Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 3 2017

today is unboxing day and I have something new in this box that is gonna

make this and this work even better together all right this is the smooth

Pro all right and that's an iPhone 7 so check this out great packaging all right

this little box here this is the anamorphic adapter for the iPhone and

they are iPhone specific microfiber case all right and this one is for the iPhone

7 see what's in here

pamphlet how to tweet about it how to install it and then how to de-squeeze

the images alright what I'm after is that cinematic look on oops

one photos more about the videos though

okay when I use the film I see probe when you use this it actually has a

setting under hardware that's specifically for the Moondog anamorphic

2.4 adapter all right so it's gonna go ahead and give you that letterbox look

and more importantly what I'm interested in is this in a previous video on this

smooth pro I showed you to properly balance it you had to be able to see

just a little bit of light down there well now that I've got more weight on

that end if I push the phone all the way in it's almost

now it's just not it's not perfectly balanced and I'm afraid to try something

here make sure that's seated all the way down

there and I'm afraid if I add the counterweight it's gonna be too heavy as

a matter of fact I know it would be too heavy if I added a counterweight but

let's just see what this

that's not too bad at all

well this is definitely something that

I'll be taking out and giving a try it looks like it's gonna work really well

on this smooth pro so I'm gonna go out and shoot some test footage so you guys

can see what this Moondog labs lens looks like so here I am next to my house

I've got the iPhone 7 in the smooth pro but I don't have that Moondog labs

adapter on them on the phone just to kind of give you an idea of what it

looks like when you're using the normal iPhone camera now you can see what it

looks like when you put this anamorphic adapter on your iPhone 7 walk back up

the sidewalk so I can walk back down it just so you could get a good comparison

of all the image that you're losing whenever you're not filming with a

adapter like this I'm gonna put a link down in the description below for this

stabilizer and for this 1.33 anamorphic adapter for the iphone

hope you guys enjoyed that video if you did give me a thumbs up down in

the corner and also don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already so

you'll be one of the first to know when new product videos go live

For more infomation >> Smove Pro : Moondog Labs Anamorphic Adapter with FiLMiC App for iPhone - Duration: 5:04.


Used MFSAB bus for sale | 2008 Chevrolet Girardin G3500 Express Non-CDL MFSAB Activity Bus - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Used MFSAB bus for sale | 2008 Chevrolet Girardin G3500 Express Non-CDL MFSAB Activity Bus - Duration: 1:42.


DIY Clothes Life Hacks for Girls! 17 Weird DIY Clothes Life Hacks, DIY Crafts & DIY Room Decor - Duration: 10:01.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> DIY Clothes Life Hacks for Girls! 17 Weird DIY Clothes Life Hacks, DIY Crafts & DIY Room Decor - Duration: 10:01.


Monsters University Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 4 - Duration: 20:06.


What is it we've made a list of our strengths and weaknesses in high school. I was the master of the silent scare

I have an extra toe

Not with me of course guys one slip-up on the next event and we're goners so for this to work

I'm gonna need you to take every instinct you're wasting your time. We need a new team

I checked this morning. It's against the rules. What if we disguise the new team to look like look

This is not gonna work. Where are you going? We're training. I'm a Sullivan. That's not enough

You're all over the place if a kid hears you coming

They'll call mom or dad then you better run faster things will get bad

Huh in the next event if even one of us gets caught we're all out so remember


Only two teams left who will make it out with their flag

What's scary about a little of three?

You should have stuck to my strategy. Whatever talk to me when we start the real scary

Bad idea this is great. They're finally seeing us as real scarers. We're going

Do young people how are you so good at this you just took on an angry 50-foot librarian, and you're afraid of a little party

Take a deep breath

And finally the surprise team of the scare games whose macapa

adorable Monsters on Campus

But I'm pretty sure they read the quad

What do you think you're doing raising a little money for charity yeah? Well stop it

You want us to stop raising money for charity that's not cool

I want you to stop making us look like fools hiring

Don't listen to him. We appreciate everything you've done, but he's right

No matter how much we train we'll never look like them

Sorry for the monsters just alright cut out for the big league

here listening to my tunes

Nice fence. This is amazing Mike. We're not stopping here


Take a good look fellas see what they all have in common, no

not really exactly

that old fella is Earl the terror thompson where

You collected scare cousin yeah, 450 of them impressive

I have 6,000 still in mint condition, but you know 450 is pretty good too. Hey look at me

But it's not too late. We could be a great team. We just need to start working together


Every one of your skills will be put to the test the scare simulator will prove who's the best tomorrow night?

You finally get to scare in front of the whole school?

Sure, I can teach you alright. You want to hide behind the chair that you are

undeniably scary and

I know for a fact that one of you is not


We're gonna win this thing tomorrow so I can feel it. We'll finally have our lives back on track

Hey, but now it's time to forget all that just reach deep down and let the scary out

Huh, just feel it exactly it did feel different. I feel like it's all coming together

This time tomorrow the whole school is finally Gonna see what Mike Wazowski

I think you should go last yes

Finish strong

All right

Don you, okay going first. I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be

You got this

to the starting line


Don't worry about hardscrabble

Don't worry about anyone else

Just go out there and show them. What Mike Wazowski can do


Can't believe I'm gonna be a scammer

Come on

Did you do this Mike did you do this?

Yes, I did

But you don't understand why?

You just like everyone else look you'll get better and better as scary as you I'm as scary as anyone

I just wanted the help. No you just wanted to help yourself

It's too dangerous

Looks like I was wrong about you. You're one of us after all

You did warn your family name

What's going on someone broke into the door?

Is arrived you don't think that could be it spike, but he could die out there

James wait we can help

You were right? They weren't scared of me. I?

Did everything right? I'm just not

Because you were born as Sullivan. I'm a Sullivan

I'm a Sullivan who flunked every test the one who got kicked out of the program

The one who was so afraid to let everyone down that I cheated I

Act Scary Mike

but most of the time


They're adults I can't do this again. Just follow my lead


We have to go

Harsh man, I'm sorry guys. You'd be in the scaring program right now. If it wasn't for us

That's not the only piece of good news sherry, and I are engaged



She's my mom this is so weird just think of me as your big brother. That's marrying your mother wait hold it

We're brothers who share the same mom slash wife never meant

Don't let anyone tell you different


You know for the first time in my life. I don't really have a plan you're the great Mike Wazowski

He'll come up with something

so long, so


Stop the bus. You made the deal with hardscrabble you took a hopeless team and made of champions all I did was catch a pig

And you think you're just what you are fearless?

And if hardscrabble can't see that then I can just

That no one has ever done before

You surprised me

Perhaps, I should keep an eye out for more surprises like you in my program

keep surprising people

I bet we break the all-time record in our first year. Hi, we're male guys say scream

becoming coach

For more infomation >> Monsters University Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 4 - Duration: 20:06.


The Lion Guard Janja's New Crew Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 12 - Lucy Bryant - Duration: 17:20.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Lucy Bryant Channel

For more infomation >> The Lion Guard Janja's New Crew Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 12 - Lucy Bryant - Duration: 17:20.


White House Asks For $7.85 Billion 'Down Payment' For Harvey Relief | TODAY - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> White House Asks For $7.85 Billion 'Down Payment' For Harvey Relief | TODAY - Duration: 2:28.


Timmy Time Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Evie Media - Part39 - Duration: 14:15.


For more infomation >> Timmy Time Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Evie Media - Part39 - Duration: 14:15.


Multifunction school activity bus for sale | 2008 Chevrolet G3500 Non-CDL MFSAB Activity Bus - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Multifunction school activity bus for sale | 2008 Chevrolet G3500 Non-CDL MFSAB Activity Bus - Duration: 1:46.


As For Us Summer Retreat 2017 - Duration: 3:33.

Today is July 31, 2017

and we're heading to retreat



For more infomation >> As For Us Summer Retreat 2017 - Duration: 3:33.


Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 68 - Duration: 16:15.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Santa Media Channel

For more infomation >> Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 68 - Duration: 16:15.


Timmy Time Timmy's Birthday Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 12 - Emily Day - Duration: 16:52.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Emily Day Channel

For more infomation >> Timmy Time Timmy's Birthday Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 12 - Emily Day - Duration: 16:52.


Elena Of Avalor Magic Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 54 - Rico Media - Duration: 17:16.

Crystal in the rough

pencils check sketchbooks check

Protractor mobile science kit and jump rope check check and check hi. Ella neat that are you excited for your first day of school?

Oh yeah, I mean being castle schooled was fun and all but it's not the same as going to school with me here

We are I


What is it? I'm just a little nervous

Class class can I have your attention please princess isabelle?

You can just call me Isabelle, okay, isabelle. You'll be sitting with Kike anime Amara hocus-Pocus

Let's all vote. Yes. Good now before we get started

Safety first please put on your goggles

And juice from New Vines can anyone tell me where these plants grow

Isabel the Crystal Caverns exactly which is oh


first using your measuring cylinder pour equal amounts of Sap and choose into a bigger for


next stir the ingredients well then turn over your beaker and

Super Bouncy rubber

Okay, what's this game called feed the Jack would you get five bullets if I could make a suggestion you have a good

Throwing arm, but if you change the angle of your throw you'd hate your mark, what do you mean? I'll show you

During recess anyway actually it's physics. Sorry smartypants. I mean smarty can't here. She comes

So do you like your teacher? Yes? Are you hungry? No, did you make any friends? Oh?

Um you want to tell me what happened at school today. You know before anymore bags get hurt. I want to be alone

Okay me and if quique doesn't like you none of the kids like you. He's like the boss of everybody

Then I feel sorry for kiki. Why bing because the isabel. I know can fix anything a

New school can be scary versus a song so you don't have to worry

We've got a challenge ahead

You can't

Thanks, Elena. I know just what to do a challenge. I can't

I'll lean on the way. Bye

What was that you mean who was that?

Isabel told me she didn't have a good first day of school. I wonder if that's why she's actually there are measurements

Isn't it time to go on the field trip yet watch this

All right, which one of you did that me?

Isabel I expected more from the princess

That was so cool, really

I mean, I don't want it. Are you sure don't you need your sketchbook science kit protractor. I'm sure okay

Hmm. Sorry for the interruption. It's nope Lisa you and your friends can ride with me. Yeah

I'd like to welcome you all to one of the most wondrous spots in the whole kingdom

Please quiet down and listen to Senorita Marisol. Yes princess

You mean princess no fun?

Isa can I well it worked we'll talk about this more tonight

But right now you need to pay attention to seniority that marisol okay, okay? Oh

There's some crystals of luminous got interesting. Let's go check it out

Oh, maybe we shouldn't those caves haven't been explored yet, then we'll be the first to explore them. That's how those Moon vine

Is better than listening to?

Senorita Marisol, oh yeah the next cavern. We're going to see has crystals in every color of the room

Did you hear that?

Are we Amara?


You go Isabelle

Okay, tell you what?

I'll just jump over to you, and then we'll jump back to you

But you're bigger than he is Elena the stem weighs now. I can't leave them out there

You're smart, what do we do I have to fix this?

Okay here

Blinks on the rock at the crystals weak spot. Where's the weak spot the Narrow part?

and a 56 degree angle

What's that noise I?

Got it

But you're great. Just the way you are you saved us by just being yourself

You're right


How do we get out of here you got it now pour them into the beaker, and that's how you make I've worn rubber. Oh

Alright if my calculations are correct

Yeah, there you are

I was just about to call the royal guards where did you all go?

Is about Kiki and Amara the rest of us see the glowing Grotto. That's the best part

I'll take them back in the royal coach. Thank you princess

Angle your arm seven degrees this way now throw it

Cleaning up is Gonna be

What's the rush Isabelle? Hey Matteo? What are you doing here, Isabelle showing me the math clips

But looking directly at the sun hurts your eyes

So I invented it this oh

It looks like a telescope it was then I turned it into it good. Huh, I can't wait for the eclipse to be over

Why a total solar eclipse only comes at war once every two to three hundred years?

We're lucky we get to see it hurl or a Morovian wizard stopped her and sent her into the spirit world

But it is said she found a way to return to avalor every

Come on. Let's get dressed for the festival Isabelle

Armando, it's just a story. We'll be fine


Whoa, you must have had some fiesta. I didn't have a party

It was myself on the job. No tell me exactly what happened, okay?

I picked up the scepter, and it glowed like it does every time I pick it up

Which is weird by the way cuz it never did that for my father

Drop it and step away from the scepter

And do not say blaze

So why did it do that objects really? Oh yeah, so maybe your scepter is magical, too

You know what I'm gonna run this by a few friends in the spirit world

Okay, I have some info boy things with a single word

Let's look in that way, but we don't know exactly how it all works yet now

I'm gonna try and find out, but until I do. I think it's best if you don't touch this up in the spirit jail

Great of all the scepters in the world I get the one that blasts things. Why can't it just be sparkly?

You forgot your scepter. Oh

Thanks, armando

Total solar eclipse in a velour so I am honored to spend this once-in-a-lifetime

Occasion with you and your families like these torches

the one and only lady oh is

And who are you Dearie?

Elena Castillo flores, I'm the crown Princess well, Elena Castillo flores

Thank you for throwing me the spoon through this land of mine

I've been trapped in the spirit world forced to bide my time

The eye of the midnight those pesky Marui viens hid it from me in one of their temples last visit

I couldn't find it, but I will this time and when I place

You'll thank me with all of your might, but I did

Sit tight dear ease and wait for the midnight

Is there any way to stop her the story says if she can't find the jewel before the eclipse ends?

She goes back to the spirit World

I'm not all that good at riding horses. It's easy. All you have to do is not fall off

It's not all put that jewel on the sunstone your majesty Orizaba is very powerful

Well Mateo has gone up against powerful Magic before but nothing like orizaba

Well, this is the only temple. I haven't checked the I must be in here

Not in here


Elena oh Um

Really wait wait. We can talk about this later right now you have to go too late quick hide him here

Why can't I blast it whatever happens stay here?

But you talk too much, but that sure isn't thank you Dearie

Are you ok? I'm just a little dizzy this had happened Stanley

We have to go after her whoa we better go back to the palace

of honor

Let me turtle

We should have been over by now

I'm fine now

You don't seem fine

Using that sector did something to you. I remember seeing a chapter in the Codex meru about all the magical objects thoughts

What words it doesn't say but there is a warning. It says the more power. You use the more you lose

What does that mean?

I don't know you find you I spoke to the spirit guide and used to hang with the Morovian and he said the sceptre saps

Your energy big time like if you use it too much, you could get hurt oh

Today's collapse isn't it I knew there was something. I was forgetting suze oh, yes

She got the eye of midnight. She froze the eclipse

It's not so bad just think of it as a non-stop slumber party no

There's got to be some way to undo it a spell some kind of magic

Well I and you said I could get hurt. I sure did and you sure could

Then that's a risk I'm willing to take

bereit world it takes a magical light to undo magical darkness

Make the scepter. Glow again. I don't know how you could probably put attempting the tale

Okay, glove

To it I will be

Where are you going to get rid of Orizaba? I hope

Hello again princess

I'm just making myself at home since this is my new home

What do you think well to be perfectly honest I prefer a little more

Warsaw is getting away


It worked

Do you want us to close the curtains Nikita? No that's okay the sunlight feels good

Let everyone know and then I said what?

Elena how'd you meet your scepter glow like that yes since when did you become a wizard?

I'm not a wizard abuelo, but I do have a bit of me later right now

I could really use some more rest. You heard her everyone out. I was so worried. I'm okay now

And carrying me back to the palace whoa

You're so much more than the Royal wizard mateo

You're my friend. Oh

Gods do and I promise I won't use it again until I know exactly what I'm doing

Look at us. We're like a magical dream team


For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Magic Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 54 - Rico Media - Duration: 17:16.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates The Sky's The Limit! Cartoon For Kids Part 26 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:29.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Kiara Alice Channel

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates The Sky's The Limit! Cartoon For Kids Part 26 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:29.


Puppy Dog Pals Puzzling Pugs Cartoon For Kids Episode 10 - Sarah Gregory - Duration: 16:53.

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Puzzling Pugs Cartoon For Kids Episode 10 - Sarah Gregory - Duration: 16:53.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 113 - Duration: 13:11.


Seifert Suman

They're choosing The host of the tea party Today Today's the day i wonder who it's gonna be i hope They take me

These tea parties are a Much bigger Deal The Whole Class Goes

Even The Fairies see for Yourself Sofia cleo's Head Ponies Yogi's party Had a Merry-Go-Round

Amber's Party Was my favorite

okay and

Only submit Row name Once please and Now for the drawing

This Is so exciting at Your Castle This

Weekend you can Throw any Kind of Party You Like This is your chance to show us who you are

Express Yourself and Have fun

What are you going to do for your Sofia i have one idea It better be spectacular i'll show you when we Get home

Really oh don't Worry Sofia your Party is going to be fabulous no because you have a Secret Weapon?

So that cake took one look and Said there must be some Mistake

I'm going to have a Swan Themed Tea Party Well Set Up the tables right Beside the swan Fountain and we'll Have Swan Shaped Cookies?

and Cakes Sounds Lovely and

Maybe we Can Get The sun to put on a Little show princess sophia this all Sounds delightful

But are you sure you want. To do so much she has to baileywick

Perfect It Looks Just Like a Swan sophia Ruby Jade

My Secret Garden

look at All The butterflies

This Reminds me of the tea parties we had in the Village

It is nice i wish i could stay Longer but i have a lot left. To do oh?

Come on one more Teeny Teeny Weeny Meeny biscuit

What's wrong With It yeah It looks all right to me well it isn't it's. Too small too plain and

Too Simple you Need something like this oh?


Amber are you sure this isn't. Too much It Looks more like a Feast Than a Tea Party. Oh sophia you can Never

Have too Much Of a Good Thing oh That won't do they Need to be at least a Big

Improbably Picker i thought This Was Sofia's Party Amber

Do i have a Spell the connecting Flow oh of course i do i guess

The Real Sorcerer Was Supposed to do whatever the king Commands yes i do What the King?

Commands uh-huh then Perhaps i Should Go Get Daddy Smartin Like It thank you Mr

Ceedric see you at The party it's Adric and You are most Certainly not welcome

but i'll Catch Up with you Later okay i'll go check on the decorations

of Course

Listen i'd Love to chat more but There's so much to do i have to make sure we have enough streamers grady Bags Ice

Hold on

Crumbs we Fly

We do not Dance Honey i think she means she Wants us to fly and swim as though We were dance?

Let'S see did the plates cookies mr. Ceedric



It's rest i have to go see what the party?

Is everything okay yes i've Just Been Really Busy

Like Those Sweet little tea parties used to have with Ruby and Jade by the lake i don't know and

The Tables Look great and we Have enough Teapots more Than enough What about the cookies and cakes Here they come now?

I Just wanted to make sure you're Ready for your performance well hi mr

Ceedric Shall We Get This party floating floating Tables Right

Maybe We Should Wait Until i Just want to get it over with and be on my way thank you

Was the Swans Fault Silly Birds Should Watch Where They're flying

I'm sorry Honey What Am i going to to

Everyone's about to show Up

Like The parties i had with Ruby and Jade Well now is your chance to Throw The party you want

to throw Not the one everyone Expects you to throw but What will the other Kids Say It Doesn't matter

My favorite spot in the Whole castle hmm Where's that it'S a Secret

Princess Amber Which Way to the party i'm not sure

I see the next one

Here it is yes a

Secret Garden

Welcomes My Tea Party

Everyone gets to beat Their own tea guess i think It Swans on mine i'm gonna paint a Forward on mine boom Goes the kid

Let'S raise our Teacups to our Hostess princess Sofia

and don't forget Your Shoes

Wait One more Thing

Well if i told You It Wouldn't be a surprise Now would It Yeah come meet me in the hall and i'll show you?

see you later

It's the Castle Jewel Room Sofia My favorite Room in the Whole kingdom


There are so many Beautiful Things in Here oh but how Will i ever choose

Should i pick These Crystals or This Ruby Ring oh?

Thank you did you Just Thank the griffon no, no i uh i was uh!

Thanking You for telling me about them the search is over i found the Perfect Necklace

And i promised i'd Never take it off. Oh?

Just before a minute i don't Know Just One itsy-Bitsy little minute oh?

okay But Just for a minute

What are those

They Look Like scratches But How did they Get there i don't know but, i've got to find my Amulet

Oh don't Worry I'm sure it Just fell on the floor


Can't Let dad see i lost it i'll Go get someone Help us look i

Just Have to find my Amulet Maybe you can Help me search for it

What was that i'll be right back all right you two okay

We Just Set The table for the ball so i put the golden goblets Here here and here?

But Now They're gone Gone

It appears We Have a Thief in the castle


I'll Put all the Guards on lookout we Must find the thief before the guests arrive for the ball

No snacking or else we won't. Have enough for our evil Potions

Look What it's princess Sofia's Amulet


It'S gotta Be Around here someplace

It's one of The castle griffins and he's got Sofia's Amulet

we'll see about that don't rip it Pretty Shiny Thing Right This Way

We Better Go tell Sofia about the Gryphon we can't tell Sofia

AnyThing Yeah she can't understand us then we'll Just have to show her

Where is he

Any Luck no and i've Looked everywhere

This is one Sneaky Thief i'll find Him nothing gets past me

Me neither i'll go check the library and i'll Go check the parlor hi i

Still Haven't Found the

Amulet yet Why is she Yelling at us we can Understand her she Just can't understand Us she think a thief took it and

That's Why i always Win at Charades huh i was Just warming up

What is It mom's New Tiara is missing It was Here on my dressing table i looked Away for a minute

Your amulets Been Stolen I'm sorry dad i Just took it off for a moment

Miranda The guests are starting to arrive review an Amber Mind going to greet them but

you had Just arrived at The castle and i wanted to give you something Special i

Had Chosen a Lovely Ruby necklace and i was Just i

Know It Sounds Hard to believe but It was almost as if the amulet chose you that day

and if That's true I'm sure it'll make its way back to you again thanks dad

and Princess Sofia

I've Got you in My sights come on

Mr. Ceedric are you okay

My tamara he's telling the truth

Very Clever Sophia Yes well done

Now you know why we Keep the griffin in the Jewel Room if he gets Out he'll grab any Shiny Thing in sight

Excuse me i'll be right back

You Really Got to get Better at Charades Kid we were trying to tell you all about the griffin

Over i miss You all so much oh us too

It'S so good to hear Your voices again oh?

Let'S talk Over dinner I'm sure dad won't Mind a Few Extra Guesses

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 113 - Duration: 13:11.


One Minute Tech: Write Email Templates For Frequent Messages - Duration: 1:08.

Hi, this is Nicole, and today's tip is to use email templates. Now chances are if you get inquiries like I do,

they're probably very similar to each other. You know, do you provide x service or

when you do y, you know, what are your steps or

whatever anything that's, you know, a relatively routine question for you. And rather than sitting down and answering it every time,

it's nice to just have some templates

of emails ready to go and what you can do is just kind of paste them in. You know

put the person's name in, add a couple of personal things on the top and the bottom and press send and

by having these ready -

especially if you have other co-workers who are answering inquiry emails,

you guys are all on the same page in terms of how to respond to things.

So chances are

I said you know that's probably most of your cold emails that people are

emailing are things that you've routinely answered. You can save templates within Gmail if you use Gmail or you can also just save them

in some document somewhere that everyone can access. So thanks for watching today's video, and I hope to see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> One Minute Tech: Write Email Templates For Frequent Messages - Duration: 1:08.


Veterans Memorial High School stepping up for those in need - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Veterans Memorial High School stepping up for those in need - Duration: 0:38.


Timmy Time Timmy Shapes Up Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 30 - Duration: 17:28.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Timmy Time Channel

For more infomation >> Timmy Time Timmy Shapes Up Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 30 - Duration: 17:28.


Doc Mcstuffins Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 86 - Duration: 17:27.


Take your dog to work day your heartbeat sounds good. You're in great shape Mom

I love take your child to have a case a proud of you itis. I sure do

Good morning, hattie. Hi Addie a good morning, Dr.. McStuffins

Oh and Mrs.. D

Now doc for your day in the office you're going to manage your own patients in a busy clinic

That sounds great if your charter. Oh, I have checkups of my own, but let me know if you need a consultation

Thanks, Mom

You must be new yep

I am curlicue, but call me q I do not like the curly parts nice to meet you

Wow, he is really into checkups you have no idea

Let's see I think he has ever touched this paper

Nope, my mom uses it to keep her exam table clean. Oh, what will they think of next?

No, I think I can ways I could be hurt or sick and so many ways to to be done you must need to

Bandage something I don't know

What something here has to help cut balls depressors?

I'm cured, ly paper is for dragons

So what can I do for you? It is my fabulous hair

I'm having a hard time growing it and washed off to wipe the walk away, I

mean Yuck

Okay, try growing your hair sick of my hand dolly cat

Time for your first checkup. I want to start by getting your height and weight

Something is different about you. Keep it on

Weight good height average for a doll now. Let's take a look at your eyes

Heart sounds good now Q can you take off your hat do I have to I can't really?

It's my hair. I don't like it

It's not as colorful as fabio's and I can't swing it like Dolly's. It's just kind of me

That's what I love about it. I can't do anything with it. Oh

You don't need a cuddle. Oh

For a few minutes while I talk to my mom

Hey, mom. Do you have a minute sure hon? What's up?

They finally found your pigtails and purple headband

Oh yeah, and now I love my hair just how curly find what works for her

And she'll see how beautiful her hair is just reminded me that there was a time

I didn't like my hairstyle look. I love your hair and your headband is awesome. I love it. I

Love my new hairstyle

Right in here near Gu soft guys when I'm done with my exam can I play with her of course you can?

Thanks, Doc. I'll meet you by Haddie's desk in effect

Could you guys call me curly q now being curly is part of who I am and I kind of love it

You got it curly hue that means you've completed your toy doctor residency

Thanks, mom. This was the best take your child to work day ever it's not quite over yet

It isn't so proud of you, Ida's Doc. Thanks, mom. Oh

You sure this isn't make hattie cry, babe

Leaping somewhere else. Yep next door at Emmie and Alma's

Will be just like home

Tiger by his toe if he hollers let him go eeny meeny, miny mo

I'm sorry sweeties in chile. I wish I could take everyone, but the truth

Chile are you really feeling sick?

What if I just miss you? Oh, he gives me a picture of us together

I can look at it when I'm really missing her. So here. This is for you

whenever you miss me

But I'll see you tomorrow right, right?

Okay, have a good night anything. We're right next door. Thanks, mom. I'll be fine. I have lambie and stuffy with me

See you in the morning. Doc the best sleepover ever

Behind my esha. I thought we start with some games then eat dinner and a bedtime weekend


That kind of talk good night pickles and who else do we have here sir?

Hmm. I know what'll cheer you up glow-in-the-dark stickers. I'm up got him for us wait till you see


See hi guys hi pickles

There's something she's not telling us

Doc we know we can always tell you anything?

But you know you can always tell us anything to wreck let's give Doc a checkup

Just like she always does when we don't feel well, you don't have to give up hey your patient

Well good heartbeat having a check-up reminds me of my backyard clinic in home

family and Friends back home

I've never seen Doc look sad before we need to do some

There's the big dipper

and the little dipper

and Gemini

Thanks, Lambie that feels really nice

What you still feel Sad?

if a lambie cut for trying guys, I'm just gonna try to get some sleep a

Picture of her with her mom and dad and all her friends yes, yes, yes wait

We don't have a picture. We can make one we have something for you

Hey, Mom, and Dad everyone else from home see

Morning girls. How was your sleepover? It was great. They brought some friends


It's really good to see you all of you so tell us all about your night

It was haha Mazie best time

So the first thing we did was have a tea party in Den we waiting for

Leilani Luau

Mail call packets delivery for the McStuffins kids packet and goes to the coolest places

Hey, where is Grandma right now looks like?


Cool. Well you put a right grandma a thank you card later. I will miss ooh, but right now

I'm gonna practice my ukulele

The sunniest Hawaiian greetings to everybody my name is Leilani

Aloha um

Aloha my aloha that was hello in case you were wondering

Welcome to sunny Hawaii. I can't wait to show you the beaches the luau. Why you've come to us

Oh, no, I don't want to wave aloha to my beautiful Islands. Oh

Homesick toy breaks my little warming and surfing it does it way to hang 10 girl

But the thing I'll miss the most is dancing the hula

When I do feel so homesick, and you can teach everybody how to dance the hula hey, I'm a hula expert you

What do you think oh?

Please don't stop. I love excited to dance but then I just can't

dance Dangerous


Dancing isn't dangerous

But something's wrong with Leilani. We need to give her a checkup if you think so, Doc. I'll try it remo

Leilani everything looks like it should be working. Can you show me your hula again? I?

Just can't whoa I have a diagnosis. I'm gonna dance that right into the big book of Boo-Boos


You have a case of no, but toys are different

Let's see if my other patients can give us a clue

Ricardo had no room for mitosis because his batteries rule. I'm not sure how you get energy

I wish I knew in Hawaii. I sat in a sunny toy store window as long as the bright Hawaiian Sun was out

I'd hula from Sun

That's it this little solar panel makes electricity by using life now

We just have to make sure you get some sunlight, then you'll be charged up and ready to dance

Guys Leilani needs sunlight, so she can get her energy back

Oh, right, I keep forgetting everybody needs to go outside and play in the suns boop

Aloha Doc help aloha. I hope so how's the surf?

Wow, he looks so pretty out here

Doc am I ready to dance yet?

you're all charged up, Mike I

Have so much energy. I'm right

I will always love my islands, but I feel so much love here it fills my heart with sunshine ah

Why don't you enjoy your present outside for a little while?

Donny want to learn to hula dance. I learned from a really awesome teacher have hawaii with me

You're welcome, Leilani glad to make sure you have a happy hula and a lovely Luau

You don't have feet. Oh, yeah of course my feet are killing me

Maybe it's my shoes

Chilly Darce Twins got it

Wait a minute. You didn't have my target square. So why don't I see if I can fix your game, okay?

And then we'll have a rematch which I will win

Well, and we still have a fighting

I'm angus

How do you play we did karate down all the time?

It's kind of a specialty of mine karate. Isn't as easy as it looks come on. Let's fly

the thing is I'm not sure you guys are rock and

That doesn't sound right oh

Ladybugs sting something else. I gotta worry about all you have to hit your target first and I win

that's how you play all you have to do is fall down who like I said, that's my

Thanks. I'll have to be down for the Cuttin count more often angus are you okay? Now that we know what's wrong, Doc

can fix it oh you can ah

Well, that's that's great. I guess yeah

There we go angus

Thank me

All good, let's check your legs Doc. He's this ghidorah Kangaroo tails are Mighty strong. Oh

sore dragon tails

Out-of-shape better start tailor sizing again, just like me okay, pally

the wonder from Down under

Jingis is everything okay?


Not I'm Sorta Kinda


Can I see you in my office for a second sure thing Doc hardly unusual night? What's this week?

What's going on? Tell me what's wrong

I know there's something we can do it might not be clear, and that's why I'm here


Sydney and I are brand new just out of the box now

I've never even had a chance to practice Karate, Kangaroos and Sydney look so good at it unlike Nosis

You have a case of not ready to play itis. Let's tell her - the big book of Boo-Boos

That's not the only one we're going to have to tell it to

Feel I'll be right there if you need me

Hey guys, you your bat-mite let's hop to it get it. I mean well

you see

What is it night? You can tell me anything? I'm scared

scared of what you get the hang of it, really ah

That'd be great. Shit. Wow I feel better just telling you how I feel boom zach

But you know you could have tell me yeah, right?

Who's ready to Hop and spit?

I'm sure then if I wasn't I promise, I'd let you know

I am pally, right

Ring come on here. I come

Nice try pally, but I told you I'm good. I'm

Really good. It's true. Oh yeah for now

Hey, let's play again

you're not

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