Welcome to the My Aged Care video that
demonstrates how to request a support plan review
for a client through the provider portal.
A client support plan is developed with an assessor
during the face to face assessment process.
The support plan provides a summary of the client's
aged care assessment, and recommends services and actions
to help a client to achieve their identified goals.
A client's needs and circumstances may change
over time, which may prompt the need to review
their support plan.
A request for an assessor to undertake a support plan
review may be generated through the provider portal,
or may be requested through the My Aged Care
Contact Centre on your behalf.
CHSP clients that require a new service type or a
significant increase in their level of service must
be referred to My Aged Care for review before any
additional services can be provided.
Note for Act-based aged care services, you do not
need to request a support plan review if any
additional services or increase in existing
services can be delivered under the client's
existing care plan.
By the end of this video you should understand how
to identify when a support plan review may be needed
for a client, request a support plan review through
the provider portal, check the progress of current
review requests, as well as view the outcomes of
completed review requests.
A support plan review may be requested for a number
of reasons, such as the client's informal care
arrangement may have changed, their health professional
may identify the need for additional services,
or services may be required to support the
client to move to a new location.
Providers should monitor and review the services
they are providing their clients to make sure their
needs are being met.
It is important to note that an assessor's decision
to undertake a support plan review is based on the
information you provide in your support plan review request.
If the information provided does not warrant the need
for a support plan review, the request may be
cancelled and you will be notified through the
My Aged Care provider portal.
To request a support plan review, you will first need
to locate the client record.
A support plan review can be requested by selecting
'Request a Review' from any tab within a client's record.
Alternatively you can request a review from your
service referrals, and locating the client record
from either the 'Accepted services pending' tab
or the 'Services in place' tab.
When requesting a review, you will need to identify
what circumstances have changed for the client and
describe how this has affected the client's need
for services.
To assist an assessor to appropriately prioritise
the request, you can indicate if there is an
urgency for the review to be actioned.
If you select 'Yes' a supporting reason must be provided.
You will also need to provide contact details
of someone in your organisation who can provide
any additional information that may be required.
You can also add an attachment to support
your review request.
The review request can then be sent to an assessment
organisation for action.
You can check the progress of a review request by
clicking the 'Review requests' tile from the
Home Page or from within the portal.
The 'Current requests' tab will show the progress of
a review request, and the 'Request history' tab will
show completed or cancelled review requests.
It is good practice to check the client's record
and recent interactions with My Aged Care prior to
submitting a support plan review request.
That concludes the video on how to request a support
plan review for a client.
For links to additional information and support,
click on the description box below.
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