Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 30 2018

hey everybody it's doctor Jo and today I'm going to show you how to use a tens /

EMS unit for ankle pain. so let's get started.

so for the ankle pain I'm going to use the

tens / EMS unit sent by healthmate forever. this is their T24 and this is the one

that I'm going to use. if you're interested in purchasing any of their

tens EMS units, you can click on the link up there. so I like using a roll

underneath my ankle just so you can have some movement especially when you're

doing the EMS part where you're actually making the muscle contract. you want to

be able to have some movement in there so you can do it flat on the floor, but I

like having that roll it just allows you to get a little bit more movement in

there. so with a TENS versus an EMS or sometimes they call it a PMS you use

different electrodes and you can use different channels. for tens usually the

best way to use it is to use two channels and four electrodes. so each

channel has two electrodes. so the reason that four pads electrodes are the best

is because you can kind of encircle the pain area and when you're using four

electrode you want it to cross. so if my pain was maybe on the top of my foot

right here, I would take each channel and so there would be a pad here, one on the

opposite side, and one here, and then one here. so if I had you know a channel here

and a channel here, then they're talking to each other this way and it's not

really getting the spot in the middle. so you want to make sure that those

channels cross. otherwise you're not quite getting the benefit of the tens

unit. also with the tens you don't want to get a muscle contraction. this is tens,

stands for a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. the transcutaneous

part just means those surface nerves. so this is to calm down the pain to help

increase the circulation which is really great for ankle pain because if you have

some swelling, a lot of times ankle sprains, strains, things like that, get a

lot of swelling because it just follows gravity and it ends up just hanging out

on the foot. so a tens unit does a great job of getting that increased

circulation to get the fluid back out of there

and decrease the pain at the same time. so when you're doing that with the four

electrodes or the two channels here, you can make sure, I'm gonna say that my

pains right here. some people might have the pain on the outside of their ankle,

on the inside ankle, especially if they have sprains or something like that,

so you can place them in a couple different places, and I'll show you if

you want to get a little bit more specific with the pain area - like if it

was just here, but if your whole ankle is kind of swollen and hurting, everything

in there is kind of hurting, I would say maybe do a placement here and here and

then one on each side, or again you can kind of cross the area just depending on

where you're feeling it the most. so this is one channel, together with these

electrodes. so what I'm going to do is just cross them over. so I'm going to

kind of place it a little bit almost in the arch area, and then over on the

lateral side up here. the further away the electrodes are, the more just kind of

general they get, and the closer you get them together, the more intense the area

is. so since it's a small area, sometimes I spread them out a little bit more just

so it's not quite as intense in the beginning, and you can easily move these

electrodes around as you go. you don't have to you know once you have them in

one spot, you have to keep it there. so again as you can see this one is here

and here, and this one's here and here. so they're crossing each other.

so with the tens, you should not have a muscle contraction. if you get the muscle

contraction, you're fatiguing out that muscle and that's not what the tens is

for, that's really what the EMS is for. so with this particular unit the t24, it's

pretty cool because it has the twelve channels but then it also has where you

can do shoulder, neck, back, elbow, hip, ankle, and foot, so if you just want to hit the

specific one for the ankle, you can, but if you want to go to the different

channels you can as well. so a lot of times people will say well which which

you know mode should I use. there's a whole bunch of them. with a TENS, for me I

think it really just matters about your comfort level.

tens is only supposed to really take away the pain and help increase the

circulation so all those settings are going to do that. so you just pick the

one that you like the most. some it's kind of a tingy, somes kind of a massage, some rev

up and then go down, so I would just try them all out and see which ones you like

the best. so I'm just going to start off with the first one. so you just press

that and then down at the bottom is the intensity level. so it gets pretty strong

quickly, so I wouldn't just sit there and start hitting right away, even if you

don't feel it, I would just kind of hit make sure it comes on, then you feel a

little bit and then you can just start going a little bit more as you go. so I

wouldn't go very fast because you might not feel a whole lot. now I can

start feeling a little bit, but I really shouldn't be getting any contractions or

movements, so as I go I'm just starting to feel a little bit more, and so you can

see there, now that started to make my big toe kind of move. so most likely it's

not necessarily super high, but it's probably because I have one of the

electrodes over the nerve and that's just pushing especially with the arches

it might be getting that tendon. and so you can see that it's pulling it down. so

what I would do is I would just take it back down, so you can start over and then

that one that was contracting it, just take it and move it slightly over

somewhere else. so it's not quite getting that spot. so maybe right there, and then

I would just go back into trying it. so if you are getting that muscle

contraction, I would either take it back down, but then if you don't feel like

it's very strong then I would move the electrodes around a little bit. so now I

can feel it again and I'm not getting that contraction. so that's really what

you want. and so you can change the time and it's automatic so you can set it for

10 - 20 all the way up to 80 and then it'll automatically shut off when you're

done. so that's really cool too. so with the tens you can also just do two

electrodes or one channel. so I'm going to go ahead and take that off and show

you. so let's say you have a lateral ankle sprain. so it's very specific

you're having a lot of pain on that outside area,

and so you just want to get it on that specific spot to get that pain taken

away. well you can you can definitely do that that's that's pretty easy to do, so

with just two electrodes or the one channel, if you're having the pain right

in here, you can either go one on top and then one on the bottom here, or if that

ends up catching some of those those nerves and tendons, you can do it going

this way. so you can go on the front here and then on the kind of back behind it

there. so again you might want to play around a little bit. with the tens it

doesn't specifically have to be exact, but you're just trying to get it. so now

it's just going back and forth into that place and when you have two electrodes

versus four, it's going to be stronger. so you might only have to hit one. I'm

already feeling it. it's not you know painful, but I'm feeling it more than I

was with the four. so you know again I would start off, so I wouldn't start

going crazy with it just kind of see how it feels and how it goes. so for the EMS

the electrical muscle stimulation, if you're having some ankle pain sometimes

it's from weakness and sometimes it's because the muscles aren't activating. if

you're having a hard time pulling your foot up, that's usually that anterior

tibialis muscle, that's the one that pulls it into dorsiflexion a little bit

of aversion. so if I wanted to strengthen the muscle to help get some of that pain

to get out of there because it might not be stable because of the weakness

causing pain, I would put the electrodes on that anterior tibialis muscle. so if

you're in the clinic they might take a probe and really get those trigger

points that they're going to do it, but again you can kind of move it around

until you get the spot that you want. but make sure when you're using this to talk

to your healthcare professional because there are some injuries where you

wouldn't want to use this EMS or tens unit, so make sure you're asking that

it's okay because there are certain things where you might not want to use

it, or it may be if you have something like a pacemaker that that's

contraindicated, or you're not supposed to use it for that. so the anterior

tibialis muscle right here I would then kind of put one up top here, the

the longer the peroneal nerve kind of goes around the head of the fibula here,

so sometimes if you get right on that that's really gonna activate it, but for

now I just want to get that muscle belly, so I'm gonna put one about right here

and then I'm gonna put one about right here so. on this unit the 10 and 11

settings are the ones for the the muscle stimulation, and I like it because the

picture kind of shows a person lifting weights which kind of indicates that

you're trying to strengthen the muscles. so I really like that. so I'm gonna click

on that one and then it starts moving so you know that it is clicked on it. so

same kind of things, start off pretty slow because sometimes it takes a while

to ramp up, so you might not feel it but you really want to kind of go slow until

you feel what's going on. and then try and get a contraction with it. so you

want it to be very strong, you're wanting to get that muscle contraction, so it's

this is not going to be a comfortable one though, electrical muscle stimulation

is strong, it's uncomfortable. you might even go like this a little bit, but

that's what you want because you want that contraction. so I'm just feeling it,

I'm not quite getting a contraction yet. as I go I'm gonna keep going a little

bit more and it usually comes on and then it drops off, so you want to wait

till you feel it come all the way up so you know how strong you're getting it. so

for this one I might not be quite on the right spot because... there we go, see how

it's starting is starting to go into that eversion a little bit, so if I

wanted to get some of that dorsiflexion to when it's activating when I feel it

pulling, I'm gonna come up and pull as well. so I probably have it a little bit

more on the everters than the anterior tibialis, so what I would do I'm actually

gonna take it all the way back down because you don't want to move it and

then it pop right back up, so I'm just gonna move it a little closer to the

front, and this is what you might have to do. you might just have to move around.

again it's not gonna be exact for everybody because everybody's muscles

are in different spots, and so it was pretty easy just to move it and then

start taking it back up. so once you start feeling that tingling, then keep

going until you start getting that contraction in there, and you know

depending on what muscle it is you might have to go

bit higher. so there we go. I'm starting to get it. you're starting to see my foot

go and then once it gets that contraction, then it's going to kind of

drop off. so I always say go as much as you can tolerate, that's you know pretty

high, and then if that's as much as you can tolerate, try and go one more because

that's what's really gonna kind of pull it up, and then relax. so you'll you'll

feel it be able to do that. sometimes people also say well you know how long

should I be doing this? I wouldn't do a whole lot in the beginning because it's

really going to work that muscle, especially if you haven't been able to

do it a whole lot on your own without the assistance. you're gonna fatigue that

muscle out really quickly. so I would just start with one to two minutes to

see how you feel, and you might be pretty sore afterwards. so again it might take a

little while for you to get to the right spot, but once you kind of know where it

is then you can get it to the right spot pretty quickly after that. so it's great

here to get that strengthening and then it's great with the tens to kind of

decrease that pain and increase the circulation which is good for the

healing in general. so if you're interested in purchasing the healthmate

forever TENS / EMS units, make sure and click on the link up there, and don't forget to

subscribe by clicking down there. and remember be safe (don't have to high), have

fun, and I hope you feel better soon.

For more infomation >> How to Use a TENS / EMS Unit for Ankle Pain Relief - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 12:14.



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For more infomation >> BEST & FAST KODI BUILD 🔥 FOR KODI 17.6 AUGUST 2018 🔥 UNDERVERSE KODI BUILD 🔥 UNDERVERSE WIZARD - Duration: 15:12.


An Elevator for the Riverwatcher - Duration: 2:11.

The FISHBIO team is getting ready to transport and install a newly built

piece of equipment.

It's a new elevator for a Riverwatcher fish counting system that will go inside

this 15-foot tall fish ladder.

A Riverwatcher uses an infrared scanner and

video camera to capture images and data of every fish passing through its tunnel.

Biologists with the Santa Clara Valley Water District hope to count fish and

clean their Riverwatcher system without needing to enter the fish ladder.

That's where the elevator comes in.

First up, installing a custom fish screen

to direct fish through the river watcher system

Next, it's time to install the Riverwatcher

and the custom-built elevator.

The elevator will lower and raise the system

in and out of the fish ladder.

After connecting all necessary wires and mounting the Riverwatcher in the elevator,

it's time to test it out.

Once the computer system is installed, the Riverwatcher is ready to go.

With the help of the elevator, the Santa Clara Valley Water District will be able to

maintain their Riverwatcher system as well as safely and efficiently count fish.

For more infomation >> An Elevator for the Riverwatcher - Duration: 2:11.


ROCK Produced for POP RADIO! - Duration: 13:18.

hey you guys Trey Vittetoe here and today i want to show you a rock song that i

did about two years ago i don't get to do a lot of rock music so when i do i

like to take it over the edge a little bit which is what i did with this one

the artist is Grace Mckagan grace is punk rock and she is just really out

there really fun so here we go

Gina Schock and I were at Warner Brothers we were meeting with Sam

Maloney Sam asked us to write something with Grace if you don't know who Grace

McKagan is her dad is Duff McKagan so she's got rock and roll in her blood

here you go this is what we did

alright so in general the approach here was not unlike a band like Imagine

Dragons you're taking a rock song and treating mix-wise a lot like a pop

song the vocals are way up front the drums are way out front and those

are things that need to be for for something to work on pop radio I did

want to give the label something that they could easily latch on to so here in

LA where we're sort of in a pop bubble alright so let me break it down for you

a little bit let me show you what I did with the vocals I'm gonna look at the

chorus lead here just for a second so check out Grace's vocal here

All right so that's

pretty supersaturated right I'm gonna pull off the delays and just give you a

look at what I did to get that saturated sound so what I used was this little

plug-in called Magneto it's really just a saturation sort of a tates tape

saturation kind of plugin it's part of the Cubase native plugins but I have

several things I could do this with I just chose this one because it was easy

on the CPU, quick to use. Listen to what it's doing.

All right, so that's definitely giving it quite a bit of saturation I like to sort of be able

to step out of the Cubase world for you in case you're not using Cubase so let

me show you another plugin that does a great job of that

it's a waves plugin so this is the NLS channel and this does a lot of the same

thing it gives sort of a console saturation it actually models three

different consoles and I don't remember what they all were I can tell you that

the one here called Nevo it's definitely a Neve they all three have different

characteristics this Mike, Spike and Nevo and you can easily get that

saturation sound just by pushing this drive up take a listen

that's pretty heavily saturated I pushed it hard each one of these has a

different character.

If you've got a sound that you're really trying to get some crazy sort of super distortion on check this

out pretty cool so that's a great plug-in again 29 bucks is what it cost

me so keep your eyes open for the wave specials okay so I want to talk about

how I stacked the vocals what's the time with the chorus I like to double the

lead and I usually do a stack so it's a left and right so right now bring in the

doubles you got him turned up in this situation they're not subtle they're

really upfront the backups you just checking by themselves so I

wanted a little extra low-end little extra beef on the bottom of the vocal

and then I brought in a gang vocal on top of that

It's pretty loose vocal. When we do gangs we

we often n just get around a microphone there's nothing tuned it's all pretty raw.

That's raw! Now the last half of the chorus is a gang

so let's get into the music a little bit while I'm on the course I want to talk

about the drums so I was going for a big sort of live anthemic drum sound of

course a lot of big reverb on that to give it that sort of big huge sound but

a couple of things that I think really helped this have the sort of big rock

feel that it did beyond the verb is that I love this kick this just as a kick

that came stocked with native instruments battery almost feels

tom-esque that big verb on it's a long kick so it just got a lot of just got life

kind of reminds me of something that would be done by Imagine Dragons actually use

more of a hip hop type of snare this Jarvis snare here it's very thin funny

enough and that may sound really thin to you but before I put this VOG on it it

was even thinner take a listen to the snare without that pretty thin so just

gives a little extra dimension on the low end there but to bolster that it's

got a stack of claps here as well big trash

symbol but I wasn't quite satisfied with it being raw enough so I brought in a

full crash ride. To add a little energy down here I brought in a crowd groove which is

actually just an audience so a lot of energy there, really trying to make it

feel big anthemic alright so let's get into the bass little bit I want to show

you what I did there I started out with a regular electric bass this is not a

synth bass but I doubled it panned it left and right super dirty

but I put a sub underneath it

here's the sub and the last thing I'd layered that with is a little Roland

click base and that Roland just gives a little definition gives it a little

definition right there in the transient of the tag all right so let me show you

the guitars I really like the guitar sounds on this but these guitars were

probably all out of Guitar Rig

breaking them down

and then I've got a super dirty here

so those guitars together again and wait a little more rock and roll attitude so

I brought in

let's just kind of really some traditional sort of dirty guitars there

full truck

couple cool vocal samples that came out of battery there it's not just guitars

bass and drums there are some other scents here so that's a nice color very

subtle in there so second half of the course I bring three elements in to

follow that gang vocal I played earlier

some guitars

so the verse in contrast is doing what I would say is more of a pop trick in the

sense that it's super simple it's not layered with a lot of different sounds

it really is a couple of basic things listen to the drums here on the verse

very sort of hip-hop ish old-school hip-hop really and this one bass

I'm pretty sure that bass came from silent super basic and that's pretty

much the verse now before I hit the big chorus I break it down right so it gives

it a little different tension here here the guitars that are going on there I'll

bring them in one at a time

then this

and finally a little synth pad under that

click bass

and sub

and the last thing we have going on there's a big kick followed by with this

sort of a 808 that's tuned, pitch down

so there you go you guys hope you enjoyed that if you learned something, if

you felt like it was worthwhile please like please subscribe and until next


For more infomation >> ROCK Produced for POP RADIO! - Duration: 13:18.




The so-called "mainstream" media thought they finally nailed Donald Trump.

When it was revealed that Trump's attorney Michael Cohen would be willing to testify

against the President to Robert Mueller, journalists finally thought the smoking gun had emerged

that would lead to Trump's impeachment.

But the smoking gun backfired and the media ended up with egg all over their faces.

The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a group of Russians is

the closest thing the media and anti-Trump investigators have to "collusion."

Trump Jr. took the meeting after a music producer he knew emailed him that a Russian lawyer

wanted to meet to discuss dirt she had on Hillary Clinton and that it was part of the

Russian government's plan to help Trump in the election.

This turned out to be a complete 'nothing burger' when it was revealed that no information

about Clinton changed hands and that the true purpose of the meeting was to lobby the Trump

campaign on supporting the repeal of the Magnitsky Act – which leveled sanctions against Russian

adoptions over human rights abuses.

All the participants in the meeting testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee the meeting

had nothing to do with collusion or the Russian government.

Trump Jr. also testified that Donald Trump had no advance knowledge of the meeting.

But now Michael Cohen is threatening to upset the apple cart.

Cohen is under intense legal pressure after the FBI raided his home and office in April.

Experts believe he could be indicted on campaign finance violations or because of his involvement

in a taxi cab medallion business.

Cohen is now sending out word through the media that he is willing to spill his guts

to Robert Mueller.

And Cohen is willing to specifically allege that Donald Trump knew of the Trump Tower

meeting in advance.

Journalists' hearts began to race because they thought they finally found the testimony

that would bring down Trump.

There is just one problem with Cohen's allegations – they are false.

When Cohen testified behind closed doors to the Senate Intelligence Committee, Cohen stated

that Donald Trump did not know about the meeting.

And after Donald Trump Jr. also testified about the meeting, Cohen tweeted that Trump

Jr. was honest and transparent.

Even RINO Senator Lindsey Graham – who is no fan of the President – said Cohen's

claims were suspect stating "I am tired of having President Trump tried in the media.

This is the oddest way to communicate with Mueller, to leak a story to NBC News that

you got some new information about the Russia meeting regarding President Trump.

I've been a lawyer all my adult life, I've never seen that work.

That's a media strategy.

So I know what Cohen had said in the past about President Trump not knowing anything

about this meeting.

He is on the record Cohen is.

So if you have got something new to say don't leak it to NBC News you need to come to either

the Judiciary Committee, the Intel Committee or both and be willing to say what you are

going to say under oath.

And to every American, if I were you, I would be very suspicious of Michael Cohen right


The weekend began with the media giddy over a possible smoking gun that would prove Trump

colluded with the Russians and that Congress should impeach him.

But like all the other supposed "bombshells" – this one fizzled out and the media was

left fuming that their plan to force the President from office had failed yet again.

For more infomation >> MEDIA TRY TO IMPEACH TRUMP BUT THIS COULD RUIN HER FOR GOOD - Duration: 12:58.


Slido Academy: Advanced Tips for Questions - Duration: 1:05.

You've already mastered the basics of managing live questions, now it's time for some advanced tips.

First tip: If you want to give your audience a chance to reply to the posted questions

you can turn on replies in the settings.

Your audience will now be able to reply to live questions.

Something like comments on social media.

Second tip: You can bookmark your favorite questions that you plan to ask

regardless of the number of likes. Simply mark them using the star icon in the admin

Next tip: To make sure everyone is focused on the discussed topic you can

highlight and display a single question in full screen in present view.

You can activate this feature from customization in your event's settings.

And final tip, try sending in one or two questions at the beginning to spark the conversation.

It's a great way to remind the audience that they can send questions,

especially if they've never used Slido before.

For more infomation >> Slido Academy: Advanced Tips for Questions - Duration: 1:05.


Chase for Business | One Less Thing :30 - Duration: 0:31.

Veronica: There are the late nights.

Way-too-early mornings.

Vendor meetings.

Press meetings.

Meetings about meetings.

Foreign transactions.

Fashion parties.

The morning after parties. [groggily]

Calls while you're meditating.

Calls while you're on a call meditating.

Yep, running a business is complex.

But banking with Chase is simple.

Announcer: Chase Connect,

with ways to make your banking easier.

Fast payments.

Easy foreign currency transactions.

Mobile banking for business.

Chase For Business. Make More of What's Yours.

For more infomation >> Chase for Business | One Less Thing :30 - Duration: 0:31.


TD Jakes 🔴 Complicated Decisions ᴴᴰ - Motivational Speech for 2018 - Duration: 14:33.

For more infomation >> TD Jakes 🔴 Complicated Decisions ᴴᴰ - Motivational Speech for 2018 - Duration: 14:33.


10 fuel Saving tips for vehicle (தமிழ்)வாகன எரிபொருள் சேமிக்க பயனுள்ள குறிப்புகள் - Duration: 3:59.

useful tips for save vehicle fuel

Environmental pollution by excessive fuel

Maintaining and maintaining vehicles in a timely manner can save up to 20% of the fuel

More burden is fuel cost

go smoothly highway root

Please Subscribe and share for more videos

For more infomation >> 10 fuel Saving tips for vehicle (தமிழ்)வாகன எரிபொருள் சேமிக்க பயனுள்ள குறிப்புகள் - Duration: 3:59.


Deputies Search For Burglary Suspect - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Deputies Search For Burglary Suspect - Duration: 0:38.


Social media safety tips for your kids - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Social media safety tips for your kids - Duration: 5:26.


Thomas the Puppy Up For Adoption - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Thomas the Puppy Up For Adoption - Duration: 1:37.


Natural Treatments for Varicose Veins - Duration: 7:51.

Natural Treatments for Varicose Veins

Teas can be made that improve circulation and prevent the appearance of varicose veins.

A cold shower can also improve their appearance, at least in the short-term.

Varicose veins are a health problem that results from poor circulation, but they're also an issue of aesthetics as they can become very obvious and affect a person's self-esteem.

In this article, we'll show you some natural treatments for varicose veins you can follow at home to prevent their appearance and even eliminate the ones that have recently appeared.

Improve circulation.

Varicose veins usually start in the liver, the organ that regulates our blood circulation and promotes healthy blood production.

So it's important to always remember that a complete treatment for varicose veins must start with a healthy diet that is high in the following foods:.

Fruits and vegetables, including lemon, grapefruit, artichokes, or chicory root.

Beans: cooked with cumin, fennel, or kombu seaweed.

Whole grains: especially rice, millet, quinoa, or buckwheat.

Eggs, preferably organic. Fish.

White meats.

Fruits and nuts: raw or roasted, but not fried or salted.

Seeds: raw or sprouted.

Oils from first cold press: sesame, olive, sunflower, flax, wheat germ, etc.

Plant-based drinks made with oats, rice, or almonds.

Spices, like pepper or turmeric.

On the other hand, it's important to avoid or limit the consumption of:.

Red meats and sausages.

Milk and dairy products.

Fried and precooked foods. Alcohol.

Regulate the intestines.

The intestines are another organ system that affects the body's overall circulation; if they malfunction or have a blockage, it can result in improper waste disposal and circulation throughout the body.

Because of this, we should always try to treat problems in the intestines naturally, especially if we suffer from constipation or have susceptibility to diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome, which are some common problems.

Teas that improve circulation.

We have to care for our bodies from the inside and outside.

For this reason, we recommend drinking teas every day that help improve circulation.

The following herbs are excellent choices:.

A plant that improves liver function: boldo, dandelion, or thistle (not recommended for patients with significant liver problems).

Rosemary or Indian pennywort to improve circulatory function in the limbs (don't use rosemary if you suffer high blood pressure).

A plant to improve microcirculation: ginkgo biloba.

Flaxseed to regulate bowel function.

To sweeten these teas you can add the juice from half a lemon and a little stevia, or honey.

Cold water.

Cold water can provide immediate relief for circulatory problems, as long as we use it in the right way.

Wait until you don't feel cold, and then put your legs in a tub of very cold water.

You can do this in the shower, the bathtub, the pool, the ocean, or even use a hose.

Wait for a few moments – even if you happen to be in motion.

Then dry the legs to warm them up and experience the temperature contrast, which has the greatest effect.

If you still haven't warmed back up, then do a little exercise or massage your legs.

Moisturizers and massages.

To further improve blood circulation in your legs, you should massage them at least once a day using your favorite lotion.

We always recommend using a natural product with no ingredients that are detrimental to your health.

You can opt for a gel or moisturizer, or make your own massage oil by blending plant-based almond oil with a few drops of any of the following essential oils:.

Rosemary. Witch hazel.

Indian pennywort. Chestnut.

Massage your legs in a circular motion, moving upwards toward the heart.

Finish with ascending quick pats with closed fists.

Inverted posture.

Every night before going to bed, lie on the floor, on the bed, or on a couch and put your feet up.

If possible, rest the buttocks against a wall and make your legs totally vertical, essentially creating a right angle with the body.

Stay in this position for 15 to 30 minutes, unless the legs begin to fall asleep before that time.

This simple exercise, which is similar to some yoga poses and other therapies, is very effective and relaxing if we do it every day.

We hope you've enjoyed these natural treatments for varicose veins!.

For more infomation >> Natural Treatments for Varicose Veins - Duration: 7:51.


Devin Nunes Dropped The Hammer On The Deep State's Plan For The 2018 Election - Duration: 13:02.

Devin Nunes Dropped The Hammer On The Deep State's Plan For The 2018 Election

Deep State agents within the government have one final plan to avoid Congress discovering

the truth about their conspiracy against President Trump.

And it all centers on the 2018 midterm elections.

So Devin Nunes went in front of the cameras and dropped the hammer on this scheme to destroy

Donald Trump's presidency.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes appeared on Fox News Channel's Sunday

Morning Futures and discussed the Department of Justice's refusal to comply with the

document request from Congress surrounding the FBI's conduct in the 2016 election.

Some members of Congress are so frustrated that they threatened to file articles of impeachment

against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Millions of Americans share this outrage, but they cannot understand why a department

that is headed by Trump appointees is working against the Trump administration.

Nunes addressed these concerns and revealed that he believes the FBI and Department of

Justice are trying to wait him out.

Deep State operatives in both agencies are hoping the Democrats will win control of the

House of Representatives in November and shut down the investigations into the FBI's misconduct.

Nunes declared "I've seen this game played many times before.

There is a stall game going on at DOJ and FBI.

They are trying to stall as much as they can, hoping and betting that Republicans would

lose the House in the fall.

If that happens, it essentially shutdowns everything.

Rod Rosenstein wouldn't be held for contempt.

FBI will not be held accountable.

All of the investigations will be shut down, everything will be buried, and you will be

left with media narratives saying 'Oh, what the public can't read, what's blackout

is what's really bad stuff against Carter Page and the Republicans and the Trump campaign.'

That's why the sooner the president declassifies, the better.

The American people need to understand how important it will be to get out and vote in

the election."

If Democrats win this House, California Democrat Adam Schiff will then chair the Intelligence


Schiff is a conspiracy theorist and Deep State apologist who will assist in covering up the

details about the FBI's covert spying operation against the Trump campaign.

Nunes did reveal a path for the Trump administration to short circuit any Democrat attempts to

perpetuate the Deep State cover up.

Republicans on the Intelligence Committee sent a June 14th letter to President Trump

asking him to declassify 20 pages that were redacted on the FBI's Carter Page FISA warrant


"We are quite confident that once the American people see these 20 pages, at least for those

that will get real reporting on this issue, they will be shocked by what's in that FISA

application," Nunes revealed.

Nunes said he believes the administration is seriously contemplating this proposal.

Should the Democrats win the House, they cannot stop the President from ordering the Department

of Justify from declassifying documents and releasing them.

Many Trump supporters are appalled that the DOJ and FBI – which are headed by Trump

appointees – would be engaging in stall tactics with the goal being to see Democrats

win the election.

Do you agree?

Let us know your thoughts in

the comments section.

For more infomation >> Devin Nunes Dropped The Hammer On The Deep State's Plan For The 2018 Election - Duration: 13:02.


Chase for Business | One Less Thing :15 - Duration: 0:16.

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