Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 30 2018

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Summer Skin Care Sheet Mask For Glowing & Fairer Skin || DIY Sheet Mask Lightening Tan & Remove Acne - Duration: 4:45.


Underrated Comics for Comic Book Champ 100 Sub Contest! - Duration: 2:32.

Hey gang!! Comic Book Champ has surpassed 100 subscribers and he`s having a contest.

He wants us to recommend a completed storyline. I will recommend The Ultimates, which isn`t

the most obscure story, but I do feel it`s kinda forgotten.

I googled a few top Marvel Comics stories lists, and it didn`t make any of them. Ultimate

Spider-man got on the Watch Mojo top 10 list, so you know someone there googled it and slapped

it on a clickbait list video. And I checked ebay, and the buy it now for a Near Mint copy

of issue one is five dollars, which means it`s not worth five dollars cuz no one`s bought

it. And it`s understandable why people don`t hold

it dear. The basic point of the book is that every character other than Captain America

is a douchebag. It`s hard to be emotionally invested in a book when all the characters

are superficial douches. But I think the story events are of such high quality, they transcend

that douchiness. A lot of the story events are actually in

the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but they`re de-douchified. Like, in The Incredible Hulk,

there`s a scene, it`s a beau geste, the ultimate sacrifice, Bruce Banner`s been cured of the

radiation that causes the Hulk transformation, but the city`s in danger, so he must jump

from a helicopter, leaving a weeping Liv Tyler, probably to die on impact, but maybe, just

maybe it will trigger his transformation into the Hulk, allowing him to save the city. In

the comic, Bruce Banners been cured, he`s on a Shield helicopter over the destruction,

and they just push him. It`s great. And basically, half of the Captain America

movie is just pointless filler waiting to get to the ending in Times Square that`s straight

out`ve this comic. The story events are so strong in this comic, they prop up some of

those phase one movies. Oddly enough, The Ultimates fulfills the promise

of Youngblood. The point of youngblood was supposed to be, what if Superheroes were part

of the current media culture. And of course, because it`s by Rob Liefeld, it was done in

only the most superficial and half-assed way. I think Badrock says something like, `Hey,

we`re on MTV.` or something. Something like that. The Ultimates doesn`t go super-deep

with it, but the media culture is an integral part of the story.

Ulitimates 1 is of course the best and worth reading right now, Ultimates 2 still has great

ideas and art but it`s weaker. Ulimates 3 doesn`t even have Brian Hitch for god`s sake,

and the less said about the follow-up stuff, the better. It stinks.

So thank you to Comic Book Champ, thank you for this contest. I`ll have your link in the

description and at the end of the video. And Hey! Who saw Avengers Infinity War. Did

you love it, or did you love it so much you`re turning your life over to Thanos and his nihilistic,

death-loving ways!  Comment down below! I`ll show Watch Mojo!!!

For more infomation >> Underrated Comics for Comic Book Champ 100 Sub Contest! - Duration: 2:32.


Animal Charity lowers fees in time for Adopt a Shelter Pet Day - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Animal Charity lowers fees in time for Adopt a Shelter Pet Day - Duration: 0:39.


Fencing for Your Garden - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Fencing for Your Garden - Duration: 5:45.


Mercury Spill Cleanup - Preparing for a Spill - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Mercury Spill Cleanup - Preparing for a Spill - Duration: 2:32.


Tax Talk for Canadians with Disabilities - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Tax Talk for Canadians with Disabilities - Duration: 3:53.



what's up guys another beautiful day here in California

just kidding it's Toronto I'm so happy hey good morning glug Bob's been up

early today he is smashing the orders did you see that baby it's Christmas

here he's getting good at happy a little bit of a slow start this morning we've

been spending a lot of time just trying to figure out what products we're going

to install taking a looki on Amazon it's important that when you're doing your

build you kind of have a good idea of timeline and what products you will need

for example we can't spray the van with insulation without getting the vents in

place you can't run the wires without well we can run the wires but you know

what I mean is like you want to make sure that you have everything here

you're not standing here twiddling your thumbs waiting for stuff to arrive you

just make it be said like a manual bouverie yeah it's the boomerang yeah

I'm gonna go do everything right now no Dex doing laundry beer

she loves laundry right babe you told me you loved at one time no guys she does

love it because she gets to watch your little soap operas no I'm not because I

have to do a blog post right now I'm not I have to work yes you're not doing so

purpose goodbye vlog I'll see you later yeah I miss me too much yeah

do you need anything else in that bag you look like such a director right now

at those headphones on just trying to test that those audio I feel like it

wasn't that good yesterday yesterday's vlog so I apologize that but I figured

out I watch the video on how the little microphone here works and I think it

sounds way better good for you let's make it very thank you enough horsing

around just work

ayman I think we'll buy it on like a spool I like whatever is cheaper

obviously all right ladies ended nice one what your funny guy did maybe maybe

we gotta teach you how to edit there you go

look at that don't break okay what are we doing at the depot thin paneling

wiring clip and a bungee cord and they were probably going to do some vlogging

all right bye babe hey peppers hey mrs. Lewis hello Juan

Carlo you guys gonna come to the depot Lucy do a trick you're on camera Luis do

a trick

good job you see good job hi buggers hey sunny day here in Canada get him loose

what do you gotta say men while we're back at the Home Depot this is a second

trip back to Home Depot for the second bill is that how you're gonna get their

attention so we need only 12-gauge do you have anything that comes the two

wires spun together black and red in in one sleeve they both have ground No did

you only just ignore the ground we're good so would this be cheaper than

running off the spools differences we don't need we need 151

feet choosing your wiring can be very difficult especially because there's so

many options that can be overwhelming so that's spool that she was originally

looking at you can get a single red wire for 99 cents a meter or you can buy it

on a pre spun spool down there now that has a ground a live and neutral so it

comes with three wires but it's only a dollar fifty to a meter but you get that

extra wire it's not gonna be red and black like you should do for DC it's

gonna be quite a bit cheaper so I think we're gonna go with that and George

knows this thing I would not bring you to the wrong product don't worry a

starter point the rest is butter the rest is nothing butter yeah you get it

on whatever waters butter but looking the rest is butter there's George said

soul brother hope wrong guys yesterday you saw Bob's beer all shot heading back

from Home Depot I think it needed a little bit of work let's check out mine

back at the office starving we're gonna make some lunch Becca made us and that

chickpea salad mix

whose focusing on the blog you know that you're gonna watch this be like oh my

god the camerawork is horrible here well let's take a vote

what do you think I might do a bad job

this is called the no scissor technique

no scissor no problem no problem you gotta wait for me to Bob okay all right

okay so these are the LED headlights or these are the LED ceiling lights we're

gonna put 12 in and then run the circuit these are called they're running in

series and the series starts here so we're going to the first one up here so

you basically just cut we're gonna cut them where the LED is and then we're

gonna hook onto a black wire and reconnect the circuit yeah and same with

the white yep and then you come over you do the exact same thing over here every

spot you want an LED you're just gonna cut and connect and I'll show you on the

day that we actually have better okay we're gonna do the fridge wiring super

super important before you get carried away with your electrical you start

getting organized so I'm just labeling them with a bit of masking tape this

one's called fridge this one's going to be called LED ceiling lights and then

it's gonna match up on the other side because once you get your insulation in

your walls the last thing you want to do is troubleshoot and figure out which

cables which

so we've left a little kink in every single spot where the LEDs are going so

we're gonna do two there two there and two at the front and this time we are

wearing an LED strip in the kitchen area off the DC power there we go it looks

pretty good with the yellow it looks all clean when I did my van it was not this

clean we kind of hacked it out with like we bought wire and then kept using

different colors and it was just it got load this organized so this is nice

because this cable comes with all 12 gauge comes with the white and the black

already in there double wall insulated so you don't really need to do much and

then you just you split that yellow and feed it on I'll show you guys that once

we actually get to that stuff yes I shouldn't leave these here all right I'm

going to the gym take care if you're long or even short time viewer of the

vlog you would know that we're absolutely obsessed with grow sausage we

send them an email every day to see if they'll sponsor us but we have a new

company in town boom hit him with the gusto you know I'm gonna tell you how it


I don't like the flavor not as good as peeled Rose definitely better than Yi's

if an Italian sausage was really isn't jiving with the Mexican flavors yeah I

could really wanted tacos that's what I gave her gonna help me set up the vlog

yes so we hope you guys enjoyed today's video

we got wiring done thing from the second builds are feeling a lot less stressful

this is from the word of the word this is from the mouth of Amon yeah hours ago

and yeah I'm getting really excited to see the van just start coming together

piece by piece and I hope you guys will stick it out watch with us um I think

that's it is that it buddy that's that dude alright make sure you like

subscribe to stay tuned the most important thing is that you guys are

hitting that bell otherwise you don't get the notifications every single day

all day vlogs coming your way peace guys

may there be peace in your hearts and peace in your minds namaste here's what

happened tomorrow is not ours without Ben tomorrow so I sent it here's what

happened here's what anyway that's what's happening tomorrow motors up the


For more infomation >> RUNNING ELECTRICAL WIRES FOR OFF-GRID CAMPER - Duration: 11:03.


Raise Motivation for Increased ROI: Applied Neuromarketing | CXL Institute Free Webinar - Duration: 1:43.

We analyzed A/B test results and we wanted to know what happens with average

uplifts when we see experiments that, where we worked on the templates and we

reduced barriers improved usability we had a certain uplift but when we worked

on the motivation of people when we wanted to raise their motivation we had

a 5 times higher uplift.

And why is it like that?

Of course, first of all because optimizers who work on the motivation actually

thought about the motivation of their users and I think this is much more

powerful than just looking at a template and second as you can see here this is

why this knob is turned on a lot. The potential is much higher and I have to

differentiate between the different levels where you can work on.

First question from a user's perspective is "am I able to buy something here?"

But more important, is the level of motivation.

Do I want to buy it here or not?

So, we work a lot with persuasion

and persuasive techniques to persuade people into buying.

So, this is also where motivation starts but the most powerful thing is if

if people have like, the force to know... no not "The Force."

They feel like the, yeah, they feel like the force

they have to buy something. So, neuromarketing has

a lot to do with customer experience and with ROI

with overall ROI of companies.

For more infomation >> Raise Motivation for Increased ROI: Applied Neuromarketing | CXL Institute Free Webinar - Duration: 1:43.


Former Bush Ethics Lawyer Running For Senate As Democrat - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Former Bush Ethics Lawyer Running For Senate As Democrat - Duration: 1:09.


Part 4 of 4: Terraform for Azure Container Service - Duration: 6:21.

Welcome to the last part of

this series where I walk through

different tools to deploy

Azure Container Service Clusters.

And in this part, I will show you Terraform.

In previous videos, I've covered Azure CLI,

Azure resource manager, together with Azure Key Vault.

So Terraform is a cloud vendor independent tool

to create Cloud resources,

and it also supports a variety

of cloud providers including Azure.

With Terraform, you get the benefit of

visualizing changes to your resources,

before you actually commit those changes.

In distinction to Azure Resource Manager,

Terraform needs to be installed locally.

And it is already pre-installed in Azure Cloud Shell.

So this approach comes with certain benefits.

For example, we can set parameters using

environment variables for

development and testing purposes.

Now, let's look at Terraform.

With Terraform example, I want to show

how to create an Azure Container Service Cluster,

and I diminished one.

So with Terraform, we have 3 files here,

file is

the main file with resource definitions.

Terraform resource definition files are

not based directly on JSON.

They are based on

HashiCorp configuration language which is based in JSON.

So an idea here is very similar

to what we're doing with Azure Resource Manager,

but it looks a little different.

So we're still filling out similar settings,

like a resource group,

and then Container service resource,

mastering Azure profiles, service principle and so on.

You can see that for some settings,

we use variables and also referencing

properties of the previously defined resources.

You can now see environment variables as I mentioned.

So, terraform.tfvars file,

actually sets values for

variables defined in file.

So here, sets your values,

and variables are defined in

this file which is called,

I'm keeping it really simple here but you can use

a HashiCorp Key Vault to

specify the secret value

for service principle if you'd like.

So now, let's see how it works for real.

We're creating a resource group,

for our Terraform cluster deployment.

Az group create, name in it,

KubeTerra and specifying the location

of eastus, and then,

we'll run a command that's called,

init, terraform in it,

to initialize the working directory

that contains Terraform configuration files,

and then we'll run Terraform Plan, and with plan,

we can actually plan and visualize

changes that are going to happen to our infrastructure,

and this command will not perform

those changes until we

actually run Terraform apply command.

So here, we will see that there is

two resources to add zero to change zero to destroy.

And apply command, terraform apply,

actually applies changes required to

reach the state of our configuration. So like this.

After the cluster and its resources are created,

we can actually connect to

it and start executing commands.

So we can go to the portal,

to our cluster resource and find

the master VM and get the endpoint address,

and SSH to the master.

So SSH, indicating they're fully qualified domain name,

and optionally also you can indicate your SSH key,

and entering my passphrase.

So, done, and now let's see what we have here.

We have a kube directory.

So, another way to connect to the cluster is to perform

some steps that usually happen behind the scenes when

we're run kubectl get credentials command.

So, all we need to do is to copy

kube config file from master VM to our local machine.

And we can use a CP command for that,

and this command prefers secure copy.

So kubeconfig file contains

information about the cluster,

such as cluster name, mastering point,

users of the cluster,

some certificate information, and so on.

And after this is done we can easily work with

our cluster using the kubectl command for instance.

And also in case of any questions or

curiosity or issues connecting to the cluster,

we can make sure that there are no errors in the logs.

If we SSH to the master and then check

the logs under the var/logs/azure/cluster-creation.json.

Great. In this series,

I showed you how to use Azure CLI,

if you want a quick and easy way to create

an Azure Container Service Cluster

or a managed Kubernetes Cluster.

I also showed you how to use

Azure Resource Manager to create

a managed Kubernetes cluster if you prefer

to have repeatable definitions of your resources.

And also looked up how to store

your secrets securely with Azure Key Vault.

And if you prefer a Cloud

vendor independent deployment mechanism,

then look at terraform and it's perfect.

So, I am Lenadroid and reach out to me on Twitter,

my direct messages are open

and visit for more info. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Part 4 of 4: Terraform for Azure Container Service - Duration: 6:21.


Long Hairstyles for Black Women (2018) - Duration: 10:01.

Beautiful long hair is a dream of every woman.

In chase for this dream we extend our hair, use sew-in-weaves, buy expensive vitamins

for hair growth and God knows what else are ready to do.

Most Afro-American women are naturally blessed with beautiful long hair.

If you are one of them, you should know how to present your treasure in the best light.

Probably you already know which hairstyles suit you the most.

But tendencies change, and it's important to keep up with them.

Here are The most stunning black women long hairstyles.

The following video are breathtaking and worth imitating.

You don't necessarily have to make an exact copy of them, while borrowing some nice ideas

would be inspiring for any woman.

Before We begin..

Don't forget to Subscribe and hit the Notification button.

So you won't miss the next great videos from us!

#1: Long Golden Brown Curls.

Wigs are the secret behind any woman who likes to change her hair as much as she changes

her outfit.

Surprisingly, they are also great as protective styles as well because you can dye and straighten

the hair without doing damage to your natural locks which are braided underneath.

#2: Two Pretty Ponies and Bangs.

"Pineappling" is a way to preserve curls at night so that they don't become flattened

while you sleep.

It also works in medium and long black hairstyles as an updo—just think of it as an incredibly

high ponytail or two.

#3: Long Blue Streaks.

Straight hair does not have to be boring or conservative.

Kick it up a notch with a fun pop of color.

If you can't use permanent dye due to work restrictions, try clip in pieces in a shade

you like.

#4: Bouncy Curls for Black Hair Long hair, whether natural or extensions,

needs to have shape to keep it from looking too heavy or lackluster.

The best way to achieve this is with bangs and layers.

Breathe life into your look and allow curls and other textured hairdos to look their best.

#5: Weave with Shoulder-Length Curls When some people think of weave hairstyles,

they envision incredibly long or outrageously colored hair.

But, your extensions can be as natural or as full as you want them to be.

It all depends on the length of the strands and how much you choose to install.

#6: Medium to Long Burgundy Weave A sewn in weave will grow out for about an

inch over the course of a month or so.

Because of this, if you have color in your style it is best to leave the roots dark to

better blend with your new growth.

Despite the maintenance, this look is a great option for African-American women who want

to experiment with new hairdos without the commitment.

#7: Choppy Lob for Black Hair This wavy long bob is perfect for ladies who

want to be on trend and low key.

Instead of sea salt spray, which works best on fine straight hair, this texture can be

achieved with a large barrel curling wand or by braiding hair and sleeping on it overnight.

#8: Long Box Braids One of the best known protective black hairstyles

for long hair is box braids.

The look requires no upkeep and lasts at least two months, plus it will always be on trend

no matter how old you are.

Because the individual braid is so heavy, this works for women with four inches of hair

or more.

#9: Long Marley Twists Similar to box braids, Marley twists are a

protective style that is ideal for low maintenance ladies.

The only difference—outside of the braiding pattern—is the type of hair used.

These twists tend to be lighter and pull less on your natural hair than the braids would.

#10: Chunky Cornrows for Long Hair Cornrows are nothing new in the black community.

The modern iteration of the flat braids is a chunky straight back style that stops in

the middle of the back for a cool look that serves major attitude.

#11: Big Beautiful Black Curls Long black hair is gorgeous, but it also can

be time consuming to manage if it is thick.

Overnight styles are your savior.

Set wet hair on one-inch flexi rods and head to bed.

The result is beautiful bouncy spirals in the morning.

#12: Long Faux Hawk Simply pinning your natural curls above the

temples offers a fabulous hairstyle that doesn't overwhelm the face and look super classy.

#13: Minnie Mouse Buns for Black Hair Looking for a cute and flirty style for the


Double buns are fun and take less than five minutes to create.

Baby hair is all the rage, so invest in a non-flaky edge control gel for the perimeter

of your style.

Finish with red lipstick and your look is complete.

#14: Simple and Stylish Updo for Long Hair Sometimes you just don't want your hair

down and into your face.

Luckily, there are plenty of long hairstyles for black women styled as updos that look

great and won't require a ton of effort.

Although it may look complicated, this hairdo is made up of a basic French braid and low

bun; perfect for work and play.

#15: Flower Child Weave If you want the versatility of wearing your

hair in a variety of ponytails, updos or buns as shown, the single "hive" sewn in weave

is not for you.

Because of the tracks and the way your hair is braided, the style is pretty much set for

at least a month.

Ask your stylist about a vixen sew-in or a full-lace wig instead.

#16: Rainbow Updo One of the best things about wearing weave

styles is that you can create virtually anything without too much effort or damage to your

own hair.

If you want a custom color job, your stylist can dye the bundles before your appointment.

This also cuts down on the time spent in the salon chair.

#17: Unicorn Dye for Long Hair The best part about weaves is that they come

in so many different textures to blend with all hair types.

Curly weave hairstyles are perfect for women with natural spirals who want extra length

or fullness.

Plus, they give you an excuse to experiment with fun colors that you can easily take out

when you grow tired of them.

#18: Messy Half-Updo A messy half updo is an easy and chic style

for relaxed hair or a sew-in.

The main problem with sew-ins is that you have to be mindful that your tracks—the

place where your weave is sewn to a braid—do not show.

This can make it difficult to wear high ponytails or buns.

Half-updos are perfect because they allow you to pull your hair back without showing

any braided sections around the perimeter.

#19: High Half-Ponytail Weave The key to successful long weave hairstyles

is blending.

If your natural hair does not blend with the extensions it will not look real.

Use gel or a flat iron to blend any edges or hair left out with the tracks added.

#20: Purple-Toned Long Weave Hairstyle Justine Skye has chosen a chic hairstyle and

an eye-catching hue for her fascinating weave.

Justine's locks have been centre-parted and styled into large loose curls.

The deliberate pomposity and inimitable luster are the main compounds of her ravishing look.

#21: Keke's Long Chaotic Waves Keke Palmer's radiant look tells us that

the girl has had a really good time somewhere by the sea, so fresh and rested she appears

and so lovely her beach waves are!

The chaotic waves of Keke's long weave add the actress's appearance a tint of giddiness

and coquetry . You won't need any special tools to achieve this stunning effect, ideal

for round face.

Just prepare a blow dryer with diffuser and mousse or foam.

#22: Real Stylish Tsunami from Solange Speaking of the most impressive long hairstyles

for black women, we can't pass by the name of magnificent Solange Knowles, who intentionally

supports the theme of big black natural hair, pleasing us with her style experiments.

This chic centre-parted natural downdo impresses with its volume, thickness and curl pattern.

#23: Side-Swept Cascades of Waves Bright and mind-blowing brunette Vivian Lamolli

is gorgeous in any look.

Here is the proof.

The celebrity has chosen something really impressive to step on the red carpet.

Vivian's weave is swept to one side to demonstrate the stunning cascades of smooth dark brown

waves, set off by the lovely red of her sexy slit maxi dress.

#24: Medium-To-Long Weave Hairstyle – Naughty Spirals

Tessa Thompson knows how to surprise us with her sexy weave hairstyles.

These thick spiral curls are sticking out naughtily to define the layers of Tessa's

fabulous weave.

The monochromatic dark chocolate hue flatters her beautiful light brown complexion, setting

it off harmoniously.

#25: Bright Grotesque of Caramel Curls Dasha Polanco's goal is, definitely, to

amaze us with her bright looks, which the actress prefers to change frequently.

Her long black hairstyle features a mix of dark brown and caramel curls.

These are quite large and pretentious.

Dasha's hairstyle is created according to the principle of grotesque, and we love the

exciting feel it gives!

For more infomation >> Long Hairstyles for Black Women (2018) - Duration: 10:01.


Trump Just Suggested the BEST Host for Next Year's WH Correspondents Dinner - Duration: 2:45.

Trump Just Suggested the BEST Host for Next Year's WH Correspondents Dinner.

Like the most of America, President Trump has had it with the vile liberal hate, and

how they turn every single event into a political soapbox to push their failed agenda.

And to make matters worse, liberals are so hateful, they can't "roast" their adversaries

in a "fun" way, as they have to turn everything into a vicious and vile attack.

Case in point was Saturday nights White House Correspondents Dinner, where comedian Michelle

Wolf attacked the President and Sarah Huckabee in a repugnant, disrespectful, and unfunny


President Trump has come up with a solution and just suggested a MUCH better host for

the next dinner.

From Daily Caller

President Donald Trump said in a Sunday morning tweet that the White House Correspondents'

Dinner was a "big, boring bust" and suggested that next year's host should be Greg Gutfeld.

While Washington, Michigan, was a big success, Washington, D.C., just didn't work.

Everyone is talking about the fact that the White House Correspondents Dinner was a very

big, boring bust…the so-called comedian really "bombed."

@greggutfeld should host next year!

@PeteHegseth Gutfeld, who cohosts "The Five" on Fox

News, was clearly unimpressed with the comedy stylings of event host Michelle Wolf.

However, he tweeted that the event did serve at least one purpose — to expose the press

for its own hypocrisy.

i wish they had a WHCD every week.

the damage these cranks do to themselves is profound, and they can't even see it.

— GregGutfeld

michelle wolf reminds us that denigrators of women, are often women who use politics

as an excuse for physical ridicule.

the media calls that a "roast." if it were a conservative doing so, it would be

called misogyny— GregGutfeld.

whatever wolf did to sanders, will be forgiven – the same way whatever joy reid did with

relish to Coulter, will be as well.

The delicious irony: if we were all true misogynists, we'd just become progressives— GregGutfeld.

Wolf was particularly brutal to White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, saying,

"what's 'Uncle Tom' but for women who disappoint other white women?"

We love this idea, Mr. President….But maybe an even better choice would be Jesse Watters!

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

USA facts today.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Suggested the BEST Host for Next Year's WH Correspondents Dinner - Duration: 2:45.


Philippines Releases Emergency Funds for Boracay Island Workers - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Philippines Releases Emergency Funds for Boracay Island Workers - Duration: 1:02.


US Supreme Court Rules Foreign Corporations Cannot Be Sued for Terror Attacks - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> US Supreme Court Rules Foreign Corporations Cannot Be Sued for Terror Attacks - Duration: 1:02.


Gillette Kids CAN for MN Twins Kids Day - Duration: 1:21.

In this building people witness moments of CAN.

At Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare—kids CAN get stronger.

They CAN walk taller.

The work inside Gillette helps kids experience bigger moments on the outside.

Kids CAN explore.

They CAN build friendships.

At Gillette—we tell kids they CAN ride far

and run fast.

So on those days when you feel like you CAN'T—

think of our kids, and know you CAN.

We're Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare—helping kids discover what they CAN achieve.

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