Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 27 2018

They're all -- I don't mean


I mean like the real deal.

>> Joining me right now is mieke

eoyang, vice president at third


Ken Vogel political reporter

with the "New York Times" and

Joyce Vance legal analyst.

Ken, what does he mean in terms

of news making today when he

says he may get involved with

the doj?

We all know what it means when

he says he's not involved.

Getting involved sounds like

you're fired.

>> It sounds a lot like that.

He has suggested he might do

just that on multiple occasions.

He set different red lines

suggesting he would do it if

Mueller waded into his business

we've seen indications just that

is occurring.

Certainly would be logical to

assume Ta type of investigation

is occurring.

Now you have him saying it


You can tell he's bristling

against his own legal team and

his staff telling him not to do

that as well as the body politic

at large including Republicans.

We saw the senate judiciary

committee pass out of committee

a bill to protect Mueller.

That's a pretty strong signal

there would be quite a price to

pay if trump did anything to

either try to fire Mueller --

>> Basically told the people

investigating him, if you

investigate me anymore, I'll

fire you.

I get to Joyce.

General observation.

It sounds like he's threatening

them with firing if they do

their jobs.

>> That's right.

He's not interested in having a

justice department objective

looking at the law.

He sees this as a tool for his

own personal and political


He wants people to look at his

political opponents, he needs

his own Roy Cohn, a guy who is a

fixer for him as the attorney

general and not someone

interested in enforcing laws


>> He wants to break into the

DNC he said basically implied

why didn't they break in.

They were the victims of


He says why didn't they raid


It's crazy.

Joyce, your thoughts about where

he says don't ask me to -- don't

ask your father to stop the car.

There might be kids back there.

This threat is pretty direct

from trump.

Are you listening, Joyce?

>> I guess -- I'm sorry.

She's not reacting, not hearing.

Back to you.

This other question, the

Democrats, he's out there

calling out the members of the

prosecution team as a bunch of


Well, I don't think Comey is a

Democrat and Rosenstein is not a

I'm not sure who is.

>> We've seen this before.

It has to do with talking about

Andrew Mccabe and his wife and

the length links to Terry


It seems to be geared towards

the end game to trying to sort

of minimize or set him up to be

able to minimize any averse

finding that Mueller has in

regards to him to be able to say

the whole thing was tainted.

The Comey thing is more

interesting to pit himself

against Comey.

Comey is really just sort of a

bit player in this.

It's not about Comey.

Anything they would get from

Comey they would be able to get

from any number of other

witnesses they've already talked


Comey is in the news and he

can't resist taking a shot at

someone taking a shot at him.

>> Disputing the Comey memos

trump said during the miss

universe, this is the first time

he said is this morning on "Fox

& friends," did he stay

overnight in Moscow and never

told Comey otherwise.

>> For instance, I went to

Russia for a day or so, a day or

two because I owned the miss

universe pageant.

I went there to watch it because

it was near Moscow.

So I go to Russia.

I didn't go there -- everybody

knows the logs are there, the

planes are there.

He said I didn't stay there


Of course, I stayed there a

very short period of time.

His memo saidcy left


I never said that.

I never said I left immediately.

>> James Comey when he was FBI

director, he said in his memos

on two occasions the president

personally told him he hadn't

stayed overnight in Russia.

Trump's an apparent change of

tune comes after overwhelming

evidence and flight records

eamericaed that showed trump did

stay overnight in Moscow.

Comey stands by his

conversations and says trump's

lie shows consciousness of


Here he goes.


>> Do you think it's significant

that the president lied to to

you twice about that.

>> It's always significant when

someone lies to you, especially

about something you're not

askinging about, it tends to

reflect a consciousness of


>> He did that a lot of times

with you, brought up stuff you

hadn't asked about.

>> Correct.

>> We've got our sound with you

now, Joyce.

I've been waiting to ask you

about the law here.

Trump is out there saying he did

stay overnight after letting it

sit out there for a week his

claim he hadn't.

That is like trying to set up an

alibi, I couldn't have been

there during that event.

He's been alleged to have

witness to in the dossier.

The two prostitutes.

The question then is, what's

this tell us that now he's

coming out and saying yeah,


Is he trying to avoid a perjury

situation here?

>> You know, he volunteered

information to Comey.

It turns out it's not true.

And so he's backed up his story

and said no, I never told Comey

that I didn't spend the night


And Chris, this is why

prosecutors love contemporaneous

notes so much because Jim Comey

when he wrote his notes down

hadn't been fired, no special

counsel had been appointed.

And he had no way of knowing

what might be of interest a year

down the road.

So prosecutors will look at

Comey's notes with that very

deliberate point of view that he

had no reason to make anything

up back then opposed to the

president's new revisionist

history version of those


>> Well, let's get over that


All three of you now, I don't

see any sense in him trying to

plaster up this ridiculous alibi

that he was on the plane back.

He wasn't even there.

He couldn't have been in front

of the two prostitutes it

couldn't have happened because I

wasn't there.

And now it's clear that he was

there the night before for sure.

And my question is, why would he

say that knowing all this could

be verified?

Tom Roberts interviewed him,

verified his position the day

before he interviewed him.

He was there at least one

overnight and could have been

witnessed this kind of thing at

least in terms of opportunity

whether he did it or not.

Why wouleli?

>> Comey was saying he was

concerned the first lady might

find out he engaged in some kind

of activities with these

prostitutes and didn't want her

to know.

It's clear he's not as

interested as now at protecting

his fidelity in front of the

first lady given stormy Daniels.

>> Why would Eli to the FBI

director who clearly has access

to information.

>> He can't help himself.

He needs to be telling his

narrative that makes him look

like the good guy and then

changes the story later when it

turns out that wasn't the right

thing to say.

>> Alger hiss, they couldn't

prove he was a spy but did


He went to prison for five years

because he lied and said he

didn't know Whitaker Cham

Bernardez here's a guy saying

something that isn't true.

He's not going to go down for

what he said to Comey in the

white house conversation.

I think he was afraid, wasn't

he, he would have to back that

up at a later hearing, a

so-called conversation with

Mueller's people in which if he

backed it up again, he would

have perjure R jurred himself.

>> It is important in the


This would probably be

considered hearsay in the

context of this investigation.

It was an informal conversation.

It does get to the what I think

Comey was saying as to motive

and intent.

It's not exactly news that trump

has been known to change his

story particularly on sensitive

things like this.

The point is, Mueller has so

much -- so much proof and so

much evidence from so many

different people that whatever

Comey said in this memo is

probably a very tiny part of

this investigation if really

part of it at all on this point

because he's talked to so many


>> The salacious aspect of this


Joyce, everybody has heard about

the so-caused golden shower, the

whole thing.

They've all heard the grossness

about it.

A lot of people who don't like

trump are generally think he's

probably guilty.

A lot of people are skeptical he

would engage in something like

that which everybody knows in

Russia is used against you if

you're a U.S. Businessman.

What's consciousness of guilt


When Comey said with Anderson

cooper that consciousness of

guilt is established when you

start denying things you aren't

accused of?

>> I think it would be a mistake

to read too much into that and

make the assumption than Jim

Comey was saying that the

salaciousnent in Russia actually

took place.

We know that the Steele dossier

was based on raw data, raw

intelligence, even Steele

indicated some of it was

correct, some of it was just

information he had ror recorded.

It does seem to show that

overall the president is

sensitive on these subjects that

he's concerned about the

investigation looking into his

relationships with Russians and

it's very true that Mueller has

a lot more information than has

come into the public domain

likely knows exactly where those

pressure points are, and that's

frankly what we can expect from

the next part of this


>> But Chris, on this we have to

remember why this information

was in the dossier to begin

with, because it was Sosa lashs.

People believed it was

kompromat, compromising

information that the Russians

might have over the president.

In a counter intelligence sense,

that is a very big national

security threat that they could

use that information to get him

to do what they want for fear

that it would be revealed.

>> Also so many people know

about the Russian M.O. When it

comes to traveling U.S. Famous

For more infomation >> Mieke Eoyang: Trump sees DOJ as a tool for his own personal and political protection - Duration: 10:04.


Association Ecolo Crèche : A label for greener childhood ! 👨‍👦‍👦 - Duration: 0:37.

Hello everyone, today we are with Anne-Claire from Ecolocreche

Ecolocreche is the first sustainability label for early childhood care

for an ecological transition

Can you tell us more about Ecolocreche?

we support and train professionals of the early childhood care

to adopt responsible and eco friendly actions

to improve children health

reduce the environmental footprint of the nurseries

And integrate ecology in the education of children and professionals

Where can we find you?

at the Station F !

Awesome thanks see you soon

For more infomation >> Association Ecolo Crèche : A label for greener childhood ! 👨‍👦‍👦 - Duration: 0:37.


How to manage and communicate employee information in Dynamics 365 for Talent - Duration: 4:07.

Dynamics 365 for Talent provides a single view for employees to view and update personal information,

career information, as well as any information related to their team, if they happen to be a manager.

I'm currently logged into the system as an employee, who is also a manager, so we'll take a look at my information from a career perspective, as well

as personal information, and then we'll take a look at information related to my team.

We can see here that I have some summary information

related to any work items that may be assigned to me, or questionnaires. I can also get to the company directory from the this area, as well.

From a career perspective I can see any courses that I have registered for, or view any open courses that I may want to register for.

I can look at any certificates that I have, to see if any are expiring, if I need to extend them, or add new ones.

I can see when my next review is scheduled for, and if I'm on track with my performance goals.

If I've attended a course, I can add more skills into my Total skills. So if I want to add another skill, I can simply add that through here.

I can also review my compensation information and any attachments that I've

uploaded that are related to my employee profile.

If I need to update my personal information, I can go to Edit personal information

and add or edit my address, contact details, personal contacts, as well as identification numbers,

direct deposit, and the image that's associated with my employee profile.

Since I am also a manager, I can go to the My team tab and review things related to my team.

I can see here that I have some certificates that are expiring. I can also review any of the team

performance journals, goals, and reviews that are associated with my employees,

and then I can see information about the four employees that are on my team. We can see

here some summary information, I can review their position information,

such as years in position, number of previous positions, when their anniversary or seniority date is.

I can review compensation for each one of my employees

like their annual salary,

when they had their last increase, what the amount was, and their last performance rating

along with performance goals and reviews.

I can also get to some additional information related to my employees, like their certificate's of

courses, any loaned items through an additional menu item, as well.

If I have team members that are moving to either either a different team or leaving the company, I can

choose to reassign a given employee. I can request termination

or I can make it a request to change their position details.

If I plan on growing my team, I can also do requests from this area as well. So I can request new

employees and contractors, as well as a new position to help my team grow.

While this view is showing only my direct reports, I know that I do have some skip-level reports, as well. We can see the Benjamin has five direct

reports. If I want to view information about Benjamin's draft report second select View team

and see the same information for Benjamin's direct reports that I saw for my own.

So I see their summary information, the position information, compensation, performance reviews,

as well as requesting reassignment, termination, all of that information applies not

only to my direct reports, but to my skip-level reports, as well.

By selecting Back, I can get back to my original view and see the information related to my draft reports only.

Dynamics 365 for Talent provides a single view related to everything

with my job, whether I'm an individual contributor or a manager. (Thanks for watching!)

For more infomation >> How to manage and communicate employee information in Dynamics 365 for Talent - Duration: 4:07.


Benita Walton-Moss: Diversity Scholarships for Nursing Students - Duration: 0:55.

- Scholarship support for all students is really important,

however for minority students,

it's especially important because often times,

minority students have less,

fewer resources at their disposal.

If there are scholarships

to support their continued education,

so that you know, they can continue,

you know, to give back to the communities by working,

not just working as a nurse,

which is really important,

but also working as a primary care provider.

If you don't have a clinic to go to,

or the clinic has so few or maybe not any care providers,

it doesn't matter if you have clinic

if there's nobody there to take care of you when you go.

You need to have enough providers,

ideally providers that look like them,

so they will feel comfortable seeking out that care

and following their advice,

and becoming healthier,

so that we become a healthier nation.

Help those who do want to go on

and complete their education,

so that they can give back to their communities

and provide healthcare.

I think it's really critically important that we do so.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Benita Walton-Moss: Diversity Scholarships for Nursing Students - Duration: 0:55.


Sarah Khan Shares Personal Stories for the First Time | Rewind with Samina Peerzada - Duration: 51:20.

Sarah Khan,

She is young and beautiful.

Her laughter is infectious

I don't know much about her

But today we will know her.

Let's meet Sarah Khan.

Samina: Thank you so much Sarah for being here. Sarah: Thank you!

What are you doing in Lahore?

In Lahore, I had an interview with you

Samina: Thank you! Sarah: And I was very excited.

And I came for two days for a project too.

Is it a secret project?

Or you can talk about it?

It's a Campaign for Lawn but I can't disclose the name.

That will be launched in summers.

It's a very interesting project.

Do you like modeling?

No, not at all.

I love only acting.

I don't even like doing commercials

because you have only one facial expression all day.

In acting, you have different facial expressions

Like crying, laughing and running etc.

Don't you think

acting takes time? I mean,

a serial of 26 episodes?

I love acting too much that I don't realize the time.

If twelve hours work increases to 15 hours

I will do it easily because I love working

On set.

In our work, you know

We have to wait for two to three hours

on set and that is very tiring for me. Samina: What do you do then?

I always have Holy Quran in my bag.

My father prints Holy Quran

in seventy different languages.

He is an offset printer.

Everyone asks me to bring Quran in

English language or in other languages.

So, I read Quran in my free time

Now a days I am reading Quran in detail

I have a detailed book on Quran.

So, I read Quran in my free time

Samina: Bibliography? Sarah: Yes.

Samina: Something with that name? Sarah: Yes.

There's a book on the translation of Quran

It's the translation,

Which explains Quran in detail.

I am trying to read it.

Knowledge is amazing.

There are so many stories in Quran and so fascinating.

Especially Surah Yusuf

Which fascinates me a lot. Sarah: Really?

Yes. Read it.

It is such an amazingly

Explained and written story.

All the stories in Quran, which I have read

I want to read more

And more.

There is a lot to learn.

And the change I have

Felt in me due to reading Quran in detail

is, that I have become more patient.

Samina: You have become calm? Sarah: Yes calm and more patient.

I don't get angry now

Now I have control over myself.

There are a lot of things that I have learnt

And because of that I have changed a lot.

I haven't even read half of Quran yet.

Gradually you will read it

And find new meanings

And will understand it better.

You are young now.

Samina: Where were you born? Sarah: In Madina.

We are four siblings and we all were born in Madina.


My mother is from Lebanon and

My father is from Pakistan. They both met in Saudi Arabia.

They got married there. Both had gone to perform Umrah.

My father used to live in Saudia.

He was an offset printer there.

They both met. My father liked my mother.

He sent a marriage proposal.

And after one and a half year they got married.

Then me, my two sisters and

One brother were born there.

We lived for ten years in Madina. I was ten when we came to Pakistan.

Who is the eldest one?

Eldest one is my brother, Hamza.

Then my sister Ayesha, both have one year difference.

Then me and then Noor, my sister.

So, Ayesha doesn't do any job?

My mother was not feeling well.

She died four months ago.

I am so sorry.

Ayesha did Hotel management.

So she left her studies and job

and started to take care of my mother.

Mom had cancer.

She isn't doing anything now.

After her death,

me and Noor has continued the work.

Ayesha will do it too now.

Whatever she wants to do.

Samina: What does your brother do? Sarah: He is studying.

He wants to become an actor.

I asked him to first complete his studies

Because I wasn't able to continue

My studies. I gave an advice to my siblings

to complete their studies.

Because I think you can't rely on acting.

I think Prime Minister does not take that much salary

But I wish

I could continue my studies.

It was my mother's wish too.

You can study anytime.

Exactly and I will continue my studies

I want to study acting

I want to study about my profession.

How did you use to live?

Your mother was from Lebanon and father was Pakistani.

And how do you speak Urdu so well.

My parents used to talk in Arabic language.

But then we came to Pakistan

And attended Pakistani Schools

And started to speak Urdu

Better than Arabic

My father is a Pathan

And dad speaks Pushto language too.

How many languages do you speak?

I don't speak Arabic and Pushto.

I regret that, if only my mom would

teach me how to speak Arabic.

Which language did you use to speak to your mother?

English and Urdu.

Samian: Did she know Urdu? Sarah: Yes.

Because my grandmother was born in Lebanon

But her parents were from Pakistan.

So mom had a link with Pakistan.

She knew Urdu and

We talked in Urdu.

In my home, my mother

Always, you know here everyone favors

Boys more than girls,

but we were three

and mom taught us

that girls should be stronger

and independent.

If they get married

No one can hurt them

They should be that much strong

to run the house

A girl should be stronger emotionally too.

So she always

wanted her daughters

to be strong.

When you all sat together at

The dining table what did you talk about?

Our family was

Fun loving.

My parents never

Scolded us or talked loudly

In front of us.

When someone talks in

A harsh and loud way

We used to discuss these things like

"Mama did you see

How are they talking."

Just imagine, my parents

Never scolded us or talked in a loud voice

Mom's angry looks were enough for us.

Samina: They never scolded you? Sarah: Never.

There is no question of getting beaten up then?

It was impossible.

Only mom's angry look was

Enough and we would feel scared from that look.

My parents had a way to stop us

From being naughty.

Father never scolded us that

what have you done?!

He kept quiet and by his

Facial expression we would know that he was angry.

It meant that don't do it again.

If you do it again then the reaction will come.

And mom used to give us angry looks.

We all were naughty

There was no major age

difference between my siblings

we had no friends

We four hung out together.

If we did some mischievous things

That look was enough.

Samina: That's it! Look? Sarah: She didn't say anything.

We got scared.

At 09:00 pm we would turn off the T.V.

After then when my parents had slept

So we all siblings

We took the T.V. from TV lounge

To our room and

Watched the T.V

Whole night on mute mode.

Fearing mom dad might wake up.

We'd watch it on mute because we wanted to see T.V.

This is how our childhood was like.

Samina: How very interesting!

How did you do all the naughtiness then? On mute?

Samina: Like riding a bicycle? Or climbing a tree?

Sarah: We have done a lot of naughty things.

Samina: Sneaking out of home at night?

Our parents fell into a lot of trouble because of this!

We had cousins, we were close with.

We spent our childhood together.

They lived in apartments.

So every evening we'd go together for a stroll around the building.

And we'd ring the bell for a specific house.

An aged couple lived there.

We'd do it every day.

We did this for like 3 years.

After 3 years

You can't imagine it…

The uncle brought a rod to our place

And we had a family get together going on.

He barged in saying "Today I won't leave you. I'll kill you."

And he kept banging

At the door.

And we were like that what did we do?

Rang the bell for 3 years only.

I mean only 3 years had passed.

So we have done stuff like this

So yeah…

So you had a fun childhood?

Yes. A lot.

So how was the younger Sarah like?

Apart from being naughty!

I was very shy as well.

I was confident from the beginning and in school too

I participated in everything.

I performed at all kinds of shows in school.

But I was very shy

If someone tried to talk to me, I would be

Very quiet thinking what to say.

It still happens to me.

Although I am very talkative.

Only if someone talks about stuff I like

But I can't handle random conversations

On set, it's usually me and my book

Often people think that I am very rude

Arrogant with a lot of attitude since I don't talk

But in reality I don't like talking much.

With just anyone cuz when you do

You then keep talking.

So I don't talk much and

Don't let other people know me so thoroughly.

I only keep it confined

To a working relationship.

So when did you know that you'll become an actor?

When I did my first project

I did a voice-over.

When I signed my first project,

I thought I couldn't do acting.

It is not my cup of tea.

After that I didn't work for 2 years. Bari Aapa was my first project.

For a channel.

And then the 2 years gap.

After which I decided I always wanted to be an actor.

I did want it.

But I did comprehend it at first.

From school to my college life

I had always been interested in such stuff.

I did it in school as well.

I like doing it

So when I did not work for 2 years

I missed it a lot.

After doing only 1 project

I had found a purpose in my life.

Doing it actually made me happy.

So who went first? Noor or you?

I did. Noor is a year younger than me.

And she has wanted to do this since forever.

She knew she wanted to become an actor.

But I never wanted to admit it.

I thought I'd get into fashion designing.

But I was always interested in Art.

Noor and Ayesha are both good at sketching.

They will be able to make your sketch in 10 mins.

So the three of us always

Had this artistic side.

We had to do something like this.

What kind of things do you collect?

What do you buy? What do you collect?

Do you have a secret place in the house?

Where you hide your things?

Samina Ji, I like to be dolled up.

When I go to market for shopping…

We three can wear Same size of clothes and

Our shoe size is the same too.

So we keep sharing our things.

But when I buy something for myself,

I lock it in my wardrobe.

Because I want to wear it first and

They can take it later.

And they say that you wear our things

Before us so why can't we?

I just want it that way.

I have a fetish for shoes.

I want to buy lots of heels.

And even if

I am travelling around,

I keep buying new shoes.

Make up and watches as well.

Do you buy books?

Yes but not many.

But you do visit bookshops?

Yeah yeah.

If I want to read something I do.

Somebody told me to read poetry.

So I am thinking of buying it.

Because Urdu, when I speak it, is not very clear.

I don't speak it very clearly.

A lot of directors tell me that

I should work upon my intonation.

So I am thinking about buying some

Deeply poetic books and read them.

So now I will. Samina: You won't be able to understand them!

No, I do understand them.

It's not as if I can't understand.

Will buy ones which are a little easier to comprehend.

Like Faiz Ahmed Faiz…

Do you think he is easy to understand? Sarah: Somebody said it's easy Urdu.

Mr. Faiz is not easy at all. Sarah: No? Samina: No, only a few of his poems are.

Anyway, will read and see.

Ok, ok. Let me know when you've

Read him and then I'll ask you.

They tell me to read Urdu newspapers as well.

Samina: Newspaper is easy. Sarah: I think it's boring. Yes, easy but boring.

What do you even read in it?!

News is never boring. News is always very spicy.

When News is being played on T.V. at home

The 4 of us stay in our rooms.

Cuz you know

Already there's a lot going on

One should only stay happy.

See good things, Enjoy the good atmosphere.

We just try to stay happy.

What kind of films do you see?

Can I tell you something?

My family calls me an alien as I don't watch any films.

You like acting and you don't watch movies?

If I go to cinema to see a film

I come out after 15 mins.

I can't sit for 1 or 2 hours.

How can one do it?!

But at home I do like watching horror movies.

So me and my sister Ayesha

We sit together at night to watch horror movies. Samina: Don't you feel scared?

We do. And I feel

Scared the most but then I enjoy

It a lot too.

I have just done a horror

Project recently as well.

Samina: Really? Pari? Sarah: No.

Samina: What is it called? Sarah:It's Belapur ki Dayan on Hum Television.

I am playing the dayan.

I am possessed by a witch.

I had a lot of fun during it.

Whatever I had seen I experimented in it.

It was very interesting.

I want more of such projects to be made

And I want to be a part of them.

I want to play the witch again.

I enjoyed it a lot.

They suspended me from a crane, put me inside a well.

They made amazing scenes where

The witch is glued upside down to the wall.

At all times. Such were the scenes.

Showed the concept and the

Way of a ghost talking.

I tried that too.

So did you change your voice?

Yes. Samina: What kind of sound did you make?

Whenever the witch possessed her, she'd scream.

So I made up that sound where she would be screaming.

If she wasn't possessed, then she would talk normally.

So when she is possessed what kind of sound did she make?

The sound is normal but when

She becomes possessed it becomes loud.

So that meant that the witch had come?

And the expression would change, eyeballs becoming bigger.

So have you ever done this with your sisters?

Did you scare them like this?

When the shoot was underway and I had practiced for like 10 to 15 days

On becoming a witch

Samina: Did you practice at home? Sarah: No, not at home.

My siblings wouldn't let me be serious.

They would just make fun out of it.

Practice happens on the set.

So when I was done with it

And I had mastered the witch act

At home I used that screaming sound

And my sibling were like

Are you mad? We will throw you out of the house!

I thought that if they were scared then

This might just be successful.

So I was very happy that my siblings were scared.

So it was like a litmus test?

Yes it was.

Cuz they never take me seriously anyway.

So what did little Sarah dream about?

You said you were shy!

Since childhood I have been

Very mature.

I was always like that.

I wanted to be something and I knew it.

My mother worked in Emirates.

I had thought that I would be someone like her.

I would buy my own house.

I would gift a car to my mom.

And my younger sister.

I love Noor a lot.

I keep telling her that I am her mom.

And you are a middle child?

Yes, yes. Noor is younger than me.

But I have a lot of attachment to her.

So I tell her that you are my daughter

And I am your mum.

And people often wonder like why!

So is there any sibling rivalry between you two?

No no.

Do you ever get jealous?

Never ever.

People often asked me

That you and your sister both are working

And if your sister is casted instead of you

What will your reaction be!

I tell them that no one would be happier than me.

Nothing would mean

More to me if you give my sister

Some work instead of me.

What I feel for myself, I feel for them to.

I think the same way for them as I do for myself.

What is your brother's place in this trio?

My brother

He is one of the gang too?

Yes yes. He totally is.

My brother is not like brothers usually are.

No restrictions!

So he is not your father's second in command?

No, no. Not at all.

Instead we keep teasing him.

Asking him to take us out.

We will also go check out people!

He keeps saying what kind of sisters are you!

He calls us jungle sisters!

Brothers in our society

Expect the sisters to

Do house chores for them

But it's the opposite with us.

We keep asking him to do stuff.

There's no difference between him and us.

We are all alike.

My parents never fostered that difference.

Yes, indeed. They never did.

Between a son and a daughter.

They said you are daughters so you should be stronger.

And they never burdened my brother

With any kind of responsibilities either.

Like people in the society do.

My parents always taught

Us to never be dependent on our brother.

Don't you have your own hands?!

You can do all on your own.

So what do you plan to do in future?

I will continue acting

Because it happens

To be my

First love.

Samina: And studies too? Sarah: It's on my list.

And I want to become a producer.

Samina: What?

I never want to be a director.

I think it's the world's toughest job.

Instead I want to be a producer.

I want to make my own projects.

I want to work with new people.

I want to take new people in.

I want to introduce new people.

And work better. Work on a bigger level. On international level.

So much of the amazing work is being done already.

So I want to do something similar after a few years.

Are you doing any films?

I don't want to do any film. Samina: Why?

No plan of it. I am interested in dramas.

I have not thought about films yet.

If in the future I feel like it

A project is too good

Then I will

Definitely do it.

But for the time being, no plans yet.

Samina: Ok, but why?

Everyone wants to do films.

Sarah: I don't know. Samina: You're not ready yet.

I am not ready yet plus a few requirements

They need are something I might never be able to fulfill.

I gave an audition for a film

Where they asked "How short can you go?"

In clothes.

I was like, full sleeves?

Shouldn't be back less and no deep necklines.

I won't do any knee-length either.

I am like that.

I don't mind if people are doing it.

But I have a few rules in my life.

I don't want to forgo such things,

So if I come across something which is o.k. for me

And for them as well, then

I will definitely do it.

How did you make so many rules at such a young age?

I don't know why…

Samina: From childhood? Sarah: I have always been like that.

Noor would say you are so boring.

You are so bad; you don't play either.

What do you keep thinking about?

You just imagine that in my classroom

I was the tallest and I would sit at the back.

So I would just sit there and think quietly.

What would I do when I get back home?!

I would iron my sister's uniform too.

I was very conscious about punctuality.

And if Noor wouldn't get up, I would go on my own.

Even now, If my call time on set is at 9

I will be there at exact 9.

I am very punctual about work.

I inherited that thing from my dad.

My dad is punctual.

So I was always focused

About what to do in my life.

What I have to do or become.

I am very punctual

I was good in studies.

I used to get high scores in school every year.

My sister was duffer.

She wasn't good in studies.

She never knew what was happening in school and

asked me to inform her about school.

I was like that.

From the childhood

I grew with same thoughts

And I was mature.

Samina: So you want to become a producer? Sarah: Yes.

Samina: And you will do a lot of work. Sarah: A lot of work

Whatever I will be able to give to my industry

I will give it.

Because that industry made me

What I am today.

This is my interest.

I have been working since five years.

And I took a two year break

After first project.

And then I decided that

I will do acting

that day I decided to become a producer.

I will make a film. Maybe I will

Not cast myself in that film

I will do something at high level

Like our producers are doing.

They are doing great job

nationally and internationally.

I will not only be an actor.

This is the plan.

Did Sarah fall in love?

It happens to everyone.

It isn't necessary to fall in love with a human

You can fall in love with your work.

My first love is my mom.

No one can match that level.

Even if he is my husband

Or someone else.

My second love is my father. No one can reach that level too.

My family then

After my family

That will be one whom I will marry

Is there anyone in your life?

Sarah: Yes. Samina: Is there?

But I don't like to talk about it because I don't know what

to say: that I am in a relationship?

I will tell that

When I am in Nikkah

Because my family

Doesn't like this

What will I say that I have a boyfriend?

After my mother's death

Someone told me

Whatever your mother taught you

Now you have to take care of her honor.

So, I always keep one thing in My mind that now the responsibility is on me.

If I do something wrong

People will blame my mom.

If someone says anything

About my mom,

I can't bear it.

I take steps carefully

I take projects very carefully

And I also

Teach my sister that

Whatever you do

keep in your mind our house's environment

If my family doesn't like to talk about it then I wouldn't talk.

So he didn't propose you?

The one who is in your life?

Everything had happened. My baba and mama knew it

When my mom died he was with her

5 hrs before her death

And mama was very happy

She was in hospital

And after mama's death

My life changed completely.

It became easier

Things were very complicated before

We were dependent on mama

Knew nothing. After that we knew everything

5 minutes after the death

I wasn't crying, I was consoling

My siblings that it was good for her

She was in pain

After 10 minutes of death

I immediately realized that

Yesterday we were planning for going on a dinner

And now we are praying for her forgiveness

We have never planned that what will happen to us. When we die. Why do we have to recite Darood Pak for 1 lac times?

For forgiveness. We have never thought

To do good deeds for our forgiveness

And eternal life

There I realized that

This life is just a test

You will get reward in after life Nothing's here So you understood death?


Right after my mother's death

I realized it.

My siblings didn't realize it

I explained it to them

This life is nothing

We hurting others in our

Race of succeeding

We are doing very wrong

If we die tomorrow

And there would be no one to pray for you

Then what will happen?

We are now praying for mama for forgiveness from the wrath of grave

I was thinking we have never planned for this

In fact we should be planning for it

what Allah has made us for

What will happen when our eternal life will start?

Never thought about it

With this thought

I stay happy and I try that

My assistant, my helpers at home, driver

Or anyone, they will never get hurt

Because of me

I don't want this to happen that

If I day tomorrow so

There will be no one

To pray for me

I should be having

My enough good deeds

That when I go the Lord after death

I would proudly say that

I have done my best

So I realized this

After mama's death

That this life of ours

Is a test

If you become a good or a bad person

You will harvest what you have sown

And what is success?

Success is happiness

I have never like I said earlier

For success I have never

Hurt anybody

Or cut anybody's way

For achieving it

When you are good and have a clear vision

Of proceeding forward

Following the right path

And not crushing anyone else

And your intentions are good

Intention matters a lot

If your way is just then there is no force on earth

That can stop you from achieving what you deserve

God never wastes your hard work


But this world

Is filled with different people?

I know but if we see the world as bad

Then we will live our life according to that

Then we are also bad

Allah has said that you

are responsible for your deeds

You will not be judge

As if other person was wrong and you did wrong too

Then you are justified, no.

If you are good

Your intentions are pure

And you are passionate, I am

Very passionate about my work

Then ALLAH definitely

Helps you at any condition

If you do hard word

It never goes wasted

If you'll find short cuts to move forward

Then you'll get a temporary


Who will take its guarantee

That it will last forever

And what's failure?


You learn from failure

Failure is a kind of good thing

You won't succeed without failure

If I want something

And I get it at first attempt

Then I won't struggle anymore in life

Then for me life is easy

And if I don't get something

And faced failure

Then I will try again

And that struggle is


That make you realize the worth of your work

You don't value the things you get so easily

When you want to achieve something

You struggle for it and face a lot of failure

And when you achieve it that's the fruit of your hard work.

According to my opinion, failure is a good thing

And fame?


Fame is a bonus

Everybody wants fame

in the world

If you meet a taxi driver, He'll say to you

ma'am could you arrange my scene in a drama?

Fame actually is that

People get to know you,

People talk about you

Thanks to ALLAH, we have been

Given respect wherever we go

This thing attracts people that

When you pass from somewhere

Obviously fame attracts me too and I desire it too

I desire success as well. when I pass from somewhere

People would say oh this is Sarah

This feeling…you know

It's a very unusual feeling

The feeling is different

You feel like you're king of this world

Everybody knows you

You are going on a shopping

And get concession over there

Why?... you know

We should thank ALLAH for blessing us

It's great honor for us

And we take it for granted

That we are stars!

I thank ALLAH a lot.

I offer my prayers five time a day

I am in a way very religious

Because from family, since childhood

It was the routine that we have to recite Quran after tuition

I was very naughty. Qari Sahib's feet were dark

And I would tease him by asking

"are you wearing black or these are your feet?"

I still remember it

He would really get annoyed

And would say "these are not socks for God's sake they are my feet"

It's very funny

Because we do a lot of things in our childhood

Right? Teasing people and annoy them

Or would say something

But it was fun.

In fact it's fun even now

You shouldn't hurt someone with your teasing

You are not hurting someone nor saying anything bad about them

You are only joking and you can do that

Nobody's getting hurt because of it

Have you ever tried doing a practical joke?

And regret doing it afterwards that what have I done?


Done nothing like that ever?

Kids usually do with teachers or

Especially with Qari Sahib

I have done this a lot that

When our yearly reports cards would come

My sister used to get fail

I mean she would get very low marks

So it used to require parents' signatures

Now who will tell them

And what should we do about monthly tests

So, one time my principal caught me

That these are not your

Parents' signatures

Then I got punishment

And they called my parents too

Then they did the Parents Teacher Meeting

They complained about me

And I was like I am such a good student don't scold me

Scold my younger sister

Because of her I did that

Sarah: I've really teased the auto rickshaw drivers Samina: The one who take you to the school?

No randomly.

I used to go in bus for school

We are quite a number of cousins

And we all usually

Travel in a same rickshaw

Telling the driver a very far away destination

That would be of approximately 1.5 hours he would say okay

And we would say we'll give you 5 rupees for the trip

And he would say "5 rupees?"

And we'd say yes, let's go now

He would refuse

Then we'd start bargaining with him

And when it'd end

We'd tell him there's a camera

Behind tree. It was a prank

And you'll come on T.V

Then he got excited

Adjusted himself and we told him that on Thursday at 8p.m. you'll come on the show

And he'd be sitting in front of

His T.V and wondering in which world it'd come?

That's what I had done

Many more things like that

And in all our naughtiness, mama was involved with us

Mama was very young.

She was 39 when she died

She got married at the age of 14

She was like a friend

So mama was always involved with us

In our naughtiness

I'll show you mama's picture and you won't guess

That it's mama

Because there wasn't any difference, we look alike

Did you ever cook together?

Like crazily?

Messing everything?

Sarah: yes Samina: like a disaster

Every night when we cousins meet up

We'd do new experiments

Parents would go to sleep

And we have to cook something for ourselves

Like making a paratha and kneading the dough

If you don't know how to dough it is all over

My paratha is very famous in the family

My cousins call my paratha 'biscuits'

I ask them why?

I've made such a good paratha

They get very crispy

I do not know why?

Samina: Dough must be hard Sarah: my cousins when visit me

They'll ask where are biscuits Sarah?

My cousins and my brother when wanted

To hang out late at night

Up to 3 4 in the morning

I'd be usually asleep

So they'd wake me up ask me for food

So I'd wake up in the morning

And make those biscuits like parathas and tea for them

Do you cook?

Yes Samina: do you cook well?

Umm only what I like

Samina: and what's that?

I like vegetables a lot, I don't like meat very much

So I cook vegetables

I also cook chicken

But dishes like biryani, pulao and qourma

I cannot cook these

Samina: Can you do baking?

My mom used to do very good baking

And she even used to make food in the oven

Me and both my sisters we could bake

Cookies, bread, cake everything

After every 2 days we would bake

Samina: what fun! Sarah: yeah

Brownies or anything we wanted to eat we'd bake it

Who is the fashion designer among the sisters?

And the stylists and fashion conscious?

Actually we three are

We three have our own individual styles

I can't carry Ayesha's style

Neither can Noor

Noor and Ayesha are quite identical

People usually think they are twins

Their hair resemble a lot. Have you seen Noor?

I have worked with Noor

Their hair, eyes, features all are alike

Noor is Masha ALLAH

Very tall. She is 5'7"

And I am a bit shorter than her

So our styles are different

We three are our own fashion designers

Who is interested in Interior?

Ayesha and I are very much interested in interior

What colours do you choose?

We always try to go for nude colors

We decorated our house before mama's death

Refurnished it, all before mama's eyes

The color we used was beige

With wooden floor

It's maintenance is very tough


The walls are white because we like them white

No colored walls

It looks spacious

I prefer big windows

In my house

It will lit the whole house

Always brighten up with the sunlight

We never close windows with curtains

What advice of your mother

Took you forward in life

Or you are still holding on to it?

Look…mama what she wanted,

And the way she wanted

To see her daughters

Happy, successful

In whatever they are doing

Or even if they are not doing

She wanted us to be happy

So I am trying to achieve all that

So that my mom would be proud of me

I achieved what I should have

I continued my studies

I became what I wanted to be

I want a successful life in every way

A happy married life

A good house, my own life

I would love to marry

Only to became bride or to have a household

To have a complete household

We get the chance to become brides

I'm interested in…

First thing I'll have twins

Okay so you want twins

I have already asked Allah

That give me twins

Nothing else

And I am a

Very domestic sort of a person

People usually think I might not know how to cook or do laundry

But I love to do household chores

Interior, kitchen duties

I want that after marriage

I have my own house

Where I am the boss. My house my rules

Where I cook for my husband

And make it ready before

He comes

Get ready for him

With garlands in hair and wait for him?

Yes I love to be ready Samina: who will go to work then?

I will go to work Samina: okay so you will balance everything

Even now I do everything

Like after mama

I had a lot of responsibilities on me

Ayesha used to look after mama

She devoted her life for her

She is the youngest so she doesn't do other things

I used to cook food

Nobody in our house

Likes to eat cook made food

Baba likes homemade food

So I would make food before

going on to the shoot

And I would bring the food with me on shoot as well

I would cook a separate meal for shoot

When I come back from shoot at night

I would make food

Put it in fridge and then take it with me

To the shoot in the morning

And then eat with everybody

See there is nothing in life

That you can't manage

It's not like you can't do anything at home

Because you are working

Even if you are working 24/7 you can still manage to do other things

I can along with work

Manage home and all its responsibilities

With very ease

Do you get angry?


Samina: Not at all? Sarah: I don't have anger in me

If I could ever get angry

If for example I got angry on you

My extreme reaction would be that I'll keep myself silenced

I won't talk to you

And the reason is that

I don't want to say anything bad

Which I will regret later

Do you try to apologize first or not? Sarah: right away

If I have done something wrong

I immediately try to apologize

Samina:Do you conciliate immediately? Sarah: yes!

If I don't then It would pinch me and I won't be able to sleep

I would regret and think over it

That I should not have done it

I try not to do any such thing

But if I do I apologize for it

I don't feel any hesitation in saying sorry

Even if it wasn't my fault

And my apologizing will make things better

So I will say

When are you getting married?


Let's see. My sister, Ayesha is getting married

This year Insha Allah

After her marriage I will think about it

This is so that you

Can do more work and establish yourself

Or it doesn't matter?

No, it doesn't matter

You can work after your marriage as well, if you want

Things can be managed

It might be possible that

I will be producing projects with him

Insha Allah after Ayesha's wedding

I'll do mine.

I wish you all the best.

For more infomation >> Sarah Khan Shares Personal Stories for the First Time | Rewind with Samina Peerzada - Duration: 51:20.


How to manage personnel in Dynamics 365 for Talent - Duration: 5:06.

The Personnel management workspace monitors worker transitions and statuses and also provides an overall view of recently hired workers, workers leaving the

company as any workers on leave. Furthermore, you can easily find employees and perform any necessary actions.

The Summary section gives us multiple views of worker transitions. Each of these tiles drill down into a list where a user can view

the full detail of a worker record and perform any necessary actions.

The first tile displays our recently hired workers. By clicking on a tile we will be back to the recently hired workers last. This provides a full

list of our recently hired workers and from here we can access the Worker detail record to any additional information.

The second tile contains pending workers. Selecting this tile would display list of any workers with future hire date.

Exiting workers contains a list of workers that have a termination date in the future. The Summary section also contains any work items that are associated

to the user, as well as a list employees and contractors for the company.

Lastly, the Summary section contains a tile for the open positions, creating a quick and easy way to see where headcount is needed.

The second section of the Summary area contains multiple tabs. Each of these tabs

provides a quick preview of the workers in each group.

As I click through the tabs, the actions that I can take change based on a group that I am in.

This creates a quick and easy way to manage common worker actions from a single form.

One of the most common tasks HR performs, is finding a worker in the system.

By entering a portion of the worker's name, a list of potential matches is displayed.

Notice that if I enter the name John, multiple records are displayed, as well as the title, which

helps to further identify the correct individual that I'm looking for.

Once I have selected the correct worker, I have a list of options that I can perform within this list.

If more information is needed you can select the worker name and drill into the full record.

However, for those times when a quick piece of data needs to be provided, the Employment verification slider provides a simple way to navigate

to this data.

Also, as I navigate through each of the tabs, the detail presented on the Worker card changes. For example, in the Pending and Recent hires tabs

the start date is displayed. However, as I go to the On leave tab,

the dates that employee is on leave, and returning, are displayed.

Also, the FMLA leave tab will show whether the leave has been approved or not. We recognize FMLA data is sensitive and therefore only

users who have FMLA security rights will be able to view the detail associated with the individual's leave.

Lastly, we provide a tab for the exiting workers. Note that this shows the date that the worker will be

leaving the company, giving further insight into that process.

The third section of the Summary area shows a list of open positions. The benefit

that this list provides in the workspace is the ability to quickly assign a worker to an open position

without having to navigate to the Position detail form, again simplifying the management

transitions by keeping those moves in a single form.

The Analytics tab provides a display of Power BI reports that focus on workforce demographics, as well as worker transitions.

Lastly, we have links to other areas of the product that are relevant to the setup and management

of the workforce, such as the Department and Job forms.

In closing, the Personnel management workspace provides a single place to

manage employee transitions, as well as view employee leave information

The navigation is simple and provides a dynamic way to search for employees and quickly perform any necessary tasks. (Thanks for watching!)

For more infomation >> How to manage personnel in Dynamics 365 for Talent - Duration: 5:06.


Join the Revolution - Gayle McLaughlin for Lt. Governor of California - Duration: 1:07.

We took on oil giant Chevron's attempt to buy our democracy - and we won!

We passed the first rent control law in California in 30 years.

We increased the minimum wage.

We reduced homicides 75% in eight years.

Our progressive transformation in Richmond put political power in the hands of our residents.

We're going to take that same strategy to Sacramento.

We're going to fight on behalf of the people.

Single-payer Medicare-for-All, free tuition for public colleges and universities, affordable housing.

Together we are organizing corporate-free alliances that serve the people's interest.

Join the revolution!

Join my campaign for Lieutenant Governor.

I'm Gayle McLaughlin, two-term Mayor of Richmond.

And you better believe I approve this message!

For more infomation >> Join the Revolution - Gayle McLaughlin for Lt. Governor of California - Duration: 1:07.


Flathead authorities looking for potential murder witnesses - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Flathead authorities looking for potential murder witnesses - Duration: 0:52.


"Raise for the Roses" 2018 Aggie Derby - Duration: 2:28.

[upbeat music]

[Laura White] The New Mexico State University Therapeutic Riding Program offers equine-assisted

activities to children and adults from across southern New Mexico.

Instructors and therapists work with clients, their parents, and sometimes their doctors,

to set meaningful goals to improve cognitive, behavioral, or physical skills.

[parent of client] Riding the horses has allowed her to really focus on something.

and tune out, kind of, the rest of the world,

allowing her to relax and improve muscle tone and gross motor skills.

[Laura White] The Therapeutic Riding Program operates with trained student volunteers who

serve as side walkers and horse walkers and specially trained student instructors.

[Alyssa Oates] My favorite thing about therapeutic riding instruction is seeing the just lesson-to-lesson increases

in growth. So seeing them being able to accomplish a goal that they couldn't maybe the week before,

and it being so excited and creating a plan with them so they go forward and work on more things.

[parent of a client] It gives us another avenue to address concerns with our children

and, you know, I get to see her enjoying therapy versus just going through the motions.

So having this program available is huge.

[Emilee Parra] Even with only a few sessions, many of our clients experience decreased anxiety,

better mobility, and relaxation of muscles.

[Laura White] The "Raise for the Roses" Aggie Derby is an event that we're starting in 2018 to

raise money for the Therapeutic Riding Association at New Mexico State University.

Here's what you need to do. For the week prior to the Kentucky Derby,

on our webpage, you can check out our jockeys and our therapeutic riding horses

running in the virtual Aggie Derby. Pick the jockey and horse you want to win.

Click "donate now" and input any amount of money you'd like to vote for your favorites with.

Vote early and often!

Thank you so much for your support of the New Mexico State University Therapeutic Riding Program,

and for voting and donating in the Aggie Derby!

We appreciate your support!

[upbeat music]

For more infomation >> "Raise for the Roses" 2018 Aggie Derby - Duration: 2:28.


Breaking News - Gloria allred lawyer for Bill Cosby accusers on guilty verdict - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Breaking News - Gloria allred lawyer for Bill Cosby accusers on guilty verdict - Duration: 2:57.


Watch the GOP Baseball Team Practice For First Time Since 2017 Shooting - Duration: 2:10.

The Republican congressional baseball team had their first practice on Wednesday morning,

back at the same field in Alexandria where the shooting occurred last year.

First time I came back I wish I didn't experience fear but I did.

But today I was hoping to get out here and go right back up to plate and finish my at

bat that I never got to finish.

You still have scars, physical scars and mental scars, about that day that won't go away, but

I'm glad I came out and now I'm looking forward to getting these practices going.

Republican teams have practiced somewhere in Alexandria for at least 60 to 70 years.

So I thought I think it was important for them that we show that we're gonna continue

to use this facility and show the country that we are not gonna be intimidated.

It's good to be back.

So, it's good to be here.

There's tons of security here this morning.

Both Alexandria Police and Capitol Police, and there's a lot of media.

Obviously the media's different.

You're the only one who usually out here covering us.

Well it is different, but right now I guess we're America's team, because you know when

I go back home, everybody knows when are you gonna start baseball, are you gonna have a

good team, are you gonna be there.

So this is the beginning of our season.

Matt Mika, who's a lobbyist with Tyson Foods and Zack Barth, who's a staffer in Roger Williams'

office, returned to the field this morning.

They were both shot in the June shooting last year.

I've been looking forward to this day, having it marked on my calendar for awhile.

My thought is let's just get back to baseball.

Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who of course was shot last year and is a staple of this

game, was not here for the first practice.

He's not in DC and he's recovering from a procedure.

I of course have talked to David and to Crystal a lot.

I can't say thank you enough to them.

By the end of that practice that was cut short I also saw the heroism of both of those officers.

I saw the courage of David Bailey, running toward gunfire, rather than away, and firing

to make sure that we could get off this field.

They're the heroes.

They'll always be my heroes.

I'm Alex Gangitano and that's what I heard on the hill.

For more infomation >> Watch the GOP Baseball Team Practice For First Time Since 2017 Shooting - Duration: 2:10.


Braun Electric Razor for Men / Electric Shaver, Series 5 5090/5190cc, Rechargeable - Duration: 0:45.

Braun Electric Razor for Men / Electric Shaver, Series 5 5090/5190cc, Rechargeable with Clean & Charge Station

Electric shaver with skin sensitive technology for maximum performance and excellent skin comfort. AutoSensing motor for efficient shaving in every stroke, even with dense beards.

8-Direction Comfort flex head for constant skin contact, even in difficult areas. 100% waterproof for a refreshing shave with water, foam, gel, or even under the shower.

Clean & Charge Station cleans, lubricates and dries shaver hygienically. Braun Series 5 5190 in blue. World's #1 Foil Shaver Brand.

For more infomation >> Braun Electric Razor for Men / Electric Shaver, Series 5 5090/5190cc, Rechargeable - Duration: 0:45.


Tips for a Sound Night's Sleep - Duration: 5:12.

Tips for a Sound Night's Sleep

More and more people are having trouble sleeping.

Stress, personal problems, daily worries, and bad nutrition are some of the causes of sleeping problems.

In addition to making sure you have a healthy lifestyle, you could try some of the tips below to help you get to sleep and ensure you sleep enough to live your life happily and have energy.

Listen to relaxing music.

Listening to relaxing music before bed can help you get off to sleep.

A study in 2005 showed that people who listened to 45 minutes of soft music before going to bed improved their sleeping problems by 35%.

It doesnt even matter what style of music you play, as long as it is soft and slow, around 60 to 80 beats a minute.

According to the BBC, this causes physical changes in your body which promote sleep, such as slowing down the heartbeat and breathing.

Warm milk.

The New York Times has reported that milk and other foods rich in protein actually block the sleep inducing effects of tryptophan.

However, they may cause some psychological effects which help you sleep: some studies show that when babies are given warm milk before bed, they sleep longer.

Imagine a relaxing scene.

If you want to bore yourself off to sleep, then try counting sheep or counting backwards in multiples of three or any other number! However, a study carried out in 2002 showed that imagining a relaxing scene could be more effective.

The study involved observing 41 people with insomnia for a number of nights, and the researchers asked them to try a variety of different techniques which induce sleep, including counting sheep.

When they were told to imagine relaxing scenes such as the beach, a massage or a walk in the woods, they were sleeping an average of 20 minutes more quickly.

Breathing exercises.

Concentrating on your breathing can have a similar effect on the body to meditation before bedtime, for example, it can reduce your heart rate.

A warm bath.

Our body temperature drops around two hours before we go to sleep.

This is a natural change which triggers our brain to prepare us for going to sleep.

Warm baths increase the bodys temperature.

It then drops quickly, relaxing the body and making dropping off to sleep easier.

Avoid drinking alcohol.

Many people want a drink to relax them at the end of the day, but alcohol before bed can be detrimental to a good nights sleep.

Alcohol is metabolized in the liver and takes a couple of hours to be processed by the body.

It is recommended that you avoid alcohol before bedtime.

Get out of bed. It seems crazy.

How will I be able to get to sleep if Im not in bed? But it works.

When someone stays in bed even though they cant sleep, the bedroom stops being a place of relaxation, and starts causing anxiety.

After 15 or 20 minutes of not being able to sleep, the best idea is to go and sit in a different part of the house until you feel sleepy and then go back to bed.

For more infomation >> Tips for a Sound Night's Sleep - Duration: 5:12.


Youre Invited... Are You Hungry for More? - Part 2 // Bayless Conley - Duration: 28:30.

There are many questions you are faced with every day. We are all searching for answers

that will make a real difference in our lives. It's hard to imagine that these answers

might be right in front of us. Get ready to discover answers in the Bible with Bayless


You know, we live in a very downward world. The spirit of this world just seems to press

us down with busyness and anxieties and cares and worries. Jesus said that there is a rest

that is available for our souls, for our minds. We can know His rest. He said, "Come and

learn from Me. My yoke is easy, My burden is light you'll find rest for your soul."

We're going to talk about that today.

Woman's VO: Here's Bayless Conley with part two of his continuing message from last


Look with me at Matthew chapter 11 if you would, and we come to the second invitation,

that Jesus offers that we're going to ... Actually, it's the fourth on our list. The second one

we'll talk about tonight, and it is this. Come and find rest for your souls. Second

invitation. Come and find rest for your souls. Matthew chapter 11. Let's start in verse 25,

25 At that time Jesus answered and said, "I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,

that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes. 26 Even

so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.27 All things have been delivered to

Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the

Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. 28 Come to

Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke

upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest

for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

The whole world is restless to find God and to know God. Many people do not know that's

what they need, but we all as human beings sense there is something missing. We're looking

for an inner rest, an inner peace, that that crazy missing piece to the puzzle, and so

we turn to substitutes, to drugs, to sex, to money, to getting buried in our work, to

religious ritual. Those are all expressions of our search of our labor to enter into rest.

Those are all expressions of mankind's desire, looking for an inner rest, but looking in

all the wrong places. I looked for so long, but I never looked in the right place. I love

what Jesus said, how it begins in Verse 25. Listen from the New Living Translation. He

said, "Father, You've hidden these things from those who think themselves wise and clever,

and You reveal them onto the childlike." Jesus said in Mark's Gospel the tenth chapter,

"Surely I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will

by no means enter it."

People that think they can explain God, or the human condition by a few lines or a few

paragraphs, that consider themselves wise, and educated, and intelligent, God has hidden

these weighty truths from those, and He reveals them to those that come in childlike faith.

Jesus, according to His own words here, is the only one that can reveal the Father to

someone. No one else can.

The invitation then, to a weary, burdened world that is looking for rest, looking for

inner peace, looking for satisfaction, looking for that crazy, missing thing, the invitation

of Jesus is, come, and I'll introduce you, and as you take My yoke upon you, you'll find

out that that yoke is not one of elitism, superiority, or pride, but it's a yoke of

gentleness, humility, and meekness. Once I introduce you to the Father, you will find

your rest. Jesus' yoke is one of humility and meekness, and for those of you that don't

know a yoke, if you had two oxen, that was this piece of wood that fit over the necks

of both of the oxen. You'd usually take an untrained oxen and put it with one that was

very trained to the task, and as it took the lead from that one, it would follow and it

would learn to do its work. That's the analogy Jesus is using here. Jesus demonstrated the

ultimate dependence on God and obedience to God the Father in childlike trust.

We can come to Him, take His yoke, and learn from Him, and we'll find rest, because Jesus

will introduce us to the Father. We can't actually separate those thoughts. He said,

"Come to Me. You'll find rest for your soul." You can't separate that from what He said

before, which was, "Hey, no one can know the Father except the person that the Son wills

to reveal him to the Father." I think like much of what Jesus taught, this is layered.

There's other things here that we can glean. Jesus said, "You'll find rest for your soul."

Sometimes in the Bible when the term soul is used, it's talking about the entirety of

our spiritual life. The reality is, you are a spirit being. You have a soul, and you live

in a physical body. The spirit and soul are inseparable. The spirit's the real you. Your

soul, the most common definition is comprised of your mind, your will, and your emotions.

Jesus said, "Come to Me, take My yoke, learn of Me, and you'll find rest for your soul,

for I am gentle. I am meek, and lowly in heart." He said, "Those that are burdened, those that

are carrying a heavy load, come to Me." The original language, it speaks of a load that

is carried to the point of exhaustion, and the whole world is carrying this load, and

it's slowly killing them. It's the burden of pride and the fatiguing labor of self-love.

The rest for our souls comes through the meekness of Jesus. Jesus' yoke is His meekness, and

His humility. When you cease caring what people say about you, or what people think about

you, a marvelous rest comes into your soul. Learn from Jesus' meekness and His humility.

I remember I was in a meeting once. It was an international meeting, and there were people

from all over the world that had gathered. The lineup of speakers was actually from around

the planet as well, and I'm sitting in the front row with about six or seven other speakers

in this major conference. The host of the conference begins at one end, and I happen

to be sitting down at the far end, and he begins to introduce the speakers one by one.

We have so-and-so here from Malaysia. He's built such and such church, and he's got this

outreach ministry, and we have so-and-so here form India. He has a children's ministry that's

reaching 20,000 kids a day in the city of Mumbai. We have here in the next one, and

I found ... It's getting closer to me, and I found myself thinking, "I can hardly wait

till he gets to me." I can hardly wait until he accentuates me and the things that have

happened in our ministry. I caught myself thinking that, and I was so ashamed. I remember

saying, "God, I'm sorry. I didn't know that was in me." I remember I went back that night

to my hotel room, and I knelt down, and I began to cry. I said, "God, I so wanted to

be applauded in that meeting. I so wanted people to know my name. I so wanted them to

know what I do. God, I'm sorry. Please, please help me get that rooted out of my heart."

And you know, I'll confess, I've fallen prey to such thoughts on other occasions, but I

have made progress. God has helped me. Do you know, when you take on the yoke of Jesus,

it doesn't matter whether you're applauded or whether you're overlooked by people. What

does it matter? God knows where you are. God knows who you are. So what if someone else

gets chosen above you? So what if you get recognized or if you don't get recognized?

It doesn't matter anymore. You don't have to defend or protect yourselves from others'

opinions or critical words. You're content if no one else recognizes your significance

because God does. You don't have to worry if people are going to discover your imperfections.

Oh, my, and so much of the time we spend our lives worrying, am I going to sound stupid?

Am I going to fit in? Am I going to appear unlearned? When you take His yoke of meekness

and humility, you can just be yourself, and what a rest there is.

The whole world… the whole world is reeling under the burdens of pride and pretense, trying

to be someone they're not, making sure they have all the latest clothes, and all the latest

lingo, know what's cool, what's not. So afraid that someone is going to see them for who

they really are, but when we bow and take on the meekness of Jesus, it brings a marvelous

deliverance and rest into our souls. Certainly these verses apply to salvation, but it applies

to much more, and if you're always worrying about what people think, and you always ... Maybe

you travel, and you always have to put in, "Well, you know, I've been here, and I've

been there." What are you going to do if some Marco Polo comes into the room that's been

more places than you have?" There is always going to be somebody. There's always going

to be somebody prettier, somebody that does it differently, somebody that does it better,

but you know what? It doesn't matter once you take on the yoke of Jesus.

Look at Him. He said, watch Him. Learn from Him. He was maligned. He was persecuted. He

was misunderstood. He was spoken against, but it was enough. The Father knew where He

was. It was enough that He was doing the will of the Father, even if He was misunderstood.

It was enough. And Jesus isn't just interested in our spirits being built up, not just interested

in finding rest for our souls. Brings us to a third, or actually a fifth if we're starting

from the beginning, but third in this tonight, a fifth invitation that Christ gives us, and

that is come aside to a deserted place.

Look with me in Mark chapter 6. Come aside to a deserted place. Mark's Gospel, the sixth

chapter, and early on in the chapter Jesus sends out the 12, and gives them authority.

The Scripture says, "They went out and preached, and they anointed the sick with oil, and they

healed the sick, and they cast out demons," so they've been traveling from place to place,

and ministering vigorously.

Now they come back to report to Jesus, and we pick it up in verse 30 of Mark chapter

6. Says,

30 Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done

and what they had taught. 31 And He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a

deserted place and rest a while." For there were many coming and going, and they did not

even have time to eat. 32 So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves.

As we read on, their little holiday was ruined because the crowds found out where they were

and came to them, but there's an important lesson here. There was so many people coming

and going, they were so busy they didn't have time to even sit down and eat a proper meal.

Jesus said, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest for awhile." I've

heard several preachers say this, that carry out schedules that are just in my opinion

insane. They say, "Well, I'll have time to rest when I get to heaven. There's no time

to rest now."

I always think, "Yes. I reckon that's true. You're just going to get there a lot earlier

than you're supposed to if you carry on in the fashion that you're carrying on." Jesus

said you got to take a break. There has to be periods of rest. Come aside. Come aside,

away from the crowds, away from the busyness, away from the noise. By yourself, to a deserted

place. By yourself, to a place you can't be reached. I think if any generation needed

this invitation, it's ours, especially looking at how we're bombarded by social media, continually

receiving emails and texts that are work-related. We need times of solid, I mean of solitude,

and quiet, where we're just alone with God.

In Psalm 46 in verse 10, it says, "Be still and know that I am God." There were seasons

in my life, used to be, where I was so busy, and was carrying so much, I would look forward

to when I would have an international trip just so I could sleep on the flight. I've

got a 10-hour flight, a 12-hour flight, a 14-hour flight. I'd go, "Hallelujah, I'd get

on the plane, and I'd pass out, until I realized that the utter insanity and craziness of that.

I remember one flight I was so tired I got on, fell asleep before the plane took off.

I woke up when it landed. The stewardess was staring at me when we landed. I said, "What's

wrong?" She said, "What kind of drugs did you take to sleep like that?" I said, "I didn't

take anything. I didn't take a single pill." She said, "I can't believe that." I said,

"I didn't." She said, "I've been flying for 25 years, and that's the worst flight I've

ever been on. For eight hours, we all thought the plane was going to shake apart. It was

white knuckle for every one of us, even all the stewards and the stewardesses. For eight

hours, the plane was shaking apart. Worst, longest storm we've ever been in. I watched

you. You slept through the whole thing. How did you do that?" I said, "I was tired." I

began to change my ways, began to delegate much, much more. Everything didn't get done

exactly the way I wanted, but hey, I'm still alive. I'm in this thing for the long haul,

and there are some of you, you work so many hours, you take it home with you, you never


Listen, even God took a Sabbath rest, and He didn't need one. The Bible says, "On the

Sabbath, God rested on the seventh day." If the Almighty God Who doesn't grow weary, Who

doesn't grow tired, Who never sleeps, Who never slumbers, just as an example to us,

took a Sabbath rest, who do you think you are not to do it? Come aside, by yourselves,

and rest awhile. I think that's one reason why I like free diving so much. I get out

in the ocean. It fills my emotional tank, but I'm out of phone range for hours. It's

awesome. Mobile phones don't work when you're 30 feet underwater. It's great. At least if

they do, don't give me one. The invitations. Come aside, to a deserted place, and rest

awhile. There's some people in here, you desperately need to hear that, because you're working

on putting yourself in an early grave. The only candle you should burn at both ends is

the candle of kindness, and I realize there's seasons where we have to put in extra, where

there's more toil, where there's more effort. I get that, and sometimes there's a deal pending,

and you've got to have your mobile phone on. I get that, but not all the time. Not as a

lifestyle. You weren't made for that. You were made to work hard, yes. He that doesn't

work, doesn't eat, the Scripture says. In all labor there is profit. We need to work

hard. The Scripture teaches it, but I think we need to work hard, we need to play hard,

and we need to rest well. Live a balanced life. Be around when your grandkids and your

great-grandkids are here. Come aside and rest, and then come and find rest for your soul.

If you're thirsty, come and drink.

Jesus said, "He that comes to Me, I will not turn away." Your past may be so dark, and

so shameful. Jesus loves you. He wants to give you a new life. Backslider, time to come

home. Respond to that first invitation. Maybe you're here, and you've been laboring to enter

into rest, but you've been like me for so many years, looking in all the wrong places.

You want to fill that empty place inside? Come to Jesus. He will reveal the Father to

you, and then you will know true rest.

Just for a moment, bow your heads. Close your eyes. I want to lead you in a simple prayer.

This is an important moment with us. Even if one heart responds to God right now, if

one person gets serious and prays this prayer from a believing heart, their life will change,

but you know what? When one life gets changed, it generally becomes a seed that can change

an entire family. It can leave a legacy for generations to come. This is so vital. Maybe

you've come with a friend, perhaps by yourself tonight, maybe you're sitting with family

members. Maybe you came of your own free will. Maybe you feel like you kind of had your arm

twisted. Somebody had you over a barrel for some reason. Maybe you're paying off a debt

because you promised, and promised, and promised you'd go, and you started feeling guilty,

so I'm just going to get this done. I'm going to come, and they're going to quit bugging

me, but somehow in the midst of it, God in the way only He can do has spoken to your

heart. If you give your heart to Jesus, He will introduce you to God the Creator, and

you can know Him as Father as well.

Right now, God sees your heart, my friend. If you're a prodigal son or a prodigal daughter

away from God, come home. Come home. Yeah, you're going to have to change some things,

sure, but you know that that sin only has pleasure for a season, but ultimately, it

ends in death. As you continue to participate in those things that you know are displeasing

to God, your heart becomes calloused. It's a process, becomes easier and easier to stay

away from the things of God, and harder and harder to return to Him. Today is the day

of salvation. Now's the accepted time. Today if you hear His voice, don't harden your heart,

the Scripture says.

I want you to pray with me a simple prayer. But if you tie a sincere heart around it,

God will answer you. Just in your heart, speak these words to God. Say, "Dear God, with all

of my heart, I come to You. You alone are my salvation. You sent Your Son to die for

the sin of the whole world. He paid the price on Calvary's cross, and He was raised from

the dead. Jesus come into my life. Be my Lord and Savior. I repent of sin. I turn away from

it, and I turn to You. Lead me in the way everlasting. Give me a new life. Jesus, from

this moment forward, wherever You lead me, I will follow You. It is in Your name I pray.


Woman VO: Stay tuned at the end of the program today for a special inspirational thought

from Bayless.

Hello friend, you know the most important event that ever happened to me in my life

was accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior. The second most important thing I ever did

is I married Janet. She's been my wife for thirty-five years. And you know as much as

I love my wife, as close as I am to my wife Jesus is closer to me. He's closer than

any other human being in the world. And friend, He is the lover of your soul. You may be in

a very dark place right now. Listen, God knows where you are and the Son of God, Jesus Christ

died and He bore your punishment so that you could be free. Not only in your spirit but

in your mind as well. Look to Jesus today and experience His liberty.

Woman VO: And now here's Bayless with an inspirational thought you can apply today.

You know, hundreds of years before the events happened, Isaiah prophesied by the Holy Spirit

about the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. You can read about it in Isaiah chapter 53.

And some of the things that it says there that He was despised, that He was rejected,

He was led as a lamb to the slaughter but He didn't open his mouth though He could

have opened His mouth, He could've called legions of angels, but He allowed Himself

to be beaten, and to be taken to the cross, to be rejected, to be despised.

And, you know, He did those things as a substitute. If you think about it, Jesus was rejected

by the very world He created. He was rejected by the brothers that He grew up with. He was

rejected by the nation from which He sprang. And ultimately He was rejected even by His

Heavenly Father as the sin of the world was laid upon Him. And He became our sin substitute.

The Father turned His back upon Him when He was on the cross, where Jesus cried out: My

God, my God, why have You forsaken me?

For in that moment He identified completely with mankind's curse. He who knew no sin was

made to be sin for us. And the good thing is that He did that so that we need never

experience it. He was rejected by God so that we can be accepted by God.

Listen to these verses from Ephesians chapter 1, if you would.

Verse: 6: To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the


When Jesus raised from the dead, when He was raised from the dead, He did it as our substitute.

And in the eyes of God we are in Him. He died as our substitute, He was raised from the

dead. And when the Father looks at Jesus, He sees us. We're accepted by the Father

in Him.

Bayless Conley: You know, we always go through different things in life. We always have besetting

circumstances. The storms of life come to everyone. But in the midst of those storms

there is hope. God always has an answer for us. He always has a pathway for us to walk

and I have a special bundle of messages that will be a blessing to you. In whatever circumstance

you are going through, they will bring you hope. I hope that you get it.

Male VO: God wants to get your hopes up . . . way up! Or maybe the hopes of a loved one. Along

with 2 hope-inspiring CD messages, this bundle includes a booklet with Bayless' amazing

story of how God completely turned his life around, setting him free from years of addiction

and confusion. Call or order online now. Just use the information on your screen. And be

encouraged: There is always hope!

Ad: Cottonwood Church: A place where you can find real answers and hope for life.

Join us this weekend at Cottonwood Church. Located near the 405 and 605 freeways on Katella

Avenue. Offering you a casual welcoming atmosphere, great music and a life giving message. Visit

our family friendly campus on Katella Avenue. that's Real

answers and hope for your life.

Woman VO: Thank you for watching Answers with Bayless Conley. For more information and inspiration


For more infomation >> Youre Invited... Are You Hungry for More? - Part 2 // Bayless Conley - Duration: 28:30.


How to manage employee benefits in Dynamics 365 for Talent - Duration: 4:18.

Let's spend the next few minutes getting acquainted with the benefits area in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent.

From the dashboard we can select the Benefits workspace.

From within the workspace, I can see a list of benefits may company offers its employees.

I can also understand pertinent cost information related to each of these benefits.

For example, I can understand what my employer costs are, as well as my employee cost for each benefit, and understand if those

costs are trending up, or down, and what those percent changes are year over year.

In addition to viewing cost information, I can also easily see how many employees are enrolled in each of my benefits.

I can also drill down on those numbers should I want to understand which specific employees are enrolled in those benefits.

I can also drill down on the benefit, should I want to understand more detail about a particular benefit.

In this example, I've drilled down into our dental benefit.

It looks as though this benefit has been set up so that all workers are eligible. You can however set up eligibility rules in the system

should you want to indicate that only certain employees are eligible for specific benefits.

I can change my eligibility be rule based and then select from a variety of roles that I've set up in my system.

In addition to rules-based, on each one of the benefits I could enter eligibility overrides should I have an employee that has been

grandfathered into a system that may not meet those current eligibility requirements,

I can add that particular employee and indicate that employee, and then indicate what their override start and end dates are.

In addition, I can enroll employees to this benefit directly from the Benefit form. I can choose to enroll in benefits,

enter my desired coverage start and end dates,

and then add which employee, or employees, I want to enroll in this particular benefit.

This allows me an easy way to enroll multiple employees in a particular benefit.

If however, I want to enroll one particular employee in one more benefits, I can do that by navigating to the People hub.

From within the People hub, I can search, or find, a particular employee that I want to enroll in benefits

and then choose Enroll in benefits.

This is taking me to Benjamin Martin's benefit

window where I can see all the current benefits Benjamin is enrolled in.

To enroll Benjamin and a new benefit, I can choose the New option

and choose the Benefit drop down.

Only the benefits that Benjamin is eligible for are listed in the drop down for me to select.

In addition, I can enter dependent or beneficiary information should it be pertinent to the particular benefit.

Back on the Benefits workspace, I can also view a variety of analytics related to the benefits

my organization offers.

Using Power BI, I can see that 11 percent of my employees are enrolled in our 401K plan. I can also understand what my most

and least enrolled plans are. In addition, I have a variety of information at the top of the form.

I can see that I've got two benefits where I have those eligibility overrides indicated.

I also have one benefit

expiring this year

and I also have five benefits where nobody's enrolled. With each one of these options I can

drill down on that number to view the information related to that.

This gives you a brief overview of the Benefits functionality available in Dynamics 365 for Talent. (Thanks for watching!)

For more infomation >> How to manage employee benefits in Dynamics 365 for Talent - Duration: 4:18.


Vermont considers background checks for Uber, Lyft drivers - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> Vermont considers background checks for Uber, Lyft drivers - Duration: 0:17.


Jo Bo Ah Transforms Into A Confident College Student For New Drama "Goodbye To Goodbye" - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Jo Bo Ah Transforms Into A Confident College Student For New Drama "Goodbye To Goodbye" - Duration: 3:36.


San Diego groups increase access to menstrual hygiene products for homeless - Duration: 3:14.

I found out about #HappyPeriod last year on Facebook and have been trying to come

to events and this is the first one I've actually been able to get to so I'm

pretty pleased to be here today. So there are multiple different kinds of bags

that are being given out. There are some with Tampax only, some with pads only and

some with multi, so we're just kind of letting everyone know what's in the packs.

I am packing tampon only bags. We're just filling it up with like regular tampons and then super tampons.

I think I've done a lot already. I was thinking of keeping count, but I haven't keep count at all.

I know for sure we made 419 bags. The bags there's a group that took 80 bags

to downtown to hand them out individually. What they do is they walk

around and just give them right to the person.

Unfortunately, because we've gotten so big and making so many of them and the

homeless sweeps that are happening here in San Diego, they're shuffling the

homeless around and where we used to go isn't really filled with homeless people

anymore, so we have a problem handing so many out. So now we're partnering with

groups such as Think Dignity, they provide what they call pop up showers in

different locations every month, about eight to ten showers every month, and

what they'll do is they'll hand out the packs there. They also do a Street

Boutique where they allow homeless women to shop and they get to pick what they

need. We're also going to be working with Humanizing the Homeless. They're having a

potluck next week in a park where they'll be homeless people will be

invited to come and and then they'll have the hygiene

supplies. It's such an important issue because menstruation doesn't stop

because you're homeless. Not only that, but it's a health issue,

you're at risk for infection, you're at risk for transmitting diseases. No person

should have less dignity simply because they menstruate. Our period packs help

give them back that sense of dignity. Periods are still taboo. No one wants to

talk about them, no one wants to think about them, if you have your period, "Oh

dear Lord, no." But we need to stop that taboo and part of this is that it does

stop the taboo. It puts it right out there. Our organization is called

#HappyPeriod and that's on every single bag. So when

people see these bags they go, "Oh, what's that?" and it starts the conversation. It

starts the conversation that homeless menstruates should not have to

choose dirty rags, paper towels, wearing tampons for over 12 hours, or not eat and

get their feminine products anyway.

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