Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 30 2018

chef buck here and today we're gonna cook up some chayote

you want the skin to be nice and smooth and tight and

you want it to look like Kermit the frog's mouth ... I bought these at

the same time let's see this one here the seed is actually starting to come

out see that and this one here it's actually starting to sprout you know so

you can see these are getting kind of old but they're still edible in fact I'm

gonna saute these up today because I like to use these by sauteing them

slicing them thinly and then using a lot of spices and flavor it needs a lot of

flavor because it doesn't have a lot it's very bland it's sort of like a

jicama in fact I prefer these two jicama although I cooked some of these for my

mother last week and we've got our jicama too and she actually liked the

jicama more in camera girl you like jicama more don't ya I didn't mean to

put you honey this is a texture ingredient use this for the texture it

doesn't have a lot of flavor but you can eat this raw you can cook it you can eat

the skin there's a seed inside the entire thing is edible

show us if you cut it right down the middle you're gonna see boom that there

is a seed and it's very thin it's like a disc you know you can just kind of pop

it out boom and this is the other half over here since I cut it in the middle

but if you put it together you can see how thin that seed is and that's what's

sprouting out right here and it's going to become you know even bigger and start

to flower and blah blah blah and eventually it will grow legs and it will

eat you know like day of the Triffids or something like that but this seed is

edible you can eat this whole thing the skin is edible

can you hear that crunch oh yeah what does it taste like doesn't really taste

like anything but I actually don't mind me eating these raw you know even though

it doesn't have flavor I can see if you put some lime

juice on here or some lemon juice you know wouldn't take much now you can

peel it you can take the skin off get you a peeler but why waste the skin

because it's edible so there's no need to get rid of the skin you just wash it

really well and the thing is if you peel it you see this liquid that's coming up

it's like a sex very wet looking it does feel like a SAP it's not sticky like a

SAP but it sort of leaves this residue on

your hands if you touch it so I don't like to peel up for one thing

I'm lazy for another thing there's your skin so why not eat it and the third

thing is it gets all over your hands so it's a mess if you slice it thin it's

still gonna be super crunchy it's a great ingredient if you want something

crunchy you know you can pickle it up make some fantastic salad topping for

there we've got some nice thin slices and I'm just gonna bring them in a jar

boom boom boom and this is my favorite way to use chayote because it's easy and

then you'll have this nice ingredient on hand and I just got a little bit of

pickling solution here I just poured this off from some jalapenos you know I

got some pickled jalapenos in the fridge and I just went ahead and liberated some

of this pickling solution from there boom boom boom so that's gonna add a

really nice flavor and then you can just top it off with it whatever kind of

vinegar you like I just got a little rice vinegar here so this is gonna go in

the fridge and this is fantastic on a salad because even though it's sitting

in here it's gonna be crispy even weeks from now even months from now I see

something out of the window we wearing a new house it we're in a new kitchen so

we got new things to look at Kruger's yeah okay he saw a deer and called it a

cougar move along yeah buck but anyway boom chayote pickled now let's go onto

the next step and it's not very expensive it stores

very well you know you can just keep it sitting out on the counter for a couple

of weeks and looks like a bunch of chopped Apple done

it but it's not sweet at all alright it's a boom we got our sliced

chayote and I'm heating up a little bit of oil not a whole lot of wall here in a

skillet on medium heat and we're gonna make this chayote kind of an indian

style dish you know cuz we want to use a lot of strong flavors great way to start

they have some chayote I'm gonna put a little bit of cumin seeds in there and

again this is just a way to cook of chayote you can cook it up any which way

you like sautee it up with whatever flavors here care to and in a little bit

of onion you don't want your cumin seeds to go very long by themselves we'll just

saute these onions up for just a few moments and I'm gonna go ahead and add

some garlic stir it around I'm gonna add some flavors here I got a pre-mixed

curry throw a little bit of chili powder in there for some heat and then a little

bit of extra garlic powder chayote needs a lot of flavor I hope

they brings the texture everything else you gotta bring so I'm gonna go ahead

and throw my chayote in here I don't know they're always labeled chayote in

the supermarket I don't know another name for it is there another name I know

they call him mirliton down in Louisiana cuz I lived in Louisiana for a long time

but I never went until mother told festival I don't even like saying

brother Tony I'd rather stay chayote throw a little bit of salt in here salt

to taste alright so we've stirred this around for a few minutes let it sauté up

with these flavors I'm gonna go ahead and add a little bit of water in here

we'll bring it up to a bobble once it comes up to a bubble we're going to go

ahead and reduce the heat down to a medium medium-low and then we'll just

let it simmer away but we'll be back in a little while all righty so I've had it

bubbling away for about 15 minutes you know cooked off a lot of the water that

I put in there and you could cook it as long as you want to I'm gonna go ahead

and end it right here and it's still gonna have a lot of texture

you really have to cook it a long time to get rid of that

it makes a great side dish.... you can pickle it...simple

preparation for chayote excellent salad topping for some more chayote

information you know head on over to MyFoodChannel dot com ... I'll have a

link down below and you can print all our recipes over there

For more infomation >> what is CHAYOTE SQUASH? - Duration: 6:59.


Dance Moms: Asia Is at the Top of the Pyramid (Season 3 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Asia Is at the Top of the Pyramid (Season 3 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:20.


5.2 Who is that One, the Supreme, the Divine? - Duration: 7:04.

Let's look at the whole subject of the Divine. Just as for every human being, I

know their name, their form, their occupation, their qualities, their address

and the more deeply I know them, the more I'm able to value them and respect them.

And yes, even maybe love them. And absolutely the same principles apply in

my journey to connect, in Raj yoga, with the Highest, the Divine, the Supreme, the

Sovereign, Raja, the Master. I need to have information about all these various

aspects to be able to meditate on God. And maybe one of the reasons that we

haven't been able to experience God in our life is because we didn't have that

clear information. And so, now let me explore these ideas. So just as I can

experiment and actually discover for myself that I am this infinitesimal

point of light, point of energy, the eternal, the being that is with no

beginning and no end, but moves through eternity in its journey. Exactly in the

same way, I identify many many many other human beings, not just as the human form,

but as beings, as souls. And I can definitely see how each one is very very

different. Is it possible then to think of one soul who has the maximum of all

attributes that are positive? Why not? Just as every soul is individual and has

a different combination in different degrees

of different qualities, there might be a soul with the minimum and there might be a

soul with the maximum. So let me just explore that idea for a moment. A soul

who has maximum love, truth, peace and joy, purity, benevolence, altruism,

understanding, the capacity to know all of these things within the one being. And

to that being we give the name the Supreme. Not many, just One and the

Supreme is a Supreme for all, not a different one for one religion and

another one for another religion. We may know God by many different names or we

may call God by many different names, but in fact there is one who is the Supreme; by

definition that's how it works, the Supreme. And Supreme because we're

talking about maximum qualification in terms of the attributes. The size is

the same, just an infinitesimal point of light. And the interesting thing is that

throughout history, through all the different traditions, this image of light

has been used as an image to symbolize the Divine, throughout the world. And so,

different names, different forms but that idea of light being a representation of

the Divine. So here we have a Soul, who has all attributes. Some would say there

are 90 different names of God and they would describe the different qualities

maybe compassion would come high up on the list for them. Some would say that

the qualities of God is so vast that you couldn't even turn the

earth into paper; the whole of the earth you couldn't turn the quills, the trees

on the earth into quills and all the water in the ocean into ink and if you

try to write the qualities of the Divine, the praise of God, you wouldn't, it

wouldn't be sufficient. So people have different ways to express the same idea,

the One who is the Highest. And with human souls, there's one particular thing

that you notice in yourself, I'm sure, but also in others. In the morning, I might

start off very peaceful and by the afternoon things are a little bit hectic. By

the evening, I've lost my peace completely. So even in the space of one

day or even in a few hours, I can swing from being peaceful to losing my peace.

Or I can move from love to neutrality, not concerned, unaware or even a state in

which there's bitterness and anger. So although we have this goodness within

ourselves, because we are not continually connected to that goodness, it means that

our qualities fluctuate up and down continually. Our moods keep changing, our

thoughts keep changing. But the Divine, the Supreme, the One who not only has all

these positive attributes to the nth degree, so we use the term the ocean,

unlimited. But also the awareness that those qualities are consistent, constant

and they'll never run out. A human being will run out of patience. God never runs

out of patience. A human being will run out of compassion

and have fatigue, but God will constantly have compassion and forgiveness and the

concern for upliftment of each one. So two things that are different: highest

qualities, always there, unchangeable.

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