Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

There is no need to "let go" or "move on": You can trust your own inner knowing.

There is a huge misunderstanding for Twin Flames.

We're often told to move on, let go or cut off — but this is impossible.

That's a battle that none of us has to fight or win.

Instead, I've learnt that what Twins "should" do is to find the "right" place that they let their counterpart occupy in

their heart – it's not and will never be about trying to erase them from there or "forget".

The right battle is to move at your own pace towards this space where you can love freely.

– Letting Go Isn't Needed –

The bonding that connects Twins is very strong, telepathic and almost uncontrollable — so "letting go" can't really be

achieved especially if it's forced on you.

The Twin Flame journey is about raising your vibration in order to open up to unconditional love.

So if every time there is an issue between both of you — someone, a friend,

psychic or whomever (and however well-meaning they may be) tells you to "let go" and causes a deep pain in you,

it'll bring a stop on your way.

You can't maintain your vibration high anymore because you've been brought back to pain.

Suffering, pain and fear are on the opposite range to unconditional love,

trust and faith — from a vibrational standpoint.

"Letting go" isn't required and doesn't really means much on this path — what you truly need,

is to become detached from the outcome.

And this will only happen on its own time, when you'll be ready.

Raising your vibration must be your primary goal.

The rest will unfold as a consequence of it.

Actually, we don't decide to "let go" of people, we can't force this kind of things.

We're able to move past attachment and be happy no matter what happens on the outside when our vibration is high enough

— and not the opposite.

We never "release" our counterparts, or the people – soul mates, deep friends, ex partners,

family – that have meant a lot to us.

We release or let go of patterns of relating or ways of being in our relationships – not of people.

So if you were advised to forget your Twin, please know that this was never truly needed.

There are other ways to move forward – while maintaining opened possibilities for the future.

– So, Why "Professionals" Have Advised This To You?

– When readers tell you to let go, move forward or forget, it's because you are hanging on too tight — you are still

too attached to the outcome.

You have not yet found your balance, the successful middle ground between love and detachment.

These people or readers have tried to detach you from your expectations for the future in order to make you find

balance — balance between feeling strongly for someone, and freedom.

Imagine a slider.

You had too many expectations, you were getting too close and attached energetically… so the Universe has found a way

to tell you to pull away completely, so that you finally land a at middle ground place — the one where this kind of

love may thrive from.

This has first caused pain in you — but ultimately more detachment was required.

– What Does The Final Line Look Like?

– We never truly "let go" of such a connection.

Either we're obsessed by it or we manage at our own pace to love in a detached way.

Twin Flames say a Big Yes to loving freely and being "detached".

This is what happens when we truly find our own joy and power, so the outside becomes less and less important — that's

why this path is more than anything else a Journey to the Self.

The truth is, Twins never "forget" about one another.

They simply find enough strength and joy inside, to live happily no matter what happens on the outside.

We simply learn to love our counterparts no matter what has happened.

This, is not "letting go" or "forgetting" — it's about seeing things from another perspective, forgiving,

trusting that a new version of love could happen in the future and working at the same time on becoming detached from

this hope.

Hope and faith yes — but detachment to the outcome, and happiness no matter what.

In other words, what's needed is finding balance between : love, hope, peace, harmony, coming closer energetically,

seeing the beauty of it, being grateful AND wanting it to happen now, knowing when and how,

developing new expectations, trying to make things happen or to bend life to our will which ultimately leads to

attachment & impatience.

Because the truth is, whenever we develop hope again, we're tempted to form expectations at the same time.

In other words we get too close to our Twin.

So ultimately we become disappointed if things don't unfold as we expected,

and we pull away once again from it – because coming too close while seeing that nothings happens or changes,

brings too much pain.

In time you'll be more and more able to love in a detached way — you'll love no matter what happens or doesn't happen,

no matter what they say or don't say, no matter where they're and with whom.

This is when love becomes magic — you love them freely and you let them be, without chasing or running after.

Twin Flames have come here to show that there is a possibility for love beyond the paradox of love = constraints,

attachment, fear of losing, desire to keep them around you and knowing what's going to happen in the future.

Even if Twins experience together the usual kind of "romantic love", they're expected to become able to feel strongly

for their other half — without expectations and attachments.

Twin Souls are "committed" to each other but they don't need to say it.

They've agreed to come together in this life but this requires no words, no rings, no schedules or timelines.

It's a commitment of the higher realms.

– Listen Above All To Your Own Inner Knowing –

On the spiritual path either between Twins or more generally, nothing "works" when it's forced on our souls.

Growth happens on its own time depending on our own experiences, past and personalities.

Your goal is to maintain your vibration high, no matter what is being said to you.

However it's your and only your own responsibility to ask for advice or not,

to give attention to what's being told to you or not.

You're a soldier, you're ascending.

You keep moving, bravely.

You're shielded, you're protected by the ones that came before you.

Whenever something feels wrong, you keep walking — you trust yourself and you don't look back.

Because, personal growth is about self-empowerment…

— how could you "ascend" if you trust and listen more to what other people tell you,

than to what you intuitively know and believe?

Trust yourself, Ladies and Gentlemen.

This is your easiest and fastest way to joy and freedom — and this more than any other thing,

will lead you to your Twin.

The most important is to feel at peace with your Twin, no matter where they're and what they're doing.

This vibration of harmony is the only one that can truly bring long-lasting joy on this journey — no matter what is in

the physical.

Peace and harmony between you and them is something that you already have available within,

you only need to find it again — and don't be afraid to say No to whatever some outside energies come your way and

affect this feeling.

Let me sum that up…your goal is to find peace, harmony and to deepen your love with your Twin — without falling back

again in wanting it now and drowning in expectations.

Because this would ultimately lead you to feelings of disappointment or resentment if it doesn't unfold as you thought…

and this would cause a new cycle of separation – either in the physical or in the ethereal realms.

Just love in a free way, new unfoldments have already started I'm hearing…

For more infomation >> There Is No Need To "Let Go" or "Move On" You Can Trust Your Own Inner Knowing - Duration: 12:04.


MY GOBLIN BARREL IS OUTSIDE THE ARENA in Clash Royale! - Duration: 11:29.


Guys the clickbait god is back again or two videos in a row

I don't know what's going on yesterday's video was so much fun

if you missed that go check it out was definitely crazy, but we're back again on the clickbait god account I

Made a brand new random crazy stupid deck and we're just gonna

Hop right into some battles with fans. I tweeted this link out the other day

We filled up the friends list pretty quickly, so I told them all to spectate the clickbait god

So we should have an awesome audience for today's video now if you remember yesterday we invited Big Momma jerky to a battle

So hopefully this person accepts because I don't like being rejected

Ok Big Mama jerky. I'm sorry. You just can't battle with you today, but oh

Oh the capsule mine work gets a miracle boy someone sent us a battle

Let's get into this now if you're wondering why I'm wearing a bathrobe

I honestly can't tell you like I'm just trying to be entertaining guys if this is entertaining

Awesome, hopefully. I'm not too revealing. Oh god. Don't want to get demonetised out here. Let's go for the past couple battle

I've ever seen in my life. I don't know the whole guy there's walking

There's fireball value fireball my goblins were just outside of the map. I don't even know what's going on right now guys

There's a lot on my mind. We need to take things a step slower

Not only did I just have the best value fireball my goblins were

Outside the map I'm gonna have to try to do that again because that was definitely a little bit interesting

Oh, yeah, that is a rip for him

I am gonna put the knight down wasn't sure if the knight was going to be needed and

what what the hell is that furnace doing there like I've seen some bad furnaces in my lifetime, but that's definitely a new one I

I'm not gonna judge. Okay, the clickbait God is gonna. Be judge free for the next five seconds. Okay five seconds is fast

What the hell is that furnace okay? Speaking of randomness though?

I'm trying to think of what we can do my teammate has a valkyrie. There is a wedged we go all out splash

Yeah, screw that way to the fireball Oh

Luckily he has a meaning word there um still I have a pretty useless hand I guess I can go for like a

Crazy goblin barrel is that interesting not? We're just gonna chill elixir. Unfortunately that giant is gonna get some hits off

I probably could have used an offensive goblin barrel

But I just was not feeling that so right here watch this professional play right now ready ready look look look. Oh the Hulk

Oh he went around the ice calm

I was hoping the hog was gonna get stuck on that ice goal

But right now Birkin, and I we're struggling a little bit like we could probably do better

But right now things are just rough. I don't really know what's going on all boys

This is gonna be a giant down dark goblin behind it and remember

I said I would show you these goblins again, so look at my goblin barrel. We're sending that dude in straight away

Let's get a free spell ready as well freeze that Oh

Oh, it's also gonna Mecca value fireball up in there

We aren't getting too many hits off, but it looks sick so that is all that matters um oh god

Okay, ready ready screw that on get a nice calm down

I don't quite know what the ice golems gonna do but I guess we have a pretty cool counter push

Let's get that gobble barrel in there right now. Please please please come on come on come on get something

It's off get something heads off one dead one hit was all we got yeah. I'm a bum bum okay

Let's get Valkyrie Plus dark goblin + giant, and we need to get a freeze fell down this freeze

Spell is gonna be an absolute game changer. I don't quite know what that was right there, but freeze that

We're out the tower the holy crap we're gonna be pushing over time that I swarm was a complete failure right now

We are making some serious plays guys. Holy crap. We just destroyed all that right now. This is eight. This is everything

Let's get the dark out one on the inside get arska

Oh, no way no way no way we're gonna win this right now guys

Please please win this please come on you can do it. You can do it. I'm gonna freeze all that let's go

Let's go come on goblins come on goblins. You can do it. You can do it come on come on you got this goblins? Oh?

We're taking the pack over as well. We need words going on the tower setting in a goblin barrel

Are we actually gonna win this? There is no way let's send a fireball in there right now

I have no idea how many hit points are left, please please, please?

This is insane

Wow good job firkin. Where are these things good game?

Dude that that was close Wow returning back Carlos sent us a battle. I feel like I battled Carlos in my last video

Oh little get out we're going with this guy what can we even do here? Uh-oh?

here's a pretty heavy tank so it looks like I'm gonna be the

Defender and he's gonna be pushing again 15 to 16 spectators all spam and confetti

Let's start this battle off with a wizard. Oh that's a perfect giant

Please stay in front of that wizard awesome now as far as that executioner goes

I really want to fireball him, but let's wait until he is at the bridge because we can seriously wreck him

Oh wait, this is gonna. Be easy ready for this pounder. You're ready. You're ready boom now the wizard is gonna take care

Whoa what the heck is all of this they got a lot of stuff over there

I am gonna zap that on the giant skeleton should die oh, I've messed up my fries

I was supposed to freeze the pike. Oh why am I so stupid?


God okay, I need to calm down. It's just a game guys. Just a game Oh

Boys I probably should have put the knight there in the dark goblin in the back

But look at the range on that guy he is impeccable

Perfect ice oh the ice golem was perfect until it died

Now the knight did a great job at stopping all of that as far as this goes

I am gonna fireball that out right there

We just need to stop this to the best of our ability the pike is gonna get it off zapping

Deep breaths guys, it's just a game make sure we're protected can't be shown any inappropriate stuff

What do we got here only barbs on the executioner with a know pretty spell after all okay um wizard rate

There's that a double lumberjack push definitely have not seen that one before oh

Okay, okay

Yeah, it's kind of rough on that right side like that Tower is done 100%

But that doesn't mean we can't get a banger push off. Okay, I lied there's not gonna be a banger push right here unless


Frickin thing goes crazy come on go goblins

The goblins are actually doing good, but I was gonna freeze that but he logged us out as far as this goes

Let's get ourselves a wizard in the back. We really have to be careful with how we perform here

Let's get ourselves a knight down in the front

Unfortunately though this giant skeleton is about to cause some mayhem with his bombs

He's just I think he's going to destroy everything there. Oh, oh the Wizards alive still perfect and screw that executioner

We're fire balling him out of there that tower on the left is not a big deal at all so right now

We don't have to worry about that honestly

We have enough spells to pretty much win here I can zap that Tower

Any time as far as the rest of this battle goes. Oh my god his his Lumberjacks food our next level

I've never seen Lumberjacks like his before they just seemed to be like really really good

And I don't know why they're so good we got to work on this oh god

Please stop the practice stop the Pecha stop the FICA stop stop

Dude there is no way we're actually performing this good right now screw this guy over there

I'm honestly not trying to take any damage from these giant skeletons. Here's a bandit on the tower with okay guys

I think I think we're getting three started here

Yeah, wait a second wait one second not all hope is done yet not all hope is done yet

Are you ready the cool guy?

I'm gonna cancel this battle the next three battles after this is who we're going with so not you

That's one battle not Omar get us a great guy

It's free this is gonna be chaos

I know I said the max three

But did anyone else see her death look how heavy this is talk about chaos this battle is gonna be chaos

I'm telling you that right now Knight down in the very back. Let's put ourselves the peashooter

I probably could have said oh wow, that's a good zap. Just destroyed the Goblin barrel poor, dude

I was honestly debating about putting a freeze spell right there

But I decided it would be a terrible idea

As far as this goes let's put a Whizzer down to help out with that Knight

I'm thinking about putting a goblin barrel down as well if I can get 40 lakes are awesome, but to be honest

Oh my god. Talk about a value fireball

I'm gonna zap all that right there perfect unfortunately the minions are gonna go down, but we did get some hits off

Oh god. Okay. You ready for this

Are you ready for this how to stop a Pecha the easy way we're gonna pull that guy oh my God look at that godliness

Unfortunately all of our troops are about to get rack, but that could have been like nearly perfect so at this point

We're just gonna keep on toying these troops around. I'm gonna try to bring them towards my King tower

I don't know how we're gonna stop that luckily my teammate has enough for a bandit, but other than that right now

It's it's pretty rough. I don't have enough always stop the pack up. Oh my god. You got to be kidding me

We have some insane luck right now so at this point. There's a minute 37 or 35 left in the battle

We got to make some serious plays I am

Losing my voice out here, but the paddle is just not pretty guys. I'm sorry

I'm trying my hardest, but things just aren't working out as planned

We're gonna take some damage here my teammate needs to get those three musketeers down ASAP

Luckily they did foot and he likes her pump down so since there's a pump down. Oh my god

Three musketeers going down right now. This is gonna. Be insane. Let's get a ball or push put them down, please

I don't know if they have enough or what but we need to get a monster push going right now. Let's get ourselves. Ah

We're recording a video hang up on that

Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh cuckoo-crazy push crazy push crazy push, we need to try our hardest right now. He died

I don't even know what I'm saying at this point. I can't English nothing's going well

Okay, we can we can do this. We just gotta play it slow maybe

Okay, yeah, I'm I'm losing. Hope guys. I I don't think there's anything else left for us. I'm sorry. I'm a failure guys

I'm a failure I tried my hardest, but unfortunately

We're just not good enough it appears, but on a serious note. I think I am gonna be wrapping up today's video here

I really don't know why I'm just so crazy today. It's something about the clique

They got account that makes me just want to go

Absolutely insane now. I'm gonna do something special

That's public the clan so anyone can join and yeah

I don't really think there's anything else for me to say in today's video. We tried our hardest

We tried to win, but unfortunately we just couldn't prevail so guys this has penny clips. Thank you all for watching and

For more infomation >> MY GOBLIN BARREL IS OUTSIDE THE ARENA in Clash Royale! - Duration: 11:29.


Celebrity New : Cardi B is engaged - Duration: 3:41.

Cardi B is engaged

The 25-year-old rapper - whose real name is Kiari Kendrell Cephus - got down on one knee to pop the question to the Bodak Yellow hitmaker on stage at the Power 99s Powerhouse concert in Philadelphia on Friday (27.10.17) in front of hordes of people.

And the brunette beauty has taken to social media to flash her engagement ring, and to gush about her fianc   Alongside a photograph of Cardi B - whose real name is Belcalis Almanzar - which she posted on her Instagram account, she wrote: Jesus Christ Im so emotional, @offsetyrn I loveee you so much .Thank you for seeing the potential in me since you met me .For giving me advice molding me and loving me .Your such a amazing man to me your family ,friends ,kids and you are extremely talented.I cant wait to spend FOREVAAAA with you .Lets make a lot shmoney and love together (sic). And the moment the Bad and Boujee artist decided to take his relationship with Cardi to the next stop has been caught on camera by a number of people in the audience.

And it has even been captured by the Wells Fargo Center, and shared on their social media account.

In footage posted to the venues Twitter account, Offset can be seen dropping to the floor whilst his fans cheer for the pair. The clip continues to show Cardi Bs excited reaction and her final answer.

This post was one of a string of images that followed. The site then shared a picture of Offset putting the ring on Cardis finger confirming the brunette beauty had accepted Offsets request.

It read: of course she said yes #PowerhousePhilly @Power99Philly (sic). Whilst another image was simply captioned with love heart emojis, and the final post of Cardi flaunting her huge tear-drop shaped diamond ring was simply captioned with the diamond emoticon.

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