There's A Scary Pumpkin
Hello Halloween | Halloween Songs For Children | ABC Heroes Cartoons - Duration: 1:01:57.Watch out..
The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...
The ghosts and the spooks coming out of the nooks
As your door bell ring can you here them sing..
Hello, It's Halloween
Hello, It's Halloween
Hello, It's Halloween
Hello, It's Halloween
The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite
The witches are cooking the zombies are looking..
As your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
Hello, It's Halloween
Hello, It's Halloween
Hello, It's Halloween
Hello, It's Halloween
Watch out
The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...
The vampires flying and the werewolf's hunting..
As your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
Watch out
The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...
The ghosts and the spooks coming out of the nooks.
As your door bell ring can you here them sing.
Hello, It's Halloween
Hello, It's Halloween
Hello, It's Halloween
Hello, It's Halloween
Farm Animals Song | Momo Beats | Kindergarten Cartoons For Babies - Duration: 1:57.Farm Animals Song - Momo Beats
3 Surprising Beauty Benefits of Vodka For Oily Skin | Skin Care Secrets - Duration: 4:08.If you love watching
Glamrs videos
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We've all chugged vodka down our systems plenty of times.
But did you know,
Vodka has various beauty benefits?
Many many centuries ago,
Vodka was used more for medicine and less for enjoyment.
Surely, guzzling down this spirit might not help your waistline,
but vodka will definitely come handy if used in the right way.
Hi, I'm Rosalyn and today I'm going to reveal
3 amazing beauty benefits of none other than - Vodka!
I'm sure
after watching this video,
Vodka will become a part of your beauty regime.
Toners are a must for every beauty routine
especially if you have an oily skin type.
They help control excess sebum production
and also deeply cleanse the skin.
Try out this breakout preventing vodka based toner
which is super easy to make
and also delivers great results.
All you need is:
1 tbsp of vodka,
3 tbsp of water,
3 tbsp of watermelon juice,
3 drops of patchouli essential oil
Vodka makes a great homemade toner
as it works as an astringent which helps unclog pores
and brightens your skin.
Adding watermelon juice will help reduce excess oils
and cure skin problems such as
acne, early signs of ageing, etc.
In addition the patchouli essential oil
will encourage new cell growth
and reduce the appearance of scars.
This magical toner
will help maintain skin's pH balance
and protect it from further damage.
I personally love DIY beauty days
as they give me the feels of a spa
from the comfort of my home.
So on days when you have a dull or tired looking skin,
this vodka infused recipe is a must try.
The ingredients of this mask are enriched with vitamins
and antioxidants that instantly rejuvenates the skin
and brings back it's radiance.
You will need
2 tbsp of rice flour,
1 tsp of sandalwood powder,
1 tsp of lemon juice
and 2 tbsp of vodka.
Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.
You'll notice that you skin get's back it's glow
and feels soft.
Due to humid weather conditions
and constant sweating,
wearing closed footwear
can result in unpleasant foot odour.
So, this DIY will help you keep your feet clean
and fresh at all the time.
Add some vodka to a cup of cold water.
Take some cotton and swipe it along your feet.
The antiseptic properties of Vodka
destroy odour-causing bacteria and fungus
and also maintain skin's moisture levels.
So the next time you write off vodka
as just another bar staple,
give these 3 beauty tricks a try!
If you have any further queries,
do drop them comment section below.
Until next time stay tuned and stay Glamrs!
Hush Little Baby | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children | Kids Cartoons | Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:48.Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's gone a buy you a mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Mummy is gone a buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Mummy is gone a buy you a looking glass.
And If that looking glass gets broke,
Mummy is gone a buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won't pull,
Mummy is gone a buy you a cart and bull.
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Mummy is gone a buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mummy is gone a buy you a horse and cart.
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town.
So hush little baby, don't you cry,
Daddy loves you and so do I.
Perfect Hair Cut For Different Hairstyles - Duration: 2:52.
Farm Animals Song | Momo Beats Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 1:57.Farm Animals Song - Momo Beats
Monthly Budget for Float Centers - DSP 305 - Duration: 7:45.>>Ashkahn: Yeah, this is Ashkahn.
>>Graham: I am Graham.
>>Ashkahn: And boom, we got a fresh one, fresh one coming at you today.
Just cooked it up, we got it all nice and prepped and the spices have been applied,
it's been marinating for a while, just about to put the garnish on.
It's really going to be a delicious episode today.
>>Graham: "How do you budget your center's finances on a monthly basis?"
>>Ashkahn: When you say it like that it doesn't really sound as delicious as I think I made
it seem, but it's a good question.
>>Graham: Think of it as fault of the dish.
>>Ashkahn: Budget.
>>Graham: Yeah, so we totally budget- >>Ashkahn: Super carefully.
>>Graham: For everything.
>>Ashkahn: Every penny is accounted for.
Here's the thing, you're running a small business so there's just certain aspects of running
a small business- >>Graham: It's a small small business too.
In the realm of small businesses, it's still smaller one most of the time.
>>Ashkahn: Physically small and you're only in so big of a place.
>>Graham: Well below 50 employees.
>>Ashkahn: You may be kind of short- >>Graham: Diminutive I think is ...
>>Ashkahn: There's just certain things that have to do with lost of information like this.
Your finances and stuff like that, you kind of end up just internalizing, like a lot of
people who run float centers out there- >>Graham: Don't even keep books.
They just kind of keep track of it all in their head.
>>Ashkahn: Don't pay your taxes.
>>Graham: Sort of emotional feeling about it.
>>Ashkahn: Obviously you're keeping books and things like that, but oftentimes when
we're making budgetary decisions, we're not necessarily checking our books.
When I need to decide if we're going to buy something that costs whatever, $1000, I don't
jump to QuickBooks and be like, "Okay, let me look through my profit and loss statement
and see what makes sense and if we can afford this".
You kind of just build a feeling for it and you're kind of like, "Okay".
One of the nice things about running a float center is there's a lot of consistency and
expenses for a lot of the routine stuff.
Your payroll is a huge expense and that's only going to be that different from week
to week or whatever you run your payroll.
You kind of know how much payroll is going to be and you kind of know where you are in
the payroll cycle and you kind of know you're going to have to buy salt next month and that's
going to be a certain amount of money and you're always buying kind of your ongoing
>>Graham: The cost per float is relatively low, so even the difference between months
where you run 200 floats versus months where you run 800 floats, it's really not going
to be that different in terms of your expenses.
>>Ashkahn: I don't know, with all sorts of small business things, I think at a certain
point you have to just be like, "Is this where my time is best spent?
Is it actually worthwhile to by business for me to be sitting down and making a carefully
planned budget for myself every month or maybe should I spend that time trying to boost how
many people are floating with me and be a little bit more loosey-goosey with my budgeting
and trust my gut a little bit more about deciding what to purchase and what I can afford financially.
>>Graham: Another big part of this is we don't have huge amounts of receivables or shipments
that we have going out, we don't have net 90 days either that customers are paying us
with or we're paying huge vendors with.
>>Ashkahn: We don't have an inventory, it's not like we have to buy a bunch of retail
unless we have it in stock.
We're not going to be able to sell it.
We're not a department store where we have to keep track of all that stuff in such a
more significant way.
>>Graham: The reason that a lot of businesses budget for things is because there's a lot
of these intangibles that aren't money in your bank account that are going on.
With a float center, to be honest, your bank account is a pretty good representation of
how your business is doing.
Most of the transactions happen and you'll immediately have cash right there.
You can account for things like gift cards that are outstanding, and different items
like that which you'll need to do in a financial sense, but for just figuring out if you have
enough money in order to do a certain improvement to your center or buy a certain thing or get
a new couch, or whatever it is.
Those are the kinds of decisions where you just sort of look over how you've been doing
the last four months and you're like "Oh, either I can afford this or I can't".
That's sort of it, it doesn't get too complicated.
Again, the key thing to finance is keeping your books up to date.
We could do a whole 'nother episode on what goes into that but-
>>Ashkahn: Maybe we will if you ask us.
>>Graham: If you're very nice.
>>Ashkahn: That's how this works.
>>Graham: And you submit a form on our website then we'll answer that.
For a budgeting, again, kind of like Ashkahn said, because our business isn't so complicated,
maybe you don't spend too much time on that side of finances.
>>Ashkahn: Don't go crazy, just keep it real, be cool.
I mean, honestly, in seven years, very rarely have I almost never have I looked at QuickBooks
specifically, or specifically our financial books that we use for sending in our accounts
to make a specific purchasing decision.
>>Graham: I was giving him a crazy look from across the room, like "you've never looked
at our books?
What are you talking about?"
>>Ashkahn: Do we have that?
Just assumed someone's been doing that.
We look at it more often when we're making bigger decisions like should we give people
raises or should we change the structure of our managers or should we offer health insurance?
We're talking about big, ongoing the expenses, that's when I'm like, "Okay, we should maybe
sit down and crunch some numbers" and that's the point that we'll actually do little bit
of math.
For just purchasing something, even if it's a big purchase, oftentimes your bank account
really reflects reality.
That's the thing that Graham was saying, it's not like you have these huge chunks of money
that are outstandingly due to you because you sent out an invoice and they have 30 days
to pay it or some huge chunk of money you're paying out to some sort of supplier or anything
like that that makes your bank account kind of deceiving.
Our bank accounts are every realistic indications of how much money we have and how much money
we have to spend, as long as you know that payroll is going to come up at some point.
>>Graham: It's never bad to have either money in the bank for things going wrong.
If there's one truism about float centers, it's that things will break, your tanks will
go down, you will need to spend money on repairs unexpectedly, so make sure you have a cushion
or failing that, just getting a line of credit with your bank or something where on the flip
side, where if you didn't budget for something and now an emergency has come up and you need
access to capital to do a repair or something, that you actually have that.
>>Ashkahn: Emergency repairs are just kind of slowly building up a cushion for potentially
having to do renovation project or something like that.
Really the main things that kind of keep in your mind.
>>Graham: Be sure to plan for all those things you didn't even know to plan for, and you
can't go wrong.
>>Ashkahn: That's the best advice.
Expect the unexpected.
>>Graham: Alright, is that it?
>>Ashkahn: That's it.
>>Graham: Okay, be cool.
You know, be sure to head down to >>Ashkahn: /podcast.
>>Graham: Check it out, see what- >>Ashkahn: It's nice.
It's a nice little spot.
>>Graham: See what you think.
Alright, by everyone.
>>Ashkahn: Bye.
Five Little Monsters Halloween Nursery Rhymes | Songs For Kids & Children By Kids Tv - Duration: 22:02.Five little zombies jumping in the grave
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
No more zombies jumping in the grave
Four little ghosts jumping in the park
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
No more ghosts jumping in the park
Three little witches jumping in the woods
One fell off and bumped her head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
No more witches jumping in the woods
Two little vampires jumping on a tool
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
No more vampires jumping on a tool
One little werewolf jumping in the swamp
He fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
Put those monsters right to bed
Put those monsters right to bed
Put those monsters right to bed
Sacramento Slavic community holds service for fallen Deputy Mark Stasyuk - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
CAPK 'Feed the Need' food drive: four cans for Fair admission - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
'Murphy Brown' Revival: Cast Spoilers for Season 11 | - Duration: 9:57.'Murphy Brown' Revival: Cast Spoilers for Season 11 |
The new season of Murphy Brown is finally here.
The show is returning for a revival tonight at 9:30 p.m.
Eastern on CBS — the first time the show has been back since it ended in 1998 after a 10-year run.
This isn't a reboot but a straight up continuation.
The revival is being advertised as Season 11 of Murphy Brown. THIS IS YOUR SPOILER WARNING.
Do NOT continue reading if you don't want to know any information about the new season.
Murphy Brown originally premiered in 1988, where she portrayed a recovering alcoholic who was considered "difficult" but also inspiring.
The show was real, raw, and confident.
It lasted for 10 years, ending in 1998.
And now, 20 years later, the show has been revived by CBS.
Most of the cast is returning, and a few new people will be joining.
And there's also going to be a special guest star tonight, but their identity hasn't been revealed.
Guesses on the person's identity range from Dan Quayle to Hillary Clinton or even Michelle Obama.
'FYI' Is Gone.
In the new season, the characters' old show, FYI, is gone.
We're listing it here because FYI is practically a character itself.
But the characters will still be on a news show. Murphy, Corky, and Frank are tired of being off the air, angry about the election, and so they started a new show.
Replacing FYI is Murphy in the Morning.
It's a new morning news shows on a broadcast channel very similar to CNN.
Many Favorites Are Returning.
Thankfully, most of the cast favorites are returning.
Joe Regalbuto is back as investigative reporter Frank Fontana.
Faith Ford is back as a more mature Corky Sherwood.
And in true Corky fashion, she boasts at one point about wearing Ivanka Trump pumps to a women's march because they were on sale.
Grant Shaud is back as Miles Silverberg.
(Sadly, Miles and Corky are no longer married.
Some reviewers say this is confusing because they also act like they were never married in the first place and don't talk about a divorce.
But since it's been about 20 years, maybe the divorce happened a long time ago.
Paste says they don't mention it because the characters were put together after executive producer Diane English left, and she didn't like the decision.).
Charles Kimbrough is also back as anchorman Jim Dial, but his role is recurring this time since he — and the character — are mostly retired.
Murphy Brown's Son Is All Grown Up.
Many people still remember that touching moment when Murphy Brown's son was born.
Now Avery Brown is all grown up.
Avery is portrayed by Jake McDorman, who was previously on CBS' short-lived Limitless.
Avery anchors a morning show on the Wolf Network, which is essentially Fox News, and he's a liberal commentator on the show.
So he and his mom are directly competing.
More New Characters Are Appearing Who Could Become Fan Favorites.
Tyne Daly is joining the cast as Phyllis.
She jokes at one point that she spent 20 years on the NYPD, which is a callback to Cagney & Lacey.
Her character inherited Phil's Bar.
Nik Dodani is joining the cast as Pat Patel.
Dodani's past credits include Atypical, where he played Zahid in 16 episodes.
In Murphy Brown, the character Pat is a social media director.
In episode three, David Costabile will play the White House senior advisor Ed Shannon (who is essentially a Steve Bannon clone.
Adan Rocha plays Dreamer, Miguel, in Episode 2, who will be hired by Phyllis to help at the bar.
CBSFaith Ford as Corky Sherwood, Candice Bergen as Murphy Brown, Merle Dandridge as Diana Macomber, Grant Shaud as Miles Silverberg, and Joe Regalbuto as Frank Fontana.
Merle Dandridge plays Diana Macomber.
Faith Sandberg is playing Mary Vernon.
Some Favorites Won't Be Back.
Network President Stan Lansing also won't be back.
He was played by Garry Marshall, who passed away in 2016 at the age of 81.
And the fate of the father of Murphy's son isn't known.
It seems no one knows if Robin Thomas will one day return to play Jake Lowenstein one day.
Murphy Is Mad About the State of the Country.
Just like in the original series, many storylines in the Murphy Brown revival are mirroring current events.
Murphy Brown can't stand the President, the President's press secretary, the press briefings, and a Steve Bannon "clone." In the premiere, Trump refers to her as "Old Murphy" in a tweet.
In one of the first episodes, she even brings a press briefing to a complete halt.
Interestingly, there is one scene in Episode 2, NPR shared, where they use clips from one of Sarah Huckabee Sanders' press briefings, cut with shots of Murphy and other actors playing reporters.
In episode 3, Paste Magazine shared, Murphy will get a chance to interview the Steve Bannon clone, and she talks about how he's a dinosaur clinging to relevance.
Her stellar reporting skills are able to unmask him.
One concern that reviewers have shared is that Murphy may be portrayed as the only reporter willing to speak the truth.
But time will tell if that's the case.
Game of Thrones' Emilia Clarke wants the actual Iron Throne for herself - Duration: 4:08.Game of Thrones' Emilia Clarke wants the actual Iron Throne for herself
You're not the only one who's struggling to handle the fact that, in just a mere six episodes' time, the victor will sit on the Iron Throne, and Game of Thrones will be over forever – Emilia Clarke is feeling pretty emotional about it too.
Having paid tribute to the epic show with the perfect Mother of Dragons tattoo, she's set her sights on the ultimate souvenir to take home, now that filming has wrapped on the eighth and final season.
If you were the real-life Daenerys Targaryen, what would you choose to keep from the props cupboard? The signature blonde wigs, perhaps? The horse heart that she chowed down on in season one? Surely one of her original golden dragon eggs? Nope, Emilia is aiming much higher.
Asked by Television Academy at the Emmy Awards if she'd be taking anything from the set, the actress reeled off an understated list.
First of all, she joked that she'd love to pack up her co-stars Conleth Hill (Varys), Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) and Kit Harington (Jon Snow) to take home, but if that wasn't possible, then she'd settle for her dragons.
For one final option, Emilia suggested: "The throne, obviously! It's in the car ready to go, no one will miss it.
Wow, taking home the actual Iron Throne is a real power move that even Daenerys would be proud of.
Could this be an accidental hint at who wins the victory seat in the final season?.
It's no secret that Emilia is heartbroken to leave Daenerys and the rest of Westeros behind after fighting for the Seven Kingdoms since 2011.
The 31-year-old actress, who's already admitted that there were a whole lot of tears on set when filming ended, went on to say: "It's been a real bittersweet, heartbreaking experience leaving the show.
I'm very excited for the next chapter, but for now it's going to be an excuse for us all to get together and party.".
There is one thing that Emilia definitely won't miss from Westeros, though.
She recently confessed to Harper's Bazaar that the famous platinum blonde Targaryen look had done serious damage to her hair off-camera.
"My hair was, like, dying!" Emilia confessed.
"So I've cut it a little bit shorter.
It's almost the shortest it's been.
I'm honestly trying to grow out the blonde, because it's just killed my hair, and I miss having nice hair! I do like the length, but I wish my hair was longer.".
Sigh, the sacrifices we must make to be First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.
am I right, ladies?.
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