Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 27 2018

[ ♪ Intro ]

Sometimes, it can be easy to forget that Mars has moons.

Unless you are like me and you think about Mars all the time.

But it totally does.

They are Phobos and Deimos, and they're a little mysterious.

They're so small that gravity can't pull them into spheres, so they're kind of lumpy

and potato-shaped.

And scientists have spent decades trying to unravel where these tiny space potatoes came from.

Now, a paper, published last week in the journal Science Advances, has gotten us one step closer

to the full picture.

Its authors say that the popular origin story of a titanic, apocalyptic collision a few

billion years ago isn't quite accurate.

Instead, there might've been just a mini-apocalypse.

The surfaces of Phobos and Deimos look a lot like those of many asteroids.

And since the asteroid belt sits right outside Mars's orbit, scientists thought for a long

time that the Martian moons were asteroids that had been caught by the planet's gravity.

But being gravitationally captured would've put huge stresses on both bodies.

Detailed studies of Phobos have shown that it, at least, would've probably broken apart

under that much stress.

Plus, both moons also orbit more or less in line with Mars's equator, which would be

a big coincidence if they came from random directions like captured asteroids.

It would make perfect sense if they formed around Mars itself, though.

That led to today's most popular idea: that, billions of years ago, Mars collided with

a protoplanet -- a huge, rocky precursor to the stuff in today's solar system.

That collision launched lots of rock into space, and some of it eventually became Mars's moons.

That's pretty much how our moon formed, so there's some precedent for this.

There's also lots of evidence on Mars itself for a gigantic collision.

Like, almost all of the northern hemisphere is at a lower elevation than the southern

one, which could be explained by a huge impact.

But this new paper says there's a problem with these ideas, too.

Based on earlier calculations and simulations, scientists had settled on an impactor that

was about a third Mars's size and about two percent its mass.

But these authors simulated possible collisions in more detail than ever before.

And their work showed that such a big impactor would've launched way too much rock into space.

It would've formed long-lasting moons that look a lot different from Phobos and Deimos.

They found that, to get the right conditions for the current moons, you'd need to hit

Mars with something between ten and a hundred times lighter.

So far, this is the best model we have of how these moons formed, but the debate isn't over yet.

In 2029, it and the other impact models will be tested once and for all when the Japanese

MMX mission brings a piece of Phobos to Earth.

A huge impact would've dried out the rocks escaping from Mars, so the sample would still

be dry today if that's how they formed.

But if the moons started as asteroids, they wouldn't have been baked as effectively,

so the sample would be a lot wetter.

We're just going to have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, twelve and a half billion years ago, there was no Mars what a sad universe that was.

But according to a paper published in this week's issue of Nature, there was a small

group of galaxies called SPT2349-56.

I think that's what they called it back then at least.

Well that might be the most active region of space we've ever seen.

This group, which we'll call 2349 for short, was discovered using the South Pole Telescope.

Shockingly, this is a telescope near the South Pole, where the atmosphere is clearer than

almost anywhere on Earth.

It's thanks to those near-perfect conditions that the team found 2349 — although they

did examine it with a bunch of other telescopes later.

Based on how light changes as it travels through space, the team estimates that we're seeing

this object as it was just 1.4 billion years after the Big Bang, when the universe was

about a tenth its current age.

That's only a few hundred million years after the very first galaxies formed, so there

weren't the kinds of gigantic clusters of hundreds or thousands of galaxies we see today.

Instead, 2349 is officially what's called a protocluster: an early seed of today's

much larger groups.

Objects like this tell astronomers that galaxies clumped together from the very beginning,

and that there wasn't a big gap between the first galaxies and the first groups of them.

2349 is pretty dense for a protocluster — only about 425,000 light-years across — but it's

really busy in there.

It contains at least fourteen galaxies, and they're all forming new stars somewhere

between fifty and a thousand times faster than the modern Milky Way.

Combining all these stats with models for protocluster evolution, the paper's authors

think 2349 eventually formed one of the largest clusters in the modern universe.

Of course, we can't really know what it looks like today, because the idea of "today"

doesn't really work in astronomy.

The light from its earliest stages is just reaching us, so we'll have to wait for like

billions of years for the light from later stages to get here.

For now, all we can say is that it's one of the densest and brightest protoclusters

we've ever seen.

And there are some signs that it's even bigger, too.

There are five additional galaxies that might also be part of this group, although the paper's

authors couldn't quite tell.

But if they are, it would make this the most active region of space that scientists have

ever discovered.

Still, the universe is big, and there are a lot of places to look.

So we'll keep you posted if anyone finds something that breaks the record.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

If you would like to stay in the loop about the latest news from all over the universe,

you can go to to subscribe.

And heck, why wouldn't you?

[ ♪ Outro ]

For more infomation >> A New Origin Story for Mars's Moons - Duration: 5:43.


At Home Spa Style Pedicure for Toes & Feet/mature women over 50 - Duration: 24:31.

Hey awesome ones. So it's time for us to work on our toes and our feet and let's

not make it a chore. I'm ready for some pampering some TLC so I'm going to show

you a way to work on your toes and your feet especially for those beautiful

sandals and flip-flops and we're gonna make a little bit of a spa date out of it

So have you ever had a pedicure? I can tell you that it's a wonderful pampering

luxurious time and it really is. It's something that really puts you in a

great state of mind. So that's what I want to do with this video. So let's set

it up shall we first of all I'm in a comfy robe.

Secondly quiet time, your time, don't don't give yourself like 10 minutes. I

got to do my toes, no.... you need to set the time aside a nice comfy chair a couple

of towels and maybe even some herbal tea or you could also go for that water with

cucumbers in it or something like that hey maybe even a glass of wine it's up

to you also a little magazine, you know one of those ones that you haven't read

yet but always meaning to get to it you haven't read it yet and let's cue some

spa music.....there you go, we're ready for the feet. So let's get real about talking

about our toes hey I don't have polished toes twelve months out of the year.... no

way I live in a cold climate in the wintertime and I'm gonna tell you, those

little tootsie's of mine our snug as a bug in a rug in my socks and actually I

don't even put polish on them during the winter months or even maybe late

December or late November, because I kind of like my little toenails to breathe

and I don't think it's a good idea to have polish on them all the time and I

even did a video about nails like these fingernails and I also said about making

them and letting them breathe a little bit as well. So I'll put that up there as

well. Now of course I'm going to clip my

toenails and all that sort of thing during the let's call it the hibernation

time for my toes, but hey they're coming out of hibernation right now and

I just went to the dollar store. I bought this

little bucket, certainly I don't want to serve a salad in it afterwards, so it's

kind of like my little foot bucket and I put some warm water in there and I'm

just letting my little toes....if you can see them they're....letting them soak a

little bit and yeah now you can put some epsom salts if you want to, but for me

I've just got some warm water and what I'm going to do right now is I'm going

to get to that magazine.... hey this is so appropriate isn't it. I'm gonna get to

this magazine and read an article or two maybe for five minutes and then

we'll get back to work on those little toes. Okay so now I want to give my feet

a little bit of a exfoliant....a little bit of a scrub and I'm actually using here

it's a face scrub but I don't know about my toes and my feet are pretty

sensitive so I'm going to use this face scrub. What I like about this one -

its sulfate free and it's paraben free it doesn''s got all natural

ingredients as let's just put a little bit of that on my hands here. Oh

see I sort of tell what it looks like there and over by my tea I've been sipping

my's been lovely....this is lovely and what i'm going to do is i'm going to

show you this foot here because you can really see, you know wearing shoes and

that i've got some some dead skin. I know it's gross but you know so we want to

kind of exfoliate and so just give ourselves a really nice little

exfoliation here and it helps of course if you've got the water and also move up

the calf a little bit and there you go, that feels nice really nice you get that

dead skin off. I'm wearing a new pair of shoes right now and it's kind of wearing

on my ankles there but oh the things we do to

look pretty.....alright so I'm just gonna scrub this these feet again give it a

good scrub up the the calves a little bit and yeah. Just rub my hands off here

because I want to talk to you again a little bit mmm......

Now if you're ticklish I'm sorry I'm not all that ticklish on my feet, so I

can certainly do this no problem, but it is a face scrub and I have used this

sort of thing before, so if you can't stand it and you're going crazy yes you

can absolutely skip.....that skip that step try to say that three times skip that

step and move on to the next part and what I'm going to do right now I'm just

going to get some clean warm water .Wash off all of the scrub and dry my feet off.

So now that my feet are all nice and dry this would be a good time to put on the

cuticle oil. Now this cuticle has its nail and cuticle oil and it's

enriched with vitamin E so yeah I'm gonna put that on my feet well my toes

anyway and by the way in the first comment of this video I'm going to have

a link back to my blog where I will show a lot of the products that I'm using

here so you can get them for yourself and hey by the way if you do get

something there we make a tiny bit of commission and it all helps us with our

videos so thank you very much if you're one of the people that are doing it and

we really really appreciate it so let's get on with the cuticles. So this comes

with a little applicator and it's real simple

I just kind of put this around the cuticles and don't worry I'll be doing

some trimming of my....well there's that little by little baby toe hides, is your

little baby toe hide - yeah I'll be trimming my toes a little bit better but

you can see there's kind rough skin here on the cuticles because

they've been under wraps during the winter months and we'll just put a

little bit I gotta go find that little toe again....always hides here here we go

yeah a little more these guys need their little cuticles

done. All right so put that back in there, now I get

another 5 minutes or so so I'm gonna sip my tea. I'm going to read my magazine

remember it's all about you today take that time and relax I'm going to. So

that's been about five seven minutes something like that so let's get back to

the toes and they'll....sorry I'm moving around a lot I know, but what we need to

do is just push back those cuticles. I'm not going to do them all, but I use a

little cuticle thingy like this and what I like to do is I like to first of all

push them all back and then go back and do them again. So in real time what I

would do is I would go back to those toes again push them back with this

little baby that I have here and there's a close-up of what it is and again you

can get this in wood as well and take all of the dead skin push it back and

also use a tissue. What I want to do is I want to clean up as much of that oil as

I can. Okay so it's buffing time and I found this great buffer, it's rough on

the one side and it's shiny on the other for the buffing but when I did the

natural manicure with no nail polish some people had commented, you know I just

gotta tell you guys, you subscribers and I just love the community so much

because you help me, you help others and a few of you said to me... hey be

really careful with that rough part of the buffer because you could

literally buff your nail right down so thank you so much for that and for all

of you, you know who you are, you are so special to Bill and I and little

Hurricane, so thank you for everything. All those comments I just love ... anyway

back to the toes, as far as my toes are concerned I think I was a bad girl I

think I did the summertime nail polish and I didn't actually buff when I

took off my nail polish off for the last time so you can see a little bit of

discoloration here and I've got some paper towel underneath. There we're just

gonna buff... see a little bit of that discoloration right off there and then

what I'm going to do...if I can reach that, just wipe it off with a tissue and

then I'm going to do this little buff.

This is good for, uh so yeah it's nice, that's looking yeah buff small up so

we're gonna do that to all of them and just give them all a little bit of TLC a

little bit of buffing take all that yucky old, whatever it is off of there

Alright so as I mentioned to you usually during the winter I am clipping my nails

and I have this great clipper, here it is an actual toenail clipper with a little

little gizmo for cleaning as well and I absolutely love that. So my my nails are

pretty clipped but what I do have to do is I do have to file them and shape them

a little bit cuz they're gonna be out there and people are going to see them

so I've got a couple of files here that I can show you that I use also some of

you of our great subscribers again have mentioned that they use like a

crystal nail polish or sorry, not nail polish but nail file, so hmm sounds like

it lasts forever so there's a great find for you as well so I'm going to use this

little baby here and which one should I use I guess I just use this one here and

as you can see that my my nails have been clipped but I'm just going to, you

know just sort of shape them a little bit. Now don't go like this because that

gives you maybe hang nails, that sort of thing we don't want that but just sort

of go in one direction and then go in another direction now another thing that

I have been sort of watching is a lot of people want to just do this straight

across kind of thing and that's not my style, however I have heard that the

style that I do which is the kind of rounded look some people get, I guess

ingrown toenails and that sort of thing so it is your choice. I've been doing

this rounded look now for well a half a century and longer and I haven't found

any problems like that but you know just be careful in that respect and again

just make sure when you're sanding you have you know a good long nail file and

you're keeping it all in the one direction okay so these are shaping up

quite nicely and oh by the way... I've got paper towels underneath me to catch all

the all the fallout. Okay so I don't suffer from the cracked ankle thing

maybe it's because I really like to moisturize my feet a lot but anyway

there are these gadgets you know with some emery board stuff on them and

they are for, you know your cracked ankles, now again I have paper towels

underneath what you do is you just kind of well I actually do have some dead

skin there and you just sort of use this and take

off that dead skin so I'm going to do a little bit of that and I don't want to

touch this guy here because you know what that's let's just do that hard part

of the skin you know what I'm talking about can you say that, okay, yeah so this

little gizmo is great for that but before I did this video I went to the

drugstore and I really studied all the foot products that they had and they had

some great things for cracked ankles and the pictures of these

cracked ankles were pretty bad so oh and by the way I love going to the drugstore

and checking out some new things and I actually did, I think it was my top ten

drugstore finds so I'll put that up there while we're on the subjects of doing a

little bit of shopping I think most of them were under $10 but back to the

cracked heels. So they have creams they have lotions and they even have these

little socks and what you do is you put the cream of the lotion on and then you

put on these little socks and I guess you just put your feet up for a couple

of hours or they even said you can sleep with them and have them on overnight and

night I think you wake up there poof you don't have cracked ankles anymore at

least I think that's what happens . Alright so time to put on the foot lotion

I'm just using a body lotion here and I found this lovely cocoa butter enriched

with vitamin E so hey if we're going to have fun in the Sun a little cocoa

butter sounds like it's going to just do the trick for me, Yes you can buy some

special foot creams and some of them are peppermint and they smell delicious but

for me I'm just gonna do this and really kind of go up the calves a little bit as

well, hey it's pampering time why not? Again I've got up some paper towels here

as well and just really, really get in there and pamper those little feet with

the cream, so what we've got to do now is

to use a little bit of nail polish remover because soon we're going to be

applying the nail polish and that body lotion meant we just out put on

it's going to be a little bit oily so we're just going to go ahead and do all

the toes with a little bit of, oh well... Oh

make sure the stuff ...number one that if you have nail polish on right away you

will make sure that you are very, very careful removing... anyway to be continued..

Alright so now the fun part starts its nail polish picking time, every year

before I do my toes I go to the drugstore again and I really try to pick

up something super cool, hey you know what this you don't necessarily just

have to be on the safe side with this I've done years where I've used a

beautiful blue like this I've also used a beautiful purple, isn't that gorgeous

last year a lot of people were into these kind of almost fluorescent colors

and I used these on my toes last year, absolutely love them and I mean yes you

can be, you know get something that's kind of you know run-of-the-mill for

your toes but I just think it's so exciting to look down at your little

toes and it's something a little bit wild, a little bit different and this

year I'm going, because pink is all the color and if you did see my spring,,

summer fashion... I'll put it up there somewhere I really talked about being

pretty in pink so this is going to be going a lot with the wardrobe I'm using

but it's a little bit on the wild side and it's also a gel so I found myself a

gel you put this on and there's a topcoat with it the nice thing about

this is it removes with just your normal nail polish remover

you don't need to have a special lamp for it so this year I'm going with this

So just before I apply the first coat of nail polish I just use little cotton

batten cotton balls between my toes to separate them, hey and by the way this

could be a lot of fun if you're maybe with girlfriends you know having a bit

of a spa day or you know maybe you're a husband a wife enjoying this

kind of thing or with your daughters, it's lots of fun. The one thing just

before I get into the toenail polish though is really take a look good look

at your toes like if there's yucky fungus or something like that

how'd it looked at, have it taken care of don't just cover it up with a lot of

nail polish. Okay we want to keep you healthy out there, all right let's go

with this nail polish now be very, very careful when you start with a nail

polish you really want to take a lot of it off and there you go my toes are

ready here I'm just going to start off, this is hard to do when somebody's

watching you on camera but I'm just going to start off in the middle let me

just put that down you can see my toes are all nicely separated here and

there's not a lot on the brush and then I'm just going to carefully try to go

around that

and up now we're going to put another coat on so we don't really need to worry

too much about, oh well that's not a perfect coat okay and then just continue

on a little bit again to get a lot of it off put it in the middle first and then

turn it and around, around fix it up nicely later but you can see how this

separation - with the cotton swabs, oh there's that little baby toe that I

couldn't even see before but now it just allows it to poke its little head out

and get pretty like all the rest of them, alright I'll just continue the rest and

then I'll be back right at you Alright so hey the first coat isn't

perfect but I'm just gonna let those babies dry for probably about ten

minutes because this is gel and the nice thing about the gel by the way is that

they don't crack and peel and chip off like a normal nail polish would, they're

happy feet so the first coat is all dry now we've got to be really, really

careful doing the second coat so just sort of bring this foot up here a little

bit again take your time because this gel is going to last for awhile and we

just want to make sure that it's really pretty

Anyway I'm not gonna do them all right now but I I will take my time and then

we're ready for the topcoat now. I called it top coat but actually it's a sealant

and don't worry it's not black in color but this I don't know if you can see this here

but it says step one and this one says sealant step two so you've got to use

them together and it actually just looks it really does look just look like a

clear topcoat but because this is a gel it's probably going to really seal

in that color so let's take a look here as I did this toe here as I apply again

down the middle first as I apply the sealant and hey you know you might say...

oh you know I could do a lot better than with my toes, hey I'm no professional I'm

just, you know one of those people who say hey try this at home you know go

ahead and pamper yourself for the day and maybe you ju, you know you're on a

budget and you don't want to be going and getting the pedicures all the time

so by all means you know make a day out of it make an afternoon out of it and

enjoy yourself because you know what?... you deserve it so that's starting to look

really pretty, pretty in pink so I'm ready for the close-up and I put

on a pair of sandals to show you. I don't know I just think that these look these

little toes look absolutely lovely and yep flip-flops, nice sandals they're

gonna get me through and I'll just touch them up every once in a while

Of course there'll be days where I'll have to take off everything and then

reapply but what do you think? I love this color for this season

so somebody else who has to get his little toenails done is you little

Hurricane! Yes you do, he's got the tiniest little toenails but

he's got four legs so he's got like 20 toenails but we take you to the groomer,

take you to the groomer and they take care of all of that and it's a very

important thing also for dogs that they get their toenails cliped, so Hurricane

you know what? There are so many wonderful people out there our

subscribers are just amazing, oh he always seems to ,yawn, I just keep you up with

these videos but anyway the subscribers, thank you so much the

community it means so much toBill and I especially now that we're doing two

videos a week on Tuesday are kind of the lifestyle ones and Fridays are beauty/

fashion that sort of thing but if you want to join us come on down we'd love

to have you join us and there's a button down there for you, so in the meantime

pamper yourselves, pamper yourselves, you deserve it, have a little TLC, keep it

awesome and we'll see you later. Everyone's invited to subscribe and join

us on our videos

For more infomation >> At Home Spa Style Pedicure for Toes & Feet/mature women over 50 - Duration: 24:31.


Golden State Killer Suspect Set To Appear In Court For First Time - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Golden State Killer Suspect Set To Appear In Court For First Time - Duration: 2:36.


Where Y'at 6 picks for weekend of April 27 to April 30, 2018 - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Where Y'at 6 picks for weekend of April 27 to April 30, 2018 - Duration: 1:58.


Learn Fruits and Vegetables for Kids | Healthy Habits for Children | Healthy Food for Babies - Duration: 8:46.

hey everyone, I hope you're feeling energized today! I have a very unique

episode for you it's all about healthy easy it's important will be put into our

bodies to help us grow so today we're gonna be learning about some interesting

fruits and vegetables and other super foods that are really good for you I'm

so excited for us to learn about them together for more tea time with Tayla

episodes subscribe to this channel and click the bell to get notified of my

latest releases we'll be exploring these healthy foods today with the help of

little spoon they're an awesome company to sponsor today's video

Peretz i highly recommend you check out the little spoon for your baby's

nutritional needs little spoon since thoughtfully designed baby blend

foods with natural ingredients straight to your door they've worked with a team

of pediatricians and nutritionists to develop a personalized meal plan suited

to a baby's nutritional and developmental needs and since they send

it straight to your door it's super convenient make sure to click the link

in the description to get started little spoon sent me a variety of nutritional

baby blood foods that we're going to use today to learn about fruits and

vegetables these look really yummy let's see we have one two three four five six

seven eight let's look at the first one this food contains corn apple sweet

potato chive and pumpkin seed corn is a grain that's part of the grass family

horn provides fiber which aids in your digestion apples are one of the

healthiest foods that a person can eat they're really high in fiber and vitamin

C and they function as a good antioxidant sweet potatoes help boost

brain function we all want to be smarter they also enhance immunity and promote

vision health for your eyes chives are closely related to garlic shallots and

onions there are nutrient-dense food which

means they're low in calories but high in beneficial nutrients pumpkin seed is

exactly that the edible seed of a pumpkin I love the cars pumpkins at

Halloween time it's good to know there's some health benefits to pumpkin seeds

they're good for your heart and immunity let's check out another one this one has

three ingredients in it beets banana and mango beets are a vegetable they're high

in potassium which helps your muscles function and manganese which is good for

your bones because of the high content of

I found in bananas they're considered a super fruit Wow

mangoes are also a fruit and they contribute to your eye health they come

in various shapes and sizes and colors like yellow orange red and even green

mmm I like mangoes let's check out this one it has sweet potato Apple blueberry

and flax well we already learned about sweet

potatoes and apples let's learn about blueberries and flax blueberries are

really high in fiber content they help decrease the risk of heart disease so

that's good now flax is a fiber crop it's cultivated

in cooler regions of the world and it's the richest source of omega-3 fatty

acids you may have heard your mom or dad talk about omega-3s before they've been

shown to have heart-healthy effects this next baby food is green it contains four

ingredients avocados those are green green apples those are

green broccoli that's also green and spirulina avocados contain even more

potassium than a banana does they're incredibly nutritious with things like

vitamin K folate vitamin C vitamin b5 o vitamin b6 and so much more it helps

that avocados are really delicious too broccoli is a vegetable that's rich in

essential vitamins and minerals and spirulina you may not have heard of that

before it's a biomass of blue-green algae algae

that's right you know it sounds gross but it's actually really good for you

and it can be consumed by humans and animals it's a great source of protein

okay we've done one two three four that leaves four foods left

let's look at this one hmm it has blueberries chickpea spinach pears and

rosemary we already learned about blueberries

what about chickpeas those have lots of health benefits like helping control

your blood sugar level improving your digestion they also protects against

heart disease and provide essential vitamins and minerals spinach is a leafy

green it's a vegetable that's loaded with good things for nearly every part

of your body spinach is really yummy hair is a juicy fruit that has immune

boosting vitamin C I really like pears it also has an herb called rosemary that

has a surprising ability to boost your memory and improve your mood this next

one has a lot of ingredients are you ready

it has quinoa raspberry hair coconut milk vanilla dates and wheat germ oil

wow that's a lot of good stuff in there quinoa is a great it's one of the most

protein rich foods that you can eat and raspberries are delicious they're a

fruit and did you know that the oils from raspberries have sun protected

properties wow that's really neat coconut milk is lactose free so it can

be used as a milk substitute for those that have lactose intolerance

did you know dates are food and their great source of energy and wheat germ

oil has anti-aging properties and can positively affect mental agility that'll

definitely help those babies brains develop right we have two more whoo this

one's like a pretty reddish pink color it has beets

I bet that's where the color comes from it has tahini chickpea apple brown rice

and cardamom that's a lot of good stuff in there did you know tahini is a

condiment it's made from toasted ground sesame

seeds and it's helpful for detoxifying your body part a mom that's kind of a

funny word it's a spice and it's made from the seeds of several plants it can

help improve your blood circulation your intestinal health and your dental health

say cheese we want to take care of our teeth our

last one has one ingredient it's just mango and it's the same color

as a mango Wow we learned about so many interesting fruits and vegetables and

herbs and other ingredients some I'd never even heard of before like cardamom

so I'm glad we got to learn about them together learning about all the health

benefits of certain foods really makes me want to take care of my body what you

eat is very important in growing healthy and strong so be aware of what you eat

parents if you have babies that are just starting to eat food

I've encourage you to join little spoon they have a great system to make sure

your child is eating organic healthy blends and they deliver right to your

door so click the link in the description for more information and

I'll see you all next time on tea time bye bye everyone

hey kids thanks for watching tea time with Tayla be sure to subscribe and

click the bell to be notified with brand new video

and parents visit tea time with Tayla comm to learn how teyla can help

celebrate your child's birthday

For more infomation >> Learn Fruits and Vegetables for Kids | Healthy Habits for Children | Healthy Food for Babies - Duration: 8:46.


Soy Luna 3 | Gastón asks Matteo for a favor (ep.8) (Eng. subs) - Duration: 0:55.

I won't participate in the Open.

Really? Why?

You know, I'm about the start with university, I'm very busy.

I'm not falling for that lie.

The reason you won't participate has a name.

And I'l say something more, she shines in the night.

I told you a thousand times that Luna doesn't have anything to do with it this time.

By escaping, the only thing you'll get is being away from your friends and what you like the most.

Listen to me friend, you called me to lecture me, that's not it. Remember that you're my friend and not my dad.

No, I called you for something important and I need you to do me a favor.

What do I have to do?

I want you to go to Roller and leave a flower in Nina's locker.

How romantic. It's fine, count on me.

Thanks a lot.

And think very good about what I told you.

We'll see each other.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 3 | Gastón asks Matteo for a favor (ep.8) (Eng. subs) - Duration: 0:55.


best duaa for amazing job in life, job k liye wazifa in urdu,naukri ka wazifa - Duration: 1:44.

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