and

they'll defend deep, relying on their ability on the counter-attack whether that's Richarlison

or Theo Walcott.

"He isn't going to be looking to dominate the game with the ball.

I think he'll be quite happy to let Liverpool to have the majority of possession so long

as his team are in good positions.

Joel Matip has dismissed suggestions he will look to leave Liverpool in the near future,

but did hint that he could if opportunities remained scarce.

Matip has made eight appearances for the Reds so far this season, but has only started three

games—one in each of the Premier League, Champions League and League Cup—playing

275 minutes.

His five remaining outings have been as a stoppage-time substitute, with Jurgen Klopp

utilising his No. 32 to shore things up against Brighton, Leicester, Tottenham, Arsenal and


He has, therefore, only averaged 34.4 minutes on the pitch per game, with Virgil van Dijk,

Joe Gomez and Dejan Lovren all featuring more heavily.

After arriving as first-choice centre-back alongside Lovren in 2016, Matip is now fourth

choice, albeit one of the best of his standing in Europe.

At 27, Matip should be playing first-team football week in, week out, but speaking to

the Evening Standard he stressed he remains committed to Liverpool.

However, with his contract set to expire in 2020, he did hint that he could consider a

move in the near future.

"I only concentrate now on the season on Liverpool and there's nothing else in my


Everything else would only distract me," he said.

"I've got to wait for my opportunity, I have to work hard—this is the life of

a player.

"I try to be in the best form I can be and to be ready if I had to be."

Matip previously told the Liverpool Echo that his squad role left him "frustrated,"

but remained optimistic, saying "you have to work hard and sometimes that means waiting

for your chance."

This is the right attitude for the Cameroonian to take, with both Van Dijk and Gomez warranting

their places in the starting lineup, but an end-of-season review seems likely.

It was claimed earlier in November that both Fenerbahce and Fulham were interested in the

ex-Schalke defender, who joined Liverpool on a free transfer as one of Klopp's first


Persistent injuries have certainly hampered his prospects at Anfield, but a lack of consistency

has also seen him struggle to cement himself in the XI.

There are clear qualities that suit Klopp's system, with Matip extremely comfortable on

the ball and willing to penetrate the opposition midfield with vertical passes.

But it is questionable whether he fits in physically, particularly compared to Gomez

and Van Dijk.

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