Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

Jaclyn hill just released her let's talk

video spilling her truth but what we're

gonna do in this video is analyze her

body language and see what she was

really saying what is up everybody this

is Chris from the rewired soul when we

talk about the problem but focus on the

solution and if you're new to my channel

I got some bad news I'm not a drama

channel I'm actually a mental health

channel so if you're into improving your

mental and emotional well-being you

should probably subscribe and bring that

notification bill because I make a ton

of videos I make so many videos this is

actually my third video today I just

recorded a different Jaclyn hill video

but I'm not sure which one I'm gonna

release first I think I'm gonna release

this one first anyways subscribe bring

the notification Bell I try to take

things from pop culture and see what we

can do to improve our mental health

so anyways to kind of talk about why I'm

going to do this body language read on

Jaclyn hill with this video I made a

video maybe a week or two ago about this

awesome new book I got called what's

what what everybody is saying by Joe

Navarro he's an FBI agent or former FBI

agent and he specializes in reading body

language I will link down to the book

below but I made a video about how this

can be very helpful if you're somebody

who struggles with social anxiety and

you don't know what to say or how people

are responding to you or what you're

saying picking up these little cues can

actually help you calm your anxiety who

don't know if this person is comfortable

or they're angry

this can be super beneficial for

everybody but anyways I want to you know

talk about what I noticed in Jacqueline

Hill's video which might help give you

some clarity about the situation so the

first thing is is like why does

Jacqueline Hill keep touching your hair

it bums me out whenever I see people

kind of like call someone out for like

something that they do you know what I

mean like I don't know it's just like

social anxiety if people like pointed

out the stuff I was doing all the time

it would make me really uncomfortable

there's actually reasons why she's

touching her hair like I have weird

laugh about it I guess you know for

example like blinks all the time you

know well there's something that's

called a pacifying behavior okay what

happens is is when you get anxious or

when you get nervous and I'm gonna make

more videos on how you could do this

your brain is responding or the part of

your brain called the limbic system okay

this is a part of the brain that just it

goes goes goes without you even

consciously knowing what you're doing so

when you're anxious or nervous you are

doing things with your hands to calm

yourself down and you don't even realize

it okay so what we can tell from Jaclyn

Hills video is that she she is nervous

and she's kind of anxious what's funny

is I was talking to my my girlfriend and

my girlfriend's friend Shelby you know a

little group text about you know

Jacqueline hill in her new video and she

made a tweet and it said like you know I

couldn't sleep all last night I'm so

anxious about this video and something I

want to bring up just real quick because

I'm all about you know decreasing the

stigma and stuff like that about mental

illness I'm so anxious about this video

and this is okay but just in general

it's interesting to me how how in this

day and age like saying the word anxious

is like I don't know 20 or cool or

whatever like it's almost like people

forgot that there's a word called

nervous you know like that word nervous

you can use that word you don't always

gotta say anxious like anxiety is

something different anyways video she

might actually have some anxiety and I

don't blame her sounds like she's been

having a lot of controversies things

aren't going too well with her product

line but you can tell just from the

beginning of this video like right here

in this clip I'm showing you she's

talking about how she's gonna be open

and honest and when she says certain

things she touches her hair and strokes

it so what she's doing is her brand when

it's talking about those specific things

it's telling you're okay it's alright

calm yourself down calm yourself down

one of the reasons this works is because

there's a lot of nerve endings in your

fingers so when she's touching her silky

smooth extensions it's actually helping

her calm down so what I would recommend

even if you want to watch it at two

times speed go back and check this out

now this is whole hair stroking is


that is something different it's

possible that that might be a pacifying

behavior but most likely she's just

getting her hair out of the way

okay but as you watch throughout the

video and if you get to the part where

she's talking about collabs and money

and things like you can tell when she

touches on a certain sob subject that

kind of makes her nervous why I don't

know maybe there is something there that

could be a tell that there might be

something there hey everybody sorry for

that auditory change but I just found

this other clip and I just want to

really point out and drive home what I'm

trying to explain here about the hair

touching so in this clip that I'm about

to show you this is where she's about to

read the email that she actually sent to

makeup geek about the collab and as you

can see right before she reads this

email she touches her hair this is

something that makes her nervous like

she's not sure if it's a good idea to

really show what this email said so as

you could tell she's calming yourself

down as she's getting ready to read this

email right for you you know but at the

end of the day the collaboration just

didn't make sense for business-wise it

didn't make sense so I have an email

sitting in front of me right here and

I'm gonna read it to you guys okay I'm

not gonna read you anything that Marlene

or her team ever sent to me because it's

not my place and I don't want to make

this into like a he said she said thing

I want you guys to know where I was

coming from in this because I am sick of

everyone having misinformation out there

so this email dated on August 19th 2015

says the other part of body language

that I want to just kind of bring out

she has her hands on the desk the entire


now this is if anybody thinks that this

video was BS I would say it's not based

on her hand placement okay having your

hands up on the table subconsciously

that means that you're confident and

you're actually not hiding anything okay

so because her hands are on the table I

would say just based on that you know

not being able to jump in a brain and

see if she told the truth based on that

she has a confidence and honesty about

what she's saying even though she left a

lot of stuff out but I think it's safe

to say that she is now I know we can't

see her hands but when you see all the

hair touching she's doing you can tell

she's not bringing her hand out from

under the table when people's hands are

underneath the table this is usually a

sign that they're hiding something they

actually did a really interesting study

with jury members right and jury members

are more likely to perceive somebody on

the witness stand as lying if their

hands are underneath the desk and it's

actually quite true when somebody's

hiding their hands they're telling you

the truth

well she's nervous give the girl a break

all right but anyways I'm not excusing

any of her behaviors in the past like I

said in my other video that you might

see later these are a couple things that

we can learn from that all right but let

me know what you thought about her video

and if you think she was being honest or

truthful and all that let me know down

in the comments okay if you liked this

video give it a thumbs up and if you're

new here make sure you subscribe and win

that notification Bowl because I have so

many mental health videos all right and

a huge thank you to everybody supporting

the table over on patreon I love you if

you want to get something rewind soul

merch boom click your tap on the shop

icon right there alright thanks so much

for watching I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Body Language: Is Jaclyn Hill a Liar? - Why She Keeps Touching Her Hair - Duration: 8:02.


Best or Nothing: Jarrett Stidham is CBS 42's player of the game - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Best or Nothing: Jarrett Stidham is CBS 42's player of the game - Duration: 0:41.


'Kin' End Credits: Is There a Post-Credits Scene? | - Duration: 5:24.

'Kin' End Credits: Is There a Post-Credits Scene? |

Kin is currently in theaters, and the high-concept thriller pairs an impressive cast of stars like James Franco, Jack Reynor, Dennis Quaid and Zoe Kravitz with intrigue and mysterious alien technology.

The film has generated considerable buzz around its unique premise, and some fans are wondering whether they should stay after the film is over to watch the credits.

Does 'Kin' Have a Post-Credits Scene?.

The answer is no.

There are no mid-credit or post-credits scenes after Kin is over.

That said, the film's ending does leave the potential for a sequel open.

Josh Baker, one of the film's two directors, told The Hollywood Reporter that he and brother Jonathan have already concocted future stories about the characters and alien tech introduced in Kin.

"We know where it's going to go, but this is also self-contained," he said.

"And I think it wraps itself up in an interesting way where it leaves you asking questions and thinking about the movie.".

Shawn Levy, who produces the film and has directed hits like Real Steel, The Internship and the Night at the Museum trilogy, was similarly enthusiastic.

"If we earn the privilege of the next chapter," he teased, "I'll just tell you it's a crazy, big juicy next chapter." Levy is also a producer on the successful Netflix series Stranger Things, and feels that Kin has a similar appeal to teen audiences.

In another interview with Collider, Levy spoke about the comparisons and the future of the series.

"I was going to say that like Stranger Things, like Arrival, and for that matter, like our upcoming Fox movie The Darkest Minds, this is another 21 Laps project that enjoys the intersection of sci-fi and character," he said.

"I've had experience with my mega-museum movies and more recently Stranger Things, I can sincerely tell you I don't set out to launch a franchise.

I just try to make one thing really well, and if the reward is more installments and the birth of a franchise, that's awesome.".

"We live in a franchise-to-death industry currently, but this was as simple as a new voice and a new vision in the Baker brothers, and we wanted to back them," he continued.

"It was very much the same kind of uncalculated, let's be involved with talented people [thing].".

The ending of the film seems to leave specific things open for a potential sequel.

Be warned that there are spoilers for the final act below.


At the end of the film, brothers Eli (Myles Truitt) and Jimmy (Reynor) are saved from a criminal gang that's pursuing them by two mysterious figures referred to as Cleaners.

They've apparently trailed Eli since his retrieved the alien weapon at the beginning of the film, and the male Cleaner (played by an uncredited Michael B.

Jordan) reveals Eli is actually from their world.

He tells Eli that their purpose is to ensure he remains hidden so he can help to save their home later on.

The Cleaners are killed shortly after, but they warn Eli that other assassins could follow behind them.

They give Eli a special tattoo so their species can track him.

The sequel could easily pick up with other Cleaners tracking Eli down and helping him train so that he can help protect their world.

For more infomation >> 'Kin' End Credits: Is There a Post-Credits Scene? | - Duration: 5:24.


Case gastrointestinal, where is local injury ? - Duration: 3:53.

Non- CE

A 45-yr-old Oriental male on chronic Coumadin therapy for an artificial valve

presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain

His prothrombin time (PT) was 0 sec. His hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit were within the normal ranges.

CT imaging finding?what the diagnosis ? discuss for diagnosis.


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