This is a cup of coffee.
It is 1 of the.
most popular beverages.
in the world.
because of its taste.
and ability to keep u awake.
But according to a judge.
in california.
coffee is probably cancerous.
but can coffee really cause cancer?
According to a judge.
in California.
the next time u buy your favourite.
cafe au lait.
and loooong black.
you will see a cancer warning.
much like how it is.
when u buy a pack of cigarette.
This is because coffee has.
a substance called
acrylamide is a probable carcinogen.
Carcinogen is a substance.
which could potentially cause
You can potentially find acrylamide.
in wastewater treatment.
ore processing.
and... food?
In 2002.
the Swedish National Food Administration first reported.
the presence of acrylamide in food.
So what kind of food has acrylamide?
Acrylamide is formed when.
food containing sugar and protein.
is heated and turn brown.
This is called the
For instance.
when you bake the bread.
fry the rice.
and roast the coffeebeans.
acrylamide is formed in the process.
is it justifiable to put a
CANCER warning
the next time you want to
buy a cup of coffee?
there are a few things
you have to understand
in some complex
but scientific
animal studies
the researchers used
the normal amount of acrylamide
we usually get from our food
in their experiment.
So how much acrylamide
is dangerous for human consumption?
to be honest
we're not exactly sure.
And even then,
the results in the animal studies
have been
some research suggest that humans
digest acrylamide differently
compared to animals.
there are no well-done human studies
that strongly suggest
that acrylamide could
actually cause cancer in humans
Should you stop drinking coffee?
The current evidence is ambiguous.
We cannot be 100% certain
that coffee is cancerous
But new research suggests
the take home message
is therefore
Did you know that
drinking too much water
could lead to water intoxication
which could also kill you?
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