>> David C. Pack: The devil has been a subject
of interest since Creation.
He's been pictured as a ghost, boogeyman, or as devilishly
handsome with red suit, horns, and pitchfork.
He's also been portrayed as the epitome of all evil,
or the cause of everything bad that people do.
Most know the expression, "The devil made me do it."
Some even think the beast of revelation is the devil,
even though the Bible states it is Satan who gives
the beast his power.
While popular, these ideas are all wrong.
They terribly misrepresent this powerful spirit.
Just who is the devil?
The Bible calls him, "The god of this world," but where did
this being come from.
How does he influence people?
Did God create him as he is?
What is his fate?
Here are the answers from God's Word.
>> male announcer: "The World to Come," the Restored
Church of God presents David C. Pack.
>> David C. Pack: One can scarcely turn around
without hearing or seeing references to the devil
or demons.
Think of how often the subject of these, angels,
of the spirit world is spoken or written about.
Entire television series now are dedicated to them, with
more appearing all the time.
Movies and books have focused on the devil for years, but now
they come more often and are more odd, bizarre, macabre,
and frightening than before.
Also, Satanism and witchcraft are now practiced
and enjoyed more openly.
Just think of the Harry Potter phenomenon.
Some authors write almost exclusively about the spirit
world, mixing false understanding of prophecy into
the plot line, and legions of fans purchase their every book.
Millions spend vast sums annually on psychic hotlines,
palm readers, astrologers, crystal ball gazers, witches,
wizards, channelers, and other mediums to learn their future.
The devil sells, and people are buying as never before, but few
understand who and what the devil really is.
This broadcast strips away the mystery, ignorance, myth,
misconceptions, superstition and confusion shrouding the truth
about his identity and origin.
Many professing ministers preach long, loud sermons about that
bad ol' devil.
Emotion-based groups conduct revivals, rallies, tent
meetings, campaigns, and crusades, where people are told,
"We're gonna lay that devil down tonight."
Most are convinced they did.
Tragically, the devil leaves these meetings more satisfied
knowing his role in what just happened.
The Apostle Paul wrote, "God is not the author of confusion,
but of peace."
Widespread confusion surrounds the devil,
but you need not be confused.
The Bible is the foundation of all knowledge.
You will often hear us say, "Blow the dust off your Bible.
Examine it carefully and see the real truth that has always been
on its pages.
Don't believe something just because we or I say it, but
rather only if you see Bible proof.
God's Word contains the answers to all of life's biggest
The plain truth of its instruction is not taught in
this world's churches.
From Sunday school on, millions are taught to believe what
everyone assumes the Bible says.
What it says about the devil's origin will surprise you, but
you must let God reveal him for what he is.
The Bible tells its readers, "Prove all things; hold fast
that which is good," or right, and, "Prove what is that good,
acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
We will examine the verses that explain Satan's origin and who
he is.
We must abandon men's ideas and only accept what can be proven.
The devil is alive and real.
The Bible calls him, "The god of this world," and states that "he
deceives the whole world."
This includes the truth about his identity, but has he always
been the devil?
Has he always been the evil, murderous, lying prince of
darkness, as the Bible calls him?
Was he created this way?
No, he was not.
But these questions require explanation.
Careful study brings the whole picture.
The Bible describes Satan in many Scriptures.
What about his origin?
God originally created three archangels: Michael, Gabriel,
and Lucifer, who became Satan.
Under them were hundreds of millions of angels, read
Revelation 5:11.
Lucifer ruled the pre-Adamic world.
He and a third of the angels rebelled against the government
of God, and today, he leads these now fallen angels called
The book of Job describes when God created the earth billions
of years ago.
God asked Job, "Where were you when I laid the foundations of
the earth?
Declare, if you have understanding.
Who has laid the measures thereof, if you know?
Or who has stretched the line upon it?
When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of
God shouted for joy?"
These stars were angels, read Revelation 12:4, also described
here as, "Sons of God."
Of course, literal stars do not sing.
Notice, all of them shouted and sang together.
This proves there were not yet demons at the time of Creation
in Genesis 1:1.
Job also shows the earth was created in a wonderful, a
beautiful condition.
There was great joy and singing.
Verse 2 in Genesis is mistranslated and does not
reflect the original Hebrew.
The King James Bible says: "The earth was without form, and
Three keys words are all mistranslated, thus obscuring
and actually hiding the true meaning.
The word "was" is "hayah."
It is correctly translated "became" in Genesis 2:7 and
"become" in 9:15.
The words for "without form, and void," are "tohu" and "bohu."
These actually mean "chaotic, in confusion, waste and empty."
So, a perfectly created earth, verse 1, became chaotic and
confused, verse 2.
Isaiah 34:11 translates "tohu" and "bohu" as "confusion, and
Isaiah also clarifies God's creation: "For thus says the
Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed
the earth and made it.
He has established it, he created it not in vain."
"Tohu," again, meaning "not chaotic or waste."
"He formed it to be inhabited."
It becomes clear the earth became chaotic after God created
it, between the events of Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
The latter describes earth's recreation 6,000 years ago.
Verse 1 describes the original creation of the entire universe
that, according to scientists, occurred billions of years ago.
The Psalms state that "God renews the face of the earth."
During the seven days of the Creation week, God, in effect,
repaired a terribly damaged earth, then completely covered
with water, Genesis 1:2.
We now know what happened, but how did it happen?
How did the earth go from beautiful and perfect at
creation to chaotic, confused, waste, and empty?
Since God is not the author of confusion, we know he did not
destroy earth, then who or what did?
The Bible usually reveals many important facts about a subject
if one reads all of the Scriptures that pertain to it.
Revelation 9:11 describes a king who leads a demonic army at the
time of Revelation.
He is called, "The angel of the bottomless pit."
Later you will see this association with the bottomless
pit makes clear the being described is the devil.
Continuing in verse 11: "His name in the Hebrew is Abaddon,"
meaning "a destroying angel," "but in the Greek [it is]
Apollyon," a destroyer, that is, Satan.
Satan and the great mass of angels he turned to his way are
the only candidates powerful enough to have brought
destruction on this scale.
Isaiah 14 tells a remarkable story.
Let's read it: "How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,
son of the morning!
How are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken
the nations!
For you have said in your heart, 'I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
in the sides of the north.
I will ascend about the heights of the clouds; I will be like
the Most High.'
Yet," God says, "you shall be brought down
to hell," meaning "the grave," see verses 9 and 11,
"to the sides of the pit."
The one called Lucifer could not possibly be a man,
as some assert.
Only the devil could weaken the nations and could have said he
would ascend into heaven or have fallen from heaven.
What man could be cut down to the ground in the way described
Finally, no man has a throne that could be put above the
stars of heaven.
God inhabits the north part of the heavens, or the sides of the
Job sheds light on Lucifer's attempt to overthrow God there.
"He [God] stretched out the north over the empty place, and
hangs the earth upon nothing."
The empty place in the north coincides with what astronomers
note is an area with a strange lack of stars.
No doubt, Satan attacked God in that direction when he sought to
ascend from his throne to take over God's throne between
Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
Just let the Bible reveal the story.
>> announcer: "The World to Come" program is presented
by The Restored Church of God, which is headquartered
in Wadsworth, Ohio, USA.
The church prints and distributes a library
of 80 books and booklets.
They are given away free of charge with free shipping.
This literature plainly answers the greatest questions on your
mind straight from God's Word.
Visit RCG.org to read or order these materials.
>> David C. Pack: Ezekiel 28 parallels
Isaiah 14, and is equally important for study.
It describes one who some scholars claim was a human,
king of Tyrus.
Careful reading shows this is ridiculous.
This verse speaks of one who, "Seals up the sum, full of
wisdom, perfect in beauty.
Who had also been Eden the garden of God."
No human has ever been perfect, and it was the devil, the
serpent, who beguiled Eve in the garden.
Verse 13 states: "You were created," and Satan is a created
Verse 14 calls him: "The cherub that covers."
Exodus 25:17 to 20 describes the remaining two faithful cherubs
that covered God's throne in the Old Testament tabernacle.
"Their wings cover the mercy seat," as it says.
What earthly king fits any of this description?
Ezekiel 28:14 says: "This king was in the mountain of God; and
walked in the midst of the stones of fire."
This is the area around God's throne.
Verses 15 and 16 declare: "Iniquity," or lawlessness, "was
found in you," and calls it, "Sin."
Verse 16 also describes this cherub has having been cast out
of heaven.
Verse 17 reveals that his heart was lifted up because of
his beauty, and that his wisdom was corrupted by reason
of his brightness.
The verse ends with God casting him down to the ground, where
the kings of the earth would behold him.
Lucifer was a brilliant being, an angel of light,
as are his ministers.
The name "Lucifer" means "light bringer."
This once perfect being originally brought brilliant
light to all who were around him, but he rebelled and sinned
and became the prince of darkness.
His revolt turned him into a twisted, perverted being.
While of great intelligence, he has literally become an insane
angel, no longer knowing right from wrong.
Additional understanding of certain vital prophecies is
necessary before continuing.
The Bible plainly teaches that an immensely powerful antichrist
will arise to actually rule the world for a brief period.
You must know what is coming.
Here is John's first and clearest reference to this man's
arrival in the last time.
"You have heard," he wrote, "that antichrist shall come,
even now are there many antichrists."
While John spoke of multiple antichrists during his time,
a single antichrist is the main focus.
What kinds of false miracles might this man do?
I've cast out many demons and know their power.
Here is a partial list of what demons can do: visions, voices,
foretelling events, possessing followers, calling down fire,
storms, false tongues, levitation, turning inanimate
objects into living creatures, similar to Egyptian magicians
copying Moses's staff becoming a snake, or turning water to
blood, afflicting God's servants like Job, destruction,
temptation, intimidating accusations, loud noises to
engender fear, lies and subtle deceptions of all kinds, plus
various tricks only the devil himself could think of.
Will you be deceived when these events soon come to pass?
Ephesians 2:2 references the devil's power and influence
upon the world.
Notice: "Wherein in time past you," the Ephesians, Paul
was writing, "walked according to the course of his world,
according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit
that now works in the children of disobedience."
Grasp this, Satan has a power to use the air to broadcast through
his spirit an attitude of disobedience.
His spirit sends moods, feelings, and attitudes of
hostility into people's minds.
These work to bring disobedience.
This air power gives Satan tremendous influence, allowing
him to send thoughts of deceit, anger, pride, hatred, vanity,
jealousy, lust, greed, envy, and confusion, directly into people.
His cunning has been so seductive that he's even been
able to convince most that he does not exist.
>> announcer: The Restored Church of God is headquartered
in Wadsworth, Ohio, USA.
It has two commissions: to preach the gospel of the coming
kingdom of God to all nations, and serve a growing membership
throughout a worldwide ministry.
Led by Pastor General David C. Pack
and supported by members and donors, the church prints
and distributes a vast free library of books, booklets,
and articles that provide plain answers
to life's greatest questions.
It also produces three magazines,
including "The Real Truth," a unique breaking-news
and analysis outlet.
The truth is also powerfully proclaimed through
"The World to Come," a video broadcast delivered
by Mr. Pack, airing on nationwide television,
as well as on YouTube.
All these materials are distributed free of charge
through rcg.org.
The operations of the church take place on a beautiful
state-of-the-art world headquarters campus, which
spans just under 100 acres.
Its three main buildings are located on the lower campus:
the Hall of Administration, which houses
administrative offices, the Mail Processing Center,
where printing and distribution of literature occurs,
and the Media Center, which houses studios
and editing facilities.
The ministry of Mr. Pack and the work of The Restored Church
of God is a continuation of the ministry
of Herbert W. Armstrong and the work accomplished
through the worldwide Church of God.
Mr. Armstrong led the WCG until his death in 1986.
He urged members not to believe him, but to believe their Bible.
Headquartered in Pasadena, California, the church
distributed tens of millions of Mr. Armstrong's books
and booklets.
Over 8 million subscribers received the monthly
"Plain Truth" magazine.
"The World Tomorrow" television program was seen and
heard in the homes of millions.
Following Mr. Armstrong's grand pattern, the work
of The Restored Church of God has reached around the globe
for almost 20 years.
Mr. Pack has written 80 books and booklets for those
who want to understand the basic truths of the Bible.
Also available are sermons, "The Pillar"
magazine for families, "Ambassador Youth" magazine
for young people, and hundreds of other articles and reports.
"The Real Truth" analyzes today's news
in light of Bible prophecy.
This breaking-news and analysis outlet transcends the politics
of the day, revealing what is behind the events
the media merely report.
Through "The World to Come," Mr. Pack explains the causes
behind mankind's conflicts, uncertainties, and fears,
his worst problems, and proclaims the only solution.
As The Restored Church of God's membership continues to grow,
an expanding ministry serves congregations in pastorates
around the world.
Weekly Sabbath sermons and Bible studies are recorded in video
and provided for members.
Ambassador Center, the educational arm
of the church, has been a key component
in training the ministry, as well as local pillars
and headquarters staff.
This specialized institution offers a diverse curriculum
that provides necessary skills and development for leaders.
Each fall, members gather for the Feast of Tabernacles
in beautiful locations around the world.
This festival pictures Jesus Christ's coming rule
over the earth.
It offers many opportunities for spiritual instruction,
fellowship, serving others, and living the abundant life.
Through the work of The Restored Church of God,
millions around the globe are hearing the good news
of the coming kingdom of God, finding answers to life's
greatest questions, and learning never-before-understood truths
that produce real lasting happiness.
To learn more or to find a local congregation, contact us.
>> David C. Pack: The devil is immensely
more powerful than most realize.
Look at what his position as the world's god permits him to do.
"The god of this world has blinded the minds of them which
believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ
should shine unto them."
Satan blinds and deceives on a staggering scale.
The result is a world filled with disobedience,
filled with lawlessness.
We can now better understand the children of disobedience.
Like Holy Spirit-led Christians, these people are also inspired
and guided by the spirit of this world's God.
Satan broadcasts a spirit of rebellion against and
disobedience to God's law.
A deceived world knows nothing of these things.
If you listen to the radio, you choose a station playing
what you want to hear.
People also search television stations and, of course,
the Internet today.
Eventually, something interests them and they stop
and listen by choice.
They have control over what they hear or watch.
It's not the same with Satan's station.
The world and you do not decide to tune in
to the devil's broadcast.
No one sets out to be deceived, but every person on earth is
automatically tuned to Satan's wavelength.
His hostility, evil, rebellion, deceit, and selfishness are
continually, we might say, on the air.
Therefore, it is really Satan's nature being labeled as "human
In fact, once it is injected into people, Satan's nature
becomes natural to them.
It becomes their nature, now human nature.
It is critical to see how this spirit works.
It is the single most important key to understanding how Satan
can deceive and manipulate over 7 billion people.
Of course, Satan injects his attitudes
into an unsuspecting mankind.
It has no idea what he's doing.
The devil does not announce his intentions audibly.
Just as God the Father has children, Satan is also a father
with his own children.
In one of the most profound verses in the entire Bible,
Jesus told his listeners, "You are of your father the devil,
and the lusts of your father you will do."
On one occasion, the Apostle Paul labeled a man, "You child
of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not
cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?"
This says children of the devil are enemies of righteousness and
right ways.
This is sobering, but is what being Satan's children means.
What is righteousness?
"All [God's] commandments," the Psalm says,
"are righteousness."
Satan's children hate and are enemies of God's laws,
his commandments.
Remember, they are children of disobedience.
The Christian resists Satan, who is active at every turn, but it
is not through human strength or effort that this can be done.
Notice, "Brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of
his might.
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers," get this,
"of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness,"
more accurately translated from the Greek, "[wicked spirits]
in high places."
Revelation describes Christ setting up His millennial rule
in the last chapter in Satan's story.
The chapter opens with, "A mighty angel binding him
a thousand years by casting him into the bottomless pit,
where he is shut up.
This angel then sets a seal upon him, that he should deceive the
nations no more till the thousand years should be
fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season."
But what of the devil's ultimate fate?
Does he live in misery for eternity, or does a merciful God
put this being to death, forever ending his ability to destroy
and corrupt?
Matthew 25:41 reveals there is coming an: "Everlasting fire,
prepared for the devil and his angels."
Now back to the King of Tyre in Ezekiel 28.
Remember, the profile of this king shows he cannot be a human.
This supernatural being who is present in the garden of Eden,
obviously Satan, will be executed.
Speaking of him, it says: "You have defiled your
sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities,
by the iniquity of your traffic, therefore will I,"
God is speaking, "bring forth a fire from the midst of you,
it shall devour you, and I will bring you to ashes
upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold you.
All that know you among the people shall be astonished at
you, and never shall you be any more."
Let's understand, the devil is thrown into a lake of fire,
and fire consumes him from the inside out,
coming from the midst of him.
He turns to ashes, no longer existing.
This is total destruction.
Hebrews 2:14 is just as plain.
It says: "God will destroy him that had the power of death,
that is, the devil."
This requires no interpretation.
But remember, fire is prepared for the devil and his angels,
No wonder Mark and Luke record demons asking Jesus,
"Are you come to destroy us?"
Satan, also called, "The tempter," offered Christ
rulership over all things if he would fall down and worship him.
Christians are promised rulership over the same
all things, but only if they worship the true God,
and in the manner he commands.
This includes knowing and practicing all of his laws
and truths.
It also includes understanding all the important aspects
of Satan's origin, history, and role, and his ultimate fate
within God's master purpose for mankind.
You now understand who is the devil, what is his origin,
the extent of his power and influence, the next great attack
he will mount on earth in our time, and his ultimate end.
To learn more, and about how God's people resist him,
you will want to read our truly eye-opening booklets,
"A World in Captivity," and "Who is the Devil?"
as well as our inspiring book, "The Awesome Potential of Man."
Some books change lives forever.
This one is like nothing you have ever read.
Do not underestimate this being of immense power.
Use the resources available from the Restored Church of God.
Understand what lies ahead, and escape the devil in your
personal life now and during the great trial about to strike
all nations with the rise of the satanic antichrist.
Until next time, this is David C. Pack,
saying, goodbye, friends.
>> announcer: This program was made available
by Restored Church of God members and donors
from around the globe.
Explore our vast library of literature and other
"World to Come" programs, which are all made available
free of charge.
To order literature featured in this program,
call toll free 1-855-828-4646.
That number again, 1-855-828-4646.
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