Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

(Game Sack theme music)

- [Joe] Hello, and welcome to Game Sack.

We're back with more modern accessories

for retro gaming.

- [Dave] That's exactly right, Joe.

Geez, I haven't said that for a long time, have I?

- [Joe] That's true, I wish you'd say it more,

because I like being right.

Anyway, we've got some cool stuff,

and first up is something really nice for the PC Engine.

This cool device is the Super SD System 3,

from Terra Onion.

And I'm just gonna call it the SD3

for the rest of this review.

It sells for 240 euros, which is about 280 US dollars.

This attaches to the back of any PC Engine-based console

like the CoreGrafx or the SuperGrafx.

And yes, it will attach to a TurboGrafx-16.

And that's all it does, the end.

Just kidding.

This is actually several things in one.

Firstly, it has a video port

so you can use a Sega Genesis model 2 video cable,

and yes, it supports RGB, as well.

It also has a Micro SD card slot.

And what can you put on this?

Well, lots and lots of PC Engine

and TurboGrafx games, of course.

So yeah, it's basically like an Everdrive.

You can run HuCard games from both regions

on any console, no problem.

And of course, it can run SuperGrafx games,

but only if you have it attached

to an actual SuperGrafx.

Oh, and it's also an optical disc emulator,

and that means you can run CD games

off of the SD card, as well.

In fact, your console will think that it has

a CD drive attached.

This right here is awesome,

and it's sorely needed, as the mechanical CD drives

begin to break down, and become harder

and harder to fix, thanks to the lack

of sourceable parts.

It can run regular CD, Super CD,

and yes, even Arcade CD games.

And they load super fast, too.

Check out how fast it goes from stage to stage

in Gate of Thunder here.

- [Game Announcer] Stage clear.

- [Joe] This even makes games like Cosmic Fantasy 2

actually playable.

The original disc felt like it loaded

every time you blinked, but playing it on

the SD3 here, it's as smooth as butter.

However, it can actually be too fast

for a couple of games,

like Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective.

On the original disc, the laser could only read data

so fast, and as a result, the video would pause

every second or two.

The developers knew this, and that's just how

the game was designed to work.

- I gather that he was reassigned

to cover the case from here

because he had some familiarity with the murder in Egypt.

- [Joe] But on the SD3 there's none of that,

so the video gets ahead of the audio,

and it gets out of sync before you know it.

- I gather that he was reassigned to

cover with an odd duck,

but thanks for your help Henry.

- [Joe] Other games that use FMV like

It Came from the Desert and the Japanese game

Gulliver Boy are fine though.

(speaking Japanese)

The menu is kind of weird the first few times

you navigate it, as you need to press the RUN button

to enter folders.

The select button toggles between HuCards and CD games,

so if you want to play a CD game,

be sure to switch it over first.

There are several different options you can choose from,

but be sure to enable the Arcade Card

and just leave it that way.

Well that is unless you run into a game

that doesn't happen to work well with the arcade card

for some reason.

You can also select a version of the system card,

which you'll have to provide your own images for.

For example, you're gonna wanna press

System Card 1.0 if you want to play the CD version

of Altered Beast.

It simply will not work correctly with any other version.

You can also dump your own HuCards which is handy.

Just check the box, turn the system off,

insert your HuCard, power it up and dump it.

You can use popular apps like IMGBurn

to rip your own CDs to the BIN in CUE format

and store them in a named folder on the card.

The SD3 also has virtually unlimited backup RAM,

so you'll never have to worry about running out of space

to save your game.

Finally is the CD block volume.

This lets you adjust how loud CD audio

and the ADPCM sound is.

This is because some games will have distorted audio

at 100 percent.

Whatever digital to analog converter they're using,

doesn't really have enough dynamic range

to handle really loud sounds.

If you lower this to 60 or so,

the distortion will be gone.

Here's a good example of 100 percent volume

versus 60 percent in Ys Book One and Two's

opening narration.

- [Game Narrator] Ys, the seemingly tranquil paradise

suddenly pulled from the height of its civilization,

to the empty abyss of infinite isolation.

Ys, the seemingly tranquil paradise

suddenly pulled from the height of its civilization,

to the empty abyss of infinite isolation.

- [Joe] However this also messes up the balance

between the CD audio and the console's PSG sound,

and the music might seem too quiet

compared to the sound effects.

(loud PSG shooting over quiet but really good music)

As I said before, the SD3 offers an RGB video output.

The video quality is mostly fantastic.

However, I've noticed some slight video noise

in dark solid blues and greens like here

in the opening of Lords of Thunder,

or the green in the background on the first stage

of Bonk's Adventure.

It's not horrible, but it's not

perfect either.

However, you'll never notice it on a CRT,

but you might with an upscaler.

Also when I put the SD3 on my TurboGrafx-16,

the noise is even worse.

Still it's hard to notice on a CRT,

and some games like Gradius II here,

it's hard to even notice on an HDTV

through an upscaler.

So your experience might be noisier

or even less noisy than mine

depending on what system you hook it up to.

I think it's likely that the SD3 isn't

getting enough power from the console.

A good solution might be to design the SD3

so that it provides power to the console

like a normal Interface Unit does.

Not the other way around like it currently works.

Still the SD3 is a fantastic piece of hardware,

and it goes a long way to keeping the TurboGrafx-16

and the PC Engine scene alive.

(sweet game music)

(holy water sounds)

(wolf howling... and dying)

- [Dave] Okay one down & that thing is actually really cool,

but man it's not cheap, but it is cool.

- Yup

- I think maybe the diehard collector

would find it interesting, and you know

it's useful for sure.

- [Joe] I agree, and we've got another thing that's useful

coming up right now, and you're gonna talk about that?

- [Dave] I am

- [Joe] Let's check it out.

(rock music from Super Off-Road on SNES)

- [Dave] Here's the Super Nt from Analogue,

which is a Super Nintendo clone.

You can get it at Analogue's website

and it costs 189 US dollars,

and you can choose from one of four designs.

We though this gray one looked really cool,

but most people seem to think the translucent one

is the best.

More power to 'em.

It comes with a console, HDMI cable, USB cable

and a power adapter.

You can use your own Super NES controllers

or you can buy a 40 dollar wireless controller

when you buy your system.

First off, I've gotta say that the SuperNt is amazing.

It outputs in 1080P, 720P or 480P.

It doesn't cut any corners,

and what you get for the price is truly amazing.

First of all, the console itself is small and sturdy.

It doesn't feel like a lightweight piece of junk.

It easily fits both Super Famicom shaped cartridges

and US Super Nintendo shaped cartridges.

The cartridge port is fantastic,

and not as prone to glitches as the one

on the Nt Mini which we covered a while back.

You also have an SD card slot for updating firmware

and uh, other things.

The only thing that it doesn't have is an analog output

for a CRT television.

This of course leads to the systems only incompatibility,

and that's with the Super Scope which of course,

needs a CRT.

Designer Kevtris has commented that he'd

like to make an HDMI to analog video adapter

which would enable Super Scope compatibility.

That'd have to be some really fast

digital to analog conversion to retain accuracy.

But honestly we'll probably never see that.

As far as game play and compatibility go,

we haven't noticed any issues that

haven't already been fixed.

The games run perfectly. There's no lag that we can detect,

and the experience is very smooth.

You can enable more sprites on screen,

but we haven't found any reason for that.

Too bad you can't reduce the slow-down on some games,

but that's okay, as it's just as authentic

as playing on a real Super Nintendo.

The video quality is of course fantastic,

once you dial the settings in,

but even out of the box it looks great

without adjusting anything.

The audio is always a concern for us here at Game Sack,

and it's replicated very well here.

(Castlevania music)


Being that the Super NES uses a sample based format,

it's not a difficult system when it comes to

reproducing the audio.

(ActRaiser music by Yuzo Koshiro)

Of course the console can run any

Super Nintendo cart out there

as long as it also runs on the original system,

and all of your favorite peripherals

besides the aforementioned Superscope work great.

Yes, that even includes the Super Game Boy.

Oh and flashcards like the SD2SNES as well.

This is the real deal.

Sadly, there's no save state option here.

Nor is there any way to transfer a save file

from a cartridge over to the SD card for safe keeping.

That'd actually be a pretty neat feature,

especially if it could be transferred

back to the cartridge after a battery was replaced

for example.

Oh well, the original consoles don't exactly

offer these features either.

As far as the system menu goes,

getting around is pretty simple,

but we had to change the font

to make it easier to read.

Of course it's all up to you what you prefer.

It also supports cheat code entry

direct from the menu.

There are plenty of options for your screen size,

but if you want it to be a perfect four times scale

for your 1080P screen, first make sure

advanced mode is checked.

Then go under Video, then Width and Height.

Set the width to 1170 and height to 960.

Then go back out and into Scalers

and make sure the Disable V Iterpolation is checked,

but not the H Interpolation.

This will give you a great four by three image

in a 1080P window with no shimmering artifacts

when games scroll.

There's also hotkeys that'll call up the menu

during a game when pressed.

This defaults to down plus select.

Here you can adjust the image

and see the effects in real time.

You can make it fill your entire screen

if that tingles you in your sensitive spots.

Or, shrink it down as far as the menu will let you.

The Scanline feature from the Nt Mini is back,

but it's been improved.

As far as audio options go, there's a

negative three decibel cut you can enable

if certain games are too loud and distort.

Also be sure to enable cartridge audio

and just leave it enabled all the time.

Otherwise, you won't hear any sound from your Super Game Boy

and some games on the SD2SNES.

(Castlevania II music)

You could also play with the LED colors

if you're entertained by such trivial things.

We prefer a solid red like the original system,

but you can make it pulsate if you need it to be

a bit more distracting.

And don't forget to save once you've made

all your adjustments.

The worst thing about the Super Nt,

is that if you update your firmware,

all of your settings will have to be entered again.

This is a pain, and I wish they could

save the settings to the SD card

to be restored during the update

so we don't have to keep going back

through every thing each time we update the firmware.

Still if this of all things is the most

horrible issue that effects it,

then you've gotta figure that the console is pretty good.

There is jail-broken firmware out there

that will let you run Super Nintendo ROMs

from the SD card, but only games

that don't use special chips of any kind.

And no, the system doesn't have cores written

for other console like the Nt Mini does.

Still this is simply the best Super Nintendo system

you can buy and it's way cheaper

than getting a real console, modding it

for clean RGB, and then getting a Framemeister or whatnot.

We've been using it a lot for the show

as well as for episodes of Playing with Sacks

that we've been making,

and it hasn't let us down yet.

If you've been on the fence about this,

rest assured you'll be satisfied.

This is absolutely the best way

to get into the Super Nintendo for the first time

all over again.

(more Castlevania music)

Follow Game Sack on Twitter @GamesSack

and @GameSackDave on Instagram

@gamesackofficial and check out our Patreon if you want.

- [Joe] Awesome. I love the Super Nt as well,

like you said we've been using it for a while

and it's performed fantastically if that's an actual word.

- [Dave] Sure, it might as well be 'cause fantastically

is a good word to use for that thing,

it's just solid, it's well built, it's just really cool.

- [Joe] It really is.

- [Dave] Do they have something like this for the Genesis? Maybe?

- [Joe] I don't know, kinda? Let's take a look.

(electronic drums from the exciting game Whip Rush)

- [Joe] This is the Sega Genesis Flashback

from AtGames which currently sells for about 70 dollars

or more new, and far less used.

It comes with a scaled-down version of

the model one Genesis, two wireless controllers,

an HDMI cable and a power supply.

It's also the first one of AtGames' Genesis consoles

to have a built-in HDMI output which will give you

720P directly to your HDTV.

So how is it?

Well, how do you think?

First, let's mention the included controllers.

They run on a pair of AAA batteries.

Batteries not included by the way.

As controllers go, they feel okay,

and there's a menu button and a rewind button

to help you if you screw up in your game.

But the worst thing has got to be

the bright blue light that shines in your eyeballs

every time you press the D-pad or any button.

Fortunately, you can use your own Genesis controllers

if you like, but you give up the in-game menu options.

Powering it up, you're greeted by a menu

with a bunch of built-in games for the Genesis, Master System

and even the Game Gear.

It has 85 total games built in,

but many of these are brand new bonus games

that absolutely nobody wants.

We'll get to these in a minute.

I really like how they couldn't source

the proper box art for Sonic the Hedgehog

and had to use the NOT FOR RESALE box.


The menu is kind of clumsy but you'll get used to it.

The system also has a cartridge slot so you can play games

that aren't built in.

When you power it up, it downloads the ROM

into system memory so yes it's emulation,

and crappy emulation.

Anyway after that, you just press the A button

on the icon and you're playing your game.

You can even fit Japanese MegaDrive games into the slot

and they'll work.

Even games that are region protected like

Thunder Force IV.

Even SunSoft Mega Drive games will fit.

Yeah, that's right it's absolutely playable

in the very loosest sense of the term.

But how about Virtual Racing,

which uses the SVP chip? Does it work?


How 'bout the Game Genie?

The menu sees it and launches it,

and lets you put in the codes,

but when you try to start the game

it just resets the Game Genie.

So no, it doesn't work.

The EverDrive? Of course not.

You just get a black screen.

Master System games using a power base converter?


32x games won't directly fit,

but how 'bout with an actual 32X?

Well, it loads the game ROM, let's see what happens

when I launch it.

Oh, just a black screen.

Of course.

In order to start one of the built in games

just highlight it and press the A button.

And oh my god, prepare for your

eyeballs to be destroyed!

First of all, the games run at 40 frames per second,

at best. Yes, I counted.

And they're not even consistent.

That means frames are dropping seemingly at random

all the time.

The screen is also scaled poorly.

Just look at the unevenness of the dithering here.

That should be displayed as a perfect checkerboard.

It also means that the scrolling has

nasty shimmering artifacts in every direction.

It's punishing to look at,

and even worse to play.

Look at me trying to play Shadow Dancer,

a game I normally excel at,

but I'm dying a ton here.

Here's how I normally do it on a real Genesis at this part.

(Shadow Dancer music)

I thought it might be the wireless controllers

causing lag, so I used a Genesis controller

and nope, same thing.

It's the frame rate and also the system itself

is just so damn laggy.

There's also a scan line feature,

but of course, it sucks.

I mean why wouldn't it?

It's not even consistent scan lines,

I mean look at that, how did they screw that up?

Oh and of course, the sound is messed up

and some things just don't sound correct at all.

(laggy jumping noises)

The music often can't even play at a consistent speed.

Oh yeah, and the sound effects aren't even in sync

with the game. Listen.


So, just for fun, here's how Thunder Force IV

sounds on my real Sega Genesis.

(amazing music which sounds better than perfect)

And here's how it sounds on the AtGames Flashback.

(staticky LOL-worthy music)

There are save states and stuff like that

that you can use if you're so inclined.

Master system games play in a smaller window,

and they've never looked or sounded so bad.

They don't seem to run at the proper speed either,

and the sound is very scratchy and dull.

(music sounding like it's played through a cheese grater)

The Game Gear games play in a border

that resembles an actual Game Gear somewhat,

but again, they're choppy and the sound is rough.

Back to the built in games.

These are a treat for any masochist.

And of course, we've gotta try Mr. Balls.

I don't know what's going on here,

and honestly I don't really care.

Or, how 'bout Bomber?

This is the worst Bomber Man clone

that you're ever gonna play.

Actually, just do yourself a favor,

and don't play it.

How about Fight or Lose?

Okay, I guess I'll fight.

Oops, I lost.

Jeez, that was the crappiest fighting game

I ever played.

This thing is super awful

and it's embarrassing that Sega keeps licensing

their name and their games to AtGames.

I even feel sorry for the poor HDMI cable

for having to pass this garbage through it.

Not only that, but AtGames is making

Sega's official Mega Drive Mini.

I tell ya, someone at AtGames must be

giving someone at Sega really good blowies

for this to keep continuing like this.

Sega, quit being dumb.

Fire AtGames and step up your own damn game.

(Thunder Force 3 music, but kinda broken)

- [Dave] Well, yeah Joe, I can see all those points

this thing is yeah, it just feels flimsy

and I mean

- [Joe] That'd blow away in the wind

- [Dave] Totally dude, you gotta hold onto this if

you're walking outside.

And there's no volume slider, I mean what the...

- [Joe] You do not want a volume slider on that thing.

The sound is just awful.

- [Dave] Yeah, yeah for sure.

- [Joe] Anyway, we've got one more device

and it's a little bit of an oddity.

I mean it's not something you'd expect to see,

but let's just get into it.

(Gamecube opening jingle)

- [Dave] Here's the Action Replay for the Gamecube.

And yes, the Gamecube qualifies as retro now,

so damn we're old.

You may be wondering why we'd cover something like this.

Yeah, it lets you select cheats for games and stuff.

But I wanna talk about the version of

the Action Replay that comes with

the SD Media Launcher memory card adapter.

These are harder to come by, but it's what you want.

This little device just plugs into slot 2

and lets you run HomeBrew off of an SD card.

If the Action Replay sees this as it boots,

it automatically loads up a file browser

showing the contents of the card.

There's a lot of things that you can do with this,

but there's two specific apps I'd like to talk about today.

The first one is called Swiss.

This will let you boot games from several different sources,

but we'll be looking at running retail games

from the disc drive.

Once Swiss is running, you can open up the lid

and swap out the disc, and then tell it

to reset the DVD drive.

Your game is recognized and

you can make some interesting changes

before you start it.

You can force the video mode,

which is the main selling point for us here

at Game Sack.

Even games that don't support 480P can be

forced to run that way.

It's native 480P and not deinterlaced garbage.

It doesn't affect the frame rate or performance

of the game either.

Oh and this works with the entire Gamecube library.

No longer will you have to play a game

in cruddy interlaced mode.

Of course you'll need the Gamecube component cables

or the e*o*n HDMI adapter to take advantage of this feature.

You can also force 4:3 only games

into 16:9 widescreen mode.

You can apply this to only the 3D polygons,

or both the polygons as well as the 2D assets.

Either way, you'll get mixed results.

You might see more pop up especially near the sides

of the screen as these games just weren't developed

to be drawn wider than they are.

Also not everything gets adjusted animorphically

and sometimes things just don't quite fit on screen.

Still it's fun to mess around with,

and it works better on some games than others.

Tales of Symphonia, it does indeed

give you a wider view most of the time,

but the text becomes stretched.

Personally, I'd rather play the games

in the aspect ratio that they're designed for,

but like I said, it's fun to mess around with.

(engine roaring)

The second app I'd like to mention is the GBI,

or the Game Boy interface.

If you have a Game Boy player attached to your Gamecube,

this will make things a ton better.

Nintendo is not and has never been a fan

of sharp pixels, and as a result

the Game Boy Player offers up

some pretty blurry visuals at best.

As seen here with component cables at 480P.

But load the GBI straight from the SD card,

and you won't need the disc at all.

Plus it forces the Game Boy Player to output

a very clean and unfiltered 240P with no scaling applied.

It looks fantastic, well unless you hate sharp pixels,

then you probably won't like it much,

but this also gets rid of all the frills

of the Gamecube disc, like border frames

and other stuff that you really don't need.

It comes in a variety of flavors

with varying levels of latency,

but this one seemed to work perfectly for us.

If you want it slightly blurrier,

then yes, you can use the Swiss app to force

Nintendo's Game Boy Player disc to

boot into 240P.

This will help tremendously but it won't be as sharp

as the Game Boy Interface,

and it will have a touch more lag.

If you're on a CRT, doing it either way

offers a much better experience than

you can get with the disc alone.

I'm glad to see there's a lot of

interest in the Gamecube.


(explosions caused by the previously-mentioned shooting)

- [Joe] Yeah it kind of feels weird to cover something

like an Action Replay on Game Sack.

- [Dave] Yeah, it really does 'cause it's

like a memory card.

But you know, it does its job, it works well,

it's easy to use, but the only downfall

is using the Gamecube controller on

GameBoy Advance games,

but that's something completely different.

- [Joe] Plus you have to use the Gamecube component cables,

or an e*o*n HDMI adapter if you want to get

the 480P visuals.

But, it is what it is.

Some people hate that phrase,

I might be one of 'em and I just said it.

But what devices would you like to see us cover

in the future? Let us know, in the meantime,

Thank you for watching Game Sack!

(Game Sack ending theme music)

- [Joe] It's common knowledge that the AtGames

Sega Genesis Flashback is an absolutely horrible device.

But hold on, we found some uses for it.

Such as a doorstop.

Or a tire chock.

You don't want your car rolling away do ya?

Or a hammer tester.


- [Dave] It works!

- [Joe] Is something just out of your reach?

- [Dave] There it is.

Come on, I want it.

So close, come on.

- [Joe] Use it as a stepstool.

- [Dave] Sega mouse, ew I didn't want this.

- [Joe] Are you busy soldering but you have no place

to rest your soldering iron?

The AtGames Sega Genesis Flashback can help you.


And, as a beverage holder.

I mean, who wants to drink out of a pesky bottle?

So see? It is useful!

For more infomation >> Modern Accessories for Retro Gaming vol 2 - Game Sack - Duration: 25:34.


Princess Diana's bodyguard makes shock confession and asks Prince Harry for help - Duration: 7:12.

 Princess Diana's former ­bodyguard has shockingly ­confessed he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder while guarding the royal and her two boys

  Ex-military cop Lee Sansum was plagued by flashbacks from his grim service in Northern Ireland while guarding the lives of Diana and the young princes William and Harry

 Now Lee, 56, wants to be reunited with Harry, 33, so they can raise ­awareness of the killer mental health problem together

  The ex-Royal Military Police officer said: "Nobody knew it but I had PTSD even when I looked after the princess and her sons

 "When I left the military there was no help whatsoever for people with any mental health problems

 "I used to tell young Harry stories about the military and things I had done. He was fascinated by it

 "To see him later in life supporting veterans was really nice.  "Now I want to ask him to sit down and speak to him and to raise ­awareness of PTSD sufferers together

"  Backing the Sunday People's Save Our Soldiers Campaign, which calls for an overhaul of how PTSD is treated as the suicide rate of veterans soars, Lee has called for the establishment of a Veteran's Commission in England, like there is in Scotland

 At least 23 ex-personnel have died in suspected suicides this year.  And Lee believes government ­figures on the number of troops ­diagnosed with PTSD do not reflect the true scale of the problem

 He said: "I think the figures the Government are putting out represent only five per cent of what's going on

I personally know at least 20 people with PTSD and not one of them has spoken to anyone official about it ­because of the fear of it being a blot on their employment record

 "It's a massive problem that's not being addressed."  Lee admits he has avoided seeing military doctors or seeking official diagnosis about his symptoms for fear it will affect his own career if it appears on his medical record

 Instead he has sought alternative therapies and taken strength from support groups

He it still working to combat his symptoms today.  With the help of his friend Major Joe Sheppard, 54, Lee has set up his own veterans' support group on Facebook called Improve Your Lifestyle With Lee And Joe

 But he is now seeking the backing of the prince he once guarded to help expand his project into a ­nationwide group to help those with PTSD

He said: "I want us to say it's OK to have PTSD and its OK to ­manage it but you can only do that if you talk about it

"  In echoes of the new BBC drama Bodyguard, Lee began suffering in silence after ten years in the Royal Military Police before moving into close protection work for high-profile individuals

 He took a swipe at the BBC for not using the hit show's 6.9 million viewing figures to support PTSD veterans

 The condition plays a central role in the six-part Sunday night drama starring Richard Madden, 32, whose character David is ­suffering from the disorder after serving in Afghanistan

 He experiences flashbacks, has unpredictable moods and appears to be drinking heavily while guarding the Home Secretary Julia Montague, played by Keeley Hawes, 42

 For Lee, watching the show has brought back harrowing memories. "When you see him having episodes and flashbacks it does send a shiver down your spine," said the Manchester-born veteran, now a security consultant living in Scotland

 "You do think, 'Wow I've been there.' It's good they're using the show to raise awareness of the issue

But they should have a message at the end of every show saying how to get help for PTSD, so they can also be part of the solution

 "It's damaging to use PTSD to sell the show without having a social ­conscience

They should be using the platform to get people help instead of just profiting off it

"   Lee reached the rank of ­sergeant before leaving the Royal Military Police in 1995 and going on to guard celebrities including Tom Cruise, Sylvester Stallone and Jean-Claude Van Damme

 While working for tycoon Mohamed Fayed whose son Dodi was dating Diana, Lee was appointed to look after the princess,William and Harry during their 1997 Saint-Tropez holiday weeks before her death in a car crash

 He told how the nightmares and flashbacks often associated with the disorder were already taking hold while he regaled the young princes with tales of heroism from his military days

 Although he now realises he suffered while serving the royals, Lee realised he had a problem with PTSD only when his wife Kate, 49, confronted him about his night terrors in 1999

 "She told me it's like sleeping with a wild animal at night," said the father-of-six

"I've had crazy dreams for a couple of decades. I thrash around, screaming, fighting in my dreams

 "I once kicked the wardrobe in our bedroom and split the door in half because I believed there was a terrorist in the room

I just never realised what it was." Lee served in Northern Ireland during the war against the IRA and says it led to his condition

 "There were a few near misses and ­incidents where you think, 'I could have died there, that was a close shave' – like being next to a bomb that's gone off or seeing some of your friends blown up and being shot at

My wife is very supportive and I dread to think where I would be now without her

"  It was an emotional moment for Lee when Prince Harry – who served in Afghanistan in the Army Air Corps – later decided to use his profile to support veterans and mental health

 With Harry's help, Lee now wants to establish a 24-hour call centre that puts struggling PTSD sufferers in touch with other veterans

 Quick-response teams could be ­mobilised if people needed help.  Lee added: "PTSD is like a dark cloud

It can be triggered by anything, like a smell or a time of year."  A Government spokesman said: "The Ministry of Defence has ­increased spending on mental health to ­£22million a year, set up a 24/7 helpline and continues to tackle any perceived stigma around mental health

 "Veterans can access specialist ­medical support from the NHS and the wide range of service charities

"  The BBC declined to comment.

For more infomation >> Princess Diana's bodyguard makes shock confession and asks Prince Harry for help - Duration: 7:12.


Волшебный светильник. Залипательное видео с мультяшными голосами. Video for kids. - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Волшебный светильник. Залипательное видео с мультяшными голосами. Video for kids. - Duration: 1:39.


FREE BACKGROUND MUSIC 2018 For Your Video - Best Background Music 2018 - ChillDays - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> FREE BACKGROUND MUSIC 2018 For Your Video - Best Background Music 2018 - ChillDays - Duration: 8:57.


I Don't Wanna Be {read description for goodness sakes hh} - Duration: 1:10.

I dun wanna beeh

WAH oh

WAH oh

wah AH oh

-lots of wah ohs-


-ascending wah ohs building up to a drop-






wait mom wheres the drop


is... is that faceinky?

g a s p

yes my lord and savior is here

AHHHHH oh wait it started


-insert music here-

fire dancing amirite


how many more doots is there cheez-its crust

o h w a i t

For more infomation >> I Don't Wanna Be {read description for goodness sakes hh} - Duration: 1:10.


Teen missing for a year after witnessing murder found alive in Ohio basement - Duration: 3:00.

A 15-year-old Ohio boy missing for more than a year after witnessing a murder has been

found alive in a basement, authorities said.

Police believe Jacob Caldwell ran away from the home of his grandparents, who were granted

emergency temporary custody of him and his brothers, after Jacob's father, Robert Caldwell,

was shot and killed by his ex-wife, Tawnney Caldwell, on Aug. 15, 2017, ABC Dayton affiliate

WKEF reported.

Jacob had last been seen Aug. 21, 2017, in front of a Walmart in Sugar Creek Township,

Sugar Creek Township Police Chief Michael Brown said at a press conference Tuesday.

Jacob was found at a home about 40 miles away in Miami Township late Monday night after

an individual called investigators earlier that day with "very credible" information

on his location, Brown said.

Authorities obtained a search warrant late Monday after getting word Jacob may soon be

moved, Brown said.

When police arrived at the home, they found that Jacob had been living in the basement

with four adults.

Jacob Caldwell, a local teen who went missing after his father was murdered in front of

him in 2017 has been found safe his family confirms to FOX45.

It does not appear that Jacob was being hidden in the basement, but rather that it was his

"primary area of sleep," Brown said.

He was healthy but remained quiet when they found him, and he looked like he had not had

a haircut since he went missing.

Jacob also went a year without attending school or socializing with friends, Brown said.

It appears that all he has been doing for the past year is sitting inside, watching

TV and playing video games, Brown said.

Jacob did not resist when authorities took him into custody, Brown said.

The adults who were in the home are not related to Jacob but are associated with his mother,

Brown said.

Authorities are considering filing obstruction of justice charges against the four adults

as well as other charges against family members or "whoever initiated him taking off that

night," Brown said.

(MORE: Remains of Isabel Celis, who went missing in 2012, found in Arizona: Police)

Billboards for Jacob had just been put up in the area last Wednesday, Brown said, adding

that he believes that's what prompted the tip from the faller.

Images from WKEF show that the billboards now have a red banner running diagonally across

them emblazoned with the word "FOUND!!"

Jacob is now being held in a juvenile detention on a previous warrant issued after he ran

away from the home he shared with his father and stepmother, Brown said.

Tawnney Caldwell is currently locked up, Brown said.

In March, local and federal authorities announced indictments against six people, including

Tawnney Caldwell, in Robert Caldwell's death, WKEF reported.

Robert Caldwell just won custody of his children from his ex-wife when he was killed, WKEF


For more infomation >> Teen missing for a year after witnessing murder found alive in Ohio basement - Duration: 3:00.


Police looking for new truck in Phoenix Amber Alert case, boys still missing - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Police looking for new truck in Phoenix Amber Alert case, boys still missing - Duration: 2:23.


Волшебный светильник. Залипательное видео. Children's game. Video for kids. - Duration: 2:22.

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