Meghan Markle Royal - Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spotted together for first time in two years - Duration: 2:26.Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spotted together for first time in two years Who can say for sure? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have been spotted together for the first time in two years
The pair were seen together yesterday inside an office in LA seemingly working out the details that will allow them to eventually finalise their divorce
Brad and Angie announced their separation in 2016, however a lengthy legal battle concerning the custody of their children has meant that negotiations have gone on a lot longer than first anticipated
The pair were spotted in the office yesterday. Images shared on Instagram fan account 'joliepittsofficial' show the actors sitting in the room, engaging in conversation, and drinking an unknown liquid
Angelina appears to look out the window multiple times, presumably at the paparazzi below
Brad and Angelina have six children together - 17-year-old Maddox, 15-year-old Pax, 14-year-old Zahara, 12-year-old Shiloh, and 10-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne
They "fell in love" on the set of Mr and Mrs Smith in 2005, while Pitt was in the middle of divorce proceedings with ex Jennifer Aniston
It was later suggested that the pair had been having an affair while Jen and Brad were still together, but this has since been refuted by the actors
Angelina publicly acknowledged her relationship with Brad in 2006 when she announced that she was expecting his child
They married in 2014 in a private ceremony. They announced their divorce two years later
190131 All for One WayV cut - Duration: 14:00.-------------------------------------------
Rep. Duffy: China's not a good home for business - Duration: 7:31.-------------------------------------------
Set up DMW for Coding in TMS - Duration: 2:41.In this tutorial you will learn how to set up DMW for coding in TMS.
DMW can use TMS to code data to dictionary terms.
When matching terms do not exist in the dictionary, a TMS user can code manually.
The next time the same data is entered, it can be automatically coded the same way.
To set this up, you must first define dictionaries and domains in TMS.
Then in DMW the administrator creates a TMS Set to specify which data to derive from a
given dictionary.
Go to the Administration page and click the TMS tab.
Then click the Add icon.
Enter a Name and Description for the TMS Set.
Both are displayed on the Study Configuration page.
Select a Terminology to code against.
All terminologies (dictionaries) defined in the local TMS instance are listed.
Click OK.
Next, setup the TMS Set Columns.
The Dictionary Coding Level Column is automatically created.
Click the Add icon in the TMS Set Columns pane.
Enter a Name.
In this example, we are are using a Derived Column.
For more information on each of the available Column Types, see the documentation on the
Oracle Help Center.
Under Dictionary Level Name, select the level from which to derive data into the mapped
The choices include all of the Dictionary's Defined Levels and Dictionary Informative
Notes which may be defined in TMS and apply to the Dictionary as a whole.
The choices under TMS Field vary depending on whether you specified a Dictionary Level
or InFormative Notes.
For more information about these fields, see the TMS documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Click OK.
Next, a Study Configurator links a study to a TMS Dictionary Domain.
To learn more, see the documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oakland City Workers To Stage Rally For Increased Wages, Benefits - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
KSAT Community Blood Drive - Call for appointments at 210-358-2812 | KSAT 12 - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Grab your umbrella! Wet weather expected to stay around the islands for the next few days - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
Apparel for extreme cold - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
Coloring 8 Ladybug | Painting for toddlers and drawing for kids | Amazing Kids Coloring Page - Duration: 3:13.coloring 8 ladybug
Tech guide for Big Game parties - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
Smartcards for Sustainable Communities: USAID's ADVANCE II Project's 2017 Digi Award Story - Duration: 4:42.In monitoring and evaluating attendance at trainings, we encounter a lot of challenges.
When we used paper rosters, we were not able to correlate the training activity with the
farmers' harvesting data because we can't uniquely identify those
We thought of an idea, a system that records or that gives unique
IDs to all farmers that you will be engaging with.
We looked for a developer who was willing to work with us from scratch.
Listening to what our problem was and helping to translate that into a simple
software and integrating that with the smart cards.
The smart ID cards are contactless chip cards, which are issued to the farmers by the M&E
The hardware required basically is just the card and the card reader and the software.
When I go for a meeting I give out my card and they touch it to the computer.
The computer brings up my name.
I don't have to sit down and call out my name for attendance.
The card encourages us to attend the meetings.
We have used it to accurately update information on the farmers.
With respect to crop yields, with respect to the household,
with respect to the other participants in the household,
what else they are engaged in.
The data is initially captured during training, or during activities with the farmers in the
field, by the field staff.
The field staff, after two or three days in the field,
go to the office and they submit that data electronically.
So on a weekly basis we can know exactly what has happened,
how many farmers have been trained and in what topic.
We are able to see that when a farmer receives that particular training
there is a percentage change in the yield, and as a result there is a percentage change
in the income of the farmer.
The smart ID card has been a great innovation for us as a project
because it helps us to target more unique trainings
to various sections, to help improve the needs of the smallholder farmers.
Female farmers mainly have less access to land
and also less time to be able to manage these farms
because of their maternal duties and household chores.
So the project has been able to increase the number of trainings, tailoring to female farmers
based on the information received over years of using the smart card system.
Formerly, as a woman you could have money, but you could not get a tractor to plough
for you until all the men's fields had been plowed.
But now, because of the ADVANCE card when you have it, they can easily plough for
On a more social level, the smart card improves more engagement among farmers
because the farmers get to keep something.
Whoever sees you with the card will know you are in ADVANCE.
The benefit of the smart card is enormous.
Community engagement has become more efficient because
before you engage them you know how much resources you need
because you know the true number of farmers that are found in there.
The USAID ADVANCE project, when it started in 2014
it was supposed to reach 113,000 smallholder farmers by September 2018.
In December 2017, we have reached 126,000 smallholder farmers.
Yields for maize, rice, and soybean have almost doubled.
By the grace of God, I am hopeful it can help the whole community.
The IDs are helpful.
In the past we faced many difficulties while trying to farm.
Now those difficulties do not exist.
InfoDrop - Best practices for project managers (ISO 21500) - Duration: 1:59.(upbeat music)
- As a project manager,
you may have heard the words best practices,
but what are those, and where do they come from?
Hi, my name is Nika Allahverdi,
and I am the language services researcher
at Nimdzi Insights.
Today I would like to talk to you
about best practices for project managers.
Every company has its own way of handling business,
but it's ultimately up to you and your experience
to make the best decisions for your company.
In theory, best practices are actually
based on international standards which are defined by ISO.
ISO stands for International Organization for Standards,
and this is an organization headquartered in Geneva,
and it is responsible for providing
standards between nations.
As of today, there are over 20,000 standards
covering all major industries.
If you're in the translation localization industry,
you may have heard of ISO 17100,
which is the standard on requirements
for translation services,
but the standard that is specific for project managers
is ISO 21500, which is called guidance
on project management,
and in this document you can find all sorts of topics
related to project management best practices
such as project life cycles,
stakeholders and project organization,
project constrains, and organizational strategy.
So if you're a PM looking to up your PM skills,
maybe you'd like to check out
those best practices in that document.
("Brasilian Reggae" by Juanitos)
Learn Colors for Kids with My Little Pony Drawing - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
KSAT Community Blood Drive - Call for appointments at 210-358-2812 | KSAT 12 - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
Using Open Source Software for Forest Protection: B+WISER's 2017 Digi Award Story - Duration: 4:48.The forest is important for the people.
Taking care of the forest and mountains is not easy.
The Philippines has 90 percent forest cover.
It is one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world.
But the country's forest cover is dwindling.
You have illegal mining, illegal hunting.
The people, they go out, they cut trees.
They burn forests.
Rangers were stationed in fixed checkpoints to capture illegal product.
By that time the damage was already done.
Even though they did receive a lot of paper reports
these paper reports were not good for real-time decision making.
There was no way to validate whether those reports were true accounts.
And it was apparent that we needed a better way to address forest protection.
This is how Lawin was born.
Lawin is the Tagalog word for the Philippine Hawk Eagle.
Some of the responses have to do with better enforcement of environmental law
but other responses have to do with how to work with the community,
so they can change the destructive behavior for behavior that is more in line with conservation
and protection.
During the first year We trained at least 1,000 community volunteers.
Forest rangers are the heart of the forest protection system.
They are the front liners.
We conduct our patrolling through Lawin System and we gather a lot of data, most especially
about threats during the operation activity while enforcing
the law.
When the Lawin System was introduced, the forest rangers, including the regular
employees of DENR, can now patrol the forest.
They can now use their Smartphone's as tools.
Before Lawin, our challenge was we didn't have enough resources.
We used our personal cellphones.
We cannot take photos because they are cheap cellphones.
But with the help of Lawin, we were given cellphones with cyber tracking
and with good cameras that can do direct reporting.
We have created a dashboard that helps with data visualization.
So it is easier for the decision maker to understand what is happening in the field.
Through this innovation, this technology, we are able to speed up the transfer of information.
And also, with the aid of technology we can make a holistic analysis of this information.
And so we save resources, and at the same time the actions are more effective.
There are a lot of long-term benefits in the field of work,
especially for the future generations.
There are fewer landslides, as well as accidents in critical areas.
We can now say that the forest protection program is 85-95 percent effective.
Forest in many countries stands or falls depending of the policy the decision makers approve.
Today, decision makers at the national, regional, and local levels
can have access to the Lawin data, patrol data, simultaneously.
We moved from covering 240,000 hectares of natural forest
to covering more than 7 million hectares of natural forest.
And this was all done just in a matter of a few months.
I can now describe our mountains as healthy and improving.
The forest is for all of us.
That's why you need to protect it for all Filipinos.
Brains for sale - Underdog (audio) - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Malabaddakam Nivarana In Telugu Yoga | Yoga For Constipation In Telugu | Yoga In Telugu - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
How To Learn The Handstand Pushup For Beginners - Duration: 5:07.hey guys michael here from calisthenics family, do you want the handstand push-up?
do you want to be able to train with your own body weight?
then this is the perfect video for you to watch, in this video we show 5 different exercises
who have helped us tremendously with handstand push-ups
these are a number of exercises that you have probably never seen on youtube before
so keep watching and especially
enjoy the video
as with any exercise, we must of course start with the basis
and the basis of handstand push-ups are the pike push ups
With this exercise you have to push your head forward and keep your arm in a 90 degree angle at the bottom
try to do about 15 reps of this in total
if this is successful, you can proceed to the next progression
where you put your legs on an elevation this is the elevated pike pushup
you want to try about 10 repetitions
Now you make it a bit more difficult for yourself because you are already putting the weight a little higher
and more towards the handstand pushup
the next exercise is the pushup with the belly against a wall
this exercise is already a lot heavier since you now have legs straight up
just like in the handstand position.
This exercise requires a lot of power from the front of your shoulders
and that is exactly the muscle group you want to trigger for the handstand pushup
the next exercise is an exercise that you have probably not seen before
that is the head-stand pushup and this exercise requires a lot of coordination and balance
what you are going to do, you put your head on an elevation, I use weights.
you try to push up explosively from a stationary position
this way you train the handstand pushup slightly differently
because you now start all the way from the end position
you also try to remove the legs from the wall and push up from there
and just keep the balance and then make the push-up again
now the advanced variant
that is of course the same exercise but without a wall
Of course you should be comfortable with your handstand here,
With this exercise you really work at the handstand pushup. So you do exactly the same.
you put your head on an elevation and try to push up
especially the part downwards requires a lot of strength and coordination in your shoulders
so you train both concentrically and eccentric in this exercise
try to make about 3 to 5 repetitions
and then you can remove a weight
which will make you do an even deeper handstand push-up
making you work more towards the full handstand pushup
the next exercise are negative handstand pushups
you start in a handstand position and you let yourself lower slowly
and you try to stop yourself in a 90 degree angle
we call this also isometric training and is very good to increase the muscle load
and that's exactly what we need with the handstand pushup
since it is often difficult
to make the handstand pushup in that 90 degree angle
if this is successful for 15 seconds you can also try without a wall
where you try to hold at least five seconds
and try to count it for yourself -1, 2, 3, 4, 5
so slowly lower. This was an eccentric movement
and then we arrive at the last exercise. this is really the best exercise that has helped us
to learn the full handstand pushup
Namely the handstand pushup pulses. these are small movements that you make
so that your body can get used to the position in the final exercise
if you can make about five repetitions try to go a bit deeper
until you finally work towards the full handstand pushup
if you find this video interesting, please subscribe to our channel
give a thumbs up, like this video
and I wonder how much handstand push-ups you can against the wall or without the wall
and which variant you think is easier, on the ground or on the parallettes
I personally find the parallettes a lot easier as you see here
and as the last guys if you also want to develop muscles by working on this kind of cool exercises
Then go to www.calisthenics-family.com
and sign up for one of our calistics programs
thanks for watching and I see you in the next video, peace out guys!
Apple Said to Plan 3D Cameras for New iPhone Models in Augmented Reality Push - Duration: 9:18.Apple plans to launch iPhones with a more-powerful 3D camera as soon as next year, stepping up the company's push into augmented reality, according to people familiar with the plans
The rear-facing, longer-range 3D camera is designed to scan the environment to create three-dimensional reconstructions of the real world
It will work up to about 15 feet from the device, the people said. That's in contrast with the current iPhone 3D camera system, which points toward users and operates at distances of 25 to 50 centimetres to power Apple's Face ID facial-recognition feature
Apple's new system uses a laser scanner, rather than the existing dot-projection technology which doesn't work as well over longer distances, according to the people, who asked not to be identified discussing unreleased features
That's just one of many new features - including a third, more advanced camera, enhanced photo-capture tools and a more powerful chip - that Apple plans to include in coming generations of iPhones, the people said
The laser-powered 3D camera would enhance augmented reality on the iPhone, allowing for more accurate depth perception and placement of virtual objects
It could also help the handset take photos that can better capture depth, the people said
Apple has been in talks with Sony about testing sensors for the new system, one of the people said
While virtual reality immerses the user in a digital realm, AR overlays visuals and data onto a view of the real world
Use cases include looking at a building and displaying details of the structure beside the image, or listing repair instructions for a mechanic while she works on a defective machine
It's been touted as having wider mass-market appeal than VR, and Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook has talked up its prospects
The 2020 iPhone camera may be a prelude to an AR headset that Apple has been preparing for as early as 2020
An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment on the company's plans, which could change
Apple previously aimed to put the new 3D camera system on the back of this year's high-end iPhones, but delayed that, the people familiar also said
Still, the Cupertino, California-based technology giant is doubling down on camera capabilities for its handsets
For 2019, Apple plans successors to the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max - code-named D42 and D43 -- and an update to the iPhone XR, said the people
The larger of the new high-end iPhones will have three cameras on the back, and other handsets could eventually come with the upgraded system, too, the people said
Cameras have become one of the most-important features in a saturated smartphone market
Better photos are a compelling reason for people to upgrade their handsets, especially when other new capabilities are either harder to design or too wonky for most customers to appreciate
Apple pioneered smartphone camera improvements, which over the years have included additions like Portrait Mode
Rivals have tried to catch up, with Samsung Electronics Co. launching phones with as many as four outward-facing cameras last year
The iPhone still generates the majority of Apple's revenue, although sales of the devices fell last year as people upgraded less often
That triggered a stock slump that wiped more than $300 billion (roughly Rs. 21,00,000 crores) off the company's market value since October
New models with more-capable cameras could spur upgrades and reignite Apple's growth, making these upcoming iPhones the most critical in years
A third camera on the back of the 2019 iPhone will help the device capture a larger field of view and enable a wider range of zoom
It will also capture more pixels so Apple software could, for example, automatically repair a video or photo to fit in a subject that may have been accidentally cut off from the initial shot, according to the people familiar with the plans
The company is also planning an enhanced version of its Live Photos feature, which pins video from before and after each shot to the photo
The new version will double the length of the video from three seconds to six seconds
The laser-powered 3D camera could debut first on an upgrade to the iPad Pro currently planned for as early as spring 2020, according to one of the people
Apple isn't expected to release a major iPad Pro update this year like it did in 2018
It typically upgrades the line in the second half of the year. Apple in the past has launched major new features on the iPad before the iPhone, including 4G internet connectivity in 2012
Apple is also testing some versions of this year's iPhone line that includes a USB-C connector instead of the Lightning port that has been used on iPhones since 2012, indicating that the company plans an eventual switch, according to one of the people
Moving to USB-C would make the new models compatible with chargers used for hundreds of other devices, like Android phones
This year's iPhone models will include an upgraded Apple processor and use an updated Face ID sensor for unlocking the device and approving payments, the people said
The handsets will otherwise look similar to the current models with larger changes expected as early as 2020 to accommodate plans for 5G networking capabilities, Bloomberg News reported last year
Beyond iPhones, Apple plans to release an updated version of its lower-cost iPad with a roughly 10-inch screen and a faster processor as early as this spring, according to people familiar with the plans
That device is expected to retain the Lightning port, according to one of the people
The company is also readying a new, cheaper iPad mini, its smallest tablet that hasn't been updated since 2015, the people said
Apple's next operating system update, iOS 13, will include a dark mode option for easier nighttime viewing and improvements to CarPlay, the company's in-vehicle software
There will also be iPad-specific upgrades like a new home screen, the ability to tab through multiple versions of a single app like pages in a web browser, and improvements to file management
The company will also integrate two new services, including a magazine subscription service and its original video content efforts, via iOS updates this year
Each year since 2012, Apple has launched its latest iPhone in September. The one exception was the iPhone X's November release in 2017
© 2019 Bloomberg LP
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