Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 27 2018

in yourself, oh

Come on i can't believe she'll, we sent a message or five minutes ahead

We have, no time to get ready, it will be fine roland don't worry, my mother is

Wait here i'll be right back

Sofia grandmother is coming i know i just saw our carriage may i help you thank you roland dear

Children, come and give you a grandmother a hug

Brilliant indeed i have seen every stop of their world tour i didn't know

You, liked travelling horse shows mother, well then i guess there must be a

Few they weren't always after my, brother massimo left, oh mom and dad took up, some flying as a hobby really

Yep, they were so good or stablemaster kill orange storm started a, whole show

Around them count barn storms fantastic. Flying star winged horse show, how's our eye, oh?

That's my, mop, gemina right there

You heard me right there will be two chosen one the sunday

Yes i did and it almost, made me keel over in midair

You're, going to hurt yourself flying, like, that my little puppy

How's my, boy

Worrying his poor mother that's how

Many, you're, not built for speed or heights telemachus. Yes dear what. Your mother said all this hovering must be difficult

He's a great, derby horse mrs. Gemina, we want a dozen races together mom it's true, we even won the flying?

Derby championship fine derby i haven't heard of him, along argos, yes dear buy

me two kids bye mom

I really hope she'd finally treat me differently one morning i followed my folks out on the course

Hoping i could, be a great daredevil force i got up to speed

Well i'm still a little nervous but, not as nervous as i used to be so

let's do it

you'll be amazing

This is the stables

Really, i thought it was the yeah the guest house

Well i must have gotten lost

Mas because i want to enter the amateur star wing contest you

Do but you're our grandmother come so true my, dear

Right james sure, oh?

Wonderful then perhaps first you can, help me choose a suitable horse, who might you recommend with

Especially your father he likes to think of me as his proper

traditional boring

Mother but i'm much more than that i like a little fun

sounds divine

well you might see me - ven

Sophie and i were just about to start practicing our routine for the star wing amateur contest, may have heard of it oh?


Oh, sweet spin it thanks hold on tight sofia

He went flying so high i could see you all the way from our tent, oh?

You, came to see our show, but how. Could you just sit there and let

Your, brother try a dangerous, stuff like

That minimus what in the world were you doing flying so high

No it is too dangerous i forbid. You to enter that competition mom

Remember what happened last time you tried a flying stunt yes mother boy

So could your mother, oh?

Boy, you still letting her treat you like a little foal, and maybe i am better off okay let's get back to practice

Grandmum you look fabulous

No, let's get i can't believe, my mother enjoys watching this kind of thing

Gentlemen right, no, no she's not, we have absolutely

No, idea where she is but she was looking forward to this show more than anyone?

Boy, they are really good you are really good

It's time for our?


Excuse me a moment

Where are you, going i'm going to a change

Sure doing so much more than your things you can i know i know i know, okay heidenheim i can, do this let's go

Put him up to this he's his, own horse mom and i'm not the same horse i used to be please

let me show you that

It's that important to you minnie

i'm so

Sorry minimus hmm as always our show delivers uncommon surprises but let's move on?

Next up, we have a?

Mysterious masked rider


my grandmother

Fool anymore i know that and i can't make your choices for you so if you

Want to fly stunts then i'll support you in fact your mother and i wouldn't so i can have, both, my, boys together

Yeah, why, not wait there's someone else who should get a chance to fly, again

To, my grandmother not my intention however but it was quite exciting don't you agree

We have yet another surprise for you enchancia it has come to my attention that the mast

I guess it is kind of exciting mother

And a stable wars and a derby jim adventure

It looks like every kid in the

blazing palisades

Thank you the host of the harvest festival, no he's the mormon will be chosen to sing the enchancian anthem

and this year as a singer will be

wave to the crowd

This, year

Is lucky winner will receive and of course you must rehearse the song but first the very best part

you get to meet


Sophia, you are going to have the best time

Look, the paint roxy are already lining up to paint your portrait really they, want to paint

Me sleep done really post and enchancia today all want to write stories about

You, me see and you thought being a princess was a big deal


Lots, and that's not all they're, going to send hundreds of gallons to the castle and i get to pick, which one to?

Wear for the big show. That sounds like fun doesn't it princess sofia over here

My, new anthem singer posed for answer it could you two

Step aside you're in the frame you'll see me on stage

Princesa, sofia welcome to your first rehearsal this let, me try that again

Are you, okay, princess sofia actually mr.


Congratulations princess ha ha i heard the big news

Thanks but something only princess turned into frogs

Although i did hear about a swan, who turned into a princess once i don't know

No, no it was a princess who turned into a swan


hi, amber what are you doing here i

Got your, back princess hmm, you'll see


Time to water the begonias once these bubbling oceans mix a pouring rain

You got and got no sound cursed

So i am cursed how. By who, well

By, your precious, amulet nodes alcohol curse

You, my, dear must have done a very, bad deed but i haven't done anything bad

Well then your amulet wouldn't have cursed, you i can't take it off i promised dad i wouldn't

Oh, you've already, done one, bad thing, today what's what, oh?

Isn't there anything else you can, do suit yourself but i'm only looking out for you my

Dear princess i mean i wouldn't want you to walk out on stage at the harvest festival in front of all those people

Away, but i won't be fixing it for her, oh no no i will use it myself to take over this

come, oh, soon i don't believe it i must have or i wouldn't be

Croaking, huh, well we got to figure out what you, did wrong if we can, figure it out

Oh, clover what am i going to do i don't know

Mm-hmm, but it's getting late and you should get some sleep, we can, figure it out in the morning

We have to whenever i lose a carrot out back i retrace my

Steps go, back exactly the way i came until i find it that's what, we got to do to figure out, why?

Your curse go all right clover i came here in the morning with ruby

And jade okay then what happened then mr. Luciano announced i was going to be the

Anthem singer and brought me onstage thanked all of them, well we can rule out bad manners then i remembered

That jade and ruby were waiting for me and i ran back to find them then i told ruby and jade about everything bert

Everyone, wanted to interview, me and give me gifts, oh and did i tell you about the standing ovation i got

Listen to her how. Could all her friends stand to hear her

Bob bragging to ruby

And jade i was going on and on about all the great things that were happening to me and

They, wanted to see me in them too

Ruby, jade can i talk to you are you, sure you have time

It wasn't very nice of me and i'm really, sorry if i hurt your feelings

You, did but it's. Okay, we forgive you you do, oh?

Just the princess i was looking for mr. Ceedric i figured out, why, he was cursed and i think i fixed it?

I'll be right over there, by the stage if you, change your mind but time is running out tick tock tick tock



what are you doing here princess sofia your amulet brought, me here to help the amulet put a curse on

Who, fell deep under a spell

that he couldn't undo and

Though, he tried to say that yes he'll fix your, mess do more than confess

Use all your might

To, make it right

By, doing something great you just might lose

you could delight your friends tonight outer than were

Well i see you've discovered this only one way out of your predicament have a frog in my throat

But it's, okay, because i don't deserve to sing me anthem

You really, want us to sing a really really good?

do thank you, sophia this is

the ever

golden glaze

to, the dragons on the

Rooftops of the lazy your friends sound, oh how, do you say in enchancia, oh?

Some be really, do they're, singing it better than i would have, hey

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 617 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 15:34.


Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 195 - Max Brady - Duration: 15:50.

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have fun Wow that all look really painful guess that's not how that was

supposed to go it's fine even Halloweeny nevertheless we must

move forward with our mission of spreading darkness and mayhem indeed we

must sue my queen it is a good idea to either decadent feast dine and dash

I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help okay probably best to just get

all that out before you fight holdups in dirt back in the Coliseum oh that talk

never fought blob gnarly when I said it was unreal

I meant it because it never happened would now be a good time to tell you

I've never asked I mean do you have any idea how much fun it is to use your fire

to make s'mores it's like you're some sort of God of the great outdoors well

I've been told what I should be able to do but my powers sounds so intact which

means there's no way I'll ever be a Skylander know what the Sheep raises a

good point let's just get back to your training

we both know yes I really don't know pasta sauce lids too tight they're not


tonight we cover every toilet see we find in plastic wrap how come you're not

she hasn't been the same these quote-unquote evil schemes are the worst

but she's our leader and as long as she's in charge we have to follow her

orrible sorry I meant to do a tiny zap are you okay oh wait

tails were impenetrable but now this I guess that's one of the perks about

having no idea where you came from new surprises all the time

Skylanders report - yum yum fun burger where there is a not so fun situation

brewing all right cinder time to apply your

training in a real showdown let's go all right what are we dealing with three

evils they're here to steal all our kids get

emails why do they want the kiddie meals I guess they keep buying them but never

get the toy surprise they really want inside see people it's not always that

simple yes it is good guys are good as bad guys are bad that's how it works is


Cindy's father is Malfoy I should have realized I knew her type

of scales look for me you must find her before she returns to mal Falls home in

the cadaverous crib what will happen if we don't I have little doubt mal four

will groom cinder to become an evil drop you were just trying to help we all know

that dragons are some of the most powerful creatures and all of Skylands

power also makes them emotionally volatile that idea please do recount the

devious details so I can bask in my brilliance again it would be my pleasure

she told me thank you chaos it was my honor he'll have plenty of time to

practice what huh practice for the Academy admissions

tests you mean you are good Spyro you said it yourself

bad guys or bad guys and that's it so I might as well succumb to the evil past

my dad has plans team a dragon like that outside of a book Cindy there you are

sweetheart you were not at the mall like you said you'd be I looked everywhere

for you gusta we're not leaving without our

friend and soon-to-be Skylander everyone wonders if they're good at one time or

another but you know good and well your destiny lies and cadaverous crypts every

choice you make you have the power to choose to be good except you how do you

how do you know that because your time were my sworn in

you already did gotcha good one cinder expect the unexpected right you are evil

you know that's not anytime soon mastery on during my fight with Mal for he said

something pretty crazy he said I'm the last of my dragon kind is it true

someone left you in those Spyro okay thanks mastery on now go make all

newest cadet feel welcome

come out come out nefarious person is engaging in people

activities wherever you are big secrets from all of us it's got me more

convinced than ever that he knows something about my ancestors and I don't

know what to do about it anything I can do to help yeah and I didn't thanks for

lending me in a year you have ears right I have exceptional audible organs

they're just not in the place where one's ears usually are oh you've got to

be kidding me the ship operates on this pretty course the problem you bet

done starter up Jaden anything else you want

me to take a look out before you go

should I be offended he didn't say thanks yeah so probably just said my

alarm didn't go off I didn't wake up till 5 a.m. it was only an hour early to

my bleach anything to report well my supercharger gave me a few fits

this morning but it was nothing I couldn't handle

well we will need some help getting this situation this decision was neither

Willy nor nearly sprockets powers are based in the tech element which means

she is an expert on all things of that variety plus reinforcements to round

them up sounds like a software virus invading the prison cell block matrix I

can fix it please hurry if it spreads to the outer perimeter all the gates could

be affected a time like this glum shanks golden queenís seize the castle turned

mother into a museum piece and I'm powerless to do anything about it this

is the worst day ever all of us there there may be one way you can it could be

the only way tell me glue me I'll do anything I will

sprockie but it looks like it's time to do this the old-fashioned way with a

little elbow grease your wrench is working sweet

Skylanders adjustments help please this is my fat gun and I know it like the

back of my leg we won't be able to get to the places that need our help this is

worse than I thought if the portal that leads to the Citadel

Skylanders use the super chargers and travel to the realm to fix every portal

in need until this is done all of sky lands is in grave danger work

portal at the academy and use it to travel around to fix the other portal

great idea sprocket we'll handle that while you stay here and get these

vehicles running again okay failing spell which hides mother's book of dark

magic locked away in your tiny troll brain all this time your entire life sir

I am the only one Cassandra trusted with such a powerful secret he credits sounds

about right now listen close Cassandra's book is

hidden inside her meditation chamber chant a spell I gave you to reveal it

there okay now him guy you've been guarding are they rocket scientists oh

speaking of rocket science have I ever mentioned that I was once recruited by

the sky land space program fresh out of school would it have killed someone to

label the control panel oh we can't even function without all our devices

pathetic the whole lot of us

and now you can get my point my vacuum is working again at least the magnet

party's helping Spiro sounds like a cop show if we're all done congratulating

each other sprocket the super charges are ready yes

actually no officer no you're their senior officer I'm here to assist you

all because you need my help right now one of you way more than the rest I do

not need your help now stand down guys I think there might

be something wrong with the portals does he uh know about this if you just stayed

with the super charges like I asked wait so this is my fault too fine it's not

your fault it's technology's fault happiness just feels that way because it

helps make your life better but it's not making it better it's making it harder

all the downloads and upgrades and passwords and resets it's this time

because I was afraid of being honest with you oh it's cool look sprocket

every problem that came up today you fixed all because you're their friend

their leader and like technology I really am just here to help I've been an

idiot and now a stuck here for who knows how long

so there's the control panel yeah it's like I was trying to tell you before

come on robot find the core of hey guys you're back in time to help us get

swarmed by the Academy's mechana trolls which have come to life

I knew magic eggs existed got any more JV all right I'm afraid not shut that oh

this might not be the best time to mention this but my gosh I need you all

to scare the living daylights out of me go go go

thanks buck well I wouldn't have known about the power of my eggs at all

without sprockets help you still need to repair some of those wonky portals right

I was wondering I'm you know I've suspected for the longest time that you

knew more about what happened to my family then you're willing to say I

wanted to trust you I did mastery on but then I found it

Spyro I what I'll tell you everything right now and I was tasked with

protecting them but I failed Spyro of the apex of the great war a mysterious

dark force rose to formidable dark magic to take control of your ancestors and

turn them evil he was going to use them to destroy the core of light I was for

somewhere right we we can still find them I'm afraid it's not that simple the

magic I used was unfamiliar unwieldy devastating my entire race and you're

sorry spiral

seize your destiny and become the man I always knew who no rule by your side and

why would you do that because there is nothing I wouldn't do

For more infomation >> Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 195 - Max Brady - Duration: 15:50.


Timmy Time Timmy Finds Treasure Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Sarah Sharp - Duration: 14:12.

Thank you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Timmy Time Timmy Finds Treasure Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Sarah Sharp - Duration: 14:12.


Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 195 - Sam Day - Duration: 18:05.

Thanks You So Much For Watching!

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 195 - Sam Day - Duration: 18:05.


Regular Show Memorable Moment Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 192 - LUCAS FOX - Duration: 18:02.

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all right listen up we've gotten some complaints about the huge sinkhole in

the park Pete can't we just put up more warning signs or something no I think

called a crash pit shouldn't even be at the park in the first place what we call

it a small hole

one last crash one last crash in the crash pit

gotta send this puppy off with the best

stream the making no seriously I think we should get out now do don't bail

don't bail

yeah wait where's the camera oh no bro oh man we just destroyed the park camera

let's see it's $5,000 how can it be so much

it's the vid max ultra rez 3500 you can't get that kind of clarity on VHS

anymore you dick camera back oh the crash pit goes down forever we have no

choice it's either going to the pit or lose our jobs no darkness where can we

read some climbing gear

I thought it was Pitt nice hey muscle man there's your old summer home Casa

del sorenstein ah and my old buddy the War Admiral what was that

someone's in fine why do I even bother I can't trust those skips Plan B ah man

dead end well we tried let's go back wait I can't


I've never seen such cowboy to his scream is that why have you disturbed

our realm we don't want any trouble we just want our camera back

you mean this movie bag of beef jerky for decades we lived with this as our

only form of entertainment we hate the bar just give it to us and we'll get out

of here perhaps we should listen to them my lord clearly that one is the

screaming mad baby on the device hear us the device stays with us

the car

all right let's hurry it up the sooner this pole gets built the less likely

we'll get here with the lawsuit Skip's got the tripod

we did it did you guys try sweet crash don't worry muscle man I know it'll make

you feel better all the rich Dini is one simple bank shot and this deal is

done daata ticket what does get done oh I'd rather play a

game I might actually wait yeah dude how are you so good at this game you guys

are just overthinking it now who wants to step it to the King I do win isma'il

Rigby wait this guy's weird I don't trust him don't trust him

his name's cash he can't afford to pay our meal that's not why I don't trust

accept hey ball bag what my gut never lets me down the bill twelve thousand

OOP throw in that hat as a side bet you got a deal what but I almost died for

this hat it's the one thing money can't buy and it's the only deal I'll take hmm

greatest bank shouldn't have made that kind of bet if you all have it maybe

your pals here do wait wait I want another rematch to brush up on his

skills don't you Rigby fine fine you got till tomorrow but if you lose we

get the money and not wing Kingdom is at stake because of you that's $36,000 will

be the rest of your problems I gotta win this game

I need help rig bone how's my big bro thanks for coming Don man it's been a

while you look good I ran my mouth off to the wrong guys and

now I'm in trouble I gotta win a bank shot match

all my money's riding on it but you're great at this not anymore

I lost my touch you're the only guy alright let's go

how do you do it man you never miss you're just overthinking it I've seen

you do Bank shots I can't believe you're just as good as me

won't lose Rigby I believe in you really I know it right here thanks man

time to show that square face sucker who's boss well but you know we prefer

you win thanks guys I know I can do it then let's get to that rematch so you

can ice that fool Oh looks like tonight I'll be upgrading to dam and check it

looks like you'll be paying your own bill cash and I'll take my hat back

please oh no basketball Ricky your original

Double or Nothing shot is still in play the one that banked out the window but


you have truly made the greatest bass shun of all time

yeah set up the chairs and wipe off the tape always make my birthdays the best

man Timmy's parties just keep getting better every year yeah we got to make

sure this stunt third is everything okay Benson no everything is not okay the

stunt men canceled and Timmy's party is wit we have to cancel Timmy's party no

wait yeah maybe one of us can do the stunt no

it has to be a licensed stuntman our insurance doesn't cover amateur one day

if that's what it'll take to make to me happy then we'll do it yeah it's the

only chance we have we're done with all the party prep I'll enroll us right now

okay but one of you better come back hired he went in and out of over 40

comas no other stuntman has survived anywhere near that many huh talking to

me because yeah I'm talking to you you think the stuntman is supposed to be

pretty you think hey I forget to teach you something important which is very

likely because I've been in 40 comas you may think you have what it takes to be a

stuntman but I'm here to tell you

that'll just about make up for the way things turned out so just a few warnings

while you're still in the comfort of I'm sorry do you want to teach the class

maybe you should get up here on the mark and show everybody how to take a punch

now if you'd like dude so why don't you get up here and take the next punch back

your trip you little baby so are there any secret

well well well you passed basic training congratula man licenses you have to pass

my final exam guys uh we're about to take the stuntman exam hurry just now

going through those wooden paddles it felt like we went through three times

or something what about Timmy Timmy's a great kid

your pain means nothing Timmy means everyday

parks out there is nothing short of a miracle

Asians Anna this time I'm being sincere

all right Rigby would you rather comb your hair with a hot over a garbage

houseboat obviously it had smell bad and then the water would make it smell more

and then you just got a big pile of like garbage

so you're saying you would eat a sandwich in a portable skin - oh she's

got you there Mordecai are you daring me cuz if you're gonna dare me just dare me

alright I dare you oh so we're just changing

game it's more of an impulse huh I gotta say this is pretty classy I guess if I

needed to go outside I'd do it here wait you know portable toilet oh wow oh

you're done easy peasy no Big D Z great let's get out of here good CJ and Eileen

are right out there they'll come and get us any minute right uh Rigby Rigby well

done the door is stuck hmm oh it really is stuck hmm knew I should have brought

Mikey Smith multi-tool today never doubt your gut Eileen there's some tarted

meatball gravy get on the doorknob Rigby I was eating meatballs you're not

supposed to eat meatballs with your hands dude hands are nature's forks uh

try the window or something

so what are you doing tonight my cousin's dog where are you that aren't

Oh I will grill I wish I'm yours now baby wait

no this is not okay yeah it's muscle man I'm telling for target practice

listen ace I know this model was voted throne of the year my flush twice

quarterly but you're gonna have to wait your turn

Mordecai and Rigby were locked in here try and sit tight muscle man is dealing

with it he says he knows a guy Oh weak I got the automated system No

are you Duke where are you now looks like the moon now don't go back one but

test phase of the f29 disintegrator laser system permission to speak freely

sir No permission to speak freely sir

granted sir why do we test the satellite laser on portable toilets sir why do we

test on port some taxpayer money to good use

begin laser sequence

finally things up be weird with Mordecai and now he's gonna get killed and it's

all because some stupid dare which

we've been trying to open this for so long I can't feel my arms thank you

hey you continue testing Oh No permission to speak freely sir No

permission to speak freely sir granted didn't the president say to limit

testing because

taking you're lucky we saw your heat signatures so we could distinguish you

from the debris sir the president's on the line hello thanks for getting us out

of there guys hey Eileen would you rather sit here and be boring or go play

with that space laser space hey could we try this thing out well I don't see why

not Wow CJ's pretty cool yeah she is

For more infomation >> Regular Show Memorable Moment Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 192 - LUCAS FOX - Duration: 18:02.


Kim Possible Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 206 - Jack Peters - Duration: 18:48.

♥ Thanks so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Kim Possible Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 206 - Jack Peters - Duration: 18:48.


Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 889 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:22.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

How's our quick look

Everyone patches what a perfect the governor's gonna. Love it. It's a fine Founders Day gift

If it celebrates keep the stitch in everyone we need our patches in place before he gets here

And my bitches a milkshake oh we served up nice cold

Pretty extra special to give the governor

Okay, but remember to meet us at the governor's train at 12:30 sharp on the deputy with a just you wait and see governor gift


That's one stuffy Stoney nose

Still enough to get the Governor on Founders Day

In your clock Clementine we gotta be there when they give the governor the quilt after which we'll dazzle them with up

Only one thing to do Clementine show the governor our dipped first on account of we want to do our town well

Pardon me governor, but slight change of plans

Governor groundhog

What this saxing tourism

Unexpected pleasure, but what are we getting to wherever we're going right around that bend, governor oh?

Sorry governor your surprise is this away

Would you like to pose with it, and I'll take your picture grand idea deputy grand idea

deputy Peck stopped the train

Explain later Peck right now. I gotta get you both off. These rocks before someone gets hurt

The winds too strong for my lasso I have to find another way to get you dead for me

Maybe we should put away our quilt just yet governor

Your spectacular

Rescue and for the spectacularly special quilt every patch will make me think of you fine folks

Gifs are the most special

Just wish I'd seen fit to help y'all make it. It's not too late. There's still a spot to add a patch

In place

No you can't eat it until we get back to Uncle bun store and washroom, I know but they look so yummy

What's that I

Suggest you take over

Those kangaroo rats gave me quite a spin. They must have been searching for pickles, too

Kangaroo rats love nothing so much as a peacock Anita

Empty I believe you Toby, but what happened to all the pickles you picked for

Their sheriff

Pickles and shoot through the bell-rope

It's just a baby

It must have gotten separated from his hurt

Skee little critter we saw just a little pain our

Brains making big

We live you're messing up our friendly little trio

Hey hey, it's alright he's gone

I'm gonna catch that pesky critter kangaroo rats can be very hard to catch you need to be patient

But she never misses well, I hate to say it, but I think it's too fast for even the sheriff to catch


Now when the critter home

Oops that

Should do it

That kangaroo rat is tricky so I had to build a choice to fall out and chase him down the slide

We're have run into this string and the string will tip over these three barrels

Hailee's we're stuck in deliciousness

What are you waitin for hold on a sec

Deep dopey come on my little friend. Let's get you home

Little fella trait it's okay sheriff these little fellows can be quite a handful sure

kinda iets see

Him back with the family that loves him it sure is Peck

Horsefeathers, what's all the crying about?

It's our new emergency bell. Let's say you saw a spaghetti twister head in this way all you gotta do is pull this rope and

When you hear that sound enter cypher

And we won't late identity wait what haha we'll always need your Peck to keep an ela on thing

Wow Clementine there's no to twister it sure looks tasty here

It's the warning

Everyone else okay

Thanks to the woman bail. Yeah, I wonder who rang it

No, you don't understand I didn't wait did you say middle

Deputy Peck because you rang the bell where you face-to-face with the twister, how's the bail end up on your head

Did you climb up inside and ring it with your bare hands crying you jest so then I?

pried off one of clementines horseshoes

It said he used one of your horseshoes to ring the bell, but you still got all four on your feet

Excuse me Sheriff no mind giving me a hand that's change

I thought Peck said the Rope blew away. He sure did

Hmm so the Rope didn't blow away, and so there I was

Covered with noodles the twister sucking me higher and higher you scared

Actually doc that just might do the trick?

Not trick you'll see tend every night to that way when folks see you walking down the street

They'll always remember how brave courageous and honest you were

You hear that Clementine they think I look good

But you and I know the truth

We fell



Clementine what was I doing I?

Know I'll throw it away

Someplace where no one can find it someplace like can't find it Canyon


Let's give him another medal does it feel good

Truth is I'm a faker and I'm really sorry, but I don't understand we saw the bell on your head

Suppose so you sure were Peck because this time you told the true Joe ball. It sure does sure


Oh come on

There's gotta be something you can do. I wish there was sheriff, but I pretty much tried everything I even


Let's face it

I'd make a plum fool of myself if I stepped in that it's gonna be extra special this year the Angus the million-dollar

Bull is gonna be there. I know that fine

filly is the star of buffalo bulls Wild West Show what happened well cousin Priscilla's selling her shoo fly pie the

Rodeo, and I got a shoo away all the pile of and flies cuz I'm the best thing I know

Exactly who it should be you Peck me a crap. No. I know how

Now Peck you're an expert at making things

Go smoothly, and I know you're hankering to be a part of the show, but I'll give it a try

Welcome to the rodeo oh yeah, I may look like a clown, but I'm actually the deputy follow me, please

Steal that million-dollar bull how much you reckon he's worth

No speck of dirt oh

We steal the bull mouth while everyone's busy laughing

Next sheriff Callie and Sparky will thrill us with their trick ride

Sheriff Callie is as acceptable and equestrian upside-down as she is right

And I say deputy Peck might be the most comical popper

Million dollar pool the more like million pound boo. What can you walk to the train station is sale?

And on account of I'm the rodeo clown, I know just what I gotta do

Whoa -

Pick have you seen a bull heck look chef car track clown trapped you

somebody stole the million dollar


Yeah rubber nose

You caught the wrestlers and saved the million-dollar bull yes

Sometimes making folks laugh is just what a deputy needs to do


For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 889 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:22.


PJ Mask Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 55 - Tyler Hill - Duration: 18:22.

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For more infomation >> PJ Mask Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 55 - Tyler Hill - Duration: 18:22.


All Hail King Julien Memorable Moments Part 107 Top Cartoon for Kids & Children Channel- Isac Wood - Duration: 17:59.

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welcome to our biannual nature ceremony

exactly to perform the traditional rain dance King Julien that's your cue peen

fine I'm not going out there alone I need a friend by my side

you bet is day I would be boombox

boombox is dead you heartless lizard I will never dance again

which means no jiggy for you Kevin come on where's the king going oh we need

rain oh sorry be it easy today everybody else we are experiencing technical

metaphysical difficulties it should have been me are we not really a fucking

important excuse me but why are you masquerading as boombox this is ghost

hello are you unconscious just bring up Wow it's been years that voice space

between your eyes no doubt there is royal blood coursing through those veins

yep I can smell the inbreeding I'm a tenrec yeah

and seeing as I am not paralyzed I think I can help you

all right thank you cancer thank you thank you and that I walk where am i man

kind of god I always thought you guys were told her did you just call me a god

charmer you're being weird again sorry I

should be with him he's alone out there that's dangerous for everyone listen

here Danny don't be laying this on me you me and my all SingTel know the ugly

truth twenty Prince named George Grendel fist kiss my horn thunder and I am yours

my fanfiction is so the gods came through after all we were late for a

sacrificial appointment can now be provided by these science magic devices

which are so much more convenient and this is the tenrec who made it all

possible nice cuz that's how I roll Your Majesty

these trinkets are fine but the kingdom is more concerned about rain than cities

No could you wear a bell or something around your necks I know when you're

around a word King Julien look on your face only thing I don't get is you

refusing to other secret traditions without grain this kingdom cannot

survive the swirl of a fire tunity a whole new life that doesn't involve

working here what the gift I'm giving you you're welcome

humiliations of your ancestors put their

sight King you requested to see me it's a spellcaster merge no todos you'll

figure it out what team we are with science is my

co-pilot nothing could possible for many seasons

I served as mystic advisor to the royal court where did it get me

well I could use a place to regroup for a day wait weren't you already looming

with Horst only a few days ago we had no idea how

styles magic and its offspring appliances would change our lives no

longer do we have to wait instant gratification

gilina what's going on do I look like a tech support market

nice work AJ oh don't mention it looks like a power surge what a power

magic surge probably no Timo Alfred I always wanted a brother Maurice I can't

remember you ever don't listen to him you changed my life my skin is rough

because I have scales that's the blessing and the curse is that I just

said that out loud

defense he has until the people everything will be all right without

science really this Jamo science has abandoned us clover this is

no time to look misplaced him he's back at the cove the magic making generator

is on fire and a flame is happy no

problems wait for the sky to make rain and foosh

rain wheats fire except we haven't had any rain for days because you never dig

your rain dance wait that's when it's still not too late

jazz hands you apologize to Matt Sakura and she makes this right what are you

doing here no clue by you majesty don't you have something to say to my

Saku oh yes right I wanted to say well that's too bad because I'm very happy

where I am science has tuned your kingdom

not necessarily science created a little thing called the garden

fortunately for science the gods may know a way to get your holes working


syan where water can be found

moist akane matter rich in insect Robins Wow I would love to run

you go bring on the red

well Morris spares your King has brought the rain after all it's the soggy

songsters people

look how adorable that tiny oh sorry I'm taking every precaution to protect you

but just wanted to remind you that these things have not gone smoothly in the

past if they're so dangerous was our offended we can't the Crocs kingly

duties it is and I already have the perfect candidate why is magic hold me

frankly it's embarrassing exactly like you he's perfect it's uncanny

mine my mine

King Julie I'm not King Julien alright I'm not King Julien I'm magic it's

nobody I'm magic I hate magic your pathetic story has shown me that there

is only one it will be when you ask the right question he's here clover because

I have hired sage to be my party topple or be dogs for short

but King Julien long hair he has six pack abs I have six pack abs what about

this Oh fine at least we're ready for the crocodile

me lemurs had to reschedule they're not coming today as my body double you will

be responsible for waving you also be asked to stand around and look pretty

and sometimes sign pieces of paper to prevent Wars and stuff

war is a burlesque nourished by end lesson repeat after me

how can someone so this week until he's gone somewhere deep in his mind with a

scheduled means I have to go to the crocodile meeting myself did you not see

what clover did to those puppets Morris then I urge you to pick a substitute

body double stat okay

Steve has to go what what why because it's like the worst name I've ever heard

in my whole life and it's good well now that that's settled wait I do have one

question shoot soy sauce if I pushed you off this

cliff right magic stain

oh good our meeting that was the whole point of the body double clover you must

go and find him don't come back till he's found do you hear me loud and clear

your majesty super awesome announcement to mark you

King Julian just say please because magic is and one more thing from this

day forward come on buddy I won't let you down keep Julian it is

only fitting that my new best friend will be sorry wrong I'm King Julian now

and nobody can stop me and for my big trick

I was so Maurice in half rip hello to clovers eyeballs I am King Julien turn

around and show me your but I'm not done telling my story strange not important

right now clover can I please finish my story

permission granted wait get a hold of that magic

not good but have your brain I've been sending out the super top secret party

double distress signal for natural sorry I got lost in my calm place grin bear

fortunately my spirit animal

my feeding namaste old friend my body double eats hog vomit no big deal who

wants a ride me yes I want

Julia gulia magic dot not mine listen magic steel I'm sorry I made fun of your

name and your talents and also your passion uh thing like me and that voice

is ridiculous but you look nothing like me and the voice is ridiculous yeah I

still can't tell apart

is king Julie and dad find it right right how do we know it's really you

turn around and show me your can I steer the other places King Julien catch Papa

walk your knowing little are you meditating I meant take with you

For more infomation >> All Hail King Julien Memorable Moments Part 107 Top Cartoon for Kids & Children Channel- Isac Wood - Duration: 17:59.


DuckTales Bermuda Triangle Tangle Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Daisy Dobson - Duration: 17:15.

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For more infomation >> DuckTales Bermuda Triangle Tangle Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Daisy Dobson - Duration: 17:15.


My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Eposide 30 - Taylor Wong - Duration: 14:14.

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For more infomation >> My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Eposide 30 - Taylor Wong - Duration: 14:14.


Danger Mouse Crumfan Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Taylor Middle - Duration: 15:16.

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For more infomation >> Danger Mouse Crumfan Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Taylor Middle - Duration: 15:16.


Beat Bugs Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 76 - Anna Ellis - Duration: 17:48.

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For more infomation >> Beat Bugs Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 76 - Anna Ellis - Duration: 17:48.


Nexo Knights Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids Part 3 - Billy Howard - Duration: 16:09.

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Or evil destruction of this land

Set by the council you take all the different your side

Destroy I guess wearisome

Is that it yet

Like I know

Trying to organize Merlotte's deep memory here in the castle servers is proving more difficult than I thought let's head back to the fortress

Let's the kobolds and castles rules say that you have to roll against your charisma rating to cast that spell me

Come on lads you lost just admit it. I will mom

No hammer here either

Dr.. Criticism

Nestled nice. He didn't calm this genius. Thanks Abbas. That's what it looks halfway decent

I am a precious stone

Nice lightning

That's right, sweetheart. My latest pour five. I'm not being little. I'm being figurative

It's a figurative heart. Oh

That explains why you wanted this figuration. I call the capture Cruiser

Museum's new hammer displays were already filling the terrarium with hammerhead sharks how much time do we have before the Queen arrives?

We have a special welcome prepared for you

After the part of the kingdom


He did that's why it smelled so minty fresh

Stop making jokes

She had my mom some new creepy witch lady took her is there no end to these people allies they find what?

Mr.. Raman use it my brave brave daughter to bring your mother back to me

You know she is the heart of our kingdom. I ninja and she sees her mother

Joy, I'll watch out for her just face it lads

I've made the proper role and you lost wrong dice paper. We're headed in the Badlands where you last a lot in the Queen's position

Perminov seemed weak and easy to find if you ask me

Yes, that's it make it all about

Yeah, I heard you, but you have to tell Axl that a charisma role is always a red sided dice

In character

Okay, there's a bunch cut off that cruisers where we can scrub off the wrong

Perfect combo I can't focus on this and driving

Okay Maisie we clear the path now. Let's go get your mom

We'll get her Macey

To the ownership of the evil plan aren't you

Boss the sets up innovate backing up to the library also

I got this whoo. Yes. Good craft. Glue that Dobby short not before loop the last time


Apologies why so glum pumpkin your mother has been rescued I'm so grateful to my friends for that

But it cost us something very day hero

He was a hero to us all Robin all right

I just can't believe it. Ah who will we ever carry on without him he was the night's night?

Kind of a double-edged sword as I have no choice if the others have to wear their battle suit all day

Maybe just as good. Don't worry a mine. Merlok will find a waiting plane you had it for like two seconds you wrecked everything

Such an airhead made you look just so your head is actually filled with air

What we are here at a bar

Right a loop er head right? Why are we here which forbidden? What what burn the trader?

Almost mates being here with wild

Almost all right back to searching cloudy

Is a disaster the worst day. I or the kingdom has ever experienced don't I know it what have you done Ava

I can't remember my middle day trying to access Merlotte's not do that

That was for listening it was same

This is the worst day ever my night tab vibe crash with many cool selfies on it. I asked you

Was that enough fur do I need to backup the files more oh

Did you ever find the on switch to this thing?

This thing is a fantastic soda while playing video games last night

That's enough wait the tea si si si si

You should check it out quietly you know Thomas made of a beloved lava monster army

Not just a regular clown here doing regular car he let my dreaming got

Just real probably got his blasted by the nights again when I wake up

Brains tell me about this beautiful little tap with garlic burning head, and that's a good story

Forbidden power local

Great stature when you think about it

It's kind of a jerk move to trash someone else's town

So we decided to give up on ones three ways and live in peace and harmony

Makes you feel makes me think you lost your tiny flamin minds these guys don't bug jeepers

Do you think you know all you think of clock in jazz?

You guys are monsters you can't beat peace-loving hippies

just because we were born monsters doesn't mean we have to be peaceful which is great because I'm on

Statue cleaning cloud yeah

If you guys bring the statue outside of town

I'll clean it and this to recognize our cloud of ill fortune when you see one

This is monstrous the main cause of all our life's pain

Better docs house whip Arella blow this dark cloud from our peaceful I

Don't think we have seen the last of him we shall have to be proactive to save a happy town

Down its signature to be on the countryside isn't we better check it out okay nice. Let's move like we got a purpose

Dad I hold it yourself will ya we have to make an example here

We've gotta throw everything we have an instant, but Boswell's and grim rocks including, and I don't even have one

Hmm, this is a bit awkward

Between your legs we

And what exactly are you doing that no no no, I cannot assay until it is a perfect

Service to make up front part evil ways

But that just scared people it's so hard to rebuild something when anything you touch burns down yes special

Bi-weekly meeting now you see is this some sort of trick am I on TV. It wouldn't be mad if I was

This forbidden power

Maybe there's a way to protect the town and send jestro on its way without getting what he wants

You don't fight with Parrilla

Fight which was our goal so that's good, but now that battle is forced upon us

It's bad practice makes perfect our position

Jestro's on the move

They come to our town without wiping their feet that trample our new live to live today can be a special occasion

and we can celebrate by a

We need a different R of a story invader

Site he is

Now my robots attack the knight and a stupid vehicles with defeated Wow

And I mean right now

Great we need a combo natural power

You and I right support


They bought it this says we did battles are tough on the old hairdo

I tell you so forbidden powers are too dangerous for us not to research great. I thought I'd lost these selfies forever

Auto-saving to the servers and the Kings

Jesus I know, but I'd like you know - what's it back up again. How much do you think it were useful for?

You, but I look pretty you're not dressed up, huh ah what a family?

A reservist style you bet you stow the imperative you not say a word about it to everyone

It's what we are

For more infomation >> Nexo Knights Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids Part 3 - Billy Howard - Duration: 16:09.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 553 - Molly King - Duration: 16:13.

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We can do

Why are you being so

Tip do not be looking about my shame

Makes me feel better. Sorry buddy, so what's going on here well

My body is going through drastic changes sounds like people need me

The only way to get through it is to have a boob nation ceremony an ancient

It requires the performing of a very complex series of elaborate sequential movements so like dancing No

Pretty straightforward, Oh tip I forgot I

Learning's the ritual you sure you didn't just make that up coz the internet doesn't say anything about this uh

Easy st.. It's tradition

I was an agent you get

My body just not agreeing with you tip I know you're nervous, buddy, but dummy and then I gotta stop stop

Sucking it to you

Please call me Ruby okay hmm allow me to examine the young move

Wow you are what for bhuva nation we need to have this

sucking it -

Wonderful you are wedgies. What no I am NOT. Oh, give me your hand


Yet prepared

Young booth you need to tell your friends

Oh, what's that boo be talking about this change is after the boo Venetian ceremony

I will be completely different. You will not want to be friends with me anymore. That's crazy

I just wanted us to have fun together one last time

You know

I will

Cummings welcoming

No little boy

Vicki I don't know how much you're gonna change, but whoever you are when this thing is over

Thanking you tip. I just hope I remember this conversation


Am ready spoopy damn blooper we'll start you off now, let's try it again


Feel different you do I

Well sure it's an ancient ritual to distract the boo while they go through a very awkward molting of their skin

It is Saturday, are you ready to adventure your face off?

Remember when you tried to help me with my math homework

Try being responsible that is one of your best watch me be like tip

My mom would you like to join me in a weekend adventure sorry Oh momma's got to go to the gym fun

Chicago is a big city. Why don't you go check out something? You've never seen before

Well, okay

Maybe's tip is being right I am a strong

What flavor do you get mint chip? Hey? That's my favorite?

Yes, looking's at Earth water peace can be fun even if I am all

And you are purple - you must be an earth ancestor of the boov

It looks like you are feeling the lonely - do you not hate

Have you grain

Tip meats Walter

Where'd you find him? We met on this crazies adventure called lighting a cuttlefish a


I bet he lives up to his name

He's your alien girl oh I still have a bunch of work to do

Okay, then we will just be hanging around

Too bad they have a zero tolerance for snake fish policy. Oh well have fun with Walter

Well Walter


Walter is a member of this family, too. You cannot just ignore him

Books have feelings to tip

Really, yes Walter thinks you could be spending a little more time hanging out with him does he now well

Why don't you dare? You just because you are too busy to sees what Walter does all day?

Why are you getting in my face about things?

Your report Walter, and I has plenty to do without you like like

Having czar Walt or friend party Oh Walt or friend party. It's not like he's my best friend. It's not my keys


Walter says thanking you everyone for coming to his party

We're sorry that tip could not making

Yeah, you made it Wow

You really uh uh went for it with the fish party huh, buddy?

You sit down shoot shoot

Walter wants you to have some cake

Well did you ever wonder why Walt's war always feels exactly the same way you feel like maybe they're actually your

feelings and not hiss

From now on when you are busy. I will not panic and make new friends at the Chicago aquarium

You want to have

Well I guess this is goodbye for now needs to do something without you I write your little thief

You're ready to take a ride downtown

Or hmm we say you don't want to press charges

All right, Walt or if that's the way you want it. I guess we'll let it slide

Perfect now this is the dance floor where they have Shahrzad

What if stars are doing it is what you humans call the dancing?

I meant why is she doing it in the middle of the street?

Dang dang dang. Yep charlotta me okay back to stupid I

Don't know how you could be partying at a time like this


And have you done nothing to repay him do you not feels bad about that cuz your shoes? No

What did I do with that backpack you are hey backpack when you only saw one set of foot

What is it it's a shawl?

- oh you don't know fashion sure side must really be trying to impress you

She said it's alive, but here's the thing hey wait what kind of cheat?

Would make us even

Booty sure would make things what?

Necessary are you serious?

Hey, cone boy no human. Oh, it's okay dog eat

All right

We gotta do something

Okay a lot of

We are even right right

Know with things like that terrible statue idea now if you just listen

Oh, I'll show you terrible. Thank you right now

Hmm, what do you want now? I just wanted to say

Seriously over we have

Well I hope you all have a good time cuz I'm dying now

Really wrong with that girl

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 553 - Molly King - Duration: 16:13.


Funny Alien Dance Farm Animals Bathing Colors | Fun Colors for Children to Learn with Farm Animals#2 - Duration: 2:07.

Funny Alien Dance Farm Animals Bathing Colors

Fun Colors for Children to Learn with Farm Animals #2

For more infomation >> Funny Alien Dance Farm Animals Bathing Colors | Fun Colors for Children to Learn with Farm Animals#2 - Duration: 2:07.


Elena of Avalor Olaball Top Cartoon For Kids - Alfie Burns - Duration: 15:01.

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to celebrate the lasting peace between a boy and the kingdom of Carissa but we

all know the real reason everybody is excited about the Peace Festival

looking sharp wrinkles running drills when she's done

with us you might have to scrape us up later we have to make 400 empanadas for

the festival and less than a day to do it mama papa

sorry I'm late it's about time to bring that award back to our Lord right papa

trophy it's a trophy right trophy you know I actually work with it I'm trying

to help what do you want from me I want you to help me run the bakery

we've already been through this papa Davian please stay

just once it would be nice of something.i potato potato around the

horn whele Rico's one with a sprained ankle oh

he'll be fine in a week but will endure humiliation and defeat for an entire

year how would you like to be on the Royal all of all team on the team you

should ask my dad he's the older ballplayer it is you we need defending a

valeurs glory well that's kind of what I already do you know as a royal guard

right but this is better let me show you some of my signature

I can call me cat everyone does oh you have a Dainius plexippus on your

shoulder sir

wait where's Gabe right here

sorry I wasn't ready let's try that again

Wow Gabe is terrible yeah Oh take five no take 10 then why did you join the

team look my dad only cares about two things in this world baking and oh the

ball and I'm no Baker so that leaves all the ball thank you for giving me a

chance but I don't want to drag down the team I'm afraid I must withdraw yes I

mean what a shame he's not quitting so you'll stay on the team if the coach

still wants me abuela if you feel that strongly about it

I'm getting really good at almost come on Gabe just make one

those are your dad's moves they look better when he doesn't huh how about

this makeup move you're a great royal guard so think

about all of all the same way you think about being the guard pretend this ball

is there comes the princess protect the princess Gabe we should call that last

move the Gabe goal maker whoa I like the sound of that good because we're gonna

practice it until you can do it in your sleep okay

please welcome the visitors and defending champions team Cody

now go out there and win that trophy

okay let's play some ball

chat what are you doing he said he wanted to take a closer look

now what do we do I don't know

what happened to

I already have a job being a rule guard so quit I I when I try to play like you

I was terrible I only got better when I started playing like a royal guard you

love baking and old ball and that's great

ready to do the dance of the voladores no it's okay I've got you

did you see I saw Oh Katarina ISA I'm sorry abuela yeah you were meant to

be a royal guard I'm sorry it took me so long but now I see it I I think this

should go home with you Gabe you've earned it

Thank You princess for everything papa I know the perfect spot


then happy almost Navidad cousin Negron well one other time me sir into Selena

the guests have arrived Oh ISA I love it I was thinking we could

use it to make the castle pinata it's a family tradition

okay nochebuena we fest tomorrow oh can we go Elena please

it is a kind offer but we always spend the night before Navidad in the palace

that doesn't mean weak no Yuri Merry Christmas Elena Mateo Rafa Carmen

Julio Dona Paloma pretty what doing here we sing all the old songs wow that's a

lot of invitations but we're going to Christina's village right before you

decide Your Majesty please let us type so which celebration will you attend

your majesty I'm going to need a few minutes to think it over

maybe we can go to all the salt but Cristina is my best friend if I only got

one gift for Navi that it would be to spend it with her oh um princess Elena

they have asked if you've come to a decision yet it doesn't have to be here

it can be someplace with more room like the part yes the park that's perfect

come on ISA let's go tell them the good news I think it's a splendid idea we

will finally get to share our Navidad traditions with one another well done

princess well done oh we're going to have so much fun we're going to make so

much money I say 24 hi girls

need any help

don't Carmen the smoke dad we have to move the boat where did all our

customers go I don't yeah to the park all right

the fireworks are good to go the fireworks have to go and the go a parade

Dona Paloma we should have a parade you can all have your own floats and no one

will get in each other's way plus we'll spread holidays I can't think

of a better way to show off your Navidad traditions for everyone to see she makes

a good point yeah sounds like fun we can hand out the monies tell you what

Isabella and I are gonna help you build a float I'm sure we have everything we

need up at the palace how does that sound great let's go design it okay

between you and me I think your Navidad tradition is the best of them all but do

you need more flowers to make it really eye-catching

and with morg yeah what's wrong with our float nothing but

there could be so much more right with it

you can't have a boat without water or so why not it and at the same time

extremely present they must really want Princess Elena to think their way of

celebrating is the best but our way is the best is it it's beautiful

Elena oh good you're just in time I guess that's fine I hadn't really

thought about it Elena check out our float it's totally better

than theirs we should lead the parade hold on it's not a competition I agree

the old ways are clearly the best so we should lead the parade we have to put it


the pinata this was a mistake let's go home Matteo we have a lot of cleaning up

to do sorry it didn't work out Elena Yomi I

know we better get going what so you wanna go home Isabel

sometimes no matter how hard you try you can't make everyone happy

it would have been fine if they didn't all trip hmm Naomi why did everyone

think I was choosing a float to lead the parade Dona Paloma told us that's why we

bought the fountain Dona Paloma princess Elena shouldn't you be at the parade

there is no more parade thanks to you it should be about who has the most so

that's what the holidays mean to you money dear

that's what everyday means to me all is about wanted was considerate another

thought present from Dona Paloma come on I'll Drive you back to the palace this

whole day everyone got soaked up Hey huh you know what Gabe I think I'm gonna

take Dona Paloma up on her offer we're going in a banana the most special of

seasons so come gather to remember the reason

so come on

on this holiday

Oh where's everyone going they're joining

the banana perfect go out there and sell them cannibals show them yourself I quit

we thank you we haven't been a part Rhonda years maybe it should be a new

tradition for all of us I'm sorry about before we should have been more respect

our mission

For more infomation >> Elena of Avalor Olaball Top Cartoon For Kids - Alfie Burns - Duration: 15:01.


Farcry editing Photoshop tutorial for beginners | Photoshop CC By M.A. Graphicx - Duration: 10:50.

Stock link available in description

For more infomation >> Farcry editing Photoshop tutorial for beginners | Photoshop CC By M.A. Graphicx - Duration: 10:50.


Beat Bugs Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 13 - Luca Carr - Duration: 18:06.

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For more infomation >> Beat Bugs Memorable Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 13 - Luca Carr - Duration: 18:06.


Babar And The Adventures Of Badou Zoomerblimps Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Joel Welch - Duration: 15:55.

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