Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 31 2018

Pirate campout

Its pirate campout dang. Oh right in the dark, don't worry matey

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We're gonna stick together. We'll all watch out for each other

Coconuts, that sounds pretty good to find the Blue Lagoon. We hike all the way

Snaky tail trail Yoho cubby lead the way this is going to be the best pirate campout ever

My matey's and I are off on a pirate camping trip. Hey, that's what we're doing

Say Captain Hook. Why don't you and your crew join our pirate campout?

Clear it

Mateys, we should set up our tent before it gets dark. Okay lads. I'll hoist the tent

Wow and bamboo

Now that we beat it's time to tell scary pirate tales

Once upon a time the Pirates searched and searched until they found the lagoon

They were so hungry after their long journey. They rowed out into the lagoon to fish for their supper

Row away the Pirates were two ways fast as they could until they were sure they were safe

It was just the story mateys no reason to run up a tree this way babies

Lovely morning

Hmm. I must say I slept like yo

ho everybody at this fork in the trail be sure you stay to the left the path to the right is both of

me fast

So copy are you saying stay left? Yep, the left path leads straight into it

Sounds like Captain Hook's in trouble again. Hang tight mateys

I've got my sword a real big one and for finding the Blue Lagoon. We got three more gold doubloons

Let's grab them


No goals creatures from the deep sleeping on the ground

And we got three more gold doubloons. Let's grab them and go back to Pirate Island

One two three four five awesome pirate plan cubby

Thanks, I even got a scary pirate tale to tell it's called

Your silly insubordinate

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 1189 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 3:59.


Guided Meditation for a Grounded and Positive day - Duration: 5:33.

welcome to today, allow your eyes to open with gratitude in the breath of oxygen that

you breathe so easily and the atmosphere of every thing you touch.

you see today as an opportunity to feel every positive emotion and give back positivity

to anyone that you meet.

its much harder and costs alot more energy to be negative, let yourself be free in the

giving and recieving of flowing energy of others.

notice where your path will lead today, even from small goals that bring some kind of peace

to you within.

be aware of how your body is guiding you in the right direction, from sensing willingness

to move forward without hesitation.

where there is hesitation, perhaps a moment to contemplate is needed, you want the best

for yourself, and if that means sitting on an idea or something

that someone says, then patience to gain a visualisation of where that path will lead

is the best solution.

its okay to pause for a while, to think about things, sometimes doing things in the spur

of the moment can cause unneccessary upset, and by taking the time

to delve into your intuition, you can make the best decisions for yourself.

go about today with a light feeling of freshness, feel as though your feet are floating on air,

this is how you will find positivity.

be open to new ideas, take a different approach guided by your intuition or your first thought.

do everything with a deliberate and positive action, you are your own destiny.

everything felt by you, from your emotions and mood, can be controlled better with awareness.

your feel of the day will improve by noticing the small things around, like a garden you

pass that you never saw before or the true intenion of someone you know.

see positivity in everything in this day, as you open up your intuition to only gain

and advantage yourself.

give yourself permission to ask the questions needed to clarify what you need to know and

to where it may lead, today is yet another oportunity to better your life.

question motives of yourself and others to see the true intent, clearing up confusions

of any cloudy situations.

let the sun inside you shine with a warmth of positive rays that attract only like minded


be free by starting your day with a deep and fresh inhalation of positive and refreshing

oxygen and as you release even slower, you feel ready to take your first step into


For more infomation >> Guided Meditation for a Grounded and Positive day - Duration: 5:33.


Author Min Jin Lee's easy family recipe recipe for Stuffed Cucumber Kimchi - Duration: 6:04.

Min Jin: Hi my name is Min Jin Lee

Min Jin: and I'm the author of Panchinko

Min Jin: and today we're here to do a really cool thing.

Min Jin: We're going to make kimchi

Min Jin: with my mom.

Mi Hwa: Hi.

Min Jin: So the first thing that we're going to do is make the salt

Min Jin: bath. And that sounds more complicated

Min Jin: than it is. It's just water

Min Jin: and salt

Min Jin: and you boil it.

Min Jin: Yeah.

Mi Hwa: Three tablespoons of salt,

Mi Hwa: yes.

Min Jin: So in the book there's a really

Min Jin: important section when my main character

Min Jin: needs money.

Min Jin: So she and her sister at the site

Min Jin: sold kimchi in the streets.

Min Jin: And that idea came to me because

Min Jin: women around the world who are poor

Min Jin: and illiterate who have very little basis for capital

Min Jin: will usually make food

Min Jin: and sell it.

Min Jin: You will have 16 pieces because eight times two

Min Jin: is sixteen. And I'm a writer

Min Jin: and I can do that much math.

Min Jin: And I wanted to ask my mother before

Min Jin: why she cuts it this way

Min Jin: because I thought maybe she could cut it this way.

Min Jin: She said no it's more stable so you don't cut your

Min Jin: hands.

Min Jin: So safety is first.

Mi Hwa: It's very cheap now. Season. While

Mi Hwa: I'm waiting for the boiling

Mi Hwa: water. Yes.

Mi Hwa: I have to prepare for the

Mi Hwa: Chinese cabbage.

Mi Hwa: And just cut.

Min Jin: The ends?

Min Jin: And you're going to have about one

Min Jin: and a half cups of Chinese chives

Min Jin: that you will need for the stuffing for the cucumbers.

Min Jin: And there's also a theory in Korea

Min Jin: that if men like this it makes

Min Jin: them more virile, just

Min Jin: saying.

Min Jin: I don't know if this is true.

Min Jin: But if you eat Chinese chives.

Mi Hwa: It's really true.

Mi Hwa: Because my grndmother, my mother's side. Yes,

Mi Hwa: all the time.

Mi Hwa: I like this one.

Mi Hwa: When I was in young.

Mi Hwa: Yes.

Mi Hwa: I ask my grandma.

Mi Hwa: I like to eat this.

Mi Hwa: And then grandmother said no no give

Mi Hwa: to your father.

Min Jin: Because nice girls don't eat Buchu.

Mi Hwa: I think so. That's the why my grandma

Mi Hwa: said this.

Min Jin: That's what grandma said so I don't argue

Min Jin: with this.

Min Jin: But women are allowed to eat it

Min Jin: too.

Min Jin: If you look at the cucumber kimchi recipes

Min Jin: around not everybody does this

Min Jin: because of all the views boiling water

Min Jin: for cucumbers in the Chola

Min Jin: region of South Korea.

Min Jin: This is what they do.

Min Jin: But this is actually a more effective way of doing

Min Jin: it. We tried it all different ways.

Min Jin: Right now she's cutting the

Min Jin: scullions.

Min Jin: Right now we have scallion,

Min Jin: chives and onion together.

Min Jin: So you take rice flour

Min Jin: like this,

Min Jin: which makes it gluten free.

Min Jin: But if you have all purpose flour that's fine

Min Jin: too. So you can use this

Min Jin: or you could use something like this

Min Jin: and you add

Min Jin: one tablespoon of rice powder,

Min Jin: rice flour, three tablespoons

Min Jin: of water and

Min Jin: mix.

Min Jin: So you add the slurry into this

Min Jin: soh mixture. This is called

Min Jin: oi soh bahgi.

Min Jin: So oi means cucumber.

Min Jin: Soh is the content

Min Jin: or the dressing and bahgi just means it's the

Min Jin: verb, which just means to stuff.

Min Jin: How much ginger is that?

Mi Hwa: About one tablespoon.

Mi Hwa: This kimchi does not need lots of spice. All my

Mi Hwa: life I cook for my husband,

Mi Hwa: my children.

Min Jin: There you go. Thank you.

Min Jin: I really appreciate that.

Mi Hwa: And garlic.

Min Jin: So you make the soh now?

Min Jin: Yeah.

Min Jin: I mean

Min Jin: I love garlic

Min Jin: and

Min Jin: fish sauce.

Min Jin: It's already been pre-measured, so how much

Min Jin: fish? Two tablespoons of fish sauce. And Gochugaru. This

Min Jin: is two full, heaping tablespoons. I

Min Jin: think we are ready to.

Min Jin: I think you are ready.

Min Jin: Is it time for the gloves?

Min Jin: Yes.

Min Jin: Stir it very, very well.

Mi Hwa: OK.

Mi Hwa: See that? Yes.

Mi Hwa: And

Mi Hwa: hold this way.

Mi Hwa: About one table

Mi Hwa: one tablespoon of

Mi Hwa: amount just to put it inside

Mi Hwa: to this way and the other way

Mi Hwa: and then hold it.

Min Jin: This about half a cup of water?

Mi Hwa: Little bit. Even less than half. Good, that's

Mi Hwa: enough.

Min Jin: And a pinch salt.

Min Jin: Very very little liquid in this kimchi

Min Jin: recipe.

Min Jin: And kimchi's a really special thing in my family

Min Jin: because kimchi one of the most important things

Min Jin: that defines Korea.

Min Jin: And I love it.

Min Jin: It's really good.

Min Jin: We have one more piece to go.

Min Jin: Did you hear that? Yes. You hear that crunch?

Min Jin: That's high quality crunching.

Min Jin: Thank you for joining us.

For more infomation >> Author Min Jin Lee's easy family recipe recipe for Stuffed Cucumber Kimchi - Duration: 6:04.


How to Overcome Toxic Influence (4 TIPS FOR DEALING WITH DIFFICULT AND TOXIC PEOPLE) - Duration: 5:11.

Jen O.: Want to know how to overcome toxic influence and four tips for dealing with difficult

and toxic people?

Watch this video to learn just how I do that for myself and how you can too.

I'm Jen Omohundro, from

I post weekly with tips and strategies to help you go from the "no I can't" to the "no

one can stop me" mindset.

Be sure to subscribe to my channel, and hit the bell to be notified when I post a new

video every Tuesday.

Tip #1, release yourself.

Release yourself from responsibility for their behavior.

I'm going to say that again so that the people in the back row can hear.

You are not responsible for their crappy behavior.

An important thing to understand is that the law of attraction only applies to you.

Just like it only applies to me, and it only applies to him, and it only applies to her.

What that means is when you give positive energy, you are getting that positive energy


When you give negative energy, you are getting that negative energy back.

So this person who is toxic and who is giving out the negativity, they're the one that is

going to receive the negativity back.

Take some comfort in knowing that, and release yourself from responsibility for their behavior.

In my video, How Beliefs Shape Reality: 3 simple tips to change how you think, change

your life, I discuss the law of attraction and how you can use it to begin to magnetize

great things to you.

The link to that video is found in the description below this video.

Tip #2, the crazy horse.

That's all good and great, Jen.

I'm not responsible for their crappy behavior when they're taking it out on me, but how

in the world am I supposed to respond when they're doing that?

Well, this is one of my favorite tips, and I got this from the book The Power, written

by Rhonda Byrne.

She calls it a wild horse.

I call it a crazy horse.

She talks about when she's around someone who is negative and trying to bring her down,

she just uses this visualization method and pictures them as jumping on a wild horse,

or a frustrated horse, or an irritated horse.

You get it.

When they're negative and they're going nuts, they're on this, quote-unquote, "horse."

I think it's hysterical, and it works so well for me, not just when I'm around someone who's

being a Negative Nancy, but even when my kids are acting crazy.

It's helped me so much to just picture them jumping on their crazy horse so that I have

the choice to know either I can jump on it with them, or I can just laugh at it and jump

on my own happy horse and ride off.

If you have a technique similar to the crazy horse visualization that works for you, I

would love to hear it in the comments below.

Tip #3 is ditch the high horse.

Since we're on the topic of horses, you don't want to go climbing on a high horse.

We each have the right to our own beliefs and our own feelings, so don't think that

climbing on a high horse and trying to convince someone who's negative that you are absolutely

100% right is going to do either of you any justice.

It's not.

Actually, in the terms of law of attraction, it's going to do just the opposite for you,

because judging and trying to convince someone of something that you believe in when they

don't believe in it, you're putting out negative energy.

You don't want that coming back to you, so let's just be safe, and let's stay off that

high horse.

Tip #4 is to give love.

No, I am not asking you to try to turn a negative into a positive by loving something about

someone that you simply don't love.

That would put me on my high horse.

What I am saying is to give love to the traits about this person that you actually do love.

You can tell them, sure, if you want to tell them, or just simply try to focus and think

about those traits of the person, and try to give zero thought to those negative traits.

Remember, positive energy is much, much more powerful than negative energy.

And bonus tip, walk away.

Of course, I can't give tips and advice on dealing with toxic and negative people without

reminding you that you do have the choice to walk away.

And if you happen to be in a situation that is much more than toxic and is actually abusive,

please seek appropriate help for that situation.

I'm including the website and the number for the National Domestic Abuse Hotline below

in the event that you should need it.

So now you know these tips to help guide you when dealing with toxic and negative influence.

Be sure to join me next week to learn how to turn your fantasies into reality by giving

yourself permission to fantasize.

If you liked this video, please let me know by liking it below, subscribe and share with

someone that you know that is also looking to get out of their own way and live their

best life, and comment below with Yes if you thought this video was helpful for you.

Also, if you are serious about transforming your life, be sure to subscribe to be one

of the first to know about my Mindset Reset program as soon as it's available by clicking

the link in the description below this video.

Thank you, and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How to Overcome Toxic Influence (4 TIPS FOR DEALING WITH DIFFICULT AND TOXIC PEOPLE) - Duration: 5:11.


Better packaging is better for the environment - Duration: 1:57.

- I love toys.

My favorite toy brand here at Hasbro

is My Little Pony.

- I have a fantastic job.

I get to play with toys.

- The first thing that everyone will always say:

"Oh, it's so hard to get toys out of the packaging."

- Oh my lord, I'm stuck.

It's incredibly frustrating when you're

sitting with a young child,

and you're trying to get in to open the package for them,

and all they want to do is play with it.

Now I'm going to actually have to undo all of this stuff.

I feel like I'm on a journey.

Just a tad frustrated.

It only took a couple of minutes.

Or longer.

- When Amazon first approached Hasbro

about frustration-free packaging,

it wasn't quite on our radar yet.

- They came to us about reinventing our packaging

and our process around it.

This is a frustration-free package.

Simply open up my package,

slide the insert out,

unhook the tab, and there I have it.

- The core principles of frustration-free packaging

is that it's first and foremost

easy to open for customers,

designed to reduce waste.

It's 100% recyclable.

It was developed with the customer in mind.

- Frustration-free packaging is when the consumer

purchases it online, it arrives to them in that box

without having to go in an extra Amazon box.

So, right there, we're cutting down on waste.

We're allowed to shrink the footprint

of the package quite a bit.

Switching to frustration-free packaging,

we can see a savings of up to 50% or more

in material usage and in shipping volume.

- You feel great about it at the end.

You've opened it up, you have less waste,

it's much easier to grab that stuff

and put it in your recycle bin and go.

- As a parent, as a packaging professional,

I do care deeply about sustainability,

and that's why I want to make packaging

that generates less waste.

(fun music)

For more infomation >> Better packaging is better for the environment - Duration: 1:57.


Doctor talks 'back-to-school' self care for moms - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Doctor talks 'back-to-school' self care for moms - Duration: 3:43.


Best ways to treat pets for fleas - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Best ways to treat pets for fleas - Duration: 3:16.


Learn Colors with Pj Masks Wrong Heads - Videos for Kids - Duration: 3:42.











do not forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Pj Masks Wrong Heads - Videos for Kids - Duration: 3:42.


For Those Who Dare | ROG - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> For Those Who Dare | ROG - Duration: 1:18.


Info film for patients RUS - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Info film for patients RUS - Duration: 6:36.


Special election to take place Tuesday for state Senate District 19 seat - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Special election to take place Tuesday for state Senate District 19 seat - Duration: 0:26.


leadsquared for dummies - Duration: 7:16.

Go to

Lets understand leadsquared settings

go to the profile option and select settings

this is your user profile

select users and permissions ->users

this shows the users on your account(exportable)

you can create new users by selecting create

you have options to add created users to sales groups, teams

select customization

select the lead fields option

this lets you add new fields for your leads

select create to add new fields

Oops! leadsquared has a limit of 75 fields . You need to talk to your account manager

select custom activities and scores to add new activites/scores for your leads

select add to add a new activity

add your activity name and select relevant options

You've successfully added an activity

you can use the activity code column to use the code for your activity in your custom APIs

select apis and webhooks to see your access/secret key to use in apis

select rules and notifications to add custom notifications based on your triggers using rules

You have multiple actions you can play with

select lead forms to edit all sales lead forms

You can add or remove fields to increase efficiency of your sales agent

you can search for fields you would want to add to your form

add its a simple drag and drop

Leadsquared lets you play with multiple agent facing forms .

select lead stages

select add, to add a new stage based on your business requirement

select the bin icon if you want to delete a stage

select lead sources

this lets you add new sources for your leads

just add a comma to the current list and add your new source

you also have the spotlight search to get to things faster

select lead tracking

You now see a tracking script which you can add to your website to track you customers

go to workflow -> automations

You now see all your business automations

select create automation to -> build from scratch

now select a trigger for your automation

i have selected the new activity trigger and sales activity option

uncheck the run once per lead to ensure the automation runs more than once on your leads

explore the options available to you

leadsquared automations allow you to add conditional clauses just as you would in a flowchart

See ya !

For more infomation >> leadsquared for dummies - Duration: 7:16.


Neubauer's Flowers: Fresh Arrangements For Your Home - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Neubauer's Flowers: Fresh Arrangements For Your Home - Duration: 7:59.


Consent decree reached for Anaconda Superfund cleanup - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Consent decree reached for Anaconda Superfund cleanup - Duration: 1:49.


A Plus Heroes: He Plays For Me - Duration: 5:50.

I'm a musician and I go and play original music on the streets of New York

and I sit next to a homeless individual

and any of the tips we make they get to keep.

In my mid-20s, I kind of had somewhat of a health crisis. I really I was

absolutely crippled by OCD and it derailed my entire life.

It was an incredibly lonely thing. It really showed me that you never know the

burdens that people carry. I was coming home late on the subway one night and

there was a homeless woman sitting there and I had my guitar case at the time and

she pointed to it and said, 'Oh, if I had one of those this would be a lot easier'

and from there, you know, we got to chatting and she said, 'You know, homeless

people with a skill or talent often do a lot better on the street due to tips and

things like that.'

One day he just came by and I never knew who he was.

He just down and was playing music for me. It just blew up from there.

We just stayed connected.

I've been homeless for like two, three years.

For me it's been rough, you know.

It's been rough.

Been a rough storm.

Like I said, you know, I still hold my head up high

no matter what.

When you're sitting with people on the street and you're playing music it can

be a very emotional thing. The homeless people I sit by say that no one's talked

to them in months.

A lot of people out here, including me, need someone to talk with.

It makes me feel like wow, somebody actually sees me

as a human being. It brings tears to my eyes.

John Glenn is one of those guys

that's always looking out for others on the street. He was a vet and he is also a musician.

That means a lot to a homeless person.

When someone says to me, 'What happened? How did you become homeless?'

My apartment was set on fire. I ended up

losing almost everything and then ended up out here.

Where do you go from there? What do you do?

I lived on the street for about eight months but whether you lived on the

street one day, a month, a year, it's a miserable way to live.

James Macklin runs outreach at the Bowery Mission and he's one of the

warmest people I've met in New York City.

One night I got on the A train and I

went to sleep and a lady came by about 2:30 morning and woke me up. That lady was

my angel that introduced me to this place.

A lot of people who work at the

Bowery are former homeless so having the ability to ask them questions and check

in with them and 'what's the best way to help?'

Like those are things that I didn't know.

People are capable of amazing things

when they feel encouraged. Since I started doing this I've been fortunate

enough to see three or four people get off the street. It's been an absolutely

amazing experience.

Four months ago I was homeless and I signed and got my

apartment keys today.


I mean, it's just tremendous,

I am so happy and you

know what? I am a winner coming out of the shelter.


I think we should look at homelessness in a different light

and figure out ways

that we can interact with them and not just pitch them nickels, dimes and quarters.

The biggest impact of this has not been the music. The conversation that I've had

with these people has been the most powerful.

What I've learned is that all of these individuals talk about the impact

of small things. Right? Like saying hello. You can always say hi. Whatever you're

doing, however short on time you are, and all New Yorkers are going somewhere fast.

How you doing? How's your day been? That'll make a big difference.

For more infomation >> A Plus Heroes: He Plays For Me - Duration: 5:50.


FloridaBarNews.TV - Update #85: Bar launches LegalFuel resource center for Florida lawyers - Duration: 2:00.

- [Announcer] This Florida Bar TV news update

is brought to you by Florida Lawyers

Mutual Insurance Company.

Florida Lawyers Mutual defending the reputations

of Florida attorneys since 1989.

Go to to learn more about the company

created by lawyers for lawyers.

- The Florida Bar has launched a new resource

to assist Florida lawyers in the business of law

called Legalfuel,

the practice resource center of the Florida Bar.

Legalfuel offers law office management

and technology support for Bar members,

a variety of free CLEs, and assist lawyers

in running the business side of their law firms.

Legalfuel also features an enhanced search

that can quickly find articles on specific topics

such as marketing or accounting,

as well as providing a curated library

of free webinars, podcasts, and more.

Legalfuel advisors are also available

via live chat to provide quick answers.

In addition to advisors assisting by phone or email

on practice management or technology issues,

lawyers may also connect and share information

via online discussion boards.

- As a small firm practitioner,

I know the stress of managing a practice,

of keeping the lights on.

I understand what it's like to bring in business,

deal with increased competition, make payroll,

and balance family life and bar service.

It's a lot to handle.

And we want to alleviate some of the stresses

and challenges that come with the job.

- offers tips on how to start a law firm,

managing a practice, marketing your practice,

finances, technology, a document library,

discussion board, live chat,

and a search box on the home page. will be generating new

and original content on a weekly basis.

So attorneys can check back often

to continue to grow their business.

To learn more about Legalfuel, visit

- [Announcer] Visit,

the insurance company crated by the Florida Bar.

For more infomation >> FloridaBarNews.TV - Update #85: Bar launches LegalFuel resource center for Florida lawyers - Duration: 2:00.


Quick and Best Hairstyles Tutorials for girls in 2018👩刘大小姐爱编发教程 - Duration: 10:30.

quick hairstyles

best hairstyles

For more infomation >> Quick and Best Hairstyles Tutorials for girls in 2018👩刘大小姐爱编发教程 - Duration: 10:30.


2nd Annual Be The Voice For Animals karaoke fundraiser - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> 2nd Annual Be The Voice For Animals karaoke fundraiser - Duration: 2:44.


Annie Leibovitz Will Shoot Stormy Daniels For Vogue - Duration: 3:44.

Annie Leibovitz Will Shoot Stormy Daniels For Vogue

It was announced today that Annie Leibovitz will photograph Stormy Daniels for a feature article either in Vogue's September or October issue.

Additionally, Beyoncé will be featured on the vaunted September issue cover, and has been given almost complete creative control over her appearance in the magazine, including choosing a black, 23-year-old photographer to capture her cover look.

Tyler Mitchell will be the first black person to shoot the cover of Vogue in the 126 years of the magazine's existence.

Jews, black people, sex workers — if you weren't allowed in country clubs until a few years ago, you might be working on the upcoming Vogue.

Leibovitz, of course, is the preeminent celebrity photographer alive.

She's been powerful since few women were; she notes that when she went to do a series on women who run businesses in 1991 the most she could find was Carly Fiorina.

Things are better now, she thinks.

"Women are a work in progress," she says.

Leibovitz has been running photoshoots for outlets as big as Vanity Fair since the 1980s.

However, Mitchell's milestone at Vogue comes 126 years late and is credit not to the changing values of the magazine but to the impeccably wielded power of Beyoncé.

Additionally, it's big news that Daniels has been recognized by a fashion magazine as a major influencer, as is suggested by Leibovitz being contracted to shoot her.

It means that Vogue will entertain an idea that most publications do not — that a sex worker can be taken seriously.

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