Rustic Luxury Alexander Park Model Tiny House with 3 Beds For Sale
Why James Charles Apologizes So Much for Drama - Duration: 10:53.hi sisters today we're going to be talking about why James Charles has to
apologize so damn much what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired
soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new
to my channel my channel is all about mental health what I like to do is
pulled in with topics from the YouTube community try to teach you how to
improve your mental and emotional well-being so make sure you subscribe
and bring that notification bell real quick I've had a ton of amazing requests
from all of you the last few days there's a lot of cool stuff happening
already in 2019 ah best thing that you can do is follow me on Instagram and
Twitter it's the exact same handle at the rewired soul so you know when I post
new videos because some of you have requested be talking about different
shows or movies or YouTube situations or whatever and tie it in to mental health
so make sure that you're following me on social media so you don't mess it all
right so the the bulk of this video we're going to be talking about James
Charles we're gonna be talking about anger we're gonna be talking about
impulse control this is actually a continuation of the video I did just the
other day about the psychology of James Charles drama a lot of you love that
video because I did a lot of neuroscience in it so I'm gonna try to
do some more but this is more of a continuation so if you would like to
click up in the info card I'm gonna link that video I did as well
alright so anyways some people are you know painting James Charles as a
hypocrite because today he and Jeffree Star just released their video where they're
pretty much destroying a bunch of makeup palettes now real quick before I jump
into this like can we talk can we just talk about Jeffree star for one second
so on snapchat Jeffree said this alright and you guys know I'm gonna
start off the new year with a bang tomorrow I'm uploading my first video of
2019 featuring a sister James Charles it is a good one we got the sledgehammers
ready and the flamethrower and miss mama just wait until you see what really
happens you know there is a lot of speculations so much T like James got
mad about a girl destroying his palette how dare him girl wait till watch the
video cuz you don't know what instincts and then this happened
it's time to move on baby because in 2019 or vaccinating our kids really
Jeffrey alright alright so I think I think what Jeffree was referring to
about this video not being what you think it is I'm really cool Jeffree Star and
James Charles announced that they're both donating $25,000 each
to women shelters in Los Angeles which is awesome very very very very cool but
today we're going to be talking about impulse control and anger and all of
that so one thing that is very well-known of James Charles is the drama
he's had this year in 2018 but he always apologizes alright so we're gonna be
talking about why he apologizes so much I'm gonna use some of my own experience
and you might be able to relate to it as well so the first lesson I want to teach
all of you the very first lesson those like the best lesson we can all learn
from James Charles aside from like blending and like what else does James
Charles teach you Tristan like how to put on like this stuff up here on the
eyes yeah you know what I'm talking about
the best lesson that we can learn from him is this the second you experience an
emotion is not the time to post on Twitter let me repeat that
the second you experience an emotion is not the time to tweet something out so
James had a little bit of an issue with another influencer because she destroyed
his palette but that's exactly what James Charles did in this video
but James kind of explained it away like this well I just got into a scandal
regarding this actually because there was a video circulating of a girl who
destroyed my palette and when I first saw I got really hurt by it yeah
obviously I had worked on it for so long and also too it's been sold everywhere
so all you to give her all right beats that were so upset of people that
couldn't get it and I was again I got this go away just to destroy it but
after a further thought like once she was getting hate comments which is so
not okay and anyway perform so I felt really bad but - like it's her money and
you can do what you want with it and like I just it was I hurt at first but I
was like let me get over this it's not that deep so
cortex is still developing and part of this is impulse control this is one of
the reasons James Charles tweets so many things out
that combined with emotional regulation right James Charles feels some type of
way and his mind tells him a syphon ego and it's I'm not saying James Charles is
egotistical which he might be but our ego says that we're justified we need to
put this information out there we need to say something about this person right
and and James did this why when he found out the news and this is why it's so
important to meditate and develop your own pause button alright part of
meditation is strengthening your prefrontal cortex so you can pause and
make better decisions and this is so so so important because what happens to a
lot of us is that we come off like hypocrites so something that I didn't
talk about the other day when it comes to the prefrontal cortex is one of the
responsibilities of the prefrontal cortex is empathy
so what James Charles figured out later on was oh my god like you know he
actually put himself in Lauren's shoes he's like oh she bought it she can do
whatever she wants with it not about it now but in that moment when his emotions
were taking over he didn't have that type of empathy he couldn't see from her
side so here's a great example about how I work on my impulse control as well as
my emotions there was something that James Charles did I forgot which thing
it was it was months ago but I had a lot of people who wanted me to make a video
about James Charles tweeting something out and I just ignored it I didn't make
a video about it because basically what happened was somebody said something on
Twitter and James Charles clap back at him like sticking up for himself
defending himself he got a little sassy like if any of you follow me on Twitter
you see that I post comments that I reply to all the time where I'm clapping
back so think about it if I didn't have the impulse control like if my brain
says yeah Chris make a video on that just to get views if I didn't stop and
pause and think about it and think about James Charles situation try to put
myself in his shoes I ask myself why he did that
then I would have made a video then all of you would have came to me calling me
a hypocrite because I do the exact same thing and by the way I'm going to make a
video explaining why I do that because I think it's very
important that we talk about it because a lot of you understand why I do that
and some of you don't but I hope you're starting to understand why we need to
stop and pause because when our emotions are taking control we can become
hypocrites so like here's the thing like one of my biggest fears in life is being
a hypocrite and even though I love when you guys call me out I have my beautiful
girlfriend over here Tristan she really enjoys calling me out on stuff like I
try to pause and like think about the entire situation as a whole to make sure
that I'm not a hypocrite especially when I'm in a position that I'm in right not
only just you know being a youtuber but also when I'm talking to other people
about their mental health like it's hard for me to teach or preach something that
I'm not doing myself you see what I'm saying so something that I talked about
in my book rewire your anger is apologizing alright so let's talk about
this real quick James Charles like it's great it's great
to apologize but let me tell you this let me let me let you in on a little
secret about Chris I hate apologizing I don't know if you can relate to that but
I hate apologizing I hate it I hate it I do it but I hate it all right and you
know what the trick is to quit apologizing so much is quit doing things
you need to apologize for all right and that is why we need to control our
impulses as well as our emotions do you see what I'm saying
because when I don't have control over those things I keep doing a bunch of
wacky things that means I have to apologize to people and then I feel dumb
because I have to apologize for something so like I always tell you guys
I'm always trying to teach you guys mental health is more than just not
having a mental illness okay mental health is impulse control
mental health is controlling your anger you see what I'm saying so like I no
longer lash out on people and have to apologize for something I have really
done to apologies on my youtube channel with almost 700 videos and both of them
were very minor very minor there were more corrections and apologies but I did
understand why people might you know see what I was saying in a different way so
I went back and I corrected myself all right but I used to be a drug addict an
alcoholic constantly had to apologize to people
not only for like lying cheating and stealing right but a lot of it was from
my my anger my emotional outburst like when I first got sober I have so many
anger issues it's one of the reasons why I wrote my book rewire your anger I had
so many anger issues and I felt so bad like can you relate to that let me know
down in the comments below do you feel bad about the anger that you you
experience where you lash out on other people
cuz I felt bad about it and by the way that's proof that you're not a terrible
person because you actually feel bad about it but I would ask him be like man
what do i do I just freaked out on my mom and it was totally uncalled for
whatever and they said here go apologize and try to correct their behavior I'm
like Jerry I hate apologizing right so something that I learned was quit doing
stupid things that you have to apologize for so I hope you realize if you're new
to my channel this video isn't for James tall's this video is for you so if you
can relate to James Charles always having to apologize how about you start
going to therapy how about you start meditating you know what I mean how
about you start running your ideas past other people something that I do
constantly that y'all don't even know about really is that I'm constantly
running ideas past twisting for YouTube videos for tweets you know what I mean
like do you think this would cause a problem right because my ego says I
should do it but thank goodness Tristan has a very level head and that's maybe a
bad idea alright but anyways you shorten with
anger issues check out the description below there's some resources like my
book and some other stuff come to the discord server we have an entire chat
just for venting so you don't gotta tweet stuff out and then apologize later
alright that's all I got for this video if you
liked this video please give it a thumbs up if you new make sure you subscribe
and read that notification bell because I make a ton of videos and a huge huge
huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon and by the
way if you are a patron go check out the tears because I just changed a bunch of
stuff there's a bunch of cool stuff that we're offering now such as group
sessions and one-on-one calls and all stuff like that alright thanks again for
watching and I'll see you next time
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"Let's Work With What We Got" - PTSD Bunker Gear For Your Brain - Duration: 25:28.welcome to PTSD bunker here for your brain I'm your host Carl Waggett welcome
to evening PTSD report guys happy Monday to you what am I saying
Happy New Year's Eve yes congratulations look whether you hated it or loved it
2018 she's out the door that's right we got a new one right down the chute 2019
so guys I do hope you enjoy your evening you know what it's just me and Jack in
the house tonight yes all the kids have gone out to respect of New Year's Eve
parties am i attending a New Year's Eve party sadly no but that's because I have
no friends and I'm good with that please because that allows me to stay here and
do this show for you don't cry for me Argentina seriously we all have a role
to play and I think I'm starting to understand what mine is
so anyways listen guys before we get on with the show I just wanted to say I
really hope you do have a great New Year's Eve and everything works out in
2019 for you because I think it's going to
so look guys before we get on with the show I got a bit of an announcement to
make look I ran into this really great guy
named Shane and he's the owner of the speaking to the heart radio network and
you'd only heard our little show that we've got going on here and said you
know what Carla kind of like what you got and I said well that's fantastic
I'm really glad you enjoy he said no seriously I'm looking for a PTSD show
for my lineup right you know that's really weird because I have a PTSD show
that's looking for a lineup so things worked out wonderful we shook hands and
now we're doing this syndicated thing oh it sounds posh I believe it's what Ryan
Seacrest does a little bit smaller than him but hey you have got to start
somewhere right so anyways guys let's get on with the show enough up within
the announcements please so guys what are we looking at this week well guys
what kind of bouncing off what we were doing last week you know this whole New
Year's resolution because guys I'm not giving up on it no I think it's a hell
of a platform to spring off of so this is why I'm not letting go of this now
look last week we talked about this kind of power of change yeah and once you
understand how to change stuff then guys you can pretty much change anything you
want I mean don't get me wrong you can't change bone structure and shit like that
but hey if the stuff that you want to change in your life
guys you're able to do so so what are we gonna take a look at this week well guys
what we're gonna look at this week is your brain yeah and how it kind of
operates because look guys can I tell you something when you get your brain
on board with what you're doing life is so much easier you have no idea and look
this is the gift I want to give you in 2019 so I didn't get you anything for
Christmas oh I'm such a cheap bastard that way so look let me at least give
you this okay so guys look as I said you know when I first started with this
whole PTSD depression anxiety thing I was at a huge disadvantage because I
thought it was all bullshit yeah I did look not that I say that PTSD depression
anxiety is bullshit but I just didn't see how you could get it in the fire
service like how could seeing something hurt you that made no sense to me I mean
please don't get me wrong if you're in a war and people are shooting at you look
I can understand how that would play with your noodle but hey like I said I
went to bed at 11 o'clock and worked out when I didn't have calls I didn't see
how this was a problem and to be honest I really thought the only time people
complained about bad calls was when they wanted to summer off yeah seriously you
know you turn to your cap and say hey cap I'm having the bad dreams I need a
couple of months off to clear my head I didn't think it was actually a real
thing so the problem is when this started happening to me guys do you
think I stopped for a second and went oh yeah this could be PTSD
no I just thought it was life kicking the shit out of me now look guys I've
got wood man okay I I do think different than most people I know this for a while
I've I've always thought a little bit different than the masses but what
really started to bother me was when I when my actions were different than what
I agreed with and that's something that really really bothered me because well I
didn't really recognize what I was doing I need please I was acting of my own
freewill don't get me wrong but the decisions I
was making I I didn't agree with him any more right now the problem is if anybody
would have called me on this I would have torn him apart seriously no joke
like seriously if anybody would said a Carl you know your lights coming off the
rails here I would have gone are you joking why do you take a look at your
life holy shit and I don't just beat the snot out of my
way but I'll tell you what when the house went quiet I knew this shit that I
was doing wasn't right I knew that right but the problem was I I didn't feel like
I could change and you know this is what really really
frightened me when I made this conscious decision that I wanted to change
something and I for some strange reason I couldn't do it right I couldn't figure
it out so anyways doesn't bit of a fun fact
about PTSD look it really doesn't do most of the dirty work it gets its
buddies to do all the dirty work and when I say buddies I'm talking about
like insomnia right you know that's one of the major calling cards of PTSD for
the simple reason guys look I had no idea that we had to process stuff we saw
seriously nobody told me this when I got hired I learned about - roles and you
know how to how to breach a door and shit like that but ask for processing
calls you gotta be kidding me well look see this is what happens is that if we
see stuff and we don't process it well our brain wants to figure it out why
well because it's a brain and not an elbow and that's what brains do is they
figure out problems but the thing is what look when we're walking around in
day to day life our five senses are taking in so much information that the
brain doesn't have a whole lot of time to you know think about other stuff
because well let's be honest it's processing what it sees what it years
what it feels what it smells but what do you think it has to do when it goes to
you go to sleep yeah it's not taking in any information at all is it right so
this is when the brain really starts to go to work and it starts figuring shit
out well listen I'll tell you what if you've got a few disturbing memories
that you haven't really had a look at well sometimes when it's poking around
up there it will awake the Beast and this is what
used to happen to me look I didn't have nightmares or bad dreams or anything
like that dude I just woke up every two or three hours and trust me this will
wear on you eventually so look I figured I've got a way to fix this insomnia yeah
cuz look I'm not going to doctors no no no look cuz if Carl starts taking pills
to go to sleep he's gonna have to start taking pills to wake up and I don't want
to go down that road but listen I do remember when I was in college there was
a time that I used to fall asleep when I didn't want to and it was because of
alcohol yes that's right I grew up to a party wake up the next morning in a
bathtub with a penis drawn on my face not cool I'm not getting into it but the
fact of the matter is I thought hey listen desperate times calls for
desperate measures right hmm so I called the drinking
back up yeah why not I figured this would work you know what bottom line the
only reason I really drank well was to sleep mm-hmm
yeah because you know I drink I pass out and then at least I would sleep because
look guys anybody who hasn't slept for a long period of time
desperation starts to kick in right and you you need to sleep right you you have
to now look I know this is gonna come up as a bit of a shock but alcohol actually
brings a few problems to your life I know that's shocking but guys I never
thought about this for a second for the simple reason guys well really all I
wanted to do was sleep right that was it so the problem is is one of the things
that I found that really beat the snot out of me with these hangovers look I'll
tell you what when I was uh you know in my teens in my 20s hangovers didn't
bother me at all but holy shit in my 30s look I remember some hangovers where I
actually thought there was a creature in my head trying to get out honestly if I
had a chisel and a hammer I would open it up to let it out these hangovers were
atrocious now let me ask you what kind of mood are you in when you're hungover
like that trust me not a very good one and when you're not in a good mood guys
that's gonna affect relationships around you it can't not right so that's exactly
what I found is it okay well maybe I'm not getting along with everybody anymore
so guess what isolation gets invited to the party sure why not you know what I
used to hear all this shit about people can't drink alone I never found a
problem I prefer to drink alone oh yeah I'd sit down in my basement
cuz remember guys during these drinking times look I'm not going out to the bar
whooping it up no no no Carl Santa's basement and he's medicating himself so
he can get to sleep hey I didn't know any better right so you know what it's
not like I'm gonna go around asking people about it I figured alcohol was
the way to go that's the way I was going all right no harm no foul
well look I I remember this time frame really really good it was around around
2007-2008 right when I am when I thought okay well maybe alcohols the way to go
about it well you know I didn't take very long before I realized okay Carl
this road doesn't go anywhere okay you you can't do this anymore okay seriously
can't wake up feeling like shit every day and guys can I talk about how much
it cost I'll tell you what you never hear anybody talk about that
with drinking but holy shit does it do a number on your bank account I couldn't
believe how much that habit cost well anyways all besides the point I realized
that okay I'm nuts enough I need to give this a break the scary thing was is I
found it wasn't that easy this really freaked me out because the problem was
is that look when I drank I felt great right but when I wasn't drinking I felt
like shit so guys let's just say for instance I drank from eight o'clock at
night till midnight alright that's cool that's four hours that I feel good guess
how I felt for the other twenty yeah isn't it incredible how your brain will
actually take that four hours of pleasure and put up with the 20 hours of
pain guys this is what I was starting to experience
and guys I wasn't cool with this feeling right because look at my whole life I
drank for entertainment and now for some strange reason I'm doing this because I
have to so I realized okay this is gonna stop alright I remember coming that
conscious decision that okay enough enough
right this has got to stop but like I said it was at this point that I what
couldn't or sorry let me take that back it's not that I couldn't said I didn't
want to yeah what was really really strange about this was look when I was
in college I drink like a fish are you kidding me it was disgusting look I went
on a golf scholarship to Kansas right honestly I went down there I remember
going down there in August 180 pounds I came back American Thanksgiving I was
220 I put on 40 pounds in that time frame all I did was drink you know what
he's stone light I remember that and natty light and I ate whoppers hey what
are you gonna do they would 99 cents on Wednesday oh I used to load up on him
but the fact was is that look I could drink as much as I want in college but
when I didn't drink I never thought about it you know what I mean the
problem that I was fighting now that I drank and when I wasn't drinking all I
thought about was well when was the next time I was getting a bottle of wine this
was strange for me because I didn't remember drinking being like this at all
because like I said in college there really wasn't any hangovers I drink my
face off and then go a couple of weeks without even thinking
about it and now it seems that the hangovers are terrible and I need this
stuff all the time well anyways look I think anybody who kind of does a little
bit of a dance with alcohol hits that moment of clarity where they realize
that okay this is gonna stop right and my moment of clarity came in
the form of something that really wasn't that big of a deal
but for some strange reason it really knocked me on my heels so like I said
the time frames around 2007-2008 right like 10 years ago and you know probably
fir like a good year that was my my constant thing that I did was I you know
I picked up a couple of bottles of wine a night and that's what I drank and I'd
go to sleep so anyways you know around 11:30 or so I finally peel myself off
the couch and I walk up to bed net you know I'm not even using a wine glass
I've got like this this glass tumbler or something you pour orange juice in I'll
tell you it was a mess back then I woulda drank out of a paper cup I didn't
give a shit well anyways I grabbed up the thing of wine and I'm walking up a
stair and I'm giving myself the same speech I give every single night it's
almost like a habit to me now what I'm going okay Carl you got it you got stop
this shit like seriously this is not good for you it's cleaning out your bank
account your liver is not amused at all but anyways you know what I make it
upstairs I finally gag down the last drink of
wine right and I go to get into bed and my ex-wife at the time she had these
posters made up right and they had my kids pictures on him and Cody was about
two at the time right and this picture was just a two-year-old on a coaster
whatever a lot of people Adam right so anyways I finally drink this bottle of
wine or this glass of wine I put it down on the coaster and I go to look at the
glass and there's still a little bit of red wine in the bottom but when I looked
through the bottom of the glass I can see my son looking back at me he's like
- right I don't know why that hit me so hard that night cuz look even as I tell
the story right now it doesn't really seem that big of a deal but at that
point for some strange reason I had this flash in my head that look Karl you have
to stop this because well if you keep this up okay this is great your son's -
he doesn't see any of this stuff but do you really want your kid to see you like
this later like seriously and from everything that
I've heard about drinking you don't want to wait to quit okay the
more you drink the worse it gets so so I name is at this moment of clarity where
I was like okay that's it I'm done like seriously I am finished right 20 was I
wake up the next day you go to work cuz look you want to hear something really
messed up look I always drink the night before I go to work because then I knew
I'd sleep most normal people do not drink before they go to work the next
day but the thing was is if I drank I knew that I would sleep until I had to
get up I knew I'd feel like shit but at least I'd get rest what you want to know
when it got really messed up do you think I didn't drink on my days off of
course I did right it's funny how your mind all of a sudden starts to justify
this so anyways this is all very weird so anyways again up I go to work that's
fine right and at the time we were working four on four off right our
department now works 24 hours shifts but the fact is is that my relief for the
day came in at five o'clock that night well I tell you what all day I wrestled
with my mind about you know what I'm not gonna get when oh maybe you should just
get one no no I'm not gonna do it and I'm doing this back and forth and the
fact that I mean is having this inner dialogue bothers me okay because I'm
thinking about it all day long well let me tell you by the time I got to 3
o'clock between the hours of 3:00 o'clock and five o'clock did my mind
take a shit-kicking honestly it was like a courtroom up
there trying to justify everything should I get one shouldn't I go and I
don't know well anyways my relief comes in at five o'clock right talk about a
long day because this is all I've thought about all day right and this
alone is bothering me cuz like I said in college never thought about it unless I
had it right mmm so when it was on the ride home right I'm driving home like
okay no I'm not gonna get a bottle of wine tonight you know what I'm gonna
drinking herbal tea it'll be nice although a bed at 8 o'clock it'll be
fine no worries well you know how we all have this inner dialogue all of a sudden
this inner dialogue starts to kick in and start saying you know what Carl come
on seriously all you do is work you don't do anything else everybody drinks
is it really that bad if you have a bottle of wine tonight this really
freaked me out okay because it look as far as I was concerned
okay our mind we're supposed to protect us and look over us okay I'm consciously
trying to make a decision here and for some strange reason it's like my inner
voice is saying no deserve the line go have it look more
than confusing alright and guys I post a question why would you argue with your
brain as far as I'm concerned that is crazy right if your brains telling you
to do something you should probably go do it right now here's a really
difficult thing that most people don't know look if if you're in an argument
against your brain and you don't know the battlefield you're on you're gonna
lose yeah your brain will your brain obedia and
and this is one of those big big things with addiction right you know if your
brain like something it likes it and that's all there is to it so anyways as
I'm driving home for some strange reason my car magically pulled into the wine
store I don't know what happened I can't be held responsible but the fact is I
went in there and got three bottles wine because I felt I deserved it look this
was so messed up at this point I remember driving home from the wine
store that night I even have the radio on I walk in the house whatever I put
the wine on the counter because you know what I you know what I failed right as
far as I'm concerned and you know what as I open the bottle of wine I actually
actually felt sad as I was pouring it out can I give you guys a word of advice
if you ever sad when you're pouring a drink out take a hint
seriously look I'm not gonna tell you what to do with that situation but just
just take a hint if you're sad when you're drinking right because this is
what I was doing and look it look it bothered me because I didn't have the
willpower to beat it right and I think that's what really scared me the most
because well okay I always gave myself to speech about I should stop this you
know I should stop this whatever but this time I actually made a conscious
decision that I was gonna stop it and and I didn't write this really shook me
it really did a number on me for the simple reason guys is look I've always
considered myself a very strong person you know somebody who can stand up
against the odds or whatever and and and over come whatever is thrown at them but
the problem was I was starting to find out that I was well I was extremely weak
in areas okay and the problem is guys those areas you know those dark corners
of us those are the areas we don't like to look at yes no we keep those buried
we don't tell people about those right and the problem is when you don't
understand those ones that's those are the ones who really go
to town on you right and and this was what I was fighting with alcohol it had
me whichever III I turned the fact is is that I felt better when I had it and it
was almost like my brain was telling me that I needed it very spooky right so
the problem is is I found this a lot with PTSD depression anxiety was every
time I tried to better myself in any way it was almost like my brain was there to
stop me it was a weird feeling you know and whether it be changing my diet or
stopping smoking or like I said given the wine arrests a couple of nights a
week right like I'm not talking about cutting out all the time but shit we
don't need to be drinking seven nights a week right I even gave myself well why
don't we go Monday Wednesday Friday and what I found was I couldn't even do that
it was at this point honest to god guys I thought I was cursed I did obviously
I'm telling nobody about this right and and the thing is when you don't know
anything about this what else are you supposed to think but you're cursed you
know you're doing shit that you don't agree with you know it's not healthy for
you inside your head you're trying to stop it and for some strange reason
well you can't I actually thought I was on like this self-destructive mode is is
what I really thought that you know what all the bad shit that I've done in my
life was now while it was coming back to me right and even though my my very soul
knew that I needed to stop this it was like my brain wanted it and all of a
sudden I found myself in this really really weird fight that I didn't know
how to fight and yeah I'll be honest with you it scared the living shit out
of me because I really didn't know who to turn to
because let's be honest am I going to an AAA meeting at this point no come on I'm
still convincing myself I don't have a problem honest-to-goodness right and
this is the time that you should be seeking that when you start to feel that
holy shit I am no longer in control the situation but the problem is asking for
help you've got to be joking me we all try to fix problems on our own right and
this is when it gets really really scary for the simple reason guys I uh as far
as I was concerned it was matter of time before the Ascend fellow
yeah something that I did really really wrong because you know I kept doing
these bad things right and now all of a sudden I'm starting to think well Karl
it's it's just a matter of time before you push it too far right you know maybe
take one of those days where I come into work and I'm not feeling so good right
and some overanxious acting captain pulls me into the office and says you
know Karl I uh I've noticed you haven't been signing your book lately and well
firefighting is not just breaking stuff haha we've got a document stuff too so
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to write you up on this one and let the PC know about
it well I can only imagine what I would say after that right and you know the
problem is is that you can't come unglued at captain's because it's not
very good for your career so I've heard so I've heard but the fact was is that
guys if I if I lost that job now that would pretty much be the enemy right
like I said at the time I'm 35 36 no formal education where am I gonna find
another job and I seem to be on this really really weird railroad track where
things are going bad and the fact of the matter is is all of sudden I get the
snapshot of my future and I don't see a whole lot of it and I remember thinking
you know the last thing I want is my is my kids to see me go through this and
watch the fall of their father because as far as I was concerned there was no
way out of it right that's truly what I thought as as
terrible as it is it was the first time that I'd ever seen suicide is being nob
Noble and I can admit that because look let's be honest guys you know a you know
if something happens to you and you die you get two years salary right so that'd
be two years of my salary from my kids University and if that didn't happen and
I lost my job and then I couldn't find work anywhere and we'll our my kids
gonna go to university then look I'm not saying that's right but it's it's
amazing what your brain will do and what it will can't it convince you of and the
problem is is this is exactly what I started to look at I started to feel
like I had no control okay anything that was gonna happen
was already set out and the was nothing I could do about it and the
problem is when you find that you're fighting against your brain like this
this can really kick the shit out of a person's self-esteem for the simple
reason if you can't win an argument with yourself how the hell are you gonna make
it out there and I remember thinking that so guys look this is exactly oh you
know what New Year's Eve and Here I am rambling it's no good guys look this is
what we're gonna talk about all week okay is how our brain hey it's a
fantastic muscle I'm not hating on it seriously but the fact is this guy's
when PTSD depression anxiety gets in there really messes with the wiring the
problem is is our brain well it kind of turns on us a little bit and when that
happens guys trust me it's uh it's sad mondays all the way through the week it
is because you can never seem to catch a break and guys if there's one thing that
I've noticed with this PTSD depression anxiety guys we can't afford any more
fails right and you know with it with a new year right on the doorstep guys I
think this is an incredible opportunity to will really change stuff and you know
if we understand the battlefield that we're in guys I don't think for a second
that you guys won't be able to handle this for the simple reason I see what
you guys overcome at work are you kidding me
some of the most incredible scenes that I've ever seen look it's you individuals
that fix it right so being able to fight this battle guys I think you're gonna be
able to do this but the problem is if you don't have a roadmap I'll tell you
it can get really really messy so anyways guys listen as I would love to
stay on here GABA going all night guys I can you respectively have parties to get
out to there are people waiting for you if not there's phone calls to be made I
highly recommend if you haven't talked to an old friend in a while
tonight's a night to do it you should call them or text them catch them is
probably easier but the fact is you know what on nights like this you need to
capitalize on because guys believe it or not fresh starts are real yeah they are
I know life kicks the shit out of us a lot and we don't think they are but
trust me they really are and guys we're going to examine it all week how we can
really take advantage of this what our brain is doing because guys if we can
get out in front of this guys we can we can fix stuff yeah and we can make
next year hey really quite something so guys I'm excited about this week for the
simple reason I think it's information like this that will really turn a light
on so guys as I always say the end of every Facebook live guys if you're
having problems with the stuff and you need a bit of a support group that
you're looking for guys I've created one it's called the bunk room not only that
it's free you can't beat the price you send me a friendship request to Carl
Waggett and I'll send you an invitation of the bunk room lots of really cool
people in there and you know what they have a perspective on this whole PTSD
depression anxiety it will help you out of time well anyways guys I cannot thank
you enough for joining I see 13 people are watching us
guys that blows me out of the water I figured I'd be here gabbing away on this
thing by myself so guys you have made my year incredible seriously you have and
guys I hope I can bring some information for you in 2019 then we'll help though
the situation a little bit well as long as you don't go through the shit I went
through then guys I'm a happy man you guys take care of yourself as I always
say get out there get yourself in trouble have fun tonight and we'll see
you guys in the new year you guys take care
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