Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

Hello there, I will be unboxing and reviewing about fluval

Nano filter in this video which I purchased for my Nano planted aquarium but there are

some features that makes it wrong match for Nano planted aquarium.

Many people make this mistake and buy this filter only to end up returning or using in

other aquarium types.

So you can know more about this filter and its features and decide to buy it or not,

there is link in video description if you find it a right fit for your aquarium you

can buy at low cost.

This video is also dedicated for crowd funding for this channel so make sure you subscribe

and donate from the links in description.

Also a contest is coming up at the end of this video so stay tuned and keep watching.

Let's start with the unboxing of this filter.

One of the unique feature of this filter is that it has neat and elegant design with separate

chambers of filter media.

So you can use it as special filter with biological media or use the regular filter foams that

it comes with.

So filtration part of this filter is really good and durable.

The parts can also be detached and cleaned separately making the maintenance part also

very easy.

All the components are nice fit and there is over flow pipe also provided with it which

is connected to the flow control valve.

Now filtration and maintenance part is very good for this filter.

Now what are cons?

Also if you are residing in country other than US then you may not find an adequate

switch for using this filter as the plug is of different design

But if you purchase this adapter then it can be used

Now I will show how this filter works and what drawbacks it has

First of all when you switch on this filter in aquariums the filter works pretty well

only thing is it creates a nosy rattling and it seems little unpleasant.

The main problem is when you decrease the flow rate the sound or noise increases and

seems quite disturbing this is mainly due to the backward thrust on the magnetic fan

that hits the closed lid.

Another problem that arises is if you keep the flowrate high to avoid noise then the

water agitation is too high making it unsuitable for Nano planted aquarium of 10 gallon or


When you compare it with boy u canister filter then boy u canister filter is quite slow and

suitable for Nano tanks of 10 gallon or less.

So if you have 15 gallon or more and no dissolvable media like Amazonia soil then Fluval Nano

filter is good.

It only has more flowrate with low noise and high noise on low flowrate which is quiet

a disturbing function.

Anyway decision is yours you can check links in video description to buy this product at

cheap price.

Now the contest and giveaway from this channel is

You have to submit me a royalty free video of any exotic fish or aquarium video by visiting

the links in the video description and best entry could win awesome prizes or shopping

vouchers worth 2000 INR.

Also by submitting your video clips to me entitle me to use it on my videos without

any copyright issues so your video clips becomes a resources for me to use on my future videos.

If you agree to these terms and condition then go ahead and participate now.

You can also help by crowdfunding, links to which are also in description the target to

reach is 500$ for next top list video so those who can donate and sponsor for next top 10

video must do it very generously.

That's it for this video I will catch you guys in next video till then bye and take

care and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Fluval Nano Filter for Aquariums Review | Giveaway Contest - Duration: 5:41.


Sweet treats for Halloween - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Sweet treats for Halloween - Duration: 3:12.


Spain SACKS Catalonia's police chief as Madrid blocks push for independence - Duration: 3:11.

Spain SACKS Catalonia's police chief as Madrid blocks push for independence

The official government gazette said the Spanish government has sacked the operational chief of Catalans regional police force, Josep Lluis Trapero.

There have been doubts over how the Mossos dEsquadra, as the Catalan police are called, would respond if ordered to evict sacked leader Carles Puigdemont and his government.

The regional police force also urged its members to behave in a neutral manner and not takes sides in the dispute in an internal note seen by Reuters.

Trapero became a hero to the secessionists after his force took a much softer stance than the national police in enforcing a government ban on the independence referendum on October 1.

The force is riven by distrust between those for and against independence and is estranged from Spains national police forces, according to sources.

The Madrid government dismissed the Catalan government, took over the administration and called a new election after the region declared independence on Friday.

The internal memo read: Given that there is it is likely to be an increase in gatherings and rallies of citizens in all the territory and that there are people of different thoughts, we must remember that it is our responsibility to guarantee the security of all and help these to take place without incident. Traperos dismissal was signed off by Spanish Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido.

Spains High Court last week banned Trapero from leaving Spain and seized his passport as part of an investigation for alleged sedition, although it did not order his arrest.

Prosecutors say he failed to give orders to rescue national police trapped inside a Barcelona building during pro-independence protests last month. The country has been left in crisis as Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced he has sacked the Catalonia government in response.

The Spanish Prime Minister said Catalonia leader Carles Puigdemont had the opportunity on Thursday to "return to legality" but had failed to take it.

Madrid is seeking to tighten its grip on the region, fearing independence movements will spread to the Galicia and the Basque region.

For more infomation >> Spain SACKS Catalonia's police chief as Madrid blocks push for independence - Duration: 3:11.


LEARN COLORS BULLDOZER RACE and Cars Superheroes PRANK Funny - SUPERHEROES Cartoon for Kids - Duration: 2:04.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> LEARN COLORS BULLDOZER RACE and Cars Superheroes PRANK Funny - SUPERHEROES Cartoon for Kids - Duration: 2:04.


Dino Duels Ep. 1: Diplodocus VS Edmontosaurus. DINO DAN for the kids video for kids song for kids - Duration: 14:38.

Dino Duels Ep. 1: Diplodocus VS Edmontosaurus. DINO DAN for the kids video for kids song for kids Halloween Songs for Children, Kids, and Toddlers - Which dinosaurs would you like to see fight each other next? In our first episode of Dino Duels, the King of the Dinosaurs challenges a rival predator from the Jurassic- Diplodocus,Edmontosaurus! Super simple song for kids to sing and dance during halloween!

For more infomation >> Dino Duels Ep. 1: Diplodocus VS Edmontosaurus. DINO DAN for the kids video for kids song for kids - Duration: 14:38.


Colors Learn animal Dinosaurs Colors for kids cartoon Finger Family - Duration: 2:10.

Colors Learn animal Dinosaurs Colors for kids cartoon Finger Family

For more infomation >> Colors Learn animal Dinosaurs Colors for kids cartoon Finger Family - Duration: 2:10.


World War 3 alert: Huge demand for luxury nuclear bunkers as super-rich plan for WAR - Duration: 3:44.

World War 3 alert: Huge demand for luxury nuclear bunkers as super-rich plan for WAR

Shelters including billiard rooms, cinemas, underground gardens, spas, gyms and even bars have seen a huge surge in demand within the last year as the elite look to.

US company Atlas Survival Shelters will build 1000 nuclear bunkers within the next 12 months, having built only 50 shelters in 2016.

300 of the and 100 in South Korea as both countries are menaced by the aggressive nuclear programme of North Korea's Kim Jong-un.

The company expects to build around 10 bunkers in the UK next year, and has also built several £150,000 shelters for British A-Listers in Hollywood.

The project's founder Ron Hubbard said: "Not having a bunker is a bit like not having car insurance.

"It's irresponsible in a world where people want to kill you just for being an infidel and are trying to get hold of plutonium." Prices start at £15,000 for a state-of-the-art nuclear bunker, although this is likely to be a no-frills version with less access to luxuries like billiard rooms and spas.

Another company called Survival Condo has repurposed an old missile silo in Kansas as 12 family homes.

The bunkers come with LED "windows" looking out at footage of the prairie outside - a nice touch unless the apocalypse does come, in which case those views might not be so nice.

Meanwhile Vivos has transformed disused munitions stores in South Dakota into a small town that could have up to 5000 inhabitants, including a cinema, classroom, doctor's practice, gardens, a spa and a gym.

It's designed to hold people underground for up to a year. Another Vivos project located beneath a hillside in Rothenstein, Germany, is valued at £800 million in total and can survive a nuclear strike.

News of the surge in uptake of nuclear bunkers comes as the US and North Korea have escalated furious rhetoric and threatened to destroy one another.

US Vice President Mike Pence has as he added the US will retaliate with a "overwhelming" military power if threatened.

Meanwhile has been ramping up its missile technology with regular rocket tests, including two intercontinental ballistic missiles launches and its sixth nuclear bomb detonation earlier this year.

North Korea has also threatened to and warned he "should think twice about what terrible consequences the US will face".

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