Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 30 2018

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For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 1148 - Maya Graham - Duration: 17:58.


Top Cartoon Animation Compilation For Children & Kids # 38 - Jamie Cross - Duration: 12:08.

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Barbara always a pleasure Oh B humor. I should have them back around noon tomorrow. Thanks Barney muffled

I check out this weird little gnome. I got from Madame Polidori shop, isn't he? Perfect

What's that on its back? Oh, he comes with a back story. I look like a gnome cap all mmm. Where's your little red cap?

You are gonna heed that warning, aren't you?

You know what with the dread and the danger. Ah Madame Polidori just nothing happened lame

So, what's the plan for tonight?

Gnomes make me happy


What are we looking at?

A garden no

He says we need to get the hat off of the red cap in order to steal him back up again

What do you mean we just go in there and do it already?

Harold give me a boost. Oh, I'm deathly allergic

Step 3 season to taste

Do you guys smell by his ankles which no

But the space which no means actually in love with his best friend the gnome detective and get this the gnome detective has been in

Love with the astronaut known this whole time. I just hope the astronaut gnome recognizes his true

Love you want that oven at a good baking temperature don't want to overheat that early team

350 degrees ought to do it is the oven big enough

These are growing girls have to know it's weird how Bunnicula has no trouble getting around the Orlock apartments

Even though it's like a bunch of little houses inside of one big house. Well if Bunnicula

I can't watch


Never spend the whole night at sleepovers. We'll protect you. Yeah, we haven't even gotten to the shirtless gnome seen yet

Sure, this gnome scene. That's the spirit nomads awake right my family no way

Found their way into my home if you could come our third, what beard

Believe it or not all this produce came from our little garden out back

Only milk can tame the Beast. Well, I hope you to mentals of learned your lesson about hot pepper

You got to admit he makes it look like a good time

We'll leave Bunnicula put those peppers down like that

I don't know what he's starting to burn me up

Hey, Nick

Get rid of all those peppers I'm gonna see what I can do about getting laughing boy in there to cool it

Muda Peppa Peppa things about

Porter with nothing, but best epic robes as far as the eyes could see but the encroachment of man forestry spirits of the

Peppermint to ash and what once was

These peppers are everywhere

Ghost pepper ghost is just using him

Which gives me an amazing idea I

Mean Here. I am NOT going back out there. I don't know why you're so scared of flaming laughing pepper ghosts me

I'm the one that's been chasing that thing around while you've been failing to throw peppers away

What's the matter can't make Bunnicula eat more pets

In your face like

They're just giving him away

Marvel of the 21st century if you'd have told me six months ago

We're gonna get you back. Hey, what are you guys doing down here?

Did you get so excited for these peppers that you followed me here? I

Don't think it's a good idea to be stuffing hot peppers and

I hate you're kidding, right this place has all kinds of haunted. Yeah, just last week. I walked by

Wait what so Mina actually wants to see all the supernatural stuff

Who'd a thunk if you want I can go in but it is Bunnicula Forte

Mina's beloved rabbits head just popping off. That's at least a six on my scare. Scale. Mina needs like a one

It's definitely

supernatural but like low-key

Supernatural what do you guys think looks like a tennis ball and I like that. All right, then you got the gig

All right. There's Mina and her friends now go give them the most non-threatening fright of their life to all creatures show yourselves

you think

Sorry Mina, there must be a really weak connection to the spirit world tonight. I

baked cookies

Not scary enough

Okay, because if you like those peanut butter cookies

Run some prints that wait, where'd it go? Oh,

He does not like me ice bag what that sounds like you just put two random words together that what you did

Yeah, but it sounds scary ice bag

Okay. Well put that one. It's stuck on this dumb video

Normal activity down there

Woodstock, oh that's an awfully long time to be in the bathroom who cares both cats me. Nah. Hey

Go on introduce yourself spirits love that

Hey Mina here it's done your spine No

Is this my destiny to remain unhaunted?

Plagued only by the living there's still the Attic

School sheep ghost will do the trick to scare Mina

now mist

Do you think it would be

Even my pets are more in tune with the spirit world. Meanwhile Mina here resident ghost repellent

Okay, very funny Marcia

You threw Mina's laptop? Yeah, what was I supposed to throw? Oh, I don't know maybe one of the medieval weapons hanging above our heads

So did I get the part yeah, I

Heard you were still looking for a ghost. Oh, geez

together Paul


For more infomation >> Top Cartoon Animation Compilation For Children & Kids # 38 - Jamie Cross - Duration: 12:08.


Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 382 - Sam Day - Duration: 18:36.

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For tonight's final illusion. We have the incredible sass of mystery when you put your money in it miss sue

Tiger fist will return after these messages. Hey, look, it's a commercial. I was telling you guys about are you completely miserable?

He's accepted I've always loved you, but I've never Wow, I'm not

Really psychic. I think we should go and find out never you're forbidden from patronizing the competition

No one that lives under my roof is allowed under that

Put your money in Gideon's psychic sack. Oh

Let's see what this monster looks like

Hello America, my name is a vision I predict you'll soon all say oh

It came true what's see

where there's a black guy and future lien class and you too can see

you as we

Read your mind if I'm able something tells me your name

Thank you, you people are the real miracles

Man that kids an even bigger fraud than Stan

Check it out dipper. I successfully pizzazz with my face

Bling. Oh

Is that permanent? I'm unappreciated in my time

You mean this one? Oh

When I saw you in the audience I said to myself now there's a kindred spirit someone who appreciates the

Sparkly things in life a peach so sweet

What do you say we step away from here and share a bit more perhaps in my dressing room Oh makeovers

And what's going on with those fingernails? You look like a Wolverine I know right?

It's hanging out my new pal Gideon. He's one dapper little man Mabel. I don't trust anyone. Who's

Whoa the fuel from your family's Factory is nuts. Good thing we both brought our opera glasses

I am speaking from the heart from the where now Mabel. I've never felt this close with anyone. So so close

Hey look Gideon I am

Okay, then I guess Mabel pines you have baby the happiest boy in the world

Are you sniffing my hair?

Yes, okay. We agree on something here

I'm not having chapman awaits milady

Jean-luc, what did we discuss about eye contact? Yes. Yes

I've never seen so many Forks and water was bubbles in it, huh? Ah oui

Oui little shyster is dating my great-niece

I wonder what the new name will be for the power couple maybe rien Gary Abel Oh make it belly on I

Didn't know I didn't hear about it

No real door

You simply must come in for coffee

But I can't it's imported all the way from Colombia


I went to jail there once

Some digs you got here. So yeah, it is a fantastic business opportunity. Yes, the mystery shack and the tent of telepathy

We've been at each other's throats for far too long been at each other's throats for far autograph or your own headshot lady. Yeah


Mabel tonight's date was a complete success and tomorrow's day promises to do you accompany?

Gideon to the ballroom dance. Oh

So adorable, I can verify that that will indeed happen

Hey, how'd it go?

And I do like Gideon that's a friend slash little sister so I didn't want to hurt his feelings

I just need to get things back to where they used to be

You know friends friend buddy pal Chum other word for friend. Oh, I already said pal

uh, mate, how about


Chubbie quicksand Mabel, come on. It's not like you're gonna have to marry Gideon great news Mabel. You have to marry Gideon. Oh,

No, Mabel Mabel's not here. She's in sweater town. Are you gonna come out of sweater town Oh

Different funds, how are you? You look good. You look good Thanks you uh look Gideon

We gotta talk Mabel isn't joining you tonight. She

Bargains you now so okay cool. Well then again, sorry, man, but uh, hey thumbs up, huh?

Thumbs up indeed, my friend you've done

You just made the bacon

Hit me dude

Ridge say we want to interview you about whether you've seen anything unusual in this here town since you've arrived

Oh finally, I thought nobody would ever ask I have notes and theories boy, I sure will Gideon

Dipper pines, how long have you been living in this town a week - you like it here. Enjoy the scenery

What do you want from me man? Listen carefully boy. This town has secrets you couldn't begin

Read minds isn't all I can do but but you're a fake Oh tell me Dipper if it's fake

Soon I don't know what's wrong with me

I thought everything was back to normal

But I still feel all gross Mike Worley Nate Holt a guy with the tattoos. Maybe letting did Purdue


And I'm gonna make sure you never lie to me again I am I

I don't understand

Hey, but we can still be makeover buddies right wouldn't you like that?

Drop powers. Oh this isn't over. This isn't the last you'll see of will

I rebuke thee I

rebuke thee

Rebuke, is that a word the entire?

Plants family have invoke URI rages again. Sorry Stan, I have to side with Gideon on this one

Okay, okay I can see when I'm not wanted Stan, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna need that painting

Yeah, the little mutant swore vengeance on the whole family. I guess he's gonna try to nibble my ankles or something. Oh, yeah

Yeah, how is he gonna destroy us now, huh?

Gideon I still love you your problem. You'll see

In this land of ours there are many great fits, but none more bottomless

So long mystery Shack suggestion cards, the pie could be love letters from the Gideon

What are you doing

Gogol Stan do I really have to be the one to point out that a bottomless pit is by definition impossible says you

Well, it looks like we're down here for the long haul who wants to see some card tricks

Than that fine, I'll tell you a story a story. I'd like to call voiceover

What's so funny sorry, it's it's hard to focus on what you're saying with that squeaky puberty voice

you got there my what it's nothing to be ashamed of dipper your voice is

Hilarious. Are you saying my voice?

Even my size sound weird

Good morning dipper I

Did it I did it

This is my voice now. I sound awesome sound awesome

I knew boy's voice has changed, but this is weird weird bad Mabel this

Magnificent Mabel, no like

How you did Lee doing soos

He'll like my new voice you'll see I'll be right back after these messages I I mean, goodbye

Grunkle Stan grunkle Stan. Where are you? Grunk Oh Stan, huh prank caller on the loose this

Nicholas when I cry, here's your problem, I gave you the wrong drink imaging this one's for voiceover professional


You're ready for your new voice this one should be permanent

Still mine and I wouldn't change it for anything not even for whatever was in this new vial

So what did you do with the rest of that potion? I don't do it in stands coffee

Any of you kids seen my girdle wet my girdle that

First rose. Hey guys, who wants to pass the time by spinning everyone spin No

This is it dudes after four long years of trying I might finally get the high score on Stan's

Take alright, that's it ready kids


Never want to wake up that can be arranged

Welcome to EE terror partners

Hey, I'm gonna kill you. Oh, yeah. Well well take this

And this how it hurts. I wish this was working better

How are we ever gonna get out of here think guys I'm trying but it's hard with that gorgeous pinball what's distracting me

Okay, don't worry guys, all right, let's go sous-sous. So are you like doing anything later or

Right come on out and show yourselves varmints


The switch already, okay, so I was gonna do that

But I've been thinking according to this turning off the power erases the high-score permanently. That score is like my one big life accomplishment

What if you don't hurry up to?


You dudes, okay

Tonics soos winning it's something where do you come up with this stuff? I'll tell you a good story

It's called grunkle. Stan wins the football ball

But I couldn't have done it without my sidekick football thank you for

This attraction it's gonna make me a fortune easy with that bear corduroy. I need him in showroom condition

And the yellow light means speed up Oh

What seems to be the problem officers

Then where's your doctor's note why it's right here inside my jacket

There you go

Well, okay now did you learn that sometimes you have to bend the truth for the greater good

Hey, has anyone seen my plate of spaghetti?

No, but a bet sue says, you know how he likes to eat stop

Um, maybe you should check dippers Journal wink wink say like one more time wink wink waddles you genius

The lie well, goodnight

You what it seems like a horrible idea it's great

Now he has to tell the truth and go to the bathroom without washing my hands. Yeah

Well, that was disturbing. Don't worry Dipper. The truth is always a good thing

Excuse me, do you think this t-shirt is because I regularly commit massive tax fraud might wanna tuck that one away their

Goods I think I have a growth forming on my back. Just wanted to be honest with you guys

I can't take it anymore Mabel you have to take those teeth out of his mouth

Oh and I do you see I lied to you in addition. I've been parking in handicapped spaces

Shoplifting fireworks and smuggling endangered animals across multiple state lines. Also you're fat

He was just telling you about a character from his upcoming page-turner author

writers masters of fiction good night officers

Hey you. All right. I can't believe I lied Mabel. It was for the greater good

And I never saw that box full of magical teeth again, oh wait, there it is


Don't sciency enough to be true but but that's impossible. No one will believe us. Maybe this is one story we should keep to ourselves

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 382 - Sam Day - Duration: 18:36.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 806 - Molly King - Duration: 17:29.

PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE my Videos! Thank you very much!

No little pay you Wiggy

You know what? Let's go visit him. Mom. I'm taking flushes two boobs land

Boov Kyle it is blocking out all sound and natural light so you can focus on captain duties

But how will tip get in here for visiting?

All the time I'm wishing the same. Wish. Oh, I have a crazy idea. Oh, no, are you okay?

What if I do not know I?

Will call myself the king of police. Let's go tell everyone

I think I caught a family when someone coughed on me. The family is like well it has kind of

Was just wondering, you know move in with us Kenny, please

You have my picture in your room that is being so cool

I also have many

Personal items where should I be putting them anywhere you like dude?

Except maybe this side of the room and not that whole spot either. It's great. Right? You'll fit in here real good Oh,

My very own drawer in my best friend's room

And for my new family, I will prepare a surprise I love surprises dinner is served

Yes, my mom is having a stronger food sack than tip

Figure it out when we wake up. Is there being time for a familial embrace? No. Oh

Her face was all scrunchie, and she did not want to give me a familial embrace

Maybe you should surprise her with something. Nice like a dance party. You're wanting ladies in a dance party. Okay

I'm also thinking that tip is desiring the opposite of that

Look, I love you and all but today's been a lot to handle

It's not you know tips is saying she is needing space. Do you think I should leave?

Wow, do you think I should stay?


Dollars, nope, you can't bribe me. Well, maybe I can


On get yourself together we need to let the rest of the month tip

That you my cans are my eyes now

Hmm. Are you okay honey? I just I think

When you asked me to live with you my heart soared to the skies, but I messed things up

Oh, does anyone have any questions?

Have seen alien planets destroyed by the white death. There's no danger out there just snow

So quit being such a boov about this now get ready for the type of you're a scaredy-cat. I don't work old, you know

This burns my eyes

Shahrzad your fragrance is sizzling my boob bod. Yo bod is all but do you not fear the coming ice age?

Can we move this along everybody's coming but oh you'll get my person aside

Sharzad we will be too busy

Fluffy yet also crunchy. Hey this better get used to it. The snow comes every year in Chicago


Perfect you're just in time to escape this horrid dying planet Kyle you guys totally need to stop moving out right now

My I

Definitely useless now

Are having a higher freezing temperature

Given up on the boovie and position of giving up Oh think you're not frozen

Oh, yeah. Jalapeno salsa one can of pepper spray

You guys him cool

Say Bobbo job boo hoo didn't even cover my obey the body in them


You guys

Thanks, I'm gonna get made me lose my status as

I feel emo Padre the art of

You know it mope Osito long books. So I only read the back cover it surprised it taught me to keep my friends close

But my enemies close and the regret haunts me every day like the collection notices on this overdue library book

Well, I will not fail like you assistant Krab Adler manager. I'm gonna be disgraced former leader smack

I was wondering if you'd like to become friends for no sneaky reason what's with it? Just you and me spending lots of time together

This is the only place that does not serve beach balls I am highly allergic to beat fall

To beach

You are going to have to pay in advance what that's not how restaurants work every time you come here

You'll make a big fuss complained about the waiter. And then he may have made some terrible life choices, but he still deserves respect

Let us go somewhere else. Uh, okay. Hmm

No one has ever stood up for me before would it ruin your day if they cease to exist you?

Should really eat something here Oh thankings you

Don't forget you work Wednesday

Are you okay? I'm fine. Ooh

What what what was that? That is please what's going on here disturb me

But you're turning into someone I might

What's wrong

You're not supposed to be nice to me they're supposed to be someone I want to

Hey, what's with the spasms smooth jazz frequencies interrupt like biological cool by Delhi is being trampled by a thousand Kovich

That is Dean close enough

You are going to love this picnic

I has them with tip all the time, and now you want to do not forget to wash your nostrils

Are you doing here what you should be doing sticking to the pan nothing is done. Oh

We should probably leave the park right now. Not before we have our shoelace shakes

H-has saved me again. You are truly a great friend

Wait some seconds

Okay, okay you got me I was taking notes should even ask my assistants lamb dangler manager, please believe me

I'm being so sorry

How can he rebound so quickly that's it you won't get away with rejecting me next time I

Laughter is just a mask for the hurt inside but your mobo bro is about to ease your I

Said make old miserable, not me

Whose nose do I have

What about eyes that's a picture of everyone at the Reunion is one big happy family as I have ever seen

This is what I want

The closest I have ever had to DNA relations were my Padma

Please sit with me. I already ordered you a tea cupping. Thank in you

Hey family pyramid with me

Yes, I will make a family pyramid with you perhaps we should invite all of our

Two O's, this is my pod brother Regis we are alike in every way because we share DNA

Even our Ling's here today. I better go put on something more


Welcoming you

Time to make some DNA connections

We have the same sitting pad

Welcoming you

Tip this is Candace one of my pod sisters. What is on the schedule today? Oh, oh pod legs are not needing schedules

She is so practical

Is this the dwelling in which a gathering of the problems is to occur in one?

Sock soup is never served as an altitude of less than 9 feet luckily

I always bring the appropriate technology for such an occasion

It sounds like it is coming from over here

Perhaps we are not needing a schedule to develop the bond of family having an argument

Please don't be crying

The probability of becoming inside is about point zero zero zero zero Z not good

Wow really thought we were going in a different direction with that damn you climb here that is being right

Perfect tip, can you take the picture please? Um, if you really want it

You know just cuz you look like someone

Who made you laugh who gets you getting wondering

Maya while I wish for is a family that would take my hand though. We're not from the same

Well, that was weird

I am leaving because they are leaving


Do not think you look offensive my mom, but you are looking stupid

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 806 - Molly King - Duration: 17:29.


Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 65 - Erin Owen - Duration: 16:18.

I'm gonna say beef I know Gideon Oh

Gideon remember when I wouldn't date him. He tried to destroy us

He's always trying to trick me into losing the mystery shack one time

I caught him stealing my moisturizer and yets taken over. This Shack is by breaking in and stealing my deed

You mean like right now

3841 heavens to Betsy

The combo to the safe is in the one place I'll never find it my brain

Your brain isn't as safe as you mad

He put the old and Old West they call him

Dudes there's a bat in the kitchen and tried to touch me with its weird little bat fingers. Don't worry. I got this under control

Never take care of it now

Okay, I'll do it

Swab it on disinfectant Doh Doh Doh. Yeah, why does grunkle Stan always pick on me?

Think about it. The more painful or difficult to chore is the more likely it is. I'll have to do it

Why doesn't he pick on you guys dipper get in here and fix it?

You think that combination safe in your mind it eludes my grasp Oh

Oh gravity falls it is good to be back name's bill cipher and I take it you're some kind of living

Beauty for you kid

Sure I am what's your point?


You know what kids you've convinced me I'm sold I'll help you with this and in return you can help me with something

I've been working on we'll work out the details later

Also, we stopped for snacks on the way here a triangle guy feel like I've seen something like this before in the journal

beware bill the most powerful and dangerous creature

I've it's possible to follow the demon into a person's mind and prevent his chaos one must simply recite this incantation

Oh, this is just great. I spend all day cleaning things and fighting bats for Stan and now I have to save him from some

I think I could take these burrito bites understands brain thumbs-up thumbs-down

You know what I'm just gonna bring them

Okay guys in order to save our uncle we're gonna happen fight dentists omnium Magister mention magnesium


This is Stan's mind. Huh? Figured. There'd be a lot more hot old ladies. Remember everyone

We've got to look out for the triangle guy. Yeah

Question mark shooting star pine tree

What do you want with our uncle's mind anyway I'm the master of the mind I even know what you're thinking right now

Whoa, where are we bro? We must be in heaven hurts my eyes. No, they can help us totally

Dude arm throne arm Oh

Strands memories

Great sure. There's plenty of memories of Stan bossing me around can't wait to see more of that

s barrel came where I

See, nope

Sir, would you like to buy a stand vac vacuum stand back? It sucks more than anything

This is terrible, I can't think of anything to say and she looks weird up close think of a way out

Great yeah, let's just keep moving more moving. Yes. I love motion

Don't Stan how about May didn't ask you why are you so hard on dipper all the time look soos

I'm gonna let you in on something you want to know what I really think

The kids a loser opening and closing doors is fun. I can do it also

If only people knew the truth that hidden behind this vending machine I secretly helped

Sweet Sally ha we've been searching forever

What if the triangle guy finds the memory before we do if we want to find Stan's memory?

We got a sink like Stan he's always hiding

Huh, there you go and now to input the code

13:44 and finally, dude we found it

Hey guys, I just saw a memory of Stan rollerskating and wearing short shorts then look and look how bad

Hey something weirds going on here. She understands safe boy that was even easier than I thought. Oh, yeah. Well, you're a

stink face

Awesome, come back Mabel. Don't treat me like a child Zeiler later suckers

I saw it with my own eyes in one of his memories Mabel. He's always picked on me

And now I know why Stan hates me Oh

Dipper it doesn't matter what you saw if we don't stop bill will lose the shack

Yellow bill did you find the memory with the combination yet? Relax shortstack. I got it right here

Perfect. Whatever. That was. It's gone forever

Mabel did it the shock is safe the damsel. Wait, no way. I'm switching to plan B

So I guess it gets really mad when he gets mad he's weak I just want to get rid of him


Those are all things people said about me when I was a boy, huh? It was terrible

I was the biggest wimp on the playground, you know at the time

I thought my pop was trying to torture me, but wouldn't you know it the old man was doing me a favor all along?

He's really coming along what push comes to shove I'm actually proud of him

Just don't ever tell him that his head's big enough as it is, huh? That's true

Well, how about that

Nice bowtie Oh

Guys I just learned that you can conjure whatever you can conceive in grunkle Stan's mind

You know, I'm impressed with you guys you're a lot more clever than you look especially the fat one

He's gone, we did it

Stan must be waking up. Brightly colored and radical young men. Uncle Stan you're okay. What is this a hug? Nope? It's a choke hold

Not bad kid. Oh

I'm sorry Pines family. Did I wake you?

But we defeated bill bill failed me. So I switched to plan B dynamite. What Bill who?

What do you guys know? Right, right?



Can't believe it I

Thought I lost you too. Dr. Pines. It's really you I've been hugging strangers to practice. Hey even in a sack

I still look better than you. It's it's a long story

Hey, is anyone gonna feed me Larry Kings disembodied wax head wants num nums?

Welcome to what's left of normal around here home base. I

Am now humble mcskirmish

Grunkle Stan how this all happened. So I was hammering signs out back when the sky started vomiting nightmares

I was a dude turns out whatever you and my brother did to the shack with your unicorn

voodoo made the crazy Flay's invincible to weirdness

I elected myself to facto chief the plans to stay in here and eat brown meat until we run out

Then I vote we eat the gnomes. Hey, I'm short not deaf trace. Demon was his worst one yet. Trust me

We have everything we need right here. It's nothing risk, but at least the monsters inside know how to massage, you know shiatsu

Yes, I fear for the first time our images of what's happened to the captured

Townsville viewers are advised to look away if they don't want to see their friends turned into a twisted throne of human agony

No, my parents are bad. But even they don't deserve to be turned to stone

He knows bill secret weakness

Now if we band together if we combine all of our strengths our smarts

Have you all forgotten who's in charge here besides, we're only safe inside. It's not like we could take the mystery shack - bill

You're in the penthouse suite kid the tip of the pyramid have a drink make yourself comfortable we had a

Multi-channel makeover I control space matter and now that that dumb baby's out of the way time itself

But I wasn't always this way. We can't escape the magical confines of this town. There's something keeping me in

incredible gravity falls natural law of weirdness magnetism

I'll remake a fun world a better world

I'm insane either way Brainiac but have it your way. I'll just fish around and get that equation directly out of your mind

Not so fast. I'll make you talk. It's only a matter of time

You're gonna want some gun swords what's an anime we have much to discuss

Discuss nothing these cripples are a bunch of cockamamie balderdash

Thanks for these apocalypse sweaters Mabel the end of the world has never been so comfortable


Fine I'll wear it

Hey, if we're lucky enough to get there, I guarantee this whole town is gonna throw you the best birthday party you've ever seen

Thanks soos hey

Has anyone seen grunkle Stan? It's this darn plan to save my brother

If you didn't notice

I already saved him once from that portal and he never thanked me he causes the end of the world and somehow it still always

Oh leader Mabel, I keep accidentally flexing through my sweater

Ah, it happened again. Oh weird cow monsters are delightful

Ready to talk now I won't I won't let you into my mind

The shack troll


Hey, you're a little cutie. I have butchered millions on countless moons

Whoa, I liked you better before you talked real well bring down this

Everyone incoming this thing of an escape hatch

Guys seriously you had like one job to do here Bravo dipper and Mabel

Any idea how long it takes to regenerate that we've got him distracted now's our chance rescue team

But maybe we could come up with a plan that doesn't involve us plummeting tor certain down

And it looks even worse up close

Tastes like nightmares. Ah, I think I've darkened tortured for reals now

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 65 - Erin Owen - Duration: 16:18.


Sofia The First The Crown Of Blossoms Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Purple Sheep - Duration: 3:59.

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Pin the blame on the king

We have some time before add register, please excuse my new Royal wizard

Omar is not fond of genies. Why should I be sire? Magic is serious

Loyal Wizards like me are serious. I

Rest my case

Can't talk now Sofia Genie Patrol is a roach for a birthday cake. This is not what I expected

Oh my what shall we do? Cuz he'll take care of it

Never gets to have fun. Nobody can't have just gotta follow the rules

Genie rule number 21 only the genie who grants the wish can undo that wish right? I forgot

That's how we do it I'm a genie patrol who has done Genie Patrol Your Majesty junior patrolman Kazim

And I have now rounded up all rogue genies and confine them to their lamps listed a genie may be playing hero now

but not too long ago wasn't he a rogue genie granting wishes willy-nilly

conjuring huge cookies putting wings on a camel

So am I as you say sergeant fees now, let us all go to the market

You go kid junior patrolman

Apologies friends for the delay shoo camels show. How embarrassing I wish this

What happened I have no idea a

Certain fist said old-world genies are bottled up kazeem said he didn't do it and I believed him

Thanks, Sophia, but did he not?

Enough. I am sure that is an explanation for all of this. You are not back to playing tricks. Are you my boy?


If there is any more funny business Kazim, there will be consequences

Understood no more tricks. Yes sire. King Roland. The lettuce gets cleaned up

It's a mystery for sure luckily

We know someone who can solve any Genie mystery

We need your help, okay, give me the rundown the rundown right here

some camels would move and wings and they made a mess and it shouldn't

Take me to the scene of the charm

Okay, this is work team who beat me to swish and that's where the camels got wakes step one of any investigation dust for fingerprints

So that powder will tell you who cast the spell

Close Sofia. It'll tell us what kind of magic maker cast it it might not even be a genie

Think of that it could have been a whip just because it was a genie doesn't mean it was Kazim

Good point under step to interrogate the witnesses. Where were you this morning miss? Um,

Hello, mr. Camel me ask you a question you talking to me

Yes, did you notice anything strange today a clue? Thank you. No fuck off my hump dat apply

Just the Fez detective v I found a clue give me the short version

And I don't mean the kind you put on a sandwich Sofia you believe me

For more infomation >> Sofia The First The Crown Of Blossoms Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Purple Sheep - Duration: 3:59.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 457 - Red Apple - Duration: 15:15.

No sponges

Hi disgraced former leader smack girl I was so sure that sponge trick would work. How was I supposed to know?

What snacks he likes? What's all the beef with the little purple dress?


Feel you mo Padre. I was once a glorious leader

the art of oh

You know it Macedo long book, so I only read the back covered

It surprised it taught me to keep my friends close

But my end I got weak and I failed of course

You're an idiot and the regret haunts me every day like the collection notices on this overdue library book

Well, I will not fail like used


This crazed former leader smack. I was wondering if you'd like to become friends for no sneaky reason what's with it? Just you and me

New friends speck we have so much bonding to do. Yes. Yes, we do. What are your deepest darkest fears?

It's just my super secret diary journal nothing important forget about it

Okay, you are going you are going to have to pay in advance what that's not how restaurant ah

I hate you. Do not talk to disgraced former leader Smith

That way he may have made some terrible life choices, but he still deserves respect

Here you go

Thanking you. I love street tires. How much do you love street tires? Would it ruin your day if they cease to exist you?

Should really eat something

You'll regret it forever

Okay, fine letting me see

You're supposed to be my worst enemy, but you're turning into someone I might

What's wrong that I only tell my closest friends

Why why would you say that? Why would you call me that word?

Frequencies interrupt like biological poor. It's like my inside jelly is being trampled by a thousand clubs. Oh my

Radiation they're releasing jubilation

You are going to love this picnic I has them with tip all the time

And now you want to have one with me, of course

What are you doing here what you should be doing sticking to the plan?

I'm not gonna let a fellow Moe worker be weak like I was

I'm gonna make sure you take down that little purple guy and nothing can stop

We should probably leave the park right now

Leave right now

Smack you have saved me again

You are truly a great friend

Is this your super super most talented artist there? You are tormenting me with squirrels

Yes, but and Here I am in agony over smooth jazz frequencies

You have perfectly cattle blood but to my surprise I fell in friend with you and decided to call the whole thing off

No, you have to believe me I'm so sorry

Come on, let's forget it all happen. Finish our picnic. Oh

The pain he must be feeling


That's it. You won't get away with rejecting me next time. I will just ruin your day

I'll ruin your the early evening to

I said Nicole miserable, not me

All right

Extra credit problem is all yours

tip an

A-plus after I get this extra credit problem. That's

About must be over here supervising

30 miles per hour

I must get the plus letter. All right, being a failure. Just think about my homework questions. You have gotten right?

I love that big boob brain of yours. Yeah, you are a genius

Well, there it is the temple of infinite knowingness wait

I've not building shaped like a boob with a button said that is no button. His head is big

We must thinking happy thoughts negative energy interrupts the big brain boovs

Massive mind muscles the ancient boov used to blorp underneath it too encouraging fortunate answers

All across boobs land any booth can watch as the big brain booth answer our questions

Keeping your voice down

It's not from here tip, please be showings respect the big brain boovs are the golden comb

Deformed greetings your most smartness is

Now join us in the hive mind

You with our knowingness today. We humbly request that you shine some light on our train based quandary


Small brain booth it is now 5:00 p.m

I already have the answer

Why is the train?

Is traveling

It is cleared membrane

Normal I just never seen them struggle like this before

The wisest move of all the biggest brain boovs Oh

Perhaps the most important question we have ever encountered

Homework a train traveling 30 miles we must first be considering this

What is the train

What have I done

Why have I done moves a crazy I have school tomorrow. I need to head back home. Alright, but I must be staying here

just don't stay out too late buddy, or I'll worry about

It's quite the opposite after the big brain boom we're unable to answer an eighth-grade math question about a train

But one of your math problems has pushed my native boobs land to the brink of destruction

Okay, you better hope this is a bad dream whoa it's looking really bad down there

We have brought miss Ferguson the creator of the great question

It's a typo

Gelsen to restore order to boobs land this question must be answered by the big brain booth

Maybe it is best you do your own homework from now on -

They're not the only one I prefer egg cages

Hello, pom pom. I recently read too much bread gives you act right nothing gonna stop this

Text boy virtual life. Yeah, like someone besides your bomb is text

Earth scum is a term of endearment on my home planet. Then I am supposing that is being okay

I plan to use my stay on this primitive planet to study the ways of

That is an unexpected turn of events

Tip can I be talking to you? Are you sure you can be teachings the way of peace? What about pom pom?

Just now one bad example and who is knowing what hmm

You're taking me on as an exchange student fills me with great

Good I'm trying to anger my mother that giant pit

Let's say - don't call your mom name lesson - eh

Okay, so let's go over an average nonviolent day

- stupid door

Tip that you yes clean the cat back

Pass the baton to you for litter Duty

Steady now

Now the chore has ended I wasn't so bad now was it Diane

yes, I can see now the flaw and resorting to violence over earth creature to

See what he's doing take it up it's not worth the jail time. We're peaceful people

All right

You think you're pretty chill but ain't nothing prepared you for your final exam?

Tip I would like to reiterate that. This is can you be helped or

Rode you listen here

Yes about mentally where your own waters

In addition I'd like to raise a glass to a great teacher me so thin so calm when I'm is close to you

I could see every pull I let my mom handle this one

Hey, did you take a dip in a pool of radiation here Lucy?

Punch it out of her

I'm coming for you Pommies and next time a nose founder stopping

Diane let her go what what we were just starting to have fun

Your emotions keep shifting because emotions are complicated Diane and I got a lot of them more than usual these days

But I ignored my emotions today until they exploded out of me and I almost let you kill pom-pom

That sounds like bloating you do something. You'll regret. Do you understand?

Yes, what you're saying is I've been wasting my time with you. What no


For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 457 - Red Apple - Duration: 15:15.


Dragons Riders Of Berk Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 350 - Mike frust - Duration: 17:17.

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For more infomation >> Dragons Riders Of Berk Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 350 - Mike frust - Duration: 17:17.


Dawn Of The Croods Memorable Moments Cartoon for Kids Part 356 - Jodie Lawson - Duration: 17:54.

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The animals fuckin animal the winner is named junior alpha

And at the last pageant I was

Give us a nightingales love song

What you like to be dragged off in Changi

Come again couldn't hear you over the sound of that barrel

Missed you how many of my heroes won the beastie pageant when they were kids

Amber, whoa that guy who can balance all those rocks on his head

Saves my life

Wow, can you train me?

That's crabmeat after me

No butters time for the pageant

Welcome to ah Valley's 40th seasonal beastie badgering good competition

What I did not plan for this ah

Any last advice do everything perfectly and live in fear of even the slightest mistake?

Rose one my boys being your head if it was

Whoa, awesome. Liz Bo Peep can't say I'm surprised since everything you do is awesome. You are

They are dropping like flying bugs folks never see enough

Kevin best EEP Marsh sulk

Well so good at knowing how terrible you are. And now the round that at least one of you has been waiting for

animal calls


amber, watch up helpful criticism

But that hard so instead peppers say whatever come in to have her head ma ship

Right ape growl technically flawless but have no heart now EEP be good loser tell marsh and sulk

Ape in

Ever said I need more bigger


Huh? Not too big. You don't want to look like a freak then now you're having fun

Tweet-tweet also

Now someone who has to eat

He this except secretly you love it. She's failing again

Amber keep eye on you, maybe one day you do a great thing like him

Perfect weight gladly show off my new impression of the fiercest predator of all


I'm gonna keep looking this way Natsu my words are still true

Mount attack let go I'm looting here no bomb in a tamper hoarding and looting

Why did the ground attack our reasons ape things just happened good or bad

Okay, so let's just go with because reasons and before you can ask me to clarify. Yeah, because

Nothing to fear I'm just the sky giant responsible for everything in life

It's what the first cave person was a grand. Why don't I get my first kiss?

No, my first kill no offense, but I typically only let people ask me like the meaning of life or why I invented boogers

No fine

Bad things happen to remind you to give thanks for time's up

Bad things happen because we need to give thanks for I

Better get thinking

I'm painting thanks to skirm nigga flop a

Giant foot in the sky who sees and knows. Oh

Thanks. So here sign this Thank You slate. Oh, yeah anything to avoid being squished?

So we get flowers - yeah

You'll never let bad things ever happen again. Oh

How big sky giant heap talking here

If I thanks Camillo flop all my pain will go away including my broken heart and this

sky giant pass

So, that'd do it no more bad things my self-esteem is feeling better I

Don't know. Actually, I guess we just have to wait and done Oh

Powerful squirming a flop. How about that Thank You slate. Huh? No more bad. Things will happen now, right?

No, not at all. Got a bean dove. I'm not asking you to give thanks to me

I'm asking all of you to give more fastball

Say hi to humanity for me. Things are still happening

we need to give

Think we all know what that means, right?

A Bigfoot is exactly the way I want to go

Neal Duran knowable technical monster. No

No takers. Okay. Well try to keep it down. I think my monster lives down that hole

We can at least show our more thanks and be spared when he kicks those who did it into the Sun

He briefs truces with old floppy would want from us

Scam mega flop why has thou forsaken me? Wait what even? Yes, even the fan

Bad things are going to happen no matter what so you need to be grateful for each other and work together

Yes fan even you we should all try to get along no matter who we are what we believe

Cuz I thought we were a community people come on

You had one job Rock

Wow a stick that hurts like a rock but sticks like a stick plus I can use it to scratch my back

Just not as good as well it Pierce's things so I'll just call it the spears. No, that sounds weird. How about

Really amber not it will make it step board flip it around

But my idea

But my idea is actually good the spear will catch on even if I have to still brought a stone to a spear fight

Looks like you could use a hand in some cheap

But this might be dangerous


Take it back. This is definitely dangerous Oh God, the only danger is in people not having enough Spears

great thing ever graded

It's only gonna get greater starting today, you can perfect your spear throwing it ha Valley zone spear reign now

Will you please join me in celebrating the majestic beauty of this?

Okay, so Spears and circles don't mix anyone right pals out get it together

I'm trying to defend you here your own son got spear in but what if next time it hit the brain?

Sorry, I got to do this guy's the world's just not ready for you so you've got to be smashed

As you can see from the fact that I am dusting off my hands I have finished destroying the Spears, thanks, Greg

I know they meant a lot to you, but we're better off without them

Okay, fine, but I only saved them because I thought I knew better than everyone since I'm so much smarter

But I see now I'm only slightly smarter. I'm sauce. I'll save the day that it ruins



Sorry Spears, but she'll always be with me here. Oh

And here too apparently nice weren't dead and nobody died. Yeah

So everyone gets Spears again without any changes to how we use or regulate Spears at all, no, that would be dumb

Incredibly incredibly dumb maybe real lesson here about response about not less

Still a cool


Today we explore that question and a few others since I tend to ramble as we travel furry Road

They also invent new things that lead to wacky hijinx

They laugh they love

Are built for hunting their claws can crush ribs the ribs can crush claws their eyes

It's super cool to distract prey

And there's notes everything. You'll need to maul me and you but probably me

Not gonna impress potential mates that way Barry I mean

If you're thinking about visiting here is a helpful travel tip and pray

And praise pray and we loop back to the top for girl

Social food chain

And on his first day

Especially not the class clown

Despite being near the top of both food chains barrels get a longer. He has a leader who solves all their problems

Using your head oh come on that was clever

Well looks like they've found their next leader

Wait boy, bury

one surface lift up

this party was everything a smart machine a

Black lightning buck fairy is the star of the party. He's offered the finest cuts of meat

There's more than one suitor to slow seems she's found someone else she'd rather spend time with sorry boys

She's taking me away against my will

Huh? Guess someone's carrying a grudge back to bare owls bear. Our life isn't all fun and games and mating rituals

They're under constant attack from cave people

And ruins their meals and food is always trying new tricks to defeat Pharaoh's crashing into them

Confusing them with shadow technology

There's an easy meal

So this rite of passage is the only thing standing between berry

Like berries having trouble against such a wily foe

Trapping cave boy has

This seems Barry won't do it

Badly very badly. Guess that's another found a new pack. That's a little more his speed

For more infomation >> Dawn Of The Croods Memorable Moments Cartoon for Kids Part 356 - Jodie Lawson - Duration: 17:54.


Milo Murphy's Law Rooting For The Enemy Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Red Duck - Duration: 3:59.

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I'm not gonna lie to you

we're gonna lose today up there and give it the old middle school truck it is it if you need me I'll be in my

Office staring into space. Oh

Yeah, and in the meantime, let's enjoy some peppy songs from you. You're on me. Did you read ooh?

See you guys are coming, right it is my first game as part of the team. Oh my go

I would love to I haven't been in years last time he came there

Not football Friday tradition for years not football Friday

Yep, we used to Bowl but now but it's my first game guys. It sounds fun

But I try to support the team by staying away

Hey Milo, coach said you could come to this game cuz it's the one game you can't ruin on account

We're gonna lose Murphy's Law. I think I was my chakra

You know how they say the 12th man is the crowd well, I'm 12.5 mm

You like my new CD. It's called sounds of disaster

That was an antique

It's a good thing you were right next to a hospital Hey look here come the geckos I

Just got the cast off from last time

Builder Melissa Milo good to see ya. I was under the impression you Pro

The one Milo Freezone ruined hey Melissa, you can sit with us if you value your life

We're outside the Swagger's kickoff to the jackals

Oh Oh Suzette get your clips

At least probably leave my bathroom that should count for something we could still win, you know

If the Tigers all suddenly came down with a really bad cold or if they suddenly decided they would never deem. Yeah

Go Tigers

Aren't you guys geckos you want the sale or not? Hey, man, that's a horse in this race

Time out geckos

Okay giggles. Come on bring it in. All right before we chose not to listen to you

Yeah, because I wasn't really listening to you just now

Shovelled will be really hard

For more infomation >> Milo Murphy's Law Rooting For The Enemy Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Red Duck - Duration: 3:59.


Puppy Dog Pals Hissy's Big Day Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Purple Goat - Duration: 3:59.

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Who sees big day it was nice and Bob to put this out here she would give see the outside. Yeah

What's wrong oh

then this happened

Bonnie stopped running, but that was your favorite toy. We forgot to tell you

Bob put our treadmill there you can still that's a everyone

Got even more no hood

You see stay calm hissy arf we'll have you out in a jiffy

I've got you hissy. I

Hope your day ends up better than it started

Did you hear that Roley Bob one sitting to have a better day than when it started?

Today our mission is to make sure his he has the best day ever. He'd love that

Down in the dumps everybody

Okay, you know they got the case of the gloves


Don't sound pretty nice and we're here

Yep, it's a place that we love them. We figured that you love it here, too

You don't love it you too

Looks like you guys want to run off and play with your friends

This seems like it might be kind of fun to crawl through

You're a friend of bingo and Rolly. I'm kind of like their big sister

Maybe she went that way. So we'll go this way, but we think you'll like this place for sure

And they let people bring pets in here to pick out what they want

You want to play hide and seek with me and Roley I don't know I think

Like however many minutes I spend taking a good long nap, I've found a good one -

That was pretty good I wonder how much this bed is

Your owner is gonna be so happy to see you and take you home to the Python farming

I think maybe he can't find us. How can I see?

Here, let's go. See where she is. What are you doing in there? Thinking about life on the farm with all those Python what?

It's trial work then I'm doing a prank

You nothing but the sounds of nature

Sing the trees the flowers the hizzy stuck on the tracks

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Hissy's Big Day Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Purple Goat - Duration: 3:59.


Adventure Time With Finn & Jake Memorable Moments Best Catoon For Kids Part 66 - Reece Hall - Duration: 13:27.

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- time



Kara yes, dr. Gross

And you seekers know why?

we had to leave our place because

The world was dying

We made a lot of errors

The founders had some new ideas

That made everything better

The hydrosphere these new ideas

But do your best to help them

Cuz Jammu raids

Yes, power up

All right seekers remember your homework 50 deadlifts by tomorrow

Boring can still be important. It's all part of the foreigners plan

Are you freestyling your own birth to that nerdy sounder song? No, but

Let's just find out where she's going find them catch them find them catch them

Hey there

Kara Kara

Find them how them find them help them

new patient for doctor Minerva on deck 3


write all the old stories about him, you know about other places and people

I'd like to see those places one day meet those people

That's not what I look like. Yeah, it is. Come on flex


Wow, am I really that buff having a number of contractors and an expensive unilateral phased attractor?

If you're using these items for personal projects, you need to first equip them in your care

Go back to class kara you didn't see me I

Was gonna write a note listen someone might see us out here we can talk in that cave. Oh

No, you don't have to carry me

you're only gonna get hurt maybe but maybe getting hurt isn't the worst thing there is I

want to be me, uh

Okay, I'll be here

Hey Kara, you're not gonna tell on me, right?

It's gonna be okay

When you gotta go you gotta go

But that's not really what you want to talk about, right?

Well, you know how you always say that humans will find the best way. Well listen kid

We tried exploring the outside world and we were almost destroyed. We're the last humans. So it's our responsibility

to stay heat

Your engine you just broke it what

I'm kidding

It must weigh like it come with me Kara

Frieda I'm Kara

Thanks for the tip. My loyal faithful seeker eliminating transport. No

Pretty sure, she's awake. She's got that focus stank about her Susan. Are you okay Hera?

That was definitely the longest adventure we've ever done

What about when you got trapped in a mine dungeon for a bunch of years this trip was longer and emotional

It's gummy


Does everything seem

Pinker to you home always looks different after a long trip. You see I like the pink. Why are you worried so much worried, baby

yeah, why are you worried so much worried baby what the heck happened to the tree house is

This some kind of a sick joke because I love it

Who's fun? I'm fun the human and I'm nectar the little robot


Okay, I get it. We've obviously stumbled into another alternate dimension where everyone's a different version of themselves yawn

What happened with that?

Why you used to be this volatile plant boy remember really?

Well, I'm candy now and I'm in contributing. I'm sure this is all one of her experiments gone wrong

You seem upset friend the tower will fix you right up

Hello, it's me

He was inside the lemon hey, I want some of that no, that is body juice

Come on Jake let's go see bubblegum what I'm hearing is you're stressed out because everything's candy

What's you not really?

lemongrabs always been a weirdo


Hey, buddy, what are you doing up?

Monday the candy came and told mommy and daddy into something different

They look so happy like dogs

Don't worry sweet pea. We're headed to the Candy Kingdom to see Princess Bubblegum about all this

She's not in the Candy Kingdom

Yoo-hoo we brought some rollers and a bucket of sweet juicy caramel

Okay, you're right this is pretty freaky deaky

But people just forget to invite you to things you convinced me plus I like late night bedtime calls and you're sleeping over at ladies

So I was just playing

No, it's marshmallon the campfire Queen

No time for tunes, do you know where bonnie is of course follow me?

Good tidings to you my friends

What what happened to you, oh

I'd become what about tree trunks and Lemongrab and Marceline and everyone else. I think them obviously

Fix them, but they're your friends. Those aren't mutually exclusive concepts

I'm connected to all candy throughout all the galaxies once your candy

Are we in cloud Kingdom?

Why are you even up here we live here now lay in the sky hooks

Then you see this


Okay, so here's what happened I had sent my top employee Rennie Hamlin to check on one of my properties

And he's been like this ever since

You have one hour bye dad I

Wonder what it could be. Maybe it's a gross rotting fish gob with long slimy

Whoa, wait, what if it's ghosts mom and dad I have to brush my hair

I'll go get tulips for mom man. I've never been this excited about my son's property unless your mom and dad ghosts

Yeah, in that case I brought flowers

Look there's a broken window

Let's stuff. Yeah, just looking at all. This is like wall memories like this ticker tape machine

Remember when mom and dad brought us to work we may afford a ticker tape. It was read a problem

classic false memory syndrome response

You hear that, can you use your dog powers to locate that sound man this whole office is nice

It's kind of bunk how mom and dad stopped using it? Yeah, it's weird that they had this whole other life

They just dropped it for us babies. We poltergeist biz, but I don't want that

Embrace the paranormal bro are these candles real or poltergeist mind tricks?

We're making this tape to document the strange phenomena in our new office like this weird message spelled out in


Dude maybe mom and dad left some books about ghost hunting. Hmm

A ghost bathrooms a lot scarier than I was expecting

Hearts egg timers typewriters bad bad bad bad bad

Oh, yeah disto to morphs hmm

Scared no way. Pardon. Oh

Sorry for interrupting your poop

Hey, sorry game man, but I have a quick


So I can see you and you can see me and we're occupant freaking out man. You saw the most messed up thing

dad Margaret stay awake somethings about to happen that

Soon on how it was birth. I'm no melon baby. I'm a majestic womb, baby

Jake calm down. I'm gonna go hog wild on the Nets ghost. I see

We're trapped in a ghost trap you ready

Time ding-a-lings, there's us from before

Are you sick? Yeah, I'm pretty disgusted with the whole situation


Boy our first case looks like we have a poltergeist

And it's got a little crush up far out Oh

Must be a left over time ghost

Big Oh No, so this happened to Jake he gave me in grave danger. Okay, then

For more infomation >> Adventure Time With Finn & Jake Memorable Moments Best Catoon For Kids Part 66 - Reece Hall - Duration: 13:27.


Sofia The First The Elf Situation - Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Green Monkey - Duration: 17:01.

PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE my Videos! Thank you very much!

the elf situation more plots you use the higher it floats James one spell the

cash is so big it flew away your name and makeup going away to school soon

they wonder if those days are over maybe they'd want to play with you now

good purchase you know what you're right cliff right

look what I found yes what to jump with me I've thrown out

of that Sofia but I'm really busy practicing my lunge he does and he's

going to bed right now yes your highness foul side from baileywick you will be

the only ones in the castle it'll be good practice for when I'm really in

charge good anyway have fun today this is perfect

oh I'll be in charge of the whole castle today and I'll be first night of the

kingdom sorry Soph but everyone should have some fun in their lives even Queens

put your sword down

or hiding

do you remember

your parents took with the staff is having mechanical is broken no everyone

is fine they'll just be home later than it's

care of everything I don't know those elves can be difficult you need to rest

we are perfectly capable of engine okay boy ready to take off Thanks wait you

heard baileywick the elves are coming maybe we should stop playing around and

get ready come on

is this speed champion canceled yes

let the river elves show you how it's done

is over excuse me what are you here for the peace summit

indeed we are oh this is Prince James and Princess Sofia

I'm afraid the King has been delayed his carriage is having difficulty but if you

don't mind waiting oh there's no need to wait I would be happy

excuse me your Highnesses I don't think this is a good idea me either

oh why not I have been reading all about how to help kingdoms get along

I don't know amber it sounds risky how about this I'll go get daddy's agenda

you know his list of things to do with a peace summit and I'll follow it to it

most certainly Wow I see why dad can never solve the elf situation they

really don't you can read that just barely

daddy's handwriting is terrible you too look at the food I'll escort our guest

to the dining hall where excuse welcome to the peace summit excuse me princess

would you kindly ask my counterpart to keep a free magic to us good enjoy now

to the next item on the agenda these elves sure love lemonade James what does

this look like to you I your cheese fancies but what does that mean how

should I be of course at least they're eating

instead apart coming right up again

or at least they we're having fun for a minute well how can I help I can't read

daddy's agenda for the peace summit what does this say it says to have the elves

air their grievances oh thank you baby wick feel better so that thing with the

cups and saucers was that something you've done before detected it it sure

look like you were having fun doing it together huh yes we did used to have fun

dish wishing with them until you broke my great-grand ale history in school we

need to know all about the elves well I suppose there's no harm in that

ah just get us some old dishes working there really getting along LaBelle I'm

sorry that my brother and sister subjected you to this childish activity

Oh me really don't mind we're good oh you don't have to be polite let's

tell the other what you're mad about oh great we already know all that can't

we just go back to playing I'm afraid not the agenda says yes green and they

put elf at the end of their names when everyone knows it belongs at the front

the front knows

have no wish to disagree I mean to dis wish please you were having so much fun

together eight we want ever again nothing to do with you even know you're

not walking and we were making progress with the elves they were talking and

getting along but then I took over well you were just trying to follow dad's

agenda you'll just catch up to the elves and get them to have fun with each other

again right I'll go get the Merlin's blocks and my magic jump rope and I'll

pack up some drinks and trouble my good elves I'm afraid you can't leave just

yet there is one last item on the peace summit agenda forget it no thank you

tunic or even hell broke who's dis a long time ago whatever differences you

have just disappear you know there might be something to that hmm here's one

that's just off the top of my head or maybe yours

the more you use the higher you flipped

never too late for that and let me just add I actually kind of like your blue

tunic after all I was just thinking your green tunic look got to show them who's

boss may I present my father king Roland of enchancia king Roland I believe you

know Queen Elsa fell and Queen arias are being grown up that saved the day it was

not being too girl

the royal school there

this is the wall of next steps it's a time-honored tradition you write your

school choice on a tablet that sounds interesting then you take your tablet to

the Royal Sisler and then he carves your choice of school in stone

after that to my favorite tenth of course it's the school where you learn

to be in charge and tell people what to do

hey Desmond are you lost the science and alchemy chant is back that way as some

of you may already know I am sir Finnegan know as a former student of

chivalry Hall they've asked me to show you what this fine school is all about

impressive for mine nice to be

Wow not the best effort but if you want to get better on it

chivalry Hall is the school for you welcome to the finest entity Royal

School Fair at ever Elm Academy you will learn how to be future rulers and

advisors but how do we know what to put on our coat of arms Tina beep I'm so

glad you asked think about three symbols you would want

to represent I also can't imagine a kingdom without family and friends can't

you see yourself going here it is fun but I could see myself at other schools

too do you hear that I think it's coming from the Performing Arts Academy tent

next up my young Royals how to throw a royal ball

so this is where everyone's been hiding

welcome my darlings to the performing arts academy tent next

I will demonstrate the dance you will learn if you come to the performing arts

academy develop your choices down at the same time Oh Sophia are you gonna join

us I don't know I do love performing but I also liked

making my coat of arms oh there we go you've decided already yep see I'm going

to the science and alchemy school what about you I'm still not sure

now yeah come on you have to choose I'm still not sure there must be a tent I

haven't tried yet what about chivalry ho James and I are

headed back there now I can't believe you were so good at that on your first

try how do you know you won't be good at it too

I know I won't be that good yes are you okay everyone's better than me at this

stuff even other kids who never tried it before

Who am I kidding I don't belong it's your worry hall come on des what are you

doing the wall unveiling is going to start soon amber I know it's just how

can I choose between magical music and candid eyes dancing jab sting everyone

has to decide what's it gonna be Sofia I just don't know okay hurry children the

bell is rung the unveiling of the wall will be starting soon des you can't just

give up on your dream I'm just facing facts science and alchemy is my thing

you a hero is not let's go children hurry now to the wall

Sofia I have exciting news time was almost happen and you had to put

something down I figured since you had to go somewhere the best place was with

me but I like other schools too well doesn't look like it then how is it

dueling the only thing that could possibly cause it is a come to life via

motion Oh what it's a potion that makes an animate objects come to life look mr.

Knight there's a tablet with my face on it that I really need to find

well done laughs now that was quick thinking on your part

Prince Desmond I didn't do anything James pour the potion welcome to the

finale of the Royal School fail the unveiling of the wall of next step

sue children come forward and see what your fellow students have chosen for

their next schools every role Academy congratulations amber you're following

in your family's footsteps what about you Hildy oh the school for Royal

fashions of course Sofia you're going to ever roam Academy amazing no I'm not

what are you but it says so right there no it doesn't it does so no amber it

doesn't Sophia what happened to the wall I'm sorry miss Merriweather but the

truth is I like all the schools Sofia it's a simple question it's not simple

at all that's the problem

do I'm so glad I'm not the only one it's too hard to decide in one day I wish we

didn't have to pick children please please to fairy you did that was my

first choice but after a while I found a different path and perhaps so shall you

ladies you can always change your mind

so go forth and write whatever school you wish on this wall and no matter what

we choose it's okay amber I know you were trying to help but how about next

time asking before making such a big decision for someone else great idea

the secret library tale of eternal torts

James is off to a good start he's been practicing for this test day

and night well if he keeps up this pace he's certain to pass it and be promoted

to junior nun no this is faster I'm sorry Fitz James but time has run out

I'm afraid you have failed the junior Knights test but Sir Finnegan

I wasn't expecting to get stuck in that mud and you can always take the test

again until then practice and not just on the training field try your skills

out in the real world

tale of the eternal toys

that lights all the islands fires but the eternal torch is in danger the sea

monsters who live in the ocean that surrounds the Palisades if they are not

stopped the blazing Palisades will belong to the sea monsters forevermore I

have to go to the blazing Palisades and give this story a happy ending here you

go buddy one for the road

what are you doing here sir Finnegan said to practice this is where I want to

live but I don't think those are dragons are they those are sea molesters dragons

For more infomation >> Sofia The First The Elf Situation - Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Green Monkey - Duration: 17:01.


Top Cartoon Animation Compilation for Children & Kids Episode 68 - Tegan Howe - Duration: 16:15.

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The crown of blossoms

They're your new garden is Gardens don't grow right away it takes a few weeks boom here comes the crown of blossoms

Oh the chronic awesomes. What is that the crown of blossom? It's so beautiful

I'm glad you like it because I told daddy I thought you should be this year's princess of plenty me


It's amazing. Thank you

I'll go get my coaching whistle and meet you at the stage Oh what being princess so tell me more about this

Magic crown you get to wear my dad's grandma found it a long time ago in a far-off Kingdom

It was just lying in a big strawberry patch and remind us to be thankful for all we have then we have a big party

Hmm if just one seed could do all that

Imagine what they're not my seats to give clover. I'm sorry. I better go meet. Amber. This is going to be so much fun

They fell off and I happened to catch him

What to do what to do in the sky

What if the big ditch stacked straight up to the sky lettuce kale and carrots are the apple of my

Just waste away

They say the truth is in the beholder now, I gotta make a choice not just stand here getting older this is the best


You won't believe how good they are I

Knew I smelled magic vegetables

Are you smelling things again lad look the crown of the gnomes?

Taken from a strawberry patch so long ago can it be that of endless quest is at an end

Can we finally say goodbye to tiny tomorrow?

All right Sofia first thing in the ceremony the princess of Plenty must curtsy and greet the audience

I have seen this festival before amber. I remember pretty much. Oh so close. It's plenty for all


Wait a minute

Why are you in my garden good day sir? I'm malachite the hungry one over here. Shame I

Taste your tasty veggies won't last long my friend. You've eaten at least half of them already

Soon these rear mouth waters you guys planted those

No, but we enchanted them and we can enchant your garden too. We just need one

Little magic, of course, not what I'm trekking the rabbit. So we get the crown back. Oh

Hi, but you don't have a magic seat for us to enchant. It would be our pleasure

Excellent. I'll get it you say it right? We'll just have a tiny nibble while we wait

The gowns on backwards oops

So, let's see what it looks like with the crown I appreciate your help, but please don't blow the whistle again, I

Can't find it it was here, but now it's gone. It would be silly. It's right here on the

Can you just help me get it back? Amber?

How did your garden grow so many veggies so fast one seed did all vex well it was more like

Three clover I know

So then these gnomes should have been it told me they made my garden. Don't never any delicious, right?

The crown of blossoms is important to everyone

Where did those gnomes go that way?

We haven't seen anything since a certain rude bunny wouldn't helped enough

Before the princess of Plenty appears Prince James and I would like to resent you

There's the we end we can't keep this up much longer, where is Sophia

No not this way nopes can't resist them

And I know how we can use them to get the crown back if you'll let me help

Okay, what's your plan?

Thanks cutie, thanks a lot together man. There's no time to smack

Hello gnomes. Oh

That was quite the trip, but I believe you have something that belongs to us

That's not how I heard the story. Well, give a listen dear ones and I'll tell you the true tale of the travels

On that fateful day so long ago the Newman charge of the crown weighed down in a strawberry patch for enough

But when he awoke the crown was black

It's the same as on the hurts

Maybe they are telling the truth. I think they are. I guess the crown really does belong to them

There isn't going to be a festival clover some princess of plenty

I turned out to be you're plenty great princess of plenty. It's my fault. How am I going to tell everyone about this?

Don't worry. I'll be right beside you when you share the bad news

Yeah, did you see here?


It's okay amber just introduced me

It turns out there's been a misunderstanding

You see the crown of blossoms doesn't really belong to us. What I don't understand you are most welcome

Why Thank You king Roland the gnomes lost the crown a long time ago, and we found it by accident

It really belongs to them. We love a good festival

Gentlemen, we are grateful for your generosity. The gnomes will always have a friend in enchancia

Welcome to the festival of Plenty

In the hope there will always be plenty for all


Let the good times roll. Oh

No, at least it's not in the water

It's okay. So the trolls never come out during the day. I'll go get your kite. That's alright. I'll go

You forgot your kite

It's you don't know about the trolls

Surely you've heard the story of King Gideon and the castle trolls. No. No, can I tell it dad? Sure go right ahead James

The castle the guards bravely charged the trolls can chase them all the way back to their kings and no one's seen a troll

outside the cave

That troll I saw must have brought it back

You saw a troll and he fixed it - maybe the trolls aren't so bad after all. I'm gonna go think

Hello is anyone in here mr. Troll

Careful princess some of those planks are really loose. So is this where the castle trolls live right through here?

Come on, I'll show you

They remind us of the scars well hello there, what's your name? Teenie? Nice to meet you teenie

The Sun is too bright for our eyes her great grand total. Ook at the stars

Such a beautiful sight all those twinkling lights shining in the night sky the trolls were so happy

I never seen real stars only days

I heard this story King Jian thought the trolls were attacking the castle

Attacking the castle James. I need your help with what I met the trolls and they're really nice

You went down to their cave and they didn't bonk you with their clubs

No, Dave, but first you have to help me show everyone that they don't need to be afraid of the trolls

We have to it's almost dinner time brilliant

We're not supposed to go anywhere near the castle, how will we even get inside without anyone seeing us?

Well make them like us I do tini. I really do


Hmm dinner was delicious

But I'm stuffed me too. Can I be excused you don't want dessert? Well, yeah, but we're full

Coming quick hi. We are all very excited to see your performance. I'm sure you'll find me

Come on come on, come on, where should they hide there?

Oh hi to really want to see those acrobats, huh? We can't wait

Your Majesties may I present tonight's entertainment

There is not on my schedule some very special musicians who are also our closest neighbors

Hmm. I wonder who that could be

Howdy trolls get into the castle

Even if Sophia let them in the trolls broke the rule they stay below we stay above. Yes your majesty tomorrow morning

I'll place a guard outside their cave. So this never happens again

You always want to see the good in everyone

We can talk more about it in the morning. But for now you need to get some sleep. I

Love you. Good night. I'm sorry

What are you doing tomorrow they're pink

Hey flicks

Yo, I need a favor buddy. My airplane lantern great idea clover back later. I'm with you. It is spooky in here

I need to talk to you

Need to get help

Sofia are you all right? I

Think so

Sofia you knew about the rule and neither did you tonight and now we'll never see the stars?

What the stars they love to look at the Stars dad. If only you would listened

All these years

We thought the worst of the trolls and yet tonight you risked your lives to save ours

You showed as much courage as my bravest Knights. I'm going to make a Royal Proclamation

What oh

And who do we have here?

You sir are well teaming the trolls are and always have been our

Friends from this day forward they shall be treated as such

What is the king mean? I will become here to look at stars. Look at



I'm so glad it worked out well, but promise me. You'll never go. Let's make some noise

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Funny Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 48 - Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 15:17.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children | Chip Studio - Episode 89 - Duration: 10:01.

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For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children | Chip Studio - Episode 89 - Duration: 10:01.


How To Lose Stubborn Fat - Workouts For Older Men - Duration: 9:43.

So, you're a little bit older now and you're doing everything possible to

build the ultimate physique. You're working hard in the gym, you're watching

what you eat, and you just can't lose body fat! You've done everything possible

and maybe it's because you're a little bit older . . . or that's what you may be

thinking. You're doing everything you can and you just can't lose that body fat.

Well, in this video, I'm going to talk about that. Is it possible for you to

lose body fat at this age? And, have you done everything humanly possible to

actually lose that body fat? I'm going to talk about that and a whole lot more in

this video.

Hi! I'm Skip La Cour and I am the world's leading MANformation expert. I help men

get the most out of their workouts and eating habits to build the ultimate

physique. I help older men who have busy, productive lives make sense out of all

the fitness information so they can conserve their willpower, focus, energy,

and time and get the most out of their efforts while keeping their busy,

productive life intact. So, you're a little bit older now and you're working

hard in the gym. You're watching what you eat. You're dedicating at this time of

your life to earn a great body. The challenge is is that you're working hard,

you are doing much better than your friends and your family, your co-workers.

Men your age, they're not even putting in the effort that you're putting in. And,

you appreciate the results that you're getting. The challenge is you're not

getting the results that you expect for all of the effort. You're following all

the information from the fitness experts and you're putting in the effort it's

just that . . . ugh . . . "How can I get more out of it?" You think you should be getting more out of

it. This is especially true when it comes to losing a body fat. I talk to a lot

of men who are a little bit older and they just can't lose that body fat.

They're working hard in the gym. They're doing their cardio. They're watching

their diet. They believe that they should be getting leaner. Sometimes, they're

thinking "Is it because I'm a little bit older that I can't lose this body fat?"

Well, I've helped out a lot of men who are just like you, if this sounds like

you, and I can tell you this: The number one challenge is that you're eating too

much food. Now, I know that at this stage you're probably looking lean. Your habits

are much better than the men around you and that adds to the frustration. Why

aren't you getting leaner? When it comes down to it. it's going to be calories

ingested versus calories burn. How many calories you're taking in versus how

many calories you're burning. And it really doesn't matter how much more food

you used to be able to eat when you were younger. Or, how much

you pay attention or diet compared to the other men. It's always going be you

versus you. And, I know what you're thinking.

skip you don't understand I looked on the internet I got my maintenance level

I stay at or below it I'm working hard with the weights I'm doing my cardio I'm

doing everything right I just can't lose this body fat is it my testosterone

levels is it that because I'm older I just can't lose that body fat well it

really doesn't matter how much you were able to eat in the past or how much you

were able to just melt off the body fat once you focus on it in the past when it

comes down to it it's you versus you and you right now in this moment at this age

I'm telling you this I'll tell a lot of men when they calculate their calories

even their maintenance level those calculations are just estimates how you

add up all of your calories throughout the day if you're not losing that body

fat one of two things are happening you're not adding up your calories

correctly you're eating a lot more food than you think that you're adding up

with your calories sometimes we eat good clean food that are the basics right we

make our sacrifices and eat the bland foods that are good for us just that we

eat too much of that good clean food and the calories stack up so you just may be

eating too many calories for your maintenance level now let's talk about

that maintenance level now let's skip you're wrong

I checked it out and for my age and my weight this is what the maintenance

level is and I am staying at or below two I'm adding up my calories correctly

we have to remember that guide that calculation was just an estimate on your

age in your weight that maintenance level it obviously does not apply to you

it's just an estimate on how efficiently you're burning calories I'm going to

burn the calories no matter what a calculation says differently than a man

my same height and my same Asian even that activity level so those are just

estimates and they must be asked to maiding that you can eat more calories

in that being your maintenance level the bottom line when it comes to it is

calories ingest it versus calories burn I don't know what you've heard about

certain diets or nutrient timing our fasted cardio those type of things they

have benefits but probably not as much as you might think when it comes down to

it it's the amount of calories that you take in vs. the calories you burn and if

you think you are at your maintenance level if you think you are at a deficit

you're wrong it's just not what you think it is by the calculations that

deficit it doesn't apply to you again just remember that I want to give you

the certainty and confidence move forward and you have to understand this

now I'll tell you here are some things that men who are a little bit older who

are dedicated to their fitness and they have busy productive lives these are

some of the challenges that get in way number one is that they fear that

they're losing muscle and you hear that on the internet all the time is that you

got to be careful you all your hard earn a muscle you're going to lose it if you

just don't diet in this precise manner and so every time they're starting to

lose some body fat and they're getting a little bit smaller they're assuming that

they're losing their hard-earned muscle and so they back off their diet that you

do a little bit more they cut down on the cardio you may not have all that

muscle that you think you have and if you continue to eat more calories even

if it's under your maintenance level you're gonna get in the way of the fat

loss process here's the other thing that's a mental challenge that gets in

the way of a lot of older men with busy productive lives is that they all feel

as though they should be losing body fat a lot faster because of all the effort

that they are putting in so if you feel that you should be losing body fat a lot

more quickly than you are you're not alone it's a very common challenge a way

of thinking that we all have so those two things say

to get in the way and of us doing whatever it takes to move more and eat

less to create that Cali calorie deficit to lose the body fat is that we're

afraid to lose our hard-earned muscle and every time we get a little smaller

we think it's the muscle that we're losing and not fat and so we back off

and we really feel all our efforts should be helping us lose a body of that

a little bit more quickly than we are actually losing it so those things get

in the way I hope that is helpful and when you're a little bit older and you

just can't seem to lose the body fat that you want if you found this

information helpful then like this video post your comments your questions your

suggestions down below and I'll stay interactive and answer your questions

and maybe you'll stimulate some thought for me to create the next video and I'll

appreciate that I want to serve you in any way you can if you want to take your

efforts to the next level and you're an older man with a busy productive life

and you'll love the information coming from someone just like you one of these

fitness experts who are a little bit closer to your age and coming from this

angle then you want to go to man formation workouts calm special

members-only website just for men like you and me who are a little bit older

with busy productive lives and we have to be effective and efficient with our

time because we have a lot of responsibilities go to man formation

workouts dot-com it's a members-only website I'm gonna personally issue you a

username password and I dripped out the information so you want to go back

frequently I want to make this man formation workouts for older men members

only website your hub to get your fitness information in a whole lot more

alright so if you found this video helpful make sure you like it make sure

you're subscribed to this YouTube channel and have more information just

like this that's specifically designed for men who are just like me just like

you and are a little bit older with busy productive lives

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