Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 27 2018

They just don't spend all of their time on playing and shooting.

They're sleeping while the team is practicing.

It was the players that I found..

Why are all coaches so bad at playing?

That's not true.

Coaches play well.

They play better than most players,

they can make decisions better than most players,

but they just don't spend all of their time on playing, shooting, running, moving,

and, obviously, your shooting and movements will get rusty if you don't practice them.

There were situations where I had to stand-in for a pracc,

because our player had some Internet issues,

and we had already agreed with the team to play that pracc,

and I didn't do much worse than the other players in that pracc,

and I was second or third on the scoreboard.

So it's not true.

Is a coach needed to make sure that the players fulfill all the terms of their agreements?

No, of course, a coach should do other things,

the agreements are mostly on the managers

and those leading the organization.

Is it true that a coach is a failed player?

It depends.

It might be true in some cases.

In my case, it's different.

I didn't play CS:GO,

but I was a pretty successful player and IGL back in the CS 1.6. days.

I think that most coaches understand that they might give the team more as coaches than players.

What one should do to become a coach of a CS:GO team?

You need to be able to understand the game,

you should understand the reasons of certain moves,

understand how the teamplay is built,

follow the game and tactical metas,

learn to work with people,

learn to be a therapist, sort of,

understand how to build the training process,

learn to think about the long run,

do strategic planning.

And it's just a small part of what one should do to become a coach.

The coach's work = the team's result?

I wish it would be like that,

but there are too many factors that affect the result of a team,

if it all were so simple,

we would've become a top 1 team a long time ago,

since I think that I work a lot and do my best to improve the team,

but there are many things that aren't as simple.

Why do coaches need to stand behind the players during a game if they can talk only during a timeout?

It's because, first of all,

it gets clear what's going on when you're behind the players,

you can see some things that you can easily fix,

sometimes it happens that a team loses a round because of some small thing,

for example, because communication was not good enough,

and the players might not understand that

if they'd communicated and played together better,

they wouldn't have won the previous rounds,

and that's what they need to fix to win the next rounds.

it sometimes happens that

a coach can see how the players can play better tactically,

and by watching the players from behind,

by watching how they communicate during the match

you understand what decision you should make.

What's the process of kicking or adding new players like?

I don't think there should be any instant kicks,

you need to tell the player what they should do to get better,

otherwise, there are going to be consequences.

A player should understand that they won't be kicked right away, but also that they need to improve their play.

But when the team decides to kick a player,

when the player doesn't grow,

when the player doesn't react to things we say to them,

then there's a reason to say: "Sorry, but you aren't trying to get better,

we've wasted our time to help you become better,

but you didn't do it."

Then the player understands why this has happened.

I think this is very important to explain,

and it's important to try to reason with people.

Players should also say something if they don't feel comfortable on the team,

so that we could improve or change something,

everyone on the team should feel comfortable,

and if someone doesn't think about it,

and doesn't try to move towards doing it,

then problems appear,

and it results in kicking.

We've never kicked someone just because they played badly.

There was always some talk before it,

we tried to help them change,

and when they [players] understand what mistakes they've done, kicking isn't as painful anymore.

As for new players,

we consider different players who might fit with the team,

considering their roles,

what they can do,

I usually watch their demos

to understand..

DeadFox, ISSAA and woxic. These are the players that I found,

I watch their demos,

I watched their results, statistics,

and I talked to Kirill (ANGE1),

and he and I were deciding and trying..

to see if the players have the qualities that we were looking for,

if so, then we'd add the players.

Are you the person who comes up with all the strategies?

Partially, yes. It's 50/50.

I used to make strategies more often,

but I realized it was hard to get inside the players' heads

and explain to them..

to make them understand the game the way I do,

and even when we work on some things and try strategies 15-20 times,

the players might still forget some important details,

which affect the success of the strategy.

I now try to make them come up with something they want to do together,

so that it would come from their head and not mine.

What does the coach do during a bootcamp?

He's sleeping while the team is practicing.

To be honest, there are rumors that some coaches actually did that,

But seriously, the coach should make a plan,

think about what the team should do today and tomorrow,

what the team should practice,

and the coach should try and motivate the players to take the job as seriously as possible

and spend the time as efficiently as possible.

Is friendship between the coach and players important?

It depends on how you see friendship,

your relationship should be close enough,

you need to find this balance, which isn't easy,

especially when people are from different countries and cultures,

and that's one of the hard things.

Если вам нравятся наши видео, вы можете подписаться вот тут.

For more infomation >> 10 Questions for CS:GO Team's Coach / Jonhta HellRaisers - Duration: 8:37.


The Wheels on the bus - nursery rhymes song with Baby pig for kids - Duration: 2:15.

Have fun with School Bus and The Wheels on the bus Nursery rhymes song

to learn colors with Baby pig, and Surprise Eggs. Enjoy! ❤️🎁🐷

For more infomation >> The Wheels on the bus - nursery rhymes song with Baby pig for kids - Duration: 2:15.


How To Sing Better For Girls - COMPLETE - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 10:52.

How to Sing Better For Girls -

Hi, guys! Ken Tamplin from Ken Tamplin VocalAcademy and I'm gonna teach you a little bit about the voice and voice lessons today.

How To Sing Better for Girls. Now, girls, how do we learn how to sing better? What does that

mean? There's so many different styles and there's so many different approaches

and techniques. Some want to sing heavy. Some want to sing light

Some want to sing blues, soul, R&B, well I'd like to cover a couple key elements and

obviously not gonna get to cover everything today, but what I want to do

is just give you some simple pointers on how you can learn how to sing better for

girls. The first thing we've discussed and if you've seen my videos at all I

have a course called How to Sing Better Than Anyone Else. And in this course I

discuss some of the most basic and important elements and the first is

posture and relaxation. And we're gonna have our, we're gonna sit straight up or

stand straight up. We're gonna take our breath from our abdomen and I cover this

in my diaphragmatic breathing section so if you want to refer to my channel if

you want to check out my website, you'll see this whole section on diaphragmatic

breathing, but we want to breathe from our abdomen. So, we want to take a breath

from our belly, from here, from our abdomen. Directly under our ribcage we'll

feel the whole solar plexus all the way through our belly, with... take a breath

and it's not like breathing like this from the chest, it's to breathe in from the

belly. So we take our breath. Now ladies... most of you do two things. The first

thing is you pump a lot of air. So it's "Ahhh, ahhh" you use a lot of air when you sing which

"A" can dry out the cord. "B" does not build a good, strong, powerful voice, and "C"

usually, most girls flip into their head voices way too early, which atrophies

the chest voice. And it actually inhibits or handicaps your chest voice, because

it's favored, because you flip into head too soon. So my recommendation for you, as

you start on your journey to learning how to sing better, is I want you to

focus on how you can stay in your chest registration safely. Now that doesn't

mean go out and start screaming and belting and pulling your chest voice up

as far as you can in an unsafe manner. But it does mean to build this nice

bright ping

That real nice, bright sound. So it's the LAH! AH!

That's a fabulous sound guys if

you can achieve this kind of sound you're on a great track because the more

you grow this sound, and I want to be candid about something. A lot of

people say gosh, you know, is the Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy just for people that want

to belt? Or is it just for rock singers? Or just for powerful singing? Absolutely

not! An Airy sound can never achieve a

bright, robust sound. A bright, robust sound can always achieve an airy sound.

Then if you want to back off the sound, you can back it off as much as you want

off, to nothing, to a whisper, if you like, but you start first with a nice strong

robust sound, and then you start bringing in other flavours after you've grown the

voice. You want a nice bright ping, cause that's the only true sound that really grows

the voice. So I want to take you through some exercises. I'm gonna start in the

contralto/alto lower register. I'm gonna start on a G4. We're gonna go up the

register like this:

do it with me. Now take your breath. Breathe

in the breath, and then I want you to use strength from your abdomen, kind of like

you're doing a sit-up. We need the strength that you feel in the abdomen

when you're doing a sit-up. Now instead of going Lah ah ah Ah, and flipping into head... right? I

want you to stay in the belting, or the call register as long as you can, so you

can strengthen this part of the voice. And we'll hand off this sound, or we'll

hand off, meaning from chest into head later, so we can strengthen this part and

build a nice, robust, powerful chest voice first, and then connect that head

register later. Let's continue. Let's go here:

Get your breath together don't forget to take your breath and pull in on that

diaphragm as you're going up in the scale, you push down on the

diaphragm, or on the belly to support or sustain these notes.

Now notice, as we ascend the scale there's a tendency to want to go Lah to

flip in your head voice. Resist the urge. Resist the temptation of that. I have an

exercise I like to think about because sometimes girls say well I don't know

when I flip into my head voice I don't know how to get out of it I just flip

into my head voice. And I like to use the analogy: if you have a bicycle or a

skateboard or a car, or someone is stealing your purse, let's say, and you see the

thief, and he's running over there. You wouldn't say "Stop! Thief! Stop that theif! He's stealing my purse! He's stealing my car or my bike!" right?

You'd say HEY! STOP! THEIF! That's my bike! That's My Purse! STOP!! Right?That's called the

belting register or the call register and you can defer to that. Now don't go

crazy cause we don't want to blow out your cords, but you want to refer to that,

so that whenever you're actually going through these scales, you can actually

ask yourself the question "Would this be like me calling out to someone

who's stealing my purse, or my bike, or my car, " or whatever. Now you can use this

with this nice bright AH and this nice technique of bringing in the abdomen as

strength, or the engine that drives your car, in order to start to build a great

voice for learning how to sing better. Okay, once we've strengthened the chest

voice, or the call register, or the belting register, we also need to pay

special attention to our head voice, and to learn how to connect it seamlessly

with our chest voice. Now most girls, and this is how to learn how to sing better

for girls, because usually most of the time when a girl flips into her head

voice she has a real Flutey kind of sound to her voice with no real strength

or power in it at all. Now there's some exceptions, but for the

most part that's true. So what we must do is we must strengthen the head voice

first to a nice bright timbral sound just like we did our chest voice like

it's the LAH! AH!!! We want to get a nice bright strong tambour in the sound so we use a

sound specifically a closed sound without which I'm going to start with

with which is

the EE Vowel. Okay so we're gonna start an EE

around the G or on the G5 and we're gonna descend a scale using a nice bite

Tambor to pull this sound all the way down in our chest register like this. Do

it with me. Nice bright. By the way it's not gonna be pinched or squeezed. I'm

creating space like the number eight in the back of my throat, so it's not pure

EE. It's ay-ay-ay

Have a nice bright sound so that we can grow that bright sound to match the same

tonality and the same timbre as our chest voice so we can fuse it together

and as we do this we grow our chest voice, then we grow our head voice, and

we can start to connect that passaggio seamlessly into one long powerful note

So this is one exceptional way for you, for ladies, for girls to learn how to

sing better so come join me Ken Tamplin vocal Academy. I have over 5,000 students

in my forums alone and we have over eight moderators help field your

questions. So join us. Ken Tamplin Vocal

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Hey guys, if you like what you heard, please like and subscribe to my channel

and if you want to get notified when I have a new cool video come out, you need

to go to my channel and click on this little Bell icon and it will actually

notify you every time I have a video come out. Thanks, guys!

For more infomation >> How To Sing Better For Girls - COMPLETE - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 10:52.


Doc McStuffins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 230 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 10:01.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

Juice babe doc. Can we go outside and play in the snow today? I love

snowmen on account of course chilly

Maybe a little softer next time coming dad. Sorry. I gotta go eat breakfast


Tackle be back quicker than you can say cinnamon bun on the run. She's taking forever

All shinies I gotta look good for my new snowman friend

Kick butt fucker look

You're already paying oh

I'm sorry. Chilly. Oh, it's okay. Don't you worry your wittle sugars Oh

Hmmm I cut my button. Oh honey. We have to tell her so she can help what were you doing behind the door?

Nice tackle chilly chill my own the snowman scuffle loose buttons because I have no arms. Oh

You checkups I can't let you go outside in the snow with the loose button where's chilly? Hmm

Is that you? Yeah, just a porno target small

But you pull my button what if I become a one-button snowman, so let me give you a checkup

Doodle the usual hey, no

Like we got you have a case of jingle button break

really Hilton

Chilly, do you remember when I had a loose tooth?

That's what you're dangling button is like I don't have a brave bone in my book

So you got at least 510

Thanks for trying to help stuffy you can open your eyes now

I'll leave my button sewing machine cause it I wanna look at your new button, please doc

Thanks Lambie, how do I look guys that was very

What do snowmen eat for lunch

Dovahkiin think he's made of snow. He can't speak

little speech snowman


Crash course everyone looks so fancy for womenís when Liam show

What do we have everything guys I think so but I can't find a crayon for lamby's autograph. Oh

Yeah flowers check well, let's get a move on toys show starting in a little while there's just one more thing

Sweet ha a little birdie told me a king needs a ride to the dinner

Hello you two really are friends now that's sweeter than a jelly bean dipped in jail

Let's get this show on the road with fellas. I'll see you there

Attorney, please take the vegetable garden route

That is the best one the scenic route or as I like to say the Toby

And that cabbies always right that is the same rule always right

Don't you just love the roses ooh, but could you not do so while driving?

Tony I need to take you in for a checkup. I'm fine. I'm just gonna drive on out up

Let's get you can you rev for me Tony

Okay, your eyes and ears are clear and your engine sounds strong

We'll search high and low and if we can't find him we'll get you new ones

Oh, we're gonna miss lamby show shugie of ducks. Oh good thinking now

Let's find those wheels and don't let me show

As soon as we get your wheels on

Both wheels are reattached try to rev and spin your wheels

You know, it's quite a nice day for a walk, I think I'll just stretch my legs

I like my kingly body intact. You're breakin my heart

Is this about that little crash thing? I'll be careful


Are you paying attention to where you were driving well

Not exactly. I was trying to get so Kirby

Okay, I have another

Diagnosis Tony you have a severe case of not paying attention itis

Put that in the big book of boo-boos

One time I was riding my bike and I got a scrape because I wasn't watching where I was going

But on the cabbie I could drive with my eyes closed

Don't show off each other when you're riding with the game

Okay, I see what you're saying may I be a very careful serie Kip well

Of course you can you guys

How's it goin Tony great, I really want to look at the bird feeder, but I'm keeping my eyes

That's y'all got my attention

Lemme show was my most favorite backyard thing today. Don't forget about it

We're so proud of you hon. Let's put your blue ribbon up here. I

Love it

Almost as much as my first week. I know is it okay if I go out to the clinic, so Luna can meet I

mean so I can play with the lunar 2200 and my other choice Hey meet Luna I

Am Luna space explorer extraordinaire

Chilly you can't melt and

What a fascinating planet this is a clinic Luna I'm a doctor for stuffed animals and toys

Well, this clinic is stellar and I Luna 20200 have discovered this clinic

I now claim it from my home the moon. I don't want to rain on your parade, but

You can't disturb

That's the pillow shaped like a star. I am the first to discover this pillow shaped star

You can't blame me because I've already been claimed I'm Dax he is

Why don't you take a break from discovering and show us your favorite part of the Moon, yes, but that's very strange

For more infomation >> Doc McStuffins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 230 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 10:01.


Sofia the First Part 49 Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Duration: 3:49.


Everything's ready for your royal playdate children. Your friends will arrive any moment and I'll be on hand in case you need anything

Oh, no, you won't baileywick Your Majesty I get your birthday today. So we are giving you the day off

Oh, that's not necessary

Now you always say no

But this time I insist in fact consider it a command but your majesty I wouldn't even know what to do with my day

your brother Nigel does

Nigel so good to see you. Happy birthday, baby

Brother we don't get to see each other much because Wicky just works works works. But today I have big plans

What kind of big plans Nigel

Things we love doing when we were your age many years ago Nigel now first

We're off to the orchard for a little apple picking

Remember how much fun we used to have?

Apple picking as I recall. I was the one who did most of the picking here's a good one Nigel

Thanks wiki is the basket full yet. Nope, but my belly is

And after the orchard will swing by the village ice cream cart

Hey, woody, do you think mine smells funny?

And to cap off the day

After we're done wiping ice cream off your nose a boat will pick us up at the dock to take us fishing

Just like we used to do. Whoa. Look at that snapper. That was a catfish Nigel. That was a snapper Wicky

Snapper. Oh

What fun we used to have I can't think of a better way to spend the day

Sounds like you're going to have a great time, baby

Our friends are here Zander Hildegard hammer Sofia

It's so great to see you again, I know amber James and I each planned an activity for all of us

My activity is playing pirates in my treehouse. All right

Amber a

Treehouse don't worry Hildy. I'm having a little tea party later

You can help me set it up gladly. I just need to fetch my things and we'll be off

Excited for your day off are you mr. Baileywick indeed violet?

I can't remember the last time Nigel and I got to spend a whole day together

I just hope the children will be okay without me. I'm sure they'll be just fine

Hoist the sails captain's end are my dreams

For more infomation >> Sofia the First Part 49 Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Duration: 3:49.


Riverdale | Casey Cott Interview: What's Next For Kev | The CW - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Riverdale | Casey Cott Interview: What's Next For Kev | The CW - Duration: 0:50.


Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 118 - Red Tomato - Duration: 3:59.

How many severed horse head

Goblin dogs aren't real why it's a ruse. I took you for everything. Come on you guys let's just go

Look kids. You can have your money back. You know what keep it uh-huh Margaux. That was 650 bucks

Yeah, well now every time he sees my 650 dollars. He'll remember the three kids whose dreams II wrecked

No, I'll just spend the money. He's right Marco. Yeah, we'll take the money k. Thanks no star. We're going home

You've done it ready when you are

No, you earned the Goblin dog, what are you talking about Goblin dogs are real

I've had one before Kelly. Oh, we thought you died. What? No, we didn't. Oh, okay

Well, I'm sorry. I thought she did die. So, excuse me. Wait

You've had a goblin dog got it from right so goblin dogs are real

They are

Yes, this was all some kind of trick not a trick a goblin dog must choose its master through trial and

today the goblin dog chooses you

The oldest oh

My gosh

Those aren't gobbling dogs

These are goblin dogs, oh

Yeah here pony one Appetit

This tastes like a normal hot dog. Yeah, it's basic but it's good. Hmm. Yeah. Oh, yes. I was expecting

Was amazing how you give it to your pony head those hot dogs were pretty good

Oh well

You know

The best for my pasties and whatever all that kind of stuff and by you guys on the real I am so done with this

Place. I'm ready to hoof it. Oh

No, you can't say that. No, uh-huh right makes me go through this every time

Look so good. Hey Kelly. It's been really great talking to you. Yeah, man, he was really cool hanging out with you, too. What?

Oh, hey, I'm tad. I'm Kelly's boyfriend. You've been there this whole time. Yeah, I don't really eat hot dogs

I'm a vegan and stuff, but you know, I like to hang out

I don't even understand girls. I think it's impossible to

You can talk

For more infomation >> Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 118 - Red Tomato - Duration: 3:59.


Puppy Dog Pals Go, Dog. Go! Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Aaron Barnes - Duration: 10:01.

Go taco

I Spy something colorful thirsty. Is it that fence is it bobbin ARF its

I've programmed ARF to take you anywhere you want to go?

So, let's see if he works take my little puppy passengers all the way around the yard and to their doghouse

So ARF needs to stay drive

To our daughters ever where else would bingo and Roley like ARF to take them today

Because our flux to goes zoom zoom really fast

Puppy dogs can't enjoy the view

Bogg lead architects anyone who want to go and we can see you

Yeah, I see that

What do you think? We should have him take his neck ARF has never been to a beach

But our would love to go think how great it would for you to put your paws in that one. Okay, then

Take us to the beach

for sure, dude

That's how do its talk at the beach

No, oh

How much bob was here to enjoy this with us

That's a new one

I've never heard that sound before come on. Let's get out the water and get back to Bob's house

It's because of the water our foot is pause him

It really did make Arthur and now art does not remember

Hello seagull, I am r which stands for Otto doggy robotic friend Wow. I'm Jonathan which stands for?

Jonathan home sweet home a home, huh?

Jonathan we wanted you to take us back to our home. Not yours. Oh well in that case. I don't know where that is

Holy that's a great idea. If you can't remember all the things you I spy it on the way getting here

Jonathan could fly around and see them and show us the way back. So let's go

Let's say Reina piety

Oh, do you remember spying anything else wooly? I

present to you

something windy

Jonathan this is not what I spied either

The only thing that I saw was a different kind of whitening worst earth can take you down the mountain

then on your bark it said

There we go

Do you remember I spying a guy stationed at the bottom of a mountain? Oh

Thanks ARF, but we still have to get home and we still don't know how to get there

maybe if you remember anything else you spied I can fly around until I say it which means

You follow trucks. It means earth needs to follow that truck. So here are goes

I arrived

Come on are we know the way from here so you can follow us arf is ready and set to follow you so let's go

But you got back because Rolly remember what he spied. Yeah, but all my remembering is worn this puppy out

But I'm glad you're right here because I'd really miss you if you ever weren't ARF spies Bob and his best friends

The Shockmaster hissing yeah be sharp monster

I don't want to be a shark monster well for tending to our surfers and we need you to be the shark monster

Seeing you too Bob

Ruff - you guys - I would love to feel that sand on my toes someday

Hope you guys find something fun to do while I'm not near

You here will Bob said just barely that before really is noisy you and I are going on a mission

Good thing Bob invented these towers for us to put stuff in


Hope whoever's flying this plane doesn't make it do loop-de-loops because that hurts my tongue Oh Frank

I was talking about that thing around your neck. It's a lay hand so this

Probably I hope I don't get sunburned cuz that hurt

And it's exactly what I need these crabs are

We need something big but flies like a big fly bigger and fly, so let's get to work


Came here to get Sam for bob's toes. I changed everything that's crawling on the beach

We're both floating

Yeah, we four leggers are gonna ride the next way and whoever searched the best wins a trophy

What's that you two doggies one the surfing contest first place and we still need something replenish

I'm gonna find you crabby

Frog is gonna be so happy when he sees all the Sanford's toes. We should celebrate by eating those dog biscuits

I put in our collars. Yeah, all we have to do

Roli wait, we have all this and we need us shit, but not to Bob Tito

See there were no little puppies around to almost run me over or wake me up for my nap or beg me to be a

Shark monster until I finally said okay

I've been looking forward to seeing you all day

Whoa, what you two get into?

Actually that feels really good like what the beach must be like in Hawaii

How I wish I could be with you so I invented this to do the kinds of things

I do if I was here. Hi bingo. Hi Roley. I

Call Earth

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Go, Dog. Go! Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Aaron Barnes - Duration: 10:01.


Humid and rainy day in the forecast for Thursday - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Humid and rainy day in the forecast for Thursday - Duration: 2:40.


What Is The Best Property Investment Strategy For You? - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> What Is The Best Property Investment Strategy For You? - Duration: 5:34.


How to Pack Lunches for Teens | Lunch Containers & Ideas - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> How to Pack Lunches for Teens | Lunch Containers & Ideas - Duration: 6:53.


Sofia The First Funny Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 329 Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 10:01.

Once upon a time all in the magical kingdom of enchancia. They lived a young girl named

Sophia Sophia led a simple life working at the village shoo shoo. So Sophia was very excited to read the king

Miranda placed her slipper on the Kings foot. It was a perfect fit and so were they

We're almost there and whenever we have really look like Sophia now that we're living in the castle, you're gonna have your own bedroom

Of course father Your Majesty King Rowland the second Queen Miranda

You I sewed them myself

It's our family crest. That's right James because that is what all this is really about

becoming a new family

Cedric I said flowers not showers

Excuse me, your highness. I'm still breaking in my new wand that's Cedric

Yes, you should bring


Means I lead you. Oh, okay following

Will be careful me

it's so great to meet a real live sorcerer that flower trick with amazing if by

Amazing. You mean a complete waste of my talents then? Yes. Thank you

I should be out saving dragon see and you my dear should be in the banquet hall thirty seconds ago. Oh wait off you go

It's a tradition to provide an official welcome to every new member of the royal family for your mother

It was the wedding but for you

We will be throwing a royal ball in your honor too. And you and I shall dance the first waltz Oh Rollie

You're so sweet. I have to dance why would better way to let everyone in the tri-kingdom area know

So huge looks like the standard princess suite to me

Yes, mom you run do you need anything

I don't know do I well when you know what you need, you know what to do

I'm feeling unsteady. Mom says I'll be just

I'm not ready to be princess. I don't have what it takes

First thing with trinkets and I'm afraid to touch fancy


What's the matter sweetheart I don't want a rail ball that's us says who

Come here, Sofia. Just try the best you can and if it's not good enough for all those stuffy dukes and duchesses

You must promise to never take it off

That way you'll never lose it I promise

Me too. Thank you. Goodnight Sophia night

Everything's going to be just fine. Well, good night

She has the amulet of every law

But not for long

And I'll finally have the power to take over the kingdom

What is going on in here, this is a castle not a farm

Always looking for a few good princesses. That's great because I need to learn to act like one by Friday. Oh

Good old Royal prep. Yeah at that great beginning they're taking that first step

Your lessons will come in fear

Time for your first class dear. Good luck

Class we have a new student

And then she dropped her Forks all over the floor hey amber what's going on

I think it's time Sophia took a ride on the magic swing. I

Don't know amber, it swings itself go on try it

Swings itself never heard of that before

Here we go

I thought you said she was your sister she is


Good baby bird I

Guess I gotta go back

We shouldn't have played that prank Sofia wait

my lab, I mean

Workshop, you know, no even the king himself


That's just wormwood my raving now you stop it with me you're scary

It's oh, but if you had the Amulet of avalor

You know for it contains powerful magic with each D performed for better or worse

A power is great, but promise

But I promise never to take it off and my mother says a broken promise can never be glued back together. Oh


And I got sensitive

That's a relief

You can talk

Can he stop talking? I helped a baby bird yesterday and I think the amulet gave me the power to talk to animals


that is great kid, cuz there's a

Okay. Now why do you think us? Woodland creatures have been helping you princesses for all these years? I don't know

Tell me cuz we gotta eat clean up your messes

And what's our reward would think when we did your chores we were volunteer

Time for school. Mm-hmm. Don't worry about the other kids Sophia. You gotta keep your up


Thought being a princess would be easy but it's really hard hmm. I know just what you need

5:06. Oh here. Let me help you with that

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Funny Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 329 Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 10:01.


Regular Show The Longest Weekend Part 3 Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - LUCAS FOX - Duration: 3:18.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

Almost there muscle man, only 15 minutes left to go. That's good. You think you can let me use the bathroom? Sorry, dude

One man. You don't have to worry. I don't have it in me to run away. Just let me hit the bathroom

I get it you see?

Alright just for a minute

Hey, my ladies love gives me all this

Don't cry Starla. Yeah, you've only got ten minutes left

Do you hear something I think so

My baby needs me


Man don't do it. She'll break up with you

Promised her

way and waited enough

I don't wanna wait anymore, and I bet Darla doesn't want to wait anymore either

Thank you all for helping me it was totally worth waiting to prove I love you guys are true friends, haha

Thanks muscle man. It was nothing

We probably shouldn't invite them to the movies anymore good idea

For more infomation >> Regular Show The Longest Weekend Part 3 Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - LUCAS FOX - Duration: 3:18.


Megan Gailey - Tips for Not Getting Murdered - Duration: 4:59.

I worry about getting murdered a lot.

- I do. I do. - Woman: Yeah!

I get it. I know you can't act this way and be like,

"I'm gonna live forever!"

It's like I'm definitely gonna be in a trunk.

I know that.

I come home really, really late at night,

which is just like murdering women happy hour.

So I've developed a couple fun little tricks to try not get killed.

So like, when I get out of my car,

instead of walking down the sidewalk like a regular woman,

I choose to sprint down the center of the road,

constantly turning my head like that.

And it's less so a murderer can't catch me,

and more so another murderer

thinks I've already been claimed.

They're like, "Ah, no! Rick's got her.

Okay. Cool, cool, cool."

Men sometimes get upset with me. I get that.

They'll come up to me after shows and they're like,

"Why are you so political?"

I'm like, "Yeah, I'm just up here being like, 'Stop hitting us!

It hurts!'"

( cheers, applause )

I don't hate men. I really--

I don't want you to think that. I love men.

( sighs ) I keep saying that wrong.

- I love dick. - ( cheers )

Yeah. I do!

And people are so mean to dicks, too.

Like, "Dicks cause wars. Dicks are evil to women."

It's like dicks are magical, beautiful presents

that happen to be attached to monsters.

( cheers, applause )

That's what's happening.

Like, when has a dick ever texted you the wrong form of "your"?

Never. Never.

A dick never shows up in a Hawaiian shirt

to meet your family, like, "I don't know what the issue is."

Well, there's a lot of fucking issues!

These are my parents, not a goddamn Jimmy Buffet concert!

Dicks are so cool.

You guys have so many tricks you can do.

Like, a dick wakes up excited.

( laughs, applause )

Just ready to go!

Ready to greet the day!

What a morning person.

A dick wakes up before the human it's attached to.

How is that not on "MythBusters"?

That's the craziest thing I've ever heard.

Never in my 30 years I'm like, "Oh! My vagina's awake!

♪ Time to go to work! ♪

I love men, men love me, kind of, I guess.

My dad's very confused by my interactions with men.

Like, once a guy drove six hours to see me for two hours

and then immediately drove back six hours.

And my dad was like, "Why would anyone ever do that?"

There's no nice way to be like, "I don't know, Dad.

I just got that good pussy."

- ( cheers, applause ) - Hang on. No.

You can't say that!

You have to be like, "I'm witty!

I'm a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff!"

( laughs, scattered applause )

I love when you go into businesses

and in the women's bathroom, they have signs on the wall

that say, "Please don't flush any tampons down the toilet."

And it's like, "Oh! Well, we are."

( laughs )

That's like exactly what we're doing a hundred percent of the time.

There's always a trash can out.

I'm like, "Fuck your trash can!"

I make 77 cents on the dollar, I'm not waddling to a trash can.

Hillary lost! She lost!

I'll flush a fucking shoe down the toilet if I want to.

( cheers, applause )

I'm gonna be postmenopausal

just dipping tampons in pudding,

fast-pitch softballing them.

"Do you still want her e-mails?"

And then my friend was like, "No, no, no. You can't do it!

It's like an environmental crisis.

The tampons get in the sewer, they clump together,

and then a man has to go down and break it apart."

I'm like, "That's the greatest thing I've ever heard in my life!"

No Google image search has made me come faster

than a man in a hazmat suit having to chisel apart

a Robert E. Lee statue of used tampons.

God bless America!

( cheers, applause )

For more infomation >> Megan Gailey - Tips for Not Getting Murdered - Duration: 4:59.


NC father says search for missing son has been "torture" - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> NC father says search for missing son has been "torture" - Duration: 0:40.


sewer video for 207 Parkview - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> sewer video for 207 Parkview - Duration: 11:58.


SailAway 36 | Hopetown Bahamas - Riding Hard For Free Rum | Sailboat Living Sailing Vlog - Duration: 9:57.

this week on sale away we arrived in Hope Town Bahamas assault the island on

bikes snag some free rum at the kickoff party for regatta time Abaco and

discover the perfect sundowner spot whose cherishes our think we should sit

on them do you wanna say I wanna do you wanna say

with me last time we explored the North Shore of Waunakee had a UFO pool

experience yeah got towed several times that's us right there and eventually

sailed on were two ho Tom on elbow key Abaco Bahamas

Lauren failed getting a mooring ball and I lost the top half of our

not first time I heard and says I don't want there always shown

no it's one more thing though one thing I know this for sure


there are sweetie


we'll talk about they don't hit that will help if I like Kalin rope

with its artistic bohemian vibe we immediately felt at home in Hope town

which sits on the northern tip of elbow key or maybe it was because the story of

the British loyalists who first settled here mimicked our own so closely just

like us most came from the Carolinas by way of East Florida in 1785 and while

the loyalists were fleeing the newly independent United States

we're just escaping the rat race

we got a playground

after running a couple bikes for 12 bucks of piece we clamped on rivers seed

and set off to explore the eight miles of elbow key and hopefully find the

location of the kickoff party for regatta time abaca

so happy

I was count down a free ruff


a little poolside drink

sorry watch me

we would love

we were

and bump should we go catch up mommy I just like this dock

in the early days of elbow key one of the main sources of income besides

fishing was the practice of wrecking which was basically scavenging

shipwrecks but after the British erected the candy-striped lighthouse in the

1860s those wrecks became extinct the lighthouse is now one of the last

operational kerosene fueled lighthouses in the world this is the road we were

talking about the range marker how you get in you line up that sign with that

sign this is what's at the end of that road

Oh whose chairs these are but I think we should sit on them donated by the beauty

and friends of hotel well thank you we will no it's for the balding know one

thing this



For more infomation >> SailAway 36 | Hopetown Bahamas - Riding Hard For Free Rum | Sailboat Living Sailing Vlog - Duration: 9:57.


Party Pronto - Everything You Need for Your Special Event - Duration: 0:39.

Whether you're hosting a carnival for a church event, a birthday party, or a family

reunion, Party Pronto can provide everything you need to make it a fun time.

We offer a complete line of party rentals, including jumpers, slides, obstacle courses,

petting zoos, inflatables, carnival rides, concession equipment, kid-friendly entertainers,

movie screen rentals, and even party essentials like tables, chairs, tents, and stages.

Give us a call today to get the rentals you need for your party.

For more infomation >> Party Pronto - Everything You Need for Your Special Event - Duration: 0:39.


I Apologize for Talking While You Were Talking - Tiger Woods & Gritty the Mascot | The Daily Show - Duration: 3:49.

There was a lot of big sports news in the past few days

So let's check in with Roy Wood Jr.

and Michael Kosta for another edition

of I Apologize for Talking While You Were Talking.

-♪ ♪ -(cheering and applause)


Like that cold sore on your daddy's lip,

we are back, sports fans.

-I'm Roy Wood Jr. -And I'm Michael Kosta Jr.

No, you are not, man.

-Oh! -Look, football season is in full swing,

and there have been some crazy stories.

Last week, Buffalo Bills' Vontae Davis retired

-in the middle of a game. -Retired?

-You don't retire in the middle of a game. -Yeah.

If you're losing, that's called quitting, okay?

And you don't quit in the middle of a game.

Says who? Football is like anything else.

It's a job. You leave when you want.

I retired from Golden Corral in 1998

in the middle of steak and shrimp night.


Do you think that was an easy decision?

It was. Easiest decision I've ever made.

But the biggest news out of the NFL

is not about who's leaving-- it's about who's coming back.

The woeful Cleveland Browns

did something not seen for 635 days:

they won a game...

ANNOUNCER: Browns take over.

...snapping a 19-game winless streak,

a come from behind triumph over the New York Jets.

Let's go to the Super Bowl. Super Bowl. Super Bowl.

Super Bowl. Super Bowl.

Hey, hey, let's slow down, Browns fan.

Why don't you first focus on game four.

-I'll tell you what I didn't like about this, Kosta. -Okay.

What I didn't like is how everybody in the media

is saying they haven't won in 635 days.

-Yeah. -They didn't play every day.

-It was 19 games. -Yeah.

-It was 19. -But big numbers make a story sound better,

like when I tell HR I haven't been drunk at work

for 970 minutes.

So yesterday.

Okay, but still, it's pretty amazing

that the Browns hadn't won a game

-since Obama was in office. -Exactly. That's my point.

They lost those games to protest Trump.

-Ah. -But instead of taking a knee,

-the Browns took a season. -Yeah.

-Yeah, I mean... -It's bold.

Now, the Browns weren't the only people

with a big comeback this weekend.

The greatest golfer of a generation

returning to the top.

Tiger Woods is back.

An incredible scene Sunday

as the golf phenom turned golf legend

captured his first PGA win since 2013.

Man, it's good to see Tiger back.

You guys gonna start watching again, Roy?

Y-You guys gonna start watching golf again?

Oh, you mean black people. We haven't decided.

It's on the docket for the next black people meeting.

-We're gonna discuss it. -Oh, yeah.

-Yeah. -That sounds like fun.

You think I could join one of those meetings?

All right, fine, let's move on.

Now, Philadelphia, say hello to your new hockey mascot.

♪ ♪

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!

That's why you can't come to the black people meeting.

Look, I don't...

I don't know what the hell

-Philadelphia thinks they're doing. -Yeah.

But that thing looks like a Muppet

that got kicked off Sesame Street for doing meth.

All right, man, well, look, we got to wrap this up.

-The black people meeting is starting soon. -Oh, yeah, okay.

You know what, I actually, I got a white person meeting, as well.

-So... What? -You got a what?

-I can't have a white person meeting? -That's the problem.

Roy Wood Jr. and Michael Kosta, everyone.

For more infomation >> I Apologize for Talking While You Were Talking - Tiger Woods & Gritty the Mascot | The Daily Show - Duration: 3:49.


[Date Scene] Devilish Joy - 마성의 기쁨/Song Ha yoon Waiting For Choi Jin Hyuk/Romantic Scene #NoiseDaily - Duration: 3:59.

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