Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

As my favorite comic strip artist once said, "The surest sign that intelligent life exists

elsewhere in the universe is that is none of it has tried to contact us."

But as it turns out, we earthlings may be luckier than we previously thought.

Scientists have new evidence that one element in particular may be essential to creating

life, and that it could be pretty scarce in the rest of the universe.

So, are we really all alone out here on our blue dot?

There are a handful of chemical elements that are the primary building blocks of most life

on Earth, and some of the big ones are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen.

Those four are a few of the so-called 'bulk' elements that make up our muscles and organs

and that we need to consume a lot of to stay alive.

(You may have noticed that breathing is pretty important).

But the another element, phosphorus, also has an essential task: it's the key additional

piece that makes up our DNA and RNA (our genetic makeup inside which the rest of our existence

is encoded) and our ATP, which is how we store and use energy.

It's like if you were a book being written by hand by a monk who's looking at instructions

in another book.

Without phosphorus, not only is there no instruction book, but there's no monk.

And all the pages are on the floor.

Maybe this wasn't the best metaphor.


Phosphorus is necessary to create and sustain almost all life as we know it.

But hold on--let's back up.

How is it that Earth has these essential elements in the first place?

Before the Big Bang, there was nothing.

Then the Big Bang, and there was A LOT of really hot something, mostly super-light elements

like hydrogen and helium, which together make up 99% of the matter in the universe .

NASA scientists have determined that the other life-giving elements are created inside the

core of stars that then become supernovae, which is when massive, dying stars explode

and eject their mass out into the universe in a catastrophic eruption, spitting out all

kinds of stuff...including the heavier elements needed for life.

Scientists think that meteorites carrying phosphorus came from a nearby exploding star

and plonked down onto Earth at just the right time to get included in making Earth's "proto-biomolecules",

or the precursors to what we now recognize as the basic molecules that make up our living


The thing is, new evidence indicates that phosphorus-creating supernovae may be kinda


Researchers observing the Crab Nebula, which is the remnant of a supernova so big and so

bright it was first noticed by us Earth-dwellers in the year 1054, have found that it contains

much less phosphorus than our models have predicted.

Using telescopes to observe infrared light readings from the phosphorus and iron traces

in the Crab Nebula, researchers compared it to a previously studied supernova remnant,

Cassiopeia A. The Crab Nebula phosphorous readings are far lower than those for Cass

A, suggesting that supernovae contents could vary dramatically.

This means that even if a planet has habitable qualities similar to Earth's, they may not

be near a supernova, and even if they are, that supernova may be spitting out different

elements than the ones we were touched by, meaning life like ours may be even more uncommon

than we thought.

And we've always thought we were pretty darn lucky.

But I mean, what about other kinds of life?

What if there's life out there that uses the elements we know of in vastly different

ways and doesn't need DNA because it's a life structure we can't even comprehend?

Or if there are elements we haven't even discovered out there in the universe creating

life that we have no idea how to picture?

There's no scientific evidence for this, at all, but I'm just saying, it's cool

to think about.

Thanks for tuning in and don't forget to subscribe to Seeker for more SPACE...Check

out this video about sending a submarine to Titan, and.

Fun fact, the neutron star (or ex-supernova) at the center of the Crab Nebula is as massive

as our Sun, but is only the size of a small town.

That's so dense that a single teaspoon would weigh a billion tons.

I'm Maren, thanks for watching Seeker.

For more infomation >> Is Phosphorus the Reason We Haven't Found Aliens Yet? - Duration: 3:53.


How long is Rapunzel's hair? - Duration: 4:39.

as you can see we've had another week away but I'm still gonna give you a good

episode the science with Steph this week, and be sure to stay tuned to the end

because I think I've worked out something pretty spectacular!

have you ever been watching a movie when

just how much hair does Rapunzel have how heavy is it?

would all that weight pull her hair out of her head? and anyway what even is hair

and why does grow really long on my head and really short on my arms

welcome to Scienc with Steph the show where I think way too much about the world

around us, and then share the best bits with you guys

this week I'm looking at human hair what is it why does it grow and in the movie

Tangled how heavy is all that hair? well first let's look at the human body we

grow hair almost all of our entire bodies and the type of hair and where is

on your body can determine how long it is to have fast it grows. Avery hair any

one time can be going through one of three phases of growth: that's the anagen

phase the castagenn phase and a telogen phase the first phase is the anagen

phase where there's rapid cell division at the base of the follicles producing

lots of keritinocytes. This bulb grows and grows and gets squeezed out the

follicle where the cells die and produce keratin which is a strong prottein, and this

strong strand of keratin pokes out of your skin and continues to grow

throughout the whole anagen phase. This growth phase can last various different

lengths of time depending where it is on your face or body. The anagen phase for

your hair in your head typically lasts three to six years alowing

for a maximum growth length of around one or two meters. Though in Rapunzel's case

she clearly has some super producing anagen that just never stops! for normal

non magical princesses usually about 70 to 80 percent of any of your hair at any

one time can be going through the anagen phase the second phase is the catagen

phase where the blood stops flowing to the follicle and cuts off the bulb from

the rest of the hair that follicle shrinks and eventually pushes that

existing hair up to the surface of the skin and the third phase which is the

telogen or resting phase typically lasts one to four months the follicle at this

point is dormant and at the end of the day the follicle expands and the hair is

released called shedding and after the follicle widens again we're back to the

anagen phase so now that we know all this I'm gonna ask the important

questions how long is Rapunzel's hair and how

heavy is it?

so from all the information I've gathered Rapunzel's hair seems to change

length quite a lot in the film The Longest it appears to be about 21 or 22

meters using a hair of mass of about 300 grams per meters gives a total weight of

about 7 kilograms that's about the way of having two laptops hanging from your

head the world record for weight ever left of my hair is 81.5 kilograms

that's 179 pounds for you Imperials over this was done by a Russian man named

Abdul Rahman Abdul Aziz off Abdullah's it off Abdul Aziz off I can't I can't

pronounce that that's heavier than me and I'm pretty heavy so Rapunzel's hair

while it's heavy is well within the region of cariable, and I think I've

worked out where her powers lie clearly her cells just rapidly dividing

meaning that her hair grows much faster than the average person it means that

her magic keeps people looking young because their cells are rapidly dividing

and it can heal people using the power - there you go

Sciences magic hope you enjoyed this episode of scientist s I bring a new

videos every Friday so if many people asked to do you can click here or if you

consider subscribing click here till next time bye

For more infomation >> How long is Rapunzel's hair? - Duration: 4:39.



hey guys I'm dying to get your opinion when I talk about how dieting is not

natural but water fasting is um dieting has never been a natural thing to do

um dieting is something that we have created over the years as you know uh

manufacturers came out with foods that have caused us to gain on unbelievable

amounts of weight on that are not healthy when you go to your doctor

doctor appointments in using the word that you're obese for your body type on

dieting is not natural at all we are not meant to be overweight um but yet and

still we still are overweight is from the foods that were eating um and even

though you know they they say that the way we are eating is not healthy they

still put them on the shelves for us to eat and they package them in a process

manner that are harmful to our health and this is what's causing the mood

swings and the mental health issues and the sleeping disorders in the obesity

and the hair loss and some of the illness that people are getting better

life-threatening like diabetes and um heart disease um it's all find what we

are eating now because I opposed a really drinking of boiling water fast I

just get too hungry um but I'm not saying that it's not a good thing for

you um it just doesn't work for me I chew through the juice cleanses when I

need to um stay away from salt foods and get the

digestive system a break but I will agree and I still do agree that even

though it doesn't work for me water fast if you want to do anything to lose

weight if that's what your your goal is then if you are um going in the

direction of drinking water and doing a water fast I would do a water fast any

day over a diet diets don't work they're not natural and they're not something

that you can do for long periods of time so keep that in mind when trying to move

weight um that diets don't work they're not natural but water fasting is mom

natural and they do work and you will get great results if done correctly so

with all that being said please subscribe to the channel like and share

this video and make it a favorite I'll see you guys next video bye for now

For more infomation >> DIETING IS NOT NATURAL BUT WATER FASTING IS !!! - Duration: 2:58.


Shah Rukh's Real Enemy is this Star, Now daughter Suhana is in love with him - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Shah Rukh's Real Enemy is this Star, Now daughter Suhana is in love with him - Duration: 1:31.


Youngstown is heating up: Weather warnings issued for weekend - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Youngstown is heating up: Weather warnings issued for weekend - Duration: 1:58.


Europe's scheme to build exascale capability on homegrown hardware is ludicrous fantasy - Duration: 8:05.

 Analysis The EU has declared its intention to build exascale computing capability "on mainly European hardware"

 This is stated in a European Investment Bank (EIB) report, Financing the future of supercomputing

 The 149-page screed investigates the HPC market and supplier ecosystem in Europe with the aim of finding out how it could encourage domestic exascale computing

Exascale HPC is seen as necessary because of its increasing use in modern product development and research

 It mentions the characteristics of a European exascale project: The Euro HPC Joint Undertaking

on 23 March 2017 . aims to develop the technology that enables Europe to deploy HPC resources built on mainly European hardware A full European HPC ecosystem

will be capable of deploying a world-class HPC and data infrastructure with exascale capabilities by 2022/2023 Europe needs to acquire exascale supercomputing capability within the same time frame as the US, Japan and China Securing our own independent and competitive HPC technology supply  The preface reads: "Europe is clearly underinvesting in HPC with a funding gap of €500-750 million ($578-867 million) per year compared to its competitors from the USA, China and Japan

No single country in Europe has the capacity to sustainably set up and maintain an exascale HPC ecosystem in competitive time frames by itself

" Findings  The report identifies eight findings: Demand for HPC capabilities is rapidly increasing in key sectors of the European economy, such as aerospace, automotive, energy, manufacturing and financial services, while Europe's more "traditional" SMEs are lagging behind Fragmentation and limited co-ordination at the EU level has resulted in a sub-optimal investment climate and underinvestment in strategic HPC infrastructures in Europe Most European HPC centres are largely publicly financed and owned, and dedicated to research

More commercially oriented HPC centres and activities within public HPC centres are emerging, but are often hampered by rules and regulations Key stakeholders (from HPC centres to HPC customers) in the European ecosystem face different financial challenges that need tailored solutions HPC intermediaries represent a key link between HPC infrastructure and customers, able to further catalyse commercial exploitation by matching supply with demand Demand for HPC services among SMEs is not only constrained by the limited knowledge of the benefits of HPC, but also by a lack of finance Independent software vendors (ISVs) are crucial actors in European HPC

However, ISVs have difficulties accessing finance Private investors are already engaged in the financing of commercial HPC infrastructure (especially HPC centres), but not in public HPC infrastructure with limited "bankability" prospects Recommendations  It makes five recommendations based on these findings: Europe needs to acquire exascale supercomputing capability within the same time frame as the US, Japan and China The public sector should focus on a "pull and push" strategy to strengthen uptake of HPC uses, in particular for commercial applications by industry, SMEs, innovative companies and startups It should support the supply side by supporting HPC stakeholders (in particular HPC centres and intermediaries) in implementing strategies based on developing more commercially oriented business models The EU should consider the gradual development of more dedicated financial instruments It should consider the gradual development of associated financial advisory services for the HPC sector Good luck with that  This is all very well but it ignores a few basic and salient facts

The EU is the weakest of the exascale competitors because it is not a country, but an inadequately integrated set of countries

 It has no indigenous world-class server or supercomputer system supplier, nor globally significant CPU or accelerator vendor; suffers a funding gap compared to China, Japan and the US; and has no ecosystem for the general commercial use of publicly owned supercomputers

 Yet it wants to build exascale computing capability in the same time frame as China, Japan and the US, despite these countries being two or three years ahead in their planning and project work, and without having any plans for plugging an $870m funding gap

 The described characteristics of this project are unreal.  It talks about "mainly European hardware"

An exascale system's main hardware is its processors, accelerators, memory, storage and interconnects, but there is no domestic processor or accelerator manufacturer of global scale

No local DRAM players. No European makers of disk or solid-state drives of significance

The same is true for interconnect technology.  There is no European IT system supplier in the same class as Dell, HPE or IBM

It does have Atos, which has its Bull sequana X1000 supercomputer. It has developed the 25 petaFLOPS Terra-1000-2 system for the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), which is said to be 14th in the Top500 list of supercomputers

 Terra-1000-2 uses Intel Xeon CPUs allied to Intel Phi Knight Landing processors

 The idea that the EU could build an exascale computer literally using "mainly European hardware" is a ridiculous fantasy

 The report's time scale is also laughable. Europe is already one to two years behind China, Japan and the US, which have committed, ongoing projects to build exascale systems by 2021-2022

Europe has no committed funds, no local suppliers identified, nor any institution set up to deliver a exascale system, and unrealistic goals concerning local technology content

 Having an exascale system by 2022/2023 looks impossible.  Europe should also have its own independent and competitive HPC technology supply

What does that mean? European-owned CPU, accelerator, DRAM, NAND and disk supply? Ditch the 'European hardware' shtick  Back on Earth the likeliest way to get a European exascale box is to have Atos take IBM's Summit design of Power nodes with Nvidia accelerators and InfiniBand interconnects

Ditch the Xeon+Phi idea because Intel has screwed Phi up and gone back to the drawing board for its US exascale effort

 Don't bother with Arm: you'll need multiple tens of thousands of nodes, if not more, and give yourself interconnect and system software design nightmares

IBM's Summit is a 200 petaFLOPS system. Scaling that up by 5x doesn't seem nearly as impossible as startnig from scratch

 So EU, find the cash, somehow, give it to Atos, use Summit as a design base and resign yourself to using mainly non-European hardware

That way you might get your own exascale system by 2024/2025 – if you are lucky. ®

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