Learn Colors with Sharks, Crocodiles, Gorillas, Leopards, Motu Patlu Water Slide For Kids
Police In Homestead Looking For Man Who Tried Abducting Children - Duration: 0:18.-------------------------------------------
[MICRO18 6A-5] SCOPE: A Stochastic Computing Engine for DRAM-based In-situ Accelerator - Duration: 1:55.Hi everyone
Welcome to the lightning talk of scope a stochastic computing engine for DRAM based in-situ accelerator from UCSB and Samsung.
Memory-centric architecture integrates the computing logic and the memory
resources close to each other in order to embrace large internal memory bandwidth and reduce the data movement overhead
The closer the compute and memory resources are located, the greater these benefits become
DRAM based in-situ accelerators tightly couples processing units to every memory bitline, achieving the maximum
benefits among various memory-centric architectures.
However, the processing units in such architectures are typically limited to simple functions like NAND. To compute an ADD,
it has to break it down into tens of NAND operations and run them serially. As you can imagine,
multiplication is very challenging on such architecture.
In this paper we address the challenge by applying stochastic computing arithmetic to the DRAM based in-situ accelerator.
In stochastic computing, binary numbers are converted into stochastic bit streams,
then it magically turns a complex multiplication into one simple AND operation, which perfectly match the capability of the in-situ
accelerator and solve the long multiplication problem.
However, the exponentially longer stochastic bitstream results in intensive memory capacity and bandwidth demands.
Fortunately, providing large memory capacity and bandwidth is what the in DRAM computing architecture does the best.
Stochastic computing and the DRAM based in-situ accelerator
synergistically reinforce the strengths and address the weaknesses of each other.
The only missing puzzle is the stochastic computing's shortcoming of numerical precision loss.
To compensate that and further boost the performance,
we finally propose a novel hierarchical hybrid and deterministic H2D stochastic computing arithmetic.
Putting them together, we consider quantized deep neural network as a case study.
To find out how stochastic computing does the magic on DRAM based in-situ accelerators,
please stop by session 6A Tuesday afternoon. Thank you!
Makeup With My Mom (for English subtitles click on 'CC' in the footer) - Duration: 15:21.I already turned on the camera...
At what age did you start to put on makeup and what was the first makeup product you owned?
Quite late in life I started to put on makeup.
That's how I have been raised, makeup was not wanted.
And... the first product I remember was probably an eyebrow pencil.
And how old were you at that point approximately?
Eighteen or nineteen years old. - So just before you got married?
Okay, second question:
Which makeup product are you using on a regular basis?
Do you mean now? - Yes. - Well, I have from 'Health & Beauty'
and also German products from 'Dr. Juchheim' in Munich
I have a good skincare cream but besides that
usually products from Israel.
What are you using now? Eyeshadow or blush or lipsticks? What are you using the most?
Regularly. - Regularly I use eyeshadow or an eye pencil and an eyebrow pencil.
Rarely blush.
And very rarely
Face Powder or something like that.
And lipstick almost never.
Which makeup areas have always been problematic for you or are now at a more mature age problematic?
Well, in old age...
what I'm dealing with now, there are the wrinkles,
the age spots
and maybe that the hair is not so
nice, full and elastic anymore,
how they were when I was younger
and that they are partially falling out. - Like with your eyebrows etc... - And also the eyelashes, that's a shame...
What are your anti-aging and skincare secrets?
First, God's grace...
then Red Wine.
And maybe olive oil. - On the skin, as an ointment? - Especially in the summer, before I'm going out in the sun.
That is it. Nothing besides that.
Just air and love...
There is something called Resveratrol in Red Wine
which has strong anti-aging and anti-cancer qualities. It's very healthy
if consumed in small amounts.
Yeah, exactly.
What are your favorite colors you love to wear?
Well, it always has been autumn colors.
Autumn colors fit me. I went to a style and color consultant and
even before that I dressed in those colors.
Instinctive. - I knew instinctively what looks good on me.
All shades of green. - And bordeaux, right?
There was a time when I wore mostly olive green.
But now I love to wear a strong green as well, a forest green.
I love everything in green.
I especially love green shoes.
I love green. - Great.
Mom, if you were young again,
a teenager or something like that
what would be your advice to your younger self?
What would you change? Or what would you recommend your younger self should do?
Or what she should watch out for?
I would say: "Girl, take better care of yourself.
And I would feel more liberty in all decisions.
And would really try
to make the best out of my look.
Natural, yes.
But just beautiful.
I would try that.
To emphasize the natural beauty.
Yes, exactly.
I have another spontaneous question
that just came to my mind.
When I will do your makeup in the coming weeks
or days or however we will do it,
which eyeshadow colors would you be drawn to the most?
Well, as natural as possible.
And probably browns and greens.
Okay, last question:
What do you love the most in me
or in being my mother?
Well, I'm proud that I am your mother.
I love your creativity.
And that you found your way no matter what other people think.
And that you are going this way especially now.
I admire that.
I just love you as my child, as my daughter.
Ohhh, I could say so much more...
That you are just precious
like all my children
but you are now especially precious.
You are reason that draws me even more to Jerusalem
I appreciate you very much.
I'm very thankful that you have gone through this transformation
I spite of all the pressure with the children and all your work
that you will get through this
you have always been very driven and goal oriented,
already back in school.
And you always...
done well.
Once you knew what you wanted
you went for it.
And I admire that a lot in you.
But I admire as well
your humility.
That you are saying: "I have to learn and do everything,
but I know that I do it because I've been given a gift from God."
And that is a very important aspect
for your life.
And I want to advise you to continue
to stick with that and
that you will stay healthy.
That you will be able to do all of this.
Thank you, Mom.
It was so much fun filming with you, Mom.
Same here.
And we'll do that a lot from now on, ok?
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