Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 3 2017

Ciao everyone, here it's Marchettino and this is how a nearly 1000hp Lamborghini acceleration feels like!

Offroading! - If we can make it out of this pot, it's gonna be fun!

Because guys, today I'm riding Parker's Lamborghini Huracan, his YouTube channel is called Vehicle Virgins, if you

don't know him should go check it out, link in description below, he's the

owner of this Lamborghini Huracan which is way way quicker than the others

because well, it's supercharged! How much horsepower this car has? - It has 805hp right

now and it's gonna get some more quite soon! -Tthis is just insane!

But yeah, the stock one 602 horsepower, now at 805hp and 610

pound feet of torque (*827nm)! I just got a vbox data logger and

I tracked 0-60mph not on a track or anything so the surface

wasn't all that good, 0-60 was 2.4 seconds and 0-100 5.2!

So it's pretty fast and I think - Bugatti performance! - and I

think you can get more out of it and get some more!

This is just unbelievable!

The quarter-mile time is 9.9s

which is just about exactly the same as the Veyron Super Sport! A tiny

bit slower depending upon who tested it than a LaFerrari or 918 but it's a

pretty crazy!

And the best part is it was a bolt-on system so they did it in three days and

I've driven it super hard over the last thousand miles with the supercharger,

no problems whatsoever and because it's a supercharger obviously there's no lack

of any time so it really feels like the car did when it was stock, just faster!

Yeah I don't understand why many manufacturers doesn't go for the supercharger because I really love it!

That's true actually, I think part of it is probably fuel economy, yeah I know

it's crazy that unfortunately I think supercars have to think about fuel

economy nowadays but it definitely gets significantly worse gas mileage after

the supercharger! But a hybrid supercharged

next-generation Lamborghini that would be pretty cool!

This is ridiculous!

I really love the way it sounds, you can feel the supercharger just behind, I love that noise!

Yes so this car has an aftermarket Avantgarde Exotics exhaust, the way I picked them

obviously it's a smaller company that probably you nor most people have never heard

I went on a rally with a bunch of Lamborghinis and I heard ten different

Huracans, all with different exhausts and I was like " That one! I got to talk to the

owner I want that exhaust! " so I'm pretty happy with it.

What do you think?

It's the first time I get to experience a supercar with a force induction engine.

Wow it feels much much different! - It's a lot faster yeah!

The superchargers at this point in time, all the manufacturers they're kind of

limited to about 900-950 horsepower, I'm sure they'll develop something more

than that but the twin turbo is really if you want to get massive power you

know that's definitely the route people go. There's upsides and downsides the

twin turbo systems obviously, all the and standing mile records are twin-turbo

Huracans and but there's definitely the power doesn't

come on right away and the reliability is not quite as solid - Yeah I can't imagine

how often you have to do the maintenance! - And as much as I'd love to have a 2,000

horsepower car I also like being able to drive it every day so yeah - You need to

find the right balance I think 800hp it's pretty

good! It's pretty good or something I can drive to the store and use the really

small front trunk, that's basically useless!

Even if your flooring it at like 5,000 rpms - It has a lot of power!

I forgot about this road, thank you!

It's impressive to see that even though it is so much extra power

yeah this car is so grippy! - It's able to deal with it which is pretty crazy!

Am I not like launching uphill

Did you try? - yeah uphill 2.8 seconds to 60 with huge wheels!

Yeah I heard that!

So in optimal conditions it could be half second quicker? - Yeah!

What I like is yeah like you were saying all-wheel drive system is able to handle

the power so well so some people are like why would you need 800 horsepower

well you don't but if you can deal with it so you can actually use yeah 800

horsepower instead of just being able to say it has that but then not being able

to ever actually accelerate!

2.5 seconds! Let's try downhill!

2.5! I think I'm just drstroying my tires!

Yeah too much wheelspin!

There was a cop right there! - Oh really? We finished right on time, there seems to be a lot of

police around but riding Parker's Lamborghini is just

unbelievable, what an experience thank you very much man! - You're so

welcome! - It was fun; guys make sure to head over and subscribe to his YouTube

channel , he's got some crazy content of his Lamborghini!

I hope you guys did enjoy the video and make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more

and as always thanks for watching, ciao!

For more infomation >> This Lamborghini is FASTER than a Bugatti! w/ VehicleVirgins - Duration: 10:44.


What is Sarahah App and How to use it for fun - Duration: 5:01.

Do you Know how to get honest and interesting opinions of your friends and coworkers about you?

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hello and welcome dear youtubers this is DkSoftSols. DKSoftSols brings you

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personal development content. So if you are new to DkSoftSols than thank you

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youtubers thank you so much for watching this video hopefully you would have

enjoyed this video and learn something new kindly like this video and do share

it with your circle because sharing is caring also subscribe to DkSoftSols

to learn new things every day. You can also reach us online on Facebook Twitter

Instagram and Google+ links are given in the description. So stay tuned and keep

watching DkSoftSols - Learning Redefined - Come Learn With Us


For more infomation >> What is Sarahah App and How to use it for fun - Duration: 5:01.


Taimur Ali Khan | VIDEO IS OUT .Taimur in arms of Saif Ali khan and Mom Kareena LOOKS SUPER CUTE - Duration: 0:59.

Taimur Ali Khan | VIDEO IS OUT .Taimur in arms of Saif Ali khan and Mom Kareena LOOKS SUPER CUTE

For more infomation >> Taimur Ali Khan | VIDEO IS OUT .Taimur in arms of Saif Ali khan and Mom Kareena LOOKS SUPER CUTE - Duration: 0:59.


🔹🔹Do You Know Which Is The #1 Food For Hypertension, Heart Attack, Stroke and Cholesterol ?🔹🔹 - Duration: 3:04.

dates are ones of the healthiest fruits you can consume as they are rich in

beneficial ingredients that treat various health issues including

hypertension heart attacks strokes and high cholesterol

they also accelerate the metabolism here are eight of their health benefits

number one dates prevent diarrhea dates are high in potassium which prevents

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three dates regulate blood pressure dates are high in potassium and contain

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moreover five to six dates contain 80 milligrams of magnesium which boosts the

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you need about three hundred and seventy milligrams of magnesium number four

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number five dates prevent strokes the high potassium content in these fruits

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will help you control your body weight as they contain no cholesterol

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