Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 27 2018

Sadhguru many of my colleagues and I are soon gonna begin our professional

careers so there may be occasions in the in the course of a career where we are

confronted with modern moral dilemmas for example a situation where you are

required to defend someone you know is guilty or a situation where you have to

prosecute someone you know is innocent now the law says that every accused is

entitled to an attorney and the right to a fair trial now if I decide to define

this particular accused individual and I define and I defend him successfully

then should I be pleased with the acquittal or should I regret the the

fact that the victim has been has not received justice so how do i reconcile

this conflict between my conscience and my professional obligations 3 your

profession is a constitutional obligation you have no business to see

what is right and wrong your business is just to interpret the Constitution for

the well-being of the citizen who comes to you crime has commited maybe but

sometimes the crimes are so heinous then the human question will come up should I

save this guy at all so this is not a don't make this into

your moral dilemma this is a professional thing where you must decide

are you fulfilling your constitutional responsibilities or no this is not for

you to take a moral stand ok this guy has done something that I don't like so

let him hang this is not for you to decide your business is just to

interpret the law so that everybody gets a fair this thing this one's happened

can I tell you - this happened Shankaran Pillai was accused of murder

accused of murder so he went on pleading not guilty not guilty not guilty after

four years when the case was nearly coming to a close

suddenly he said okay I will plead guilty so the judge asked all these four

years whatever we said you went on saying not guilty now you are saying

guilty what is this he said at that time I had not heard the evidence so when

somebody commits a crime of course he tries to save his skin all right and

when somebody commits a crime it's not for everybody to take a call right now

it's happening on the social media and even in the television channels okay

hanging castrating do these do that if you go by this then lynching is what you

will do in the end why go to the court let's Lynch them when we see they have

done something wrong because when something really terrible

happens in front of you or you come to know it's happened it's not just robbery

some terrible things are being done all right really terrible things happen the

crowd will want to lynch that guy even regular people so responsible people in

the country are uttering these words I would like to be the hangman for this

guy so why they are saying this is yes your humanity burns when you see such

things happening but you as a lawyer your business is just to interpret the

law to stay within the framework of the Constitution it's not for you because

you know these guys committed the crime it's not for you to take a gun and shoot

that guy in the court that's not your business that should happen through due

process if we even if it looks unjust what is unjust is the length of time

that these legal procedures are taking if we want justice to be reasonable and

human or humane it's very important that has to be reduced this time is killing

people and this time is making people do extrajudicial stuff simply because the

amount of time it's taking this has to change so I mean it was an extremely

insightful explanation and you talked about why why certain mobs why certain

individuals take law in their own hands maybe the judicial delays may be the

time-consuming process oh just one clarification an idea is

that while the absence of adequate legal infrastructure might propel them to do

such acts are such acts justified despite the inadequate legal

infrastructure that's one I thought I made that extremely clear in the

previous answer anything outside the framework of law the moment you think

it's all right however nice and right it may look to

you then you're breaking the nation made me as a lawyer or as a citizen I even as

a citizen but at the same time when there is no law when the law is cued in

somebody else's favor I know I will not get justice something terrible happens

to me you cannot stop this human being from doing it so it is both ways is it

correct it is definitely not corrected nobody has the right to do it but you

cannot use that position and keep on keeping people in a state of injustice

they will act in their own way so legal reforms need to happen rapidly otherwise

you will see things going people taking it in their own hands thank you for the



For more infomation >> Justice Delayed is Justice Denied, Sadly Holds True For India - Sadhguru At NALSAR - Duration: 6:11.


Fake Microns?! Fineliner Review for Inktober & Avoiding Counterfeits - Duration: 15:05.

Hello everybody, and welcome back to Jenna Gets Creative!

Since we are heading into October very soon, and a lot of you fellow artists will be participating

in Inktober, I thought we would discuss the various pen options out there and also a little

cautionary tale about fake Microns.

So here we have what I consider to be the four kings of water resistant / water proof

pigment fineliners.

The Micron, since we are talking about Microns.

Of course this is the Japanese style needle tip nib. [testing the pen] Micron 03.

This is considered by many on YouTube and in the art community to be the gold standard

of pigment liners, and it is pretty darn good, but it's not the only option.

Copic Multiliner.

These are waterproof when dry, but more importantly if you are a marker artist, they are Copic

marker proof.

[testing the pen] Copic 03.

Then we have the Staedtler Pigment Liner.

This is actually my favourite fineliner when I'm drawing mandalas and that sort of stuff.

[testing the pen] Staedtler 03.

Faber-Castell Pitt pen, another excellent option.

This is the nib size "S" and I have no idea what size that actually is.

It looks to be a little bit bigger.

[testing the pen] Faber-Castell Pitt S. Yeah, this looks like it's probably more like an


So, as I said, all four of these are meant to be waterproof when dry.

[testing waterproofness with a clean water brush pen] These are waterproof.

If you're into more of a brush or plastic nib type pen, you might have seen the Micron


Here it is.

[testing the pen] Micron PN.

Very, very nice.

You can get some line variation.

Not a whole lot.

Now, there are these Tombow calligraphy pens.

The two different colours are differences in the nib, not the colour of the ink.

They are both black ink despite the fact that this one's green and this one's blue.

[testing the pen] Tombow Green.

That was a very soft, flexible tip.

The green one.

[testing the pen] Tombow Blue.

That is a much firmer nib, closer to the Micron PN but not quite.

Edding 1340 brushpen.

Very, very nice.

[testing the pen] edding.

Of course the Micron PN is just as good as the other Microns.

The Tombow are also waterproof.

The edding is not waterproof!

Be careful with that.

Zig Writer-for-Vellum.

It has this nice little plastic nib that's similar, again, to the Micron PN and those

Tombow pens, and it has this much bigger marker type bullet nib. [testing the pen] Zig. [testing

for waterproofness] Sharpie fineliners.

[testing the pen] Sharpie Pen. [testing the pen] Sharpie Ultra Fine Point.

The Ultra Fine is not AS fine.

Of course, these are Sharpies, you know they're gonna work, they're gonna be waterproof.

They're Sharpie.

But, like Sharpies, they are going to feather out on thirstier papers.

Particularly this fatter one.

I don't know why this is called ultra fine; it's not! [proving waterproof] Basic writing


This is a Uni-Ball Signo gel pen.

[testing the pen] Signo.

This is the Pentel EngerGel Metal Point (0.7mm) [testing the pen] EnerGel.

The Pilot Hi-Tecpoint V7. [testing the pen] Hi-Tecpoint.

It should not be any surprise to anyone, but uh... gel pen, is not, waterproof.

Keep that in mind.

Fountain pens.

This one, I don't think it has a brand name... oh!

There we go, it's the Jinhao.

[Struggles to pronounce it.]


These are an Asian brand and they are excellent.

Very nice weight to them.

Very, very nice nibs and everything.

I am using the ink cartridge it came with.

[testing the pen] Technical difficulties!

I haven't written with it in a while, so it's not flowing well.

But again, the ink it came with [testing for waterproof] sooooooo no waterproof!

Of course, You can put whatever ink you want in a fountain pen.

Moving on to the Micron imposters.

This is STA.

I believe this is actually just a legitimate art brand in Asia.

[testing the pen] STA!!!

"For Drawing" in 03.

[testing the pen] For Drawing.

(That's an A, not an O) This is just called "Drawing."

But if you were just to glance at this, it kinda looks like a Micron, right?

[compares Drawing to a real Micron] [testing the pen] Drawing 08.

This is a Micro-Line in 05.

This is put out by Superior, not Sakura.

They are, "Superior."

But again, the packaging is very, very similar.

They are definitely trying to fool you.

[testing the pen] Micro-Line 05.

The fake that claims to be a Micron.

[testing the pen] "Micron" 03.

[testing with water] Now, of course that's spreading around the ink, but the STA is waterproof.

[cleans off water brush pen] The STA is good! [shows STA pen] This is good.

It is waterproof.

"For Drawing" is fairly waterproof.

Once you go back and forth a bit you'll start to pick up a little bit.

It's not bad.

That's this one [shows pen] Also pretty good if you want to pick up this instead.

The "Drawing" one [shows pen] is absolutely not waterproof.

The Micro-Line by Superior - absolutely not waterproof.

This fake Micron - Really, really, really.



So here we have a full six pack set of legitimate Microns and their equivalents in the fakes

I ordered off of Wish before I knew the difference.

At first glance, these look exactly the same.

But if you're looking closely...

You might be able to tell, the legitimate one is on top.

The wording with "Micron" is slightly thicker (bolder) on the fake pen.

Very importantly here, the writing under the AP seal is completely different.

The legitimate one has less writing.

And just in general, the barrel is a slightly different colour.

On the caps here, the legitimate Micron writing is much, much thinner.

You'll notice, though, that they have every detail in there.

That is the Sakura logo.

This writing is all the same.

It makes the same claims.

It even has the same barcode.

So, anybody who gets fooled, like, you are completely forgiven... but you've been fooled.

[showing the tips, uncapped] The fake is on the left.

These are both a 005 (0.05).

[Shows how they are not the same size] So here we have a comparison of the lines.

Sorry about the 02 on the fake side, it's dying.

I don't know why!

I got these about four months ago.

They're.... they're pretty close, but they don't really match up.

We can't really compare the 02 because it was dying.

But these 005 pens are not the same.

[indicates the real one] This one is thinner.

The 01, not the same.

Again, the fake is bigger.

The 03, for some reason, the legitimate one is bigger.

05, that's starting to look okay.

08, that's looking the same.

Now for the water test, real... [tests with water] No problem!

Fakes... [tests with water] Look at all that smudging!

Not waterproof!

Again, I wanted to show you these fake ones.

All the pieces are just thicker, and clunkier, and not very well finished.

Look at these rough pieces on the end of the metal needle point, there.

[indicates ink ring] This black ring here is because a lot of these leaked in shipping,

and I had to clean them off, but they've continued to leak, and now it's in the caps, and, yeah.

[twisting end of pen] This is so poorly put together that this has come off when I didn't

want it to a few times.

Particularly when I'm using it and I take the cap off and stick the cap on the end,

I pull the cap off [tries a few times] sometimes this comes off.

[tips out ink cartridge] And then that happens!

And this goes flying across the room and makes marks on your floor!

Not fun.

In summary, all of these pens before you are ones that I would recommend for Inktober or

any other inking needs.

If you are ordering cheapies from places like Wish and AliExpress, these ones are pretty

darn good.

The kings!

Well, this is the Micron PN.

The kings, of course: Micron, Copic, Faber-Castell, and Staedtler.

I rate all of these equal in terms of a nice, waterproof pigment liner.

If you're working specifically with Copic markers, obviously the Copic is pretty good.

Micron is also really good.

Faber-Castell and Staedtler will do funny things with some alcohol inks, but they are

great for water-based materials.

If you are wanting more flexibe tips, more line variation, the Tombows are pretty waterproof,

and they are very nice.

If you're wanting something completely different, and waterproof, the Zig Writer-for-Vellum

is very nice.

If you're on a budget and you don't want to be scammed so you're buying local,

Sharpie pens!

You cannot go wrong!

They are permanent.

They are a Sharpie.

But they will feather.

If you don't mind not being waterproof, and you like calligraphy brush type pens, edding

is excellent.

But again, not waterproof.

If you are getting a cheap fountain pen, Jinhao is good.

I do recommend them.

I had a little bit of trouble here because it's been sitting not used for quite a while.

It is a good pen, I promise! [re-tests pen to demonstrate how nice it is] You can get

quite a bit of line variation.

I do love this pen.

Those are my recommendations, that's my review of these pens, and my warning about fake Microns.

Thank you so much for joining me.

I will see you on Tuesday with a regular art video.

Thank you so much, buh bye!

For more infomation >> Fake Microns?! Fineliner Review for Inktober & Avoiding Counterfeits - Duration: 15:05.


Prince Charles is doing this for the first time ahead of 70th birthday - Duration: 3:12.

 Ahead of his 70th birthday celebrations in November, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall are to tour Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria

On Thursday, Clarence House confirmed that the royal couple will begin their tour in The Gambia on 31 October to celebrate The Gambia's return into the Commonwealth in February this year

They will be welcomed to the country by the President of The Gambia, His Excellency Mr

Adama Barrow, at a ceremony in McCarthy Square in the Capital City of Banjul.  Scott Furssedonn-Wood, Charles' deputy private secretary, said the couple were visiting the three countries at the request of the British Government

He added: "Their Royal Highnesses' visit will celebrate the 's historic ties with these three Commonwealth nations, and also our dynamic contemporary partnerships with each of them in areas ranging from business to the arts, defence co-operation to medical research

" He continued: "The tour will also highlight the people-to-people links between our countries and the invaluable contribution they make to our shared prosperity and security

"  During their tour, which will take place during the months of October and November, Charles and Camilla will visit the Medical Research Centre, which is a faculty of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

The Prince will also visit the Gambian Armed Forces Training Centre, where troops are trained for their role with the United Nations - African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur

Meanwhile, Camilla will visit a school to meet young people aspiring to enter The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition, which is the world's oldest schools' international writing competition, managed by The Royal Commonwealth Society since 1883

 MORE: The Queen is planning a very lavish 70th birthday party for Prince Charles  On 2 November, the royal couple will start their visit to Ghana, which in 1957 became the first majority-ruled African country to join the Commonwealth

The royals will be welcomed at Jubilee House by President Nana Akufo-Addo and the First Lady, Rebecca Akufo-Addo

Other key events in the programme in Accra will include a State Banquet celebrating the ties between the and Ghana, attended by senior dignitaries in Ghana and prominent members of the British Ghanaian Diaspora as well as key figures from business, arts, culture and media

 Then four days later, Prince Charles and Camilla will arrive in Abuja, Nigeria where they will be welcomed by President Muhammadu Buhari at the Presidential Villa

During their visit here, Their Royal Highnesses will undertake a series of engagements in Abuja and Lagos where they will have the opportunity to interact with a cross-section of Nigerians from Traditional Leaders to those in business, the arts, fashion, the armed forces and the charitable sector

 Over the course of the tour, the royals will take part in commemorative events to acknowledge the sacrifice made by Gambian, Ghanaian and Nigerian soldiers during the First and Second World Wars, and in more recent times during international peacekeeping missions

 Make sure you never miss a ROYAL story! Sign up to our newsletter to get all of our celebrity, royal and lifestyle news delivered directly to your inbox

For more infomation >> Prince Charles is doing this for the first time ahead of 70th birthday - Duration: 3:12.


Pig Family - The Powercut | Funny Cartoon for Kids with Daddy 🐷 Mummy and Baby Pigs - Duration: 1:35.

Hi, Please enjoy the new episode of Pig Family Cartoon for Children!

For more infomation >> Pig Family - The Powercut | Funny Cartoon for Kids with Daddy 🐷 Mummy and Baby Pigs - Duration: 1:35.


Hair Myths You Should Stop Believing | Reasons for Dandruff | Juggun Kazim - Duration: 10:04.

I hope that you are enjoying my videos.

And are commenting on them as well, which I'm really enjoying.

So please, remember to

subscribe to my channel, and ofcourse like

and comment.

Assalam O Alaikum,

There are alot of things that we have been hearing

about hair, since our childhood. There are alot of hair myths,

So today we will be busting 10 hair myths.

First hair myth, it is said that

if you keep cutting your hair

your hair will become very healthy.

Now cutting hair has no

link or connection to healthy hair,

Your hair are dead.

Basically the hair grows at

the follicle and the rest of the hair is dead.

So if you will cut your hair again and again

your hear will be healthy but

they will not grow with speed.

The speed of hair growth depends on

your nutrition, health and genetic setup.

And has less or no connection to

being cut again and again.

Second, it is said,

that hair get damaged due to blow drying,

and it is better to dry them naturally.

It is right to some extent, because

if you dry alot at full speed of the dryer,

then obviously your hair will dry out

and damage but natural drying

and drying at low speed of the dryer

does not have much of a difference.

So, if your hair are wet,

and you want to use a dryer because its winters,

then do use it.

But ofcourse using alot of treatments

and chemicals and other things

and then drying would damage hair.

Another myth, it is said

that hair get used to of the same shampoo

and if you continue

to use the same shampoo, it causes problems.

The whole length of the hair,

is dead so it is not affected.

Yes, like I said earlier,

harsh chemicals and things can damage hair.

You can use the same shampoo,

or change it, that is for your personal satisfaction.

But, if you do change your shampoo,

every six months or a year,

it brings variety but doesn't make much of a difference.

It is also said that a dry scalp

causes dandruff. This is wrong,

this is a total myth. You actually

get dandruff because the sebaceous glands

on your scalp produce alot of oil

due to which

your scalp gets that dry thing

we call dandruff.

So actually dandruff is caused due to

an oily scalp.

They say that frequent brushing

or combing makes

your hair healthy and shiny.

Actually, alot of brushing causes

hair fall and hair breakage,

specially if your hair is dry and brittle.

Secondly, another major issue

when you comb or brush alot

in your hair

the glands on your head become over active

and that also causes

production of more oil or oil gets depleted

depending on whether your scalp is

dry or oily or normal. So

over rushing or combing is also not good.

They say that proper hair care,

specially brands say that proper hair care

and special treatments will make your hair thicker.

The hair cannot get thicker

because the hair are

genetically pre-decided.

They are either inherited from the mother or the father.

So my hair is very fine like my father,

so thats why I have fine hair.

My brother has thick hair like my mother.

No matter how many treatments I get, hair wont get thick.

Yes, the look and luster will increase temporarily.

Another thing that we often get to hear is that

if you will wash your hair frequently they will get damaged

Your scalp will

get more oily or more dry. It goes in both directions.

Actually, it depends on you.

Every person has

their own schedule that works for them.

I wash every other day, because when I wash

everyday it

makes my hair shaft a little dry.

So every other day suits me.

And whenever I wash my hair

I do apply some leave in treatment,

sometimes argon oil base

sometimes coconut oil. Because that works for me.

Every person has their own schedule.

So shampoo according to your schedule and genetic makeup.

Not on the basis of how much your neighbors

or relatives wash their hair.

We are listening to this one since childhood,

that if you have a grey hair and someone pulls it out,

2 or 3 or 10 white hair replace it.

This is complete nonsense.

If one hair is pulled out, it will be replaced by one only.

It could be so that because your hair

have started greying thats why more grey

hair are appearing. But pulling out one hair

will not bring out 10 more new ones.

We usually get to hear that wash your

hair with cold water and not hot water.

We should not shower with hot water

because skin dries as well as hair,

since they are dead,

so the more hot water you put on them, they become dry.

But you can use warm water

and wash your hair,

your hair will not get damaged. Warm or cool water.

Neither ice cold water is necessary to use

nor very hot water.

I know certain people who started rinsing off their hair

with ice cold water because they were told it is better.

Move with a balance.

Use warm or cold water and you are good to go.

And the final myth. That you can get

your split ends recovered, and make

them smooth and single end, just by using products.

I have a bad news for you.

split ends never go back to being

normal one end. You have to cut them.

So if you have a split end, you will have to cut it.

But it does happen so that if you have split ends

and you use some product

the ends stick together for some time,

and give the illusion of being one.

But after a few days they become split again.

If you don't continue that treatment, and usually

they are expensive.

I get a haircut after 4-5 weeks,

but minimum after 6 weeks

get your hair trimmed. So that

the ends don't get split.

I hope that you are liking my YouTube channel,

are subscribing to it

and sharing your comments.

But I have a great opportunity for you now.

You can now share your comments with me on this number.

Hi everyone,

we do get a body massage

specially the women go for body massages.

The men are also into self care these days.

But facial massage,

as in face massage,

unless you are getting a facial from a salon

usually people dont do it. People ask me

how does your skin stay so fresh, how do you manage to

look fresh and glowing all the time.

So I massage my face too,

if not regularly, then every other day.

So I'm gonna teach you a couple tricks

and different options to look fresh.

For more infomation >> Hair Myths You Should Stop Believing | Reasons for Dandruff | Juggun Kazim - Duration: 10:04.


రేవంత్ రెడ్డి సిద్దం ! | revanth reddy latest news today | Vote for note Case | Arrest | PRESS MEET - Duration: 2:53.


For more infomation >> రేవంత్ రెడ్డి సిద్దం ! | revanth reddy latest news today | Vote for note Case | Arrest | PRESS MEET - Duration: 2:53.


The Baboon That Controlled a Railway for 9 Years - Duration: 4:49.

This video was made possible by Ecosia.

Start using the search engine that plants trees with every search you make at

Monkey see, monkey do.

Baboon see, baboon control a railway used by multi-ton trains and thousands of passengers.

That's how it worked in the late 1800's in South Africa.

Back in ye olde days radios didn't exist and since trains were loud, you couldn't

just shout at the driver to tell them what to do.

Therefore, in the 1800s, signals were developed as a way to tell incoming trains to stations

what to do.

At first, lanterns and hand signals were used by signalmen to convey the information needed

but as technology advanced signals that could be controlled by switches and levers were

installed to ease the process.

These signals were similar to weathervanes in that they consisted of fixed posts with

movable discs or signage that could be controlled via a switch.

Various colors meant to stop or go or proceed with caution, and there were other vanes on

different axes to indicate which tracks to pull into once arriving at the stations and

various other signs meaning to take it to the left, right, to criss-cross, to cha cha

now, to cha cha again, and for everybody to clap their hands.

With the world going loco for locomotives at the time tons and tons of signalmen were

needed to ensure that the trains stuck to schedules, were in working condition, and

stuck to the proper tracks.

Signalmen, as their names imply, were also responsible for operating the levers that

would set off the signals for the trains out of the signal house.

In the 1870s, one of the signalman for the Cape Town to Port Elizabeth Mainline Railroad

in South Africa was a man named James Wilde.

Wilde went by the nickname "Jumper" because he had a habit of jumping between the cars

that would pass on the tracks and in a totally unforeseen and completely unpreventable twist

of fate, Jumper once jumped a moving railcar and fell under it losing both of his legs

in the process.

After this, Jumper continued working hobbling around on a pair of peg legs although he found

himself limited in his ability to signal trains proficiently.

Not having legs does that.

One day at the market, though, Jumper came upon a chacma baboon who'd been trained to

lead an ox-drawn wagon.

Though impressive, its intelligence isn't particularly surprising by today's standards.

We now know that baboons aren't so different from humans in their brain capacity.

Baboons can keep schedules, communicate with their own language, differentiate between

scribbles and the written word, and the University of Rochester recently concluded that baboons

are actually capable of counting to an extent although I'm not sure what all the fuss

is about since I've been able to do that at least since I was double-one or twelve-teen.

Jumper begged and begged and finally convinced the owner to let him take the baboon and thus

the prodigious primate pair was born.

The original owner warned Jumper, however, that the baboon would refuse to work unless

he had been given plenty of brandy to drink.

They're really just like us.

The baboon, named Jack, was first taught to observe and then respond to certain commands.

When Jumper would hold up a certain number of fingers, Jack was to pull the corresponding


From there, Jack learned that the trains were giving similar orders by the number of blats

from their whistle.

Over time, Jack realized on his known which tracks needed which signals and would double-check

his own work as he was doing it.

He also realized that conductors needed access to the coal sheds and would retrieve the key

from Jumper unbidden to give to the incoming engineers.

Now, if your job is replaceable by a monkey you really shouldn't be expecting much job

security so surprise surprise both Jack and Jumper's jobs eventually came under threat.

Jack was a beloved fixture of the railroad until some snobby high-society aristocrat

noticed that he was, in fact, a monkey and narc'd on the pair.

The bosses at the railway were aware that Jumper had found an assistant but were totally

in the dark about his baboon-ness.

After the Cape Town executives launched an investigation, they found out the truth about

the monkey business.

So, naturally, they tried to fire both Jumper and Jack.

Jumper begged to demonstrate Jack's cleverness and so the rail managers agreed to put him

to the test.

Jack perfectly performed his signaling abilities, even checking both directions to make sure

the incoming trains were heading to separate tracks at the station.

They were so impressed that they made Jack an official employee paying him 20 cents a

day and half a bottle of beer every week.

It's been said that in the nine years Jack worked as a signalman he never made a single

mistake, despite being constantly drunk and a monkey.

Jack became known as "Jack the Signalman" and worked and lived with Jumper in a small

cottage not far from the signal house.

He stayed there and worked for the railroad up until his death from tuberculosis in 1890

and his skull is now displayed at a museum in Grahamstown, South Africa not far from

where he worked.

Monkeys can do a lot like play the violin, ride bicycles, roller-skate, but what they

can't do is stop the systematic and widespread deforestation of their natural habitat.

Luckily, you can and you don't even have to spend any money or effort to do it.

Ecosia is a nonprofit search engine that uses the money generated from advertising to reforest

areas including places like Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Burkina Faso where there are native baboons.

It only takes about 50 searches to plant one tree so you can really easily make a difference.

Head to to add it to your browser so you can start planting trees one search

at a time.

For more infomation >> The Baboon That Controlled a Railway for 9 Years - Duration: 4:49.


Hello Its Halloween | Lego Dance | Scary Rhymes For Children | Kids Channel - Duration: 4:06.

Watch out..

The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shouts...

The ghosts and the spooks coming out of the nooks

As your door bell ring can you here them sing..

Hello, It's Halloween

Hello, It's Halloween

Hello, It's Halloween

Hello, It's Halloween

The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite

The witches are cooking the zombies are looking..

As your door bell ring can you hear them sing...

Hello, It's Halloween

Hello, It's Halloween

Hello, It's Halloween

Hello, It's Halloween

Watch out

The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shouts...

The ghosts and the spooks coming out of the nooks.

As your door bell ring can you hear them sing...

The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite

The witches are cooking the zombies are looking..

As your door bell ring can you here them sing.

Hello, It's Halloween

Hello, It's Halloween

Hello, It's Halloween

Hello, It's Halloween

For more infomation >> Hello Its Halloween | Lego Dance | Scary Rhymes For Children | Kids Channel - Duration: 4:06.


How to Draw Baby Accessories | Coloring Pages For Children, Babies & Toddlers - Duration: 3:23.


to Draw



For more infomation >> How to Draw Baby Accessories | Coloring Pages For Children, Babies & Toddlers - Duration: 3:23.


Devilish Joy - 마성의 기쁨//Song Ha Yoon Getting Ready For Date//Devilish Joy Date Scene || #NoiseDaily - Duration: 0:43.

Subscribe to Noise Daily

For more infomation >> Devilish Joy - 마성의 기쁨//Song Ha Yoon Getting Ready For Date//Devilish Joy Date Scene || #NoiseDaily - Duration: 0:43.


New Locations for Voters on November 6 - Duration: 1:52.

We have an election coming up on November 6 and some of you may be

heading to a different polling location. City Council approved the changes to

four polling sites last week. We have five different polling place changes for

this election and it will continue through future elections as well.

Precinct 12, which is Georgetown, they voted at the Indian River Middle School.

They're now going to go the Indian River Community Center which is right across

from the middle school. And then we have Chittum, they used to vote at the Chittum

Elementary school and now they will go to Alexander Baptist Church on Pamela

Court. And then there is the Shipyard Road precinct which is currently been

voting at the Deep Creek Central Elementary school, they've been moved to

Grassfield Baptist Church. And then we have the Greenbrier Church for Fairways

Precinct, it's no longer going to be their polling place. hey will now be at

the First Norfolk Church still on Volvo Parkway.

And finally River Oak Church will no longer be the polling place for

Expressway they will be at the Mount Olive Baptist Church on Fernwood Farms.

And all the voters will be getting notices in the mail, will have signs

posted at the old locations. Just in case someone forgets and goes to their usual

place, directing them to the new locations. And it'll be on our website

and we'll be putting it in the paper as well. For more information on voting and

the upcoming election including where your polling location is located. Visit And remember that if you're not already

registered to vote, you must do so by October 16th in order to vote in the

November 6 election.

For more infomation >> New Locations for Voters on November 6 - Duration: 1:52.


Lacoste Crocodile Dentist Toy for All Family | Kids Pretend Play - Duration: 6:19.

Lacoste Crocodile Dentist Toy for All Family | Kids Pretend Play

For more infomation >> Lacoste Crocodile Dentist Toy for All Family | Kids Pretend Play - Duration: 6:19.


Princeton Chili's, Mercer County first responders unite to serve for St. Jude fundraiser - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Princeton Chili's, Mercer County first responders unite to serve for St. Jude fundraiser - Duration: 1:58.


sewer video for 207 Parkview - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> sewer video for 207 Parkview - Duration: 11:58.


Stunning The Pampille Tiny House from Baluchon for sale - Duration: 3:46.

Stunning The Pampille Tiny House from Baluchon for sale

For more infomation >> Stunning The Pampille Tiny House from Baluchon for sale - Duration: 3:46.


Afsnit 4: Pral for Esbjerg - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Afsnit 4: Pral for Esbjerg - Duration: 3:47.


Rustic The NEW Tiny Home or Office For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Rustic The NEW Tiny Home or Office For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:45.


Alternatives for Jeweller's Pickle - 1 Min/1 Tip - Duration: 1:29.

Dianne Karg Baron here with 1 Min/1 Tip.

Jewelers pickle is an acid solution that is used to clean your metal after you've soldered it. The most common brand of name-brand

pickle is called Sparex and it's available for most jewelry supply stores.

Another cheaper alternative is pool acid.

This is available from your local pool supply store at a fraction of the cost of Sparex

and it's virtually the same thing. Now if you're looking for a bio friendly

alternative to pool acid or Sparex, you can use things like citric acid,

lemon juice or even a solution of one cup of vinegar and salt. Now each of these is

much more gentle than pool acid or Sparex

but they also work much more slowly.

All pickles work best if they're warmed up a little bit and you should remember to use them in a well-ventilated area.

Strong pickles like pool acid and Sparex should be neutralized with baking soda before you can dispose of them and you'll know that they've gotten

old because they turn blue.

Depending on where you live, you may need to treat your old pickle - even the vinegar and salt solution - as

hazardous waste, because of the copper that's dissolved in it.Check with your local

regulations before you dump it down the sink.

If you found this tip helpful

then please like share and comment in the section below, and subscribe

to this channel and click on the little bell so that you get notified when new videos are released. Thanks for watching today

I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Alternatives for Jeweller's Pickle - 1 Min/1 Tip - Duration: 1:29.


2018 Arctic Sea Ice Ties for Sixth Lowest Minimum Extent on NASA Record - Duration: 3:11.

Arctic sea ice reached its annual minimum

extent September 19, and again on September 23, 2018.

NASA works with the National Snow and Ice Data Center to track sea ice in the Arctic.

Each year, it grows to a maximum extent through the winter

and shrinks to its minimum extent at the end of summer.

This year's minimum sea ice extent reached 1.77 million square miles.

It's tied with 2008 and 2010 as the sixth lowest

sea ice minimum since consistent satellite records began.

We need every single data point to string together into a really nice time series and that

helps us understand interannual variability and also the long-term trend.

NASA has been observing changes in the polar sea ice covers for over 40 years.

NASA studies the Arctic and Antarctic

sea ice covers in several ways. So NASA's Operation IceBridge,

it's an airborne mission – they fly every spring over the sea ice cover to measure the snow and the sea ice

And another way that we measure sea ice is using passive microwave.

So this is an instrument that can see through clouds essentially and tells us where the ice is.

In addition to the 40-year passive microwave record,

a new NASA satellite called ICESat-2 will provide a new

and important collection of sea ice observations.

ICESat-2 just launched and what it's measuring is really, really exciting.

So I was talking before about passive microwave tells us where the sea ice is.

What ICESat-2 is going to do is to tell us how thick the ice cover is.

It's measuring the freeboard of the ice cover; this is the amount of the ice that floats

above the sea level line, just like an ice cube in a glass of water, and we can use

that to calculate just how thick the underlying ice is.

Thickness is an important measure of sea ice health, and studying it

helps scientists understand how the Arctic is changing.

We're seeing a decline in sea ice thickness, in sea ice age, meaning that the ice

is no longer perennial, but it's transitioning more to seasonal type ice,

and also in its extentThere are two types of ice in the Arctic,

there's old ice and young ice. Perennial ice being the stuff

that lasts years, and then seasonal ice, the stuff that melts back

every summer. So there are some pretty big differences between those two ice types

Starting with the seasonal ice. This is the ice that forms when the

ocean freezes, so it actually has salt in it, it's very saline, because it'

forming from sea water. This stuff is usually thinner than the older ice

and because it has more salt, it's usually weaker in its structure,

so it's easier to break up. For the older ice, this stuff's

usually a lot thicker, a lot fresher and stronger, so it has more resilience

during the summer melt season than thinner ice.

With the successful launch of ICESat-2, NASA scientists will link the records of sea ice

extent, age and thickness to better understand

how Earth's polar regions are changing.

For more infomation >> 2018 Arctic Sea Ice Ties for Sixth Lowest Minimum Extent on NASA Record - Duration: 3:11.


Mike's DM Message for "Our Voices - Our Life" - Duration: 0:56.

I'm CS3 Airwolf Flight Qualified Pascalo of the United States Navy.

I served eight years from Jacksonville in Bethesda. I'm from Illinois originally.

I've moved back to South Florida to go to school.

I have DM1 with a score of 535.

I was actually discharged from the Navy because of an inability to keep up with the physical regimen.

We had to do a certain amount of push-ups in certain amount of time and I passed it every year. I joined the Navy

at 26 and could do a mile and a half run in 9 minutes flat spread nine minutes flat and now I struggle do it in 20. And I just can't do the push-ups and sit-ups

as required. So, I got discharged from the Navy on March 17, 2017.

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