(hindi music plays)
George Evans Elementary students visit City Hall for the 2018 Character Walk - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Tangled - Rapunzel Painter's Block #17 Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - ICE RED - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
What's Up for November 2018 - Duration: 2:28.[ ♪ ]
What's Up for November
Planets, asteroid Juno, comet 46P and a morning meteor shower.
Hello and welcome! I'm Jane Houston Jones from
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
You can't miss bright Venus in the predawn sky.
It appears next to Spica,
Virgo's brilliantly white star, all month.
You can catch Saturn at sunset this month.
On the 11th the crescent moon is
less than 2 degrees--or 4 moon widths--
away from the ringed planet.
For northern hemisphere observers
Jupiter is visible at sunset for the first week of November.
But then it becomes lost to view on November 26
as it reaches solar conjunction.
"Solar conjunction" is when
the Sun is directly in-between Earth and another planet.
Next month Jupiter will reappear as a morning planet.
Mars has its own meetup with the moon.
It continues to be brightly visible in the evening sky.
As it moves farther from Earth in its orbit,
it will fade in magnitude and shrink in apparent size.
Mars will be easy to see on November 26,
when NASA's InSight mission lander touches down
on the Red Planet.
Asteroid 3 Juno, the third asteroid ever discovered,
but only the 11th brightest,
is visible in telescopes this month
shining at magnitude 7.5.
Comet 46P, also at magnitude 7.5,
may brighten to naked eye visibility.
Observers in both the northern and southern hemispheres
should be able to see it.
Finally, the Leonid meteor shower peaks November 17
as dust from comet 55P Tempel-Tuttle
passes close to Earth.
The Leonids are best seen after midnight your local time,
once the Moon has set.
You should also be able to see some Leonids
on the 18th, 19th, and 20th.
The maximum for any of these nights
is only 10 Leonids per hour.
Next month we'll wrap up the year,
and I'll wrap up 12 years
writing and presenting "What's Up."
A new presenter will resume the series in January.
You can catch up on all of NASA's
current and future missions at: www.nasa.gov
That's all for this month. I'm Jane Houston Jones.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Sofia The First The Bamboo Kite 2 - Top Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 3:49.But I'm afraid I shall have to appoint someone else I am sorry, I understand father, huh
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It's just not fair Sofia she has been looking forward to this all year
Then we have to find a cure so June can open the festival tomorrow
But how even the advisor and all things new didn't come up with anything
So if new ideas aren't helping June, maybe we need an old idea
What are you making gluten a traditional bamboo kite our people have been making kites like this for almost 2,000 years
Nice, but it could use some bells and whistles
Well, I think it's pretty Thank You Princess Sofia
but today people seem to prefer the new kites with their iron gaiters and flapping wings and oh
Never mind that how may I help you?
We want you to help princess June I would like nothing more
But I fear the emperor no longer has any use for my ancient ways. I am like the bamboo kite
I have no place here anymore. But you said you could cure Geum quickly using the old ways
Yes with the men saying herb, but unfortunately, there is only one place to get it
Mount Deshawn. Yes. It is a long journey. And what are we waiting for? Let's go away
Well, if there's a chance it'll help June I'm willing to try anything even old stuff
Please routine for princess June. Ah
Very well for my princess. I will do what I can
I had a pack a few things we might need to get the job done
like what all the newest gadgets my easy breezy by a perfect pointer my quintessential quill
Oh, I just brought water and snacks. I knew I was forgetting something come along children walking
We'll get one farther down the road then talking
My perfect winner
It tells you what we are going what we are we going that way I use the ancient method to find which way to go
What's that? I look at the Sun
What are you doing? It's cloudy
You know, you should really get one of these. Hmm
Wow, it's wireless huge. Yes the dot. Yang wall runs around all of central whaling
But where's the gate many miles away
So we must go over the wall, but fear not I know an ancient levitation spell to get us to the other side
Be patient young ones this may take some time
How long are we supposed to wait
Okay, that's it we don't have all day if we're going to help you
All right children
Are you okay cool? I have not levitated in years
Tangled Vigor the Visionary Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 6 - Green Deer - Duration: 2:44.Don't worry that's a compliment
Jump in a hole the same kind of hold less to this cluster jam to what she says her thoughts like I have a choice
I'm a moss man over here
real minestrone
What are you in for jumping the hall?
I've never been so glad to see those black rocks. I'm so happy I can kiss someone
Well, this is where I leave you Adira thank you for everything I know I'm amazing once again
I have conquered the forest of no return and
Single-handedly pulled you out of a dire Strait and I still have bronchitis
Which I didn't even tell you about because let's face it. I'm a champion a champion in my heart. I
Hate to admit it, but she's growing on me. Well, that's no surprise. Look how long it took me to win you over Wow
The land must have shifted it over here surely you have excellent vision because they eat a lot of vitamin butter
You know for the record, I'm pretty confident
I could have gotten us out of there eventually, but I figured let a deer I have her moment in the Sun
You know clearly she's got attention issues and I thought I'd throw her a bone. That was very nice of you Jimmy
Eugene that's the sunset ahead of us. Yeah
We're supposed to be heading east. Oh, come on way to go fish skin
That's a compliment
Just a couple more careful swipes
To join together Phoenix and Cynthia chicken
Disney channel go watch big-city greens
all-new Mondays and Wednesdays on Disney Channel who makes me so sad when you stop that's why I'm never gonna let you
Body Buried In Basement May Be Father Missing For 57 Years - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 47 - Aaron Barnes - Duration: 10:01.Which is why I'm gonna be the first one there on your part, let me wish you vote take the stick revoir
I'll go along with that
Dagger II knows you're looking for someone to throw that stick
I wish I had time but I'm heading out to buy stuff for the big game that's on TV
Where else besides a stick you think you could put in this machine Bob said whatever we want
Wait a minute, what are you guys doing with Bob special baseball Bob special?
Okay, Rolly Rolly know our mission is to get Baba's baseball
Leave us alone cupcake. We're on a mission Yahoo! Fetch your mom's baseball
Well, I wouldn't want to get in your way which is why I'll have Rufus get in your way for me
Okay, got some chips in my fruit smoothies for the game just need to make a quick stop
This is got to be the hardest game of fetch we have ever played
This is bad that drone could lead anywhere
If only we knew someone who knew where that dreams rings out to Rolly we do
Okay, so if we follow this drain through this pipe up back and around
that baseball you're looking for should be coming out right about
Hello baseball fans and welcome to teddy peppercorn Day
And now let's give a big welcome to our special guest Teddy peppers
Really solid sleep. Oh
Hey there well looks like you've been having fun with that touch machine
Is that my special baseball well I can see why you'd want to play with that it's so Rolly
Well, I guess I never turned this thing all the way around before to see that it was there
Are you ready for our drag race rockin and rollin ready first one to our wins on your board Oh
No, the drag race uh-oh ARF cease hissy, but his he cannot see
It looks like a toilet paper jumble in here come me I'll land on my way to work
I think a day there is exactly what she needs
Yeah, we get back we can help our clean this place up but our F is already cleaned up
ARF dragged everything back to where it was and won the drag race broom broom
Does that feel good?
missing and now that you're clean, we're gonna make you feel extra I just um job
But your pet is any Quanah and the only animals we allow inside this building
These are gonna be our whiskers and you and I are gonna be cats and now let us walk right in now
Do you know any place that might be right for our pet it we've got everyone food
We're in whew now we can go back to looking like puppies, uh, how ready but I was just kidding. I don't know
Maybe they make the cats who are being punished sit around and not have any fun. You think history someone here. She might be
You look over there and now look no, but they really need to fix that bridge. Let's keep looking around this place
I don't know where his he is or what they're doing to her, but she probably wants to get out of here fast. Oh
boy ripped apart without Keith
Look anxiety for them and see if his he's in there
So there's actually two ways but they're out while she's at ya check in every corner cuz they doing our best to say
It's too bad you're the one stuck Roli this is a job for the role inator
Baby I can do it if I get a running start hiss he's stuck in there
What's this one for
this rooms for napping
Sweet kitty cat dream
Maybe she's not supposed to talk to us while she's in a timeout now
I'd make a train out even worse, but we're here to make things better. So let's do the mission now we came here to here
Because he was mad at me
He sent me here to get clean and also to get brushed and also to get cuddle up in towels and listen to pretty music
Wow Borges have to call your Ellen saving you need to stay up. Yeah Linda till tomorrow I get to stay another day
We should get home
I've cannot wait either kisi has been gone for two whole days and ARF gets very low
Those nice people and meow LAN did a great job getting you looking so good
But I bet you're ready for a long nap in your own bed, huh?
You know those beds at meow land were a lot more roomy
No, but I missed sleeping here. Just like this
Welcome home, Missy
We always have the best time grandma well my mom should be here any minute I'm glad she offered to pet
See you guys while I'm at a conference today, and don't forget when I come back
We're all going to a concert of my mom's favorite musicians
I'm kitty Oh
What ster
Wrastlin grandma save some of that energy for the concert tonight. We don't want anyone falling asleep because they're too tired Oh
tired never
Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 41 - Eve Howarth - Duration: 10:01.My magical powerful beauty
Don't worry my sweet girl you wait Miranda looks like a storm's moving in we should head back
Look at that that's a fancy looking you think it's magical. I don't know. I've never seen anything like it before
But how is the night and
Here it is the complete guide to magical jewels
The Emerald key of hakalo the kingdom of hakalo is a hidden island
It says the key belongs to the royal family of hakalo
Sorry, I'm dripping everywhere. I fell off my royal ship last night and washed up on your beard
I don't know what to do now without that key my family and I can never get home
I am princess leilani of hakalo. Wait, I see she's lying
I'm the real princess. You can't give it to her. We're not giving the key to either of you
I'll send messengers out to sea to look for the king and queen of a carlo and LAN is so-called crown is just flowers
We have decided I will judge the test with a little help from the royal family and I'm happy to do whatever you require
Thank you your majesty. So for this first challenge you will dance this waltzing. Wonderfully
Like it Lonnie, what is that dance?
The waltz is the most royal dance of all
I think it's quite clear that this round it is a nice dance not as graceful as Leilani's waltz a
Princess must always be polite pretend these presents are from the Duke. Please open them and show us how you would politely thank him
Wow my very own snail does the Duke of James Landy give great gifts or what I love it. I meant to say
Adorable and I thank you for your generosity
Lonny wins this challenge. Oh
My apologies
Now girls because we have a tie whoever wins the next challenge wins the test I have time for that
My family's out there somewhere and we need that key to get home
Hey there little fella
Let me dry you off
If I don't get the Emerald key back, my family can't go home
You know Sophia I may not know how to Walter don't know your ways or what I should do
But I try his best as I care
Cuz I was taught be kind to others day you night
that's how to be
With violet and clover which means you are the real princess and your kindness has set you apart
It's from within you and not from be kind to other day
I'm so glad you believe me. This will be your room. But let's get you some pajamas first
Good morning, princess Sofia. Good morning Layla if that girl's a princess. I'm a skunk and I smell good
I just couldn't get comfortable in that bed
Breakfast is served chapter 8 a princess must be smart as well as nimble on your mark
get set
That settles it Leilani is the real princess
But Dad the test had three challenges and my long is it better on two of them?
So we must conclude that she is the true princess
I'm just so excited
Perhaps one of your coaches could take me to meet them. Where's the key? I'm sorry Leilani made it out of the maze first
I think we made a big mistake
And who is she we better go find out?
What are we gonna do now, I only ever get back home
Impossible our beds are the softest in the kingdom. Let me try it. It feels awful
No, true princess could ever sleep on this. There must be something under the mattress. Leilani must have put it there
So Lani wouldn't sleep well and fail the tap you are the real princess. Hello people. I could have told you that yesterday
Can this thing go any faster?
They all know I'm the real princess now. Give me back the key. She's the reason I fell overboard
Feeling magical crystals in the Royal Museum, but now that I have the I will move Apollo
Okay, y'all got an idea
Look at that
You'll have to get past me first
Guards seize her you have not seen the last I hope you have no idea how much this key means to me
Now we must be heading home
So, I guess it's time to say goodbye
It means until we meet again until we meet again
Emerald key
Join me Lonnie, I see why they keep it hidden. It looks like paradise
I'm really happy you came
King Kamea queen, huh? Lea come the festivities have already begun and
welcome to her Carlos fire pearl ceremony throughout our history by climbing up Mount Hakurei and
Retrieving the sacred fire pearl she is ready to join this circle, but that is for tomorrow
Sure, come on come with me up to the lanai
What is it is everything okay?
Yes to be my guide my ahkahuna you believed in me when nobody else
Did Sofia here's something special I made for you to wear. It's your ahkahuna bracelet. All right, let's see where we're going
And none of them look very easy. They're not Sofia. There's something that will help us
Some things I can create abroad Lisa's
It's a test to see if I can use my powers to get the fire pearl was Lama just upset. Yes
How did you know what she must first learn to control her temper? I promise I'll help her in any way I can can't man
Here I am
Reporting for duty. Can come maiya thinks he's so high and mighty and don't forget. You also tried to steal the Emerald key
How are we gonna do that journey up mount hakalo?
so difficult
Princess leilani
Needed to be a great ruler
You can do this my daughter
Okay, ahkahuna, which way should we go?
These are really strong. Oh
They didn't even budge. It's okay, Lonnie great idea all kahuna
Easier but a lot longer the one on the left, let's take the shorter path
The sooner we get you to the fire pearl the better
Challenge is impossible. Yes
Wait, we are the harder the challenge the more mad you get I just know I can make that princess man
really hard to walk
Let's keep going
But what can I do to help give me a mission please we must hide
Over here, are you sure you're reading the map right? I'm sure how are we gonna get across now?
What what if you used your powers to get it down here good idea Sofia
Oh, no, he made a new Briggs. We shouldn't have gone this way
Now we're stuck here and I'll never get the fire pearl
Ronnie I think
Maybe we should go up there. Jonnie must do this on their own
Ronnie if you don't calm down you'll never get the fire pearl
You know what always calms me down thinking about the things I love. I have a little thing I do
Little Einsteins | Jump for Joey Part 5 - Orange Goat - Duration: 3:31.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
It's friend snake about the animal talent show Oh snake didn't know about the talent show
Wow look at her liver, she's amazing. Yes
Slithering must be snakes talent for the animal talent show Joey
That was very nice of you to tell snake about the animal talent show
What's that sound
Yeah, it's the animal talent show it's getting ready to start
Come on let's hurry
Uh-oh. I wonder why Joey stopped oh
That's why there's a giant rock in his way
That's not just any giant rock. That's
uluru the biggest rock in the world
Can you say uluru?
Perfect. Look Joey isn't giving up
he's going to try to jump over a little room, but that's going to take a
Humongous jump. We know how to help Joey do a super jump remember
We can conduct the jumping music to get louder. Get ready Joey
Now let's conduct a crescendo slowly lift your hands higher
Way to chant Joey that was awesome
Hey, that sounds like another animal I wonder who it is
Do you see who's making those sounds? Oh
It's those birds
Those are rainbow
lorikeets, I
Wonder why they're not at the talent show. Oh, look Bernard keeps her ready? Yeah, they're still practicing
They'd better hurry up
Doc McStuffins Snowy Gablooey Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Bailey Price - Duration: 10:01.This shots gonna get you for sure
Snow down your back dance
Yeah, but it's too cold I'm gonna go inside warm up
Great, let's get you all bundled up so you don't get cold
Need of mittens
Now is fine
If I wasn't having so much fun
No duck, I'm right here out in the snow this gives me the cheap andis snowballs super stunt. Oh
Don't worry folks that wasn't the tracking
Naughty naughty naughty no. Sorry. Well, thank you for friends
May I have a drum roll please, but we don't have a drum
Leave it to the amazing beatboxing dragon
Duck moms are supposed to move and stretch but they're not stretching at all
If I can't stretch I can't do any muscle see
But a fuck can't stretch I'll have to give up my dream you don't have to give up your dreams
Your church says that the last time you're in for a checkup you were able to stretch this hot
Can you stretch for me now? I can short what if we throw him in the air?
That doesn't count either
Could you bring me my own thermometer right here drop we use a thermometer to tell a warm or cold you are
That can help us tell what's wrong with you? Hmm
You came out. Well, I shall remember that duck. I had a case of whiticus
Sua Titus we learn to go inside you is what lets you straight frosty freezie
Sure. Wish I hadn't gone out in the snow now
I'll never stretch a good damn who says you won't stretch again
Now that I know what's wrong we could happen to you you could get sick or oh you won't be able to stretch
That's right sugar, but I have a cure. Okay champ. Let's get you down. Oh, no, I forgot
He got cold and now we can't stretch dad is it?
Ok, if I put you in the tub to warm him up sure, but be careful
I'm gonna put you in the warm bath to get rid of your frigid frosty freezy's you ready. You bet doc
Let's do this
Hmm Thank You doc and thank you friends. Thank you for warming my arms and warming my heart
So glad you're feeling better. How can I ever thank you tub trick
You're welcome
Making sure all my toys are healthy and super duper is my dream
Did you fix please fuck your mannitol to warm in my jammie-jams dance?
Hey, I don't have my jammie-jams on but that looks fine
Let's go
Okay toys we've got a whole day to play in the snow. So let's enjoy it
What are we gonna play today might I suggest we play freeze tag tips yard is sweet like a hockey rink
Hey, what do you say we play re talkie? That's a great idea
Toys today we're gonna play for Irish
I'm from Hawaii where it's a really sunny
So I've never tried ice hockey before I can tell you all about it
See Leilani each team doc and I can be team captains Ravi
You're on my team Oh looking cool. Hey, how about Sir? Kirby is gold. He'll be awesome
Look as ice shell
Bar nice, thank you. So whose team's gonna rule the ice today doc, man. Oh, man
Do put all your hockey puck
You still skate from behind to win
Steffi, what are you doing? Go you said we'd win if we skate from behind
Then look like a wicked hard fall you okay there sir Kirby fear not tis but a scratch. Oh
We're gonna win ready. Sure. I see my name on it. Oh, no, doc. I don't see your name on you anywhere
Anybody sir Kirby what happened over here? Hmm. Well, whatever it was
I'm going nuts over here. And why are you holding your arm? So weird it's gone
Sir Kirby are you okay? You were put tell me what's wrong. I know the sound
And mine happy play
Tell me what
I'd say so
Come to the clinic and let me check you out. Okay, it seems that maybe you need an x-ray
I can't let you play if your arms broken can't play it
But I must in fact now that I've had a little rest. I've I feel much better. Yes. Hmm
I have a diagnosis. You've got a case of hockey induced Army fall office sounds serious
Game for my teammates, so I vowed to keep on playing
I mean after all isn't that what a brave knight is supposed to do why I
Second for you. Tell you down let us down are you kidding?
I for one would never ever wanna win if my buddy had to play hurt
Now we just wait for the pace to dry Hey - I shan't be playing for the McStuffins Cup
I'm sorry, but if he does a big brave knight always
Rather lose and let you escape with a broken arm
He'll stop wouldn't somebody else play in Kirby's place like me you
Skate is which hey, it's not just okay. It's
My goomah training makes me a natural for hockey. Wow, this is hard better get checked out
Good idea Oh dog. Could you please make sure I'm okay WikiWiki fast. I don't want to miss a second of the game
Congratulations Ally now, what do you say we have a rematch? You gotta bring it doc Oh
Who you callin lady
I can just wash the paste right off
lifesaver does that was kind of a short adventure that wasn't the adventure minding the sparkle-saurus is our adventure Oh
What's a sparkle, sorry
Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 612 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
The crown of blossoms
Where are what, you know the fruits the veggies the yummies it's been minutes since we put the crown of
Blossoms is why we have the festival of Plenty in the first place. Wow
I've never seen the crown of blossoms up close like this. It's so beautiful
it's about time you had a turn which is
What dad said?
It's amazing, thank you. I'll go get my coaching whistle and meet you at the stage
Congratulations, Sophia. You'll do great
Thanks, my dad's grandma found it a long time ago in a far-off Kingdom it was just lying in a big strawberry now each year
the princess of plenty this year
Drops the seed in one of the fields to start the planting season, but they're supposed to be super powerful. Sure
They're not my seats to give clover. I'm sorry. I better go meet. Amber. I
Know I know I should get these back to Sofia. I mean
What to do what to do
What if the things that you call right is just the wrong right thing to do
Stack straight up to the sky lettuce kale and carrots body fat bub. So let's just take the middle tide
I know you think I should've told
It's the best
Thing to do gotta say it it's the right thing to do
Yeah, yeah, yeah
But don't tell Sofia okay
Are you smelling things again lad look - mini jackfruit you're right well done fig
Thus no doubt can it be that our endless quest is at an end?
Oh, can we finally say goodbye, so we must get it from it. Let's go introduce ourselves to that
Around these bitch they noticed that before
Hello, we are lovers of fame fruits and veggies and these are special season no never heard of it Jim I
Taste your tasty veggies won't last long, my friend
How would you like us to make it so you're Gavin supply of delicious veggies never ever runs out Luke. We just need one little
Magic seed can we do now? I'm very confused
Of course, not bad
I'm trekking the rabbit and you running out of delicious magical impossible to replace veggies, right?
We'll just have a tiny nibble while we wait
What did I forget nothing, but the gowns on backwards oops
What's going on hey put that back we're taking the clown rabbit you can't
Is this right, oh, yes, but it's almost time for the festival to start
I can't find it. Oh, this is no time for jokes Sofia. It's not a joke. Amber
Can you just help me get it back? Amber?
Then you get the crown back so like a plan, thanks. Amber
How did your garden grow so many veggies so fast them seeds fell out of your crown
I thought what harm could there be in using them from my little garden and it water it was my fault
I like to you I stole the seeds and I let the gnomes steal the crown
We haven't seen anything since a certain
Dancing music maestro
Did they come out this way, nope, not this way
This is all the veggies I have left from my garden notes can't resist them and some few tomatoes. They're
all we've got to do is gotta cross the
Stream wait, this could be a trap
That crown belongs to Sophia and her family
I have to get to the festival. That's not how I heard the story
Give a listen dear ones and I'll tell you the true tale our fields were full of fruits and vegetables
We don't have good land like you do here
But when he awoke the clone was gone for years we searched for it at last
It's the same as only hurts
Thank You princess and you rabbit and I hope you can forgive us for trekking you
Plenty great princess of plenty. It's my fault. I'm a rotten friend. You gave me a garden but was I thankful
No, but how am I going to tell everyone about this? Don't worry, I'll be right beside you when you share the bad news
It's okay amber just introduce me
if you say so
Sorry, I'm so late. But it turns out there's been a misunderstanding
Guys meet my dad and mom king Roland and Queen Miranda your Majesties really belongs to them
Gentlemen, we are grateful for your generosity. The gnomes will always have a
Welcome to the festival of Plenty for Oh
Princess king so the village students can learn more about you Royals and you Royals
Can you believe I'm here well I
like to birdies industry
Enjoy your classes this morning Jade then we'll all go to Dunwiddie for lunch class is dismissed
Sophia if I'm gonna give this
Column, right?
Check this out, Sophia
Surrender dragon or Prince J. The Braves Elson. Wouldn't that be great me?
Princess Jade Lee you look just like the princess in that old painting
You could be sisters Oh bet you are related to this princess. Do you know what that means?
Yes, then you can't come with me to run go prep
Everybody I have an idea. Let's save it for lust official date together at Royal prep. Yes, I am but
It's school swap day class. So please give a big dump. We become the biggest thing to hit done. What do you feel instance? Well,
Village and I doubt it'll need any help. So what class do we have first? I have rubies and diamonds and sapphires
These are a little different
Didn't use a wound we don't do magic. How about you? Amber? Okay miss can do
Of course it's my only day here so far welcome to all our dear friends from Royal prep
Learned how to turn a lime into an emerald and we raced in the blinder boo
You watch just learn about rocks. You watch just learn history when I see something
I think I'll actually enjoy I'll try it. For example, I don't think Amber's enjoying school swap day very much
She'll be okay as if she is related to royalty. That means she can be a student at Royal prep full time
PJ Masks Interesting Stories Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 7 - Charlie Day - Duration: 3:59.PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
All the clouds are gone and we saved the sunshine
We knew you could getting wet wasn't so bad after all especially since a man saving my friends
Happily you have to stop worrying about staying dry if we don't stop Luna girl by dawn
She's going to cloud up the whole sky. I'm sorry. I hate getting wet, but you're right. I won't let you down again. Let's go
I can do it. I can do it
As long as your hates getting wet there's nothing you can do about it
I can do this. I hate getting wet but not as much as I hate letting my friends down. It's time to be a hero
Sofia The First Minimus Is Missing Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Red Elephant - Duration: 10:01.Minimus is mithya. Just sit up straight then flick threes and yo, yeah, good. Try amber
No, she didn't ready to try again not if it involves falling again. Oh, what a shame
Guess we'll have to finish my riding lesson. Later
Need a scratch see you in a bit boy better sort lightning purp
Well, what do you say we grab some oats and get acquainted Oh minimus. My name's minima
So what brings a horse like you to a stable like this once you get the hang of it?
Amber, you're going to love riding. Just two of you. You form a special bond. Yeah ready to go back out there
All right. I'll give it one more try
I don't know know one second. I heard strange music playing. Where'd you tell constable Myles?
So only the flying horses are gone. Yes constable
It's not like minimus to fly off like that constable and we won't rest until we find every last horse
Hmm. I wish we could go look for the horses too. Where would we go? Maybe he knows where they went
Yeah, but we can't get to Royal prep without flying horses
Let's go to the jewel room. No, no, not the jewellery the Griffins Hogarth vidual room
Are you suggesting we ride Griffin's? Yep
Hold up Jess, he's always in such a hurry
Doctor all right, you guys ought to Royal prep great. I'll take the big one is minimus isn't just my horse
He's my friend, but I don't know how to ride a Griffin. I'm sure it's a lot like riding a flying horse
Just hop on and hold on to the scruff like this
Maybe I can't fly this thing actually landing is harder than it looks see you down there, sir, Gilliam
Princess Sofia every horse in the stable is gone
Listen, do you hear music? I do. Oh
They're all flying in the same direction. Yeah, the only way to learn how to fly is to keep getting back on the horse
Amber, we don't have time to argue about this. We're gonna lose the horses
Huh Plus Wendell Wendell is wonderful
Sorry, sorry
The horses just flew into the clouds
Horses ooh, where'd they go? I don't know don't blame me. I didn't even want to come remember
Amber, you can go back if you want. We should all go back
I love minimus and I'm not going to stop until he's all right, but where would we even look now? Uh, I don't know
All right, opal looks like I need to learn how to fly. I want to talk to those horses. Can you go any faster? I?
Know this one
It's like they're all under some kind of mountain you must be finding them in a trance and leading them somewhere look where
The Hanging Gardens, I think there's someone on top of it
And he's playing a lute he must have lured the horses here, but why
Sorry, I was just trying to help it's okay, but we can't leave Sophia in there alone James and that Wizard is sitting up there
okay, then you wait out here James you okay, so
Through here
Best birthday present ever
We have to find our horses you go that way. I'll look this way watch where you're switching that tail
Someone has horse
Sophia is me. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry about that. Skews apartment. Birth. Tell Sophia. We have no idea
I was hoping you would know well and he has some kind of magical lute that lured you all here
So you found them
Echo James. Come on. I can't see anything. What if that wizard got Sofia and James?
If Lunas putting them back into a trance
Well, well, well, what do we have here oh
They are in trouble. Hmm. So there's no way these horses are going anywhere
Leave or sow
James move over. I knew having a big mouth would come in handy someday
Now time to get my horses back we have to stop him once and for all just for it's time to go
Let's get these horses out of here
Yes, but I was just getting myself a few presents
Wendell you get what you get and you don't get upset
Now, please apologize to these nice young people like you mean it
And I can assure you there will be serious consequences for my son's behavior
For a week no crystal ball gazing for two week. Let's go home. I'll round up the horses
Nope thanks for coming after me Sofia anything for you men in it, you know, you really saved us back there
Yeah, you do whatever it takes to make sure they're okay
Even if it's your own, brother
Different Suleman the
Choosing the host of the tea party today today's the day
Borrowed tea cups on blanket Oh Sophia these tea parties are oh
good times
As you know only students who haven't had a chance to host a news feed Sofia and the host of the next
Royal prep tea party will be
So and have fun you're going to have to do better than borrowed tea cups Sophia much better
Pretty good idea. I'll show you when we get home
Everyone will get to decorate their own tea cup brilliant sounds fun, right?
That's not the word. I'd use to describe it. What word would you use?
darling little party Jessel
Like flowers or tiaras or you out
- Safiya what can we do for you? I'm going to have a swan being tea party
Well sit if the tables right beside the Swan fountain I'm cannon that goes kaboom and that helpful James
Maybe we can get the son to put on a little show Princess Sophia this all sounds delightful
Ruby Jade we've been looking all over the castle for you. I'm planning this tea party for my school
Beautiful it is nice. I wish I could stay longer, but I have a lot left to do
Come on, but you're a princess
Hmm, what's wrong with it? Yeah, it looks all right to me. Well, it isn't very well done
Did you eat all the cookies samples
But they're great simple clicks whines and taste is like cookies three and we don't want the cookies to be too small
So I guess we should make them as big as we can please
Excellent. So easy a princess Sam, but surely they teach you how to knock that royal school of yours
I'm sorry, the door was open we have to ask
The Lion Guard Memorable moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 9 - Grace Connor - Duration: 3:49.PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
be done Bunga won't be scary smelling like a berry you know don't be a Mook
plans aways the flame yeah we both think that congas thing is owners not a drive
we'll stop your buzzing and prove you wrong you guys
making your face an insect landing pad is not my idea of clean fresh and
odor-free that's okay oh no I don't really
don't worry Bunga I know I can find a solution eventually
your confidence is admirable ma-kun your oversized ego is not gold what today is
the end of your reign
yeah the pool no points in mashindano Bunga my dad says they have to keep
going till one of them surrenders
he's gonna feel that in the morning why are crocodile's always so violent
good question no no guys look
run out of tricks
that might be it easy now he's tired who might have better technique but makuu is
too strong and fit for him where you go and poor nowhere
pause tapping out he gives up what you mean makuu wins I'm afraid so
son congratulations makuu you have won the mashindano
you are now the leader of the crocodiles you have very thick skin to fill
Rick Perry May Have Just Killed Dean Heller's Chances For Reelection - Duration: 3:08.Recently Donald Trump went to Nevada to help Dean Heller, republican senator's campaign
for reelection, and during their little visit they traveled to a couple parts of the State
where Donald Trump promised Dean Heller that the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Disposal
site probably wasn't going to happen.
Now in case you're not familiar with the history of this let me give it to you briefly.
In 1986 Ronald Regan said "We're going to consolidate all of the high risk nuclear waste
in the United States at this place down in Nevada called Yucca Mountain."
Which happens to be about 90 miles from Las Vegas and other heavily populated areas.
Now at the time Regan decided this there was only about a million total people living in
Obviously the population has skyrocketed since then.
George W. Bush in the early 2000s re-designated Yucca Mountain and then in '06 he said, "You
know what, we're fast tracking it, we're funding it, it's going to be fully operational for
all of this toxic highly hazardous nuclear waste by 2017."
So far it has not come to fruition and Donald Trump told Dean Heller that it's probably
not ever going to happen.
Now the reason he did that and the reason Heller got so excited about it is because
the citizens of Nevada obviously don't want a massive mountain essentially of toxic nuclear
waste in their state.
Who would?
So Trump makes this promise.
Heller campaigns on it, everything is great.
Until last Friday, when what is possible the dumbest member of Donald Trump's cabinet said,
"Oh no, Yucca Mountain is absolutely happening, I've got the budget papers, we've already
appropriated the money for it."
Here we go.
So Rick Perry, the guy who couldn't even remember which branches of the government he wanted
to destroy, he came out blew Donald Trump's cover and said, "Yeah, we're totally building
this massive nuclear waste site down there in Nevada and we've already appropriated the
money for it.
This is happening."
Obviously now Dean Heller is super made because he didn't think he was going to have to deal
with this.
The voter's in the state now understand that Donald Trump was lying to Heller and then
Heller inadvertently lied to them about it.
Now they're pissed off.
So, Rick Perry, may have just single handedly handed this election to Heller's democratic
challenger Jacky Rosen.
Just by accidentally telling the truth.
You know that's the funny thing about lies that this administration never seems to understand.
They're always going to come back to haunt you and when you're so bad at lying, as this
administration is, you're always going to get busted especially when you fail to tell
the dumbest member of your team, Rick Perry that he's also required to go along with the
"Se for para eu sair, eu vou sair aliviada", declara Gabi Prado sobre roça - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Adjust AC Frequency and Balance for Aluminum TIG Welding - Duration: 0:29.The Multimatic 220 is super easy to set up and use.
It's got Auto-Set technology
that allows you to set it up automatically
with your tungsten size and also, all you do
is just choose your material thickness
and the machine will set the parameters for you.
They give you a range to use,
but if you're a control freak like I am,
I'll turn off the Auto-Set,
and then I can adjust my frequency and my balance
just by pushing the buttons.
Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 218 - Red Tomato - Duration: 3:59.Mr. Dad boy you're adorable. Now. I'm off to the ice-cream shop. Daddy's getting all 52 flavors
Thanks for showing me around safety, what No whatever you heard about me isn't true I
Don't know where people get the idea. I'm so safe Oh watch your step loose tile
It's ridiculous. Careful. You wear a helmet in the gym shower one time when you're labeled for life
Oh broken glass frankly, I like taking risks and would welcome a little danger in my life
What was that I thought you wanted a little danger
Who are you I'm a magical princess from another dimension
Well that brings us to the end of our tour I'm going home now
Come meet the new foreign exchange student who's gonna be living with us
Wha-wha-what. I have no idea. These were your parents
I just assumed everyone on earth had the last name Diaz won't it be nice to have stars upbeat lively energy around the house
We could have gotten that from a litter of puppies
Noodle master I've tracked down star butterfly. They've hidden her in the earth dimension unguarded
I knew they couldn't hide that royal brush puppy for long soon. The wand will be mine
and then the universe
Actually the universe should do it. I'm coming for you princess brother
Wish I had a room like this
I'm sorry Marco. How about a little sunshine to brighten your day?
Take this anymore you're moving in I am moving out
Are you okay? Luckily the cactuses broke my fall do you?
Doc McStuffins There's a King in Your Tummy! Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
There's a king in your tummy
Okay, everybody
Keep your arms and legs and Tails and tutus
Inside the ride at Boise scars. Well, you can spray water, but can you deal with a mighty dragon?
Be around the pool
What's up, dude
Dragons, well, I suppose we could do that
Time to see if I can call some Wiccan fob
Hey, it's raining time
Serpent Sam shoots and he scores
Dragon dude, I just got to refill my water supply
Doc I can't spray come on everybody we've got to check on Sam, could you try to spray against
No luck, oh this is horrible
Doctor am I broken? Don't worry serpent Sam when a toy isn't working right or isn't
Well, your heart is good and so is your pressure
But I still can't spray we jiggle I bet you'll hear a whole tummy full of slushy snow
Then does it sound like this
Sound might have something to do with why slurping sounds not spraying
I don't know, but I do know it's a doctor's job to find out serpents am
Nobody noses for Charlie. I think sim. I'm gonna have Hallie wiggly
Jiggly you again and then I'm good ladder when I listen to your back. Well, maybe you should try
Doc's listening. Oh, right
Sorry, I can barely hear it when I listen from your tail so cuz well that was a whole lot of words you jiggly going
On I think we're onto something here. I'm gonna feel your stomach. Okay, go for him
You're the best Hallie that's true is berry blue glitter glue
Doc what is that thing? It's an x-ray machine
Hurt don't worry Sam Hallie and I are very careful and promise it won't hurt and if what the ground was making that?
See that didn't hurt did it. No, this is bad duck
You have to be more careful it can be slippery around the pool, I guess I didn't see him when I slept up
Serpent Sam, I have a diagnosis. Oh, this is a case that needs a water anymore. Well, can we get him out? I
Like the king, you know, let's play together kinda way, but I don't want a king in my tummy
I suppose but I never want to be swallowed again. It's not fit for a key
Glad you're feeling better Sam. But why did you swallow the key?
Yes, why would you do that? I didn't do it on purpose Sam where you ping it. Thanks, doc
I promise to be more careful from now on
Yeah, Larry. I'll take it now. Get back to spraying all the spires great idea King
Diagnosis not even closest
There we go. All better
Then great I could use a little R&R
rest and relaxation
Hey, you sure deserve it dot dot
Okay, right there
guys go play and
Enjoy yourself
Thanks guys, or a quick game of Tidy tag cleaning up around here would be helpful and fun
Yeah ducks. Always helping all of us toys today. Let's to thank doc for all the great things she does
I can fill in for doc. I've been watching her in action since the day I was
We need the big games we better figure it out before a break suppose, you gotta use the big book of boo-boos
I do it all the time. It is amazing how many things I think I have I
Don't think you can
Just without one
Oh, well sure. You want to get picky about it?
No, no, no stinky salami breath
French you just hold on tight. We'll be right back with some help
But if I live from here
Hold on till you hoopskirts. I know how to get Doc's attention, but I'm gonna need help Hallie you can count on me
Sorry, Emmy I have to get home. Okay, doc. I thanks. Bye
Let's see, what's wrong. Hey, where's your speed dial rate?
You were just stuck on super fast mode ray you had a case of the zoom around zoom around
That's it ray just lost this dial we can help is go get help
Well, I don't know about all of you, but that makes me feel a lot better
It's too bad. You didn't get to finish playing with Rudy in his public
You know Hallie we make a pretty good team when we work together we sure as sunshine, dude
What you got there doc? I got this Trump. I can't wait to practice
Dragon I'm a dinosaur. Oh so smart
Yeah, aren't you gonna go find an instrument? Oh, yeah, I'm so excited I forgot don't you worry bronty
I found an instrument for you. I thought you'd make a great Dino drummer and I could play
Dragons are famous. I
Didn't hurt you now back to my maracas
Something stuck to my maracas. Oh
I'm fine fine fine fine. Yo
It's okay, I'm okay
Pookie, okay, my tail hurts a lot. I'm
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