The US stock market, as a whole, is more than 60% overvalued and is reaching levels that
we've only seen one time in recorded history. In this video, we're going to dive into
this chart. I'm going to explain to you exactly what it's measuring, why it's
important, and what it means for the future of your stock market investments. Coming up…
Hey there! Welcome, it's good to see you. If this is our first time meeting, my name
is Stephen Spicer, and it's my goal to help you build your rapidly-growing, highly-diversified
net worth, one video at a time. This video, in particular, is part of a larger mini-series
devoted to analyzing and really understanding the many signs of an imminent crash and then
ultimately using this knowledge to help you prepare your portfolio - crash or no. To start
from the beginning of the series, click on the link right at the top of the description
below. And stick around until the end, I've created a resource for you that will help
you Crash-Proof your portfolio.
So, the chart you saw earlier is tracking the Q Ratio of the S&P 500. Now, if you know
what the Q Ratio is, you're welcome to go down to the description right now and find
the timestamps to jump ahead of this explanation.
The Q Ratio was developed by Nobel Laureate, James Tobin. It can be used to estimate the
fair value of an individual stock or markets, on the whole. It's a pretty simple, logical
concept, but can be difficult to calculate for entire markets. For an individual company,
the Q Ratio is the company's total price (or market capitalization) divided by its
replacement cost - in other words, its net worth - its assets minus its liabilities - what
it would cost you to simply… replace the business.
Logically, you might think that a 1-to-1 ratio would constitute a fair value. For example,
if you had a company with a $100MM market cap and it would cost $100MM to replace it
or to start an identical company, the Q Ratio for that company would be 1. If the market
cap of that same company rose to $150MM, the ratio would now be 1.5 and might be considered
overvalued since, in theory, you could replace it for a mere $100MM or ⅔ its current price.
On the other hand, if the market cap were to drop to $50MM, the stock might be considered
undervalued as it would cost twice as much to replace it.
I hope that makes sense. If you now have a better understanding now of what the Q Ratio
is and how to use it, let me know by clicking that like button. I really appreciate it.
Now, you can take that concept - that we just applied to one company - and apply it to entire
markets. And, as I said, that's exactly what this chart is: the Q Ratio of the S&P
500 since 1900. So, today, if you were to buy into the S&P 500 as a whole (through an
ETF, for example, an extremely common practice without any additional consideration whatsoever...),
for every $1T of net worth - what you could essentially pay to replace the companies - for
every $1T, you're paying $1.17T - that's essentially what our current 1.17 Q Ratio
is telling us.
Now, even though a 1-to-1 ratio may seem like a fair value, historically, that's not the
case. Since 1900, the average Q Ratio is about 0.69. That means that right now, the market
is 69% above the historical mean, a level that has only been surpassed one time in history
- immediately preceding the Tech Bubble.
Let's run through some data-driven hypotheticals: If the Q Ratio were to revert back to its
historical mean, from today's prices, that would constitute a more than 40% decline in
the overarching value of the S&P 500. A correction to the post-2008 low would mean a 54% drop.
And, just for fun, a return to the 1982 historical-low of 0.28 would result in a cataclysmic 76%
And, I always like to note that just because that is the historical low, that by no means
guarantees that that's the lowest it could possibly go… only time can tell us that.
Of course, periods of over-valuation can last for years, so the take away here should not
be to sell out of all your stocks and definitely NOT to short the market. This is a long-term
indicator - you just shouldn't be surprised when the market finally does correct in the
near future.
Also, if this were an isolated indicator - if this were the only sign of a coming crash
- I wouldn't give it near as much credence. But it's not. There are so many more alarm
bells going off, that you should at least be aware of. And that's the whole point
of this mini-series. So, don't forget to click the link in the description to see the
whole picture and learn how you can prepare your portfolio, whether the crash comes five
days from now or five years from now.
That's my ultimate goal with this: to help you crash-proof your assets - your life savings.
In fact, I created a Crash-Proof Resource Guide and Checklist that you can download
at It'll be a living/growing resource that you can keep coming back to
as you continue to strengthen different areas of your portfolio and as we continue to find
more resources to help you along the way. Again, go to, if you're
interested and haven't gotten yours already.
Now, I have an honest question for you (I want you to really think about this): if you
were looking for a company to buy today - like an actual company, the whole thing, not just
a share - as a ratio of replacement cost (like the Q Ratio) what is the max you'd be willing
to pay for a company and still feel like you got a good deal? Would you be willing to pay
more than 1-to-1? Let's talk about it in the comments.
And, if you learned something today, leave me a like and share this with some friends
who could stand to benefit from this critical knowledge.
Hopefully, you can see the value that comes with being a member of this community, so
if you haven't already, don't forget to subscribe and click the bell.
I'll see you in the next one! Take care!
For more infomation >> US Stock Market Is Overvalued 💥 Sign of the Coming Crash 📉 - Duration: 6:39.-------------------------------------------
iPhone Tips - Is iOS 12 update worth it? DIY in 5 EP 85 - Duration: 5:33.
I cannot wait to upgrade my phone to iOS 12 so I can get all the snazzy new features
and make it perform like just took it right out of the box.
Great, a new iOS update that's gonna slow my phone down to a snail's pace,
make my battery life practically non-existent,
and make me have to buy a new phone once this one is all but bricked!
So exciting!
Thanks Apple!
To update, or not to update, that is the question...
let's break it down.
Hello everyone and welcome to DIY in 5,
the show where we make tech simple.
I'm Trisha Hershberger and iOS 12 is finally here!!
Not sure if the update is worth it?
That's what we are here for!
Today we will be discussing the ins and outs, ups and downs, swipe lefts and swipe rights
of iOS 12 and whether an upgrade is right for you.
If you find this video helpful please hit that subscribe button so you don't miss any future tips.
What is iOS 12?
The twelfth major release of Apple's mobile operating system was announced in June of 2018
and made available to devs and beta testers shortly thereafter.
The look is very similar to iOS 11, but there are some behind the scene adjustments
when it comes to performance, security & battery-saving, not to mention some new app functionality
that Apple is hoping will get fans excited.
A handful of Apple fans and critics have already had access to the pre-released beta versions
and their reviews are mixed.
So what is there to get excited about?
Apple says that performance will be 70% faster with iOS 12!
Now, that's a big claim.
This could be especially useful for those with older devices looking for a performance boost.
The camera app will launch faster so you're less likely to miss that picture-perfect moment.
The update also has features like screen time tracking and
will streamline the user experience on iPads to be more like the iPhone X.
Following the AI trend, Apple introduced a smarter Siri in this update,
broadening the amount of knowledge she has.
Yet, one of the more noticeable updates of iOS 12 is the Siri shortcut.
For those who are fans of shortcuts, this update might be perfect for you.
You can now create a series of automations that can be activated via Siri.
Automations can be as simple as placing an order at your favorite restaurant via voice command
or as complex as having Sri automatically pull up the directions home and texting your
roommate that you will be there soon.
These series of shortcuts can be built within the Shortcut app and labeled
under certain voice commands such as "I'm going home".
In addition, Siri now has the ability to create suggestions based on your shortcuts,
phone activity, and frequently used apps.
Suggestions may include placing an order of your favorite drink at the local Starbucks you frequent
or Facetiming your mom on a Saturday afternoon since that is usually when you Facetime.
While we are on the topic of Facetime, you can now finally Facetime more than one person at a time!
This update allows you to add up to 32 people in a facetime group.
Other features in iOS 12 include grouped notifications on your lock screen
and instant tuning of said notifications.
Users can now choose to have notifications delivered quietly or have them turned off
if they do not want to be disturbed.
Speaking about not being disturbed, Apple also updated the Do Not Disturb mode.
Users can set how long they want their DND mode to be on to maximize productivity in times of need.
Wow, DND mode always meant something very different to me.
In addition, users who do not want to receive notifications when they are asleep
can use the new bedtime mode.
Notifications will automatically appear the next morning after bedtime mode is turned off.
For Apple Carplay users, we have great news!
This update finally allows you to access third party navigation apps such as Google Maps and Waze.
Very exciting!
So why wouldn't you want to upgrade as soon as possible?
Traditionally, you'd be prudent to let others work out the kinks first or you might expect
a noticeable lag in both performance and battery life.
(cough) iOS 11 (cough)
Fear not my jaded-by-previous-break-your-iphone-update friends, iOS 12 is focused on exactly those fears.
With Apple's primary focus being on performance, stability and bug fixes,
these particular fears should be a non-issue.
However, if you are looking for groundbreaking technology,
this update may be a bit disappointing to you.
The most exciting technology update you will get with iOS 12 is ARKit 2.0 and the Measure app.
ARKit 2.0 now includes 3D object recognition and this means that 3D objects will now be
incorporated into AR experiences.
The Measure app allows you to measure objects and surfaces, which may come in handy when
you need to know how big something is or how much space you have.
If you are an Animoji fan, this update includes tongue and wink detection and four new characters.
You will now also be able to create your own avatar with Memoji.
For more info on iPhone AR, check out this video here.
So should you upgrade?
iOS is perfect for users who have older devices and want upgraded performance and
users who are all about productivity.
For those who are looking for cool, innovative updates, this one might be a bit lackluster.
While it's healthy to update your software to fix existing bugs, it also doesn't hurt
to hold off on this update if you find no problems with your device right now!
If you already updated your device, let us know in the comments below what your favorite feature is!
Alright everyody, thanks for watching & we'll see ya next time with more DIY in 5!
NFL Rook me up/ Marc Is & Cynthia Frelund week 4 Picks - Duration: 3:28.
AGAPAO (LOVE!) - 8. 'Vengeance is Mine...' , Romans 12:19 A Human being must repay evil with good... - Duration: 1:56:53.
'Vengeance is Mine...' , Romans 12:19 A Human being must repay evil with good...
lecturer: Lorens Novosel The Apostle of Jesus Christ
Was that the air conditioner...?
Thank You Jesus
It's important we have no sound issues
Not to make our dear listeners and YouTube viewers
Which I welcome on this occasion
So that they can enjoy while listening
And be completely committed
Thank You Jesus
I am making arrangements with Jesus, and it's already in progress
To further reinforce the Word
So that the Word shall have the effect, without me praying for people or touching them
His Word can do this
It has such power
The closer I am to Him, and the more powerful He is in me
So is His Word, through me, 1 Peter 4:11
More alive and more active, Hebrews 4:12
And it has an effect
So then people, and it's been a while
Are reporting the Spirit coming down on them
And they are baptized in the Spirit while listening
Or they have various sensations, falling in the Spirit
In the same way they can receive healing, if they are taught
We're working on making sure people understand that a teaching must come first
That this is the foundation on the rock
A rock foundation
A rock as a foundation, where they build a house of life
Which will not fall down when temptations come
Temptations are coming, or floods and torrents, to everyone
Thank You Jesus
So, having this in mind, we keep the peace
And do not get embarrassed in front of our many YouTube viewers
We Love You Jesus
Which are more and more, and the number will continue to grow
We Love You Jesus
This is why we're asking for the peace in the auditorium
Asking you to silence your cell phones, not to rustle
To have a meal at home, so you have no need to eat during the lecture
Thank You Jesus
And also not to unnecessarily sigh and groan
It's all because of others
Thank You Jesus... we Love You Jesus
We'll continue where we left off yesterday
Or, we'll continue the same topic
We have one more revelation
This is an important topic for our earthly life
And we will once more emphasize what's most important
I want you to keep this in mind the entire time
And, in the light of the Pure Truth, you can
So, we live on earth
Which is a station on the way back into the Father's house
Of the fallen beings
The fact that from time to time
In certain places, non fallen beings descend, should not alarm you
The whole world is truly under the control of the evil one
And majority
Not all, but majority people on earth are fallen beings
This means that their nature
Because of the fall in the beginnings
Let poor Adam alone, he was one of those who also fell in the beginnings
So in the beginnings, when beings were perfect
In the image of their Creator, and fell off due to arrogance
Not acknowledging the Father above, thus rejecting His Love
Their nature changed
And they fell, fell off, as you like it
Now, they are on their way back, and it is a grace
On this earth... that's us
Thank You Jesus, back into the Father's house
It's the external image that shows the spiritual process of the change of the fallen nature
Which no longer is divine
It was divine by Creation, in the image of its Creator
But it no longer is
After the fall
Or a falling away, as you like it
Thereby, by mistake of the being itself
Which was completely free
The nature...
I want you to understand this, it's not hard
All true seekers will understand this, sooner or later
No matter how hard the members of their churches will puff and huff, and fuss
There's no defense from the truth, it penetrates
If it's the truth, it penetrates
There's no defense
I want you to understand that the nature of fallen beings is opposing to God
This means it is not divine
And we are here for the purpose of changing back to the original divine nature
And it means
If considering Matthew 5:48
To become
I add, since it is the context and the knowledge, again
Closed parenthesis
Perfect, as our heavenly Father is perfect
So, to become perfect again
As we were in the beginnings when he created us
The First Creation, not the second one, material, which starts on earth, thank You Jesus
Not the second Creation that starts after the fall
Thank You Jesus
But the First Creation, spiritual
I want you to understand this
That the purpose of our life is to become divine Love, again
Which now we are not
But we were, by Creation, in the beginnings
In the image of the Creator, the pure Love
The reason for our life is the fall
The purpose of our life is the change
Having this in mind, He, our Father Who wants us back
For in His Love He doesn't want us to suffer
And with no Love, separated from Him, we suffer
We all suffer, in proportion to how much Love we don't have
And thus how distanced we are from Him
Thank You Jesus
He, to us
Whose nature is fallen and whose mind is darkened
Since the light of understanding and wisdom is the result of the life in Love
And the fallen being has no Love
Therefore, what he thinks is not true, but deceiving
His consciousness is darkened
He doesn't understand, he cannot see, spiritually speaking
The eye of his soul is unhealthy, and there's darkness in him
Matthew 6: 22, 23
And with this in mind
Because we walk like blind people and we are constantly hitting and falling
He proclaims His Word to us
He is there, our goal
And He, Love, sends the light
Love - fire - light
Towards us, in darkness
So that we can see the path
Or, to learn how to live in order to walk towards Him
That is, transform ourselves into Love
And come to Him, which means to become Love
The instructions are exactly measured
There's no mistake
I always use a tricky example of women
I think He knows you are women
And I think He knows why you, as fallen beings, are in a form of a woman
He chooses that
There's no coincidence
So it is not an accident that a fallen being on earth is in a form of a woman
Or that the other fallen being is in a form of a man
And He gave exact instructions for men, and exact instructions for women
And only especially stupid people
It means wicked
Do not understand this
Because they don't want to understand it
What is it they do not understand?
That this is no accident, and that He knows what He's saying
And as He knows what He's saying to men and women
So He knows what He's saying to all of us
And when He gives such instructions
These are instructions for the life that only leads to the goal
And if we walk in the light of these instructions
According to Psalms 119:105
If those instructions, or Words, are the light on our path
And the lamp for our feet
Then in this way, and in no other way, we walk the path that is narrow, thorny
Which leads into life
We passed through the door -Jesus
Matthew 7:14
While otherwise
I want to say it again, it's tricky but easy to understand
If we take the example of a woman
If you don't want to walk in those instructions
Which are life for you
Or, the change of the state of death into the state of life
You're walking the other path
Which is the path that leads into death
A wide path
It mans disobedience... your own nature
Desires of your own flesh... darkened consciousness
In the first case, if Christ is your head
Which means your wisdom, 1 Corinthians 1:30
That is, if you forced your wrong thoughts
Which are the extensions of the wrong love
That will lead you back into the abyss, since they are under the influence of evil
As we talked about on day 4
If you succeeded
And it is possible since He offers you strength as mercy
To bring your thoughts obedient to Christ
Which is the instruction or the Church
2 Corinthians 10: 4, 5
And now you have the mind of Christ, according to 1 Corinthians 2: 16
Then, Jesus Christ is your Lord
Until then He is not
This cannot be achieved by singing about Jesus
This is achieved by the willful decision, proved by living in the instructions He gave you for life
And by this you also follow His example
For He is the embodied instruction
John 1:1 and John 1:14
Then, Christ is your Lord
And, as far as your will is concerned and the inner man, you are a child of God
Otherwise, if you don't care what your Father is telling you
In His Word, where He reveals His will
And therefore you don't care about Him
And if you want to remain within your wrong will and your wrong thinking,
Then, as far as your will is concerned, you are still under the power of the old master
Which you have chosen in the beginnings
Then he was Lucifer, while he was a light being
After resistance his name changed, according to the law of the spiritual world
And he became Satan, or the Adversary
Both are in Hebrew
In that case, he is your master
And as far as internal life is concerned, the Devil is your father
And you are called a child of the Devil
You are either a child of the Devil, or a child of God
Either Christ is your master, or the Devil is your master
You either walk the path that leads into life, or you walk the path that leads into destruction
I want you to understand this
New people, who have just arrived, please check your cell phones
So they will not disrupt the lecture
Thank you for understanding
Did you understand this?
With this in mind
Now we're talking to Christians, to believers
For these instructions are given to Christians
Non-Christians have instructions on how to receive Jesus Christ
And to understand their difficult situation
The fact that they are sinners, and what is their sin made up of
And where are they going if they remain in sin
But now we assume..
This Seminar is for Christians, you got that
These are the ones who received Christ Jesus
Especially you, and they heard the message about salvation
They understand why the sacrifice was necessary
And they are aware of the primordial sin
Which burdens them heavily
And of all earthly sins committed as a consequence
Thank You Jesus
They surrendered their lives to Jesus
Choosing Him as their master
They care to reach the goal
And they follow His life example by following His instructions
And with this in mind, they enter the Word of God
They care, they strive
You understand
I've said this many times, it's not difficult to understand,
Although some do not understand
When we start as little babies, we are very imperfect, carnal...
We are overwhelmed by the body
Still full of evil and impurities
And they are Christians
But it should not remain so
It should not remain so 20 years later
We must, with Christ's help and the available grace,
By the power of the Spirit, and through the instructions in the Word
Be ever more perfect, do not sin
We have all the resources available
You must know this
And those which are not progressing, but call themselves Christians
They are not advancing for two reasons
We've said it before: either individually or in combination
Either they are wicked, which means they don't want to change
They don't want to change
Or, thank You Jesus, they want to change
But they are not taught, and so they don't know how
Thus running in circles
Or both
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
With this in mind, we go into the Word
And then, thank You Jesus, in sacred seriousness
In sacred seriousness
Knowing that our earthly life is a great grace
Thank You Jesus
And thankful for this grace, a gift of His Love
Thank You Jesus
We ask for the strength to be able to live in His will
To be doers of the Word
Thus walking ... walking after Christ
That is, becoming like Christ
When we say 'like Christ', like the Father Who appeared in Christ, John 14:9
Like the Love we do not have, but was showed in Christ
In His example, in His life
This... this...
I want...
You must know this
If you don't know this, you are in deep ignorance
I am not talking to you now, this was explained to you many times
But I am talking to so-called believers in all communities, who don't know this
And to those who are teaching them
Who are emphasizing something absolutely irrelevant
It's like I'm saying these things right now
But you're focusing on the color of my socks
Making a very big deal about it
This is how my conversation with members of other denominations looks like
The socks I am wearing are so important
For your life being in danger if you don't understand your purpose here
And in which way alone you can change yourself
So do not be like that, and focus on the color of my socks
Or which Bible am I using
And which Bible are you using
They are all bad and they are all good
Thank You Jesus
There's no perfect translation
For, thank You Jesus, translators are only humans
There is always a translation error for many reasons
There are no original texts but the essence is preserved
And, thank You Jesus, the Spirit is the same
With this in mind, I want us to take a look at our earthly life
You remember where we started
We are on the way back, yes, we are
This return is a change back to Love
So we are on a way of changing back to Love
And until we change we suffer
And if we die unchanged, we go into the kingdom of non-Love
And we suffer even more
With this in mind, you organize your life, according to Matthew 6:33
Making this change a priority, thank You Jesus
And only this is wise
The entire Seminar in Vinkovci was on this topic
And almost all of it is on YouTube, so do not miss it
It is very important to organize your life in accordance with the Divine Order of Love
As given in Matthew 6:33
I was explaining it for 14 days
So do not miss it, it is very important
And not just that, but we are surrounded with such people
Who are not well, because they are not good
The whole world is under the influence of the evil one,
1 John 5:19
And on top of that, these are the last days
Which means the end is near
And this means that the situation has never been as bad as now
That people are also defeated
It's their fault
And that evil works through them stronger than ever
Because the love has grown cold, and wickedness increased
Matthew 24:12
So, there is no worse situation as far as the environment
And the influence, through the environment
On us here, on the path of return
Or, on the path of transformation
However, all the means of grace are available to us
In order to overcome, in spite of that
For we have the power of the Holy Spirit, through Jesus
We Love You Jesus, John 1:12
To become, if we truly accepted Christ into our heart,
Then the One Who is in us is stronger
Then he who is in the world
1 John 4:4
There's no excuse
The One in us is Love
Love in us, by the Holy Spirit
Who poured out into us, when we truly get to know Jesus and His sacrifice
And our position, and the necessity for the sacrifice
And surrendered our life to Him
Then the Holy Spirit of God enters us in a new way
Thank You Jesus, the Love of God has been poured out into our hearts
Through the Holy Spirit, Who has been given to us
Romans 5:5
The One Who is in us is greater
He is not stronger but He could be
You know that 'He is stronger' is not stronger
It is true for some
In many He is not stronger, but He could be
You understand this
He is stronger, but they have no relationship with Him so He could be stronger
And so the other one is stronger
However, He is stronger, we have the means available
To overcome
For He Who is in us may be stronger if we collaborate with Him
And if we are, thank You Jesus, united with Him through Love
And if, through Love, He, thank You Jesus, works through us
Then we are stronger
And this Love in us
Which at the beginning of our Christian walk
Is burning slowly
Needs to burn into great flame
That burns everything impure
And gives light to our inner being
Thank You Jesus
Then we must use all 'troubles', and all 'opposition', and all 'attacks'
In order to grow up
This is the purpose of these lectures
For you to know why He's asking us to Love
And is also telling us how to Love
I want you to understand this
Thank You Jesus ... we Love You Jesus
I want you to also understand
That, in addition to being wrong
In the world that is all wrong
In the last days where all together is exceptionally wrong
That we also have an active opponent
Who is looking to devour us
And I want you to understand this at the level of principle
So, non-Love is looking to devour us back into non-Love
And untruth is looking to devour us back into darkness
And this is the Devil, 1 Peter 5:8
Who prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour
And He's talking to the believers
For Peter was writing to the believers, we Love You Jesus
And in verse 9 He says
Resist him, standing firm in the faith
Obviously, unbelievers cannot stand up to him in faith
Since they are not believers and they do not believe in the Devil
Therefore, He's talking to us
He's looking to devour you, my friend
What does it mean practically?
You know you haven't seen and you will not see a lion that says 'I am Satan'
Walking around Zadar, or any other city, and looking who to devour
It's about what the Devil is
It is non-Love and it is untruth
What destroys, demolishes
What deceives
And now, in this world
Thank You Jesus
We have a purpose and we have a goal
And our Father knows this
And He organized our life in such way
And the circumstances of our life
And thus encounters in our life
To serve that
Imagine that
I am going to have a sip now
Our sweet soul makes me a squeezed orange juice every day
Thank You Jesus, a pure orange juice
So my throat does not get dry
Now I will get up, thank You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
You... stay put
Thank You Jesus
You remember where we left off
With all this in mind
For this is important to know, or else, the instruction means nothing to you
It means nothing to you.. that's why I keep repeating it
You so don't care about what Jesus said... nothing
It means nothing in your day
What will I eat today...
Thank You Jesus
Do I have enough to pay my bills...
If something hurts me.. and so.. like an animal
This is how animals live
If you think about it, most people live their lives like animals
Meaning, they only live a natural life
But, as we said many times, unfortunately, lot of people live worse than animals
How so?
Because an animal knows what to eat, but people do not
They stuff themselves with all sorts of poison, don't they?
Thank You Jesus
Then, an animal knows who to lie down with
I am referring to a sexual intercourse, but people do not know
Then, an animal do not destroy the world around itself, but people do
And animal does not hate and does not take revenge, but people do
All in all, a large number of people
Besides living only a natural life, which are animals
They think they live better, but they do not
They live even worse
Thank You Jesus
However, we are here, thank You Jesus
In order to become perfect like our Father
Who is the perfect Love, Matthew 5:48
As it was in the beginnings
That's why we're here... and He knows it
We're still getting ready for what follows
That, when you stand before the instruction, it becomes your greatest gift
To put it first, Matthew 6:33
Then the rest follows: all other things shall be added to you...
Or else everything is scattered
Our Father knows about all of this
And everything is so organized in our life
For us to succeed
To be able to return to Him
There is no single life situation that doesn't serve this
As much as it may seem unfortunate
All the circumstances have been foreseen
Of our life
But in which way...
This is important, we had Seminar in Split on this topic
'Your will be done, not mine...'
And the booklet number 33 talks about it
Thank You Jesus
But the way in which we are dealing with it
Will determine whether we are progressing or not
As far as the soul is concerned
Because we are here because of our soul, a fallen being
Our soul is a complete being
And it is either fallen or not fallen being
Mostly it is fallen
Therefore, it is not important what's out there
But our reaction to what's out there
And I want you to understand this
Thank You Jesus
So, everything is so arranged
For us to be able to achieve the goal
That our inner man rebuilds
At the image of his Creator
Everything serves it
Why are the circumstances so difficult?
Because we are, as far as our soul is concerned,
In a catastrophic state
Exceptionally corrupted, beasts
That's why the circumstances are drastic
So that the transformation we talked about, can still be achieved
And especially in the last days
Did you understand?
So now...
When I have your attention
We Love You Jesus
So now someone
We're coming out into the world, perky
We got shaved in the morning, thank You Jesus
Put on perfume, had a good breakfast
Kissed and hugged our wife
Now we're going into the perfect world
Thank You Jesus
And then we fall down at the first dstep
Wondering how did that happened
Look at this world, look at...
This is where it completely crushes you
You forget what kind of man you are
What have you seen in the mirror while reading the Holy Scripture
James 1:22 -24
Off you go... you forgot everything at your first step
You failed on the first step
Your consciousness changes and you come back home worse than you left
O, dear Jesus
And of course, it's the world to blame
Government... neighbors...
Whether in the neighborhood or in the city
It's always somebody else's fault
Thank You Jesus
If not another country, then it's another city in your own country
If not another city, then it's another neighborhood in your own city
If not another neighborhood, then it's another neighbor
If not a neighbor, then it's your spouse
It's always something
Thank You Jesus
I think you could already figure out who's fault it is
So, I want us to understand this situation
O, dear Jesus
You could have understood it already
Not to leave the house without prayer, but to pray for strength, and grace, and enlightenment
And to come out armed with the full armor of God
In the power of the Lord
Ready to kick the Devil out when he comes
In any person, or in any circumstance
Or in any spiritual influence
With the weapon of Love
Isn't that so?
With this in mind we will read these verses
I like it when Kenneth Hagin says
The Word of God is always good, it always feeds us
When something is especially good for you
For example, he's mentioning a T-bone steak
I don't know how we call it here
But while I was working abroad... I know... it's called a T-bone steak
It's the piece with a bone
What ever the name is
So he says, if I had it today, and it was juicy, with some potatoes, I won't skip it tomorrow
Or some other time, I will eat it many times
And so shall we
The Word of God is always nutritious
And Romans 12: 17 -21 is the Word of God
From Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, through the apostle Paul, for us
Thank You Jesus
Who will believe through them, John 17: 20-26
In order to be one
And cleanse ourselves in Love and to become one
And that He, through Love, may dwell in us, which is our goal.. amen
And so it says
Everything we have said so far
You must know when you get out into the world
And not to fall down at the first obstacle
Do not repay anyone evil for evil
So anyone
You must get out with this awareness
With these lenses you must get out
Not someone but anyone
We Love You Jesus
I will get back here now
I marked so many things here, now I don't know what exactly I marked
So when I noted so many things
The easiest thing is to turn the pages paying no attention to my notes
Thank You Jesus
There are so many markings, so many things I wanted to tell you
I do not longer know which is which
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
But we'll guess it
The sermon from the Mount Olives
Vengeance... we have vengeance
We talked about murder yesterday
Non-Love is the murder of Love
It is our fellow human being that we kill
And in the spiritual, it's the Love we kill
And we kill ourselves
We will deal with this today, so you can see how harmful it is
We'll emphasize today that whatever evil our neighbor does to us
Is nothing compared to evil we do to ourselves
When we repay him evil with evil
I want us to understand that
Who's mostly harmed here
And whose work is this
Whatever our neighbor does to us
Whatever evil he does to us
It is nothing
Compared to the evil we do ourselves
When we repay evil with evil
And if we know this
We Love You Jesus
On the lowest level of existence
And so most of them work
Because of the evil you're doing to yourself
You will stop doing evil
Did you understand?
So, Jesus says
You have heard that it was said
Now He's quoting the Leviticus 24:19, 20
Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth
Thank You Jesus... I will...
I made a note here of the Leviticus since it is interesting
So He's quoting verse 20
Listen to verse 19, I will explain it now
For there's natural and there's spiritual
Whatever in the Old Testament was true in the natural
It is spiritually true for us
Among them who were natural
Due to sin which was not cancelled
And because of the power of the evil which was not broken
Until Jesus arrived
It was not possible to preserve justice in any other way
But with 'eye for eye...', do you understand?
But with us is no longer like that
But the law remains the same, I will explain it to you
If any man inflicts a permanent injury on his neighbor
Whatever he has done is to be done to him
This is Leviticus 24: 19, 20
Fracture for fracture
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth
The same injury the person inflicted on the other
Will be inflicted on him
On three levels
As for Love, or the will
As for the truth
And as for the actions
Whatever you do to others, you did to yourself
I want you to understand this
I want you to understand this
We'll get there when we get back to Romans 12:19
Do not avenge yourselves... Vengeance is Mine...
So we may understand that the law is pronounced here
This is the law
This is the law
Thank You Jesus
So, we read Matthew 5:28
We Love You Jesus
Listen, Chapter 25, verses 38 and 39
You have heard that it was said
Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth
But I say to you not to resist evil
Imagine this
But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other one too
The right, in the Word of God, are things of the will or Love
So when someone strikes you, or hurts your love
Do not stop giving Love to him
And then He continues, we'll talk about it today if we get to it
That we must do good even to our enemies
It's easy to do good to those who are good to you
But what credit is that to you?
Doing so, you will not become perfect like your heavenly Father
And that's why you're here
Thank You Jesus
So I only read this so you can see
Matthew 5:39
The Words of Jesus
So do not repay eye for eye and tooth for tooth
But do not resist evil
This is a guideline for life
I don't know if people, when reading the letter to Romans, think that Romans wrote this
Jesus said this
John 16:13, by the Holy Spirit
That's what it says... of course, it's not true - it's a process
He hears from Him and tells us
Thank You Jesus
It's Jesus speaking by the Spirit
Jesus is saying these things
Jesus is speaking
Then He was talking through the body from Nazareth
And now He speaks by the Spirit, through His Church
We Love You Jesus
Isn't that so? But Jesus is speaking
We have to stand with all seriousness before His Word
As we would before Himself
Understanding everything I told you so far
And take it as your life task not to repay evil with evil
It means I will not take revenge
Isn't that so?
It's quite certainly so
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth is a revenge
Pay off
Thank You Jesus
So, we're still in Romans
Don't let these Romans run away from you
Some other Romans may, but don't let these Romans escape
Thank You Jesus... we Love You Jesus
O, dear Jesus
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
I like it best...
It's also... thank You Jesus
Chapters 9, 10 and 11 are dealing with Israel
And they are making the whole story about Israel
Is Israel going to be saved ...
What does that have to do with you?
But they don't say much about Romans 12: 17 -21
You can talk about Israel for days
And you will not have to change anything
But here you must die for yourself
Did you understand?
Don't miss this Romans
That's the message
For as I understand it, this is one of the most important parts of the Scripture for our earthly life
When we live in the world full of evil
Which is entirely under the influence of the evil
When He says, what now when there's evil
And when evil, thank You Jesus, abounds
What now?
Will you let evil overcome you?
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
Because in that situation, this is important
In this situation we have two paths, two masters
Two wills
When He, in His providence
Places us where we're intended to be
On the outside
The real evil was not done to us
Do you understand this?
It's not the real evil
The real evil is a spiritual evil
Did you understand?
It may seem to us like evil has been done to us
But the real evil has not yet been done to us
In the natural
Even if they murder our body
Did you understand?
The true evil we may only inflict ourselves
Only we can do it ourselves
Thank You Jesus
Depending on how we react
To the actions of the enemy
Through our neighbors who are defeated by him
And so his influence through them, towards us, is evil
Do not repay anyone evil for evil
Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you
live at peace with everyone
Do not take revenge
So this is the instruction... under no circumstances
We must think this situation through
So it becomes real to us
And that we know that in that moment, spiritually speaking
We have two pathways:
We are at a crossroads, in such situation
We may bow our head before one or the other master
It says nowhere that there's a bench at this crossroads, where you can stop and rest
Or a bungalow where you can sleep and take a vacation
No, there are two paths, thank You Jesus
And you must and will take one of the paths
Depending on your reaction
For when this evil starts getting to you
So, we're not denying evil
I want you to understand, that for our ... thank You Jesus... current teaching
We consider there's definitely evil
And so does He
He doesn't say, do not repay anyone... it may be evil
No, this is about evil
It's definitely evil
It surely is a violation of the commandments of Love
In relation to you
Now what?
Now what?
Do not repay anyone evil for evil
Listen... we'll stay on this today, so we can understand it
Don't try to get revenge for yourselves
For yourselves, so not you
But give place unto the wrath of God
This is a step back
Regarding retaliation
For when you step back, He may take a step forward
And start to work
Did you understand?
As far as revenge or pay-off are concerned
It is certain
I also want you to distinguish
Today we will distinguish
One thing is a pay-off ... that follows
And another thing is Love for that person
That does evil, or is defeated by evil
And can't do better but do evil
Has no power to stand up to evil
Do you understand?
He has no power
He's either an unbeliever and he's defeated, or he's a believer and he's defeated
But he did not overcome evil, evil defeated him
And it works through him
But listen, this the first important moment
Don't try to get revenge for yourselves, beloved
But give place unto the wrath of God
For it is written:
And it is written in Deuteronomy 32:35
Vengeance is Mine... I will repay
Says the Lord
Now, I want us to understand
Because people understand this wrong
That this is the Law of Divine Order
Which is also expressed, we Love You Jesus, in Leviticus 24: 19,20
Spiritually speaking
And especially in the New Testament, in Matthew 7:12
Which works in heaven, but also in hell
For good and for evil
So, whatever good you desire that others would do to you
Do also the same for them, good
However, it s also true, Swedenborg says
Whatever evil you do to others
This evil will come back to you
Since, Swedenborg adds
Every evil is accompanied with the punishment for that evil
Every evil is punishable by itself
Did you understand this?
Every evil carries a punishment in itself
That pertains to it
Which is an educational and correctional measure for those who are evil
So do not worry
Whether or not
This person will be judged fairly
In accordance with Divine Love and wisdom
And will our beloved God- Father repay it
He will, but according to His Love and wisdom
I have selected here
You know this, but I want you to notice the law here
I have selected, from the Holy Scripture - The Old Testament
We Love You Jesus
From Psalms, from Proverbs, and from Ecclesiastes
You will know this, but I will read it all.. listen
So you don't have to worry if this is so
When I see that somebody has evil intentions towards me
And I know they are evil since they are not Christ-like
I do not worry if the pay-off will come for this
I am thinking of how to prevent him from perishing
And I start praying for him
Did you understand?
I do not worry if he will get it, according to the Divine justice
If this evil will, thank You Jesus, come for collection
Yes, it will
I pray for him that he does not perish
That something worse doesn't happen to him
And when you know this, you have the right position of Jesus
It excludes any kind of retaliation
For it says here: don't try to get revenge for yourselves
Isn't that so?
Isn't it?
Thank You Jesus
Don't try to get revenge for yourselves, beloved
What would it mean to get revenge for yourself?
Well what you did to me, I'll do to you
Thank You Jesus
But give place unto the wrath of God
For it is written:
Meaning the Word of God and the Law of the Divine Love
Vengeance is Mine... I will repay
It's not that the vengeance is His and He will repay
But such is the Law of the Divine Order
Says the Lord
We Love You Jesus
Psalm 7
Verse 15
He made a pit, and digged it,
And is fallen into the ditch which he made
When I see, and I do see some people
That they have evil intentions towards me
I see this
Look, he's digging a pit he will fall into himself
Jesus, please, save him
I do not hold this against him, he cannot see well
He's blinded
Thank You Jesus
Thank You.. then I pray for him, and I give him Love
For through that Love which he feels like a power, he can receive the light
So he can see the pit he's digging for himself
Then Psalm 9:15
The heathen
Those who do not know God
Gentiles or heathen are those who do not know Divine Love
This is it spiritually
The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made
Their foot is caught in the net they have concealed
For there are some who are doing something against me, in secret
I do not think of them in such way
I merely proclaim Isaiah 54: 15, 17 over this situation
If anyone does attack you, it will not be My doing
Whoever attacks you will surrender to you
And no weapon forged against you will prevail
And you will refute every tongue that accuses you
Listen... This is
Listen... This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord
And I am, I don't know about others, but I am
The servant of Jesus Christ
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord...
Listen to this
And My blessing
And My blessing for them, from Me
Declares the Lord
And that's that
Thank You Jesus
And then I proclaim Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I Am with you... there's nothing to be afraid of
Thank You Jesus... we Love You
Did you understand?
Then I start praying for them
Thank You Jesus
For every step out of the Divine Order
Is the step into the territory of the enemy
And it is a direct exposure to the influence of evil forces
I know it
Thank You Jesus
The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made
Their foot is caught in the net they have concealed
Do not worry
Beloved, don't try to get revenge for yourselves
Do not worry
Whether the pay-off is coming
By God's Love
We read yesterday a part of an extraordinary revelation
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
'Ludendorff's death...'
Revelation 232
Thank You Jesus
Listen... 'Despite all temptations...' for this is temptation
Galatians 6: 1,2 says, if someone is caught in transgression
This is our translation, but the English translation is 'in sin'
Caught up in sin
If someone is caught in sin
You who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently
But watch yourselves, this is important, or you also may be tempted
This... this is the moment... this is temptation
He is sinning against you
And now you're reacting
But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted
This is the moment
We must watch, be ready
Defend ourselves from every evil vindictive thought
Thank You Jesus
These are the impacts of evil forces
Defend ourselves from them, as if the hordes of evil spirits... Swedenborg... are going towards us
With burning torches, and axes, and swords
To crucify us and break us apart
This is how... Swedenborg's image
'Despite all temptations you must succeed
in approaching all living creations with love...'
Do you think He knows our weaknesses
And that He would have said this if we didn't have the strength in Him needed to succeed
We Love You... but you must be alert and sober
Be alert and sober, because your adversary
To be alert is to live in the light of the Word
Thank You Jesus... we Love You Jesus
'.. leave the judgment, as to who deserves love or not, to the Father...'
Thank You Jesus
Leave the judgment
'.. leave the judgment, as to who deserves love or not, to the Father...'
We Love You Jesus
I skip
'You humans have no idea how easily you can fall ...'
This is the moment, this is where you fall
Evil is from the evil one, who is the Devil and the roaring lion
Who then, then wants you to fail
If you accept evil and repay evil with evil
You have only two options
Repay evil with evil
And multiply the power of evil
And give more power to Satan over you, through evil in you
Or resist evil with Love, and overcome
Verse 21, Romans 12
'You humans have no idea how easily you can fall
evil is constantly lurking around you ...'
Fallen beings... last days... all the world under the influence of evil
And Satan as a roaring lion on top of it
And extraordinary situation to fall and never to get up again, isn't it?
And especially if you think you're strong and you use your strength
You surely will
Thank You Jesus.. we Love You Jesus
We'll get back to Galatians 6: 1, 2
We're only picking up where we left off
For it says in the end that we must carry each other's burdens
And in this way fulfill the law of Christ
But we are dealing with 'do not fall' for now
It's 'do not fall' for now
Watch carefully
This is the moment when you're falling straight on your head
Thank You Jesus
Psalm 35:8
Ruin will overtake them by surprise
You don't have to worry if the ruin is coming
Thank You Jesus
Ruin will overtake them by surprise
In the net they hid
In the net they hid they will catch themselves
They will fall into the pit they have dug
This is the supplement to Romans 12:19
Where Christ, through Paul, in the Spirit, refers to Deuteronomy 32:35
Don't try to get revenge for yourselves, beloved
But.. thank You... give place unto the wrath of God
It's not the wrath of God but the Love of God
Those who were punished by their own sin
That carries evil within, and do not know God, they think that God punishes them
Thank You Jesus
That's the lowest category of existence
And so this was written for them
For it is written: I will ... I will
And that's that
Psalm 57:6
They spread a net for my feet
My soul was bowed down
They have digged a pit before me
May they fall into it instead
When is said so in the psalm, it means it will happen - it's the law
Proverbs 26:27
Whoever digs a pit will fall into it
And if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them
Whoever digs a pit will fall into it
And if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them
Proverbs 28:10
Whoever leads the upright along an evil path
will fall into their own trap
but the blameless will receive a good inheritance
Ecclesiastes 10:8
Whoever digs a pit may fall into it
From which I have concluded that whoever digs a pit, will fall into it
Whoever digs a pit for someone, will fall into it himself
He's digging it for himself
It's Matthew 7:12
Do not do for others what you would not want them to do for you
Or, what you do to others, will be done to you
Ok... thank You
With this in mind, we'll stop now on Romans
We're stopping on Romans, for now comes reacting
For now we have no reacting
Do you understand?
So first give place unto the wrath of God
Do not take revenge
And then, when you took a step back and reviewed the situation
Then starts a Love fire
For then we have... If your enemy is hungry, feed him
We'll end with this, for now
And also watch for your reaction
Be careful not to fall yourself
First, be careful so you won't be tempted too
And then carry, Galatians 6: 1,2
And then carry each other's burdens
And in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ
Another revelation from the booklet 'The Gospel of Love - 3'
Which is also in rework
We're adding new revelations to all three booklets titled 'The Gospel of Love...'
1, 2 and 3
It's the old revelation from one of the most important chapters we have
Practically, in the entire Revelation
The Chapter: Serious warnings...
This is a serious warning
.. about Christian love for the neighbor
This is a Christian love for one's neighbor
Because a Christian Love for the neighbor is the Love of Christ for the neighbor
To which we all are called
By the Words of the new commandment, John 13:34
And, we Love You Jesus, John 15:12
And Ephesians 5:1, 2 and Ephesians 4:32
To follow, or imitate Christ, we Love You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
To love the way He loved us, and He loved us like that
And only these are Christians
In the true sense of the word
Just as believers are only those who believe, aren't they?
Imagine someone puts on his T-shirt 'I am believer', but he does not believe
Would such T-shirt make him a believer?
Or, for example, someone does not believe
Truly believe
And he goes to the place where believers are
Would this make him a believer?
No, it would not, thank You Jesus
Or if someone truly does not believe, but he's singing
I know such people, about faith
Would singing songs make him a believer?
No, it would not, we Love You Jesus
Faith comes by listening to the message of Christ
Romans 10:17
With this in mind
Thank You Jesus, now we will pray
We have warmed up
I already prayed at home, don't worry
But we have warmed up pretty good
We Love You Jesus for reminding me that we should pray
O, Jesus, thank You for the revelations of the Pure Truth
For it truly is a grace
That You talk to us so clearly and openly about the most important
O, Jesus, according to John 16:25
And openly at that
And that You lead us into all truth, according to John 16:13
Reminds us of what You have said
Either personally or through the mouths of Your servants, apostles
And teach us about everything, according to John 14:26
O, Jesus, thank You
Thank You Jesus for the gift of wisdom, and understanding, and this clarity
Thank You for the message going out in clarity
So that no one will be able to find an excuse on Your judgement day
Saying 'I did not know', or 'I did not understand', but only 'I did not want to'
For which they will surely answer, thank You Jesus
For that shows lack of will, or an evil will
O, Jesus, my prayer is that the door of everyone's heart will open
To receive Your Word in all obedience, in humility
Thank You , which reveals them
And points out their evil intentions and their evil thoughts
So that they may repent and change, and become doers of the Word
Which truly has the power to save their souls
According to James 1:21.... amen
I pray that every Word may be spoken tonight in the light of the Divine wisdom
In all clarity
And that these important relationships and processes may be seen by the eye of the soul
So that the soul may comply with them
That is, with the Divine Order of Love
For only in this way, within this Order, You Who are Love
You Who are Love can bless us with the gifts of Your Love, the gifts of grace
Without which we can not succeed in our earthly endeavor, O, Jesus
Including willpower and enlightenment
And protection against any impacts of evil
Thank You Jesus, it will be exactly like that with all who are willing, amen
I pray that every Word tonight may be spoken in the power of the Spirit of the Lord Almighty
To demolish all that's opposing God, all Satanic
Every untruth, falsehood, wrong doctrine
Everything human, and arrogant
And every argument that opposes the true knowledge of Divine Love
And our distance from that Love, our true state
O, thank You
So that every heart, and every thought may be conquered and brought to the obedience of Christ
For only if Christ is our head and we are His servants
By doing the Word
The house of our life, here and in eternity, will stand firmly
Despite all the oppression of the enemy
Or, all the temptations
That is, floods and torrents, according to Luke 6:46 -49, amen
And may every Word be a proclamation of God's Love
To win the hearts, to open up the hearts
To plant the Word of life deep in the heart, as in a good soil
So that we, thank You Jesus, in Your power, by Your Word
May bring forth a true fruit of revival
For which we are living here on earth
O, thank You Jesus, it will be exactly like that with all who are willing, amen
Now, when this has been said, we're moving on to our second revelation
We Love You Jesus
The same title as our yesterdays' revelation
'Vengeance is Mine...'
Thank You Jesus
Vengeance is Mine...
I want you to leave some time for this.. at home, in your room
Before getting out into the world
And to become aware of the danger
You are facing every time when you go out into the world
And to become aware of the danger with every meeting with people
Whether they are in the world, or they are believers
Even more with the believers
We are especially tested there
Thank You Jesus... we Love You Jesus
'Vengeance is Mine...'
'Exacting revenge...'
This is eye for eye, tooth for tooth, naturally speaking
'.. is not right before God..'
How do we know? - Well, He said, do not take revenge yourself
Do you think He will bless you if you're knowingly violating His Order?
He cannot, because outside of the Order, He Who is in the Order He has set out from Himself
He does not operate, because, in this way, He would collaborate with the Devil
And He will not do it
'Exacting revenge is not right before God..'
Thank You Jesus... we Love You Jesus
'.. for then the human being will share the guilt..'
Listen to this.... he did evil to me
I will now repay him evil with evil
And I am sharing the guilt
What does that mean? - I also sin
We must notice this
How deadly it is for our soul
1 John 3:15.. thank You... we know...
We know
We know, not we think...
I love with John that he knows, and he knows by the Spirit, 1 John 3:24
He knows by the Spirit
We know that no murderer, it's the second part of this verse, has eternal life residing in him
And before this he says, anyone who hates a brother is a murderer
Those who do not love, they hate
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
'Exacting revenge is not right before God
for then the human being will share the guilt
because he gave way to an evil desire in him..'
I want us, thank You Jesus, to understand
We're getting now to an important part of the Scripture
I want us to understand
And we can understand it, for it has been said many times
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
When Jesus talked about food
Because they were accusing Him of His disciples not washing their hands
He constantly wanted to upset them
And kicked them out of their religious boots
Thank You Jesus
So, Mark, Chapter 7
We Love You.. we'll read verses 14 - 23
Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said
"Listen to me, everyone, and understand this
Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them
Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them."
After he had left the crowd and entered the house, His disciples asked Him about this parable
For He was speaking in parables
"Are you too without understanding?" He asked
For most people are still so without understanding
Jesus says one thing, but they think He's talking about something entirely different
"Don't you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them?
For it doesn't go into their heart
Now you understand that the heart here is not a physical heart
That resembles a beet and pumps the blood
On which our physical life depends
It is about the spirit of a man
About the inner man
And this inner man, why I read all this
Is a fallen being, and his nature is opposing God
Or contrary to Love
Or filled with evil and impurities
It says here exactly what evil and impurities
And so when this comes out of us, you may know where it is coming from
It didn't come from the neighbor
Or a brother, believer
When Jesus connected you with him, so that his wrong reaction can pull out evil in your heart
And you will see it and overcome it through His Love
Which makes this a great opportunity for you to progress
But evil in your heart can be more empowered and established when you doing wrong
Allowing this evil, thank You Jesus, to overcome
Do you understand this?
Now I will connect this
'Exacting revenge is not right before God
or then the human being will share the guilt
because he gave way to an evil desire in him..'
This evil desire is in us, in our heart
For we are fallen beings
This means non-Love beings
This means our heart is in the wrong
And when we receive Christ, still it is not right
It's only unburdened, and liberated, and strengthened, but it is still in the wrong
It only needs to straighten up
Do you understand this?
Just so if you wonder why your brothers and sisters believers are so wicked
And why you are, from time to time, aware of that
Thank You Jesus, also in the wrong
Just so you know
It is in us
And that this is not due to a weather change or because of poor Adam
But it is because of the fall of perfect angels, in the beginnings
When they became arrogant
And did not accept God-Father above self and they rejected Love
Everyone is guilty of the evil that is in his heart
And they live on earth, and that is grace
And their destiny is so arranged, and that is grace
For this evil to, first, come out
So they can see it and overcome it with divine means
No. 1: Love
So... 'Exacting revenge is not right before God
for then the human being will share the guilt
because he gave way to an evil desire in him
and is no longer pure at heart..'
Has He just said that he no longer is pure at heart?
So let's get back to our dear, great and precious Jesus
Who is talking to unreasonable people
For He's speaking to them in parables
They are with Him constantly
And they still think He says exactly what He's saying
Thank You Jesus, in parables
"Are you too without understanding?"
"Don't you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them?"
Enters a person from the outside
A thought... this now is spiritual
A thought that comes to you, or a human act
This doesn't make you evil my friend
This is a spiritual perspective
The evil someone did to you does not make you evil
The evil someone is speaking, or evil influences through your thoughts
This doesn't make you evil, it's from the outside
What you do with it makes you evil
Did you understand?
Do you find this topic interesting, or should we change it?
What do you think?
Let's keep it
Thank You Jesus... are you here?
Are you alive? Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
Did you understand what outside means?
Thank You Jesus
"Are you too without understanding?"
"Don't you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them?"
"For it doesn't go into their heart but into their stomach"
The stomach here represents what digests, or contemplates
You think about it and reject it, you return it back into hell... that is an image
You will understand me... when you poop
Thank You Jesus
It's an image
The stomach represents digesting or contemplating
Because there gets separated what is good for the body
And what leaves the body
And so in your mind, you should digest influences
And they will not defile you as long as you're digesting them
But they will, thank You Jesus, when you accept them
Did you understand?
Thank You Jesus... we Love You Jesus
"For it doesn't go into their heart but into their stomach
and then out of the body."
In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean
This is the wrong translation, but we'll not get into it now
'In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean' is the wrong translation
This is how all foods are purified
But they don't know the nature of things
We don't blame them
And then he puts it together incorrectly
This is how all foods are purified
This is how everything that comes from the outside gets purified
Or filtered
Did you understand?
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
Let's do this at the level of false doctrine
Someone who has a false doctrine can come to you
He can tell you this doctrine and this will not defile you
If you assess it, and you could do it, 1 John 2: 20, 27
Because you have an anointing from the Holy One, and it doesn't lie but it remains in you
Thank You Jesus, and you know all
It teaches you about everything, we Love You Jesus
So you can tell him, thank you, but this is untrue
And this will not defile you
But if you accept their doctrine into your heart
This will defile you
For then it comes from the heart
Thank You Jesus
This is how all foods gets purified
He went on: "What comes out of a person is what defiles them."
"For it is from within.."
From the inner man
Which one? - The fallen one
What does fallen mean?
It means arrogant and selfish, filled with every evil and impurity
Because of the fall, of their own fault
Thank You Jesus
"For it is from within, out of a person's heart... here we go...
that evil thoughts come"
What comes?
Thank You Jesus, beware of thoughts
Is the thought of vengeance a good thought?
O, dear Jesus, thank You
You must not accept them, make them yours
For in that moment they start to influence you
Kenneth Hagin says, and I agree
When someone comes to your doorstep bringing a false doctrine
You don't have to let him in
He can knock but you don't have to let him in
Or, a bird can fly over your head, but it cannot nest on it
If you don't let it
Let it fly, but it cannot nest
Do you understand?
A bird represents a thought
Don't let it nest in your head
Thank You Jesus
"For it is from within, out of a person's heart
that evil thoughts come.."
I hope you understand this is not about the physical heart
Thank You Jesus
"sexual immorality, theft, murder..."
Not just physical, but also spiritual
Which precedes physical murder
"adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly
All these evils come from inside and defile a person."
This will defile you
For you must cleanse yourself, not defile yourself
Matthew 5:8, you must cleanse yourself
2 Corinthians 7:1, you must purify yourself
From everything that contaminates body and spirit
For you must cleanse yourself, not defile yourself
When this was said, we're going back to the first sentence of our revelation
Revelation 1753, 'The Gospel of Love - 3' booklet
A working version, but this is an old revelation, you have it in this booklet
'Exacting revenge is not right before God
for then the human being will share the guilt
because he gave way to an evil desire in him
and is no longer pure at heart
Every... listen... feeling
of unkindness, or unLovingness ...'
To understand better: unkind is unloving
For he who is loving is also kind
In English: be ye kind
Thank You Jesus
Be ye kind
He's talking to the believers
Do not grieve, Ephesians 4:30 -31, do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God
With whom you were sealed for the day of redemption
Thank You Jesus
Then He instructs you
That every curse, every bad word must leave your mouth
Every slander
Then he says, be ye kind, verse 32
And tender heart
Merciful and forgiving
He tells you everything, to the believers, since they are not like that
You are not like that
We are not like that
You must learn
We Love You
'Every feeling...'
Do you think He accidentally gave these instructions?
For example in Ephesians, it's a remarkable part of the Scripture
Ephesians is one of the best epistles
Ephesians 4:30 -32 and 5: 1, 2
For Paul has it connected, but it is separated for us, for quotation purposes
Paul did not write in chapters and verses
It is extraordinary, it tells you exactly
'Every feeling of unkindness is an obstacle towards ascent...'
What is this ascent? - Becoming Love
'.. the inner battle...'
Against what He pulls out from your heart so you can see what you are
What you must overcome
That's why this is grace
He placed someone before you who can draw it out of you, through evil
That corresponds with evil in you
For evil draws out evil
'.. the inner battle, however, is an advancement...'
'As soon as the human being is antagonistically inclined towards the fellow human being
and ponders retaliation
Listen.. I want you to understand this
'.. he hands himself over to the power of evil ...'
So, not what comes from the outside
It is an opportunity
So that evil in us, which by this is disturbed
And thus clearly showed to us
We can overcome
But when we give in to this evil
Which is in our heart
Then we hand ourselves over to the power of evil
And this is the fall
Becoming rooted in evil
And being pulled back by Satan into the abyss
This is why the situation is such as is
Thank You Jesus
'As soon as the human being is antagonistically inclined towards the fellow human being
and ponders retaliation..'
Not that he did retaliate
'.. he hands himself over to the power of evil
and has to comply with its will
which always intends to increase unkindness, or unLovingness ...'
For this is the enemy, He doesn't want Love
He came to steal Love
To destroy Love
To murder Love in you
John 10:10
'And this puts
his state of soul ...'
Whose soul? - Ours
'.. at risk
for once he has given in to the enemy's desire...'
I repeat, this desire is in us
It's the temptation
This temptation is necessary in order to be able to overcome evil in us
And this is shown as the journey of Israel from Egypt, through the desert, towards the Promised Land
First, deliverance by the mighty hand of Yahweh
Or by the hand of the Lord, which is a pure grace
But then they had to overcome, by His power
And take over the Promised Land
Temptation is possible only after they have been delivered and received the Spirit
Which is the image of passing through the sea, and clouds
Baptism in the water and baptism in the spirit
For then they have the power from Him
So that evil can be showed to them
And that they can defeat it
Until then they are defeated by evil, and this is not shown to them
They are in the power of the evil one
Did you understand?
Only then the revival begins
Christians are still in evil
In wickedness, in impurity
But they have a chance to overcome
This is happening in temptations
Temptations are conflicts or struggles
Between evil and good in us
The good we receive from Christ through the truth
And the evil in us
Thank You, which is defended through the untruth
And He arranges life in such way that the circumstances help
This evil, which is the snake that lurks in us
To pull out its head so we can see it
And we must crush its head, according to Genesis 3:15
I want you to understand where evil is
And why is it wonderful when those situations occur
There's no better
For only through temptations, if we overcome, we are progressing
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
'And this puts his state of soul at risk
for once he has given in to the enemy's desire
it will be difficult for him to practice Love
for the thought of revenge poisons his feelings...'
Are you ready? This is our main thought today
'What his fellow human being has done to him...'
Whatever caused the recation
'.. is far less than what he is now doing to himself
for his fellow human being's wrong-doing
consisted of causing him physical damage
but he is damaging his soul
and puts it into new fetters ...'
It's already in fetters
For Satan binds us as long as we have what is his in us
And what is his in us is all of this in our heart which is the result of the fall
That took place after the being chose Satan
And thus opened up its heart for him to transfer his evil instincts
And as long as that is in us, he binds us through it
Did you understand?
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
'.. but he is damaging his soul and puts it into new fetters
with every act of unkindness...'
'He has no other benefit by doing so other than to satisfy his feeling of revenge
and thereby hands himself over to the opponent's control...'
And thereby hands himself over to the opponent's control...
Thank You Jesus
That is why the situation in the world is such
Because people are controlled but the opponent
Since they let him
And we have, if we are believers
All the means of grace available to set ourselves free from the opponent's control
Because Christ defeated him
But we must collaborate with Christ in order to make this victory ours too
It does not go automatically
'He has no other benefit by doing so other than to satisfy his feeling of revenge ...'
Tit for tat...
'.. and thereby hands himself over to the opponent's control
and to then return...'
After that, I add
'.. to activities of Love is extremely difficult
and can only be possible if he realizes and regrets his wrong-doing
The vindictive person, however, is pleased with his action ...'
Which action? - Well, revenge
'.. and far removed from a state of remorse...'
Or repentance
Thank You Jesus
Now listen to this
Now we're moving to a second part
Which is the active part... listen...
'The human being shall repay...'
Until now this was negative, wasn't it?
And this is a danger we must be aware of
This is what we must not do
Did you understand?
There's something we must not do
And there's something we must do
It's not enough just not to do
We must do
Did you understand?
It is not enough only to step away from evil
We must overcome evil
Do you understand this?
Thank You Jesus
Or, if you think better, or take a closer look
This is exactly what He's saying here
So, after 'do not take revenge...', Romans, we Love You Jesus, 12:19
20 and 21, says
If your enemy is hungry, feed him
If he is thirsty, give him something to drink
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head
Do not be ... first, do not be overcome by evil
Do not be
How will evil overcome you?
When your thoughts are vengeful and you want to repay evil with evil
But that's not enough
This evil in you must be defeated
And it is an opportunity to overcome it, when someone does evil to you
To repay him evil with Love
Which transforms your evil into good
And not just that, but also does good to him
We Love You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
'The human being shall repay evil with good...'
Thank You Jesus, let's stay here for a little bit
We'll take Matthew and Luke
There's the sermon on the Mount of Olives
Thank You Jesus, where He says we must love our enemies
And not just not to repay evil
Here's the revenge
Let's get back to Matthew, Chapter 5, and we'll read 38
We Love You Jesus, and we'll skip to 48
This is the way of becoming perfect in Love
He gives us a chance to become perfect in Love
And we can, if we take advantage of this opportunity
By doing His will, as He gave it in His Word
Listen... You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye...'
This now is positive, until now it was negative: 'do not...'
'Do not let...' but now 'do something...'
'Do overcome...'
Overcome evil in you
And, through this, overcome evil in him
We Love You Jesus
You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'
But I tell you, do not resist evil
If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also
We Love You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well
If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles
Give to the one who asks you
And do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you
Listen to this
You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
But I tell you, love your enemies
And pray for those who persecute you
It is an active love
Then you will be children of your Father in heaven
Not sooner
Not sooner
He causes... listen... His sun to rise on the evil and the good
Not just on the good
And sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous
Listen... important...
If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?
Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
And if you greet only your own people,
what are you doing more than others?
Do not even pagans do that?
Well, it's easy to love those who love you, and those who are yours
As long as they rub you the right way
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect
How? - Well, He just told you how to be His child
Love your enemies
And pray for those who persecute you
We Love You Jesus
Thank You Jesus... and also here
We read in Luke, Chapter 6
Verses 27 to 29 yesterday... we'll read a bit longer today
Thank You Jesus
But to you who are listening I say:
Love your enemies
Do good to those who hate you
Bless those who curse you
And pray for those who mistreat you
It's an activity
And then He says
If you love those who love you
Now it's verse 32 and 33
What credit is that to you?
Even sinners love those who love them
Everyone does it
It's easy to do
The practice shows it, I pay attention to it
And if you do good to those who are good to you
What credit is that to you?
We Love You Jesus
Even sinners do that
But love your enemies, 35 - 36
Then your reward will be great
And you will be children of the Most High... then
Do you want a reward, do you want to be a child of the Most High...
Well, here you are
He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked
What does it mean kind?
Well, to do good to them, right?
Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful
What does it mean?
Be good to those who are not well
Who do not do good to you
And we're getting back to oour revelation
We Love You Jesus
'The human being shall repay evil with good
this way he will weaken the power of evil
acquire love and release himself ..'
Listen to this, this is very important
I made a note of this here, since it is important
Now it's the action, and the effect of that activity
'The human being shall repay evil with good...'
The human being shall repay evil with good
What does that mean?
It means: he hits you with a stone, and you hit him with bread
And not the two weeks old bread two
But with freshly baked, crusty bread
With seeds
Thank You Jesus
O, Jesus, do help us all
'The human being shall repay evil with good...'
Listen, '..this way ...'
and only this way, I add
'.. he will weaken the power of evil..'
Or else, he makes the power of evil stronger
Isn't that tragic?
To collaborate with Satan daily
Where evil grows stronger, through us
While we're all being excellent believers
Isn't that a tragedy?
Thank You Jesus
And we're singing songs, and attend all services
And we have all necessary ...
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
'.. this way he will weaken the power of evil
acquire love
and release himself as well as his opponent
from the influence of evil
for his opponent will experience this ...'
Which opponent? - The one that does evil to him
'.. as a beneficial act
providing he is not entirely obstinate
and will regret his action..'
This is how you will help him
This is how you will help him
This is how you will help him
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
Let's start from the beginning
'The human being shall repay evil with good..'
This is our obligation
But we must understand why
Then we'll be more serious, more intentional, more effective about it
'The human being shall repay evil with good
this way ...'
And no other way
'.. he will weaken the power of evil
acquire love
and release himself as well as his opponent from the influence of evil...'
This is what is in Galatians 6:2
Take this burden on you... from him
Thus fulfilling the law of Christ's Love
This is how you fulfill the law of Christ's Love
This is how we are the heirs of God, as dearly loved children
And we love like Christ loved us, and gave Himself up
As a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God
Thank You Jesus, Ephesians 5: 1,2
Isn't that right?
Like this... and we are called to it
This is Love - Agapao
This alone leads to Agape
To the deity and to the divine
Thank You Jesus
'.. this way he will weaken the power of evil
acquire love and release himself
as well as his opponent, from the influence of evil
for his opponent... or adversary...
will experience this as a beneficial act
providing he is not entirely obstinate,
and will regret his action...'
We'll stop now
And we'll move on to the revelation 'Love for enemies...'
For this is very important... with this preparation
In order to understand this positive action on our side
So, Christ is asking us
To react lovingly in such situation
And, in the light of the Pure Truth, we can understand why this is important
For the opponent, as well as the humanity in general
That, in this way, we're weakening the power of evil
And the evil is conquered
That, in this way, we're helping ourselves
But also him whom Christ has placed before us, who is defeated
To conquer the evil
Revelation 605
It is not an entirely new revelation, but it is new to our booklet
It was not in the earlier edition of the booklet
It's called 'Love work towards enemies ...'
Enemies are, you see, those who do or want to do evil to us
And He's asking us to love them as if they were our greatest friends
This is the way
This is how we become the children of our Father
Or the children of the Almighty
And there will be a great reward for us in heavens
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
I know many would like to be His children by faith alone
But just so you know, it's a delusion
Thank You Jesus
You may be His child only through Love
And the faith enables you to do so
If we're talking about the faith that receives Christ Jesus
And by Him relieving, deliverance and strengthening
But you become His child through Love
Thank You Jesus
Why you need to truly believe, but through Love
Do you understand this?
This is how you will become the son of the Almighty, this is how
Through this Love, and in no other way
'Let it be important to you...'
So not all the same
Not irrelevant
'Let it be important to you
to do good to your enemies as well...'
Not irrelevant, but important
It means to consider it important in your day
'Let it be important to you to do good to your enemies as well
and take it to your heart that every little work of Love towards them
is blessed three times as much..'
I repeat
He doesn't ask us only to step back
That is, not to be defeated by evil
Whereby we free the space for Him to work
Regarding payback
But to, thank You Jesus, actively return with Love and help the neighbor
Do you understand?
Thank You Jesus
He can not help him but in this way, through us
He depends on us, since He's been rejected by people
He depends on us
He depends on us, in order to help them
Do you understand this?
Thank You Jesus
'Let it be important to you to do good to your enemies as well
and take it to your heart that every little work of Love towards them
is blessed three times as much...'
'It helps you to remove the sting of enmity...'
Or non-Love
'.. it is to your own blessing...'
For the reason mentioned, since you're overcoming evil in you
'.. and inspires reciprocated Love in those you do good to...'
Who need this Love
This is our sacred duty
Please note, He depends on us
He cannot reach them where we can reach them
'Because of that..'
Of what? -Thank You dear Jesus, because of all of this
If you have not yet figured out why
We will have to remain on this topic even tomorrow, on this subtopic
Thank You...
'Because of that endure the sacrifice of overcoming yourself...'
This is the cross, and this is dying to yourself
This is the way
If this...
If you do not put this cross on yourself
And suffer this death of your own life, which opposes it
You are not worthy of Him
You are not worthy of Him
'Because of that...' - Of what?
Thank You Jesus, you will find it in tomorrow's email as to why exactly
And several times, so you may learn why
Revelation 605, 'Love work towards enemies...'
Do you think it's ok to put this revelation into the booklet...
About serious warnings of Christian charity
I think so
'Because of that, endure the sacrifice of overcoming yourself...'
Listen to this now
'You have enough time and leisure
to prepare for such an act of Love for your neighbor...'
It must be intentional
It's a war, it's a conquest, it's a strategy
It is a battle against Satan
Thank You Jesus
'You have enough time and leisure to prepare for such an act of Love for your neighbor
wherever you are in hostility with him
In the beginning it will be very difficult
but gradually the inner voice will ease your intentions
It will encourage you and will not be silent before you've finished the work of Love
Thank You Jesus
Yes, it's hard in the beginning
Everything in you resists
I don't have to ask you, I know for myself
You don't have to tell me, I know you have it the same way
Now it only depends on how advanced you are
Is it still hard, or you've overcome it and it's easier
Or you've overcome it entirely, and it's easy
Thank You Jesus
' Then the only danger is for you not to notice...'
So when you decided and you're doing good
Then there is a danger for you not to notice
'.. how unspeakably beneficial effect such a labor of Love has...'
It seems like nothing's happening
'.. if the enemy does not want to admit that your Love does him good...'
And so you think that nothing is happening
So you cancel that Love
Do not think
Love is never with no effect
'.. you will be easily discouraged and inclined to refrain from further acts of Love
and you will not believe how wrong this point of view is...'
What? - When it seems to you that nothing is happening
And being discouraged, you give up
Love never goes without effect
'You do not recognize the spiritual blessing so clearly
but it is of unspeakable value for the soul
and one day you will bitterly regret for any apathy...'
Apathy for what?
For doing good works towards those who are not good
'.. for which you are to blame...'
'In the spiritual world there is a constant effort...'
This now is the influence of angels
'.. to shape people into peaceful beings
to overcome hostility
and to transform hatred and mutual non-Love (the lack of Love) into Love and kindness...'
This is a constant effort of the light beings
They influence us as much as we let them, through our thoughts and feelings
'As much as the activity of one for another is valuable
so unspeakably damaging is when people face each other in hatred and hostility...'
Remember Galatians 5:19-21
The acts of the flesh or the works of the fallen nature
Hatred, discord, fits of rage, murder...
Those who live like this will not enter the kingdom of God's Love
That is, God's Love cannot enter them since they resist it
They remain under the power of darkness, of non-Love...
They cannot enter the kingdom of Love
'As much as the activity of one for another is valuable
so unspeakably damaging is when people face each other in hatred and hostility.
This destroys any spiritual communion between people
and souls which are turning away from each other
always in an effort to hurt each other
are so deeply entangled in the Adversary's nets
it gets harder and harder to free themselves from it...'
For he's focusing on you
And does not see that the devil laughs because he's holding both of you in his hands
Thank You Jesus for the Pure Truth
'.. and this is only possible ...'
What is? - To free yourself from the Adversary's nets
'.. only through the mutually accomplished works of Love...'
Only Love defeats non-Love
We're getting back at the beginning
'Let it be important to you to do good even to your enemies
and take it to your heart, that every, even the tiniest, Love work for them is tree times blessed..'
We Love You Jesus
Listen... 'Striving upwards...'
And this is not about hiking, you got that
You will not be a better Christian if you climb Mount Everest
Do you understand?
Maybe some people think this is striving
No, this is not what striving is
It means from below... darkness, non-Love... to go upwards... towards Love and light
A change into Love
'Striving upwards is completely impossible with hostility in the heart
This is why the situation in the world and among the believers is so difficult
And there's no progress
Why? - Because they have no Love
What does it mean that they have no Love? - They have hatred
Meaning they are not in harmony and Love with each other, but in hatred
This weakens them, Satan binds them, and there's no progress
Thank You Jesus
'Striving upwards is completely impossible with hostility in the heart
first of all, this must be eradicated
one should try to remove all the hatred and anger from the heart
and then, to the same extent, establish a good relationship...'
So not just negative, it should alse be positive
Do you understand this?
A 'no' alone is not enough, there must be a 'yes'
'Then will they be granted any assistance
and during their earthly life they secured the help of good spiritual forces
which protect them from repeated conflicts
and thus also from the decline of the soul in its work on itself...'
Thank You Jesus
Listen... 'Therefore constantly obey this commandment
to Love your enemies and to do good to them...'
We Love You Jesus
For Jesus Loved His enemies and was doing good
To whom? - To us
Thank You Jesus
'.. then you will win the immense spiritual treasure for eternity. ...'
Thank You Jesus
Now we're returning to our revelation,
We have a little bit more.. thank you for your attention
Thank You Jesus
We will read the sentence again for which we had this detour, for it is important
A sentence which marks the beginning of this other, positive action
Thank You Jesus... after stepping back
Not letting him defeat you, not responding wrongly
And make the space for Him ... do not worry about pay off ...
Now give him good in order to reduce evil, to overcome evil
To help him, thank You Jesus
In order for him to also overcome evil
'The human being shall repay evil with good
this way he will weaken the power of evil
acquire love and release himself as well as his opponent from the influence of evil...'
Or else evil wins
Or else evil overcomes
'.. for his opponent will experience this as a beneficial act
providing he is not entirely obstinate...'
It means defeated entirely, and full of evil
'.. and will regret his action...'
'Vengeance, however, is God's responsibility
And God is righteous
He truly administers vengeance according to merit
He beholds the human being's heart and nothing remains hidden to Him
And it is His will to reform people and to make them realize their wrong-doing...'
So, a righteous compensation is coming
Which is an educational and correctional measure for that quality of evil
Through which divine love affects the being
In order to change it
Leave it to Him, He'll do a better job than you, let go...
This is the message... did you understand?
This is an explanation of what's going on
Because this quality or no quality will not listen
And so goes an well as with children
They understand spanking... other stuff they don't understand
Did you understand? And that's fine
That's ok
Thank You Jesus
'And it is His will to reform people and to make them realize their wrong-doing
just as He blesses those who patiently endure
the other person's wrong-doing
without rebelling against it
or thinking of exacting revenge...'
I wouldn't want to miss this one verse today
I know you will like it, so I'll read it
Thank You... so He blesses those
It's the thought in 1 Peter 2:19 -21 we mentioned earlier, to that we were all called
And we follow Christ, thank You Jesus
For He endured, suffering wrongfully.. He did not return insult with insult
Thank You Jesus
He humbly suffered injustice
He knew it was injustice
He knew He was right, as opposed to us
We are wrong..
He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in His mouth
Isn't that so? - Quite certainly is
It is quite certainly so
We Love You Jesus
1 Peter 2: 22
He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in His mouth
But we did... I did
So He was better off, and yet He did not react
There's this great situation everyone knows about
We Love You Jesus... it's here somewhere in 1 Corinthians
Here it is... we Love You Jesus
It says: lawsuits among believers
But I specifically emphasize among family members... that one is a treat
We Love You... now He says here, in Chapter 6
He talks about people having a dispute before a judge
Those who are believers
And then the unbelievers rule and judge a dispute between believers
Isn't that a disaster?
Thank You Jesus.. we Love You Jesus
Imagine that! And so we, believers, are having a dispute with believers at home
In the same family, for a few meters of land
Thank You Jesus.. and you never talk again in your family
And you hate him for a piece of land
And people don't get it
But they do go to church I know them, thank You Jesus
They have received all the sacraments and they eat the body of Christ
But they seem to miss this part
So let's see this... it is very interesting
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
He says... we Love You Jesus
Thank You...
He says, why... He's talking about having a dispute
Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers?
Verse 5, 1 Corinthians 6
Thank You Jesus... we Love You...
You dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord's people, verse 1
We Love You Jesus
Thank You... Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters,
set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church
I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody
among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers?
But instead, one brother takes another to court— and this in front of unbelievers!
It should be resolved by the elders
If people were true believers
Do you understand this?
But they are not
They should leave judgment to Christ
They haven't done that
Thank You Jesus... we Love You Jesus
Already indeed then it is altogether a fault in you,
Verse 7, 1 Corinthians 6... we Love You Jesus
..that you have suits between yourselves
Why do you not rather suffer wrong? ... here we go
Why not rather be defrauded?
Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers
Why not rather ...
Why not rather ...
This is grace... thank You Jesus
What grace? Who cares about grace... you have no idea how many land is that
Thank You Jesus
Never mind grace
Can the grace be touched?
Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers?
When you're having a dispute before the world, about worldly things
Well, obviously there isn't
Nor they are believers, these who are having a dispute
Why do you not rather suffer wrong?
Revelation 1753, the ending
'And it is His will to reform people
and to make them realize their wrong-doing
just as He blesses those
who patiently endure the other person's wrong-doing
without rebelling against it or thinking of exacting revenge...'
Why do you not rather suffer wrong?
Why not rather be defrauded?
Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers
Here comes a powerful statement, 1 Corinthians 6:9
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God?
You should know
Thank You Jesus
He will bless... He said He will bless
'... just as He blesses those who patiently endure injustice
the other person's wrong-doing
without rebelling against it
or thinking of exacting revenge
'Vengeance is Mine', says the Lord
He thereby makes His will known
to leave the responsibility of vengeance to Him
so as not to cause damage to your soul
which will be much greater...'... not less
'..than your fellow human being can ever inflict on you ....'
'Vengeance is Mine', says the Lord
He thereby makes His will known
to leave the responsibility of vengeance to Him
so as not to cause damage to your soul
which will be much greater...'... not less
'..than your fellow human being can ever inflict on you ....'
Now, we'll read 1 Peter, we Love You Jesus
Chapter 2, one of the best parts of the Scripture
Since it talks about Jesus, that's the best, and tells you how to live
We will not get to Chapter 3, where it talks about women
Thank You Jesus, we'll remain in this holiday spirit
And so He says: if someone, because they are conscious of God
Bears up under the pain of unjust suffering
It is a grace
What does this mean?
Well, he will enter into His grace, and He will bless him
Or else He would not
But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it?
It isn't... What is your reward if you love those who love you?
Or if you are punished because you sinned?
Thank You Jesus
But if when you do what is right
And patiently bear [undeserved] suffering
This finds favor with God
But if when you do what is right
And patiently bear [undeserved] suffering
This finds favor with God
To this you were called
To what? - To do good, and to suffer long
Because Christ suffered for you,
Leaving you an example
That you should follow in his steps
He committed no sin
And no deceit was found in His mouth
When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate
When He suffered, He made no threats
But delivered Himself to him that judged Him unjustly.
Thank You Jesus, isn't this the meaning of these Words?
Thank You Jesus, listen to what He says
Why do you sue each other?
Why not rather be wronged?
Trying to save Love
Why not rather be defrauded?
Instead, you yourselves do wrong and cheat— and you do this to brothers
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Thank You Jesus
We Love You Jesus
Be there for us, Jesus
We'll stop here
Thank You Jesus
We'll continue tomorow, as the Spirit will guide
Stay tuned in and illuminated
The best is yet to come
Very important for our earthly life
Our successful pilgrimage ... So, do not miss it
We Love You Jesus... Amen
Southern Table is a simple, elegant eatery tucked away downtown - Duration: 3:40.
HOW ACCESSIBLE IS WASHINGTON, DC? [Trip Recap] | KeepCalmRollAlong - Duration: 18:56.
Hey there, Kirsten here, and I just got back after spending a week in Washington DC,
for the very first time actually. We did a lot and I thought that I would
kind of give a little bit of a wrap-up and talk about accessibility in all the
things that we did, and just talk about how accessible Washington DC is in
general. I have a list here of everything that we did broken down each day. I'll
just go through that and talk about each individual place that we stopped at. As
always when I'm talking about things that are accessible I am talking about
what I have experienced from my perspective. Everybody, especially people
with disabilities, have very different perspectives and what works for one
person may not work for another. I'm just giving the only perspective that I can
give, and that is mine. I'm a full-time power wheelchair user who
cannot transfer, so everything that I talk about is from that perspective. On
the first day we went to Mount Vernon, and Mount Vernon is George Washington's
home. It's huge! Basically its acres and acres and acres - I don't know exactly how
many. I'm not going to talk too much about Mount Vernon and its accessibility
just because I talked a lot about it in my Mount Vernon vlog. So if you haven't
seen that please click the link up here and I will leave a link to that video in
the description box below. They do have designated accessible paths from the
Welcome Center to the main house. I didn't go on the accessible path. I
actually took the gravel path which was just fine.
It was totally smooth hard-packed dirt and there really weren't any major like
potholes or anything like that. And there's a tour that goes through the
main house, and the only accessible part of the tour
is the bottom floor, and that consists of about I don't know four or five rooms
plus the kitchen which is a separate building from that main house. So what we
did was I went through the first floor and then I sat out on the back porch,
which has an amazing view of the Potomac River. The rest of my party went on and
did the tour on the second floor and then once they were finished with that
they came back and got me and then we finished the tour. It was beautiful and I
definitely did not mind sitting out on the porch looking at the view of the
Potomac River. It was gorgeous! From there we went down to the tombs, and
that pathway is paved although it's a steep incline. And then you can go
further because there's a dock and like an animal farm and another garden if you
keep going away from the house. And... we did not do any of that. We just made it
as far as George Washington's tomb because we ran out of time. We were only
there for like an hour and a half and then it closed. But really to experience
the entire property you really probably need about five-plus hours. You could
probably do a whole entire day there. They even have a restaurant and
everything. So the path from the tomb back to the Welcome Center is on the
other side and that path was way more rough than the other path. That path was
like broken cobblestones with like gravel on top and it was very slow going
for me. I had to really take it easy because if I had any speed going it was
just like tossing me back and forth. It's not an official accessible path, but it is
doable, I guess. At the end of the day the like main property area closes before
the Welcome Center. So we spent some time in the Welcome Center. They have a
whole bunch of displays and areas that you can walk
through and learn more about George Washington and Mount Vernon and all of
its history. And that is completely accessible. Other than that, that was-- that
was pretty much Mount Vernon. So the next day we had a pretty full day. The
first stop that we made was at Arlington Cemetery. And basically you
walk through, again another Welcome Center, and then from there you can go
outside and walk through all the tombstones. Pretty much all of the
pathways are completely accessible. It's asphalt and there are quite a bit of
hills though. There are several different stops along the way,
notable memorial and such. The big one that we went to was John F. Kennedy's
tombstone, and the eternal flame. And to get to it you have to go on this like
back path, and it's basically just loose cobblestone-type things. And it was-- it
was very narrow and not super well built. I don't know, I was very uncomfortable on
it. And there's like this huge incline to get up onto it first. It was a little
bit nerve-wracking but it all worked out. There are a bunch of other memorial
things there that you can look at. So that was Arlington, and then from there
we drove downtown, and we went and saw the police memorial, which is an outdoor
memorial, and that was completely accessible. You just walk through it and
then after that we went to the Spy Museum, and that was so much fun.
Unfortunately you can't video in there. It didn't say you couldn't take pictures
but I didn't. I didn't even want to chance it. That was pretty cool, you get
to see the history of spying and all the gadgets that they used and the tricks and
tactics and all that. And that was completely accessible as well. When you
first get there, you immediately-- like everybody has to take this elevator up
to a waiting room, and then from the waiting room you go and you watch a
movie. After the movie you just kind of walk through all of the different
displays. And that is completely accessible. And then after the Spy
Museum, that was it for day two. I did kind of want to talk about this little
misfortune that we had and that was that our car was towed. Apparently like they
clear some of the streets for rush hour, so you have to be sure that your car is
moved by a certain time. For us it was four o'clock, and we missed it by like 30
minutes. And luckily our car was just towed around the corner but in the
moment it was super scary and it's like, "Okay the one mode of transportation that
I have," was gone. So it's just something to be aware of. Make sure that you are
reading the signs wherever you park. Moving on to day three. The first thing
that we did was we went to the Holocaust Museum, and that was incredibly powerful,
and most definitely emotional. It's a very heavy thing to see something like
that. And like you learn about it in school and you think you get an idea of
it, but this was on a whole other level. It's one of those things that just like
you can't believe the amount of hatred that somebody can have for another human
being that can create something like that. That entire museum and all of the
exhibits and everything are wheelchair accessible. They have elevators that
take you to the different floors. What you do when you first get there is
everybody gets on an elevator and you go to the, I think it's the top floor, and
that's where everything starts. And then you kind of-- it's all self-guided, and you
walk through and then you take an elevator down to each floor. So from the
Holocaust Museum we went to the Air and Space Museum. As with most of the museums
you don't have to worry about accessibility. Everything is completely
open and there are elevators to get you to the different floors. They do have an
IMAX theater, and the wheelchair seating is upstairs. That is something that I
really love because so many theaters nowadays have the
wheelchair seating in the front of the theater, and it's so annoying because who
wants to look up at the screen for two hours. So yeah the wheelchair seating for
the IMAX theater is in the back. I didn't end up seeing a movie at the IMAX
theater, I was going to but then my anxiety took over, as it does sometimes
when I go to the theater. But that's a whole other video. The last place that we went
to that day was the Natural History Museum. We only got to walk through two
of the rooms because we got there like an hour before it closed, and there was
so much more that I wish I could have seen. There's a lot going on in that
museum and they have like three or four floors and there a're tons of exhibits on
each floor. That's another place where you could probably spend an entire day.
Moving on to day four and this was the day that I rode the Metro for the first
time. I was super nervous about riding the Metro. It all ended up
working out, and each time we rode the Metro, I got a little less nervous. It's
still is not my first choice for transportation. Basically if you're in a
wheelchair or you can't use the stairs, you take the elevator from street level
down to the mezzanine level, and that is where you can get tickets. So once you
get your ticket, you go through the stalls. Take your card and you like tap
on to get on the train. They have a special stall for wheelchairs so you
just tap on, and then you go through. Then you take another elevator down to
the train level, and then once your train comes they do have designated handicap
accessible cars, and once you board on there there's like a special place where
you can park your wheelchair. One thing to be aware of is that the stops are
super quick. Like the time that it takes from when the doors open to when they
close is like 20 seconds. We only ran into an issue with an elevator not
working once. And that happened where the elevator didn't work from the mezzanine
level to the street level. So we just had to go back down to the Train level and
go to the next stop. And then if you have any questions or issues they have
security guards there the entire time that the metro is open. There
should always be somebody there to help you out. So from the Metro we went to the
US Capitol, and we did the tour which is pretty much the only thing that you can
do when you go to the US Capitol, unless you have like a pass from your
representative to go and view Congress in session. So we did the tour and the
tour is completely accessible. So the first thing that you do on the tour is
you watch a little like 10-15 minute video, and if you're in a wheelchair or
you have accessibility needs the first thing that they do is they send you to
the front of the line, and you take an elevator up to the next floor, and that's
where the wheelchair seating is to watch this video. Then after the video you
go out the doors in the back of the like theater. Having the wheelchair seating at
the top means that the wheelchairs get to go out first and are first in line
once your tour starts. So after the theater you going to wait in line for
your tour guide to come around, and they give you headphones so that you can hear
your tour guide. Then from there you just you go on the tour so it's not a
super long tour - it's maybe 45 minutes. There are different levels that you do
visit. If you're in a wheelchair they basically have somebody escort you to
the elevator and then escort you back to your tour group. We weren't there for
very long, we were probably there for an hour and a half at the most. So from the
Capitol, we walked to the Botanical Gardens, or the Botanic Gardens. And it
was so hot that day so I was not in the greatest mood and then we got into the
gardens it wasn't air-conditioned, which is like
to be expected, but I was just like-- Your attitude is everything, and I didn't-- I
was not-- I did not have a great attitude. So, it was cool to see all the different
plants, I really like would have enjoyed it a little bit better if I weren't, if I
wasn't so hot. But basically what you do is you just walk through different rooms
with different environments, and it has all the different plants that are
associated with that environment. The main room that you walk into when
you first get there, there are different levels, but the day that we went the
elevator was not working. So I did not get to like go up and see any of the
other levels. So from the Botanical Gardens, its Botanic Gardens sorry, we
walked over to the National Archives. And this of course is where the Constitution,
and the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence is housed.
You can't film at all in that room where the documents are. After you leave the
room with all of the documents in it, there's a whole other like area full of
displays talking about the National Archives and the history of the Archives,
and the different documents that they house there. There's a lot of other stuff
that you can see as well. And now on to the final day, and this day we basically
did a lot more walking, or in my case rolling. We visited a bunch of the
memorials, like the World War II Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the Vietnam
Memorial, and we also visited the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. For
the Korean War Memorial, the World War II memorial, and the Vietnam War Memorial,
those are all accessible. They're just outside and you walk through them.
For the Lincoln Memorial, they have the actual statue of Abraham Lincoln that
you can go visit, and then underneath they have an area with exhibits. It's kind
of giving the history of Abraham Lincoln as well as the history and building of
the actual memorial. So to get up to the statue of Abraham Lincoln you have to
take the elevator and unfortunately the elevator was not working. And according
to one of the Park Service people, it hadn't been working for months. It was
kind of a bummer because I was really looking forward to seeing the Lincoln
Memorial up close. I mean what are you gonna do? And then from all the memorials
we walked over to the Washington Monument, and unfortunately it's closed
right now due to restoration or renovation, one of those.
They had a huge fence all the way around it, so you couldn't even really get very
close to it. After that went to Georgetown. I wanted to go to Georgetown
Cupcake for a very long time; I used to watch that TV show on TLC, Georgetown
Cupcakes. And so I really have just wanted to try one of their cupcakes ever
since. We visited their storefront and it's a very very very small store, they
only have like four tables in there and it's not very easy to go to get around.
Definitely not wheelchair friendly. I was able to get in the store, it just wasn't
super accessible once you get in. Like it wasn't very easy to move around. Then we
decided to walk around Georgetown a little bit, and unfortunately it is not
wheelchair accessible. Like at all. They are cobblestone and
brick sidewalks, and a lot of them are broken. And it's very very hilly; very
narrow. Just not, not wheelchair friendly at all. So we didn't walk around for very
long, and then from there we kind of just did some driving around. That is
actually my favorite way to get to know a new city, plus the car is air-conditioned,
and it was very hot day. That pretty much wraps up the main activities that we did
each day. The final thing that I wanted to talk about was accessibility getting
around the actual city, and really for the most part, it is a very accessible
city. The sidewalks are relatively smooth and there's a curb cut at pretty much
every intersection. The main issue that I had was that the-- the sidewalks tossed
me around quite a bit. and because you know I have brittle bones, I'm a little
bit more susceptible to those kind of things. Or a little more sensitive I
should say, to those kind of things. A lot of the curb cuts had huge bumps like for
drainage. You feel really rushed when you're in the city and like especially
when you go to cross the street, like you have to hurry up, because you know
it's counting down. And so just it was hard to take it slow I guess you could
say. I mean, I have to say though, like I was able to get everywhere that I needed
to go. So that says something right there. There really weren't any times where I had to
reroute. Everything was clear and everything was accessible. I'm pretty
happy about that. I would say the next time that I go it will definitely alone
be less nerve-wracking because I will already have some idea of what it's like.
So I think that will help as well. I was super nervous when I was there
because I had never really been in a big city, and it was just I just didn't know
what to expect. So I think that is all for this one thank you so much for
watching. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to leave them in
the comment section below. If you like this video please give it a
thumbs up, and if you want to see more, please be sure to subscribe. Thanks again
for watching and I'll see you next time!
Why Now is the Time to go Solar in Orange County | Semper Solaris Serving Irvine, Santa Ana & More! - Duration: 1:37.
If you're thinking of going solar here are three reasons
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reason number one the solar investment tax credit or
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