Absolutely Beautiful 2019 Aurora III "minima villa" for sale in Rosedale, British Columbia
I'm using 1500W in the UK for Ham Radio. Really! - Duration: 11:31.WARNING AUTOMAGICAL SUBTITLES CONTAIN ERROR5! TH4NK5 :)
A very good day ladies and Gentlemen I find look red sometimes it's because I've been down
the workshop I get so cold and hot and cold and hot depending on which room I'm
in and I come home and I get a bit flushed but anyway it settles down after
a while so Regulus the channel will know or have
read between the lines that I've been talking to off comm which is the office
communication in the UK it is the governing body which governs all radio
licensing from commercial you know from the BBC through to the Vodafone AT&T
right through to the PM are they the personal walkie-talkie frequency
allocations and amateur radio we don't pay in the UK a penny for our amateur
radio license anymore we just sort of it we self certify that we're still alive
effectively every five years on a website no charge but because of that
there's no enforcement either now I happen to know most of my friends and
most of the contest stations in the UK you know it it's not a secret that they
run 1,500 watts on a 400 watt licence some of the bigger stations very senior
guys do that however there is a section of the community that doesn't do that
let's make NAB see clear I've spoken to people who won't go what over there 400
once now I I have a piece of paper here from Ofcom giving me 1500 watts but with
some conditions which how come to eliminate is quite funny as an antenna
manufacturer although I'm just a micro engineering company basically but anyway
I'm I do you know for housings of pounds worth of antenna
equipment in fact that 48% of everything I make goes outside the country doesn't
go in the UK I'm shipping stuff all around the world and if you remember if
you're a regular on the channel you'll notice that some of my black plastic
plates absorb that much RF there was a particular point in time where all of a
sudden the absorption went right up depending on the RF level and the
frequency and a few other things and to people where one guy it all went up in
flames I sent him a brand new set but weeding out the black plates without the
nylon plates but with the nylon plates and he tested for me and confirmed that
it will suffer quite happily a thousand watts keydown however I wanted to do my
own tests so I've prepared something what we call in the UK and notice a
variation and I wrote a brilliant case I had to learn all sorts of things field
strength and DBS I had to kind of become an advanced full advanced license holder
just to fill out the form but I filled it all out but a great case together and
if any normal human being would have read it they're going would better give
him 1500 watts he's quite happy to have conditions applied to but because there
was an element of commercialism in it you cannot have an amateur radio license
have any commercial activity at all you see so I've made a bit of a boo-boo and
I thought well that's ok I'll apply for another notice of variation as m0m see
eggs even though I said it I would be the older but I want to do the research
on behalf of my company know it's commercial based not a problem you can
apply for something called an innovation and trial license and it's all in here
in the documents which come through today Z and you want 5,000 watts 10,000
watts a hundred thousand Watts you tell us what you want put the case down the
frequencies you were and you know we'll go through a little
committee or whatever they do probably isn't even go sort of committee all
right haven't got the bandwidth probably have cut down some of the lights tonight
it's a bit bright the other night bit of a dark video tonight and anyway finally
the I got notification that my new notice of variation which we retitled
demonstration and trial innovation license I used all the same words what I
wanted to do I need to test all these materials out and so on but I wanted to
be able to solicit signal reports at that power level and switch between 400
800 1600 whatever I needed to do to demonstrate and really understand the
curves of you know is there a certain point in time where some materials
saturate is that why they catch fire I didn't know you know whatever but anyway
I had to apply under it as DX commander limited and licenses come through anyway
the city's been granted so I then had Dave he's cool it was such a nice guy
and by the way this isn't about Dave Dave's got job to do okay he's got a
bunch of rules to state by than that that's what rules but this is the
hilarious part which actually a little bit worrying for our our hobby really
and anyway so I've got I got it all here 1500 watts at 0 DB gain at 5 degrees off
the horizon a few others you know things install in here what I'm trying to do
and what I want to achieve and how many DB's and and so on and so forth that's
it that is the license however not in the license is an email trial so I said
yeah but what callsign do I use I can't cook on the amateur bands and just go
testing one two three baloney baloney baloney no no no can't use a call sign
seriously no joke II can't use a call sign it says from time to time we do
authorize the use under our dnt license of frequencies allocated to amateur
radio these uses may or may not relate to amateur radio and are generally to
test or develop radio concepts or products we do not require the holder of
the dnt license to use a callsign however we do understand that if radio
amateurs detect a transmission in a band allocated to amateur radio that it is
not identified is coming from an amateur radio station they may wish to know the
identity of that station it is therefore for you as the holder of the DNC license
to decide how to identify transmissions made under that license so and then it
goes on to say in deciding this you must not use a format that has recognized a
dead as identifying another type of station as that could be misleading the
identity that you use must therefore not be in the format used for example by UK
amateur ship or aircraft station beyond that we leave it up to you how to decide
how to identify your transmissions as you know how you will be operating what
so can't use my callsign on my name location so basically and in the the
detail here it says find a clear frequency and go about your testing
right so what I do go hello James came up with a brilliant idea so I should
create a new number station write a number station and that would be really
cool wouldn't it I could just record it on one eight seven two nine six three
zero one five it would freak everybody out
fifteen hundred Watts in the middle of the night a new number stations come
always suggested I put on a Russian anyway so I could do some Richie you
know testing the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
I'm soliciting signal reports if you would wish to give a single report by
email send your send your signal port to testing 40 meter band at gmail.com I
know and from then because I think we should live stream alright we can't
identify ourselves we could live stream it now I'd be funny wouldn't it because
then you can go wonder if I can hear him oh I can I've got your Richie
I've got your Richie I kidding it all the quick brown fox jumped out I don't
know so he said and the other thing I haven't told you about yeah it's all
done 600 pound a year sir 600 pounds a year took be able to transmit lazy as
much power as I want on the amateur bands on any mode I want right so that's
30 meter band voice I got license but you can't talk back to me but you can
give me a signal report on email maybe that might be an idea so ideas for
testing yes I want to do the melting tests and see how much we can actually
blow up for real and I've got to do that for my sort of
due diligence and plastic products but now I think we should have a laugh
without 1500 watts so I said I'll tell you I'll pay a hundred pounds and I'll
take you for two months he said all run it ok fine
however we are gonna definitely put in ok and I think it's important that we
put in a 1500 watt you know notice of variation and see if we can get a real
one for m0m CX ok all seriousness because I don't want
to break the bloody law ok it's alright everybody else doing it I don't want to
silly I know but that's the way it is so anyway your ideas on how we should how
we should test this should we have a number station Ritchie PSK how should we
test out what frequency should we use and I think 40 meters in the middle of
the night UK time might be great for the Americans and you'll be able to hear me
and second reports or you could join in on
chat couldn't you so my name is Kalin from deer it's commander wondering what
the hell I'm gonna do with my 1500 watts a very good day
It's Time For Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment - Duration: 0:30.-------------------------------------------
Frugal MEAL PLAN, PREP, & HAUL ~$50 for 1-Week - Duration: 11:58.Hi friends
I'm Sarah also known as butter girl and I make videos every single week on how to live a
Frugal fun and full life with the aid of a budget so today
I have a grocery haul and meal plan for you
And I did it all from Aldi and the Dollar Tree and I also have some of my favorite Dollar Tree
Signs, so I'm very excited about this. I spent a decent chunk of change at Dollar Tree
Aka $20
Stuff at Dollar Tree for $20. So let's jump right in
If you like these kind of videos I'd love it if you liked this one and
subscribe to this channel for more
So let's start off with the meal plan for the week. All of the meat for this week is coming from a
Freezer door a which. I recently reorganized and cleaned and made an inventory of so I can use this stuff up
so for lunch this week, I'm having garlic and herb chicken and broccoli, which is
defrosting right now
Tomorrow we're having pork tenderloin with mashed potatoes carrots and peas
Tuesday is chicken barn. But which parmesan it's over pasta and
Red sauce and some broccoli when the pasta is leftover or it's in the freezer. It's coming from there as well Wednesday
It's just gonna be an easy dinner aka
Grilled cheese and tomato soup or just something that can be thrown together
Also, all of these are kind of interchangeable
We usually figure out what we're gonna eat the next day the night before
And by we I mean myself and my boyfriend usually if he'll he'll be dining with me that night which he usually is
kind of the night before we decide what we're gonna have so sometimes
We just know it's gonna be busy and we said to an easy dinner Thursday
It will be tacos with Mexican rice black beans and corn Friday
We're gonna use up a soup mix that I have either chowder or tortilla depending on how we feel and on Saturday
We're going to eat out and we're going to an event that has both wine and alpacas so that will be amazing. I
They're very soft, and I want to play with them. So that is my meal plan for the week
Let's move on to what I got at
Dollar Tree, so this is a much larger hole than I would normally get from the Dollar Tree
But I was completely out of zip locks and I just get this good since time because I don't see any point in paying
for the zip lock when usually these are only used for
You know a little bit of time maybe like a day when you're transporting stuff. So I got some court and sandwich bags
I also got this face mask
Which I think it's just the face mask kind of day. So I'm going to do that. I got a little container to put
These in now these dish detergent packs if you see them after Dollar Tree
For the love of God. Please. Try them they work so
good in my
old apartment
Dishwasher they work way better
than the generic
Wal Mart times this time and obviously they're much less expensive
My skis I buy them actually bought every single one they had so I bought five of these
ten packs for $1
so these are ten cents each which if you break down the cost of the other packs are usually a lot more expensive and
Like I said these work great. So try these out and if you love them as much as I do
Buy not like crazy. I also like these little laundry detergent pods that they have. Once again. It's ten for a dollar
So ten cents to do a load of laundry and these work really good I do also
Use this stuff with it either the OxiClean kind the orange kind or this kind. It's all from LA's totally awesome
And I just add a scoop in with this and it seems to just keep everything extra clean
It gets rid of any stains and this is actually a huge bucket full for a buck. So I do that as well
I also picked up some
Just nonstick spray. They have this exact same size at
Aldi for a buck twenty nine, they're obviously only a dollar at the Dollar Tree and it works really well
I also like to get this Francisco Rinaldi pizza sauce
Just to keep in the pantry in case I want to throw together like an easy pizza
It's really good this brand when you buy the full pan is actually like six or seven dollars each. I
Like this stuff. It's really tasty and it's also low sugar
So it only has two grams of sugar in it, which is really low for any sort of marinara or tomato sauce
I need some vanilla. So I got that and also I got some minced garlic
The Dollar Tree is my favorite place to get garlic like this
Because it's just cheaper than you can get in anywhere else and the only ingredient is garlic
Why would I pay twice the price at Aldi or triple the price at Walmart buy give it at the Dollar Tree super cheap
So all of these things are kind of like my favorite
Dollar Tree finds along with hang on I'll show you the East these cutting boards are also fantastic and they come to to a pack
So I use those for making sushi and chopping
But yeah, so I really squirted the dollar shoe today. I spent 22 dollars and sixteen cents and
oh, and I also got some bleach which is still in the car a big ol gallon of bleach and I do not regret a
Single cent I said there I feel like all of this will save me money in the coming weeks
Months, I would love to know what your favorite dollar tree vines are and if you'd like me to do a video just on that
I would love to leave me a comment below because I know the good stuff at Dollar Tree
Heck. Yes. Alright
Let's move on to Luke I got at Aldi, so let's start with the non-food stuff first
They had these fabric shavers today for 6 bucks. I need a new one. I've had a really ancient one
That's actually my grandmother's that gave out last year
I love these are a great way to like keep old sweaters alive in fabrics
And so hopefully this will do good and then I got some monsters for Jacob
This is seven dollars and fifty cents worth of monsters. I don't drink the things
I can't even see in the smell
But he loves them and he's over here a lot and I love him so I buy them for him
so all that said with those two, my grocery bill did come up a little higher than I would prefer and I spent
5221 - the six that's like 47 and then - the
Those it's about 42 dollars
So that's there's about 42 dollars worth of food here
So I was a little hungry so I got a couple treats I got these knockoff Girl Scout tag-along cookies
they were 95 cents and I will try to ration them and then these were only like a dollar and a half and
They just looked good. So those will be my sweet treats for the week. I also got some
Cheese, they had a seasonal selection. These were about $2.99 each
Let's see. Let's actually double check the prices
Alright. Ok, this was a dollar ninety-nine. The cheese is worth 345 and 349. I
Got let's see bananas were
$0.99. I got some bacon also for jacob
Grapes are on sale. That's two dollars and 23 cents worth of grapes
They were 89 cents each. The milk was a dollar 13 the potatoes
I don't see them. I might not have been charged for potatoes and I'm not sure how all right the mandarin oranges were
379 the
broccoli was
Dollar twenty-nine each the Greek yogurt
Was three dollars and 49 cents and the pomegranates were on sale for 69 cents each so that totaled out to a dollar
38 the fake butter, which I know is bad for me
But I love was a dollar 39 and the taco seasoning
Was 29 cents. So I think that's everything on there Oh in this fruit surf
It was four dollars and twenty-nine cents dang
That's also for Jacob because we have pancakes on the weekends and I have sugar-free syrup
But he wanted some of this so I'm happy to do that for him. Yeah, I definitely did not
Get charged for the potatoes
but that was I
Was not necessarily my fault. I put everything on the thing
All right, so I would love to know what you guys are eating on this week and as always
Tell me which night you want to come over for dinner
So I've done kind of my weekly fridge clean-out
To determine what?
Has gone bad what I need to eat up quickly for instance
There's some broccoli in here that probably only has a day in the class some potatoes
I've got some hummus that needs to be eaten up. And unfortunately, I had to throw a few things away like
this stew that
some extra servings of we made way too much and it's over a week old now, so I'm not going to so that I
Found some sweet potatoes that need to get used up
so I'm going to go ahead I've
Washed those and I'm going to bake those and I'm baking my line or I'm starting to prep my lunch in my breakfast now
So I've got some carrots that need to go. I'm starting to prep my little yogurts with a
Fruit from the week, so I'll put fruit in the bottoms and then yogurt
I have a cantaloupe I need to cut up. I have some grapes
that I need to wash and put into containers and
I prepped through baking pans for the chicken and any of the vegetables
So like I have this leftover broccoli head from last week. I need to go ahead chop that up same with the carrots
These are getting a little old. So I'm going to go ahead and roast
Everything that I have left to avoid as much food waste as possible
Along with my chicken, which is now defrosted and then I'm gonna like clean up and do dishes and stuff like that
Dusk for Dawn, NASA's Mission to the Asteroid Belt - Duration: 3:05.[Music]
[Marc Rayman] You know, when you work on a mission this long
it feels like a part of you.
I've been a space enthusiast since I was four years old.
Getting to work on a mission like this is...it's a dream come true.
To me, Dawn is truly Earth's first interplanetary spaceship.
No other spacecraft has gone to a distant body, gone into orbit around it, maneuvered
there, then broken out of orbit, traveled elsewhere in the solar system to another alien
world and gone into orbit around it.
And it does that with ion propulsion which I first heard of on a Star Trek episode.
We've turned ion propulsion from science fiction into science fact.
[Carol Raymond] The Dawn mission really is a journey back to the beginning of the solar
That's why we call it Dawn.
We chose two time capsules from the beginning of the solar system, Vesta and Ceres, which
are the most massive and largest bodies in the main asteroid belt.
They both formed very early when the solar system was forming out of the protoplanetary
disk and yet they ended up in these two very different states.
Vesta is a dry, rocky body that looks a lot like our moon.
Whereas Ceres had a lot of water and it looks much more like the icy moons of the outer
solar system.
[Rayman] And it seems like what determined their eventual fate was the location where
they started.
And we now believe that Ceres formed much farther from the sun than it is now.
[Raymond] When Dawn found the bright material on Ceres, what we saw was
completely mind blowing.
It was made of sodium carbonate.
Sodium carbonate is not common in the solar system but we see it coming out of the plumes
of Enceladus, we see it in lakes on Earth, and here it was on the surface of Ceres.
[Rayman] The mission will end when Dawn runs out of the conventional chemical propellant
that it uses to orient itself in the zero gravity of space.
Dawn will become this inert celestial monument in orbit around the dwarf planet that it unveiled.
Dawn serves a lasting reminder that the passion for bold adventures and our noble aspirations
to reach out into the cosmos take us far far beyond the confines of our humble home here
on planet Earth.
[Text] The Dawn spacecraft has operated for 11 years, three years longer than originally planned.
[Text] When its hydrazine fuel runs out in late 2018, the spacecraft will no longer communicate with Earth.
Best Costumes Worn by K-Pop Stars For Halloween 2018 | Billboard News - Duration: 1:05.What's better than your favorite celebrities dressing up for Halloween? How about
some of the biggest stars from the world of K-Pop! Let's take a look at some of this
year's highlights. Seventeen's The 8 went the scary route channeling the iconic
Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas! All 18 members of the
NCT family had fun dressing up in looks like Tony the Tiger and Mona Lisa!
SHINee's Onew was hanging out with NCT127's Taeyong while going full out Jim
Carrey with his own version of The Mask! Meanwhile members of Girls Generation,
Super Junior and EXO were all spotted together enjoying the festivities. Rookie boy
band Stray Kids took things up a notch not only dressing up but performing their song
"I Am You" in costume! Tiffany Young went the interactive route, asking fans what
they wanted to see her as this Halloween and it seems 'Riverdale's' Cheyrl Blossom
is the choice that won out! And lastly, SHINee's Key took us behind the scenes of
his Voldemort inspired disguise on Instagram.
For even more looks and there are a ton, check out Tamar Herman's article up now
on billboard.com and until next time, for Billboard News - I'm Kevan Kenney.
DIY Bleach Cream For Whitening & Glowing Skin/Skin Bleach Cream at Home//Skin Care Tips//Beauty Tips - Duration: 4:15.
Subscribe to my channel & be a part of Rani G Family
FIFA 19 ULTIMATE EDITION | BATTLEFIELD V MADDEN 19 OFFLINE ACTIVATION FOR FREE ACCOUNT DOWNLOAD - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
Man Utd think Leicester star Harry Maguire would agree to transfer for secret reason - Duration: 2:33.Manchester United are eyeing January transfers after Jose Mourinho failed to land his preferred targets back in the summer
The Red Devils boss was eager to secure the services of a new centre-back due to private doubts over the abilities of Chris Smalling, Phil Jones, Eric Bailly and Victor Lindelof
Manchester United were interested in signing Maguire amid the player's stunning performances for England at the World Cup in Russia
And the Evening Standard say that, despite the defender signing a new Leicester contract, the Red Devils are hopeful of a deal
United need a new defender - and fast. They have already shipped 17 goals this season, losing three games against Tottenham, Brighton and West Ham in the process
Lindelof and Smalling appear to be Mourinho's preferred centre-back axis at present, but both still have their flaws
Maguire, meanwhile, has helped Leicester to four wins from their first 10 outings
He recently signed a new contract at the King Power Stadium, securing a pay rise in the process
But the Evening Standard say United are optimistic because of Maguire's desire to play Champions League football
The Red Devils, most seasons, can offer that. And the United board usually plan for them to be in the mix for Europe's top-tier competition
Mourinho, meanwhile, recently admitted United were not up to the standards he expects
"We are not as solid as I would like," he said. "We are not as rock solid as I would like, we don't have the killer instinct I would like
" United are next in action against Bournemouth on Saturday (12:30pm).
World Series MVP Steve Pearce Shaves Beard For Charity - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
The upcoming YMCA Craft Fair is sure to have something for everyone - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
HSN | Deck the Halls featuring Gifts for Kids 11.01.2018 - 10 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.-------------------------------------------
Elmhurst Family Donates Tree To Chicago For Millennium Park Christmas Display - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
2.9 Tools for Element Selection - Duration: 5:15.Tools for common workflow with elements
These tools enable selecting various elements,
their measuring and visibility setting.
There are two types of selection tools. Individual element selection tool,
and rectangular selection tool.
Individual selection tool represents selecting individual model elements.
Select an element by clicking on it. Let's try with a few different elements.
If you want to add some more individual model element to selection,
You can do it pressing CTRL on a keyboard and adding new elements.
If you want the remove some elements form the selection
you can do it pressing the ALT key on a keyboard and selecting the element,
you want to remove from current selection.
Clicking anywhere in an empty space of a view
you completely reset the selection and none of the elements is selected.
The rectangle selection tool has two modes,
depending on the side from which you're making a selection.
Selectioning from right to left...
all elements which at least are touching
the rectangle of the selection, shall be selected.
Selectioning from left to right... All elements which are
completely fit inside the rectangle of the selection, shall be selected.
We have additional options for rectangular selection tool.
and these can be found in the additional toolbar icon. Note the options: Add to Selection,
Intersect with Selection and Subtract from Selection.
Let's try Add to Selection.
You see that selected elements are now added to the previous selection.
Try now Intersect with Selection.
Which selects only elements
which are the intersection with activly selected elements.
You see that selected elements are now only ones included in previous and in new selection.
The last option is Subtraction from Selection.
Using rectangular selection in this case, selected elements
shall be subtracted from the active selection.
We'll show you a few more useful tools for element selection.
Select random model element, then right-click,
and from context menu select "Hide".
Note various "Hide" options, used to hide Selected Element, Unselected Elements,
to hide Entire Category or Entire Family which selected element belongs to.
Let's try to hide unselected elements, for example.
Notice that the only visible element is selected element,
while all other elements are hidden.
In order to see all the elements again, right-click anywhere in the view,
and select "Show All"
Let's try more options for hiding elements...
Now, let's only hide the selected element, by clicking "Hide" and "Selected Elements"
You see, that now, only selected element is hidden.
Click on a wall element, and try select "Entire Family"
notice that all the elements of the selected wall family are hidden.
In order to retrieve previuos element visibility,
this time select "Undo Visibility Change"
Let's hide onely one, selected wall, for example,
using "Hide" and "Selected Elements" command,
and then select another wall element and then right-click,
and note additional options in the context menu, within "Show" command:
Selected Elements, Unselected Elements,
show Entire Category or Entire Family of a selected element.
Select "Entire Category" and notice that previously
hidden wall is visible again.
Very useful visibility options for selected elements are the Isolation options.
Select, for example, "Isolate" and "Entire Family".
In our view, the only isolated elements are the elements of the selected family.
Return to previously visible elements in view can be achieved with "Undo Visibility Change"
Another useful information for further work with elements
is a list of keyboard shortcuts you can use for the visibility commands.
By pressing keyboard "C" key, twice, you open a window for Shortcut Keys.
Heidi Klum Dresses As Shrek's Fiona for Halloween Party - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
Long road to recovery continues for Mission Valley woman hurt in crash - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
Family drives overnight from New Jersey to Boston for Red Sox parade - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Our plans for an new leisure centre, school and hundreds of new homes near Shoreditch Park - Duration: 3:20.We've submitted exciting new plans for a leisure centre, new secondary school and
hundreds of new homes near Shoreditch Park
The new buildings will be placed on the site
of the Britannia leisure centre which won't close until the new one is open
As you can see we are in Britannia leisure centre, it's a much loved facility
but it's quite dated at the moment
Due to the age of the building it doen't comply with Sports England standards
For example in the pool area there is no lane swimming
Hackney needs improved leisure provision, hundreds more school places and thousands of new homes
our proposals help deliver on all of these, it's taken us years of planning
consultations, public meetings and engagement to get to this stage and
every step of the way we've listened to residents and campaigners taking on
board their feedback throughout
Despite investment in the center there are a number of issues with this aging building, especially in the plant room
we have a multiple plant floors of plant room, here we have three floors
In a modern facility, there would only be one, and be a lot more efficient and energy saving
We all know there are lots of elements of the existing Britannia that people love
and as you can see from the que behind me it's really popular
what people have been saying these that they really like that family sense around the swimming pool
having a beach area, having the flume, having an area to splash about
we listened to all those concerns and made sure that the new Britannia leisure centre
has all of those facilities as well as lane swimming and an
introduction to swimming area
what we can't afford to do is pay for everything ourselves
so what we're doing is generating income to pay for it
building and selling homes to help fund the rest and the council by acting as developer
means all of that resource and money goes towards benefiting the community
and not shareholders profit
building new infrastructure on this scale isn't easy
and it always comes with huge challenges it's a balancing act and you can't please
everyone and i'm afraid sometimes compromises have to be made but what
we're doing here is really a new way of doing things we're acting because our
government grant has been cut by about 45 percent since 2010 that's
140 million pounds that we can no longer spend on the people of Hackney and the
things they want to see we also don't get any money from government for new
leisure centers or for social housing but we haven't accepted that so we've developed a plan
that allows us to build those new facilities and also fund a school of the
quality that Hackney's children really deserve
a common question is why isn't
there 50 percent affordable housing and that is because we're building all of
that other social infrastructure but we're making sure that on site there are
eighty-one homes for social rent and shared ownership for local people the
fact is we need an new Britannia leisure centre and we need new school places we
can't wait for that perfect site that will please everyone if we did nothing
would ever get built these are the challenges I understand they're
difficult but what we're proposing is necessary especially if you believe
Hackney's current and future generations deserve access to the very best schools
and leisure provision I'd urge everyone to look at what we
are proposing, the journey we've been on to listen to people's concerns make sure
they give their views as part of the planning application
Latest Polls Could Be Misleading in the Race for the 8th District - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Volcom Brand Jackets | Men's Jackets for Fall + Winter - Duration: 0:48.[Fat Tony] "You don't know what you're looking at."
"It's hidden deep in the fibers."
"This jacket has 25 years of unconventional research and development."
"Not by scientists, by people like you, and you, and you."
"These fibers have traveled the planet seeking new elevation."
"Unconventional research and development have pushed the limits
and woven the fabric that make this jacket possible."
Insulated Lining
Wind Resistant "Life is a laboratory - testing us daily."
"Life is a laboratory - testing us daily."
Water Resistant
"These fibers are fortitude."
"This product is passion."
Volcom Brand Jackets
True To This
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