- Hey, do you know what kind of content
your audience actually wants from you?
Today I wanna teach you the one simple thing that you can do
to make sure that your audience clicks on your videos.
And that is coming up next.
(light music)
Hey welcome back, I'm Tracy Phillips
with VideoScriptSuccess.com,
where I help you take those scattered but brilliant ideas
and turn them into videos that convert.
So make sure you hit that subscription button
and that notification bell, so that you can get
all of my tips, tricks and tools
to make great online videos.
Last week I dove deep into your customer journey,
and you learned how to figure out where your customer,
client, audience is and then meet them there.
By the way they're newbies and also if you missed
that video, it's awesome.
Make sure you hop back and watch it when this one's over.
Anywho the next logical question I get
is but how do I know what to make the content about.
How do I know what to do in my videos?
They're newbies, how do I know what they want?
And there's a very simple answer.
The answer is ask them.
You need to do some research.
But before we hop into the how you do that,
I wanna talk to you a little bit about
why you need to do that.
The first reason you wanna do some research and ask
is the curse of knowledge.
We've talked about this before,
you are too close to your material and you tend to make
videos based on what you know and not what your audience
needs to know.
So the research is really gonna help you figure out
what your audience needs to know.
And remember we talked about meeting them where they are,
they're new, so you wanna make sure you keep in mind
your customer journey.
Again watch that video, so you know what they need from you.
The second reason you wanna do some research
is you want to speak their language, right?
So the first reason is the curse of knowledge,
you have to be creating content that they need.
The second is you need to speak their language,
use their lingo.
I love to use the example because I work with a lot
of therapists, let's say you have a therapy practice
and you want to do a little video for parents of kids
who have anger issues.
So you make this video and it's great,
but then you get on there and you say Johnny presents
with anger, nobody talks like that to a parent.
Now you may be talking to your therapist colleagues
like that and that's fine, they'll know exactly
what that means.
But if you start your video saying that
Johnny presents with, no bueno.
So this is an important thing, how would the parent say
that Johnny presents?
What is he doing?
You'd say Johnny has anger issues,
Johnny seems to get really angry when.
He's not presenting with anything,
he's showing signs of anger.
So make sure this is again, we're gonna do a lot of research
on the kind of language that your audience uses.
And then the third reason we wanna do research
is what you think that your audience may be searching for,
may not be what they're searching for.
So this goes back to the curse of knowledge,
and even the languages,
you need to know what are they searching for.
A great example I like to use here is my own company.
So I bring people in on a video tool guide,
the quick and dirty video tool guide, but what do I teach?
I teach video structure.
But people aren't necessarily searching for video structure,
they're searching for the tools that they need.
So if you've ever heard that old adage
sell them what they want, give them what they need.
In this case I like to say make a video about
what they want and then teach them what they need.
So you may have even come through me trying to find
some tool, some tips, some tricks on video equipment
and I'll give you that.
But where I really want you to be thinking about your videos
is with the video structure.
So you really need to figure out what your audience
is searching for, and then make your content fit
so that they can find you and you can help them.
Okay now you know the why of why you need to do
some research before you hit record.
Let's talk about the how,
how can you find this information.
I'm gonna start with a pretty easy one here
and that is survey.
Poll your existing email list.
So I have a client Amanda and we talked about this,
she's a student and a private client,
and I said well what is your email list say about that?
And she said I don't really know.
So she sent out an email, just a simple one,
it wasn't fancy, she just asked a question or two.
They responded by email, guess what?
Over 30% of her list responded, highly engaged.
And the answers really surprised her.
So she's making this content and then she asked them
the questions, and the content she was making
didn't exactly gel with what they actually wanted from her.
Guess what she did?
She shifted her content a little bit
so that she could really serve her audience.
So poll, send out a survey.
Okay you don't have a big list
or you haven't even started your list yet, no big deal.
Use the Google.
What niche are you in?
I would do video scripting, video tech,
how to set up something.
And as you're filling that into Google,
Google does this wonderful thing called auto fill.
And it drop down all of the highest searches,
you don't even have to do that much work.
It's gonna tell you what are people searching about that.
Another great place is Buzzsumo.
If you've never heard of it, it's fabulous.
If you put in your niche, again it'll give you the top 10,
20, 50 articles about that topic.
So not only can you see what people are searching for,
you actually get some titles and some headlines
and some subjects that you know are already working.
Another great place is Quora.com, Quora.com.
Where people ask questions,
again sign up, go in there, put in your niche,
be helpful by the way if you know the answer,
somebody to answer.
But you can see the types of questions people are asking
about your field.
And then my favorite way is to actually noodle around
in some Facebook groups, some private groups.
Join up groups that are in your niche
or at least people you know you can serve.
Or go on forums, they still exist in the interweb.
And be helpful, go in there and search,
see what people are asking for, answer questions.
50% of my clients and students come from me being helpful
within a private group on Facebook, I kid you not.
So it is really useful if you can go in there,
be helpful, see what types of things people are asking for
and then give it to them.
And then the final way is strategy calls.
So depending on how your funnel works,
if you're using strategy calls to bring people
into your business which I do,
make sure while you have them on the phone,
I use Zoom, on Skype, however you're meeting with them.
Have a few questions ready, can you say how did you find me,
what were you searching for, has this been valuable?
Do you have any questions for me?
Guaranteed the questions they have for you
would be excellent video content.
Okay so your homework today is to go grab a piece of paper
or you can use an ever note, and troll around the interweb.
Find out what kind of language your clients are using,
find out where people are hanging out, make a list.
Come up with some great content based on what
your audience needs to know from you.
And no video would be complete without a CTA,
your call to action.
So your call to action is to hit that pretty,
red subscribe button, hit that notification bell,
give me a thumbs up, and leave me a comment
and let me know what do you want more of?
What do you need to know from me?
And I'll see you next week.
(light upbeat music)
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