so does bounce matter well we're gonna find out if it does right now let's go
okay if you're new to the channel I do a lot of golf tips and drills and product
reviews so hit the subscribe button and the bell notification so you don't miss
anything today I'm at precision golf centers my
man Craig over here is setting up the the system what we're gonna do is I'm
gonna hit a sixty degree wedge I have five different 60-degree wedges all with
different bounces everything's the same except the bounce and so we're gonna I'm
gonna show you what happens when you just change the bounce just the bounce
angle on the club and we've got everything gonna be a different color
when we give you the data so we're gonna start with very little bounce for four
degrees for 8 10 12 and 14 degrees of Bounce and I'm gonna show you what it
does let's do it
so we'll start off with 60-degree wedge four degrees of Bounce so very little
bounce right so we'll change clubs to the eighth degree bounce plan will
change color I'm already seeing like more spin already with this club than
the previous Club try it a little lower ball flight will move on 10 degrees now
you'll also find you'll be a lot more consistent with one of the bounces
because it just matches your style your swing style better like whether you have
a steep or more shallow swing so so far the 10 degree
they're all right looking good let's go to swap
last one 14 degrees bounce then we'll look at the numbers
all right let's check out the numbers okay there's the red is the lowest
degree bounce the four so it definitely went the highest and then our highest
bounce is the is the purple sixty 14 and if you look here the purple is averaging
as the lowest as a lowest wedge and our distribution pattern is I mean it's
fairly consistent they all are the same shape but the purple is the closest the
purple is a tie so for me yeah but the purple is by far the tightest
and then you go up to the eight and then the four they'll the eighth by far the
largest it almost seems like as the bounce gets a little higher your
dispersion kind of gets a little tighter mm-hmm okay so the difference between
the four degree and the eight degree is is minimal its small but the difference
between a four degree and a 14 degree it's pretty big so you can definitely
see the last bounce and you can see it on every different Club it would
slightly go lower and lower and lower the ball height so and the distances
would be slightly different just a little bit but it can make a big
difference you know in your scoring clubs it's the difference between a
three foot putt or six foot putt or a six foot in a 10 foot pot just that
little bit and it's a difference in height to are you playing a place do you
need more height are you a low ball hitter do you want to hit it higher so
balance would be a huge factor for you in determining what club is gonna be
best for your game but you need to get that kind of stuff looked at and figured
out so you know what your club is what your gapping Tzar what your tendencies
are where you miss you need all that kind of data so that you can make the
best decision actually improve especially in your scoring zone you're
scoring clubs so a place like this precision golf centers you'll be able to
come in you get first hour free if you mentioned me
rhymed whatever but it's still a free hour for you so come in bring your stuff
and get set up and know what you're gonna do on the golf course before you
get there hit that like button subscribe to the channel I haven't done so already
check out precision golf centers link below we'll see you the next video
misses short game right here here we go girl this is your game call mrs. Roarke
and rotate that body a little bit feet closer together be closer together a
little bit yeah it's back and forth back and forth
oh boy do it come on girl oh my gosh
that's a shank there you go killed it
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