Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 27 2018


Hi! My name is John Flores.

I'm a Content Developer for Azure AD.

I'm here today to talk to you about Self-Service Password Reset

for enterprise users. What is Self-Service Password Reset? you may ask.

Self-service password reset or SSPR

as we like to call it, offers a simple means

for IT administrators to empower their

users to reset or unlock their own passwords

or accounts without IT intervention.

Why choose Azure AD Self-Service Password Reset?

Password resets today typically involve

high helpdesk costs. Users having to spend hours on the phone.

Manual configuration and management and Limited control for

administrators who want to enforce security policies.

Did you know that Gartner suggests that nearly 20 percent

of IT spend is spent on helpdesks

resetting passwords. And I don't know

about you, but I hate having to get on the

phone with the helpdesk and go, hey,

this is John Flores I need to reset my password.

No-- No, the other John Flores.

Yeah-- yeah that yep, you set my password to what?

Microsoft123. OK.

Thanks! Wouldn't you like to be able to

control what your users are able to set

their passwords to and give them the

ability to do that themselves.

In the next video, we'll talk about how to Configure SSPR.

For more infomation >> What is self-service password reset? | Azure Active Directory - Duration: 1:33.


Can Tamsin Greig act while the audience is being sick? - The Graham Norton Show - BBC One - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Can Tamsin Greig act while the audience is being sick? - The Graham Norton Show - BBC One - Duration: 3:25.


What Is the Hostile Environment? - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> What Is the Hostile Environment? - Duration: 5:10.


Luffy Is The Yonko Five | Manga One Piece 903 Raw 🔥 🔥 - Duration: 10:41.

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For more infomation >> Luffy Is The Yonko Five | Manga One Piece 903 Raw 🔥 🔥 - Duration: 10:41.


What is CSS? What Does it Do? And What is it Used For? - Duration: 4:44.

Hi! This is Topher with Winning WP.

In this video, we're going to answer the question,

What is CSS, what does it do, and what is it used for?

Well, first of all, CSS stands for cascading style sheets.

And the cascading style sheet controls how

the content of a website looks and sometimes acts.

Let me show you.

On the left here, we have a little website

that I put together.

And on the right is the code for that website.

Here at the bottom, we have the HTML.

You can see where it says my website

and welcome to my website.

And then there's a link.

And then up here at the top, we have some other stuff

that says style, type, text, css.

And this is the cascading style sheet for this page.

Right here at the top, we have body,

and it says that the font family for the body

of my website is going to be Helvetica first,

and if we don't have that, then Arial,

and if we don't have that, then any Sans-Serif font.

It also says that my H1 tag, which you can see down below

is my website, has a color of hashtag f00,

which happens to be red.

I also have a link right here

and that's the A tag, the anchor.

You can see it right here and it says

text decoration none because normally anchor tags

have underlines, but on hover,

I want text decoration underlined,

and so now, there we are.

Now, this text is all a little small,

so let's make it a little bit bigger.

So, under body, I'm going to say font size,

we'll say 22 pixels, and then reload.

And there it is.

Everything's a little bit bigger

because everything is based off that body font size.

Now the C in CSS stands for cascading,

which means that we're able to be fairly specific

about which parts of our website we're talking about.

Let me give you an example.

Right here in the middle, I have a section

with a paragraph in it and then below it,

I have a footer with a paragraph in it.

Now, I can control all of the paragraphs

with just a P tag.

And I can italicize them all.

There, now all of the paragraphs are italicized.

But, what if I only want the one inside the section

to be italicized.

Well, my section has an ID of top,

which is like a handle, a name.

So, I can say hashtag top paragraph

are italicized.

Now, the one inside the footer is not.

So, to reiterate, the C in CSS stands for cascading,

which means that I can be very specific about

which thing on my website I want to control with CSS.

Now, I want to show you one more trick within

the realm of WordPress.

Here's a WordPress website and I'm logged in

and in the admin bar, there's a customize link,

and if you click that, the customizer opens up.

Now, not all customizers are the same in WordPress,

but they do all have an additional CSS tab.

And you can type in CSS there and have it affect

your website.

For example, I can type in header

and then do background red.

And now, all of my headers have a red background.

Now, if I click publish, then it saves it to my website.

Instead, I can also click this X and it will just go away.

So, this is a great place to experiment

and to see what your website is going to look at

with different pieces of CSS applied.

CSS ranges from extremely simple all the way

to very complicated, and it can be a lot of fun

to delve into and make little changes to your website

to make it unique.

With the customizer being so easy right there,

I really recommend that you experiment a little bit.

See if you like it, change up your website.

You can't really hurt anything.

If you'd like to learn more about WordPress,

check out

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