Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily May 1 2018

How To Get Spotify Premium For Free Android 2018

Spotify Premium for completely free so let's get started this video right now

so the very first thing is that you want to go to my link in the description and

you know the website it will take you to the mega link which should be a pretty

much looking like this one alright or sometimes it might be

changing onto the GP or GP sheer comm or something other file manager because

this kind of you know the file it will be you know like it terminated or

suspended so right now it's on the meghan so if you guys are on the Meghan

you can just in a click and open in browser so if you guys are from the

future you might see something else file manager like a mediafire or GP share or

whatsoever or their file manager okay so this is not a secure because Spotify can

copyright claim to this thing so pretty much now you guys all need to do here is

tap onto the open in browser and once you have tap on that it should download

you so waited for until it's been down with it and this completely depend on to

your internet speed as well so wait for it and you guys can pretty much see that

it's completely downloaded right now and all the guys want to do is tap onto the

save file just like this and tap on the download so this should download and you

know and from a notification or from here you can just open it out so I'll

open this form to you notification and you can see pretty much that I have also

download this right now and I'm also using the VPN because I'm from the

controller circuit area so if you guys are from the Spotify controverted area

then I recommend you guys to use the VPN because you really need to use VPN for

logging in or if you gather from the USA or United Kingdom then you guys really

don't need to have the VPN running into your background so if

you guys are only from the controversy tech area then you really need to have

you know VPN install it onto your device so just enjoy and and open your Spotify

so now here the thing is that it should pop up for you I can security purpose

I'll just go to the settings and check on to the unknown sources this should

actually you're installing the third-party apk so just present ok and

there we go now you can install it and now you guys are installing the working

spotify premium mod so this is actually a free account ok this is not any kind

of a premium so we waiting for you to install it onto your device so as you

guys can see that this has been completely installed now now all you

guys need to do is click or tap onto the open now

unfortunately that my screen recorder is not going to capture this spotify login

screen because i don't know why you can see pretty much the notification bar is

coming up but you are not seeing this part if I log in I really don't know why

it's happening here and currently I'm using the do recorder so if you guys

want to try it out yourself you can also do that as well so you know here you

will get a sign up for free or continue with the Facebook so right now for many

of you that with a Facebook it might not be working for you so I recommend you

guys to just log in truly email but I also want you guys to be log into the

Facebook just try it out and let me know in a comment ok so just log in for the

email or Facebook so right now I'm going to use my email to log in so let me pick

my credential right now

so right now it's been logging for me and you can pretty much see that it's

just login to my Spotify account so this is how your Spotify account just to look

like so if you guys are from the controversial area now you are still

using the VPN now you can just turn it off okay just tap on the VPN and this

connect your VPN so I'm using the VPN because I am from the Contras to the

area and let me show you that this still work okay so if I try to open my voice

again making pretty much see it's still working without a VPN so this is how you

can you know get a Spotify Premium mod APK so with this apk you always also get

this advantage that you guys can't listen your music offline because this

is the moderate premium and all you guys have is you know the free account but

the premium features like some premium features like shrooming the music under

this extreme quality it should change the bitrate on to the 320 kbps but

unfortunately you guys can't download these songs so sorry for that

hopefully this feature will be added on to the future let me know on a comment

if you guys really want those features to be you know kept on to the premium

APK but let's hope okay let's hope it will come soon and the next feature is

that you have the unlimited scape like let's say that I want to skip this plug

lists like if you guys are using the you know like official Spotify then you

might have the ads pop up on to your you know whenever you are playing these

songs what with this apk you can pretty much see that all right you can pretty

much see this

we can skip almost okay almost this entire place you can pretty much see

like let's say that I want to play this one and also you can see pretty much

that I can also fast-forward or video next whatever you guys are not seeing

any kind of ads pop up onto the Spotify apk file so this is the advantage of

using this Spotify you know premium moderate apk so sorry guys so there is

no any monitor a PK that can download the offline song but if you guys want it

download this Spotify song I have this separate article or the video on my

description just go ahead and check it out but for that you guys also need to

have a dick teaser and the software should be downloaded so just go to my

description and check that video right now so hopefully this video did help you

out so if you guys think this video was really helpful let's help the crater and

also thank you for uploading the file thank you for the hacks oil started for

him so thank you for watching this video and if you guys really like this video

let let me know in comment as well and also be sure to share with your Spotify

lover friends right or who you see less in the music I mean you know what right

so thank you very very much for watching this video and I will see you guys in

next time

For more infomation >> How To Get Spotify Premium For Free Android 2018 *NEW* - Duration: 8:01.


PRT 2 How to choose the learners for your evidence based process - Duration: 1:49.

In this video we'll look at how to choose the learners for your evidence-based

process. We'll look at how to analyse them, they learning environment, what

you'll teach them and the evidence you collect. You don't necessarily need to

choose a full class. You could focus on a specific group. You might select a group

who present a challenge

or have the potential to improve. Next you need to analyse those learners. What things

do you need to look out for? Look at things that might impact their learning, for instance

linguistic, socioeconomic or religious characteristics. Cultural backgrounds.

Intellectual or physical disabilities. Learning levels or other things that

could impact their learning. All this information can be collected as evidence

for your recommendation panel. Now you have to consider the content of your

teaching. What does this mean? look at where your program fits in the water

program of learning. How does this tie in to what they've learnt up till now?

Work out what the learners will need to achieve. List any resources you need and

indicate how you'll develop their literacy or numeracy and how you might promote

understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories

cultures and languages. Remember, with every piece of evidence, show which APST

descriptor you're referencing. This is where a mentor or experienced colleague

can help. Engage in professional discussions with them and get them to

work with you when you teach.

For more infomation >> PRT 2 How to choose the learners for your evidence based process - Duration: 1:49.


Homeowner arrested for murder - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Homeowner arrested for murder - Duration: 2:42.


Physical and Chemical Changes: Chemistry for Kids - FreeSchool - Duration: 5:24.

You're watching FreeSchool!

No matter where you are, or what you are doing, things are changing all around you.

Whether it's plants growing or logs burning, or even if you're just eating food, the materials

around you are changing in size, shape, and structure; releasing or absorbing energy,

and creating new substances.

In chemistry, most changes are divided into two categories: physical changes, and chemical


A physical change is something that changes the physical properties of an object or substance

- like size, shape, or form.

Cutting a piece of cloth is an example of a physical change.

Even though the cloth changes shape and size when it is cut, it does not create a new substance.

It's still cloth!

Even if the pieces of cloth are sewn together and made into a shirt, only physical changes

have occurred.

The shirt is still made of the same substance as the original cloth, just in a new form.

Another type of physical change involves changing states of matter, and water is a great example

of this.

Ice melts and becomes water, and water evaporates to become steam, but no matter its form, the

water is still water.

One way we can tell this is a physical change is that the change can be undone.

Water vapor can condense back into liquid water, and liquid water can be frozen back

into ice without changing to a different substance.

In fact, many physical changes can be undone.

For example, we know that dissolving sugar into water is a physical change because even

though the sugar and the water are mixed together, they do not combine and create a new substance.

They are still just sugar and water, and they can be separated from each other.

Not all mixtures are as simple to separate as sugar and water.

When you mix butter, sugar, flour, and eggs, there is not a practical way to separate them

again, but it is still only a physical change.

The chemical change occurs when you put your mixture in the oven and add heat.

Baking has many of the indications of a chemical change.

The mixture in the oven absorbs heat.

It also changes color and produces an odor.

Gases are released, which is what helps the baked goods to rise.

Finally, this change cannot be undone - you can't unbake a cake.

Chemical changes occur when the particles of two or more substances are rearranged to

form a new substance.

For example, when you burn wood, the wood is transformed into a new substance - ash.

Just like in baking, this change cannot be undone.

Also like the cookies, the wood changes color, releases gases - smoke - and produces an odor.

Unlike in baking, this chemical change releases heat and gives off light.

Chemical changes take place all around us.

Metal rusting, fireworks exploding, fruit ripening, and digesting food are all examples

of chemical changes!

Here are some clues to look at if you're not sure whether something is a chemical or physical


Chemical changes always form a new substance.

They may absorb or release heat.

Sometimes a chemical change will cause a change in color, produce an odor, create a sound,

release gases, or produce light.

Chemical changes usually cannot be undone.

Physical changes do not form a new substance.

A physical change may change the shape or size of an object.

It may change the state of a substance's matter.

Many physical changes can be undone in some way.

In a physical change, you end up with the same substance you started with, even if it

looks different.

I hope you enjoyed learning about physical and chemical changes today.

Look around and see if you can identify the physical and chemical changes around you!

Goodbye till next time!

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