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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Testing, Testing Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Kyle Bruce - Duration: 14:21.
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic The Crystal Empire - Part 2 Episode 20 - Lara Gill - Duration: 14:42.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
Strict rules when your info is sold by the state - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 146 - Jimmy Robinson - Duration: 15:18.PLEASE, lIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
Wait, Sonic Forces is actually GOOD!? Sonic Forces 6 months later – sheepytina - Duration: 3:48.2017 was an interesting year for Sonic the Hedgehog, seeing the release
of the Sonic game fans have been wanting for over a decade.
No, not Sonic Mania. Sonic Forces! Yeah!
Look, yeah, I get it. Sonic Forces really missed the mark in a lot of ways. Depending on your criteria,
it's probably the worst Sonic game in a while. Like, the 10th worst.
(Okay maybe that's a little harsh.)
But I'm not gonna lie, I actually really enjoyed this game when it came out 5 months ago, and I still enjoy it now.
It's been a while since we've gotten a new 3D Sonic game,
let alone one that follows the beloved "boost Sonic" formula.
Sonic games are like happy fuel to me, even if Forces isn't exactly the best Sonic game out there.
But I don't see how it can be that bad,
like, it was developed by the creators of Colours and Generations, right?
Those are my favourite recent games! Though Colours isn't without its flaws.
Bland level design, shorter stages that are over before they get interesting. Hmm...
Love the cutscenes though.
In terms of gameplay, I like to describe Sonic Forces as
the worst parts of Heroes, Unleashed and Colours rolled into one game. ["I'm playing badly on purpose."]
Gone are the gorgeous vistas and long stretches we loved from Unleashed and Generations,
instead we get shorter stages that rely on simple gimmicks and basic building blocks,
kinda like Colours actually. Kinda.
And there's the main problem. Making such long, detailed and compelling stages
like that takes a lot of time, a lot of talent, and a lot of money;
and as many are quick to point out, Sonic Forces basically had none of that during its development.
Compared to previous modern Sonic games, it's kind of a low-budget affair,
some might even go as far to say it's a cynical cash-in on the Sonic brand,
and as long as games like this still sell and turn a profit, Sega has no real reason to ever do better.
But y'know what?
What if I told you Sonic Forces… Is GOOD?
Games can't truly be enjoyed on objective measures.
To me it's all about how a game feels, and how it makes YOU feel.
Maybe it doesn't blow you away like Generations does,
Here I am! Tina the Bear! She's a gamer, just like me,
and she's TOUGH! YEAH! Oh my gosh, Sonic! I'm a huge fan!
[clears throat] ["*ahem*"]
I know it's silly, but despite Sonic Forces' flaws, there's just something about it that made me smile
constantly when playing it. Maybe it's the cheesy story that takes itself way too seriously, ["me, smiling ➡"]
or the really off-the-wall action sequences.
Y'know, my housemate and I actually started fist-bumping each other all the time because of this game,
and we're always like "hey, careful we don't start a double boost!"
- I guess you could say I'm weak for this kind of thing. - I'm not weak!
The Sonic games I grew up with were cheesy and overly dramatic,
and Forces delivers those things in spades.
And yeah, the levels are short and often kinda dull. Many people aren't so hot on Avatar's
gameplay, and Classic Sonic was obviously tacked on very late in development.
And the story… isn't the best, I have to admit.
I like the game overall and I think it's good, but I don't think it will be considered
a great game in the years to come. Fundamentally speaking, it's kind of a bad Sonic game.
But it doesn't really matter, because I had fun with it, and I'm glad I got to experience it.
matter because I had fun with it and I'm glad I got to experience it I just hope
[quietly] I just hope they don't mess it up again.
You ever notice how when you talk to people about the declining quality of the Sonic series, they'll start blaming
the series' problems on the 1987 arcade game Sonic Boom? Yeah, it's wild. ["… or was it one of these?"]
Anyway, if you enjoyed this video and want to see more like it, please click the like button and tell
me in the comments, because I'm trying out something new here. Also consider
becoming a Patron if you want to support my work. Bye!
What Is the Secret to Getting Your Light to Shine? | Little Lessons with David Servant - Duration: 7:21.What is the secret to getting your light to shine?
Welcome to today's Little Lesson.
We've been working our way through Matthew, chapter 5, the first part of Jesus' Sermon
on the Mount.
We looked at the beatitudes, all the characteristics of those people who are blessed by God.
They're blessed because He's done something in them that has transformed and changed them,
that makes them like the people that Jesus described in the beatitudes.
We can tell if we're blessed or not blessed by looking at our lives, looking for the work
that God has done in us.
In our last Little Lesson, we talked about Jesus' words to his disciples about them being
the salt of the earth and tried to figure out what he meant by that, and of course,
he warned his disciples, "Be careful.
You don't want to lose your saltiness or else you'll become useless, worthless, you know,
good for nothing and be cast out."
That shows us something about the fact that we have a part to play in our behavior.
We're not holy robots.
As we keep working our way down through Matthew, chapter 5, we come to this verse, verse number
It's another analogy that kind of makes the same point as the salt of the earth analogy,
"You are the light of the world," Jesus says to his disciples.
Now, you might say to yourself, "Well, I thought Jesus was the light of the world."
Well, you're right.
He claimed to be the light of the world, I think it's twice in the gospel of John, but
now he's telling his disciples that they are the light of the world.
Maybe that's kind of referencing the fact that, once again, when you've come to believe
in Jesus, you're blessed and one of the biggest blessing is that he comes to live on the inside
of you.
The light of the world, Jesus, comes to live on the inside of us, and now we become part
of the light of the world, so that Jesus can say, "You are the light of the world."
Now, what is he talking about there?
Well, he's talking about the fact that the world, as the scripture says, lays in darkness.
They're in ignorance and that's why they're slaves to sin.
They're captives to the devil to do his will.
But those of us who have received Jesus, who have believed in him, he comes to live inside
of us.
We see things totally different.
Our eyes have been opened.
We've seen the light, and now the light is in us, and now Jesus wants that light to be
shining out of us.
Let's keep reading.
"You are the light of the world.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden, nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under
a basket, but on the lamp stand and it gives light to all who are in the house.
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works."
Here's a connection between good works and the light that is shining through us out to
the world.
It's symbolic, not just of knowledge and truth, but in this case, it's also clearly symbolic
of good works.
We're supposed to be letting people see our good works.
It's the fruit of the light within us and that's the light coming out of us.
Our new understanding, our submission to the will and to the word of God naturally produces
That light that is in us becomes light that shines through us and other people are supposed
to be seeing it.
However, once again, just like in the previous analogy of the salt losing its flavor, here
Jesus warns about us snuffing out our light, putting it, as it were, under a bushel.
It's very clear that although God is the divine origin behind the light that is in us and
that's shining out of us, human free will still plays a part in all of this equation.
We're not just holy robots.
We have something to do.
But isn't it nice to know that we don't have to make effort to somehow get that light going
out of us.
No, we really are warned against making an effort to put a bushel over that light.
If you really have Jesus in you, you naturally produce the fruit of the Spirit.
But again, another way of saying it, the flesh wars against the Spirit, that we may not do
the things we want to do.
There's a part of our own will that comes into play here.
But it's not a case of ... and this is so important.
It's not a case of, we have to muster holiness and righteousness.
No, it's more akin to we have to let the goodness and the righteousness and the fruit of the
Spirit that is naturally in us, kind of wanting to bust out, we have to make sure we don't
hinder it.
I like that a whole lot better than the old striving, you know, for holiness idea.
It just puts it in a better perspective for me.
It's no longer I who live.
David's dead, but Christ now lives in me.
My job is to not hinder him from getting out, okay?
Beautiful words here and there really is no secret, you know, no secret formula, no secret
sauce, just a matter of being conscience of what Jesus said, "Let, allow, permit your
light to shine before men in such a way that they may see yours."
He said, "That glorifies your Father."
That's another indication again that the source of all of this goodness, the source of this
fruit, the source of this light is God, because when we let our light shine He's glorified.
It's not, we're glorified, "Wow!
You really mustered up some holiness there David.
You really mustered up some good works there."
No, it's that I just didn't hinder God's work in my life.
I let Him out, okay?
Feel good about.
If you've believed in Jesus, he's in you.
The light's in you.
You, along with Jesus, are the light of the world.
Let's let him out today.
I love it.
I absolutely love it.
Alright, thank you so much for joining me on this Little Lesson.
God bless you.
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