Hello there, I will be unboxing and reviewing about fluval
Nano filter in this video which I purchased for my Nano planted aquarium but there are
some features that makes it wrong match for Nano planted aquarium.
Many people make this mistake and buy this filter only to end up returning or using in
other aquarium types.
So you can know more about this filter and its features and decide to buy it or not,
there is link in video description if you find it a right fit for your aquarium you
can buy at low cost.
This video is also dedicated for crowd funding for this channel so make sure you subscribe
and donate from the links in description.
Also a contest is coming up at the end of this video so stay tuned and keep watching.
Let's start with the unboxing of this filter.
One of the unique feature of this filter is that it has neat and elegant design with separate
chambers of filter media.
So you can use it as special filter with biological media or use the regular filter foams that
it comes with.
So filtration part of this filter is really good and durable.
The parts can also be detached and cleaned separately making the maintenance part also
very easy.
All the components are nice fit and there is over flow pipe also provided with it which
is connected to the flow control valve.
Now filtration and maintenance part is very good for this filter.
Now what are cons?
Also if you are residing in country other than US then you may not find an adequate
switch for using this filter as the plug is of different design
But if you purchase this adapter then it can be used
Now I will show how this filter works and what drawbacks it has
First of all when you switch on this filter in aquariums the filter works pretty well
only thing is it creates a nosy rattling and it seems little unpleasant.
The main problem is when you decrease the flow rate the sound or noise increases and
seems quite disturbing this is mainly due to the backward thrust on the magnetic fan
that hits the closed lid.
Another problem that arises is if you keep the flowrate high to avoid noise then the
water agitation is too high making it unsuitable for Nano planted aquarium of 10 gallon or
When you compare it with boy u canister filter then boy u canister filter is quite slow and
suitable for Nano tanks of 10 gallon or less.
So if you have 15 gallon or more and no dissolvable media like Amazonia soil then Fluval Nano
filter is good.
It only has more flowrate with low noise and high noise on low flowrate which is quiet
a disturbing function.
Anyway decision is yours you can check links in video description to buy this product at
cheap price.
Now the contest and giveaway from this channel is
You have to submit me a royalty free video of any exotic fish or aquarium video by visiting
the links in the video description and best entry could win awesome prizes or shopping
vouchers worth 2000 INR.
Also by submitting your video clips to me entitle me to use it on my videos without
any copyright issues so your video clips becomes a resources for me to use on my future videos.
If you agree to these terms and condition then go ahead and participate now.
You can also help by crowdfunding, links to which are also in description the target to
reach is 500$ for next top list video so those who can donate and sponsor for next top 10
video must do it very generously.
That's it for this video I will catch you guys in next video till then bye and take
care and thanks for watching.
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