They just don't spend all of their time on playing and shooting.
They're sleeping while the team is practicing.
It was the players that I found..
Why are all coaches so bad at playing?
That's not true.
Coaches play well.
They play better than most players,
they can make decisions better than most players,
but they just don't spend all of their time on playing, shooting, running, moving,
and, obviously, your shooting and movements will get rusty if you don't practice them.
There were situations where I had to stand-in for a pracc,
because our player had some Internet issues,
and we had already agreed with the team to play that pracc,
and I didn't do much worse than the other players in that pracc,
and I was second or third on the scoreboard.
So it's not true.
Is a coach needed to make sure that the players fulfill all the terms of their agreements?
No, of course, a coach should do other things,
the agreements are mostly on the managers
and those leading the organization.
Is it true that a coach is a failed player?
It depends.
It might be true in some cases.
In my case, it's different.
I didn't play CS:GO,
but I was a pretty successful player and IGL back in the CS 1.6. days.
I think that most coaches understand that they might give the team more as coaches than players.
What one should do to become a coach of a CS:GO team?
You need to be able to understand the game,
you should understand the reasons of certain moves,
understand how the teamplay is built,
follow the game and tactical metas,
learn to work with people,
learn to be a therapist, sort of,
understand how to build the training process,
learn to think about the long run,
do strategic planning.
And it's just a small part of what one should do to become a coach.
The coach's work = the team's result?
I wish it would be like that,
but there are too many factors that affect the result of a team,
if it all were so simple,
we would've become a top 1 team a long time ago,
since I think that I work a lot and do my best to improve the team,
but there are many things that aren't as simple.
Why do coaches need to stand behind the players during a game if they can talk only during a timeout?
It's because, first of all,
it gets clear what's going on when you're behind the players,
you can see some things that you can easily fix,
sometimes it happens that a team loses a round because of some small thing,
for example, because communication was not good enough,
and the players might not understand that
if they'd communicated and played together better,
they wouldn't have won the previous rounds,
and that's what they need to fix to win the next rounds.
it sometimes happens that
a coach can see how the players can play better tactically,
and by watching the players from behind,
by watching how they communicate during the match
you understand what decision you should make.
What's the process of kicking or adding new players like?
I don't think there should be any instant kicks,
you need to tell the player what they should do to get better,
otherwise, there are going to be consequences.
A player should understand that they won't be kicked right away, but also that they need to improve their play.
But when the team decides to kick a player,
when the player doesn't grow,
when the player doesn't react to things we say to them,
then there's a reason to say: "Sorry, but you aren't trying to get better,
we've wasted our time to help you become better,
but you didn't do it."
Then the player understands why this has happened.
I think this is very important to explain,
and it's important to try to reason with people.
Players should also say something if they don't feel comfortable on the team,
so that we could improve or change something,
everyone on the team should feel comfortable,
and if someone doesn't think about it,
and doesn't try to move towards doing it,
then problems appear,
and it results in kicking.
We've never kicked someone just because they played badly.
There was always some talk before it,
we tried to help them change,
and when they [players] understand what mistakes they've done, kicking isn't as painful anymore.
As for new players,
we consider different players who might fit with the team,
considering their roles,
what they can do,
I usually watch their demos
to understand..
DeadFox, ISSAA and woxic. These are the players that I found,
I watch their demos,
I watched their results, statistics,
and I talked to Kirill (ANGE1),
and he and I were deciding and trying..
to see if the players have the qualities that we were looking for,
if so, then we'd add the players.
Are you the person who comes up with all the strategies?
Partially, yes. It's 50/50.
I used to make strategies more often,
but I realized it was hard to get inside the players' heads
and explain to them..
to make them understand the game the way I do,
and even when we work on some things and try strategies 15-20 times,
the players might still forget some important details,
which affect the success of the strategy.
I now try to make them come up with something they want to do together,
so that it would come from their head and not mine.
What does the coach do during a bootcamp?
He's sleeping while the team is practicing.
To be honest, there are rumors that some coaches actually did that,
But seriously, the coach should make a plan,
think about what the team should do today and tomorrow,
what the team should practice,
and the coach should try and motivate the players to take the job as seriously as possible
and spend the time as efficiently as possible.
Is friendship between the coach and players important?
It depends on how you see friendship,
your relationship should be close enough,
you need to find this balance, which isn't easy,
especially when people are from different countries and cultures,
and that's one of the hard things.
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