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Mujhe is wazifa se 53 lakh Ghaib se mil gaya | Mujhe Ghar banane ke liye Ghaibi madad hoi | wazifa - Duration: 2:34.Mujhe is wazifa se 53 lakh Ghaib se mil gaya | Mujhe Ghar banane ke liye Ghaibi madad hoi | wazifa
Meditation to accept what is and SEE what happens - Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 20:39.but it is wonderful to see that yes there is an inevitability to whatever
form this moment takes and so if you do not resist the form that this moment
takes internally you are no longer trapped or imprisoned by the form that
this form takes because very often that's what it looks like that's why
people always try to get away from this moment very often it looks like a
limitation upon you upon your life it's not what I want what am i doing sitting
here in this office in this place in this relationship in this that is that
the other whatever form this moment takes to align yourself with it
the moment you do that and it's not a doing on this through language it
creates the illusion that you're doing something it's one could say it's the
opposite of any doing to internally align yourself well with what is is the
opposite of okay I have to do something you don't have to do anything just this
is as it is always recognize that it's not doing involved this it is as it is
you align yourself with a form that you don't fight the form the moment you
fight the form the form of me gets strengthened in yourself they the me
that is based on my thought forms get stronger through the struggle
action the reactivity against what is ultimately you could say the illusion of
me get strengthened through fighting what is and you can verify that in your
own life when you are resisting whatever a situation or in disagreement with
someone this shouldn't be reactivity to see how
your sense of self feels a little bit inflated through that and you can see
when you watch angry people were fighting to some people who live almost
continuously in angry opposition to what is in the entire universe is against
them or they are against it the world is their enemy and they're just looking for
the next thing to get upset about and you can see how that strengthens how
that inflates the growing sense of self the reactivity the fighting what is the
complaining pattern in the mind Oh
and every time you complain you strengthen a little bit that the form
identity of me the complainer the thought form the reaction in the egoic
identity inflates a little bit through the complaint because every complaint
means that you are right and what you're complaining about is wrong situation in
the person place you are superior to that which you're complaining apart it
is the illusion how the self entity inflates itself continuously through
that it doesn't never last for long and then you need something else but once
you watch that process in yourself or in another it's a little bit easier to see
it in somebody else
how the self-importance grows through every complaint the imagined superiority
of me as compared to that which you're complaining about and some people
complain about the the world of course it's a mad place but complaining doesn't
help very much they complain about humans people people are so unconscious
God you should know better but they don't so if you see how that fighting
what is strengthens the thought made me and accepting what is allowing it
surrendering to this moment the form that this moment takes its all that ever
changes this moment never changes it's always now saying yes to the form
doesn't mean you can't take action if action is needed it comes out of the yes
and said out of them no totally different quality of action it comes out
of saying well this is how it is Here I am two coins in our pocket wet
not much Forge in the stomach let's see that's what is at this moment hmm and
you go beyond the form of this moment and there is suddenly a piece from deep
within and there's a beauty even to that moment the form of that moment
but the beauty may not be in the form that it comes from a deeper place of the
formless the formless life that you are the very life that you are underneath
the form as which you appear you know it not to rejecting the forms but through
accepting the forms so the magic formula then is but it doesn't work if it
remains a thought form the forms that seem to limit you in your life are the
concealed openings into the formulas the conditions that seem to limit you are
the portals into the unconditioned that which you are in your essence so if you
can look upon your life and see where is it that life seems to limit you what is
the area where you feel hemmed in by life the forms in your life your life
situation it could be relationships but you place where you live the people you
live with the physical structures around you the house or the work situation
whatever it may be almost everybody experiences some form
of limitation in their life some form of limitation and see if there and then you
might notice also that you Island almost have bit your resistance to those
limitations those forms in your life and see what happens if you let go of the
resistance to what is use that
and see what happens if you let go of them no to this moment you may be
surprised how quickly things change how quickly the stuckness gets unstuck when
you surrender and some of you who have experienced it already in certain areas
of your life how quickly you become free of the conditioned not by trying to
reach some point of the unconditioned in the future the limitless but by not
offering inner resistance to the conditioned with that deep acceptance of
what is comes what a word that I usually avoid because it can easily become a
thought form and it is all been misused so much with acceptance of what a is
comes love you love what is we don't even need to say love it's there when
you is an allowing of whatever form this moment takes enough arises
so the secret is not to turn your back upon the limitations and trying to reach
some point in the future where you realize yourself as unlimited once
you've sorted out your life situation it's never going to happen not for long
then something else drops instead of looking for some liberation at a future
moment the more limited you are in your life situation there are degrees of
limitation very limited for example would be your body may not make it for
that much longer anymore they might have said you may have two months two more
months those extreme limitations are the most powerful openings the most powerful
openings into presence into space when you surrender to that and so it happens
in some people's lives there's one big thing one what used to be Christians
used to call or still do the cross one big thing in your life that is a
dreadful burden or seems a dreadful limitation most of you have many little
things that's fine too
that works too but the one big thing works even better
if you're lucky enough to want to have one big thing in your life that's oh
absolutely unacceptable uh nobody could accept that well that's
what the mine says
and then surrender happens for many of you it will be a case of little
surrenders what is a little surrender what is surrender it's the shift from no
to yes surrender is detecting and in a no to what is and then sing ha ha there
it goes and then to see well but it is and then you look upon what is
acceptance means it's not judged anymore it's allowed to be and there's a field
of attention spacious awareness the essence of your being was always there
never knew it and this is how surrender to one big thing can take you where once
and for all surrender is no more than surrender to this moment as it is no
other spiritual practice is required but if you're happy with other spiritual
practices that's fine too but every spiritual practice ultimately points to
that so why not do it now what beauty in welcoming the only thing there ever is
which is now what beauty in welcoming the form that this now takes whatever
the form may be and realize yourself as that which is deeper than any form
peace space
not that which happens but the space in which it happens that's who you are and
so when you look at night into space the vastness of outer space vast infinite
infinite depth that's the external version of who you are and then you also
notice when you look there you see oh well it's so simple
they're basically two things in this world space and things in space it's as
simple as that the world consists of space and things in space or rather
things in space are the world let's change it slightly things in space are
the world and space is that which goes beyond anything that words could say but
it's so obvious even if you look through the senses that there's basically even
this room there are things bodies chairs flowers right and this place space
usually nobody notices and usually nobody notices the inner space the
stillness that is underneath the noise the incredible spaciousness that is
there within you so you you are the bridge between the object world and
the formless unconditioned one and you move through this world interacting with
form still you are various form to thoughts still happen occasionally you
interact with other forms and the play of forms continues all around you and
you are rooted in the formless which piece and the world is then the play of
forms around you so to speak so to speak
and nothing in the world of form matters that much anymore and it's only then
that and this is almost a paradox something that is not of this world
which is the world of objects something that is not of this world shines through
this form into this world the formless a certain transparency happens through
surrender to what is a certain transparency happens and so the
unconditioned shines through into the world of form and the world of home then
is experienced as a more benign place when that comes through you and it
transforms how you experience the world of form also not that the water form
will lose its characteristics of having
polarities it has polarities the world of form will always have certain
polarities otherwise forms could not survive i lo or cold but the
manifestation of the polarities of the world of form will become more benign
not the harshness so one could say love comes into this world and love is not
off this world that's how the world changes not that it matters that much
anymore whether or not it changes and you certainly when it's s you surrender
to what is you relinquish the need for the world to change and then it changes
and that includes the need for your world to change your situation reverse
change well first accept what is and then see
what happens
✅ EU-president waarschuwt dat migratieakkoord nog geen succes is - Duration: 3:20.Dit was volgens de Pool Tusk het makkelijkste deel, vergeleken met het invullen van de afspraken ter plekke
Voor migranten die over zee arriveren, worden in het zuiden van Europa opvangcentra gebouwd
Dat gaat op basis van vrijwilligheid, bevestigde Tusk. Dat geldt ook voor de vervolgstap: het opnemen van migranten, van wie is vastgesteld dat ze in Europa mogen blijven, door lidstaten
Tusks idee voor opvangcentra buiten de EU wordt uitgewerkt. De Duitse bondskanselier Angela Merkel zei dat dat alleen kan als Afrikaanse landen ermee akkoord gaan en de VN erbij betrokken is
Zij had het over "een stap in de goede richting". "Het is nog altijd zeer controversieel, maar ik heb eenheid en vastbeslotenheid gezien", aldus Tusk, die van "een soort doorbraak" sprak
Hij is ervan overtuigd dat dergelijke centra het nuttigste instrument zijn om het "businessmodel van mensensmokkelaars" te breken
Buitengrenzen Sinds vrijdag kunnen we echt over een effectieve controle van onze buitengrenzen praten, vervolgde Tusk
Niet alleen de Libische kustwacht krijgt meer ondersteuning, er was ook ruime steun voor het plan om de Europese grens- en kustwacht de komende twee jaar uit te breiden van de dertienhonderd nu naar tienduizend man
Tusk benadrukte dat de top een duidelijke boodschap stuurt aan schepen, ook van reddingsorganisaties, om zich aan de wet te houden en de Libische kustwacht niet te hinderen
Duitsland De Duitse bondskanselier Angela Merkel heeft langs de zijlijnen van de top wat speling gekregen in het conflict met haar Beierse coalitiepartner CSU
Die heeft bij monde van minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Horst Seehofer gedreigd asielzoekers die elders in Europa staan geregistreerd bij de grens terug te sturen, wat de regering zou doen wankelen
Met Spanje en Griekenland heeft Merkel bilaterale afspraken gemaakt over het terugnemen van dergelijke asielzoekers, bevestigde ze na afloop van de EU-top in Brussel
Met Italië heeft ze echter geen deal kunnen sluiten. ''Meer dan werkbaar", zei Merkel over de afspraken, die ze vrijdagavond en zaterdag in eigen land presenteert
De eerste reacties uit Beieren over de resultaten van de top, waar de EU-leiders een vooralsnog vrij vaag akkoord sloten over het onder controle krijgen van de emigratiestroom, waren voorzichtig positief
De politieke druk op Merkel lijkt daarmee te zijn geslonken. 295 Migratietop: Wordt het migrantenprobleem opgelost? Zie ook: EU-leiders bereiken op top akkoord over migratiecentra en Rusland
Shock claims Antactica is UFO BASE for ALIENS - Duration: 3:18.conspiracy theorists have been left gobsmacked
after news surfaced of a fitness reportedly reveal the location of
military bases around the world the global heat map published by GPS
tracking company stripper unveiled mysterious activity from as far away as
Somalia and Yemen now it is claimed there is also activity shown in the icy
reaches of Antarctica with claims it exposes an underground government base
in the South Pole daily star dot Cote UK reports
Tyler Glockner of YouTube channel 1610 uploaded footage using the software
appearing to show heat signatures from an isolated location in Antarctica he
said we have a new area of Antarctica that was discovered we're in the middle
of nowhere we had one of these heat maps we can obviously see the outline of what
looks like a multi-level building which obviously people who are wearing
tracking devices likely government employees have been walking around every
single day when the clip switches to Google Earth of the same area however
nothing can be seen apart from mountains and snow there is a man-made runway and
camp some seven miles away from the building but nothing in its exact
coordinates mr. Glockner said that leads me to believe is that whatever we are
seeing in this heat map it is definitely underground you can see some of the
lines here are overlapping which signifies to me there are definite
multiple levels while there are many publicly known camps or basis or
stations scattered round on Takht occur I firmly believe there is more of
mystery there there are things underground which we are not being told
about there are several popular conspiracy theories about the being
secret US military bases hidden in Antarctica we're recovered UFOs are
allegedly secretly stored and experimented on one even suggests that
after World War Two the Nazis escaped to Antarctica and set up bases where they
tried to develop UFO technology and these have since been taken over by the
US more than 100,000 people have watched the video one viewer posted on YouTube
or some video I would love to know what they are hiding down there
another added the more we look the more evidence we find of highly advanced
civilizations that were here way before us
others were skeptical one pointed out if it was underground there would be no GPS
signal and therefore no location tracking scott brando runs debunking
website youth interest dot orc he said as reported by many media gps points can
show sensitive information about the location and staffing of military bases
military personnel on active service and spy outposts we know striven released
their global heat map showing thirteen trillion gps points from their users but
we don't know how many human activities or military bases can be identified
without falling into a conspiracy
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