After Democrat Senator Says Kavanaugh Is GUILTY Trey Gowdy Exposes Her For Who She Truly Is
south carolina republican congressman trey Gowdy is chairman of the House
Oversight and Government Reform Committee he joins us tonight from
Greenville welcome to back to special report mr. chairman thank you very first
of all on the Cavanaugh situation your thoughts about where we are now and this
latest letter from her attorney that there they're now negotiating on her to
testify it's an incredibly serious allegation
that in my judgment bread is not mitigated by the passage of time it's an
equally straightforward denial by Judge Cavanaugh when when the suspect says I
was not even at the scene of the party that's a classic credibility context one
witness says that I was physically and sexually assaulted to the point that I
was in fear for my life and the person that she names as the suspect says I was
not even at the party so the only way I know to reconcile that is for dr. Ford
to testify and for judge Cavanaugh to testify and for good fair but firm
questions to be asked of both I don't know how an FBI investigation would help
unless they're able to locate witnesses that can either corroborate or
contradict there was no crime scene to analyze there are no forensics to
analyze and the FBI can't interview her and judge Cavanaugh and then repeat back
what they say that you can't determine credibility that way so I hope that she
calms I hope that she will will testify I think she'll be treated fairly I would
hope that she would and I think judge Kavanaugh should also be given an
opportunity to respond to it you mentioned the FBI investigation call and
that really is what Democrats are saying the most here is Senator Doug Jones and
also Sheldon Whitehouse I prosecuted thirty eight-year-old cases so they're
they're pretty good about locating witnesses and finding people that's
their job they're a hell of a lot better at it then the Senate majority or
minority staff that's what the FBI does that's what they're trained to do
there's two I want one more senator Kirsten Gillibrand just a few moments
ago earlier this afternoon Judge Cavanaugh has not
asked to have the FBI review these claims is that the is that the reaction
of an innocent person it is not can you get reaction to all of those Wow I when
I walked into the studio tonight there was a presumption of innocence and you
did not have to prove your innocence oh I'm a little surprised at what the
senator from New York said Brett I'll tell you this I think that dr. Ford met
with Democrat legislatures before the FBI investigated it I know that she
talked to the Washington Post before the FBI investigated it the FBI does not
have jurisdiction over state sex assault claims if they want to locate witnesses
if there are witnesses that know whether or not this happened I'm all for and I'm
all for them being compelled to come testify but but the FBI does not have
jurisdiction over a state sex assault claim and judge Kavanaugh does not have
the burden of proving his innocence he has said he was not present the last
time I checked the government has the burden of proof in a criminal case now
if someone argued well this isn't criminal you know Brett he was vetted
for the second highest court in the land 15 years ago these are incredibly
serious allegations if they make you unfit for the highest court in the land
would they also not make you unfit for the second highest court in the land
sounds like it's going to continue even if he gets through according to Sheldon
Whitehouse I want to turn topics you know the Senate Judiciary Committee is
obviously investigating all that and they say they're there on top of the
Cavanaugh investigation even though Democrats are not taking part now to the
topic of the declassification the Cavanaugh accusations lacking all
corroboration were purported to have taken place over thirty five years ago
yet still the calls for the FBI involvement continues you heard from our
previous segment now I wonder what prominent Democrats say former vice
presidents were saying back during the Clarence Thomas hearings the next person
that refers to an FBI report as being worth anything obviously doesn't
understand anything FBI explicitly does not in this
or any other case reach a conclusion period period the reason why we cannot
rely on the FBI report you wouldn't like it if we did because it is inconclusive
period period oh don't we just love Biden it's a gift
that keeps on giving please run in 2020 here to react bill Gavin former
assistant director of the FBI in New York
bill I mean we've all been having fun with this tape today it was back on tape
back then but it is the talking point of the activists I think they get their
sheet of talking points bullet point bullet point bullet one of it all we
want is an FBI investigation bill what's the truth about what the FBI could do
here this it's so crazy I just don't understand everybody wants an SP on an
investigation an investigation of what a criminal investigation you want the FBI
to go stick their nose into some place where they have absolutely no
jurisdiction there's no predicate offense for the FBI
to look at it that doesn't make any sense now is there any nobody's going to
deny that maybe something happened to dr. Ford and I don't want to be de
minimis of that but let's face it there is nothing for the FBI to go look at
from a forensic point of view there's been no allegation there has been no
complaint filed by dr. Ford locally where the FBI could on a go back and
look at these reports and see who's in there nothing can do this clearly that
clearly senator gillibrand knows a lot more about investigating than you do
bill take it away final thoughts how anybody that's
allegedly educated and has worked themselves into the position of being a
senator can have such an inane assumption is crazy I don't understand
what they're saying and they don't understand the complexity of what has to
be done in something like this I'll tell you what the investigation
should happen Laura the investigation should be of the despicable horrible
unethical performance of the senator Diane not so
Feinstein this is ridiculous what she wants done it it she's held she held
that that letter for what 45 days then redacted it in such a way to make it
look like it would support her point of view she offed poor doctor Ford she who
she promised them to to maintain high after because it was wrong yeah you know
what I want and Bill thanks so much I want investigation of who leaked that
letter who got that out oh it's not her office oh really okay let's let's do it
let's investigate that shall we bill thanks so much thank you
god bless you and God bless america
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