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Property crime in NM is worst in the nation - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Who is the DADy? | daily sprout 365 - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
WHAT IS INFLUENCE MARKETING HOW TO USE INFLUENCE MARKETING INFLUENCE MARKETING STRATEGIES !! - Duration: 26:32.I scored over world-wide-web it's your boy Marlon Oh Bennet the original
student of the game of internet marketing I am that guy who's always in
this place when ready willing capable and able to learn some things I never
knew I never knew and I'm always sharing with you guys guys what is going on guys
super pumped super excited beautiful Friday evening guys the Sun is setting
it's a perfectly aligned it's right where it's supposed to be at this time
of day and saw you guys hey guys let's continue well in this video guys what
I'm talking about influence marketing right influence marketing invisible
influence you know content creation guys let's talk about that because when I
really start to understand it guys and as I you know immerse myself in
different internet marketing training that I have access to guys I can tell
you that it's really making a difference guys and for anybody particularly I had
you know quite a few people join me in several different opportunities over the
last week or so guys and you know what our first and foremost I want to thank
you guys for joining me number one and then I want to start putting some
training up this really suppose it's for anybody but particularly for you guys
who join me guys I want you to kind of watch and see what it is I'm doing guys
because what you need to ask yourself when you get started right online and
you start talking about making money online you got to ask yourself why did
you join the person that you join what was it about what was it about what you
saw that attracted you to that person you've been online for a while you might
have heard people mention your threat the term attraction marketing okay guys
it's all really the same at the end of the day so when you start thinking about
what it was they drawn you to me in this case or anybody that you drawn to guys
start thinking about what it is that drew you to that person okay and so we
talked about influencer marketing right influential marketing and influencer
marketing strategies try to concentrate and drill down on what it was about the
person what was it about them that drew you told guys and I can tell you that it
was something that they said something that they did that influenced you guys
to take the action to join right that makes sense right
it was something about me for instance for you guys who join me over the course
of the last week or any time for that matter or whoever you join in any
business that you let you join is the influence that they have on you guys the
impact the influence that they have on you that prompts you to take action and
join so it just makes sense guys then you start modeling your business that
way right doing the things that drew you to the people that you joined and start
implementing whatever it is they're doing to get the results that you want
right that makes sense and so when we talk about influencer marketing guys at
the core of it that's all it really is people okay it's doing videos like I do
on on the internet guys creating content right and then God's knowing that in
order to have influence influence over others right
we have to get them engaged okay we have to engage them so by creating content
that's a great way to engage people when we talk about influencer marketing right
now if your particular audience right or are engaged with you guys they're gonna
be more inclined right when you create videos it's going to keep them engaged
right so they're going to be more inclined to stay engaged with you and if
they stay engaged with you guys then you can have influence right over your
particular prospect because they ain't gay
you're creating content is going to prompt them to being engaged but you
want to stay engaged with you but by providing content that they're
interested in right and then I'm going to show you some - you got some examples
because when I talk about creating content of value I think a lot of times
people think you gotta be you know serious you gotta have this suit the tie
the glasses so you know whatever you got it you know it's not about that okay
it's about being who you are right and and and believe me guys I talked in the
last video about you guys having gifts and talents that you don't even know you
have you haven't even tapped into them yet
guys but you're gonna be able to tap into them because I want you guys are
following right I don't want you guys to watch what I'm doing and remember
whatever it is about me or whatever it is about anybody in any business or any
opportunity or any product or service you'll ever bought what was it right
about that person guys that drew you to them that prompted you to take action
and join them right what was it about them I can tell you guys that they had
influence over you in some way now when we talk about internet marketing guys
this one thing to try to have that kind of influence over a person at the snap
of a finger and a one shot right so we talked about you know that one shot you
might get one shot to do it guys right but when you have internet marketing
systems and internet marketing funnels and when you decide you start creating
your own YouTube channels guys and Facebook groups or whatever it is you
want to do guys you're creating real estate you're creating you're laying a
foundation for yourself where people could come and find you and people can
get to know you and people can kind of interact with you and I leave all my
contact information and all of my videos guys and I leave it in enough videos
where you guys can contact me if you want to I'll usually advise you guys to
text or email me and I always say put subject line you know question for
modeling in the subject line it helps you put nature of that question in the
subject line because I get a lot of emails everyday but you can't reach out
guys we can reach out and correspond with each other verbally gootecks and
through telephonically or even through email but the point is um I'm creating
real estate you guys let's just kind of scroll down a little bit and just take a
look at what I want some of the real estate that I created - some of the
content that I've created over the years you guys know that I love video
marketing guys and when I first decided to get to start my own business online
you know what I did guys I went and got myself a little $19 95 webcam at Walmart
guys I couldn't wait to get it hooked up to a computer guys and I just started
doing videos man you know me and I fell in love I love doing videos more than I
love anything else guys I don't do a lot of Facebook marketing in fact I'm
actually in some training I'm learning how but guys you know what I just love
YouTube video marketing so much guys and guess what guys the more I've done it
over the years the more I've become not necessarily a master and I'm getting
better but that's how you become a master at anything that you do guys you
just keep doing it right you keep doing it and doing it - you're doing it well
are you doing it and doing it and doing do you doing it better and better and
better and better and again guys you're creating real estate right you're
creating ice look guys I still get leads from videos that I've done leaders are
going guys I still get interaction and people asking me about businesses and
business opportunities and products get not to leave my pocket anymore
and initially guys I was gonna take that down right now it's gonna take someone
with them videos down and then we can go on and on I'm almost up to a thousand
videos now but here's my point I was gonna take some of them down but then I
decided not to write because I like looking back over the years to see how I
progress guys how I've grown in terms of my personal development right and how
now guys I'm starting to not only get a better understanding of how influencer
marketing work influencer marketing strategies work guys you growing all the
time right you guys hear me talk about being a student of the game of internet
marketing an eternal student of the game or in the market because you always in
this place where you're ready willing capable and able of learning some things
you never knew never new guys and didn't guess what you
just get out there guys and start talking about it don't kill what it is
you'd learn something new guys go shoot a video about it you get a new sign up
in your business go shoot a video about it okay you know talk about a training
guys that you should be taking part of on a weekly if not a daily basis talk
about those things guys read every single day because people say what am I
gonna do a video about hey read something guys and you'll have something
to do a video on that's why I talk about reading all the time so if you guys even
if you're finally for the very first time I want always to make sense to you
because it's all a piece but you know it's all connected right it's all part
of this gigantic puzzle that lays the foundation for yourself guys and people
can find you I tell people all the time right I say yo this what are you doing I
said I'm a video marketer as you well you know I don't have in business cards
done right but I don't have any business cards now so I say these that well how
can i and sometimes I don't just exchange numbers just go Google me right
go Google me because I try to make a point to put in my tags guys when I'm
doing the SEO part of my videos which I'm learning now I'm getting better at
that I always put my name and my tags guys so that when people go to Google me
because because I put my names in my tags then they can go google me guys and
because Google you know you to get connected right so people can google me
and guess what when they go google me write a series of my videos just pop up
I don't know which ones I don't you know they can just google my name you guys
can go Google and you'll see that so that's what you want to be doing as an
internet marketer guys you want to be laying down some real estate you'll be
creating something remember guys I said let's start being producers instead of
consumers right because this is how it works
okay this is how you're gonna lay that foundation this is how people are gonna
find you this is how they're gonna start connecting with you this is how you're
gonna start to have influence over them guys this is how you're gonna build in
your personal development right this is how you're going to build and scale your
business guys again I got people signing up with me and things that I I'm still
remembers of so many things but I don't to promote them anymore why because
they're finding me on YouTube guys you're finding my videos they keep
watching them they maybe you'll find a novel they subscribe to each other I
don't even have that many subscribers cuz you know what else I'm just getting
started okay a lot of these videos that I did
early on I like to think of its practice you know why because it didn't matter I
did videos on whatever came to my mind guys and I got a very inner over
interactive mind guys and I'm creating a series now guys and I
mean you know really really man this thing is so it is so fun guys and it is
such when you talk about your personal development guys Wow and so the takeaway
guys that I want you guys on this video to take away in this video we talked
about influencer marketing right think about ways you again think about what it
is that influences you and I know a lot of you guys you know you probably got
one two three four five different internet marketers that you really like
and you really follow but try to drill down guys because you can't follow
everybody but then pick a few guys figure out what it is about them that
influences you guys and then model right your particular brand not copy them but
model your particular brand on them uh when I decided to get online right I
knew early on guys I wanted to brand myself right I knew that you know a lot
of people don't do it they just you know they do their videos and that's cool
everybody is everything's not for everybody everybody don't need you know
you know whatever but I'm telling you guys I knew a guy right he create and
there's a few of them to you I mean I got to talk a lot about it but there's a
guy it created characters guys I mean really you didn't know that these guys
were characters because they were in character but they created a character
to create a brand if that makes sense right and man oh wow I mean it's amazing
guys what you can do so I'm not telling you that you gotta go and create a
character or currency caricature of yourself but what I'm telling you guys
what internet marketing is involved where it's concerned the sky's the limit
do what you wanna do right but but all means try to create content guys don't
be afraid to do video marketing and make sure that you
trot you in a place where when you start creating this content right you want to
build a following and then you can have influence over the people who are
attracted to you guys okay so so now we talked about influencer marketing guys
the reason I'm doing this video tonight because my wife was playing around on
the computer yesterday and I was looking at TV man and she I want you to see
something right and so you know and so I came right into the office right right
here and look what I did show you guys what she did and what I
did today as a result of it but what it is is that I want to say that this is
say that my wife but she doesn't do videos I'm trying to get her in front of
the camera guys I I just won't do it she's very very bashful but she doesn't
like for me behind the scenes but I don't want to get off-track
so anyway she gave me an idea man but I'm saying she kind of piggybacks off of
me sometimes she know how Michael I can get right I mean I should be honest guys
wanna start doing videos man just whatever coming my mom and I just
launched my street level marketing about two three months ago I don't think I've
done any videos guys I got a point that scheduled what people are supposed to
interview and I haven't done it some time I start doing these videos right
here then I get carried away but there is aa
aspect to what it what it is I do guys I love it so anyway guys let's close this
video out let me tell you guys let me show you guys just a few examples if you
bet on my telling you've seen a few examples of some of the you know ways
you can have influence over over over others guys and influence others in your
marketing particularly when you can follow up with them right you have a
responder and you're building your list you can start following up with your
list in this type of manner guys so let's take a look at the very first
example that I want to share with you guys I told you guys that you could
create influence right by making this right or you know just sharing marketing
tips which are this okay that's a great way to create
influence guys and guess what guys I'm gonna show you something to see who
cooler than that right but you can also use mindset inspiration and motivation
right you can create influence through mindset inspiration and motivation but
what my wife showed me yesterday guys really took the cake then I thought my
mind could go out and be thinking but then she showed me this it was just even
cooler guys so here's one a wife showed me yesterday she wasn't pulled up a
video on Junior Louise Dreyfuss guys and unfortunately
she new drivers has just recently been diagnosed with breast cancer guys and
she's an all around thoughts and prayers by the way I think the prognosis is
pretty good right now but the point is my wife went and pulled up a video with
Julia louis-dreyfus on it right and the video is absolutely hilarious right guys
so she she went in and built this page well she built she put the video in here
right and everything else was the same and I went in here and cheap little area
saying I'm gonna put absolutely in here and I put your buy into so what I did
this is the point guys I went and I saw it on like wow first of all I said to
the whole video that's how that's how intriguing the video is this actually an
episode guys Oh beep starring Louise right now when I started
watching I couldn't stop watching I watched it to the very end
and then guys I've thought about it yesterday and I'm like I can use this
for something right that's how my mind works so anyway guys now I went back in
and I I added this right here right and of course guys we're gonna talk about
the invisible components of this right he invisibly influenced that you can
have all the people right because no I'm waiting for the results cuz I know who
knows how it's gonna turn out but I'm just telling you you could do this kind
of thing in your marking right so I went and wrote up an email guys and this is
what the email said Joe Biden Julia louis-dreyfus caught on tape at the
White House right that's what I said in the email right now people see that
email hope you're not gonna open that email guys right so I'm expecting a big
results from from from that email but ass but here's the thing
things with the invisible marketing component comes in
whether is marketing tips I'm talking about marketing right here guys but look
down here I'm redirecting to my legendary marketers club presentation
right let's look at another Monday morning mindset every Monday my list
gets us against our series guys or videos just two months long
I did eight different videos what money morning mindset so that's two months of
mindset training but guess what now's when I do that right and particularly
for you guys you join me and you you you you you are legendary not just anybody
right guys look but this is what I do here Monday morning mindset inspiration
they get it every Monday morning but down here guy here's the invisible
aspect of marketing here's that subliminal touch because down here guys
they click here for today's special presentation I take them over to
whatever I want to take them over for the day but on Mondays guys we usually
have a free legendary marketers webinar right we have a webinar every Monday
night guy so guess what I tell them to click here and join for tonight's
webinar right they come here they have to wait because the this page is just
gonna show the last webinar that we did it so it's on loop guys it's gonna just
stay there too but next webinar uh but what I'm doing guys when we talk about
that invisible marketing component of marketing again I'm going here or or
let's go back one let's go back one or here guys and I'm giving them value
right I'm going they're going to be engaged because I put only the best
videos up with my inspiration of motivation so they're going to stay
engaged now the invisible component guys when they get down here they can't help
themselves guys we like clicking links right they're going to click here right
and watch whatever presentation I choose to put in here guys and I can change
them anytime I want why because I own the process guys remember we talked
about owning the process from start to finish from the moment a person enters
into my capture page guys and get on my list
Wow the power of the influence that I could have the power to influence that
you can have on your list as it starts to grow and it's enough this pie is big
enough we talked about making money from home
that everybody can have a slice two slices three slices guys because you're
creating relationship yeah millions upon millions of people guys on the internet
Facebook YouTube not to mention other social media platforms guys so we talked
about letting yourself go guys being who you want to be tapping into your special
gifts and talents getting out here guys and doing your thing that's what this is
all about it's okay I'm wrap it up so the invisible component is down here
right and so with this particular video guys I love it it's so much because you
when I say you don't always be all serious you can send your list anything
god but what you want to do the key to what you want to do is get your emails
open right well you know once you get that person
on your list and once you get that email you want to do something that's gonna
impress you want doing something that's going to influence them you want them to
be looking for your content with a flashlight in the middle of the day guys
searching for your content because they know or they don't know rather what the
heck is mall I'm gonna be sending me now what the heck is you know that's what
you want to be guys right that's what you want to be doing when you talk about
that invisible influence when you talk about influencer marketing right you
talk about creating your own content on in the process
video marketing branding yourself your personal development it's all tied in
together guys it's Oh tied in together I don't know
with you guys but I'm telling you guys for anybody within earshot of this video
right now guys if you haven't subscribed to me go ahead on a scribe to me guys
you're gonna watch my video subscribers just start going up over the course of
the next up a few days because I'm still working on these SEO ranking strategy
you guys haven't seen those video some of these videos you guys haven't seen
yet cuz a lot of moralistic right I'm putting up videos guys faster than I can
do what I need to do on them but you know I can stop doing videos for a week
and I still would have ten fifteen videos I can put up by the way that's
what I do guys okay that's what I do so let me close by saying this there's a
level right a commitment that you have to
when you decide you want to do your own thing speak your own success into
existence it called for a level of commitment but it's not hard it's
actually fun guys when you do it okay so now how am I gonna close this video I
wanna close this video out by saying anybody who's not already doing video
marketing anybody who don't believe that powerful content anybody who don't
believe the power of
influence marketing guys and an invisible influence right believe it
guys okay because that's how relationships are forged guys that's how
they created and that's hot and once you create him you know you nurture them
right when you start building your list guys you can just build your list and
start sending traffic to generic sales pages and you know with no interaction
at all right you could start out doing that in fact we you can do that right
but guess what if 80% of the people online are doing it guys
how much more unfair advantage are you gonna have if you personalize the follow
up with your list as it starts to grow you nurture it by by creating content
right that's built on your particular personality and it's going to nurture
the relationship that that made that person to kind of get on your list in
the very first place right because I must say this most people guys don't
care you know even with the best of traffic and I'm checking out some
different traffic sources as well I just ran another silhouette today guys and so
I'm checking out some different strategies I'll be sharing these also
but most people guys are only at least right at least maybe 10 15 different
lists look at your inbox every day how many emails are you getting which emails
are you opening and the ones you are opening why are you opening new guys are
you opening because of somebody you can't see when you open the emails and
this senior group of emails are you opening opening your emails because
every time you open one you got somebody like me in your face right talking to
you up close and personal I might be clowning around I don't know what I'm
gonna be talking about but I tell you this guys it's gonna be in
aging I'm gonna have some influence over you ultimately you're gonna get to know
like and trust me ultimately you may join one of my teams my business
opportunity or by one of my affiliate products and guess what guys that's the
way this works and that's what I want to encourage every single body in earshot
of this video to start doing right now tonight guys make it a point right if
you're afraid to do video marketing then duty invisible marketing right get
behind the camera sit on the seller side you don't have to get your face in front
of it but start creating content guys start creating content because this is
real estate okay and guess what the thing about real estate guys it
never loses its value it only increases their value because the more real estate
you got the more people that you're gonna get to expose yourself to and the
more exposure you get grab the guys y'all got what I'm saying right okay
guys anyway I'm all out of time I'm going to run out I had to do this video
I'm gonna make sure I upload this video to light so by the time you see it done
it would always be uploaded but I had to do that video guys to tell you guys
don't be afraid guys the experiment I don't care whether they're marketing
tips right I don't care if it's mindset I don't care and for something funny
guys start building your list and when you start building that this learn to
cultivate the influence that you have and you have influence guys you just
don't know it maybe yeah but you do start nurturing
and cultivating your influence and then getting your brand out and getting
exposure for yourself guys and start speaking your success
into existence okay it's a journey guys but it's a fun journey I appreciate you
guys around much for being on the video I got carried away I got very happy I
thank my wife for bringing this to my mind cuz I'd be thinking about some
stuff but I really love this guy's if you guys you can find this this video by
the way guys you know guys go go go neither you know you don't feel in love
this this this it's just it was just it was it was absolutely hilarious now I'm
gonna see what kind of emails I don't know but I I just thought that hey he's
just you know I told you it just gives me hope you guys enjoyed it why was it
go with wisely there Jewboy Marlon Oh Bennett wish you guys
wisdom peace prosperity and to live in a dynamic digital internet lifestyle
without members keep banging guys don't forget to subscribe to the channel I'll
see you guys on the next video
Winter is Coming...Skincare Routine | SKINCARE CONFIDENTIAL - Duration: 12:13.- Winter is coming.
- Winter is coming.
- [Camera Woman] Winter's coming!
- And we're here today to talk about that.
Laura, Monica. You guys have seen us before.
- You guys know the drill, yes.
- And we actually just had to Google what day
It was the first the day of winter and--
- Yep. - For everyone's information,
it's Wednesday, December the 21st.
- So. - So mark your calendars.
Get your skin ready.
- Yeah. - It's coming.
- It is. - Yep.
And all you Game of Thrones fans out there.
- Yeaahhhh!
- Winter is still coming.
We don't know when it will come.
So I'll start off with my first question from Marie.
She said, I watched one of your videos that you
posted a couple weeks ago,
and there was a question about blackheads,
what they are, how to treat them.
It said there was not a prescription available,
and that salicylic acid would do the...
- Well, there you go. - We're back?
- [Camera Woman] Are we good?
- We're all good, okay.
- Sorry, technical difficulties.
- Okay, so...
- Back to Marie. - Back to Marie.
She was basically asking about salicylic acid
for blackheads, which we do recommend.
Although for her it's too drying,
especially since winter is coming (laughing)
we want to make sure to minimize the drying (laughing).
- (laughing) Yes, of course.
- So, yeah, salicylic acid, which is a BHA,
beta hydroxy acid, can certainly be drying
in some patients.
Some patients just can't tolerate it.
So my suggestion to you, Marie,
would be to look at all of your skincare products,
to see if there's anything that's clogging your pores,
which could be making those blackheads worse.
- Umm-hmm. -, we've
mentioned a bunch of times here--
- A couple, I think one or two times, yeah (laughing).
- Yeah, we like it a lot,
So I would check everything out on there.
Also, you might want to consider trying
azelaic acid, it's prescription-strength.
We use it in our Curology medications.
- Umm-hmm. - Some of them.
And it's usually very well-tolerated for patients
especially with the lower strength that we compound, so...
- Yeah. - I would suggest that.
- Our base is really moisturizing as well.
- Umm-hmm. - So it could be a
combination of things like you said,
you might not react well to the salicylic acid,
but it might actually be the base
that you're not reacting well--
- Yeah, that's true. - Like if there's a lot
of alcohol in it or something like that.
- Umm-hmm. - So definitely go to
CosDNA because it'll let you know
if you have alcohol in your products
and then if that's the case,
we recommend you stay away from them
because it can be drying and cause more breakouts.
- Yes, we don't want that.
- We don't, so keeping with the winter theme (laughing),
Anna has, Do I have to change my skin care routine
for the winter?
I live in Colorado, and have combination skin.
So I have combination skin as well.
I do not live in Colorado,
went to visit up north (laughing)
where it was a tad bit colder (laughing),
but definitely no snow.
So I actually brought the bag that I took back home,
and I didn't change any of my products.
So I have a small size of my micellar water.
I just put it in a different container, so--
- I have the same container for mine.
- Target. - Yes, Target.
That's make sense, yeah (laughing).
- And then I brought my gentle cleanser,
the baby size,
so no changes there.
It's a creamy formula,
which tends to be more gentle--
- Umm-hmm. - For the winter.
I brought my Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid
lightweight moisturizer, Hada Labo.
So they're selling this in Target now,
and it is gel-based.
So if you guys can see-- - Oh, that's cool.
- It's completely watery. - That's awesome.
- So it's definitely not too moisturizing.
What I did, though, is I just doubled up on the layer.
So I would put one layer on,
brush my teeth,
and then put a second layer on.
- Umm-hmm. - And it was more than fine.
So you definitely don't need a ton of products.
Of course, I brought my Curology.
And I did notice one of the days
I was a little dry,
so I just put a little more of the Neutrogena Hydro Boost.
I also have a little, tiny size (laughing) on.
So you definitely don't need to change
your whole routine.
It doesn't need to be expensive.
You just maybe need to layer your moisturizer.
- Umm-hmm. - Maybe change your cleanser,
even if you have a foaming cleanser.
I know this sounds silly,
but putting some water in the foaming cleanser
is gonna dilute the solvent.
- Um-hmm. - So it's going to
make it gentler and save you some money, so...
- It makes a lot of sense.
I never tried that.
- (laughing) Definitely don't need to go
buy a whole other routine.
Just kind of work with what you have,
listen to your skin
if you need a little bit more moisturizer--
- Yeah. - Just layer it on.
- That's what I tell my patients, too.
I've got a lot of questions from my patients
in the Northeast about their skin drying out,
as winter is coming and
- Which I was just going to say.
- [Camera Woman] Can you guys explain
what this means to people
who don't watch Game of Thrones?
- Hmm. - Sure.
- Are there people who don't watch Game of Thrones?
- Why would you--
- Are there any of you out there
that (laughing) don't watch Game of Thrones?
Google Winter is coming.
- Yeah. - And you will get
your education on that (laughing).
- Yeah. - So I tell patients verbatim,
to up their moisturizing game,
so if there's any of my patients out there
that have heard me,
or read me say that,
I totally mean it.
And I do it myself.
- Umm-hmm. - So definitely stock up
on some products that you know are moisturizing.
Take some of the tips that Monica mentioned
about either changing your cleanser
to a hydrating formulation or diluting your foaming.
Those are all really great tricks.
- Yep. - Also, too,
if you use irritating products like the BHA,
which is salicylic acid,
alpha hydroxy acids or prescription tretinoin
which is in Curology--
- Umm-hmm. - As well as Retin-A,
you might need to back off on that a little bit
for the winters, so, ooohhh!
- (laughing) It's just one step.
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
just a little step back.
Either use your moisturizer first
before you apply it,
or try just going down to Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
and seeing how you do.
It's not gonna hurt your skin to skip a few days of it.
- Right. - It's actually gonna help.
We don't want you flaking
or having any kind of irritation from it.
- Right. - So, try that.
- And we talked about the flakiness before.
A gentle way to deal with that
is a konjac sponge. - Umm-hmm.
- If you guys have head about it,
so it's very gentle.
It's a dry sponge,
you run it under water.
It becomes a soft sponge,
so that you use it once a week
to gently remove any dry skin.
- Umm-hmm. - And then since we're
going with Game of Thrones,
I'm just gonna ask you some of the others' questions.
- You are, oh my gosh!
I'm nervous, okay, go.
- Okay, Do you think Daenerys will run into
problems in Rome?
- Yes. - Yes.
- Really? - Short answer, yes.
- Long answer, why?
- I don't know?
Because she's a badass,
and she always runs into problems,
and she always kicks everybody's butts.
- Yeah. - Am I allowed to say ass?
I don't know?
- No, well you just did,
so it's fine.
I was thinking the opposite.
- Really? - Because I feel like
Ellaria and her Sand Snake daughters, right--
- Umm-hmm. - They all want to take down
the Lannisters as well.
- That's true. - So I feel like
they're kind of on the same team.
- Umm-hmm. - So I don't know how that
meetup is gonna go,
but I feel like...
- It's gonna be interesting.
- Yeah, it might go well.
- Well, we'll see which one of us is right.
- [Camera Woman] Can we pause for a question?
- Of course! - Of course!
- [Camera Woman] Okay, cool.
- You mean real questions?
- [Camera Woman] Oh, real questions.
- I meant (laughing)--
- Okay, we'll take them.
- [Camera Woman] Heather asks, What's a good moisturizer
that you recommend?
- Oh. - And then I have another
one after that, too.
- Sure, so we're big fans of EltaMD around here.
I use EltaMD AM-- - Umm-hmm.
- Which is a little bit lighter,
and then there's EltaMD Intense Moisturizer--
- Right. - Which is kind of like
a petrolatum Vaseline-type moisturizer--
- Yeah. - Which is great for winter.
A lot of patients think Vaseline is not good for their skin,
but it actually is.
It's pretty good.
It holds in the moisture that you have in your skin,
so drink lots of water, use Vaseline.
Those things can help a lot.
They can. - Yeah, don't let the Vaseline
throw you off.
I know I think it's a texture thing--
- Umm-hmm. - Like they can just...
- Umm-hmm. - I mean it looks thick,
but actually it acts like an occlusive--
- Umm-hmm. - So you put
on your moisturizer,
then you put on Vaseline over it,
especially if you have any dry spots.
- Yep. - And it really kind of
pushes all the moisture in,
so it's a great product to use
if you could tolerate--
- Yeah. - The petroleum petrolatum
products, in general.
- And Sebamed Clear Face Gel,
we usually like, too.
That's a gel base like Monica's Hada Labo.
- Yeah, Hada Labo. - Hada Labo.
- So if you're oily, in general,
and you don't want to throw on a heavy moisturizer
in the winter,
you can try one of the gel based.
- Right. - And that's
usually pretty good.
- Yeah, and like I said,
you can layer them, so-- - Umm-hmm.
- If you have it already,
layer it and see if it gives you a little
bit more moisture.
- [Camera Woman] The other question is from Van.
Does a humidifier help for the dryness in the winter?
- Absolutely, it certainly does,
especially in the Great Northern states where
there's a lot of indoor heat-- - Umm-hmm.
- That's very drying. - Right.
- If you can grab a humidifier,
that can help eliminate that dryness ans
- They're relative-- - Your skin will be happy.
- Yeah (laughing), they're relatively inexpensive.
You can find them online. - Um-hmm.
- It does put moisture obviously in the air,
which is great, like Laura said for people
that have the heater on all day.
- Um-hmm. - It also...
Some come with white noise-- - Oooh!
- So it's great to have near your
nightstand or something.
- Umm-hmm. - And have it running,
so that if you want it close to your face,
so you're getting all the benefits from it.
And then, too, it might help you sleep a little better.
- I like that.
- [Camera Woman] That's all.
You can go back to your Game of Thrones questions.
- Alright. - Okay, next question.
- Let me ask you one more question.
- Yes. - Will Cersei and Jaime
stay together? - Oh, man.
I'm gonna say yes.
- You're gonna say yes.
- Yeah, are you gonna say no?
- (gasping) I'm thinking no (laughing)
just because has a soft spot for Tyrion.
And I feel like-- - That's true.
- Maybe he's gonna sneak in
and kind of pull him over to the good side.
Maybe, I don't know?
We'll see. - Yeah, I think, yeah...
Cersei's gonna be too extreme I think.
- Yeah, she's a little crazy.
- About the kids and now all the power.
- I think she's gonna lose it.
- Yeah. - Right.
- I don't know?
- Okay, any more other questions?
- No, you guys have more time
if you want to talk more about...
- More Game of Thrones?
- [Camera Woman] More Game of Thrones.
Should we have Jasmin come in here
since she's read the books? - Oh, yeah.
- Jasmine. - Jasmine, no?
Next time, okay (laughing)?
- We'll see Jasmine next week.
- Okay, let me give you one more.
- Ahhh, she should be in here, okay, so--
- [Crew Member] Go out and get her?
- No, she's not gonna come in here.
In the books, Lady Stoneheart is a big character.
Have you heard of here - No.
- So it's Catelyn Stark coming back
kind of in zombie form--
- Interesting. - To seek revenge for--
- Okay. - The Stark family.
So they haven't touched on it with the series.
Do you think they're gonna try to sneak her in?
- Yeah, I think that would be a great addition.
- Right, just a little maybe cameo.
- Yeah, I do.
- I feel like they try to do a good balance--
- [Camera Woman] She's coming, she's coming.
- She is not coming.
- She's coming. - (laughing) They try to
balance out what's happening in the books
and in the series, so maybe--
- You're in for a real treat.
- Is she coming?
- [Camera Woman] Yeah, she's coming.
- Yeah, Jasmine (laughing)!
- Okay. - Game of Thrones!
- [Jasmine] Hi.
- Hi! - Hi!
- Did you come with a question?
- No. - Lady Stoneheart,
do you think they're gonna try to add her
into the series, or no?
- [Jasmine] (laughing) Why not, I guess.
- Right. - It's like a different
person to kill, maybe?
- Right, and then she's like kind of zombie-ish
because she's not really herself since it's like...
Right, she comes back like zombie-form a little bit?
- [Jasmine] I guess so.
- And zombies are in so...
Jasmine thinks yes, so, yes.
We'll stay tuned for this season.
- Thank you, Jasmine. - Okay.
- Alright, guys, I don't think we have any other questions--
- [Camera Woman] No, that's it.
- Not to do with acne.
Game of Thrones, I guess it's fair game.
Eye cream. - Eye cream.
I'm gonna leave that one to you.
- [Camera Woman] I didn't see anything.
- Eye cream, well, Jen has talked about--
- Yeah. - Two of the eye creams
that she really likes,
so she's actually used a Dr. Brandt.
- Umm-hmm. - Eye cream,
which is a great option.
And then the other eye cream that she...
Well, no, is it an eye cream?
- Hmm? - No, her Mad Hippie is,
just the vitamin C. - Umm-hmm.
- But you can use it underneath the eyes and that's--
- Oh, yeah, I use my vitamin C under my eyes.
- Yeah, and that's usually?
- Everywhere. - Very moisturizing.
- I take a bath in it. - (laughing) Everywhere.
So Dr. Brandt eye cream has a little bit of retinol,
but it's nice and moisturizing.
- Umm-hmm. - Jen loves it.
I think there's a little bit of luminescent in it,
so it also kind of brightens under eye.
- What about the Teamine Eye Complex?
I've heard you talk about that before, right?
- Which one is that one?
- Teamine. - Oh, yeah!
- Umm-hmm. - That one's really
nourishing, the-- - Yeah.
- Yeah, the Teamine,
but it doesn't have any retinol,
so it just depends what you're looking for
in an eye cream, Heather.
If you're actually wanting anti-aging,
of if you just want a heavier moisturizer--
- Yeah. - The Teamine is a
good option, it's really moisturizing.
But, again, you don't need to spend a lot
of money if you already have a moisturizer you like--
- Umm-hmm. - Again, layer it
underneath the eyes and that should be
good for moisture,
but if you want some anti-aging,
then a little bit retinol definitely helps.
- Definitely. - Alright, guys.
- We'll see you guys later.
- We're all done, bye!
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