Okay, one quick note before we get started, I'm sorry if you can hear my air-conditioning thing
in the background, but it's 100 degrees in Los Angeles right now and if I turn it
off I will literally melt. So it's staying on.
Anyway, you've probably heard by now that Hollywood has a whitewashing problem when
it comes to casting movies and TV shows, but what exactly is whitewashing?
Well, if the internet has taught me anything, it's that you can just google the definition
of any word, and the first thing that pops up is always 100% correct.
So let's see, I'm just gonna look up the definition of whitewashing real quick…
That doesn't sound right.
I don't think people are mad at white actors for painting.
Okay that seems more like it: Casting white actors in roles that were written as people of color.
And I should add that it sucks and is a huge problem.
People of color do not get a lot of representation in Hollywood.
Think of your favorite Marvel superhero from the current batch of blockbuster movies.
It's probably a white dude.
It might even be a white woman.
Don't worry, we'll come back to her.
There are very few superheroes of color, which sucks for all the people of color out there
who want to see themselves represented on the big screen.
The media we see can have a huge influence on us, and seeing people who look like us
in a wide array of different genres and stories can be immensely validating and encouraging.
It tells people that they can be anything or do anything -- they're not limited to
what they see around them or the stereotypes people have invented for them.
And while there are some roles for people of color in Hollywood, they're few and far
between -- and they're often stereotypical.
White people get to play every main character ever but Indian people only get to play taxi
drivers or convenience store clerks.
It plays into the awful public perception that white is the default and everything outside
of that is abnormal.
It teaches people that white people have a diverse array of experiences but people of
color are only one thing -- and that's beyond messed up.
We shouldn't downplay the importance of the media we consume.
People of color deserve to see themselves represented.
But that's another argument, that's an argument for representation in general.
The problem with whitewashing is that it takes one of the few roles that people of color
actually have, and it hands it to a white person.
It looks at the current problem, which is that there aren't enough roles for actors
of color, and it takes away one of those roles -- which is the opposite of what we should be doing.
We should want to advance as a society and move beyond a TV and film industry that is
overwhelmingly white.
There are so many roles for white actors in Hollywood -- it wouldn't hurt to pass the
mic and give some of those roles to people of color so that they can have their stories told.
No matter how colorblind you want to claim to be, race has an impact on the way we experience the world.
If we're only telling the stories of white people, we're not getting the full picture
of human experiences -- in fact we're just getting a tiny fraction of it.
And whitewashing perpetuates that.
It continues to erase people of color from our media.
If you claim that you're just hiring the "best actor" when you hire a white person
to play a role that should go to a person of color, you're essentially saying that
there's not a single actor of color who was good enough for that role -- and that
just seems insulting.
There are tons of amazingly talented actors of color out there -- and we'll talk more
about that later as well.
The point is, whitewashing not only takes away jobs from actors of color who barely
have any opportunities in the first place, it also erases the tiny bit of representation
that many people of color have on screen.
Like, if you're white, you don't know what it's like to not be represented everywhere.
Well, maybe to some degree, because of other intersecting identities like sexual orientation
or gender or disability -- but you get my point.
As white people, we see people who look like us everywhere.
We don't know what it's like to grow up without countless movies and TV shows filled
with people who look like us.
So I don't think you can just tell people of color that it's not a big deal or that
they don't need that representation.
You don't know what it's like, none of us do.
And it would be better for all of us to see a bit more diversity in our media.
If you only ever see Muslims depicted as terrorists on TV, that might be your impression of all Muslims.
But if you grow up watching diverse, complex, well-written stories about a variety of Muslims
from different walks of life -- you might have a different perception of Muslims in general.
Seeing people as more than their stereotypes could only help to make us a better society.
Now, you may have heard about whitewashing in the news recently because Ed Skrein stepped
down from his role as Ben Daimio in the upcoming Hellboy reboot.
I didn't know anything about Hellboy before this happened, but it was originally a comic
book series, and the character that Ed Skrein was going to play is Japanese-American in the comic.
And Ed Skrein is as white as they come.
So, he stepped down.
To my knowledge, this is the first time a white actor has stepped away from a big, mainstream
role like this because they didn't want to contribute to Hollywood's whitewashing.
Thankfully we won't have to endure another Aloha, Ghost in the Shell, Death Note, or Iron Fist.
Speaking of which, is Iron Fist cancelled yet?
Can they at least kill him off so he's not in the Defenders?
How is Netflix gonna run with that shit but cancel Sense8 that just makes no sense--
Okay, anyway, sorry, I got a little sidetracked.
My point was, Ed Skrein made the right move.
He saw the backlash, he looked into it, he thought about it, he didn't get defensive,
and he did the right thing.
I wish more actors would do that, and in fact, I wish more allies in general would be more
willing to look at themselves and what they're doing wrong rather than getting defensive
when they're called out for something.
That being said, it's also possible this was, to some degree, a business decision.
Fans have turned on movies and actors that have contributed to whitewashing, and it's
possible he knew this would leave a scar on his career, so he thought it would be best to step down.
I can't pretend to know what his intention was or how he actually came to that decision,
but regardless, I think this goes to show that talking about whitewashing and calling
it out actually does have a real world effect.
It puts pressure on white actors not to accept roles written for people of color.
It puts pressure on movie studios not to cast those actors in the first.
Hopefully this is a tipping point where Hollywood realizes that whitewashing isn't a good
business decision, so they stop doing it.
It sucks that they'll only stop doing it because it's a bad business decision, rather
than because it's the right thing to do, but it's still change.
All of that being said, seeing everyone bend over backwards to praise Ed Skrein has seemed
a little weird to me.
Like, yes, he did the right thing, 100%, and I applaud him for that.
But I've seen so many people saying that they want to work with him and help him and boost him now.
And I understand why that is -- they want to show other white actors that turning down
those kinds of roles is a good career move -- but it still just feels icky.
Like the solution to whitewashing in Hollywood is not to fight over which white actor who
turned down a whitewashed role you want to work with.
The solution is to work with more people of color.
Ed Skrein did the right thing, but it wasn't a brave, groundbreaking, earth-shattering
win for social justice.
It was really the bare minimum we should be expecting from white actors.
So instead of falling head over heels for a white actor doing what all white actors
should be doing, maybe turn your attention to the amazing actors and actresses of color
who are already here and doing amazing work.
I asked on Twitter for some actors and actresses of color who you all think are underrated
and deserve some more visibility.
I asked in particular for folks who are Asian or Asian-American because those seem to be
the roles that get whitewashed the most.
And these are some of the people ya'll recommended.
I realize that's a lot of names, so I'll list them in the description and link to their
social medias or their IMDB or whatever links I can find for them.
Please go support these people and the shows and the movies that they're in.
Hollywood really does listen to what is good for business, so we have to show up and support
the actors and actresses who we want to see succeed.
And conversely, don't support movies or TV shows that whitewash roles meant for people of color.
Now, I just want to say one last time that this is not an attack on Ed Skrein.
He did the right thing and I support him.
I just don't think that makes him a hero.
This video is, however, at least kind of side-eyeing all of the actors who accepted roles as characters
who were people of color.
I'm looking at you, Emma Stone, Tilda Swinton, Finn Jones, Scarlett Johansson, Matt Damon,
Nat Wolff, Tom Cruise, Jake Gyllenhaal, and so many others.
But anyway, I hope that all made sense.
If you have any other questions about whitewashing, feel free to leave them in the comments, and
thank you so much for watching this video.
I'll see you next time.
For more infomation >> What is whitewashing and why is it bad? | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 7:04.-------------------------------------------
This Is The End For A While ♥ Boho Diary Ep. 15 | Planet Earth - Duration: 16:15.
So this is the beginning of the end
We're here in Bangkok in a tiny little $35 hotel
As we round the last corner
of our
journey, yeah
Exploration, but it's definitely been a journey yeah
Some kind of weird way
It's kind of sad because it's like the reality that word coming back to Canada and no no there's just a lot of mixed feelings
And a lot of reflection yeah
and in ten days
We are going to be getting on a plane
And going back to Western culture
530 in the mornings really early to be watching action movies my hair grew long these last six months, it's been a crazy time
I don't want to go home
So we've been through so much and in every place, we've stopped every country. We've been to
There's been something that we've taken from it, which has been really incredible, and that's something that
It's really special about all of these different things. I've never been to any of these kinds of places and I
Couldn't see myself a year ago doing this
five years ago
No, it's it
But it's about learning to open yourself up to that energy and and and let it help you on your path
This whole journey
When we decided that there is more to life, so here. We are
Sitting at a desk sitting in traffic working our jobs and
Following a blueprint to life that it's crazy that way
Everybody is telling you is the blueprint success or that which equals happiness
And we've sold everything we own and what we kept fit in a van
We ripped it up, and we threw it under van window as we left
The truth the world
There we go
And this like search for something we don't even know if and we can't say that like oh we're coming back to Canada and we're
Completely different people even though we feel much different than we were when we left, but it's not like we figured it all out
Oh have like a big idea. That's it. This is our our journey our purpose or going this way
Maybe the best thing is to never have them figure it out because you just allow yourself to be open to
Whatever life will give you and you allow yourself just to go with the flow with that
It's it's been quite a journey
Because we've been digging
Actively digging at ourselves inside I see us doing all this and I you know
Me of a year ago would be asking. What's the point of all this and I?
Don't know if we've got that all figured out yet
But I do know that it is creating a lot of space inside of us to learn more about other people
And then see our reflection in them
So I don't know I'm not really sure I know that
It comes with a sense of calm
Like everything's gonna be okay
We're about to board our first flight
We're flying through Tokyo
And then off to being vancouver and then off to Calgary where my mom is currently at
I guess that's considered home
That's the thing that's like when we come back, it's just a continued journey for us because at the moment all we have
Materialistically in Canada is a van with some things so we're going to hop in that van and continue on through
North America, which is gonna be really exciting!
So for two dollars in savonia you get a meal or
You can get a haircut
Apparently someone decided there are real needs to get their hair trimmed
Two dollars let's hope he doesn't come out bald
The one that was with us was a kitten
I don't know what to do
I order coffee
They give me some rice snacks
I order a water
And everything is single use plastic
Like seven hour flight trying to get some worked done, but literally an adjustment reducing waste airlines need to rethink
the way they provide people With their sustenance
This is madness
Bonjour! we made it to Vancouver
Like I don't know what I was just saying to mark. I feel like the whole ground underneath me is spinning
We're so just confused in our bodies in our
Mental state I guess you got television behind you it was weird to see TVs on
And I think that's one of the most beautiful things in realizations that we've come to is that
You know when you it's that fear of missing out
I find a lot of people have where you know they feel like well
You know if I if I go here for a year or something. I'm gonna miss out what I'm gonna
Not do this and everyone's gonna be here, and I'm gonna be there, and I think when you realize that every single person
cares about their future their life
You know if you worry about what other people?
Think of you if you worry about what people will talk about you like yeah, they may see something for a couple of minutes
But in the end the day everyone goes home and worries, but their problems about how they're gonna make their money
How they're gonna do this or not?
And and if you pack your bags and just leave and that's what you're so afraid of and going to see the world you're going
To find yourself on a journey or whatever it might be
You'll just be the person that went and did that for a while. I think that's what we
Friends and truck we're just the people that were less whole bunch of their stuff in there
Where in the world all right and life goes on for everyone family, and it's just your choice
How you want your life to go?
It's just a decision and once you make it the rest of the pieces all fall into place
Is our faith has been restored in
releasing ourselves to light to the unknown
Realizing that no matter what?
We're gonna just keep going and find a way, and if you set your mind to that
anything's possible I
Think the one lesson. We've learned so far is that if we just completely open ourselves up to
The fact that anything and everything can happen it just allows you to be
Completely vulnerable in the universe and at the same time enjoy it
But you don't have to travel
It's about the willingness to be open to living your life differently than
Society tells you has to be the way you live
So the three of us are back together at last
We miss this little guy so much, so you know we're going to Calgary right now
It's where my mom is that we're gonna see Prince and it's gonna be wonderful. It's about how you feel about yourself inside
It's not about your physical surroundings
I don't like the commercial north american wasteful culture any more than I did before
But I think I've come to realize I'm not gonna let it affect me
inside the way it used to
so were about to surprise Prince
he gets really excited when we don't see him for even a week
That moment when we see Prince is gonna be like Oh incredible
Missed him so much. I can't even I cannot wait my mom's bring about right now
It's just gonna be kind of like a symbol coming full circle yeah
maybe we're just weird, just weird, maybe we'll just treat our dog like a child
It's funny that a dog can have that kind of emotional
absence in your life
I know this truly is just a
Continuation this is the end of us doing Diaries?
We thank you all so much for
Connecting to us
And this journey that we began six months ago is
Continuing on where we're driving somewhere new and we're gonna see new places
We're gonna meet new people and we're going to create new experiences every day, and I think that's what?
Motivated us and inspired us to do this and from the start
It's just a very tiny little beginning like I don't feel any different
But I feel like I'm on a different path
That's what's I don't know so magical about it and that?
were going to spend the next next 30 years together
Walking that path
Being open flowing with the river
Letting life and magic and good and bad all inspire us
to be better each day and to let
Ourselves make the world around us a better place
so that in change
the world can be a better place because we decided to sell our shit get in the van and
Just go
Thank you for being here with us through this whole journey and
We hope that you stick around because the journey continues for us, and you might do more Diaries later. Oh, no you know
Again, we'd go with the flow and what feels right just happen
give and you shall receive
Receive. Law Of the Universe, the more you give and the more you will receive
Who is Ben Woodburn? Liverpool youngster scores sensational goal on Wales debut - Duration: 5:44.
Who is Ben Woodburn? Liverpool youngster scores sensational goal on Wales debut
BEN WOODBURN continues to prove he has what it takes to become a superstar for Liveprool and Wales after netting on his international debut.
The 17-year-old scored a wonderful goal against Austria to keep Wales World Cup hopes alive in a 1-0 victory at the Cardiff City Stadium. Ben Woodburn scored a stunning goal on his debut.
Ben Woodburn scored on his full Liverpool debut against Leeds. At 17 years and 45 days old, Woodburn broke Michael Owens record as the clubs youngest scorer netted for Liverpool against Leeds in the EFL Cup last season.
Here we breakdown all you need to know about the young Welshman. Who is Ben Woodburn? How does he qualify for Wales?.
Ben Woodburn was born in Nottingham on October 15, 1999. His maternal grandfather was born in Wales and he has impressed at age group level up to Under 19s.
He grew up in Chester and was spotted by Liverpool scouts playing parks football as a seven year old near the city.
Ben Woodburn celebrates becoming Liverpools youngest goalscorer and breaking Michael Owens 19-year-old mark. Woodburn was educated at Rainhill High School and kept attending training sessions at Melwood.
He has slowly been introduced to the Reds first team and netted during a pre-season game against Wigan last summer. According to Liverpools website, he signed a long term deal in early November.
What position does Ben Woodburn play?. During his sensational goalscoring debut for the Reds, Woodburn came on as a sub for Kevin Stewart in the 67th minute and played on the left side of a front three.
Although during his footballing education at the club, he has been encouraged to play across the front three. Woodburn has also proven himself as a set-piece specialist at international level, netting a wonderful free kick for Wales Under-19s.
Ben Woodburn has represented Wales at youth level but is eligible to play for England as well. What have people been saying about Ben Woodburn?.
Ben Woodburn has come under the spotlight in a big way, since scoring for one of the Premier Leagues biggest clubs and breaking the youngest scorers record.
Jamie Carragher told the Mail: Ben Woodburn has had a week he will never forget and I know how it feels to score in front of the Kop as a teenager.
I also know you require one key virtue after such a big moment and that is patience.
Jurgen Klopp gives Ben Woodburn a hug after the Liverpool youngster scores on his full debut. It doesnt stop your world changing though, and I remember dropping back down to play an A team game shortly after I came on the scene.
You become aware there are more eyes on you and plenty of people want to make a mark on you. Suddenly you are a target.. What is Ben Woodburns international experience?.
Ben Woodburn has played for Wales at junior level and many are speculating whether it is just a matter of time before Chris Coleman bloods him for a full international debut.
He has scored and assisted some wonderful goals for the Welsh Under-17s and Under-19s and found the net against Croatia in the elite round of the European Under-17 Championships.
Chris Coleman has faith that Ben Woodburn will not defy Wales and play for England instead.
Wales have a number of promising young players – Coleman has promised that their incredible march to the Euro semi-finals will not be their last and if they can keep the likes of Woodburn wearing red, he could well be right.
Coleman said in November: Hes said hes committed to Wales and Im happy to take his word for it.
Hes been brought up in the Welsh system and done very well for the various sides he has played for so we have full faith in him.
Were aware he does qualify for England but hes always represented us well and represented us proudly – and the signs are good that he will keep progressing and continue to do that. We have full faith in him as a player..
Coleman brought youngster on in the 69th minute for his debut against Austria before he fired in the winner five minutes later in the crucial World Cup qualifier.
Liverpool 0-0 Plymouth : Jurgen Klopp forced into FA Cup replay after playing youngsters.
Televangelist Threatens Christian Civil War If Trump Is Impeached - Duration: 4:05.
Most people may have thought that televangelist Jim Bakker was no longer a thing, but as it
turns out the guy actually still has a television show and he's still out there pushing crazy
far right policies and principles to his religious based audience.
But what he said earlier this week kind of takes this whole religious right thing in
a brand new direction.
Take a look.
[Kim Clement 00:00:25], before died, he prophesied they will be screaming "Impeachment!
But it will not happen.
You're kidding!
That's true.
Kim Clement prophesied.
Well, I tell you what, I will predict if it happens, there will be a civil war in the
United States of America.
The Christians will finally come out of the shadows because we are going to be shut up
permanently if we're not careful, and God says faith without works is dead.
That's right.
We have do things.
God has been dealing with me, and I don't know about you.
It's time for preachers like you ... You're doing it ... To stand up and shout out.
That's right, folks.
For some reason, if Donald Trump, who happens to be probably the most non-religious person
we've ever elected as President of the United States ... If something happens to him as
far as impeachment goes, Jim Baker and his Christian army are going to start a civil
war in the United States.
Now, first of all, I don't understand for the life of me how any evangelical, how any
Christian, or Catholic, or anybody who even believes that there's a higher power out there
could embrace a guy like Donald Trump.
What has he done specifically to show you people that he's actually on your side, or
that he even believes in religion, or that he's just a moral, stand-up kind of guy?
Because everything that we've seen from him publicly show that he could not be further
from the word of the Bible than anyone.
Nonetheless, Jim Baker says he's going to get his little Christian soldiers out there
and start some kind of Civil War if Donald Trump is impeached.
Well, here is a little US history lesson for Jim Baker.
You see, this country is not guided by rules put forth in a 2,000-year-old book.
It's guided by the rule of law set down hundreds of years ago in this country, so if Donald
Trump were to be impeached, that would be following with the law here in the United
States, and that, unfortunately for you, buddy, trumps whatever religious nonsense you're
spewing out to your viewers.
And let's also not forget that Jim Bakker is a guy who spent time in prison for mail
fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy, and all sorts of other criminal activities, yet he sits
there claiming to have the moral high ground while bastardizing religion for his sheepish
That is one of the most disgusting things that a human being can do, and that is actually
something that is specifically mentioned in the Bible as one of the worst things you can
But that hasn't stopped Jim Bakker.
He's still going strong after all these years, after his time in prison.
And his followers seem to overlook that, just like they overlook all of Donald Trump's flaws.
If you want to believe in religion, believe in religion, but stop following these false
prophets ... People like Jim Bakker ... And stop propping up anti-moral people like Donald
And sure as hell don't threaten to launch some kind of civil war if we follow the rule
of law here in the United States and get Donald Trump out of office.
NASA Confirm: 23th September, 2017 is when A NIBIRU FLYBY DEVASTATED TEXAS!!! - Duration: 6:12.
A Healthy JASMYN Is A Healthy Jacksonville - Duration: 1:00.
Welcome to JASMYN!
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20% of them were experiencing homelessness
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young people most at risk.
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A healthy JASMYN is a healthy Jacksonville
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