Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

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It's the Mickey Mouse

Nope I came up with a big idea

My famous banana apple strawberry shake him everyone about my lunch truck ro

Hungry call chef long ago. We deliver

Cheese sculpturing is really working up some kind of an appetite. Could you maybe bring me a little something to have a fight on?

Okey, dokey professor

Chef goofy Donald and I are playing mini golf and well

It's taking a bit longer than we expected

Could you deliver our lunch to the government lunch truck?

He must have seen my flyer

I just love one of your extra large deluxe pizza pies topped with I'll say I

Can really use some help making all these deliveries. We're glad to help goof

Will you ride along with us on the clue come on to the mousekedoer?

Giant spatula Hey each of these thingies has something to do

Retreat what no more my little friend

Donald remember we just need to tempt the ball through the windmill and into the hole on the other side

Those holes so we can drive over the bridge

Hmm I wonder if those lunch trays might do the trick

It worked trying to make our first delivery

And chef goofy do you poor?

Hmm, I think I'd like some

Gooey fish and carrot chips fish and chips come on

You're welcome pal

Warren now here comes that cocoa goofy chef and with a perfect timing

Past all that snow we need some way to dig through

Which mouseketool can help us dig through the snow

The giant spatula could work we could use it like a shovel

Well no I mean go

For something cold one super juicy snowball snow cone come on up

How about super juicy snow cones for everyone chef goofy?

Time for our next delivery next up for chef goofy on the go Chip and Dale and they gettin jungle


Sure, we're going the right way. Oh, I think so let me see

Gawrsh my brain can't seem to remember chip and bail

Hmm we got the extra-large ball a coconut cookie dough

Then Chip and Dale can follow the sound and come find us and their lunch

Come on. Everybody drink with me like this

Come on gang. Let's all jump up dance along with us

Come and get it conga

This is one Billy lunch hour, and we're not done goofy. We've still got one more delivery to make to pee

I grab save by Gerald Grammy you betcha Pete hop in everyone. There's no time to lose

Look at this

It's full of rocks and different shapes that

Means that this is shit Rock Canyon

Hey a rectangle

No, that's a triangle

Are you

Exploiting these kids

Thanks for stopping by

At my Clubhouse

Wow all right let's go oh

Hi, it's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

By convention and it's gonna be well we SuperDuper surprise for Aileen SuperDuper friend

Hmm only I knew where they buzz

Hmm say professor, maybe you launder tools to some of our pals

Boy, that is goofy

Worry professor we'll find them and bring them back

Will you help toodles and me find the professor's special tools so we can finish his surprise invention?

We've got the handy fishing pole

What we do without you tutor you got our mouska-tools

And I've got that checklist

Leave the weight - oh

He's got it

Found it

And I'm sure glad we found you goof you see we need to return the professorship wrench so he can think

The valve is stuck. I'll fix it no toy let me split

stamp everybody

Let's see occurs. I wasn't expected rain today

But that's good for the shape pushes

We use to keep us all try

Hmm, maybe that giant shower cap can do the trick

Igor's you're strong just like me letting us borrow it

Oh first see you later

And I just came by to get the professor's hammer we have got to return it to him so he can finish his surprise invention

Well, maybe we can use this side of the hammer to pull the door open


We've got the Handy fishing pole finger painting gloves and the mystery mouska-tool

Which mouseketool?

All right first we found the shape French and second we found the hammer, so what do we find next?

Now Donald I'm almost done with your painting, so don't move a ducky

That's Donald all right

Well I've got rules of mouseketools, that's right

We just need a little help from toodles

Everybody say oh I can wear them while I paint with my fingers, then I won't get messy sounds like fun

Second we found the hammer and third we found the paintbrush

So what do we find next?

See you back at the clubhouse for the professor's surprise

Okay boots no slow it down now go to time. Yeah

Let's see how many hurdles you could jump over at five whistles get rid back no

Jumping jacks. Hi kid give the whistle back yet. I needed to finish Butch's training. Maybe tools has a mouseketool you



And today's mystery mouseketool is

Excuse me Mickey Mouse, how is that fancy gizmo gonna help me train butch. I'll show ya

You've got it Pete. Oh hey toodles, let's take a look at our checklist Oh

Wow where's the professor

Did someone call for Ludwig?

Are gonna use the shape wrench to tighten some bolts the hammer to hammer and the paintbrush to paint?

But uh, what's the whistle for?

whistle, I don't know I

Can't wait to see what the professor's new invention is I wonder what it could be oh

Boy ready to be surprised

Get around folks and people everyone and oodles of fun home for


If you're not a total zero and even the hardest work in it mouseketool in the whole wide world

Mr.. Torrance

Thanks for stopping by see you real soon

For more infomation >> Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 56 - Blue Butterfly - Duration: 17:22.


Elena Of Avalor Memomrable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 37 - Yellow Deer - Duration: 14:52.

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For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memomrable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 37 - Yellow Deer - Duration: 14:52.


Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 180 - Maya Graham - Duration: 17:58.

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For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 180 - Maya Graham - Duration: 17:58.


Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Memomrable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 16- Yellow Mango - Duration: 17:00.

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For more infomation >> Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Memomrable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 16- Yellow Mango - Duration: 17:00.


Sofia The First Baileywhoops Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Green Elephant - Duration: 16:52.

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Presenting his majesty king magnus of Rudess town

And his royal sorcerer Greylock the ground king magnus

So good to see you ah good morning princess Sophie of course. What an honor?

I must admit baileywick. I'm a big admirer of your job, I mean

You're going to need it from the kingdom of Sumeria Queen Cecily and princess Vivian


See you more like a jester than a sorcerer same old gridlock same old Kendrick

Cedric I would be delighted to be of service that's nice of you, but baileywick here sees to all our needs

I'm so sorry your majesty. I don't know what came over me after the grown-ups

Take a cruise in the Royal schooner

So what are we doing all day Greylock the grand has kindly volunteered to entertain you with his feats of magic

Hmm your Majesties, I should also like to volunteer to entertain the children

That's a first

My Royal Jubilee lasted an entire month it certainly seemed like it

I always keep this special stain remover on hand in case of accidents. Just like this

Are you okay Your Majesty? My coat is as good as new

Thanks to slick well if you looks another mess

I'm afraid so allow me it pains me to say it

But I've seen this sort of thing before you have

Indeed and I don't intend to but what if my clumsiness keeps up I could ruin the whole Jubilee

No, you won't because I'm going to help you. Oh, you don't have to do that princess yes

I am ready to serve nice outfits, but it's missing one thing

Your very own pocket watch

Theory right

Hmm pretty nice yes, but does it do anything no, I suppose it my flow

Who wants to take the first swing

You chose the perfect mallet for me slick well as always

Thank you your highness baileywick. Would you choose a mallet for me right away sire?

I'll just clean up your shoes. Will you taste like well you don't have to but I insist

Baileywick, yes right away your majesty if you'll excuse me


Perhaps look well is right could find an able replacement baileywick when I first became a princess

I wasn't sure I could do it

Someone told me that I should keep trying and things would get easier

Oh children

forces of magic far and near make the carousel appear

Now remember to tell your royal parents who conjured up this fun ride for you

Greylock the grand you don't think I've given to let you get all the glory do you?

That I

Am happy to carry it out if you like

Thank you

But it's a royal tradition for the steward to bring out the cake and what a great tradition mob is so beautiful and delicate

We will treasure it always. Thank you

No that one's from me. It's a gift fit for a king

No well I don't accept it. I won't accept it

You've just been working too hard all you need is a little rest a vacation perhaps

But that's why I'm leaving so I don't ruin the rest of it um if it helps

I would be happy to fill in for the rest of the Jubilee if it's please stay old friend

Thank you, all of you, but I think this is for the best


Huh, that was a close call

Is everyone all right and willing to be sworn to secrecy about what just happened that was brilliant best

But it's time for me to go

No, it's not you're the best Stewart in the world people admire you so much. They even give you gifts

It's like I got a case of the clones these are something can't even hold on to a little pin pee

When Mary had it I said come on now pick up the pace. It's time for the harbor cruise

There's no slacking off when sick whales in charge

You forgot the beginner's guide to magically cursed

Objects whoa whoever wears the pan of klaxon heimer shall be cursed with colossal clumsiness, thank


Hate this thing I find me baileywick wait

My apologies

Sofia look the boat is headed right for the rocks

Why aren't they turning away, they must be in trouble we have to help them it's no use we must abandon ship your Majesties

What I can't swim

Together now Greylock

Thank you your majesty, I'm sorry about the cruise everyone and the mess here allow me to clean it up I

Can explain I think we've seen all we need to see slick well your services are no longer needed

You can't fire me. I work for king Magnus

Bailiwick I am so glad you're still here. I hope this means you'll change your mind about leaving leaving

I'm just glad you're staying me, too


Great friend to baileywick

The secret library

So how long you stayin. Oh, just long enough tell me Sofia have you finished the book I gave you

I just finished Chapter 12. I never knew how many kings and queens there were nin Chauncey on behind the walls

Wow hello how do you think I get in here

I want to look around in there too bad. You're not rabbit sized, but I could be my amulet gave me the power to strip

I wish to beep it again

How do I get in without a tea

Knowledge is the key to everything?

My castle

We're aligned bezel

We have to see if you have what it takes to be the next story caper story keeper see all those books on the walls

Uh-huh well most of them don't have endings yet you boy the amulets yes

I did

When I was a young princess

The amulet is how I knew you could be the next story keeper that in passing all my little test

The tale of wildwing Valley mmm interesting

Massimo yearned to be wild

One night a visiting horse told Massimo about wildwing Valley a magically hidden land minimus neighs

His brother the things you've learned from books Massimo flew off in search of wildwing Valley

But on his way there. I'm supposed to save nazma and help him find wildwing Valley

I'm not sure I can do this

I know being story keeper is not easy

But you can't but I don't even know where to start you can start by putting on something more adventurous. That's not what I meant

Hmm how about this and how did you know I have a brother, I'll tell you on the way

Are you talking to your horse Sofia? Oh the amulet gave me the power to talk to animals? I should have known

Good idea



Good to see you, bro

We even have heated stalls

Heated stones the only way to heat my stones to have a dragon set it on fire

Yeah, it's nice in here, but a cozy cages Massimo. Got alone. I really don't get you

I don't get you either, but you're my brother, so I let it slide guys

Maybe if we can talk about this after we get out of here, okay, and this is my aunt Tilly good afternoon

I didn't feel we're expecting visitors today, Gavin. We weren't sire. Ha well

Yes, sir always welcome Prince Roderick

That's why we're here Massimo wants to be free Massimo. You mean thundercloud

Yeah, can you believe that name your Knights captured him?

But how about we all go for a ride and have a jolly time Gavin right Sawyer?

This won't do at all I suppose we'll have to hunt them down and get my horse back right. Let's saddle up Gavin

You are faster than you used to be you ever think about racing, but now that you mention it you know

No worries I know just the thing to slow them down

So we can secure them for the ride back shouldn't we let the runt go no let's keep it teach that little princess and lesson

Let's land and look for it okey-dokey

Let's spread out I'll check over here you check over there

Have I got your attention

Nah-ha the belief that you can save them yourself

That's just it

I'm still getting used to being a princess

How am I supposed to finish all those stories in the library if I can't even now I feel like I'm fake

Thinking there must be some

I can't see why she chose me

When my chance has blown away

Just stand tall and your aim will always be true


Can't stand being tied up like this now. You know how I feel every day

I spend in a horse stall and that's why I had to leave home, and it was oh

Do we have to take him back Allegra? We are Royal horses Tempest?

We have to do what the Prince commands to the castle Tempest

Let's hop the umbrellas mightier than the sword now fly me to minimus

But be as quiet as you can gotcha going into stealth mode

Prince Reverend

Happy Trails

Kevin hey, it's the glittery gorge that's the way to wildwing Valley and let's go hey man is ammo

Do you mind if I come along? I think I've had enough Prince Roderick sure thing Tempest

It's Hidden Valley remember Sofia why are we flying right toward that cliff so you can open your eyes now minimus

You'll want to see this

Wildwing Valley

Hey, why don't you stay with me minimus. I know Massimo. Got a Rome, but minimus gotta go home

I guess we're just horses of a different color

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Baileywhoops Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Green Elephant - Duration: 16:52.


APD catches man responsible for southeast Albuquerque shooting - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> APD catches man responsible for southeast Albuquerque shooting - Duration: 1:15.


Doc Mcstuffins Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children part 232 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 19:00.

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For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children part 232 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 19:00.


Milo Murphy's Law Smooth Opera-tor Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Lola John - Duration: 18:20.

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For more infomation >> Milo Murphy's Law Smooth Opera-tor Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Lola John - Duration: 18:20.


Vampirina Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 26 - Abbie Garner - Duration: 18:04.

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The monsters Miller Demi says

Sammy says you don't help fabulous fashionable bowties

Snuck up on me

What's in the drawer mrs. Hanley

Did you say under the bed of course?

But snuggle I don't sleep there unless they see the bed crumb trail that means they're invited only when they're invited oh

Okay, good, but if they're real hey does that mean other nighttime monsters are cute?

That's a different dance. It's okay frigid

Everybody's a little jumpy sometimes

Even I still jump it too much pink and I used to be scared of ghosts. Hello. You're right

Like you see you later. Thanks B. See you tomorrow oh


This totally icy dog Lola under my bed, so was there. No, I don't think so

So I figured I was just imagining things

Like this doing don't worry Bridget. The only monsters around here alright. My house. I'd say

99% sure it's always that 1% that gets ya can I go over and see I hope sweet

I'm out horror Edgar's gonna be disappointed yet again

Dummy mummy cupcakes want to join count me in

Bridget come over after Edgar sees there's nothing under your bed sounds good

But I am getting worried and I wonder where she could be she's almost a day late now

It's not like she could have gone to sleep on the wrong bed at the wrong house

Unless the trail somehow led her somewhere else

But if the trail leads where I think it does we'll bring her home look the footprints are going the wrong way

He must be Bridget

Bridget you'll never believe it believe what?

Remember when I said there was no way that a monster was under your bed. Are you saying what I think you're saying?

What do you think?

Hey, that's my shoe he must have stepped in the bed crumb trail he must have thought you invited her. I'll show you wakey-wakey

What happened you don't want to lose though

There's no need to be afraid of me


Welcome to my room

your room I

Sure, am sorry. I never sleep under a bed. I'm not invited to

Let's find that monster glad you're here. I think I just heard her. I mean eight snoring

Dust bunny

We'll just leave this to the professionals you guys later

Yep, and if you feel the same way about your blankie as I do about mine

You're gonna need some time to snuggle so I'm out. I'm

Mathilde you are I said oh?

That was really brave of you. I know I can be brave when I have friends and monster friends like you

It's not true it's not spooktacular at all What's Wrong mama. Ha ha I told mr.. Huffington

I'd cook him dinner, and it's dreadfully true. I don't know what humans like to eat, and he says he's a foodie

And I love to cook with her so what are you going to try now?

I don't know, but it has to be good my scare BnB is still new a bad review

Well, it's not my prettiest souffle or the best smelling. It's not how it looks or smells

Mmm. I can taste hints of

Now that's saying something oh just admit it

I'm not a

Fantastic cook at all cooking up a store can get a little taste of the house of course you can

Let me show you around. I must say I make a mean stone soup

It's an acquired taste I can't cook under this much pressure or ever good thing. You won't have to

The pleasure is all yours

I am Zim best skeleton chef in all of the catacombs a peppy pop you can taste it to make sure it's delicious

Very human foodie anything I can do to help. Thank you my lovelies and

Thank You chef

First we clean chef Emme bones needs a clean workspace. I feel it in

Your bones good one seekers


monster who hung

Spooky as kitchens of the best songs at until Vania had seen

What's good for being footings Azam be king and queen your cities?

See Islam based by the souffle blended based in something vicious now such delicious so watch as its

Cavities impeccably sliced some scans ants and cobwebs and it's time to eat such a state that makes a milk a great

Chef I think this has too many bones for a human

Definitely too many bones for a Brigitte

So what's your make an L chef bones mm-hmm eyeball the pizza? I can't yep. That's probably a good idea

I must admit I failed this challenge

And though I shall go it's just that humans like different things hubby

Maybe you could cook something humans would like think of all the humans you can add to your huge fan

club if you learn what they like

That is a good point. Let's make something magnifique


Sure more then going to be dinner time soon and mom is counting on us chef

Will you please try papi others not so much?

But I had to at least try it to know yeah

So why don't you at least try each other's food so we can make our guests the best meal we can

Papi's mac and cheese and for you papi chef runny buns

Centuries old most definitely delicious Wow these eggs may be centuries old

But they t we yes chef Remy and chef poppy. I like the sound of that


macaroni and cheese baked with centuries-old egg

It's served in a skeletons hand this meal is a foodies dream

Just the right mix of ingredients made in just the right way

You really deserve a hand oh, I do deserve a hand don't die, but I must say

a 1 a 2 A 1 2 3 4

What kind of things did you do oh

The usual stuff we learn Frankensteinian limb stitching did monster community service

And this is my monster cookie badge for selling the most cookies

Well poppy and I are what took Quincy's and we sell cookies to cool guides in woodchuck woodsy some pretty much the same to me

Except for the spooky and wants three parts I miss being a ghoul guide

And I was scary glad maybe I'll get some matches. What's in the backpack my gold

I pick it has everything a ghoul Dainese

And hopefully everything a woodchuck wouldn't eat great pride in being the woodchuck woodsies of pennsylvania

We are honest kind and helpful and woodsies never give up


Bonanza as you know earning badges is not easy

Calling blue T. Spotty at 12 o'clock

Really great at this as a cool guy oh

I guess bird calling and bat calling are totally different. Oh, yeah. Yeah, they certainly did. Oh, don't worry

I'm sure you'll do better at the next activity

Right oh woodsey

Well God would cease congratulations, I'm excited for this one

That's top-notch bandaging Mozilla poppy maybe too good. How did I do um?


I've never seen a woodsy rap so ensue does that mean I didn't earn a vanishing batch

Not this time dear, but I know you'll maybe one in unbending oops. Sorry Bridget


You've got this V you guarded with your mom all done the twins really bring out his teeth


that is the most, but we have one more activity I

believe in you vamper inna Huntley

Gardening badges go to Bridget poppy Bernabe Roxanne and Tiffany's

It was scary good as a go back, but remember. We're raising money for our camping trip

Ready to sell cookies B

When I didn't earn it any maybe I should just go home

You can't quit what's this don't let each other give up and neither do Frank everybody thinks of quitting now and then

But remember that old woodchuck would see theory

Why am I going getting talking so much?

He's always

By yourself what Chuck was he way

You really think I'd make a good woodchuck woodsy. You're the best friend's a vampire could ask for

Creamy sprinkles and mummy bears those sound kind of scary

And yell me at the same time since nothing

I've done today is worked be that's it decorating the cookies is an amazing idea

But how are we going to decorate them one box jumping right up? I mean coming right up

Every last crumb in all my years leading the woodchuck woodsies

We've never sold out of cookies ever it was all because of these Oh

What just was easy it finanza day has been a huge success

Her confidence and creativity helped us sell a record number of woodsy cookies

I am prayin can't believe it my first batch

We're so proud of you Vee. I'm proud to call myself a

Pennsylvanian woodchuck woodsy

You gave a vampire tag sorry I always forget you can't fly through walls

Oh, you knocked great-uncle dieter over?

I haven't seen vampire inna this excited since her first full moon flyby of course

I'm excited screaming screaming sometimes humans get just a little teensy bit

Terrified of the things they haven't seen before I prefer the old block in any way Papa

And fuzzy isn't early our style

Hello, thank you. I like your sweater meet you. I am Boris in this is Oksana and marina


oatmeal raisin oh

Come in come in welcome to our home screen

These are lovely

It moved wish I hadn't done that gregoria you try sitting in the same position for

400 turns up Penelope likes oatmeal raisin

Right they are jumpy

Don't Verde all vampires get the batteries ven. They're nervous para los. What's wrong little V

What if I don't make any friends in Pennsylvania?

Here my social

I know it's sunny, but why don't you go outside and play?

I do not know

next door Oh


Hairless cat I told you there's nothing weird going on in the house next door. That's not what mom says

What do you mean?

I'm papi and I'm Bridget and this is Edgar

Hey, I've been Farina

I just moved in and I've been dying to find someone to play with Edgar sure thinks your house looks haunted

What this house it doesn't look haunted does it?

Let's see all I need is one good shot of something creepy in there my web show Wiggly weirdness will hit the big time

You have a web show that's cool

How many viewers do you have how would you know really you just moved in


This house has always belonged to my family my dad first came here a couple hundred years ago

Come on over to my totally normal. Not scary definitely not haunted house

We can play with my Transylvanian screen girl. Doll I have to go brush miss cuttle cake hair

Over, no new friends welcome whoa where'd you come from?

helicopter parents are always lurking poppy Edgar

These are my parents were to get them at FAO shrieks back in Transylvania

That's Frankenstein her arms and legs are detachable. This is ghastly Gail one of my favorite. Just promise me

You'll tell me if anything weird happens. I'm out later Gator

Creepy Caroline comes with two hairstyle. I mean it is what you think but

Sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you oh

and I thought we could be friends of that I

Know what you're talking about I didn't see anything wait what?

Okay we do

Amazing thing I do we'll have dancing to that song me, too

And I wanted to be your friend before you turned into a bat, so why wouldn't I want to be your friend afterwards, too?

Shuji I think the room is ready

For more infomation >> Vampirina Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 26 - Abbie Garner - Duration: 18:04.


Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 166 - Grace Turner - Duration: 18:20.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Grace Turner Channel

wait for it he's not hiding under here

i cannot fall asleep last night i just didn't feel tired

tried everything i can think of to help me get sleepy

I've sang many verses it did not work maybe i should have tried counting sheep

hey where's my messenger bag i'm actually asking oh


yeah, our mission is to brain bob some sheep so he can count them and fall asleep tonight counting sheep is just an expression guys

- thank you three?

See i'm already sleepy but you know what's even better than imaginary sheep?

excuse me sheep can we have your attention please i

forgot all together now that's right get those hooves and gear

one sheep two sheep three sheep

They're not a sheep hi bingo and rolling i'm strider what brings you pups

To the farm our owner bob needs to count sheeps we can fall asleep but we don't have any sheep in our house

Come on george no, nonsense the trick to hurting is you got

To keep the sheep together

Don't let anybody wander off let's do this for buck let's get the sheet to walk in a straight line and then turn

run beside them and bark like this

Keep it movin now you've got you know it's even more fun than herding sheep

Then you make a serious hurting face and stare at them like this

let's get them back in line and even faster

you, can do it keep trying

Let's keep at it so he can use to us

- i

Yes, now you're hurting like james yeah a bingo and roley but there's one super important thing left

To do they could get lost so close the gates close the gate

got it and walk the line and turn and bark

bingo hey rolly hey sheep i love all these sheets is now best pudding dogs ever

I'm like a worm cloud let's make sure all the sheep are here yeah

Oh, this is making me tired 23:24 where's sheep 25 oh no

close the gate of time right right thanks oh

That's not good on the outside you might learn to read or write

keep going almost there we got the sheep to walk in a line hi i

See that's right?

Let's get the sheep back to bob's house we can counter to fall asleep tonight

come from yeah are you missing any sheep

you are well i found them yeah

we did why was counting sheep now we'll fall asleep for sure

thanks for calling about my sheep they were harder to round up than i expected

that's why i have a sheep herding dog please get this last sheep to the rest of the herd will you stryder

Go for it thanks for teaching us come on strider let's go home

cammy heat made bob sleepy and herding sheep made me sleepy meet soon

sweet dreams hissy did you just wake me up to say good night

There's only one dog who can save us, now but even a super pooch is no

don't worry roley captain dog isn't afraid of flying saucers

You, know captain dog oh he saves the day

I wish i was stepping down he's so brave it's a big party for people and pets who love captain dog

okay captain dog check out all the pet owners here built this recreation of barks ville

Now, for the surprise i was telling you about

for the teeny-tiny monorail there's even a contest for whoever built the best part of the city i

really hope i win that blue ribbon

Make sure to protect my monorail oh i hope i can win that contest

did you hear that roley bob needs us to protect his super amazing monorail that sounds like a mission you bet it is

let's just hope nothing out of the ordinary happens while he's gone


great route today captain dog

you saved us captain dog have you ever thought of running for mayor i was a brave thing you did captain dog

great work today captain dog

Bombs monorail is broken and it's all my fault it's okay captain dog we'll find a way to fix

Ok, we've got mátalo to fix the real captain our may be brave i can fly

parolees and brave and doesn't like flying saucers

i'm not captain dog and he's the bravest brother in the whole world who's always there when i need him

let's say barks villain

no, i'm pleased just like bingo said

well looks like you guys had fun and the monorail still working perfectly

this spectacular model of the bark's ville monorail

congratulations did you hear that boys

That was your flight a little donkey and landing how i wish i could be with you so i invented this

to do the kinds of things i do if i was here hi bingo hi roley i

call him earth which stands for auto doggy robotic friend arf is here to do it all i

Even programmed him to clean up any mess that you make before i get home from work

no more man

Hmm he looks friendly

wanna meet arf maybe later i'm trying to get this one spot on the back of my neck really clean which means

Make a bet yeah make a mess so i'm gonna have fun cleaning it up

wait a minute you want us to mess this place up


Wow, if bob came home from work and saw a mess like this

Bob, also programmed our to beg i don't think we have another listeners

yeah i either need a longer leg or shorter neck

excuse our

Because bob only program are to clean up after bingo and roley not

To clean up after his ii and i've so i guess the two of us are gonna have to clean this place ourselves

puppy dogs die

It's not gonna be fun roley it's going, to be work?

just, gotta wash these towels and our job is done we're gonna do all their washing

quick question how much soap did you put in that washing machine

like my clothes right after they come out of the washing machine yes my new invention really worked huh

ice ice buggy


finished boring the backyard free to play in now i just want to pour myself a big glass of iced tea before i leave i

can't stop thinking about delicious iced tea

It's more than cool it's gold?

Doesn't matter where it is how are we supposed to get that antarctica place arf notice on the wall i don't know?

What if this ice do you think will be best for bob's iced tea i don't know

maybe you should ask those penguins are sliding my tortoise

Barnabas are looking for ice who well you're talking, to the ride i can go to the best

we get storms here that blow everything around and turn everything why

Or not forever at all who do mr. Penguin go


I wish me warm toasty lovin let's see what else is in this box

Yes, so we can't let it get away

and we can see if he found bob's ice but wait what if he follows our traction comes through this cave think you'll hear

so it's a good thing bob put this ice drawing thing in my collar in case you ever need jostling and ice

I think i smileyface too hard

that's what mr. Penguin said penguins do so they don't fall back nothing what man's never gonna clack like that it wasn't you

found the eyes you were looking ball do you have my egg

oh, you boys did a great job on to my egg and taking care of my little girl well i went out looking for your



go ahead dig oh you are

we'd love to see you and play with you my brother and i either get home as fast as we can

how are things on the bottom of the earth cold i see you arnold

Did you get the ice bob needs for his iced tea you sure did the best there is here

good idea missy

This gonna taste so good

does this mean we finished our mission yep

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 166 - Grace Turner - Duration: 18:20.


Sofia The First Beauty Is The Beast Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 14:36.

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For more infomation >> Sofia The First Beauty Is The Beast Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 14:36.


Billy Dilley's Super Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 20 - Elise Hunter - Duration: 17:40.

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Only a few bars five needed, and I'll be totally prepared for tomorrow's rafting trip there

My name's Billy Tilly. What's your name?

Fascinating why did you come over and meet him?

Okay Pete Marsha meet Jared

I sure am lucky that I can share my new friend with my old friends in hope that one day. I'll puddle

Funnier when you say it

Yeah for being a seven-legged swamp creature. You sure are good at jokes joke maybe I

Think maybe I should go

See Billy your friends really are great. Thanks for her

What's this dear Billy

We didn't want to wake you, but we realized you were right about you can play at that game

I mean three can play that game

No wait for Ken yeah, you know what I mean

What is that oh?

That's just Gregory

my new best friend

Gregory we had four special activity we had aren't you?

Come on bill do something together

I don't wanna do anything with him won't you crunchy no salt or preservatives added cashew?

Extra crunchy no thought the preservative daddy cow that's how it is Jared Jared sleeps here. Oh


You're right Billy I can't see my house from here, Oh

Jarrod's idea when we went to go rafting with Jarrod. We were really building you your new Oh

Your best friend and I tried to make you notice me and like me, but it didn't really work, so I'd get rid of him

but Billy

Nobody's more important. Oh, thank you Karen. Could you ever forgive me?

of course Billy but uh

Why aren't you poor this barbecue sock type? I suddenly remembered what I was doing when you found me turns out

I'm a hideous flesh-eating monster, and I was setting a trap for us affecting prey when I hit my head

Well Deacon marcha regardless to the host Jerry her deal and them always be my class that

Sounds really good Billie dilly almost as good as eating these swap jelly


Ha ha ha ha airplane food, that's a good one

Pickle meee

Yeah, all right. Why are we fear still later? How about we play some fetch instead?

Eh. I didn't grab it before it passes you by Wow would you look at that lucky bounce a buddy?

Ever give back

For me

Care this coupon good for one subscription, too

So familiar

Yeah playful little scamp I

Would be so much fun, but I don't know the first thing about proper slug care

What are they hiding

It's time Snuggie had a little quiet time and baby had a little bitty silly time this big

You know Billy we'll go do some important work

Do I use the dill pickle give assistance

Bunny first second third almost sounded like someone was eating

Okay, it's obvious we both need a break stay

Hi, Zeke, he's spanakopita look lovely got a heart. Hi Billy. How's it going with?

Just to be

Why did you have to bring all my luggage?

Billy has really made a mess of things this time and it's high time he does something

about it something to wrap socks -

sculpture of the planet well

Thanks, Billy. I

Won't feed them. Where why do you have that thing on your head and where can I get one? I should have never taken

Suckee we need to talk I've been doing that hard

Give each other a little space you know

We now return to as the cheese curdles

Don't freak out Zeke, I'm not a real talking bush

It's me Billy lil our okay. That's it Billy

Please tell me you're not talking about these shrubs. I call the one with the red berries the red Raschi shrub of

Strange weather today. Hey Zeke yeah total can't pick up this trash

Can't ya because I lost our only two shovels. That's okay

We can use these teaspoons in a quadruple the cleanup of hours

122 teeth leaves of trash in the bag

122 teeth limbs of trash you

Stupid turd act oh, they're not usually afraid of anything. It was a chicken turd act oh, okay that woody anyway

It's whoop down, so I got and that's when I felt like hygienic isolation bubble wait what?

You know quarantine is not half bad. Just one question though much better than shoveling garbage

Billy what is that sound?

No need to shout the the blender is for making health smoothies

Huh no mind if I just ranked up what start with a simple cooperative squat

Cooperative squat, that's right buddy first. We join hands

Yeah 12-hour

Deal row seat that's for the Fred berries is the blueberry bushes a whole nother story it is gonna do

Look on the bright side seat bright side. I'm going to explode it can't get any worse

Your innards won't liquefy and rapture though. We can't leave this bubble all right can we

You're probably gonna want to change firsts

That's a dope

Count of Shelly's gp's it's gelatin and the inner mechanisms are convoluted system of levers pulleys switches

Forty three and a half steps to go

So is the antidote in that giant pile of trash or in the giant sleeping next to the giant pile of trash?

the giant pile of trash


Wouldn't have to shovel garbage with you Wow I really appreciate your

We have to use our legs a collaborative squad

Not bad hey psyche help smoothie

As much as you know I would love to hug right now, I don't think this is the time

Making thanks anyway, but I'm having brunch with Garth digger

Touching the secret cork knickknacks is strictly forbidden

Sorry, oh

It looks like my brunch has some fight in it yet

Secret relic has been swiped. It's clear from your wound that you fought bravely

What did you get it was thousands of years ago when we corks were still Lucas which came to be known?

as the dwarf down from on Harry

testify but today marks the end of

Dori Hawke

No you're not yep here perched on a rickety pedestal mm-hmm above a bottomless storm drain


Think I just dropped oh one crosses the dorks and lives to tell the tale kinda hard to tell tales with no


There is one

right here

and there's one over the head and picked up the Goblet and swallowed the glorp ah

And what manner of flying creature is?

responsible for this treachery

Yeah, how do you know all right boys when I say the word we destroy that miserable creature is the word?

Cranberry sauce oh, it's please

everyone should know that


He's got both arms there's arms. This is like his hands

Genius billion, I guess we can go back to the compound now

Not you wait what you promised to find the culprit, which you did

At last a moment away from bumzu, or I can do my most favourite

We finally got our glorp with something as foul as sludge

You said what I just said it was your sludge

Well, then we'll just work something a few essentials and get in the wagon nonsense. I've been waiting for this day

Everybody listen it was me you lost your glory

Mad I'm absolutely ecstatic

Now we get to the part where we dispense justice on the dastardly culprit

Could it be

Is this indeed the sacred glorp, please

For more infomation >> Billy Dilley's Super Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 20 - Elise Hunter - Duration: 17:40.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 64- Yellow Panda - Duration: 18:34.

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Can't Tell you how excited I am for our Vacation to Florida Tomorrow I wish that Bob was A bum Look at that

It's the Parrot I made friends With When I first got to Florida I was Feeling Homesick and he Helped me Feel Better

I've Hoped my getting Bleep eating dancing Shit

Whoa you know Parrots Can live a Lot a long Time, hmm I wonder if I'll ever See, him again

Did You hear that Roley Bob's right Florida Is Hard to rhyme with I can't Wait to play the bleep is Bob

Sorry, Guys The Beach is gonna have to Wait I'm not Feeling that, well so I'm Gonna Rest Here until I feel Better

That Totally Makes sense I get it I

Do miss my stick Collection Back Home and the Backyard I smell a mission let's go

Bob Said That the Period Bag Down Coconuts and eight Grapes Bob did Say

He first met The Parent While on a walk in A garden then, We should go on a walk and One Walks

sorry, Nellie are you bobby's Bored

We came here on Vacation to place Bob on the beach?

Except Bob doesn't want to play Cuz he's Homesick now, we're Looking for Bob's Body friend to help him Feel Better

The Bird I heard Singing, was right Over There just Like that

Seagull save and Pops in On the Floor

With Florida Right it's unreliable

Except Jonathan isn't the right Kind of singing Bird he's A seagull

Clouds Bird as a pair and Bob's Bird Knocks Coconuts out of Trees I know I know

Bingo There's our Bird Knocking Coconuts on that Tree it looks Exactly like Bob

Word Come on Roli Let's get? Bob's Berg to the Hotel then when Bob wakes up from his nap he'll be

Me to accept the sand it's so hard to Walk on Oil

We can use them to bring him back to bob's Hotel

Over Here Bob's Bird Look Grapes yummy

Roley There Can only Be One Bob's Bird Bingo I think These Parrots on and Repeating things they, won't even want to Say

Repeating Things

Would also Say Good Dance?

Whichever One Sings and Dances

Must be Bob's Bird Anyone you guys like to sing and Dance


Think Bob's Burger might need a, little Inspiration, we need to sing and Dance and Maybe Bob's board will Decide To join Us


Yeah I don't know which one Is the Best one That's Supposed

To be Bob's Brood that was a Mouthful Bob could wake up at

Any Time you Said the Same Thing Bob Tears When he's Frustrated?

Suffering Side Orders of Seaweed Salad Or Any Wanted Salad but the only Way he'd know to say that is a beard Bob Say

Bye-Bye and The Carrots That Are not Father's Bird, What are you two so excited about

Wait They Say who I think it Is

Why I'd recognize that Voice Anywhere oh I can't believe it

You know, what Pups I feel so good I feel like going to the beach

There's only One Dog who Can save us now

Don't worry Roley Captain, dog isn't afraid of Flying Saucers

You know Captain dog, oh he Saves the day

I wish i was Tapping dog he's so great it's A big Party for People and Pets who love Captain dog

okay, Captain, dog all the Pet, Owners here built This Recreation of Barks Ville

Now for the Surprise I was telling you about?

There's Even A contest for Whoever built the best Part of the city I

Really Hope I win that blue Ribbon

Make Sure To protect my monorail oh I hope i can

Win that Contest did You hear That Roley Bob Needs us to protect

His super, Amazing Monorail that sounds Like a Mission You bet it is let's Just Hope Nothing out of the Ordinary happens While he's Gone

Great Work Today Captain, dog you saved us Captain dog have you ever Thought of Running for Mayor I was a brave Thing you?

Did Captain dog

Great Work Today Captain dog

Monorail Is broken and it's all my fault it's okay Captain, dog will find a way to Fix

The Real Kath Naga May Be brave, we Can Fly

Parolees and Brave and Doesn't Like Flying Saucers I'm not Captain dog and he's The Bravest Brother in the whole World

Who's Always There when I need him?

Let's save Barks Villain

I'm pleased Just like bingo Said

Well Looks like you Guys Had fun and The Monorail Still working Perfectly this Spectacular

Model of The Bark's ville Monorail

Congratulations did You Hear That Boys

Putting it Together

hey There Puppy dog Players

Who's Ready for a unicycle day I know I am you know why

I remember the last Time Bob Tried to ride that Unicycle

Hey Guys Look, what I just got uh Unicycle cool

What was I thinking?

But Now he Does want to see it again

Maybe i Can find my unicycle After I get Home from Work Then i Can Ride it Around and Say Look I'm Riding a unicycle

Just Gonna be our Mission to find out Where

Where We gonna go to start Cramming Remember When We Barely got a Unicycle, We should Check With Kg he Sees?

Everything out the Window of the Pet Store Where he live

It was the Same day I got this new x'S, well you guys Should run There real fast Like Thick

Except that flower Reminds Me it's Just a metal stick can, We take it Home and Play Sex to Later

But We found isn't the right Something We came here to dig Up I?

Remember A while Back When you guys

Were here you said you were on your way to the beach to bury something but I never, saw what it was?

If You Remember what we've here Into something why, Didn't you Tell us where We buried it well Cuz you never Asked?

We're Supposed to be Two Dogs for any Bugs you lose i hope

Well I don't know if This helps but that day you, were here when you Laugh you said you

Were going to See Another friend that does

Because I just remember what

We were going do You remember Where We buried a Booth?

Hey This Junkyard dog Remembers Everything I got a mind like a Steel Trap

Because the Mountain

Wasn't There until they put Those Plastic Bottles There this Morning They're Taking a way to recycle them Tomorrow Afternoon Bob wants to any?

Recycle Today it

There's Only One Thing Left to do

Not a unicycle yeah Just some Round thingamajig Although Most Would do, well for just being A thingamajig

I guess so Cuz it doesn't Look like

We're Gonna find Bob's Unicycle I thought you were supposed to be Digging up a unicycle We thought so Sue?

But all we found was A hat and A metal stick and Thing imogen did you find Bob's Unicycle

No all, we dug up was this, We really want a final Bob Wanted but. We Didn't do it hey There puppy?

Happen Looking Forward To Seeing You two all day Look at that you found my unicycle

We did Let's See this yeah, Cuz I just Remembered something Else about the day When, we buried it?

So absolutely for sure to Never See them again that's a great

Idea I know I'm getting Rid of Almost all of it but Timmy Keep These blocks yeah

Look out, oh?

I almost Forgot

Tomorrow's Mother's Day and if I don't mail this car today my mom, won't get it in Time

Oh mom's Gonna

Be so happy when she sees this Envelope in her Mailbox I

Can't go don't up my Keys Have fun doing Whatever you, do when I'm not here

It's the Card in The Envelope for Bob's orange Loving Mom

No Bob must have Dropped it on his way out the door

Whose Room so fast all pew Pew Pew Pew Pew

No, no, one is going to be Sad because Really and They're Going to deliver That Card Ourselves Arf Would be happy if you

Did that also our space Would be Drier

Do you think you Can Keep an eye on this car while, we do our Mission

But We do Know where she lives Pop's Took a flag Stamp, on here Roley Look?

There's A just like The one Bob put on the Envelope

Bingo and This Is roley, we're Looking for Bob's mom sorry There's, no One Named Bob's mom Here

Fire Truck Time Hopefully yup Gotta Tell everybody in Town

Five Drug Time Gotta Make your siren Sam

Okay, we're Still Looking for a place with a flat, do you See one No but I do Shake up taking office, oh?

Man why are they Practically Everywhere, We go, we're Taking you somewhere With?

A big Flag in Front so she Can have A happy mother's Day and We Didn't think you're Gonna find someplace With

A big Flag in Front Around here, oh?

How Come Bob's mom has School Destin Schoolbooks From School our Projects all over the walls Because

I don't think this is Bob's mom's House

Maybe it's not the flag on the Envelope that Says Where it goes Maybe it's the Whitening so if We had the envelope wicked

We will goes what, do you mean if We had it?

I don't know where we're Going I know I'm Just Figuring out what I should Ask before my Birthday

Great Job Rolly Now, We Just need to wait for the truck to stop so we can

So here's what, we're Gonna do well crawl on our Bellies to that Bush then climb Up the fence like it's a treat

Completion my way Would Have Worked too

Hello, oh, hi, mom you got the mother's Day Card, oh that's Great

Aren't They Funny, They Just go ruff ruff

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 64- Yellow Panda - Duration: 18:34.


Dragons Race To The Edge Twintuition Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - BEN WARD - Duration: 18:29.

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For more infomation >> Dragons Race To The Edge Twintuition Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - BEN WARD - Duration: 18:29.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 47 - Yellow Crab - Duration: 16:37.

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For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 47 - Yellow Crab - Duration: 16:37.


101 Dalmatians The Series Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 71 - Blue Monkey - Duration: 17:49.

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Now it's mine all mine

My night Lu

Daddy you're through


Now put that remote down and reach deep into your wallets for

With your tax-deductible dollars we can put a stop to this

senseless fashion faux-pas

There are plenty of shoes to be chewed and bones to be buried

There's lots to do use your imaginations come on Purdy. It's a beautiful night for a wal

He sure is okay previously on thunderbolt PA our heroes under Bowl to just miraculously

Ready for action pardon me ma'am a super sir

Spectacular Thunderbolt

You could handle the situation without working up a sweat

You ride those people are blocked by view

Thunderbolt saving the world I might add winning the limbo contest I sell off into the sunset

Better now so you know let me just get this


Hmm perhaps, it's premiums you want and in addition to these fine and much sought-after items

I'll also give you a choice in my exquisite fashionable home air fresheners

Polyester boots a mega combo supreme now does that come with a super mega drink, or is that extra?

This is totally empowered

Well I'm too very fine in you craft for solar sector nine regional pencil

You rang Oh get back don't don't move your lips. We're telepathic remember this one


Wonder what this button does Polly Horace is a very delicate machines

If they're necessary just remember tea realism and greed have no place in the world

You're not done it's lunchtime chicken Union rules some other chicken to fry

Okay you

Welcome back my generous TVland friends to the cruella thong beneift

Five cents

That's it five measly since I had the paper to soccer the only subtle

No, no Thelma here. Hello hold on. I'll ask

Mr.. Bell do you want your carpets clean?

Under bolts still not back on

But I believe we're about to hear my version

Or what

You want


You got really well hella fun. How much would you like to give to?

Cruella's kids

No, I don't want to change my long-distance carrier. That's it we're off the air

That's not what happened

Tonight our past lives. We'll meet a man who claims to have been a ladybug


You're a peasant folk well having you join us Coelho is such an

unexpected surprise

Well, I just knew that hang up on my voicemail

Maybe if I tied a dollar around

Your toast turkey lips your mass meet midget mutt

Yeah good

Carry her to our house you said

Coming Cruella oh

Darling this tacky. Honey is visiting her sister, but I'll make you some lunch now that the vets finished with lucky

Lucky you mopped. I think that vicious Beast in here. Are you hugging need to be moved oh?

You know what go start lunch I

Want to sue the dailies and finally get this far

Is lucky it's not all your fault tell them guys

Know what is right?

Yeah, it's pretty what would Cruella walk

I was just going to sue you for the farm, but now I'm taking you for everything you've got

Just great no I made, maybe we can get our picture of her walking good thinking

Yeah, we're does Roger keep his old camera follow me

All right so far so good, so where's the camera?

Oh god she always keeps it with her. What are we gonna do steal it? What for Butler goes?

You had us waiting on you hand and foot

Irrelevant the real injuries now no need to be hasty Rover surely. We can make some kind of deal

Here are your sandwiches

You call yourselves a bar brigade you're nothing but a canine coffee chrome today

You chasing cars

You know lieutenant instead of taking us on your ears you will mature the sensitive nurturing patient part in all of us

Pronita CAD Pig over there

Hey, baby welcome to the pound

Hi, I'm Kat pick your new roomie and bye

That's a pretty name


A hard candy coating with a soft vulnerable sin

Shut up and keep off the top bunk. It's mine

works for me

Actually, I prefer the bottom bunk. Oh, let's use more control issues

All right men. It's time for plan a operation any minute

Battery what is all this stuff your song with that helium?

So that I have fat

They always pick the young computer dogs, I'll be in forever you have to do is

Your body

One of my lunch if I'm breaking anybody out it's gonna be me

Trouble get used to it I

Give the orders

Suppose. I mark this like territory. You ain't got it in ya

They don't call me pause the jug for nothing. Why don't you he'll be back any minute?

Hmm that gives me an idea

I've lost time again where am I?

Instruments chops cold table

It was your idea lieutenant sir before you blacked out uh

Plan C remember


Am so glad I got through to my new friends back at the town

And then gladly all came through for each other

Where's the blackout when you need one?

For more infomation >> 101 Dalmatians The Series Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 71 - Blue Monkey - Duration: 17:49.


Little Einsteins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 31- Blue Pig - Duration: 17:30.

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Ron in three two one


the music robots from outer space

Rondo written by John Joseph, Marais

Hi, I'm Jim excellent come look

Who I see planning

Lights and buttons. What is it?

Oh yes

He's warning music robot has three special batteries

No, it's a planet full of music robots that must be his home

His home is in

What robot can't fly without his batteries

Robot landed

Where is he

Yes, he ranted in the tree in our backyard

My name is Jun and these are my friends

Hi music robot nice to meet you

That's because it's three flying batteries fell out when the meteor hit

Porn music robot you but we're going to meet your help

Do you have music robot finds his three batteries so he can fly home?

Remember to fly home

Music robot needs all three of his special flying batteries, but Jim. How are we going to find that?

Can you hear the first flying battery

Yes, it's coming from over there in Rome Italy there. It is. It's the green battery. It's

parachuting into the Colosseum

And it's going so fast

What's driving through the coliseum isn't going to be easy there are lots of bumps and

zigzags and tiny tunnels music

Help music robots zigzag side to side

Put your hands together and move them side to side

Duck your head with me


Music robot got the first flying battery

Way to go music robot yeah you had your first flying battery, and it goes right here

Remember music robot can't fly home until we find all three batteries

Don't worry it goes like this

Robot do it with me move your arms and head like a robot

Listen that sounds like the second flying battery

Where is the second battery second flying battery must have landed inside one of these stone buildings

Come on let's listen for the flag battery over here

Applying battery remember the second firing battery sounds like this

That's not it


giant spoon

We found the flying battery

Thanks for helping me listen so carefully

He has enough power to fly home oh

Don't worry music robot we are going to help you get

For the next part reach your arms over your head and make a moon

Listen that sounds like the black slime batteries. Where is the last flying battery?

Feet on your

Allegro now pad the beat on your shoulders even faster

Here you go music robot

Is so far away

Music robot needs help finding his way home to get home music robot needs to fly

Great now for the last part

wiggle your fingers like twinkling stars and

Twinkle them down down down all the way to Planet

Robot we need to do the whole dance come on dance it with me

All the other robots are so happy to see him way to go Jun

You help music robot play all the way back home

Saying thank you for helping him get home. You're right there music robot

Mission completion

Let's say hello to the Great Sphinx wave your hand and say hello

The Sphinx wants the Little Einsteins

Help him put the magic puzzle together the puzzle pieces are way

It was telling these things not to feel sad

Mad you can find the magic puzzle pieces yeah if Rupp there's an hourglass oh

we need to put the pieces together before all this and

We've got a mission we're going to find the puzzle pieces

Can put together his magic puzzle

The Nile River market follow the Nile River

Yeah there it is play over there by the Aswan High Dam

Petal that way rocket I have a plan I can do a

Rolling on dance to help rocket Ernie's paddle wheels

Feeding up to

Puzzle-piece Rockets saying, thank you

For your magic sure we're helping the great magic puzzle

Look the Sphinx is starting to and we better hurry

We need to find them before all the sand gets to the bottom of the hourglass

I wonder where it is

Look rocket that so we need to find the sign that has 14 notes, let's look at the first sign

Can't the notes with me well, that's not the right sign we need to follow the sign that has 14 notes

Let's see if there's 11

Is that the right number of notes

The magic piece is hiding

Yes, let's bring it back to the space he's going to be so exciting

That he founds a second magic puzzle-piece

Smiley daddy happier

Just one more piece to go, but there's not much time left

Good idea rocket, let's listen to see if we can hear the puzzle piece song

We have to help rocket jump really high to following I had an idea

Analog vein jumping song it's called when I put my hand down

Remember keep singing until I put my hand down


Magic puzzle-piece awesome yipee

Thanks for singing with me now the great

He says that there are only a few grains of sand in the top of the hourglass

Won't do its magic, but we're so far away

What do we do Leo there's only one thing we can do?

Homey rocket time is almost up this space needs you to put the last puzzle piece in plate

The priest fakes his thinking rocket for helping put together his magic puzzle


For more infomation >> Little Einsteins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 31- Blue Pig - Duration: 17:30.


101 Dalmatians The Series Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids &Children - Purple Rabbit - Part 15 - Duration: 17:42.

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You know I'm really surprised Cruella, let me have the weekend off

We're gonna have a wonderful time no pets no parents. It'll be our vacation too, yeah


Could've been worse we also do stripper grams. I was talking about my sister

Hello gruetli, Ken

Doll a wonderful neighbor that I am I just stopped to see if there was anything you need a cup of caviar a well-tailored

Shoulder to cry on need a broken mirror serious it could spread

Don't you worry about a thing? It's the least I can do after all you've done for me

Howdy folks, this is Wild Bill spot me in my

If my plan works

Spot mark discount stores from coast to coast will so be featuring my new line of priciple low

country girl who lives on a farm and raises his fever right breed of dogs down

Nations are a fake real you

Woody's poses is some kind of toy factory

Mr.. Spock y'all just call me to show you around

That's good, if there's one thing

There's leftovers this is no time to think with your stomach hmm

Go for it Rolly

I leave over a hot stove later. We'll talk about this little contract

Supper will be ready before the cows blossom

There's been a slight change in the menu darlin how do y'all feel about farm-fresh eggs? I love

Fried in butter but I gotta say there ain't nothing prettier in the side of a sweet little gal

butchering a hog


Would have been plenty this cow is empty. You must be the reserve tank

Don't get bossy with me you're giving you want me to follow

You infernal barnyard beasts look what you've done to me

I ought to buy this lousy farm and turn you all out on the street my little furry old friends here

And what's this you're gonna build factories around this good old farm

See and that was a fun vacation


I'll fix it

Everybody watch some peanuts why it's not like I've never offered you some of my food before

We're not in the city anymore in the country you get up no problemo

Tomita remember all work and no play make oh yes

It's spelled out clearly and your deed which I just happen to have a copy of that besides the pre-existing livestock blah blah blah

You are only allowed 100. We gotta hide him quick. I'll be watching


Did I just see an elephant

No like you sense, but all we gotta do is keep them fed and cleaning out of sight what about keeping them out of trouble

Don't have an elephant that farm is as good as mine

Maybe we could put about wheels and disguise abysm you later

Where is it where did it go?

Okay Jimbo time to come clean

They won't get away with this not this time

Tied up how are we gonna do that we could cover him with a towel hello?

He's just too heavy responsibility

There's no hiding now whoa

Keeping an elephant is a pat. Well. That's silly oh

Lucky don't be sad the circus can provide Jimbo with the physical and emotional

Care specifically ISM small and easy to take care of just have water


Harris that gets funnier

We gotta hightail it to the museum we don't want to miss the fire hydrants in the world exhibit

We gotta work on my underlying law study this puppy what the Bears back?

Thank you that was very brave of you, yeah

Somebody's gotta take a bite out of crime. I think I pulled my groin I

Just love the city full of excitement and adventure and resolution and crowds and a party

What's this oh

I need it. I know every deli dumpster in our country. I leave all our city friends behind

We are not moving

So this is the country you know cable, what's cable

Nope I'm sorry no restaurants remind

by also

And you too our

Name tags will help us all bond in the friends go away

Unfamiliarity I need a sense of place

Welcome Wagon

What's she doing here for my by the donuts a congruently and fire everyone

Anita knows the real reason I stopped to say hello is so that I could say

I'm prepared to offer you

What you paid sorry Cruella, but your money's no good here triplet no quadrant triplet

No can do

What tell me are there still a hundred and one or did I manage to take out a couple of the mutts when I drove?


Blocking ham Palace

Memo to myself come up with a diabolical scheme

Take it my primal needs cry for a brownstone

not a barnyard in search of

Air-conditioning, and there's only one place. We're gonna get all that

Home sweet home

Isn't it great to be back. Yeah, I

Hold them for ransom forcing Rodney in an eater to sell the farm then they'll give me my own money back to pay the ransom

We're consultants whatever you're in need of we're your guys Brown plant trimming


We have an envelope to deliver and it's not from karela de Ville I

Mean it is from koala the vet. What do you mean call the dog pound?

Look I'm telling you our puppies are being held for ransom by Cruella De Ville

And we've got to give COO Ella the benefit of the doubt we have no real evidence

She did it, then she's not so bad when he get to know her. Oh, I know her is

I'm hungry both physically and spiritually I still miss my friends

Wow should never have left him

Tortilla pals trying to sleep

Lucky warty. Oh, yeah find a way out. I've got an idea

Sure you just gonna work trust me

Yeah, it'll never work

What's gold on Cruella's up to something we've gotta hide

Nomid bytes do your freebie pun go and punish puppies that

We be well hop apart heard all about your the bungee

The puppies are on their way, and so is Cruella. Well. We've got to stop before she gets to the park

I picked the wrong week to quit smoking

I am I found him wandering around lost

So I was just dad bringing them and we can live on the farm for a long long long time

Hmm up to myself come up with another scheme too steep princess

I'm personally thanking each and every one of you for helping bring us back together with our family

For more infomation >> 101 Dalmatians The Series Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids &Children - Purple Rabbit - Part 15 - Duration: 17:42.


Little Einsteins Memorable Top Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 94 - Blue Pig - Duration: 15:04.

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You beat moderato on your tummy like me

That's fast

fly Allegro


Presto leo, can we fly rocket presto someday we will but we need to play?

Let's wave hello to our friends

Okay, Oh

Don't worry team we can rescue the little piggies great

We've got a mission we're going to rescue the three little piggies let

Hurry up hurry up hurry up

Hurry rocket to Machu Picchu Oh

Leo there are two different ways to go I wonder

Let's listen farm in this direction

Does that sound like a little bit, yes slowly on your left to the beat

Again Oh

Masters an Adagio, and we know what's a little faster than Adagio

Boom pinky are you okay?

He's, okay, it's our mission, but guys the second little piggy can't stop flying moderato

He must've flown even further away


Knows where the second little piggy went good idea Leo, let's ask them I

Know we have to follow the animal that moves moderato

Just like the second piggy

The turtle is a sloth

The title right let's animal is moving the fastest

Which animal is moving moderato

Pat your tummy moderato

Linda Dolan experts Oh

Thanks for helping us rescue the second little piggy we saved kill


But we're not done yet sir little piggies in the most trouble of all he can't stop flying

allegro pull our little pinky

He must have some outer space

That's the farthest away. He could possibly go, but we can save him because we

As fast as he can go



presto, that's not just fast it's so get to super fast, but we have to start at

Adagio put the beat on your lap slowly

The Piggy's sure are happy to be together again

These are saying thank you to you

Yeah, you did a great job helping us rescue them come on rocket. Let's take these three lives

Let's get ahead and here is where the team

Hey, it's me yeah, that's her

And a wooden bridge

Baby cellos did all the baby cellos hatch out of their cases

But we're going to need your help will you help us bring the baby cello back to his mommy


I hear the baby cello


He wants to know where his mommies hey there little guy

I mean she has a long neck just like you

That's right cellos have long necks

Come on team we need to follow the road that goes through the zoo

He thinks he found his mommy in the zoo, oh yeah

Baby, cello is looking for a mommy with a long neck

Which animal no?

Baby cello

That giraffe does have a long neck we need to find the key to open up the gates

everyone start looking

Look baby cello is going to try to use that ladder to reach the key

If I conduct a crescendo that will make the ladder grow louder and bigger

Great Bram meow, but I'm going to need you to get louder

Baby can reach the key

Come on baby cello, let's call to your mommy

We're getting closer to your mommy baby cello

Just remember your mommy is a cello she has a long

Hey wait baby cello is going inside that pasta restaurant

He thinks he found his mommy, which one of these foods is long and sturdy

First daddy noodles yes

Silly baby cello spaghetti is long and stringy, but spaghetti isn't your mommy?

Uh-oh, I think one of our friends got stuck in the spaghetti

Who got stuck in the spring so the spaghetti doesn't break? Let's do a smooth and steady spaghetti dads?

Do it with me?

Put your arms out in great dancing

Come on baby cello, let's call to your mommy

We must be getting closer

Just remember baby cello your mommy has

No silly cello that wouldn't bridge isn't your mommy?

I've got to help him that will tell the boat to bring back baby cello

great idea Quincy

But I'm going to need your help to call the boat and bow the strings loud and strong like this

Awesome now say no

Glad you're okay, baby cello oh

Poor baby cello he really wishes he your mommy must be at the Piazza -

She's a musical instrument

Don't worry baby cello rocket can get you to the Piazza super fast

great super fast

It's mommy chill oh yes

Yes get baby's yellow back to his mommy oh

You're welcome baby cello

The hand

For more infomation >> Little Einsteins Memorable Top Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 94 - Blue Pig - Duration: 15:04.


Elena Of Avalor Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 61- Rainbow Butterfly - Duration: 15:57.

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