Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Oct 1 2017

Hello! I am roninpooh.

Night Break in.

Night Break in.

♪ Night Break in........

I want to drink a warm drink because it is cold.

There is only a cold drink here.



Kit cut and high chu. (Sweets)

Ice cream when it's cold? :)

There is only a cold drink here.

Only here there is a warm drink.

Which one should I drink?

low in sugar.I will drink "the world's best varistor".

I will drink this.

For more infomation >> 5 minutes MOTO CBR250RR ABS ヘッドライトは暗い? Is the headlight dark? - Duration: 5:55.


WHAT IS THE CASH FLOW QUADRANT -Robert Kiyosaki, Author Rich Dad Poor Dad - Duration: 3:21.

going on World Wide Web is your boy modeling Oh Bennet the original student

of the game of internet marketing my favorite time of day guy the Sun is

setting that's truly my favorite time of day

well along with the sunrise hey guys in today's video I want to talk to you guys

about something I finally got the book you guys might have seen me on some of

my previous videos talked about though you know the same author Robert Kiyosaki

who did Rich Dad Poor Dad he did a follow up book guys called the cashflow

quadrant right and I don't know if you guys have heard of it or not but today

guys I got a special treat for you because in the link below my partner

he's gonna talk a little bit more about the cashflow quadrant but let me say

something before you guys go to the link below in this in the YouTube description

in the Lotus video let me talk to you guys about why you want to know a little

bit more about the cashflow quadrant guys because most people when you guys

if you don't continue educating yourself guys about money then chances are guys

and you'll find out when you watch this cashflow quadrant presentation chances

are guys you're not going to move very far beyond where it is you are right now

in terms of your finances if you don't if you're not constantly educating

yourself and if you do guys and you continue to educate yourself then

there's no reason why you can't take your finances to any level that you want

them to guys okay but it's about education remember we talked about the

keys to your access to your success when it comes to making money online or

making money on the internet or making money period right it's about education

right and listen everybody right we all have the same amount of hours right in a

day 24 right we all have the same amount of hours so why is it there's some

people who have the same 24 hours that we have or that everybody has are able

to move beyond on the status quo and and build real

wealth right real generational wealth we're talking about here and others are

not it's because they continue to educate themselves guys and willing you

this is a book the cash flow quadrant that you definitely need to go out and

get but in the meantime guys I want you guys to click the link below this video

right if you on my youtube video for you guys who are on my list just click the

continue button and go over to the cash flow quadrant presentation where you

guys are going to get a moove thermal presentation and a more thorough

description about how the cash flow quadrant works the two sides of the cash

flow quadrant the left side versus the right side and depending on what side

you're on guys right because if you're on the left side how and why you want to

move to the right side of the Kasbah client concert if that makes sense okay

very very very very explosive information very enlightening

information life-changing information guys okay so without any further ado

guys this again is just gonna be a great presentation click the link below this

video and get on over there guys and watch this presentation okay I'll see

you guys on the inside peace

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