- So the goal is not to impose my will on God,
but to pray in a way that agrees with His will
and then watch as He works through those means
that He's ordained, to do what He has determined to do.
(energetic music)
- Welcome back to the Straight Truth Podcast,
I'm your host Josh Philpot
and we're glad you've joined us today.
As always, I'm joined by Richard Caldwell, the pastor
of Founder's Baptist Church
and our special guest today is Dr. Nicolas Ellen,
a senior professor at the College of Biblical Studies
and also pastor at Community of Faith Bible Church.
As always please leave a comment for us
in the comments section and do us a favor, and please go
to the iTunes podcast section and leave us a review.
Well when we read through the Scriptures, we read
about a God who is sovereign over all things
and His providence guides all of our actions
and our ways, according to the Scriptures.
And it seems that the Bible is firm in this doctrine
that God is absolutely sovereign,
and it's His delight to be sovereign
for the good of His people and for His creation.
And yet there is this thing that kinda comes in
on the side, which is that He also instructs those
who would follow Him to pray, and that He hears our prayers,
our requests that we make.
Our petitions to God and He listens, and that He will act.
He commands us to pray, even Jesus gives us
a model for how to pray.
So I wonder how you guys reconcile those two things,
how do we reconcile the fact that we have a sovereign
God, who governs all things and also that we have to pray.
- The sovereign God who governs all things,
has sovereignly determined to work through means.
And prayer is one of those means that God has chosen
to work through, so I could say,
and it would be accurate to say,
sovereign God provides the meals
that my family enjoys everyday.
It would also be right to say that He's ordained
to supply for us in that way as I go to work
and earn money that we're going to use to spend
on that food, He is ordained to work through
the means of people planting fields
and harvesting crops and in this way he feeds people.
So God has chosen to work through sunshine and rain
and all different ways in supplying for His creation,
so in the same sort of way God who's determined
to do what He's going to do is determined
to work through prayer and prayer therefore really matters.
I mean if I sit in my home today and go
God is sovereignly promised to feed me,
I'm not going to work, we're not going to the grocery store.
No one's gonna work in the fields
and grow any crops, God's gonna feed me,
I'm gonna starve because I've misunderstood
how sovereign God has chosen to work.
In the same sort of way if I live a prayerless life,
I'm gonna experience some spiritual starvation
because that is not how God has determined to work.
So that's one aspect of my thinking on it,
the other would be, I think we misunderstand
sometimes what prayer's about.
It's not about changing the mind of God,
It's about getting our minds and hearts in the position
where we agree with God.
We're actually praying in the name of Jesus
we're praying in agreement with God,
His truth, His word, His character, His will.
If we ask anything according to His will,
we know we have it so the goal is not to impose my will
on God but to pray in a way
that agrees with His will and then watch
as He works through those means that He's ordained
to do what He has determined to do.
It is the knowledge that God is sovereign in everything
that actually fuels prayer
because now the very one who has the all wisdom
and all power, and is always present
has invited me and commanded me to come to Him
and He promises to answer, so I'm not dealing
with somebody who may not hear me, He hears me.
I'm not dealing with someone who can't do anything
about what I'm asking about, He possesses all power.
I'm not dealing with someone who doesn't care,
He's commanded me to come, I mean I have assurance
in the matter of prayer so this fuels my prayer life.
So to me it's not a problem.
It's a joy that we're talking about.
Sovereign God commands me to come to Him
and He's promised to work through that process
to accomplish what's He's determined to do in His world.
- [Josh] Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
- I think that the key to that is,
seeing Richard's perspective on that is
that God's sovereignty does not negate our responsibility
- [Josh] Right
- And where people focus on the sovereignty of God
and negate their responsibility,
they misunderstand the sovereignty of God.
- Mm-hmm.
- When it comes to prayer, and I like what Richard said
lining up with God's will, well think about it this way,
if there's a sovereign God who's in control of all things
and this sovereign God is giving me the responsibility
to pray and those things work together, I might wanna know
more about the character and the will of this God
so then my prayers begin to come in tune with Him.
It's kind of like, I liken it to when I was a child.
I knew what to ask and what not to ask for
because I knew the nature of my parents,
so therefore I knew, well, that won't fly.
(John affirms)
Because it doesn't line up with their standards,
their values, their virtues, well if I ask for this
that will fly, but I had to learn my parents in order
for me to understand how to ask and the fact that
I'm to ask for what I want from God,
but in tune with what He's willing to do according
to His character and standards, it's powerful.
So prayer becomes an opportunity for me to exercise
my responsibility but to learn the character of God
and process to say, ah, my faithful sufficient holy God.
If I were to ask for blank, this doesn't seem to line up
with who He is, let me rethink my position
of what I'm asking for and why,
knowing the God that I serve cares.
- That's excellent Nick, and it reminds us that prayer
is one way that God has ordained to sanctify us.
- [Nicolas] Yes.
- So we're learning what God loves, we're learning
what He cares about, what He approves of and we're
to learn it in such a way that we then love what he loves.
- Yes. - We care about
what He cares about, that's why the effectual fervent prayer
of a righteous man avails much.
- [Nicolas] Amen, yes
- So even our affections are to be involved
in genuine prayer, it's not just our mind but our hearts
coming in agreement with what God loves and cares about.
And if we ever wonder whether this is important,
just look at the life of our Savior, who devoted Himself
to prayer entirely through the night in some cases.
- [Nicolas] Absolutely.
- Before He made major choices or major decisions
so in every way we're encouraged to seek our God in prayer.
- Well thanks again for joining us
for the Straight Truth Podcast.
And you could find more details about this podcast
by going to our website straighttruth.net
and there you can subscribe
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but also be sure to go to iTunes
and please subscribe to our podcast feed and be sure
to leave us a review.
Now Straight Truth is a production
of Walking in Grace Ministries and you can find more details
by going to walkingingrace.org.
Thanks again.
(energetic music)
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