Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 31 2018

[fake crying]


Lassie would certainly free this suffering dog owner

from her little cubicle.

But what about Ralph, the pug?

He's one of 34 dogs that faced a similar test of empathy.


Kiki was another.

And there was KOOZA!


Each dog had to solve the same problem:

What to do about an owner apparently trapped

behind an easily opened door?

The dogs reacted in all sorts of ways.

Some became anxious and circled the room, repeatedly.

Others headed to a door at the back of the room

where the researchers were, perhaps

hoping for some human help.

Others just stared.

Some dog owners cried, indicating distress.


[fake crying]

While others hummed "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,"

and said "help" in a tone that carried no emotion.


Some of the dogs, like poor Kiki,

were so anxious that that may have even interfered

with their ability to act.

[dog crying]

She was one of the dogs that didn't complete the test,

as was the case with several others.

Overall, more than half the dogs opened the door.

Surprisingly, the dogs with crying owners

didn't do any better than the ones with calm owners.

But speed told a different story.

The dogs with crying owners opened the door

three times as fast.






"Hello, my KOOZA!


All right."

[fake crying]

But what happened to Ralph, the pug?

Was it all too much for him?



Of course not.

Never underestimate a pug.

For more infomation >> How Empathetic Is Your Dog? | ScienceTake - Duration: 2:12.


Nora Allen Is Reverse Flash REVEALED!? Nora Allen Born In 2024! Flash DEAD? - The Flash Season 5 - Duration: 7:11.

please sir hi we need to talk who are you I'm your

daughter Nora from the future anybody need a refill just me

people call me excess it's a nickname you gave me when I was a kid and kind of

stuck here now

so anybody know what to do this is so weird

god I love this place I can't believe that's our daughter up there no I

shouldn't be here she could marty mcfly herself out of existence she needs to be

with her parents 30 years from now not us no no I need to know my poker face is

that battle please why'd you keep this from us I think I

made a big big mistake I'm sorry go on kinda sad

stopping meal ah I forgot Barry Allen was above killing isn't that right

get out of here

I wonder what face I'll be wearing next time we meet can't wait

what's at warheads Washu here with a video on the flash season of five so

it's just over a week ago that we got the comic-con trailer for the flash

season 5 I believe it didn't really reveal that much to be honest but it did

reveal some nice information if you're watching properly so what is good

YouTube I'm Warstu here make sure to scroll to never miss any of the flash

videos this is the best channel on YouTube when it comes to real factual

information and decent theories that are actually original so it has come to my

attention after doing some research that Nora Allen it's actually 24 years old

which means she was born in the Year 2024 which is when Barry Allen

disappears well at least we are led to think he disappears if we go by the

newspaper article that keeps reappearing which is interesting this could explain

why Nora Allen but I don't actually think she's nor Allen was so excited to

see Barry in the trailer acting overexcited and getting really

kind of close with her father so obviously we know that there's supposed

to be some massive fight in the year 2024 if the flash ever makes it to

season 10 we might actually get to see it and this is where Barry Allen's not

gonna die he's gonna disappear maybe just like he does on crisis into crisis

on Infinite earth when he did with anti-monitor he just stopped and he

monitor and he disappeared and everyone thought he died and then obviously Wally

West was the flash for 20 years and then Barry turn you know is Shree comics like

most people on YouTube don't but if you read comics that's basically how it went

so what I'm gonna say is he's nor Allen really Nora Allen if you remember back

to the flash season 4 before it started I came up with theory saying it's not

Barry Allen coming up Speed Force it's actually reverse flash so we do know

that Nora Allen if that's her name will be from the future where there is pretty

cool technology obviously she gave Barry Allen the flash ring in the trailer so

she's obviously more advanced than he is so what happens if the mistake is

actually caused her to become the reverse flash no I don't mean she's have

a fash boy I mean is during the Christ not crisis

during the infinite earth you know just you know the really bad crossover from

last year with I I don't know when they tried to do infinity war but really work

you know CW really has an issue with these crossovers they never work but one

thing was good during the crossover was Harrison wells played by Tom Cavanaugh

said to Barry Allen obviously he'd been he thought for one I

wonder what face I'll be wearing next time you seen him Barry

because Barry doesn't kill so what happens if the real Nora Allen is kind

of somewhere else and at the version that's be tending to be his daughter is

actually II bar for and it would be very clever and it would be pretty cool

because they wouldn't actually have to make Harrison well to reverse-flash

until the big reveal so what I'm if the big reveal of her thing and everyone

saying she's gonna be dawn Allen which essentially she still could be dawn Alan

but they've changed name from Nora Allen so what happens if the reason she was

acting so different in sketchy all them different times she came along it's

because she's secretly the reverse-flash now although this video is very far

fetched like a lot of other videos on YouTube but I wouldn't put it past the

flash to do that because they actually omitted that their ratings their season

finale ratings their overall ratings of the whole season would down why would I

down because there wasn't a compelling storyline it had no backbone it was

centered around it was hunting around nothing it was centered around the kind

of not relevant characters it was centered around everyone is set for

Barry Allen so what happens if they make a speedster the villain but secretly

they introduce her daughter but secretly it's at the e bar thought I really think

if this comes true it would be pretty awesome and then what happens if we have

the twin but make the twin actually Nora Allen so obviously there's two of them

and they're like twin of females and everything gets oh it's two twin when

really it's the real Nora Allen coming into play and she's trying to warn him

no this is reverse flash it's not your daughter but obviously they're getting

fixated because in the trailer Barry's like she's not supposed to be here she's

supposed to be with her parents and her timeline so Barry no she's not supposed

to be there and she's like oh I guess my poker face wasn't that good because I

dropped the big mixtape when I say more big mistake finally explained and then

all of a sudden this kind of video spiraled out of control it and it got

quite a lot traction so what happens if the big mistake actually turn or a light

into being there ever flash I mean I think this is a pretty solid theory not

a lot of context like you know YouTube videos don't really need context

nowadays so guys let me know in the comment box down below do you think that

noir atom is actually the reverse-flash I think it pretty cool

it's like boys guys please like subscribe and comment help trying to

grow right down in complexion we are Wars to you it just helps me know that

you actually watched a video so anyway guys back with another flash video after

this at some point I'm not going to put that many flash videos out because I

feel like there's just literally analyzing everything and we don't do it

on the channel now now we are more widespread channel more about DC and

Marvel as a whole so anyway guys I'm war shoot you have been awesome and I will

catch you in another video very soon maybe even later on tonight after this

video is live and I will catch you in a video very soon guys to catch you later

For more infomation >> Nora Allen Is Reverse Flash REVEALED!? Nora Allen Born In 2024! Flash DEAD? - The Flash Season 5 - Duration: 7:11.


Lavrov Comments On What Is Happening In Armenia - Duration: 1:36.

How can you comment on what is happening in Armenia, including arrests?

I confess that we took the news related to the arrests from Yerevan with perplexity and concern.

Famous politicians are arrested.

When there was a political crisis in Armenia in May this year, we noted with great satisfaction that, as a result, the solution to this crisis was found on the basis of a compromise with the participation of all leading parties.

We hoped that, based on this result, all political forces, first of all, the new leadership of Armenia, the new authorities, will continue to promote unifying approaches, strengthen national consensus.

But the events of recent days clearly violate such a positive attitude, run counter to the recent statements by the new leadership of Armenia that it has no intentions to organize the persecution of its predecessors for political reasons.

Russia as an ally of Yerevan has always been interested in the stability of the Armenian state.

Therefore, we are worried about what is happening

including from the point of view of the tasks of the normal work of those organizations in the CIS area, in which Armenia participates.

Over the past few days, we have several times brought our concerns to the Armenian leadership.

We expect that the situation will nevertheless follow a constructive path.

For more infomation >> Lavrov Comments On What Is Happening In Armenia - Duration: 1:36.


Fouseytube ATTACKS!? (KSI IS DISGUSTING!) Cinnamon talks AWARENESS #RepReports - Duration: 15:03.

welcome back and in today's video fouseytubes gone crazy I'm way too

invested in the ksi vs logan paul fight cinnamon is I'm gonna call her and

we're gonna listen to her her reactions right there in the moment about some of

those great things that you've said about her and is she gonna start making

content today as the rep reports my own friend twisted a narrative against me to

manipulate to get more views so bougie-ass article comes out Drake's

team confirms yada yada first of all I don't give a shit cuz I'm talking to

Drake's to you Oh Bo Johnny tell his day's text to me I love you okay one of

the biggest problems I have with fouseytube in his message I know

everyone has pretty much already decided I mean I've heard people in the streets

he's lost his frickin mind but the number one thing is is I want to get

this clear I don't think that his message is completely wrong I do believe

in like universal intelligence and you in the law of attraction you do attract

what you are the problem with it is by the words that he says it just cannot be

so some of my favorite authors like Bill Carnegie anything in Robbins Napoleon

Hills book law of success everyone speaks about the words that you say like

even his the one show he did what was a hate dies lover is that what it is

having the words hate and dies those are negative of affirmation --all words kids

can I say that negative Nate Nick will just say negative affirmations and if

you see in the video where he just completely loses his cool toward Sam

pepper in Adam no jumper this podcast you can see the conflict within I feel

like a Jedi talking about this but sense a disturbance in the force phousi

higher and I can't wait for you and that's I told you what I felt about you

don't love you and I can stare at you lying saying I love you and the reason

I'm doing this because I want you to change right I stopped being a walking

Lu stop being a meme start doing shit for your lying about hey I'm trying to

tell you you're living just like when Han you're living your life through a

listen you may were tracked Hey you came here to call me Wally

he was extremely aggressive I want to point out ass beside me is just like

what's going on this guy right here is just like please don't touch me

but you know sandpaper 'he's got some controversy behind him but the point is

is the law of attraction doesn't work that way phousi you have to watch the

words that you say and you have to be a little bit more centered i stand firm in

my crown and I never hesitate I never changed my story the break was coming

that day yeah it's now let everyone speculate everyone hate let everyone do

thing but if you want to say Oh Drake's team said they want no involvement Greek

theater a youtuber that the world's calling crazy and a bomb that does great

one of the highest-paid artists in the world and brands in the world want to

associate himself with that I think that's a good question to ask I'm not

gonna get into this in the rep reports but tomorrow I plan on doing like a big

a bigger video about the fuzzy stuff maybe I will if this video gets 300

likes so slap a like on it we might do that first it was Logan Paul in a video

pretty much trashing ksi followed by ksi with a video pretty much thrashing

thrashing Logan Paul problems with these videos Logan Paul was bringing up things

from chaos eyes past very bad things sexual harassment let's take a look at

that with massive tits where have your tits

gone where'd the God because I can't see them

not big enough

my problem with KS is exposing video was the fact that there really wasn't any

exposing in there and all his points were pretty groundless I am NOT biased

like I said I'm neutral in the situation but every point that ksi brought up is

it a se que si que si brought up it wasn't a good one let's let's go ahead

and for the risk of this being completely demonetised let's check this

out recognize this type of behavior before a JJ you are me moments before I

flew to Japan oh my god Logan you're so right making a comment about your

testicles and what you did in January or exactly the same thing by the way that

was sarcasm

so pretty much ksi pointed out the fact that most of the stuff he says is

sarcasm but if you have to point out that the most list of you say is sarcasm

it is it in fact actually sarcasm or are you just really bad at sarcasm because I

feel like when I do my sarcasm it's just a little bit more obvious but yeah they

just go back and forth to each other it's a little bit but I gotta say that I

am actually really looking forward to watching this fight it's interesting to

me that this fight is gonna bring crowds of up to 100 million which is about the

same amount of people that watch a professional fight between Mayweather

and Conor McGregor real athletes these guys aren't athletes but still that just

goes to show you that people really don't give a crap how popular somebody

is or how good they are they just really like watching people fight brings me

back to the Roman days when they used to have the Colosseum it I think it's

pretty much similar because I'm just pretty just as amped up about this as I

was the Conor McGregor fight and I'm actually looking forward to khabib

fighting Conor McGregor will Conor McGregor actually be any good as he

comes back also in the news okay this is a piece from a live stream that we did

where cinnamon joined me you guys met cinnamon for the first time and she was

very awesome and she did a very good job a lot better than a lot of people I've

had on the show you guys really locked her and you had a lot to say and she was

very I guess woke to the fact that she will I think she was really interested

in making content and I wanted to make a video and show her the support that she

had so let's call her up and we're gonna read a few of the comments from you guys

and listen to her reactions cuz that's fun

hello hey what he doing I'll do a little bit of context here I

made a video where I talked about how you were how you were kind of like

talking about after we did the livestream together you were talking

about how you liked singing and you was you even kind of referenced you knew

some ghost stories and you kind of it just kind of seemed to me like you were

like really interested in doing something creative like that

so I did make a video where I wanted them to show support towards that and

what I want to do is I just want to read you some comments and I want you to

reply to those comments right now this sounds cool this is from

Denis Denis or zoko it says okay first of all you and cinnamon should do music

together like how awesome that she also wants to get into singing and you

compose I think it would be easy for cinnamon to manage a horror story ghost

story channel she can do multiple stories in a long compilation video and

upload once a week it may not be mini uploads but it can definitely hold a lot

of content per upload that makes it worth it yeah I recently found out there

for mountain holds mini ghost stories and mini supernatural like and just

crazy things like aliens and stuff like that

so let's get another one here we'll do one more suggestion for her making her

own channel with her being that busy she could get a mount or mounts for her

phone or cameras and set them up in her car so she can record herself talking to

and from work and do vlogs that way that is safe as long as it isn't

live-streaming and that would be a driving distraction so that wouldn't be

a dropping distraction so basically setting up a camera in the car and just

talking back and forth during your commutes it is a really good idea you

should when you get a chance you need to like read through these comments because

it's like mostly just stuff to you and like a lot of different ideas I wanted

them to put out ideas to where since you have a busy schedule that you could get

around it another thing is is that you are doing a what is it you're raising

money for suicide awareness tell us about that I know why you're doing it

they don't know why you're doing it

I want to make that impression on people who are going to the same thing so just

help people and we're currently yeah what do we as I shared it on Twitter and

I shared it on Facebook so we're a 150 to 300 so we're like halfway to it and

there's like 30 days left so what I'll do is I'll put the link in the

description for anybody that wants to donate even a dollar helps and that's it

you got anything else you want to say

alright that's good I'll call you after this video all right bye

she seemed very nervous didn't she I think that I just randomly call people

up I'm like hey you're on video yes that would be freaky also in the news so it

looks like we're about halfway to 26,000 subscribers that's really cool I did the

IRL stream the other day where we went to Walmart we've got groceries groceries

we made spaghetti I'm still eating the spaghetti it's grape you guys want to

watch that it's here on the YouTube channel another thing is I did make a

video on image Chamberlin the bully it's doing really good at three point one

thousand views now does need some more eyes on it no that helps because we did

last strip reports I said we need more eyes on the yandere day of exposing

video and at the time it had about three thousand views and now I think it's on

the upwards of 20,000 views and going pretty hardcore so that's really cool

and these kinds of topics do need awareness to them also the Domesday

videos they were pretty crazy we did the one talking about how momo inspired from

the creepypasta that actually was inspired from an urban legend of the the

Serie I'll put that video in the above me but we had that real weirdly

associated with the doomsday prophecy and then I did the Mars in opposition

Blood Moon brings a doomsday prophecy weathers

possibly an apocalyptic event right now bringing the doomsday spoiler alert

we're all still alive and you still have to go to work but as interesting as this

is there's always something that's more interesting to meet that straight you

guess the hour and shoot I switch going leave your creative into attrition

responses in the comment box be Lou there's always brothers and sisters I

will see you in the next video another fun episode of the RIP reports

where we talk about the things that matter to us in us alone because that's

the way you do it because oh yeah I almost forgot

are you the black sheep with your family I know I am now we have released a new

merch line I'll put the link in the description it's called I am the black

sheep that's right you can get a hoodie tank tops stickers I have the sweater on

the way which I will wear in videos really cool I am the black sheep of my

family I cannot wait to wear this shirt I'm gonna wear it during Christmas I'm

gonna wear it during Thanksgiving and that's just that's what we do but

because I know that you rep really regular how do you become a member the

rest code I go do a subscriber notification turned off be in the

comment section to every single video cuz I'm gonna be there Greg the cat's

gonna be there and the rest of the rip squad is going to be there let's just

that whoops oops-a-daisy I poked my crystal that's

just another reason why this channel loves you

For more infomation >> Fouseytube ATTACKS!? (KSI IS DISGUSTING!) Cinnamon talks AWARENESS #RepReports - Duration: 15:03.


Highly Intelligent People Are More Easily Distracted at Work-Here is Why - Duration: 2:41.

Highly Intelligent People Are More Easily Distracted at Work - Here is Why

Being highly intelligent doesn't mean everything is easy for your work.

As much as any other people feel, intelligent people also feel a lot of pressure and distraction,

even worse.

So, do you have trouble concentrating at work?

It's probably because of all those amazing ideas you have running through your head and

you can't get it off.

Finding yourself easily distracted at work may sound like a bad thing but there could

be a silver lining to your daily office woes.

Workers who have trouble concentrating on a daily basis may be intellectually superior

to their colleagues, according to a new study.

The Research Suggests Intelligent people may find it difficult to focus the mind because

of all the amazing ideas constantly running through their genius brains.

According to psychiatrist Dr Ned Hallowell, the cleverest among us find it difficult to

prioritise which idea to focus on first, with the distractions potentially leading to "a

feeling of inadequacy and inability to deal with the workload as a whole".

He added that the brightest brains can end up falling short of their own expectations

and also of what their boss expects.

"Employers are always on the lookout for the brightest people available, however the

difficulty to withstand multiple tasks and distractions in the office affects smart people

in the same way as everyone else, if not more," explained Bostjan Ljubic, vice president of

Steelcase, who published the research.

"The ways in which we work are changing more rapidly than ever before and the brain

is being subjected to stresses and distractions which can lead to overload and statistics

show that distractions in the workplace are on the rise."

The study of 10,000 workers from 17 different countries also found that the increased use

of technology in the workplace has made it more difficult for staff to stay focused,

with the average office worker distracted once every three minutes.

Well, that's the reason why highly intelligent people are more easily distracted at work.

Really cool information isn't it?

Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might

be useful for you.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Highly Intelligent People Are More Easily Distracted at Work-Here is Why - Duration: 2:41.


What evidence is there for Jesus outside the Bible? - Duration: 7:45.

Hello and welcome to the Thinking Believer!

We're gonna talk today about evidence for Jesus outside the Bible.

In fact, we're gonna talk about written evidence for Jesus that is not just outside the Bible,

but also wasn't written by Christian authors. We're gonna blaze through the nine non-Christian

authors who wrote about Jesus in the first one hundred fifty years after his death whose works still survive

In the interest of giving a good overview today, we're not gonna go into much detail on these,

but I'll include a few tidbits.

There's a lot more that could be said about each of them. And for at least some

of them we'll probably circle back to talk in more detail in the future.

So feel free to subscribe or let me know in the comments if you're interested in that specifically.

We're gonna go through roughly from least important to most important.

Down here at number nine we have Thallus who is probably the earliest of

the surviving non-christian sources to mention Jesus.

Sextus Julius Africanus, who has an awesome name, quotes him and says Thallus

argued that the darkness that came over the world when Jesus was crucified was due to an eclipse.

Coming in at number eight is Phlegon who sounds like he belongs in

the pharmacy next to Mucinex. Phlegon is also quoted by Africanus with regard to

an eclipse during the reign of Tiberius. He's also quoted by a church father

named Origen in the second half of the second century saying Phlegon ascribed

to Jesus and knowledge of future events but also testified that the result

corresponded to his predictions. In another place Origen quotes Phlegon

saying Jesus while alive was of no assistance to himself

but that he arose after death and exhibited the marks of his punishment

and showed how his hands had been pierced by nails.

At number seven we have Suetonius who was a well-respected Roman and historian who says

"because the Jews at Rome caused constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus,

Claudius expelled them from Rome". There's debate over whether Chrestus refers to Jesus

because he refers to him as Chrestus but this wouldn't be the only example of

a Roman historian thinking that Christ was a name, Chrestus, and not a title, Christ.

We do know from Acts 18 the Jews were kicked out of Rome by Claudius as Suetonius mentions here

At number six we have Mara Bar Serapion

who doesn't refer to Jesus by name but who talks about how the Jews killed their

"wise king". And it's obvious from the context that he's talking about a first-century figure.

He also says the wise king lived on and the teachings he enacted.

At five and four we have two satirists with a low opinion

of Christians. Though to be honest almost all of these authors had a low opinion

of Christians who they regarded as foolish, because they believed in the

resurrection, or dangerous and obscene, because they wouldn't worship roman gods.

The fact that these were hostile sources goes a long way to confirm their authenticity actually.

Lucian of Samosata is the first of these two and says

that the Christians worshipped a man who they viewed as a lawgiver and who was a

crucified sage. He also says that Christians didn't care about death

because of their belief in life after death and that they despised worldly goods.

I mean they didn't care about worldly goods is basically what he means,

in fancy talk.

Celsus says Jesus came from a village in Judea and was the son

of a poor Jewess. He possessed powers which Celsus says he got while in Egypt.

And with these powers he basically pretended to be God. He gave himself out to be God

In the third spot we have Pliny of the Younger who is a Roman

senator and a friend of the Emperor and is coincidentally also our best source

on the eruption of Vesuvius , if you watched the video from last week.

[shamless plug]

He writes to the Emperor asking what to do with all the Christians who sing hymns

as Christ as to God, as to a god, and who refused to worship the Roman gods.

He thinks he should probably kill them but he's not sure. He also talks about the

high moral code of the Christians and that they met regularly for worship.

Josephus, our number two, was born in Jerusalem just a few years after the crucifixion.

Which puts him in close proximity to a lot of eyewitnesses.

He mentions Jesus in two different places but unfortunately one of the two

passages referring to Jesus was corrupted by a Christian scribe, a couple centuries later,

who embellished what Josephus had said about Jesus.

So it's hard to know what was original to Josephus. We'll probably do a video in

more detail on the first reference to Jesus and what, if anything, we can learn

from it sometime in the future. Josephus also just had a fascinating

life and so he might dive into that too. But for now we'll just focus on the

second mention which fortunately is considered by most scholars to be uncorrupted.

It talks about the death of James the Just, who is described as the

brother of Jesus who was called the Christ.

And in the number one slot we have Tacitus. One of the best respected Roman

historians and a source for a lot of what we know about ancient Rome.

He writes that the Emperor Nero tortured Christians, a group named after their

leader Christus, which is another example of Roman historian mistaking the

title, Christ, for a name Christus, and that this leader of the Christians,

Christ, was put to death by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate.

So altogether there are nine non-Christian authors who wrote about Jesus in the first 150 years after his death

To the modern mind that might not seem like very much by

contemporary standards, but for a point of reference let's look at Tiberius Caesar,

who was Emperor when Jesus lived. He was probably most famous man in the

world alive at the time and within the first 150 years after his death there

were nine non-Christian authors who wrote about him. So excluding Christian

authors there are nine sources for Jesus and nine for Tiberius. Now the non-Christian

sources for Tiberius are admittedly better than the non-Christian sources for Jesus.

But let's look at it this way, if you include Christian sources, that

gives Tiberius one more mention in the first 150 years, a mention in Luke,

bringing his total number of authors to ten. If you include Christian sources for

Jesus there are 42 references to him in the first 150 years. That includes the

nine secular authors that we talked about a minute ago, nine writers in the

New Testament, 20 Christians who didn't write any of the books of the Bible but

wrote in the first 150 years, and four heretical authors who didn't hold

Orthodox Christian beliefs. That gives Jesus four times as much documentary

evidence as Tiberius and some sources of incredibly high quality.

So Jesus has a huge amount of documentary evidence.

So a couple disclaimers:

I am NOT saying that there's more evidence for Jesus than there is for Tiberius.

There are other kinds of evidence for Tiberius that we don't have

for Jesus because of Tiberius' position. For example we have coins

minted with Tiberius' picture on them, there are statues of Tiberius,

there's some inscriptions. Which is what you'd expect

from the emperor of the largest empire on earth. Jesus, the rabbi from Judea,

wasn't minting a lot of coins. The second disclaimer is that this does not prove

that Jesus was the son of God or that he rose from the dead or performed miracles.

What this does it does illustrate is just how much written evidence we

actually have for Jesus by ancient standards. If Tiberius really existed,

which he did, and was one of the best known people in the world, which he was,

and he only has ten authors who mentioned him in the first 150 years

after his death then we should have no problem believing that Jesus, who was

mentioned by just as many secular sources and four times as many sources,

including Christians, is also a historical figure. Among tenured

historians, Jesus is pretty much universally considered to be a

historical figure and I only say pretty much because I don't want someone to

pull out the singular example to the contrary. I really am almost certain that

it's unanimously believed, among tenured historians. Now just because all the

experts on a subject are in agreement doesn't necessarily make them right, but

if someone wants to argue that Jesus never existed they have got, frankly, a big hill to climb.

If you enjoy learning about this stuff as much as I do please

stick around. I'm trying to get new videos out weekly but if it's too hard

to remember to check back in, you can subscribe or set up notifications for

when I release new content. And, of course, you can tell me all the ways I'm wrong

in the comments section below, or if you've got something friendly to say I'm

told that's allowed there too. Have a great day and I will see you next week.

For more infomation >> What evidence is there for Jesus outside the Bible? - Duration: 7:45.


What is Heard? - Duration: 3:24.


If you have an idea on how to improve society,

it is much easier to get that idea implemented if you work for the government.

In the United States, 6.8% of people work for the government.

So we wanted to find out, what happens when one of those 93% of people has an idea?

What we found is that unless they have a large amount of social influence, they may discuss

the idea with friends and share it. They may even post about it on social media.

But, ultimately the idea gets forgotten. It never comes to fruition.

This is one of the biggest wastes we see in our society today.

We have so many brilliant and talented citizens.

Why waste their ideas just based on their job position?


Heard is a technology company that captures the billions of ideas of our citizens

via a crowdsourcing methodology.

Heard has multiple steps.

First, citizens can learn about problems that our country is facing.

Next, citizens can come together in groups to solve problems they are knowledgeable about to create solutions.

These solutions are turned into proposals and are voted on by citizens.

This allows the app to self-regulate and bring all of the best ideas to the top.

The government can also issue challenges to increase engagement

and to get citizens talking about our biggest issues.

Not everything is the government's job though. If an idea passes through the system,

citizens can create action plans to bring that idea to a reality.


As a member of the government there are so many issues to tackle.

We are at a unique time where technology is ready to organize

and allow you to use the minds of all of our citizens.

Why try and solve problems with a small percentage of the population,

when you can 100% of the population contributing?

For more infomation >> What is Heard? - Duration: 3:24.


Who Is My Phoenix Real Estate? - Duration: 1:07.

So, who is My Phoenix Real Estate?

Well, My Phoenix Real Estate is Joe and Me working together as a team

at KWBP (Keller Williams Biltmore Partners).

Chris has a couple decades of experience in real estate.

He's got a degree in real estate development, and tons of knowledge about home construction,

negotiations, and the BMW e28 5 Series.

Joe has a background in training and education, project management,

and has been stompin the stage in rock and roll bands since high school.

So, what do we do as this team?

Well, together, we take the complicated matter of real estate,

convey it in real and understandable terms,

and manage each detail throughout the transaction.

This ensures the best possible outcome for every client.

So don't wait until you have a need, if you have ever thought about, dreamed about or

even briefly considered doing anything in real estate, give us a call.

We'll answer any questions you have and get you in touch with the professionals that are

appropriate for your situation.

Either way, call us first!

Next up, we'll talk more about Keller Williams Biltmore Partners

and how a brokerage really works.

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