Salut Youtube! hi everyone. I'm Rosie. I'm Kate. and we are going to do a challenge
which is called Eat like a Parisian where we're going to Eat like Parisian
women for an entire month to see if it actually helps you to lose weight and
feel healthier so if you want to see exactly what that diet entails keep
watching.So it's a new year and the same us you know we've decided that we wanted
to try do something a little bit different maybe get a little bit
healthier this year and so Rosie and I were talking a lot about the different
diets out there that we could kind of test and we decided since we've been
living now combined 14 years in France we could probably do a French based diet
so we might have started talking about the different things that we've noticed
the different ways that Parisian women eat the things that they do that are
different than us and we've kind of put together a little diet that we're going
to try to follow for the next month. Exactly because
French women don't get fat right? Obviously French women do get fat
they're human beings funnily enough but there is something quite particular
about the Parisian way of eating and it's true that the vast
majority of women here are slim. They are slim they're very careful about
how they eat which we're going to talk through a bit later and they
obviously get results. So my personal motivation for doing this
basically I went to the gym and they've got this special machine there I don't
know if it's the best thing or worst thing that's ever happened to me. So you stand
on these special scales, you're holding these rods and it kind of like scans
your body and it lets you know what your bone density is, how much fat you have,
how much fat you have in your arteries, like it's the full analysis and
actually my body fat percentage in particular had just dipped into
the overweight category so it was quite shocking for me. During
this month on this diet my goal is to lose four kilos and to really drop in
that body fat percentage as well. I would say my motivation is a little bit
different if you follow any of mine journey on my blog I just recently got
married a year ago and so that was kind of my time where I was really like oh I
want to kick it in gear I want to get as healthy as I can you know probably more
for vain reasons and really for getting healthy on the inside and this year I'm
thinking more about just how can I be a healthier person and live healthier I
just had some changes in some medication I was taking that have had a lot of
effects on my skin and when I talked to doctors they really ask you about
what are you eating what's going into your mouth the food is really
important for the way that your body's reacting and so when we were talking
about diets I really wanted something that would address like those different
concerns that I'm having so mine's less about weight loss and a bit more about
just being healthier in general. I would say I really like about this diet
concept that it's not about what you eat although we will be showing you what we
eat so if you follow us on Instagram we are gonna be posting in our stories every
single day showing you guys what we eat but that's not only the point of all of
this. This diet is really around how you eat it's a completely different mindset
it's about creating those habits it's about a different way of eating and it's
about actually setting yourself up so that you eat differently for the rest of
your life. Much more of a lifestyle change then just like something that
we're gonna do for a month. So check out the description box down below there is
a freebie in there for you guys you can download it directly and it's gonna have
a summary of everything we talked about in this video all of the principles that
we are going to follow for the next month so that you can follow along too
if you like and without further ado let's get into the Parisian diet!
Principle number one I would say is probably the most important one because
it's all about portion control so as Rosie was just saying the idea is not to
cut everything out of our diet like no eating carbs or no eating pastries,I
that's not gonna happen especially in France so the idea is just that
you're more restrictive on how much you're eating. Parisians I've noticed
will eat a big a lunch and then a much smaller dinner so they can easily have
just like a small soup or a salad or something a bit light in the evenings
which i think is probably the right way around.One of the things that we're
really gonna do is be using smaller dinner plates as a constructive way of
putting a normal amount of food on our
plate. So if you're worried about cutting down on a bit of food and wondering like
are you gonna be hungry, one of the things that we've really noticed is how much
time French people take while they're eating so they're not rushing through
meals so you need to take time you need to chew slowly, you need to let your
body process the fact that you're eating so that you have time to get full but what
happens to me all the time i stuff myself really quick and then I realize
that I've eaten too much but it's too late to go back.
They'll eat for maybe a few minutes, they'll stop, they'll chat, they'll take
their time... I mean they say it takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that
it's eating and has eaten so it kind of makes sense.. When we talk about
portion controls I don't know about New Zealand but in the u.s. the portion
sizes that you get at restaurants or when you're being served food is nothing
like the portion sizes that you get here but that doesn't mean that the French
don't like to indulge. They have dessert here all the time. It is not
something that I'm used to where I grew up and so one of the things that's
really easy to do is if someone's giving you a dessert for the second time that
day cut it in half and share with someone and eat half of it. That's the
classic Parisian girl to me like she'll have a beautiful pastry or cake or
something on her plate and she'll be able to eat a third of it and stop here.
She wanted the taste she wanted to indulge and she's enjoyed it and her
brain is satisfied and she's moving on. Very impressive, whereas I'm like
"inhale." You can have a few desserts per week you know we're not like completely
no sugar, but it's like do you need the full cake?Could you put a little bit of
Nutella on your bread every single morning rather than eating a jar on a
Saturday night? Like it's about balace. I think one of the worst things that I do
as well is eating well I'm distracted it's really hard to do portion control
when you eat out of a bag in front of the television or when you eat while
you're on the move.Rosie and I are really bad about grabbing Starbucks
before we go to the office and walking and chatting and stuffing muffins
in our faces while we're walking down the street and that's not a good way to eat!
Really, sit down for your meal and you concentrate on what you're eating or the
person in front of you in order to stick to the portion size that you want.
Totally, blanket rule: the French eat their meals at the table. It's really about being
conscious that you're eating unlike when you're watching series and you look down
and you're like oh am i finished already?! I ate that whole bag of Cheetos?
Principle number two is pretty easy to explain, less easy to execute so
it's really about no snacking so something that shocked me when I arrived
in France I don't know if you felt the same but they're very strict around
meal times like it's breakfast lunch and dinner there's no such thing as
late night snacking like the midnight snack and that kind of thing. If they
snack it's late afternoon 4 or 5 p.m. it's called the
goûter and they'll have a piece of fruit or some nuts or something like that and so
what they'll do is they'll eat like fully satisfying meals so like a full
lunch and the lunch is maybe you know like a chicken breast and vegetables like
it's quite substantial it's more than enough to keep them going. So principle 3
is one that's gonna be a little bit more difficult for me I'm not sure about you
but it's cooking at home. So my husband and I are not very big on restaurants
which is kind of funny because we live in a great neighborhood with lots of
really cool places to eat out but we are absolute fans of delivering our food
way too much so as you said it at this diet it's really important to understand
what you're actually eating and you're not preparing the food yourself you
don't actually know what's in your food. I feel like in the
French culture there's a lot of pleasure around shopping for fresh produce
and cooking nice meals and sauces and things like that from scratch, not buying
bottled sauces and there's definitely a pleasure around food preparation as well
as you know taking the time to slowly enjoy and eat it so it's an important
part of the culture I think to try and cook it home. So for the sake of this
diet we've given ourselves a maximum which is eating out twice per week
so that may mean like brunch with a friend or it may mean
getting Deliveroo.They're very good at regulating themselves so if
they do go out and they have like a big brunch on Sunday for example they have a
very light dinner that evening and then Monday it's straight back to it.
My problem is sometimes what I have a cheat day that I'm just like screw it that
means Monday's a cheat day, Tuesday's a cheat day,'s all downhill
But here it's not like that.They have their cheat moments, but it's a moment and you move on and you
don't do the same thing the next day. Alright so principle number four is
around what you drink. It's gonna be pretty simple water and wine.
Cutting out sodas, fruit juice and beer. The inspiration for this came from the fact
that whenever I go out with Parisians and the waiter is asking you what
would you like to drink, especially at lunchtime like in the evening they
maybe take some wine, but at lunchtime it's like what would you like
to drink? We've got these lovely juices, we've got smoothies we've got... and
they're always like mmm tap water, just water please. I'm like "They've got milkshakes!" but no one will order one
that never happens. I'm a big Coke Zero fan which is a problem I know but I do
drink a lot of coke so that's gonna be a little bit hard for me I think to cut
out and so my idea in my head is okay you can have like Perrier or like San
Pellegrino or sparkling water that gives you a bit of that carbonation and if
really you're looking for something sweet, add a bit of like syrup you know
the French really love like their different flavors of syrup so I could
just add a little like drop of that into water and and that should be like my
go-to drink if I really need something sugared right because otherwise you just
really don't see it. So our final principle is about exercise and I am a
very typical American when it comes to exercise so if I'm on an exercise kick I
am going to the gym five to six days a week for an hour and I've noticed that
the French don't function like that around sports it's not like this ever
compensating taking over their life every day type of thing they tend to go
like once or twice a week thank you a bar class they do yoga they
do like gym suedoise so we've decided during this diet that
we're not going to go to the gym six days a week the gym is something that we
should do once or twice a week and then on top of that you should just be trying
to walk everywhere. Exactly, Parisian style. So something
concrete that I'm gonna do is try and walk to work at least five times a week
so that's something that I've got in mind it's about a 45-minute walk and
then you maybe go to the gym once or twice per week.
So those are our five principles that's the Parisian diet.Who knows what's going
to happen, we've taken extensive measurements: weight, actually like measuring tape,
body fat, that kind of thing. We're gonna keep journals around how we're
feeling and we're gonna be checking in and we're gonna be back here on YouTube and we're
gonna give you you guys the results of all of this!
Follow us on Instagram we're going to be posting very regularly about
what we're doing, how we're feeling you, what we're eating all of that kind
of stuff. Don't forget to download your freebie down below in the description
box as well that Kate has prepared for you so that you can grab those
principles as well if you want a copy of them. Let's see if the clichés are true, let's see
if it helps. We'll think when we're eating half a cake!
A bientôt, see you guys next time, bye!
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