Mister Sun Mister Golden Sun | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Kids Abc Tv Cartoons - Duration: 41:00.Oh Mr. Sun.
Sun. Mr. golden sun.
Please shine down on me.
Oh Mr. Sun.
Sun. Mr. golden sun.
Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you.
To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh Mr. Sun.
Sun. Mr. golden sun.
Please shine down on me.
Oh Mr. Sun.
Sun. Mr. golden sun.
Please shine down on me.
Oh Mr. Sun.
Sun. Mr. golden sun.
Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you.
To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh Mr. Sun.
Sun. Mr. golden sun.
Please shine down on me.
THE LION GUARD The Trouble with Galagos #3 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sophia Kirk - Duration: 3:49.I have an idea maybe that galagos and I could share the tree we'd have all kinds of fun together, right?
Is not staying in our tree the Gallagher's are right buddy Lee you need to go back home
Do I really have to I?
Mean, are you sure you don't want to keep me around? I'm lots of fun. I'm great at games want to play tag?
Yes, that was Klaus. But Deeley, is there a reason you don't want to go home?
Don't be silly. Of course. I want to go home
No, I
Wanted to try a new home
For a while and you did but now it's time to go back. Where you belong Willy didn't walk you there. Oh
That's great
Cuz I definitely wasn't gonna wait until you left and climb up that tree again, haha
That would be as silly as an elephant trying to squeeze into a meerkat hole
Lady we're taking Bedelia home. Now The Grove is all yours Thank You. Kion time to go
Me hearing forests just ahead right? That's
Fantastic. Hey is anyone else parched? We passed a watering hole a while ago. I say we double back and check it out
Buddy Lee what's going on? You keep making excuses like you don't want to go home
Excuses the whole way. I can't wait to be home almost there
So thanks for the walk. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime
There we go. Now anyone else think that watering holes sounded good wait vaanga
Something's not right
Come on
This is so good right we can go not yet
What's the batter buddy Lee its care yeah, um
Maybe a little a little okay a lot. Correct me if I'm wrong
But I thought I told you the Saints are turf no war
I know I know didn't I make myself clear what I speaking a language. You don't understand
No, so, why'd you come back hi
Hi, you you you you what you miss me
Forget how much bigger and how much stronger I am. Oh no. No, I remember
Then ma Pagano is not a nice Leopard. Yeah, but the deal we can't just let him take over his home
Mmm, I think he are and he did all of this is my turf now, so you need to scram
Again, I did go away. But this is my home. It's where I belong
Here we go. And now he's gonna tell him
Maybe we can share it
Seriously why stick up for himself?
Maybe he needs someone to stick up for him
Share it
You made me laugh
Hotel Transylvania A Scare to Remember#9 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Tom Carey - Duration: 2:31.Possible Diane actually misses hanging out with the humans. I
Am it's me may this I
Know you don't have any reason to trust me, but I'm really sorry for messing up your weird
Weird thing with the humans what I want to make it up to you
I think if we work together, there's a way everybody wins
Okay team we're running out of time we must watch TV so leave the talking to me I'm an excellent negotiator
Wait a sec I have wings I can just fly over and then
Come on
This is just like that hotel Pennsylvania episode when Davis taken Petra, how'd you escape? Oh
Let's just dig a tunnel. Yeah great thinking nice one you too, Bob Wendy
You're back
We were so worried
Humans are just gross
He did it though. They're totally distracted by her. Even hotel Pennsylvania. Couldn't have thought up a moment like this
Man, let's go watch stop by now
And once again TV saves lives
Devil's Den | Haunted House Monster Truck Cartoons | Videos For Children | Kids Channel - Duration: 1:07:42.Devil's Den - Haunted House Monster Truck
Car City Rules | Little Red Car | Car Cartoons For Children | Nursery Rhymes by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 21:31.Car City Rules - Little Red Car
Sofia The First - Make Way For Miss Nettle Season 1 Eposide 16 Part 6 - Rosie Burton - Duration: 3:49.♥ Thanks so much for watching!
Alright save the berries before she stopped laughing
They found it we found a spell book
What is she saying? I don't know. We have to tell her how to find a spell that will break the bubble Oh
How are we going to do that? Oh, they can't hear me. What are they doing? I
Think they're trying to tell us what page the spell is on Oh 1 2
3 24 boy, you count fast found it
Ok with these words I end your trouble what oh,
I need a wand
Here Thanks, Oh with these words I end your trouble ruptal says Oh,
Thank you, oh you're our heroes now, where's miss Nettie
She's gone hopefully forever and ever to a place far far away not that far away Oh
Miss nettle I insist that you leave here at once
Oh, I couldn't possibly leave without that spell book miss flora. I guess I'll just have to make one more
Way to go Desmond, oh if these words I end your trouble RUP doses. Oh
Well done Prince Desmond now, Miss
Nettle you are no longer our special guest it's time for you to leave Royal prep and never return
Um, could I just have my wand back before I go, please?
I think we all hold on to it for safekeeping
now scoot
Desmond's you were amazing quite right Sofia. I've never seen such bravery
I was pretty brave, too. Yes, you all were wait. What is it dear? I feel like we're forgetting something
professor papa
Timon & Pumbaa Never Everglades#3 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sam Rees - Duration: 3:49.You just wanted to make sure you had a smile on your face
yeah, sure the omens not around is he though he's brushing his teeth and flossing - did
You brush and floss your teeth - mom. No, I didn't pumper. Oh
Why not?
Because I didn't feel like it what happened to the no worries days Hakuna Matata
Now with this Ken around we can't be ourselves anymore. It's not that I don't care for the kids
It's just that we used to go hunting for bugs at all hours of the night. Now we have to stay home with jr
He's crap in our lifestyle
But the time you and me and Julia spend together
Is as good as any we've ever had but he's not our kid Pumbaa and as much as you wish you were
You are not his mom. He's a completely different kind of animal. He came from an egg. He's an ugly
Chickens and as much as we love him. We don't know how to raise him. He needs to be with his own species
What's that
It looked to me like a thin flexible sheet of material made of finely divided
Compressed fibres and used for writing on what do you mean? It's just a piece of paper say wait. Don't read it
It's a letter from Pumbaa Junior, dear. Mommy. How come uncle Timon is so right?
How come I'm not like you and I don't belong with you
I'm going to run away from home because of what uncle's Monson side Pumbaa Junior the ugly
one of you dad I
It's all my fault. He can't survive out there Pumbaa
It's a rugged dangerous cruel world and he's just a little ugly chicken. He'll be eaten alive
We've gotta find him
Well, according to my calculations, we've searched everywhere except for right over there
Can you believe it he's found another chicken as ugly as he's and look how happy it's made him
You know Timon you've been right all along
Georgia's got a warthog. He doesn't even have any tusks. It should be with his own kind
Me and my tail are glad to hear it, but we just can't leave him and his lady friend out there all alone
I'd get kind of worried about them. Well, don't you worry?
I got an idea that'll set your mind at ease and give Pumbaa jr. And his girl the upbringing they deserve
Thank you so much. Mommy. Thank you so much for everything. You taught me and show me and learn to me
You're quite welcome Pumbaa Junior
Thank you so much. Uncle Timon. Thank you so much for everything. You taught me show me Yeah Yeah
Yes switch to decaf I'll miss you too. Now go on your parents are waiting for you
So long have a nice life kid
Don't you feel better Pumbaa now junior and his girl can be raised and nurtured and taken care of by Deion the chickens
A Sneeze in Time The 7D Top Cartoon For Kids - LIBBY DAY - Duration: 3:59.a royal pain in the castle
Your majesty that universe have to start commencing your majesty
Well, I just love moving young knives now to get back to jollywood in time for the signing of the peace treaty
We've had inseparable Nome King
Thank you lord happy bottom side wait to be sure this wheeler
I've only been king since breakfast and I've already lost three pounds. Somebody's got to clean up this mess
Just don't ring the bing-bong Bell. I think the fellas have had enough Sid. This is 13. We were waiters mess
That's it the Queen rings the bing-bong bell for important stuff
This will not apply we're tired of you abusing the bing-bong Bell. So we're not answering it again
Fortunately Queen delightful is due back within the hour
Afternoon folks, we had a big rig jackknifed into a pie wagon
Pig is licking pie filling off my shoe and king grumpy are gonna have to take care of it on your own
So in the Royal desk is an envelope with detailed instructions for each
Ceremony, we'll handle it make it home in time for that ceremony. This noble steed stands ready to carry us home
I don't think that noble steed is going anywhere
Maybe we should answer the bing-bong Bell
This is a mess, how am I supposed to make peace with that rap Weasley two-faced no-good Nome King?
He's standing right behind me isn't he Oh Ultra awesome super game grumpy
Let's get this over with we begin with a traditional greeting
All right already
That one looks like a guy little boom-boom on his foot
Yeah, I guess you're right
Is something supposed to happen when you ring your baby bells tip number two is the pledge of peace
What do you say it's an Amish phrase it means kablooey they threaten to flaunt my Jenga I'm ringing the King
Where are we used in the fellas war answer?
I like the boy who cried frog gum wolf and you were supposed to say caboodle a bat kablooey
Oh, pardon me. I think we're gonna need a bigger kayak
The third part of the ceremony isn't toast the Nome King will drink jollyberry juice and King grumpy will drink the known kingdoms
We follow the instructions queen denied food, but he did claim all around us. Anyway he does that every year
Did you turn it over and see the rest?
Bruce is the Potter for ceremony, baby laughing. Ah
And now you sign the treaty
The Lion Guard - The Search For Utamu Part 6 - Sophia Barber - Duration: 3:02.♥ Thanks so much for watching!
No fool, you know, we sure could use her on this one no, nothing I oh no, it's fully
And she's surrounded by boxers
Don't worry my dear it will all be over soon after all we are not reliant
Reconveyed single we knew when your vultures take on one member of the guard you take
You okay yeah
Thanks for saving me guys, even though I feel kind of lame for needing it
You shouldn't we're always there for each other or team. Yeah, even I've been in trouble once or twice
Okay, lots of times. Well, I wasn't helping the team by going off alone and getting worn out next time
I really will wait for the rest of you. Just try to move a little faster, so I won't have to wait so long
Manga what's wrong? I gotta go meet up with my uncles
I'm sure they won't care you think let's go to the Kuna Matata Falls and find out
What's wrong kid I
I've got some bad news
I know I usually bring the utamu grubs for us to celebrate with but I couldn't get them this time
Yeah Bunga who Tamil grubs are great, but that's not why we celebrate - moans, right?
We celebrate because the day we got the who Tom who was the day we met you really? Of course
That's nice besides this year we got
a branch full of uttama grubs fell right out of the sky
TH Pronunciation | The ULTIMATE Guide for English Learners! - Duration: 10:10.Well hey there I'm Emma from mmmEnglish!
In this lesson, I'll go over the pronunciation
of the 'th' sounds.
I'll remind you how to make the sounds
because actually there are two sounds
made by the letters 'th'
and I'll give you some guidelines
to help you to decide when to use each sound.
And more importantly,
we'll practise using these sounds in sentences
because that's when it gets tricky.
Before we get started,
I want to say a huge welcome to my newest subscribers
I'm looking forward to taking you on an
English language journey.
If you haven't subscribed to my channel yet,
then you can do it just by
hitting that red subscribe button right there.
Okay so the 'th' sounds are really common,
really common in English,
though, not many other languages use these sounds.
So if you're having trouble pronouncing the 'th' sounds,
then don't feel bad about it, you're definitely not alone.
But the good news is you can improve this sound
and you can start to feel more natural as you're using it
but you have to commit!
Improving your pronunciation is like going to the gym.
The first time, you're gonna suck at it.
But each time that you go back
and you work those muscles a little bit more,
the easier it will get
and the better you'll feel about yourself, right?
So remember, that the tongue is also a muscle
and you need to strengthen it, you need to workout.
So let's review the position of the tongue.
Open your mouth and push your tongue through,
just a little,
not like this,
like this.
Put your finger there if you're unsure about
where to stop your tongue.
Notice that the tongue is not completely relaxed,
there's a little tension.
If you rub the bottom of your teeth with your tongue,
can you feel the tension in your tongue?
This is the same amount of tension that you need to
hold the 'th' position.
The tongue is not completely relaxed, it's lifted
and running through the middle of your mouth.
If your tongue is too high in the mouth,
up behind your teeth,
you'll make that /t/ or /d/ sound.
And if your tongue is not coming through your teeth,
if you keep it inside, you'll make a /s/ or a /z/ sound.
So you really must pay attention to the tip
of your tongue,
it must come through between your teeth.
Now as I mentioned, there are two 'th' sounds,
a voiced sound and an unvoiced sound.
Now both of these sounds use exactly
the same mouth position.
It's just that the sound comes from a different place.
Voiced consonant sounds
are made using the vocal cords.
So once you've got your teeth and your mouth in
position and you make a sound here,
you should feel a buzzing.
It might even tickle your tongue a little.
Unvoiced consonant sounds are made by air
pushing through your mouth.
So it's the air that creates the sound.
So keep your tongue and your mouth
in the same position,
make sure you've got some air in your lungs
and push the air through.
So this is the unvoiced 'th' sound.
So when should you use the voiced
or the unvoiced sound?
That's a great question
because both sounds are represented
by the same letters.
And I wish I had a simple answer for you,
I know that you like it when I have a simple explanation
of why this rule is like that and when you should use it
but unfortunately in this situation,
there are lots of exceptions.
But there are some guidelines
that I'm going to share with you,
guides that will help you to make a decision
and help you to use the correct 'th' sound.
Remember they're guides, not rules
but let's focus on the unvoiced sound first,
made with air.
So a 'th' at the beginning of content words
is usually an unvoiced 'th' sound.
So content words are words that provide
the meaning in a sentence.
There are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
Words like 'think' and 'thought' and 'thirsty'
and 'thankful' and 'theory'.
So the 'th' at the start of content words
is usually unvoiced.
Now if there is a 'th' in the middle of a word,
before a consonant,
it's usually unvoiced.
And a 'th' at the end of a word is usually unvoiced.
There are some exceptions though.
And I'm going to talk about those in just a minute.
Now the voiced 'th' sound
made using your vocal cords.
So if there's a 'th' at the beginning of a structure word,
they're usually voiced. So structure words,
sometimes called function words,
are different to content words
because they don't have a lot of meaning in
English sentences. They're grammatical words.
They don't tell us a lot of information but they're
important to the structure of English sentences.
So structure words are words like 'this', 'that', 'those',
'these', 'the', 'there', 'then' or 'than'
So all of these words, I mean, some of these words are
very, very, common English words, right?
They're very, very common.
So learning to pronounce the different 'th' sounds
is really important
if you want to sound natural when you speak English.
There is a noticeable difference.
Now a 'th' in the middle of the word, when it's between
two vowel sounds is usually this voiced sound.
Now I said the 'th' is usually unvoiced
at the end of words but except
if the word ends ends in '-the'
like 'bathe', 'breathe' and 'loathe'.
So these are pretty good guides
but there are always exceptions, aren't there?
There are exceptions like 'smooth'
and 'clothes'
and 'frothy'.
All of these words are breaking the rules
and there are more!
Actually if you can think of any more,
please add them to the comments
so that we can talk about
some of the exceptions in the comments.
But anyway,
now that you've got through most of these guidelines,
it's time to practise.
So I want you to repeat after me.
Throw those things.
Throw those things to Theo.
There are three of them.
There are three of them over there.
Ready for this one?
At three thirty on Thursday,
a thousand of those thrilling thinkers will gather.
At three thirty on Thursday,
a thousand of those thrilling thinkers will gather.
I love tongue twisters!
Can you think of your own 'th' tongue twister?
I think I thought I..
If you can think of one, put it in the comments
so that we can all practise together.
Put your 'th' tongue twisters
right down in the comments and let's practise!
What a workout!
Well done to you!
I mean your tongue might feel
a little exhausted after that
so you can take a break now.
But make sure that you come back to this lesson
tomorrow or the next day and practise again.
It's just like doing sit-ups right? Each time you do it,
it will get a little bit easier.
Well that's it for this lesson!
I really hope that you enjoyed it.
Please make sure you give it a 'like'
and subscribe to my channel
because I make new lessons here, every single week.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next lesson!
Incy Wincy Spider | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Cartoons For Babies | Kids Baby Club - Duration: 20:06.Look
There's the scary little spider
The Incy Wincy spider, went up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!
There he goes again...
Scaring everybody
The Incy Wincy spider, went up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!
The Incy Wincy spider, went up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!
I can see him...
He's trying to sneak up on everyone and scare them
The Incy Wincy spider, went up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!
Oh my he is scary..
Beetroot Juice: for Erectile Dysfunction (Natural Viagra) - Duration: 4:00.The health benefits of beetroot juice, as a natural viagra and more.
Beetroot is a bright purple vegetable which is often used in delicious meals, pickled
and in salads.
This delicious earthy root, has some wonderful
health benefits for the human body.
The juice contained within beetroot has natural properties which cause it to treat erectile
dysfunction in men, and improve the sexual drive of women,
Erectile dysfunction is a common problem in men, especially as we get older.
It can also be caused by high blood pressure,
medication, as a side effect of surgery or low nitric oxide levels.
Beetroot also known as beets contain a substance called nitrate.
This is very healthy for humans as it causes the blood vessels to expand.
This converts to nitric oxide in the body,
a gas which lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow and allows men to get erections
in a completely natural way.
It also works to help women, as it increases
blood flow to the female genitalia.
This increases arousal and makes sexual intercourse feel better for women.
Beetroot also contains a high amount of boron, a natural mineral which stimulates the production
of sexual hormones.
This works to increase libido for both men
and women, triggering sexual behaviours from members of the opposite sex.
Let's take a look at the recipe:
You Will Need:
1 Cup Chopped Beetroot
1 Cup Spinach
1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
Peel and chop the beetroot into chunks.
Add this to a blender along with the spinach,
lemon juice and a little water.
Process the mixture until smooth and then
sieve to extract the fibres.
You should drink this natural viagra 3 times
per week.
It is delicious and can be used as a healthy morning drink.
Beetroot Juice also contains a very powerful nutrient called betaine.
This lowers inflammation in the body, protecting the cells, proteins and enzymes from oxidative
It also contains 20 times more nitrates than many other vegetables.
This is used to simply lower the blood pressure for those who suffer with hypertension, or
poor circulation.
Spinach is added to this remedy as It introduces an important mineral, magnesium.
Magnesium also aids in opening the blood vessels and improving blood flow.
A little light exercise every day can also help to stimulate blood flow to the genitals
and oxygenate your body.
You can store this drink in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, but the fresher the better
with these natural juices.
If you prefer you can purchase beetroot extract in pill or capsule form.
The main thing is that you are adding beetroot and leafy greens to your diet on a regular
Beetroot is also an excellent source of Vitamins A and C. It also provides calcium, iron, folic
acid, fibre, manganese and potassium.
These nutrients are important for overall health and wellbeing.
To learn more about erectile dysfunction or other natural Viagras, please see our other
Thank you very much for listening, a like
is always appreciated and remember to subscribe and tap the bell for more healthy videos.
I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.
YouTube Descript
Celebration of Life tonight for Stan Brock - Duration: 0:22.-------------------------------------------
ఆడవారు ఈతంత్రం పాటిస్తే వారి అనారోగ్యబాధలు అన్నీ తొలగిపోతాయి | Astrology | Remedies for Health tips - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Police Issue Warrant For Alleged Drunk Driver Wanted In Fatal Point Breeze Crash - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Triphasic Training for ELITE Athletic Performance - Duration: 6:02.hi this is Adam from performance ground and today I'm going to be talking about
triphasic training for athletes so the whole idea of triphasic training is
obviously there's three phases to a movement so we've got the eccentric the
isometric and the concentric so an eccentric is when the muscle is active
then it's lengthening so if you see here controlling that rep on the way down
would be my bicep lengthening but also contracting under control then isometric
would be where the muscle is still contracting but doesn't change length so
if I was to pause it here for example I'm still active with my bicep but it's
not changing length then the concentric is when a muscle gets shorter as its
contracting so that would be on the way up on this rep as you'll see the bicep
gets shorter so those are the three phases and what triphasic training does
is it takes each three of those phases and trains them separately in order to
produce a better athlete this graph perfectly explains the whole concept
behind triphasic training we've got power and then time and we've got a
comparison between an advanced athlete and an elite athlete so the whole idea
is this portion here on eccentric is about absorbing as much force as
possible so you're absorbing kinetic energy absorbing force in order to
translate that into power in your concept trick movement so the downward
portion of the of this V is known as the eccentric so the shorter amount of time
that we can spend on this eccentric portion here the steeper the concentric
could be on that V which means that I can apply more force into the ground as
fast as possible which in essence will make me a better athlete in terms of
eccentric just to explain a little bit behind the reason for it is first of all
there's a thing called stretch reflex so in a simple set sense what happens is
you have in your muscles thing called muscle spindles not the most important
thing to focus on but what you have to think is these muscle spindles when you
perform an exercise they become active and they start to fire they start to
fire off potential in order for you to contract your muscle in order to return
back to its normal state so if you think about in this position here
it wants to return back to its normal state here so it's going to try and
produce it and as much force as possible in order for it to get there and then
also there's another thing called Golgi tendon organs what they do he considers
that consider them like an overprotective mother because once they
get to a certain range so for example on a back squat if I was squatting down
they'll get to a range where they're trying to protect your muscle from harm
so they'll stop your stretch going as far so the hub portion of an eccentric
is to make sure that the Golgi tendon organs kind of become inactive in a
sense and tell them to switch off like thing about telling your mum to relax a
little bit like let me go out let me do this whereas the muscle spindles we want
them to be as active as possible so it's about inhibiting the Golgi tendon organs
and really trying to get as much activation from the muscle spindles as
possible so that's the overall focus of an eccentric action but just to
demonstrate what a rep would look like on a knee centric I'd be demonstrating
on a back squat you're aiming for roughly five to six seconds on the way
down and then exploding up as fast as you physically can so I'll set up for my
back squat there sort myself out and I'll spend one two three four five stand
up strong so the second part of the isometric contraction that we're trying
to focus on is the rate of coding so what happens here is you're looking at
the rate of which these motor units fire so we're trying to get them firing at a
faster rate in that kind of blinking fashion if they were coming off at this
kind of speed here their rate would be pretty slow we want to get them firing
as quickly and as fast as possible in order to continue produce force so
isometric rep what that would look like is you'd get to the bottom of a back
squat pause still maintain control of the
weight so you don't to relax in that bottom position and switch those muscles
off you want to keep them fire you want to keep them active just to get those
two things that I spoke about previously so how that would work
I get to the bottom of a back squat with control so I'm not going super slow on
the way down get to the bottom pause for two five seconds explode up strong so
the last thing that we're trying to focus on now is the concentric portion
so we've absorbed all that force we've then trying to turn it over and now it's
how steep can we get that V on the way back
so trying to produce as much force as possible so the thing that we're aiming
for here as part of concentric action is it's called intramuscular coordination
so all of the things that I previously spoke about it's about getting things
like that happening in chord in the coordinated motion getting everything
firing at the right time and the right pattern to produce as much force as
possible on the way up so thinking about how quickly can I stand up on a back
squat how quickly can I change direction it's always about that initial loading
and then producing all that force so to show you what that would look like you
get onto your back squat no slow eccentric no pause at the bottom to the
bottom explode up fast explode up first that's the whole goal
get everything firing at the fastest rate possible so before you go into
doing this is probably important to note that you shouldn't spend too long on
each phase so particularly two to three weeks should be spent on each phase
focusing on eccentric movements isometric and in concentric and also
making sure that you only do this really on compound lifts like your back squats
your bench presses your shoulder presses things that involve a lot of muscles
rather than just like a bog-standard bicep curl on large compound lifts more
information will be in the blog post in regards to into a percentage loading
number of reps number of times time spent under tension things like that but
if you have any automotive emendations or if you liked the video leave a
comment hit the like button and thank you very much for watching
Digital Dive: Search expanded for missing North Carolina boy - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
How to Learn Spanish for Free In Madrid | (All Levels) - Duration: 10:38.let me guess you are coming to Spain or you're already here or considering it and
your español is below par hola Amiga este videoes para ti! when you're
living in the country or the language you want to learn you don't need to pay
for classes in this case Spanish is all around you for free99 so if you're
interested in learning Spanish in Madrid for free then keep watching do consider
subscribing because it's my goal to make your life a little easier in Spanish in
Spain in Madrid specifically this video will be mainly for people already
im madrid but stay tuned all the way until the end where I'll be sharing with
you my favorite websites to learn Spanish Lego the first place you can
learn Spanish in Madrid is intercambios de idiomas
intercambios de idiomas is a place where you go where you entertained
languages so there are four types of intercambios in Madrid
the first one is mainly where people are trying to get drunk and hook up with a
foreigner it's a lot of fun maybe you're into maybe your not those are like the
first ones the second type of intercambio is when they're only are
English speakers and only if you Spanish speakers you don't really have a chance
to speak them in Spanish the third time of intercambio I have
experience in Madrid is the complete opposite there are so many Spanish
people and there's like three four hours so they feel very aggressive to speak
English because there's not very many opportunities to speak English at this
intercambio and then there's the fourth one all of the hidden gems in
between all of the rests where there actually are balanced in a good
environment luckily for you I have vetted through many many many many intercambios
and I'm gonna share with you right now my favorite intercambios de idiomas in Madrid the first one is my absolute favorite is called se habla
espanol si habla espanol is only geared to
Spanish learners this intercambio is literally called speak Spanish you do
not have to speak English in this intercambio and that's why I literally
love it so much as soon as you walk into this intercambio they give you a
sticker so every sticker represents your level of Spanish whether you're a
beginner intermediate advanced or a native speaker you are labeled so if
you're a beginner and you want to find other people that are beginners to
converse with you can do that and the same with advanced speakers or if you're
feeling really confident and you want to go right up to that native speaker you
can find them really easily within the crowd this intercambios de idiomas is every
Thursday at 9 o'clock in the bar el estudio in La latina
my second-favorite intercambio is called Multilinkual I'm actually going
to go tonight I love this intercambio because the crowd is a little bit more
mature and it's a really good balance of English and Spanish speakers I like that
this intercambio
of people are a little bit calmer it's not this environment of
getting wasted and mean people to hook up with it's very relaxing and people go
there serious to practice the language this intercambio is every Thursday and
Sunday in the bar beer station my third favorite intercambio is called
Hola to hello Hola to hello I love because it's very different from the
other intercambios that you'll experience everyone is forced to speak
15 minutes and 15 minutes in Spanish with a certain group of people
and then when the 30 minutes is up you switch your group I love this because it
forces everyone to be fair and everyone gets the same amount of speaking time
this intercambio is every Thursday from 8:30 to 11:30 in the bar Generation beat
my second way to learn Spanish in Madrid for free is through free Spanish
a lot of people don't know that the Ayutamiento of Madrid offers a lot
of free classes for immigrants and refugees and forigners for free the first
thing you can try is go to your local Ayutamineto and just ask where do
they have free Spanish classes there's lots of social centers that have free
language classes that you can't find really online the second one that I know
about for immigrants is in embajadores in the Calle casino 3
all of the scheduling in addresses are all going to be in the description so
you can check out all that yourself the next place I don't know about is in lavapies it's on the Calle Lavapies 20 and this is offer through
an organization association para la integracion linguistica de imirgrante
in Madrid the next place I know about that has
free of Spanish classes in Madrid for foreigners in tetuan in Calle Bravo
Murillo, 133 e there's another one in Calle General Ricardos
and all this information is in the description the next place I know
about if you're currently in Madrid so listen up in la casa encendida which is
like an art museum if you haven't gone you really should go it's free it's
awesome they are offering free classes starting October 2nd until December 14th
for anyone that wants to learn Spanish so check that out if you're in madrid it
it's in in embajadores area the last place that I'm aware if that offers
classes is in the calle Salitre, 33 in Lavapies
I used to go to these classes it's kind of unorganized but there's a church next
to this place go into the church find the Pope the Pope speaks really good English
and he will tell you the schedule if you go there and you can't find anybody so
classes are only offered at night so don't go during the day there's nobody
there my next way to learn Spanish in Madrid is being resourceful
I actually went to the website tusclasesparticulares and this is the
website where you will hire a teacher and I found three teachers on this
website and I wrote them and said hey I'm also an English teacher would you be
interested in doing a language exchange since we both understand the
language very well can both get a lot out of this exchange a very structured
class and learn a lot from each other and I actually had a guy reply to
me and he accepted and we had a lot of great exchanges and I learned a lot and
so did he the next way you can learn Spanish for free Madrid is through
classes in Spanish
La tabacalera offers a lot of free classes me and my friend
April took a soap-making class I've also taken out yoga bachata also vegan
cooking classes all kinds of classes and you're listening into Spanish and you
can also meet some great friends so win win situation one of my favorite
websites to find events in Madrid is called eventbrite and they offer a lot
of different events that are free and paid my next week I learn Spanish for
free in Madrid is tinder
do not underestimate the power of tinder okay you are speaking to native speakers
in real time about slang conversation that people use day to day actual
Spanish that's not from a book and you might actually fall in love that's just
great there are many times where even if you
don't you need a guy or girl whatever you're into and you meet up with them
and you find out that they're not your type well yeah that's okay you just got
two hours of free Spanish speaking practice take advantage of tinder I used
to run it through these dudes on tinder like run through them and I definitely
improve my Spanish a lot. my last tip to learn Spanish and Madrid Are through
I also use some apps but I'm gonna leave that for another video because you have
some classes to go to my first website that I like is called video la this
website is really great for listen ease up to be too level so if you're advanced
it's probably not enough but if you're like kind of a beginner intermediate
this could be a really great website for you the next website I love is called 1
2 3 teach me they have a variety of remember practice courses conjugations
and all kinds of different things you can play around with the website and see
if it's too easy for you or too hard it's it's just a really good resource my
secret weapon website is called VIP style with two A's and I love this
website it's a little rap shit' not gonna lie the website could use an
update but for the quality of links and video that's on this website is like the
best that I've seen they have new stuff they have recent stuff commercials
everything literally if you're in advance you're even gonna struggle like
it is good stuff the next books I really love is called
we speak is a really popular online platform which matches you up with other
partners that have the same level as you also the same interest and you can send
messages to them audio messages and you can chat face-to-face with him through
this website if you are already living in Madrid you don't probably need this
but if you don't want to leave your house one day that's all I have for you
guys today let me know what sites you're gonna use and what things in classes
you're gonna use to learn Spanish in Madrid and what other ways you learn
Spanish because there are a ton of ways out there do leave a comment though
because it keeps me motivated and lets me know what kind of things you guys are
interested in and what other videos to think because that is real and of course
of course share this video with any other expats English speakers you know
immature it because now there is no excuse why you cannot learn Spanish in
Madrid it's free maybe I'll see you in another Spanish class
okay so ciao
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