Sophia in Elvenmoor
Here we are Sophia
Thank you. Coachman come on over. Let's go see if we can find some fairies or babies or Sprites
Thanks, Dad
Hmm looks like a normal for
there are we so
Why is the sky pink? I don't know and look at those mushroom?
It takes you from the human world to the Elfin world Human world open world Human Elfin human
again if your desire, we desire
You do have just stumbled through a bear, dildora
So now I will show you how we live in a little
This place is great. How about that?
Mmm. The way, it gives you a warning before it moves
What kind of warning it shines a few minutes before it zips away to its next stop, but it just got here
So we're good to go for a while
but those carrots
Even better it's a forever carrot take one bite take ten bites
The Road is to continue easy imagine. Oh dear. Oh dear
You think I found that tree the door to elves and more will be closed forever?
No, one will be able to get in or out
I've got to get help someone has to stop the human
Wait, oh hello there alfred we got no friends Sophia and clover. I'm sure them around
You know the humans who are building the road let's go
So what did you want to talk to me about our friend? Oh, sophia your royal road crew. What's the trouble?
Sorry about that the wonders of Elvenmoor can be very distracting sophia with all the fun to be had here
It's hard to focus on what actually matters well with merriment. We won't ready clover, whoa
We have to get to the door right away right door daddy
Now let's put on the gloves and get started
bye even the smart this build can be so swept away by the thought of taking a
Clover get back here. We have to get through the door before they cut down the tree. Don't worry so we'll float right to it
How do you steer this thing we have to get down the doors is up ahead
But these bubbles don't come down until they want to sofia then we'll have to pop them
Can't believe we missed it again this could be our last chance to get through the door before they cut down the tree
Sorry about loose loose. Why oh there that looks good okay, then on the count of three one
I'll just have a nibble you can't clover. We have to stay on the path. Oh
No, it's a ticket bird clover. We have to go
Hey, I'm sorry. Soph. I know we were almost home. It's not your fault clover
We'll just get back on the path and head to the door as fast as we can
Here's the door
akiko very Little owned by Alfonso fit well friends
The Magic here shows your what you want to see most in the world only none of its real
I'm afraid Elvenmoor Magic can be tricky from time to time and this is one of those times no matter
What oh you got it, so I shall have no fun whatsoever
Together feather the way
What's this little guy I?
Think he's trying um oh you like fishing
We have to cross that I guess we're doing this looks like it
You're entering a beauty pageant
I'm sorry little guy. I don't know what you're trying to say we just can't wait any longer, Sophia
Sophia did you just what were you in that tree? We're a Mormon the road
We'll have to go around the tree. No matter how long it takes
Yes, your majesty
That's good to work
Sophia let's have our picnic very well. I don't know Sophia. Don't worry
I know how to get back, but let's leave one together feather here just in case okay
the buttercups
Sofia just one more time our brother gets us mixed up all the time
Me Neither. We're so you sure are so let's give megan. Pegg a warm buttercup welcome
Thanks. I can't believe there's a princess in our buttercup troop
I can't believe we're at the castle
Would you put on your vest I got this one for swimming this one for bird calling and this one for?
Unicorn spotting I'm Gonna spot. You know I still need three
I need to we need a lot. Don't worry you'll learn a bunch tomorrow night time to go girls
Hello there, Sofia. Hi. What's this? You're wearing
If I may your majesty, I was a groundhog scout as a boy exploring the great outdoors gave me skills
I used to this very day, and I mean not a single scratch, not a one your majesty
Okay, you'll barely notice. I'm there princess Sofia. It'll be a wonderful hike I promise groundhogs, word oh
Dear no worries. I have a sewing kit in my backpack
we're sofia
Princess Sofia of Enchancia
alrighty then let's
Move out buttercups and Youtube groundhog let's put the great in the great outdoors
Hold up buttercups time for water break finally
Now how about some ice water?
Okay, okay. Oh. Yeah. It's just a scratch a scratch not a single scratch
Princess allow me building birdhouse. This was my specialty when I was a groundhog Baileywick
So, how are we doing buttercups all Done I?
Know but I only helped a little sofia found the tree bark
Need one more badge to get my sunflower pin. Just like you that's
Hey there groundhog
Remember the buttercups motto buttercups buttercups make some room buttercups buttercups watch us bloom that's right
Hold up there groundhog red carpets might work at the palace, but buttercups can do this by themselves, oh
Ruby dear we need wood for our cookout every buttercup who Gathers a pile of wood gets a badge already let's pick up sticks
how rude wait
Allow me not again it only counts when she does it by herself
Good job you two you earned your first buttercup badge
Well done
You did it you earned your sunflower and now I only need one more just like me
You should talk to Baileywick ask him to stop helping you hmm. You gave her a groundhog word I
Did didn't I?
Okay, the next project by yourself. No matter what come on for you, and you'll cook one for me
That would be delightful princess
it's time to find out how well you know your wild flowers everyone must pick a bouquet of daisies and
Daffodils newell's you'll be fine alrighty, then let's pick some flowers
What if she touches the Meddlesome myrtle?
Let's see daisies check daffodils check. That's great. I only need a few more daisies
Wait, I know I promised not to help
Guess the groundhogs never learned what meddlesome myrtle looks like but you're going to be just fine gee but we need to help oh
What is it the trail is so twisty and steep it'll be hard for Baileywick to climb Down Mm-hmm
You're right. Well then go to it great ruby you and Jade Collect twine make peg, and I will gather wood come on
They're called Friendship knots
Make you pull this and then you pull here peg
You are prepared a good groundhog. Always is okay buttercups one two
We made it
It's the case of Meddlesome myrtle, but he'll be all right your majesty. Oh big are you okay, Baileywick?
I'm going to be fine Sofia itchy but fine
Glad to hear it groundhog. You've made me proud
We're not done yet Sofia me please step forward
Sofia when you found a way to get Baileywick back home you were a true leader edge
That was my last congratulations all of you that'll be you someday. Oh
Baileywick, we have something for you the girls would like to make you an honorary
buttercup troop leader, and you've already earned your first badge I
Guess I'm not a groundhog anymore
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