Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily May 1 2018

If you live in a little apartment, chances are high that you have that dreaded real estate

term: the "galley kitchen."

Named after the narrow kitchens on ships, these rooms may be tight,

but they're also known for using what little space there is very efficiently.

here are 40 kitchen design for apartment.


For more infomation >> 40 Kitchen Design for Apartment - Duration: 3:11.


God's Prescription for Healing - Duration: 22:28.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Healing is God's will for you,

and Jesus is your great physician. Join Kenneth Copeland

as he studies the Word and shares the Bible prescription

for receiving healing from God. Learn about God's

health plan on today's Believer's Voice of Victory.

KENNETH: We're talking about receiving healing.

We know--we don't guess. We don't wonder

about it anymore. We know for a Bible fact it is always

God's will to heal. AUDIENCE: Amen! Yes! KENNETH: It is

all--let me say this. Let me say this. All sickness, all disease,

all poverty, all human suffering, every bad thing,

every bad storm, all bad weather, all of it is the result

of a terrible hatred in the heart of Satan for mankind. He

is the author of all death. He is the author of all pain. He is

the author of all stress. He is the author of all death. He

is--he is the author of all of it! (Audience Agrees) Amen.

(Audience "Amens") And the curse is threefold. Spiritual death,

which is being separated from God--you know, the Bible said

you--when you were dead in your sins--well, those people hadn't

died and gone to the grave. No, they're still walking around,

but they're dead. AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: Why? Separated

from God. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: Amen. So

spiritual death, sickness, and poverty. That's the curse. But

Jesus was made a curse for us. (Audience Agrees) Oh,

hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: He bore

that curse. (Audience Agrees) FEMALE: Amen. KENNETH: So

redemption is threefold; eternal life, healing, and financial

prosperity--(Audience Agrees)--which includes the

meeting of all of--all of--all of your needs being supplied

according to His riches in glory. Amen. (Audience "Amens")

It's really that simple. Now, religion has complicated it. And

people--you know, ha-ha-ha, you have to really have help to

misunderstand this Book. And we've had some really high-price

help over here. (Laughter) Hallelujah. Oh, glory to God.

I've done a pretty good job of messing it up in my own mind

from time to time, and the Lord would say, "Come on Kenneth, go

back--go back to the basics, son. It ain't that hard. Just

get--" "Well, yeah, but I--" "Now, just come on." Anyway, so

receiving healing is a spiritual process. Healing is a process

like we said. Whether it's instant or whether it's over a

period of time, the physical body goes through the same

healing process. And if you receive it instantly, glory to

God. Or it may take healing progressing. Amen. AUDIENCE:

Amen. KENNETH: I'll take it any way I can get it. (Audience

"Amens") Yes, amen, and glorify God in it. Now then, "My son,

attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let

them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine

heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and

health," or medicine, "to all of their flesh." Now, that is the

Bible prescription for receiving healing from God. That's it. But

the thing about a prescription, you have to take it. AUDIENCE:

Come on. (Laughter) KENNETH: You can have it--you know, "Doc, I

tell you what. I'll tell you, if anything, I'm getting worse

instead of better." "Well, what did--I gave you that

prescription, didn't I?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, I went and

got it--I went and got it filled immediately." "Well, have you

been taking it?" "No, but I've got it sitting right there next

to my bed. I mean, I read it every morning." (Laughter)

What's the problem with that? The medicine is not getting into

the system. AUDIENCE: Right. Right. Come on. KENNETH: Huh?

FEMALE: That's good. KENNETH: It's not getting in the system.

Let me ask you a question. How many of you had lunch today? I

guess the rest of you are pretty hungry, huh? (Laughter) Somebody

on the front row had breakfast or lunch today? MALE: Yeah.

KENNETH: This guy knows what he's doing. Ha-ha-ha. How you

doing, man? I ain't seen you for a while. MALE: I know it.

KENNETH: You're looking good. MALE: Thank you. KENNETH: Amen.

I'll be back in a minute. (Laughter) Do you remember what

you ate? MALE: Yes, sir. KENNETH: Do you remember what it

tasted like? MALE: Yes, sir. KENNETH: If you had to, you

could probably describe it, couldn't you? MALE: Yes, sir.

KENNETH: Mm-hmm. How good--much good is that going to do you

tomorrow? You could probably remember tomorrow at lunch what

you had today. MALE: Yes, sir. KENNETH: And describe it. Well,

what about two days from now? It's going to pretty well be

gone. (Laughs) Why? You--you can remember. You can remember what

that potato tastes like. You know exactly what a potato looks

like. Oh, yeah. And you can describe it prepared in several

different ways, some of them good for you, some of them not.

But you probably tried them all, and you could describe how they

all taste. MALE: Yeah. KENNETH: You can remember potatoes from

now on and the memory of a potato has never nourished

anybody. (Audience Agrees. AUDIENCE: Amen. Amen. KENNETH:

You can memorize scriptures, and that's good. Don't misunderstand

me here. That's a good thing to do, good thing to do. Good for

your brain, it's good for your mind, it's good for you to feed

on these things by memorizing. But memorizing them won't feed

you. (Audience Agrees) Da-da-dah da-da-dee-dee-do-do-do.

(Laughter) Amen. (Audience "Amens") MALE: That's right,

yes. KENNETH: Now you see why it's so important. Take the

time--so--and feed on it. How do you feed on that scripture? You

make the decision, "I choose to believe this." (Audience Agrees)

Now, something happens inside the human spirit when you decide

to believe something, and particularly when you say it.

AUDIENCE: Yes. Yes. KENNETH: Now, you can compare this to

your natural physical body and feeding it. You decide to eat.

It won't be long until you will be hungry-- AUDIENCE: That's

right. KENNETH: --because you decided to eat. And when you

decide to eat, the juices start working. Now, did you have to

tell them to do that? "Stomach?" (Laughter) No. That's

involuntary. Now, switch that over to the spirit man. "Faith

cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." AUDIENCE:

Yes. KENNETH: Faith cometh. Faith is coming right now if

you've made a decision to believe what the Lord has sent

me here to deliver to you today. (Audience "Amens") Amen.

(Audience "Amens") It's coming-- AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH:

--because that's the way the system is made. You can't change

it, and neither can the devil. Amen. (Audience "Amens") Now

then, let's say that the moment you say, "I believe," and it's

not a slang expression, "I believe," something happened in

here. Something happened. "I believe." Say it. AUDIENCE: I

believe. MALE: Glory to God. Amen. KENNETH: Amen. AUDIENCE:

Right. KENNETH: Now, those of you that have been here all

three nights, when you said that, it had some--it had some

snarl to it when you said it. I mean, your believer's got some

growl in it tonight. Hallelujah. But now, it's important that we

understand and have some concept of this because it takes the

mystery out of faith and receiving. In--oh, years ago,

Gloria and I--this was before we had learned anything about how

to use faith. This was before we went to--before I went to ORU

and before we ever heard Brother Hagin and so forth. And I had

the flu. Oh, I mean to tell you, I had--I was really hurting. I

just--and we had--I had driven Gloria to the cleaners, and I

was sitting out in front of the cleaners. And I was so sick. And

I thought, "Man, she's going to have to drive home. I just feel

so bad." And I had my Bible laying there in the seat. And I

had it open to I Peter 2:24, "That himself bore our sins in

his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should

live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed."

AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: If ye were, I was. If I was, I

am--(Audience "Amens")--which means that belongs to me.

(Audience Agrees) So I don't have to talk God out of

something I already have. (Audience Agrees) It's just that

simple. I don't have to talk Him into saving me. I'm already

saved. MALE: Amen. KENNETH: I've been saved for a long time. I've

already received it, you understand? Anyway, so--and I'm

sitting there and I'm--and I picked up my Bible, and I just

held it up. Now, notice how the Spirit of God was leading me. I

didn't know to do this. I put my finger on that verse and I read

it out loud, and I said, "Lord Jesus, I choose to believe this

right now." AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: "By your stripes, I was

healed, so I am right now." And I just sat there and praised Him

and thought about that. In a few minutes, she came out. By the

time she came out and got in the car, I thought, "Well, I--you

know, I believe I'm good enough to drive home." And by the time

we got to the house, I'm feeling pretty good. I thought, "Well,

you know, I feel like maybe I can go ahead and eat supper now.

I'm--" ha. And by the time we went to bed that night, I was

feeling really good. And I got up the next morning no symptoms

at all. (Applause) Now, that's the kind of flu shot you want.

(Laughter & Applause) Amen. Hallelujah. (Audience

"Hallelujahs") So it's important to understand that the

spirit--your spirit knows how to do this. Do you remember that

Jesus compared the human spirit to soil in the earth? Ha-ha-ha.

Yeah, talking about Saul, talking about the human heart

and the seed that you put in there. If you're hard-hearted,

then the seed won't grow. Well, the seed knew what to do. Your

spirit knows what to do. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH:

You go--if you've got good soil and you've got water and you've

got sunshine and you've got a good seed, it'll grow. (Audience

Agrees) The ground knows what to do, the seed knows what to do,

the water knows what to do, and the sunshine knows what to do.

AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: You don't have--you don't have

to take a botany class to find out about that. It'll work.

AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: In fact, the ground tries to

grow everything you put in it. You put a fence post in the

ground, it'll try to grow it. And in order to grow it, it has

to rot the cover of the seed and break it down, so it tries to

break down that fence post. That's the reason fence posts

rot. The ground's trying to grow it like it was a tree. (Laughs)

It's just the system working. AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: Amen.

AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: And everything you keep pumping in

here is going to grow. (Audience Agrees) Some of it, you better

pray for a crop failure. (Laughter) Hallelujah. Praise

God. So the system works. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH:

Amen. (Audience "Amens") Now then, keep--look at the 23rd

verse. "Keep your heart," your spirit, "with all diligence; for

out of it are the issues of life." That word "issue" is

"forces." Out of your spirit comes life forces. Amen. All of

the spiritual forces, faith, love--is God--wisdom,

righteousness, hallelujah, healing, amen, wisdom and

understanding, ho-ho-ho, that's all in here because He's in

here. (Audience Agrees) Jesus has made unto us wisdom. The

wisdom of the ages is on the inside of you right now. The

trick is getting it from here to here. AUDIENCE: Come on. Come

on. KENNETH: Another part of that tricky part is don't bury

it. Don't allow your spirit man to be buried and weighed down

under the weight of your carnal mind and your physical body.

There's a giant in there trying to rise up. So get in proper

order. I Thessalonians 5:23, you remember that? MALE: Yes, sir.

KENNETH: That you be made whole, spirit and soul and body. Your

soul and your spirit are not the same thing. It can't be because

the Word says that--the Bible says that the Word divides

asunder the spirit and the soul. MALE: That's right. KENNETH:

Spirit, soul, and body in that order. Spirit, that's you. Soul,

that's your intellectual being. Body, ha-ha, you know what that

is. (Laughter) It is not body, mind, and soul. Let's see, body,

mind, and soul. So actually, what you said was, "mind,"

twice. AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: So you're not even in that

equation. (Laughter) But see, that's how fouled up it can get

from all different kinds of sources and ideas. This is

heaven's operating handbook. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH:

You don't go get a book from Ford Motor Company and try to

figure out a Cadillac. If you're driving a Cadillac or a General

Motors product, you need to go get their book-- AUDIENCE:

That's right. KENNETH: Amen? Because you try to follow that

way, it won't work that way. Are you listening to me? (Audience

Agrees) Don't go get other people's books to try to find

out what your soul is. (Audience Agrees) Stay away from that

stuff. "Oh, well, the truth--the truth about the Noah's flood."

The truth about Noah and the flood is in here. (Agreement &

Applause) Don't be like that professor that said to this

young girl, "Well, you see, actually, that's--it actually

could not be possibly true about Jonah and the whale because, you

see, the throat of a whale is much too small to swallow a

human being." She said, "I don't care what you say. I believe the

Bible. I believe it happened just exactly like it said."

(Audience Agrees) "You can't possibly believe that." "Oh, but

I do. Yes. And when I get to heaven, I'm going to talk to him

about it." (Laughter) He said, "What if he's not in heaven?"

She said, "Well, then you can talk to him." (Laughter) It

happened just like the Book said it happened. It didn't happen

the way some--you know, well, you understand what--what I'm

talking about. Praise God. Protect this. Protect the

spirit. Protect your inner man. Look, hey, that's where you

live. That's where your life is. I'm telling you what, when this

inside part stops, all the rest of it stops. (Audience Agrees)

Amen. Are you listening to me? (Audience Agrees) To be absent

from the body is to be present with the Lord. Hallelujah.

AUDIENCE: Hallelujah! Glory! KENNETH: My spiritual father,

Oral Roberts, he called me on the phone one day. And I'm

telling you, he was--he was hollering in the telephone. I

said, "What is it, sir?" Well, he said, "You know, they put

this old stent in my arteries back there years ago." And he

said, "It only had a, you know, certain lifespan." But he said,

"They got a new one now that's for life." And he said, "They

want to go in there and take that one out and put this new

one in." And he said, "They've been telling me, 'Oral, that's

too big a risk. Now, just take your medicine and just be

quiet.'" "Risk?" He was hollering in the phone, "Risk?"

Telling Oral Roberts not to take a risk? They said, "Oral, you

might die." He said, "Well, so what? On the other side of that

is stunning!" (Cheers & Applause) Hey, we're looking for

stunning! We're looking for Jesus and He is stunning!

Somebody give Him a praise right now. Hallelujah. (Cheers &

Applause) But we need to realize that this inner man needs

attention. This inner man needs to be fed properly. This inner

man needs a constant, continual diet on the true Word of God,

the Word of faith. The reason why the apostle Paul called it

the Word of faith in the 10th chapter of the book of Romans is

because it is the source of the faith of God. Hallelujah.

(Audience "Amens") Amen. (Audience "Amens") Ooh, I'm

excited about this tonight, I'm telling you. Amen. The older I

get, the bigger it gets on the inside of me. Praise God.

AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Protect it. Keep it. "Put away from you

a disobedient mouth, and perverse lips put far from you.

Let your eyes look right on. Let your eyelids look straight

before you." Straight at what? The Word. (Audience Agrees)

Straight at the Word, keeping it on the Word all the time. Can

you say, "Amen"? (Audience "Amens") Hallelujah.

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.

For more infomation >> God's Prescription for Healing - Duration: 22:28.


Korean trying strange oreo flavors for the first time! - Duration: 14:34.

For more infomation >> Korean trying strange oreo flavors for the first time! - Duration: 14:34.


Why Has Zeljko Buvac Quit Liverpool ? Reason For Jurgen Klopp Pal's Exit Revealed ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:36.

LIVERPOOL will be without No.2 Zeljko Buvac for their Champions League showdown against

Roma this week and the rest of the season.

Buvac is one of Klopp's most trusted allies in the game.

The Bosnian-Serb has worked along with the Liverpool boss since his time in charge at

Mainz in the early 2000's.

Their relationship spans 17 years but it was claimed this morning it had come to an end

on the eve of the Reds' biggest match of the season.

Liverpool head to Italy this week for their Champions League semi-final second leg tie

with Roma.

The Premier Leauge giants are 5-2 up going into the tie but looked to have been rocked

by the apparent news of Buvac's exit.

The Daily Record reported Buvac had left the club after a bust-up with Klopp.

It was claimed the two had stopped talking to each other during games, with the Liverpool

manager also excluding his coach from pre-match tactical meetings.

The Record cited a source as saying: "Klopp and Buvac had a big falling out, and Buvac

has been left completely out of the loop of late.

"They stand apart in training, Buvac doesn't go to tactical meetings, and he is no longer

involved in picking the team.

"In the past, he was the only one who had Klopp's ear.

The relationship had broken down, and the players have been told Buvac is gone."

But Starsport have been told by Liverpool that Klopp's trusted right-hand man will

not be at the club for the rest of the season for personal reasons.

The Reds insist he remains an employee at the club.

Liverpool's players were informed of the change in the management team at training

on Sunday.

Most were shocked by the news which will not help preparations for the clash in the Italian


Buvac, often described as 'The Brain' for his tactical nous, has worked with Klopp

since he started his managerial career at Mainz in 2001.

The Bosnian and coach Peter Krawietz signed six-year contract extensions along with Klopp

in the summer

of 2016.

For more infomation >> Why Has Zeljko Buvac Quit Liverpool ? Reason For Jurgen Klopp Pal's Exit Revealed ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:36.


Abdul for Governor – The People's Summer - Duration: 0:31.

When I rebuilt Detroit's Health Deparment,

we stood up to some of the biggest corporate polluters in the state

and we made sure that our kids weren't exposed to lead in their schools.

I learned that politicians doors don't open for people like you and me

they only open for the corporate paychecks that they take in.

Who here believes that we need new blood in places like Lansing and DC?

That we can have the kind of Michigan that dignifies all of us.

Who here is committing today to join The People's Summer?

For more infomation >> Abdul for Governor – The People's Summer - Duration: 0:31.


Trump Clears The White House In Staggering Move To Make Way For Special Guests He Wants To Pray With - Duration: 3:54.

Trump Clears The White House In Staggering Move To Make Way For Special Guests He Wants

To Pray With Sutherland Springs, Texas is a community that

will forever be changed and the members of First Baptist Church while battered and bruised,

they are far from broken.

The White House has invited members of the Texas church where a two dozen people perished

last year to Washington for the National Day of Prayer.

The prayer service at the White House comes just two days before the six-month anniversary

of the church shooting that took the lives of 26 members of the First Baptist Church

of Sutherland Springs.

The surviving members of the heartbreaking incident were children with one just a few

short weeks from birth.

Another 20 members were injured.

Multiple members of the same family perished and are still very much healing and grieving.

The members who will be traveling to the nation's capital for the prayer service include Pastor

Frank Pomeroy and his wife, Sherri.

Pomeroy states both he and his wife will be speaking at the White House the day before

and then praying at Thursday's service.

Sherri describes the invitation as an honor.

The Pomeroys' own 14-year-old daughter Annabelle was among the 14-year-old victims on that

fateful November 5th day.

Pomeroy also spoke of the church's plans to hold a memorial on this coming Saturday

to honor victims and survivors.

A groundbreaking ceremony will immediately follow for the new Sutherland Springs church

building to be built next to the old church.

The old church will currently and forever sit as a memorial for those lost loved ones.

The church will be built of stone, symbolizing the strength and grit of a community that

has been forever changed.While it was hard to comprehend the incident, Pastor Pomeroy,

who lost his own daughter in the shooting, reminded his congregation to put their faith

in the Lord.

"You lean in to what you don't understand, you lean into the Lord," Frank Pomeroy told

reporters during a press conference.

"I don't understand but I know my God does."

Also speaking along with shooting survivor David Colbath, his son Morgan Colbath, and

Sherri Pomeroy's sister Sylvia Timmons will participate in a prayer service with the president

for the National Day of Prayer, the newspaper reports.According to the Dallas News –

"We did not expect a personal invitation to the White House from the President,"

Sherri Pomeroy told the Express-News via text message.

"When I received that email, I confirmed the legitimacy of the invitation and accepted,

of course!"

The five Sutherland Springs visitors will be attending the National Day of Prayer's

evening services at the Capitol's historic Statuary Hall.

The Pomeroys will be interviewed by Pastor Ronnie Floyd, president of the National Day

of Prayer Task Force, and Frank Pomeroy will lead a short prayer — all live-streamed

across the country.

They'll also attend a private banquet the night before hosted by the Task Force.

"We are very honored that we are invited to the White House and asked to pray for our

nation in this historic place," Sherri Pomeroy said.

"While this invitation is bittersweet because of the events that brought us to this place,

may we never turn down a forum to share the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever it takes us."

The National Day of Prayer will be held in Washington DC's historic Statuary Hall,

and is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths

to pray for the nation.

It was originally created in the year 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States


It was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman.

For more infomation >> Trump Clears The White House In Staggering Move To Make Way For Special Guests He Wants To Pray With - Duration: 3:54.


Beck Falls for Tori - Duration: 23:44.

For more infomation >> Beck Falls for Tori - Duration: 23:44.


Busy Night For Boston Sports Fans - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Busy Night For Boston Sports Fans - Duration: 1:26.


Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine - Movie - Duration: 1:37:52.

For more infomation >> Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine - Movie - Duration: 1:37:52.


President Trump Calls For Resignation of Crooked Dem Senator After Attack On Trump's Doctor - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> President Trump Calls For Resignation of Crooked Dem Senator After Attack On Trump's Doctor - Duration: 5:20.


How To Get Gaana Plus Free For Lifetime - Duration: 3:37.

hey what's up guys Hazet here back with another video so in this video I will be

showing you guys how to get the gana plus free for lifetime so if you don't

know what is the gana then let me tell you a little bit about it so Ghana is an

android application for streaming any songs for free they have a huge

collection of pretty much any language songs but with the free version you

can't download any songs so that's why in this video I will show you guys how

to get it ok so at the first all you gonna do just go to the Play Store and

download the gun app and now if you got that done make sure to sing in I am

already singing so now go back to the Play Store and now download another app

called parallel space link will be also in the description

okay after install the app open it up and make sure to make a clone for the

gun app

okay do after you've done that just exit it and now open any browser from your

phone and now search for temp mail on Google and open up the first link and

now copy the email and open the app parallel space and open up Ghana and now

all you gonna do just create a fake account using the email

okay now it has sent a OTP into the email all you have to do just go to the

mail and now copy the OTP and now open Ghana app and paste the OTP and submit

and continue then now your fake accounts will be ready so now click on this

option refer to win and scroll down and click on get referred and now exit this

app here and open your real gun app and also go to the refer to win option then

just copy your invite code and now go to the clone gun app and paste your refered

code and continue now exit the Ghana clone app and wait for an email on your

real account okay so as you guys can see I just get a mail so open it up and as

you guys can see Ghana had sent me coupon code for 30 days for joining a

friend with my invite code so now all I gonna do copy the code and now open your

real gun app go to coupons and now paste the coupon code and continue and as you

guys can't see my subscription has changed that's mean I get gone a premium

for 30 days now I can download any songs from here and also can streaming in the

best quality but forgetting it for lifetime you need to do this step one

time in every month and then you will be able to get the Ghana plus for lifetime

ok guys so thanks for watching this video if you like this video give this

video a big thumbs up share with your friends and please subscribe must

because that's what I need right now these guys

For more infomation >> How To Get Gaana Plus Free For Lifetime - Duration: 3:37.


Weather Forecast for April 30, 2018 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Weather Forecast for April 30, 2018 - Duration: 3:09.


Omaha City Council to hold public hearing on proposed ordinance for secondhand stores - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Omaha City Council to hold public hearing on proposed ordinance for secondhand stores - Duration: 1:27.


동맥을 깨끗하게 하는 5가지 허브 차 - Health For you 건강 - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> 동맥을 깨끗하게 하는 5가지 허브 차 - Health For you 건강 - Duration: 7:25.


Authorities suspend search for possible drowning victims at Lake Pueblo - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Authorities suspend search for possible drowning victims at Lake Pueblo - Duration: 2:58.


6 Steps for Looking Great in Summer Shorts | Fashion for Women Over 40 - Duration: 8:30.

So it's that time of year again. Time to break out the summer shorts and for some

of us that might bring on some anxiety. But we're here to help you feel

confident in your shorts. We've got six simple tips to get you ready to put on

those shorts that show off those limbs. So let's start with the basics.

Exfoliation really is key. In order for your shorts to look good, your skin has

to look good. And I've tried lots of different scrubs and have gone and done

spa treatments but the very best technique that I've found is using a

product called an Italy Towel. Now this is something that they use in Korea. They

exfoliate about once a week with this. And you can actually buy this online. And

I would say you would get, I got these eight towels for six dollars. So can't beat that.

Yeah yeah exactly, pretty cheap. And you throw them away honestly once the towels

start fraying at the end. So I'm going to show you a little tutorial on how to

use these things. So the first step is you want to soak your skin in the tub

for about 10 minutes. Then you want to use a soap similar to Ivory that's

really going to strip any sort of essential oils from your skin because

this will help with the exfoliation process. So in Korea exfoliating is a key

part of keeping the skin smooth and being able to remove

dead skin cells as well as product build-up. Next you'll take a small face

towel and roll it up and put it inside of the Italy towel. Just get the towel

wet and squeeze out any excess water. Now using a technique that's similar to

dusting off lint or dog hair on your clothing, you slowly start to remove the

dead skin and product build-up from your skin.

And that's the end of the first step for preparing your skin for summer shorts.

Now it's time to shave but forget the soap and the shaving cream.

We recommend using something like baby oil. And a great alternative is a body

oil mist, since it's really easy to spray on when you're inside of the shower.

Shaving with baby oil will help to keep a barrier on your skin and lock in the

moisture. And help to prevent razor burns. Step number three is when you know

you're going to be wearing shorts or a dress for a big event and you have an

extra day to prepare for it. So for those of us who are very pale skin you know

that self tanning is really helpful. And it's not so much about you know getting

a summer glow as much as it is really helping to hide any imperfections such

as spider veins, varicose veins, cellulite, age spots on the skin. This is really

going to help you camouflage any of that and really make your legs look their

best. So there are lots of different choices for a self-tanner.

There are mousse versions, lotions, sprays, drugstore and you know ones that you can

get at higher end stores like Sephora. They're all really good it's really just

personal preference but the most important part is this mitt. This mitt

really makes self-tanning so much easier. So any self tanning mitt that you use

you can spray the the lotion on or rub it onto your leg but if you use the mitt

it's really gonna help to avoid staining your hands and just making a mess of everything. So

self-tanner is really helpful if you have you know a little extra time and

you want to prepare your legs for wearing shorts. Another great option for

self-tanning is this Jergens Natural Glow Wet Skin

moisturizer. This one is great for those of you who are worried about

splotchiness or patchiness with the self-tanner. This is basically foolproof

self tanning for dummies. This is something that you can use right after

you get out of a bath or shower before you even dry yourself off. You smooth it

all over your wet skin and then pat yourself dry and it will give you a

gradual glow. And the great thing about this product is you can use it every

single day and when you get the desired of tan that you're looking for then you

just go and switch to every other day so you can really keep that nice glowy skin

all summer long. So now it's about time to start getting dressed.

So this trick is my favorite trick of all and what it is, is preparing your

skin with some moisturizer but not just any moisturizer. This little trick is

really going to help to camouflage any imperfections on your leg. What I like to

do is, I like to mix Jergens BB Body Perfecting Skin Cream or any skin cream

that basically has like a blurring agent or something that's going to help with

imperfections. This is almost like putting on a radiance primer or blurring

primer on your face. But this is for your skin. I like to mix about a dime sized

amount of this with a little bit of this body blur lotion or any bronzing lotion.

So a little bit of bronzing lotion, a little bit of radiance or blurring

lotion. Mix them together and use them to moisturize your legs. And what this is

going to do is, it's going to create not only a slimming effect because of the tan but

also a bit of a blurring effect on any spider veins or cellulite. And really

just make your legs look moisturize, shiny, glowy, and just more flattering to

wear with shorts. So this is a great trick that I really like to use. If you

have darker imperfections, darker spider veins, or varicose veins on your legs, you

may want to look for something that is a bit thicker. They do carry you know body

make up type of products that are similar to moisturizer but with a little

thicker consistency and that's really gonna help you if you're really

self-conscious with any veins on your legs. So that it is my favorite tip of

all. Ok so the prep work is done. Now it's time to pick our shorts. This really

makes all a difference. Forget the rules that they say women over a certain age

should wear long Bermuda shorts. The length of your shorts has more to do

with your body type than your age. So try on a pair of shorts and adjust the length to

assess what looks best on your leg. If you are more petite with thinner legs

then you'll probably look best with a little bit shorter length. Those who are

taller with longer legs may look better and a slightly longer length short. The

best way to tell what looks best is to experiment by trying on different lengths. And

don't be afraid to have short hemmed if you love the short but not the length. You

can do this yourself or take it to a local dry cleaners or seamstress to have

it done for around ten dollars. Well worth the investment if it's a pair of

shorts you feel confident in and will get lots of use out of. And the last tip,

find styles of shorts that fit slightly loose around the leg to slim the thigh.

Most of us are not looking to increase the width of our thighs but rather to

slim them. So if you want to create a slimmer thigh choose a short that has a

looser fit around the leg. A tight-fitting short will only squeeze

the thighs, creating dimples, and making the legs appear thicker. So we hope these

tips will help you to feel confident in your summer shorts. If you like this

video please give it a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel and don't

forget to leave us a comment down below. Not only does it help us to know what

kinds of views you'd like to see, it also helps the YouTube community know that

you want to see more fashion for women over 40. And if you're looking for some

summer outfit inspirations, check out our how to wear scarfs video

or how to wear outfits with flats video. And we'll see you guys next week. Bye!

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