Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Aug 1 2018

Is it mandatory to have internal audit activity? Well that depends

there's no law for it there's no law against it but if you have chosen to

operate an ISO, International Organization for Standardization

management system for quality so ISO 9001:2015, there's lots of double-o ones

or iso 14001:2015 for environmental management, yes.

If you've elected to implement one of those systems and get certified yes

internal audits or something that follows the same intent as internal

audits our mandatory activity. However, there are a lot of organizations who

don't get certified and you might be watching this just learning about the

standards and I think that internal audit is my opinion that internal audits

are a great complementary activity to get an organization started on the

business improvement journey and the business improvement cycle. So as part of

that business improvement cycle what we see is internal audits being sort of one

of the things to get you started, so if you don't know what to do you don't know

how to approach it I'd recommend jumping onto our website

and downloading one of our free checklists and you can print out that

checklist and you can start looking at your organisation and undertaking maybe

a desktop assessment. So an internal audit, yes it's mandatory if you follow

the standards, but I think it's more than a the question being about mandatory is

it beneficial yes huge amount of value. Anyone in your organization who

undertakes an internal audit and keeps it simple and does it and it's nice and

short and sweet will learn something so there is a huge amount of value that's

extracted in the form of training and acquisition and absorption and digestion

of knowledge. So yes I would say if I was the person telling your organization I'd

say absolutely they're a mandatory thing it's like eating you need to do it every

day I think internal audits monthly little

mini ones are great way to keep growing and improving your organization.



LeBron James Makes Nasty Allegation About What Trump Is Using Professional Sports To Do - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> LeBron James Makes Nasty Allegation About What Trump Is Using Professional Sports To Do - Duration: 4:31.


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Preview: What Is The Perfect Booty For You? | Season 2 Ep. 9 | LOVE CONNECTION - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Preview: What Is The Perfect Booty For You? | Season 2 Ep. 9 | LOVE CONNECTION - Duration: 0:16.



Hi everyone this Kennedy. Welcome back. In this video, I want to share with

you one of my perspective on how I value stuff in my life. That might be a

relationship or that might be money, time or whatever I have in my life and how I

value those things. When it comes to value something in life I'm sure that

we're gonna ask ourselves a question what it can bring to our life but not

many people' gonna answer this question honestly because because not many people

understand the difference between what we need and what we want. The gap between

what we need and what we want is very tiny and not many people recognize it.

I am very realistic. Why am I saying that? Because I think we... everything that

we have in life is limited. Our time is limited. Our money is limited. Our

relationship is limited. Let's say I can live in this life for 80 years so 80

years is a limited amount of time. The question is why do I have to waste a

month for a relationship that I don't need in my life. We all have friends. We

all have a lot of friends in life but who's gonna be the one who stay by my

side when I'm down, who's gonna be the one who stay by my side when I'm broke,

Then it comes to a question who's gonna be the one who we really need to spend

time with. We have a lot of friends out there but we have the limited time that

we can spend with them. I don't care if you put any judgment on

me like I'm way too realistic but if I have choice to choose why don't I choose

to stay with positive people rather than negative people in my life. That's who I

am, and in this video I share with you one of my perspective. There's nothing

right or wrong just how I value stuff in my life. Let's get back to the question

which is what something can bring to life. I don't care about how much it cost.

I don't care about the price. I don't care about how the others value that stuff

What I care is how I value that stuff in my life. Let's talk about the

smart phone. I own the Note 8 and I bought the Note 8 like a year go on

Amazon. That costs about six seven hundred dollars, and I know that there are so

many people out there own the Note 8, and they might see the Note 8 as a fancy phone

because the cost of it, the price of it. But no, it doesn't work that way to me

I use the note 8 as my camera. I don't have any camera. I film, I record

everything that I'm recording by using the Galaxy Note 8. I don't have a

laptop because I can work I can do like most of the things that I need to do

with a laptop on my smartphone. Why do I need a laptop? It works the same way with

the relationship in my life. As long as I know what I'm doing, as long as I know

who that is, I don't care about the judgment from the others. Let me give you

an example. A is one of my best friends but many

people out there hate A. That doesn't mean I'm gonna value the friendship between

me and A the same way as people, others out there value it, and that is how I value

stuff in my life whatever it is money, time, relationship or whatever stuff that

I have in my life. I don't care about the judgment, I don't care the price

that people who set for that stuff I care about how I value it and what it

can bring to my life. Is that what I need or is that just what I want? And I have

to get rid of what I want and focus on what I need because everything is

limited. Alright, I'll see you in next video. Peace...

For more infomation >> HOW I VALUE STUFF IN LIFE...BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS LIMITED... - Duration: 5:05.


WTH Is Kombucha And Is Kombucha Healthy? - Duration: 11:04.

Guys, thanks for tuning in.

My name's Jared Toay and today I'm going to be talking about what is kombucha?

You've probably heard about it, read about it, seen it, bought it, inter webs, but I

thought I'd just go ahead and really start from the beginning and tell you, really what

is kombucha and why possibly that you should be drinking it.

But in honor of Bob Ross, I put this on today because we are going to be creative, that's

what we're going to do, but as I said my name is Jared Toay.

I'm owner, founder, director, chief popper, head honcho of Jared's ProPops, Jared's Probiotics,

Jared's Kombucha, Jared's Granola, Jared's Probiotic, basically anything associated with

better digestive health, I am interested in it and talking about it.

Today I'm going to be helping you, #hemps, get you healthy emotionally, mentally, physically

and spiritually, all through better digestion of the gut.

If this is the first time, or actually if you've watched a video before, hit the like

button and just let me know that you're there.

I see there's several people that are joining in now, just hit the like button.

If this is the first time that you've watched a video of mine, just comment and let me know,

maybe something that you want me to talk about.

But I'm interested in, really your feedback.

I appreciate those likes by the way, but you know a lot of times I get people that have

tried my sodas, and if you have tried my kombucha and been one of the lucky few that gets it

before we sell out or voted best drink in Tulsa, I'm going to start at the beginning

and really tell you what kombucha is.

Now kombucha, it's nothing new, it's actually been around for thousands of years, about

2,000 years ago in China.

Most people when they see or hear about kombucha, you know generally if you are a kombucha fanatic,

you're going to probably say all the reasons and all the things, the health benefits of

why you should be drinking it.

Really I'm not even going to address that.

I mean I'm not a doctor nor do I profess to be one.

The bottom line is it's a drink.

It's a fermented drink.

So what I'm going to do is really cut through the BS and help you better understand of why

you should be drinking it.

As I said, there's a slight vinegar smell to it, it kind of tastes a little bit vinegary.

Now again I make mine with green tea and honey, so it's going to be a little bit sweeter than

probably what most people are associated or had thought about before.

But it has a different taste to it.

The idea is, is that you create a fermented drink, and remember what I always talk about

with fermented products is that basically when you ferment something, you're making

it easier for your body to digest.

So if you eat things like sauerkraut, or kimchi, or pickles that are actually fermented, basically

what you're doing, now granted there are some good probiotics and good bacteria in there,

but basically you're making it easier for your body to digest those foods.

Essentially just think about kombucha as the same way, as that you are making or drinking

a drink that's very easy for your body to digest and get all of the nutrients from the


Just think of it that way.

You know and I always tell people, when they talk about really why should be drinking kombucha,

and frankly just drink it because it tastes great or that you like the taste of it.

If you don't like the taste of it, don't drink it.

You know I've seen some, not of mine of course, but I've seen people that have said, "I have

to hold my nose.

I don't like the taste."

Then don't drink it.

Again, remember what we've talked about before, is that when you have an unpleasant experience

about something you're eating and drinking, it creates stress in your body and that's

certainly something not beneficial for you long term.

So drink it because it tastes great, right?

Essentially all that it is, you've probably heard the term "scoby".

It's basically a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, and what happens is that bacteria

and yeast, you take a tea and then you take some sort of sugar product, whether it's black

tea and sugar.

As I say I use green tea and honey but that bacteria and yeast feeds on the caffeine that's

in the tea and the sugar product that you actually have in the drink.

So as that bacteria eats the sugars and the caffeine, it creates good beneficial bacteria,

it creates good beneficial yeast.

It's basically just a living bacteria product that is happy in some sort of medium.

Just think about it as a large sea monster or sea creature, basically just living there,

it's eating all the good things underneath it, and it's creating a happy life.

Now I'm actually going to show you this way, but this is just one of my scobys here.

But this is what I call a hotel.

As you can see in it, there's all sorts of just weird looking things inside of it here.

This is the bacteria and the yeast, and what happens is it sits on the top of this water,

which is basically just sugar or honey, and black tea and water.

But it creates a little bit of a pocket here at the top, because kombucha doesn't like


So it seals up this tight, and what happens is as it seals, it eats all of the sugars

and all of the good caffeine, everything else underneath it, and it just lives a happy life

in there.

Then what happens is that you drain off this water or companies drain off this water, and

it has a significant amount of bacteria and good yeast that I said, and then you flavor

that, and then you drink it.

Now again, you know that's the whole idea.

It's a very simple process.

I don't know why people get so weirded or bent out of shape.

Basically you're just creating, as I said a good healthy bacterial product, that's good

for your gut.

You know the beneficial thing about it, what most people don't know, is that it promotes

good acids in your body.

We don't really talk about acids, but things like acetic acid, and gluconic acid, and lactic


It really important again, from a kombucha stand point because those are what's called

cellulose producing acids, which again I know I'm throwing out a lot of terms, but basically

just think about a cell.

Every cell in your body has cellulose surround it it.

So it's very important you have good protective barriers of those cells, and those acids that

are produced in kombucha help to solidify that.

So, "Make a cookie fidget spinner," yes Tammy, that's what I'm going to do today, actually


But anyway, why do people really like kombucha?

You know as I said, they do it because they say they feel better.

I'm not here to say that again there's a bunch of health benefits, or give you scientific

research and all of this.

The idea is that again, we talk about that self-awareness.

You really being self-aware of the products that you put into your body.

You know this is a drink basically that you should become self-aware.

Does it make you go to the bathroom?

Does the make you feel better?

Do you have more energy?

You know it helps your body produce B Vitamins, you know those are just simple things from

a scientific standpoint that it does.

Now if I was to say that you drink kombucha and basically it's going to cure cancer, which

some people have said that, and I get crazy.

You know that reduce cancer, it's going to stop all sorts of things, you know it's a

bunch of wackadoos.

I'm not saying that it can't do that.

I'm not going to say that.

Basically there are scientific proof to talk about, again those gluconic acids, the things

that are very beneficial for your body.

People have said, "Well can diabetics have that?"

You know, as I mentioned that the kombucha eats the caffeine and the sugars that you

have, so as long as you're actually drinking a kombucha that's low in sugar, or not a whole

bunch of added ingredients, basically it's very good for diabetics.

That was my son ... Oh, I got it.

Now I get it.


So some of the things that people say about why they shouldn't drink it.

So the first thing, again pasteurization.

Never buy kombucha that's pasteurized, ever.

I mean basically you're destroying all the bacteria anyway when you pasteurize things.

So look for non-pasteurized kombucha.

The second thing is that if your friend decides that he or she wants to give you some, again

those are going to be a little bit more leary about, you know as opposed to the commercial


Again because I as a commercial brewer have to go through so many regulations, again I'm

going to get my product up there.

So generally the things that you see on the shelf, that are at the stores are going to

be okay for you.

People have asked about alcohol.

Again there is going to be some because it's a fermented product.

So understand that in any fermented product there's going to be creates a little bit of

yeast, it may in turn create alcohol.

But kombucha in general it's less than like a half a percent.

So unless you're drinking 75 ounces of kombucha in one sitting, you're generally not going

to get drunk on that, on commercial brands.

Now again, you may on yourself, but I have no idea.

You know when you go the shelf and you see all of the things of kombucha, just pick something

that you like.

Then if you like to drink it, drink it.

I see so many people again that they get ... We talked about water, bottled water.

You know there's 45 different waters and you spend 45 minutes trying to pick out which

flavor of water that you want, or does it have PH et cetera.

But you just choose on that you like to drink.

Do the same thing with the kombucha.

Come up and taste it from me.

I'll give you a free glass.

You can try out anything that you want.

Again, because my goals is I'm just going to make a dang good tasting drink.

That's the way you should approach these product.

Now again, kombucha in general it's great for your health.

As I mentioned from the cellulous producing acids, the B Vitamins that helps the good

gut bacteria which is very important.

You know there are things that are in there, that basically can help you, there's antimicrobial.

But the idea is that when you have kombucha, and this is what I always talk about if you're

going to be drinking kombucha, basically you're just putting good things in your body, and

letting your body fight out.

You know, if you have bad issues or something associated when you take kombucha, again understand

that you've got issues in general.

I mean if you drink some kombucha, and I've had people say this, tell drink a kombucha

and they'll say, "You know I went the the bathroom immediately after it."

You know what?

That's an issue on you.

Frankly, unless of course the kombucha was bad.

"Where in Oklahoma, can we see you?"

You can come by, actually to the brewery Downtown.

But as I said the goal is really just to create happiness about something that you drink.

So don't make things too hard.

You know it's a great product, it's a great tasting product, and if you've never tried

it, just sample it.

But as I said this goal, the video is really just to explain what kombucha is, and I maybe

threw out of lot of things on there.

But just to understand all it is, is bacteria and yeast that feeds on caffeine and some

sort of sugar base, to create good bacteria and good healthy yeast, good acids that are

good in your body.

That's really the bottom line.

So I hope that you've found this somewhat beneficial.

Again, you can say goodbye the my kombucha.


Say bye buch.


Anyway, but I hope that you found this beneficial.

If you have any questions about kombucha, certainly comment below or send me a message.

I'm always eager to help.

I have a lot of great products and I would love for you to actually have some of my kombucha,

and just sample it and say, "You know what Jared?

This is the best tasting drink I've ever had."

So I appreciate you guys watching in.

Again, hit the like button or share it, share it with friends maybe that if you've had kombucha,

if you've made kombucha, share it with your audience.

Again just kind of any easy explanation.

But I do appreciate you guys taking the time.

I hope you have a wonderful day and remember #hemps.

I want to get you healthy emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, all through better

digestion of your gut.

Follow me on Facebook, Jared's Propops or Jared's Probiotics on Instagram.

I look forward to talking with you guys.

Have a wonderful day.


For more infomation >> WTH Is Kombucha And Is Kombucha Healthy? - Duration: 11:04.


Load shedding is over…but could be back in the morning - Duration: 1:14.

Load shedding is over…but could be back in the morning

Load shedding is over…but could be back in the morning.

  Load shedding was called off shortly after 8pm on Tuesday‚ but power utility Eskom has warned that it could be back on the cards from 5am on Wednesday morning.

"The risk of rotational load shedding remains high for tomorrow [Wednesday] 5am as a result of the industrial action and the impacts on Eskom's operations.

Load shedding will be implemented only if absolutely necessary‚" Eskom said in a tweeted statement.

The parastatal urged consumers to check load shedding schedules on Eskom or local municipality websites‚ and to use electricity sparingly.

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