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What is Kundalini | A. G. Mohan - Duration: 3:44.Kundalini is an ornament
that is worn by the women in the ears.
It is spiral in shape like the sleeping serpent.
In the ancient texts, they talk of only four labels of yoga:
raja yoga (Yogasutras of Patanjali),
hatha yoga, mantra yoga and laya yoga.
Hatha yoga also leads to the laya
or dissolution of the tattvas.
The fourth chapter of Hatha Yoga Pradipika
talks about the laya. Similarly,
mantra yoga also leads to laya or dissolution
so that one can realise one's own true nature.
Dissolution here refers to the
giving up the wrong identities
with our body, with our senses, with our mind, and with our ego.
When it is said that kundalini is awakened,
it means the prana gets centred.
What is meant by prana getting centred here
refers to the focus of our mind.
The mind instead of being scattered
gets focused which is represented by
prana in sushumna,
the central channel, instead of prana being
in the ida and pingala, the other two channels.
Towards this goal, certain asana practices
are also suggested in hatha yoga and,
for example, if you take pascimatanasana,
(seated forward bend)
it is suggested that the person stay
in this posture with long
deep extended exhalation and
suspension of the breath so that prana gets focused.
This posture, such a practice, is also useful for
the preparation of mahamudra,
the supreme mudra spoken
in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika as well as Gheranda Samhita.
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